troposphere package



troposphere.accessanalyzer module

class troposphere.accessanalyzer.Analyzer(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AnalyzerConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.accessanalyzer.AnalyzerConfiguration'>, False), 'AnalyzerName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ArchiveRules': ([<class 'troposphere.accessanalyzer.ArchiveRule'>], False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AccessAnalyzer::Analyzer'
class troposphere.accessanalyzer.AnalyzerConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'UnusedAccessConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.accessanalyzer.UnusedAccessConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.accessanalyzer.ArchiveRule(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Filter': ([<class 'troposphere.accessanalyzer.Filter'>], True), 'RuleName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.accessanalyzer.Filter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Contains': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Eq': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Exists': (<function boolean>, False), 'Neq': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Property': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.accessanalyzer.UnusedAccessConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'UnusedAccessAge': (<function integer>, False)}

troposphere.acmpca module

class troposphere.acmpca.AccessDescription(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessLocation': (<class 'troposphere.acmpca.GeneralName'>, True), 'AccessMethod': (<class 'troposphere.acmpca.AccessMethod'>, True)}
class troposphere.acmpca.AccessMethod(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessMethodType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CustomObjectIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.acmpca.ApiPassthrough(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Extensions': (<class 'troposphere.acmpca.Extensions'>, False), 'Subject': (<class 'troposphere.acmpca.Subject'>, False)}
class troposphere.acmpca.Certificate(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApiPassthrough': (<class 'troposphere.acmpca.ApiPassthrough'>, False), 'CertificateAuthorityArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'CertificateSigningRequest': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SigningAlgorithm': (<function validate_signing_algorithm>, True), 'TemplateArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Validity': (<class 'troposphere.acmpca.Validity'>, True), 'ValidityNotBefore': (<class 'troposphere.acmpca.Validity'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ACMPCA::Certificate'
class troposphere.acmpca.CertificateAuthority(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CsrExtensions': (<class 'troposphere.acmpca.CsrExtensions'>, False), 'KeyAlgorithm': (<function validate_key_algorithm>, True), 'KeyStorageSecurityStandard': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RevocationConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.acmpca.RevocationConfiguration'>, False), 'SigningAlgorithm': (<function validate_signing_algorithm>, True), 'Subject': (<class 'troposphere.acmpca.Subject'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'Type': (<function validate_certificateauthority_type>, True), 'UsageMode': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ACMPCA::CertificateAuthority'
class troposphere.acmpca.CertificateAuthorityActivation(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Certificate': (<class 'str'>, True), 'CertificateAuthorityArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'CertificateChain': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Status': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ACMPCA::CertificateAuthorityActivation'
class troposphere.acmpca.CrlConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CrlDistributionPointExtensionConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.acmpca.CrlDistributionPointExtensionConfiguration'>, False), 'CustomCname': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Enabled': (<function boolean>, True), 'ExpirationInDays': (<function integer>, False), 'S3BucketName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3ObjectAcl': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.acmpca.CrlDistributionPointExtensionConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'OmitExtension': (<function boolean>, True)}
class troposphere.acmpca.CsrExtensions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'KeyUsage': (<class 'troposphere.acmpca.KeyUsage'>, False), 'SubjectInformationAccess': ([<class 'troposphere.acmpca.AccessDescription'>], False)}
class troposphere.acmpca.CustomAttribute(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ObjectIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.acmpca.CustomExtension(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Critical': (<function boolean>, False), 'ObjectIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.acmpca.EdiPartyName(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'NameAssigner': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PartyName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.acmpca.ExtendedKeyUsage(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ExtendedKeyUsageObjectIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ExtendedKeyUsageType': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.acmpca.Extensions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CertificatePolicies': ([<class 'troposphere.acmpca.PolicyInformation'>], False), 'CustomExtensions': ([<class 'troposphere.acmpca.CustomExtension'>], False), 'ExtendedKeyUsage': ([<class 'troposphere.acmpca.ExtendedKeyUsage'>], False), 'KeyUsage': (<class 'troposphere.acmpca.KeyUsage'>, False), 'SubjectAlternativeNames': ([<class 'troposphere.acmpca.GeneralName'>], False)}
class troposphere.acmpca.GeneralName(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DirectoryName': (<class 'troposphere.acmpca.Subject'>, False), 'DnsName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EdiPartyName': (<class 'troposphere.acmpca.EdiPartyName'>, False), 'IpAddress': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OtherName': (<class 'troposphere.acmpca.OtherName'>, False), 'RegisteredId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Rfc822Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'UniformResourceIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.acmpca.KeyUsage(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CRLSign': (<function boolean>, False), 'DataEncipherment': (<function boolean>, False), 'DecipherOnly': (<function boolean>, False), 'DigitalSignature': (<function boolean>, False), 'EncipherOnly': (<function boolean>, False), 'KeyAgreement': (<function boolean>, False), 'KeyCertSign': (<function boolean>, False), 'KeyEncipherment': (<function boolean>, False), 'NonRepudiation': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.acmpca.OcspConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Enabled': (<function boolean>, True), 'OcspCustomCname': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.acmpca.OtherName(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TypeId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.acmpca.Permission(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Actions': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'CertificateAuthorityArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Principal': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SourceAccount': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ACMPCA::Permission'
class troposphere.acmpca.PolicyInformation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CertPolicyId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PolicyQualifiers': ([<class 'troposphere.acmpca.PolicyQualifierInfo'>], False)}
class troposphere.acmpca.PolicyQualifierInfo(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PolicyQualifierId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Qualifier': (<class 'troposphere.acmpca.Qualifier'>, True)}
class troposphere.acmpca.Qualifier(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CpsUri': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.acmpca.RevocationConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CrlConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.acmpca.CrlConfiguration'>, False), 'OcspConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.acmpca.OcspConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.acmpca.Subject(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CommonName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Country': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CustomAttributes': ([<class 'troposphere.acmpca.CustomAttribute'>], False), 'DistinguishedNameQualifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'GenerationQualifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'GivenName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Initials': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Locality': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Organization': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OrganizationalUnit': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Pseudonym': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SerialNumber': (<class 'str'>, False), 'State': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Surname': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Title': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.acmpca.Validity(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Type': (<function validate_validity_type>, True), 'Value': (<function double>, True)}

troposphere.amazonmq module

class troposphere.amazonmq.Broker(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AuthenticationStrategy': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AutoMinorVersionUpgrade': (<function boolean>, True), 'BrokerName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Configuration': (<class 'troposphere.amazonmq.ConfigurationId'>, False), 'DataReplicationMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DataReplicationPrimaryBrokerArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DeploymentMode': (<class 'str'>, True), 'EncryptionOptions': (<class 'troposphere.amazonmq.EncryptionOptions'>, False), 'EngineType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'EngineVersion': (<class 'str'>, True), 'HostInstanceType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'LdapServerMetadata': (<class 'troposphere.amazonmq.LdapServerMetadata'>, False), 'Logs': (<class 'troposphere.amazonmq.LogsConfiguration'>, False), 'MaintenanceWindowStartTime': (<class 'troposphere.amazonmq.MaintenanceWindow'>, False), 'PubliclyAccessible': (<function boolean>, True), 'SecurityGroups': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'StorageType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SubnetIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Tags': (<function validate_tags_or_list>, False), 'Users': ([<class 'troposphere.amazonmq.User'>], True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AmazonMQ::Broker'
class troposphere.amazonmq.Configuration(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AuthenticationStrategy': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Data': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EngineType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'EngineVersion': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AmazonMQ::Configuration'
class troposphere.amazonmq.ConfigurationAssociation(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Broker': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Configuration': (<class 'troposphere.amazonmq.ConfigurationId'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AmazonMQ::ConfigurationAssociation'
class troposphere.amazonmq.ConfigurationId(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Id': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Revision': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.amazonmq.EncryptionOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'KmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'UseAwsOwnedKey': (<function boolean>, True)}
class troposphere.amazonmq.LdapServerMetadata(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Hosts': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'RoleBase': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoleName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RoleSearchMatching': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoleSearchSubtree': (<function boolean>, False), 'ServiceAccountPassword': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ServiceAccountUsername': (<class 'str'>, True), 'UserBase': (<class 'str'>, True), 'UserRoleName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'UserSearchMatching': (<class 'str'>, True), 'UserSearchSubtree': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.amazonmq.LogsConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Audit': (<function boolean>, False), 'General': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.amazonmq.MaintenanceWindow(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DayOfWeek': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TimeOfDay': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TimeZone': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.amazonmq.User(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConsoleAccess': (<function boolean>, False), 'Groups': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Password': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ReplicationUser': (<function boolean>, False), 'Username': (<class 'str'>, True)}

troposphere.amplify module

class troposphere.amplify.App(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessToken': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AutoBranchCreationConfig': (<class 'troposphere.amplify.AutoBranchCreationConfig'>, False), 'BasicAuthConfig': (<class 'troposphere.amplify.BasicAuthConfig'>, False), 'BuildSpec': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CustomHeaders': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CustomRules': ([<class 'troposphere.amplify.CustomRule'>], False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EnableBranchAutoDeletion': (<function boolean>, False), 'EnvironmentVariables': ([<class 'troposphere.amplify.EnvironmentVariable'>], False), 'IAMServiceRole': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'OauthToken': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Platform': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Repository': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Amplify::App'
class troposphere.amplify.AutoBranchCreationConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AutoBranchCreationPatterns': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'BasicAuthConfig': (<class 'troposphere.amplify.BasicAuthConfig'>, False), 'BuildSpec': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EnableAutoBranchCreation': (<function boolean>, False), 'EnableAutoBuild': (<function boolean>, False), 'EnablePerformanceMode': (<function boolean>, False), 'EnablePullRequestPreview': (<function boolean>, False), 'EnvironmentVariables': ([<class 'troposphere.amplify.EnvironmentVariable'>], False), 'Framework': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PullRequestEnvironmentName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Stage': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.amplify.Backend(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'StackArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.amplify.BasicAuthConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EnableBasicAuth': (<function boolean>, False), 'Password': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Username': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.amplify.Branch(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AppId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Backend': (<class 'troposphere.amplify.Backend'>, False), 'BasicAuthConfig': (<class 'troposphere.amplify.BasicAuthConfig'>, False), 'BranchName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'BuildSpec': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EnableAutoBuild': (<function boolean>, False), 'EnablePerformanceMode': (<function boolean>, False), 'EnablePullRequestPreview': (<function boolean>, False), 'EnvironmentVariables': ([<class 'troposphere.amplify.EnvironmentVariable'>], False), 'Framework': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PullRequestEnvironmentName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Stage': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Amplify::Branch'
class troposphere.amplify.Certificate(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CertificateArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CertificateType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CertificateVerificationDNSRecord': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.amplify.CertificateSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CertificateType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CustomCertificateArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.amplify.CustomRule(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Condition': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Source': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Status': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Target': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.amplify.Domain(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AppId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'AutoSubDomainCreationPatterns': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'AutoSubDomainIAMRole': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CertificateSettings': (<class 'troposphere.amplify.CertificateSettings'>, False), 'DomainName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'EnableAutoSubDomain': (<function boolean>, False), 'SubDomainSettings': ([<class 'troposphere.amplify.SubDomainSetting'>], True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Amplify::Domain'
class troposphere.amplify.EnvironmentVariable(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.amplify.SubDomainSetting(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BranchName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Prefix': (<class 'str'>, True)} module

class str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApplicationCode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ApplicationDescription': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ApplicationName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Inputs': ([<class ''>], True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::KinesisAnalytics::Application'
class str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApplicationName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Output': (<class ''>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::KinesisAnalytics::ApplicationOutput'
class str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApplicationName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ReferenceDataSource': (<class ''>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::KinesisAnalytics::ApplicationReferenceDataSource'
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RecordColumnDelimiter': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RecordRowDelimiter': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RecordFormatType': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InputParallelism': (<class ''>, False), 'InputProcessingConfiguration': (<class ''>, False), 'InputSchema': (<class ''>, True), 'KinesisFirehoseInput': (<class ''>, False), 'KinesisStreamsInput': (<class ''>, False), 'NamePrefix': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ResourceARN': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoleARN': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Count': (<function integer>, False)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InputLambdaProcessor': (<class ''>, False)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RecordColumns': ([<class ''>], True), 'RecordEncoding': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RecordFormat': (<class ''>, True)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RecordRowPath': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ResourceARN': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoleARN': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ResourceARN': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoleARN': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ResourceARN': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoleARN': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ResourceARN': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoleARN': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ResourceARN': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoleARN': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CSVMappingParameters': (<class ''>, False), 'JSONMappingParameters': (<class ''>, False)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DestinationSchema': (<class ''>, True), 'KinesisFirehoseOutput': (<class ''>, False), 'KinesisStreamsOutput': (<class ''>, False), 'LambdaOutput': (<class ''>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Mapping': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SqlType': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MappingParameters': (<class ''>, False), 'RecordFormatType': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ReferenceSchema': (<class ''>, True), 'S3ReferenceDataSource': (<class ''>, False), 'TableName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RecordColumns': ([<class ''>], True), 'RecordEncoding': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RecordFormat': (<class ''>, True)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BucketARN': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FileKey': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ReferenceRoleARN': (<class 'str'>, True)}

troposphere.apigateway module

class troposphere.apigateway.AccessLogSetting(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DestinationArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Format': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.apigateway.Account(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CloudWatchRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ApiGateway::Account'
class troposphere.apigateway.ApiKey(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomerId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'GenerateDistinctId': (<function boolean>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StageKeys': ([<class 'troposphere.apigateway.StageKey'>], False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ApiGateway::ApiKey'
class troposphere.apigateway.ApiStage(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApiId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Stage': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Throttle': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
class troposphere.apigateway.Authorizer(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AuthType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AuthorizerCredentials': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AuthorizerResultTtlInSeconds': (<function validate_authorizer_ttl>, False), 'AuthorizerUri': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IdentitySource': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IdentityValidationExpression': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ProviderARNs': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'RestApiId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ApiGateway::Authorizer'
class troposphere.apigateway.BasePathMapping(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BasePath': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DomainName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Id': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RestApiId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Stage': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ApiGateway::BasePathMapping'
class troposphere.apigateway.CanarySetting(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PercentTraffic': (<function double>, False), 'StageVariableOverrides': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'UseStageCache': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.apigateway.ClientCertificate(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ApiGateway::ClientCertificate'
class troposphere.apigateway.Deployment(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DeploymentCanarySettings': (<class 'troposphere.apigateway.DeploymentCanarySettings'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RestApiId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'StageDescription': (<class 'troposphere.apigateway.StageDescription'>, False), 'StageName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment'
class troposphere.apigateway.DeploymentCanarySettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PercentTraffic': (<function double>, False), 'StageVariableOverrides': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'UseStageCache': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.apigateway.DocumentationPart(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Location': (<class 'troposphere.apigateway.Location'>, True), 'Properties': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RestApiId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ApiGateway::DocumentationPart'
class troposphere.apigateway.DocumentationVersion(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DocumentationVersion': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RestApiId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ApiGateway::DocumentationVersion'
class troposphere.apigateway.DomainName(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CertificateArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DomainName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EndpointConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.apigateway.EndpointConfiguration'>, False), 'MutualTlsAuthentication': (<class 'troposphere.apigateway.MutualTlsAuthentication'>, False), 'OwnershipVerificationCertificateArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RegionalCertificateArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecurityPolicy': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ApiGateway::DomainName'
class troposphere.apigateway.EndpointConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Types': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'VpcEndpointIds': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.apigateway.GatewayResponse(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ResponseParameters': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'ResponseTemplates': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'ResponseType': (<function validate_gateway_response_type>, True), 'RestApiId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'StatusCode': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ApiGateway::GatewayResponse'
class troposphere.apigateway.Integration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CacheKeyParameters': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'CacheNamespace': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ConnectionId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ConnectionType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ContentHandling': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Credentials': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IntegrationHttpMethod': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IntegrationResponses': ([<class 'troposphere.apigateway.IntegrationResponse'>], False), 'PassthroughBehavior': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RequestParameters': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'RequestTemplates': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'TimeoutInMillis': (<function validate_timeout_in_millis>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Uri': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.apigateway.IntegrationResponse(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContentHandling': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ResponseParameters': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'ResponseTemplates': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'SelectionPattern': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StatusCode': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.apigateway.Location(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Method': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Path': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StatusCode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.apigateway.Method(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApiKeyRequired': (<function boolean>, False), 'AuthorizationScopes': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'AuthorizationType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AuthorizerId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'HttpMethod': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Integration': (<class 'troposphere.apigateway.Integration'>, False), 'MethodResponses': ([<class 'troposphere.apigateway.MethodResponse'>], False), 'OperationName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RequestModels': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'RequestParameters': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'RequestValidatorId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ResourceId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RestApiId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ApiGateway::Method'
class troposphere.apigateway.MethodResponse(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ResponseModels': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'ResponseParameters': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'StatusCode': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.apigateway.MethodSetting(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CacheDataEncrypted': (<function boolean>, False), 'CacheTtlInSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'CachingEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'DataTraceEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'HttpMethod': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LoggingLevel': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MetricsEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'ResourcePath': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ThrottlingBurstLimit': (<function integer>, False), 'ThrottlingRateLimit': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.apigateway.Model(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContentType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RestApiId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Schema': (<function dict_or_string>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ApiGateway::Model'
class troposphere.apigateway.MutualTlsAuthentication(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TruststoreUri': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TruststoreVersion': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.apigateway.QuotaSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Limit': (<function integer>, False), 'Offset': (<function integer>, False), 'Period': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.apigateway.RequestValidator(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RestApiId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ValidateRequestBody': (<function boolean>, False), 'ValidateRequestParameters': (<function boolean>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ApiGateway::RequestValidator'
class troposphere.apigateway.Resource(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ParentId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PathPart': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RestApiId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ApiGateway::Resource'
class troposphere.apigateway.RestApi(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApiKeySourceType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'BinaryMediaTypes': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Body': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'BodyS3Location': (<class 'troposphere.apigateway.S3Location'>, False), 'CloneFrom': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DisableExecuteApiEndpoint': (<function boolean>, False), 'EndpointConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.apigateway.EndpointConfiguration'>, False), 'FailOnWarnings': (<function boolean>, False), 'MinimumCompressionSize': (<function integer>, False), 'Mode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Parameters': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Policy': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi'
class troposphere.apigateway.S3Location(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Bucket': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ETag': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Key': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Version': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.apigateway.Stage(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessLogSetting': (<class 'troposphere.apigateway.AccessLogSetting'>, False), 'CacheClusterEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'CacheClusterSize': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CanarySetting': (<class 'troposphere.apigateway.StageCanarySetting'>, False), 'ClientCertificateId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DeploymentId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DocumentationVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MethodSettings': ([<class 'troposphere.apigateway.MethodSetting'>], False), 'RestApiId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'StageName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<function validate_tags_or_list>, False), 'TracingEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'Variables': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ApiGateway::Stage'
class troposphere.apigateway.StageCanarySetting(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DeploymentId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PercentTraffic': (<function double>, False), 'StageVariableOverrides': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'UseStageCache': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.apigateway.StageDescription(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessLogSetting': (<class 'troposphere.apigateway.AccessLogSetting'>, False), 'CacheClusterEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'CacheClusterSize': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CacheDataEncrypted': (<function boolean>, False), 'CacheTtlInSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'CachingEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'CanarySetting': (<class 'troposphere.apigateway.DeploymentCanarySettings'>, False), 'ClientCertificateId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DataTraceEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DocumentationVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LoggingLevel': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MethodSettings': ([<class 'troposphere.apigateway.MethodSetting'>], False), 'MetricsEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'Tags': (<function validate_tags_or_list>, False), 'ThrottlingBurstLimit': (<function integer>, False), 'ThrottlingRateLimit': (<function double>, False), 'TracingEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'Variables': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
class troposphere.apigateway.StageKey(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RestApiId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StageName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.apigateway.ThrottleSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BurstLimit': (<function integer>, False), 'RateLimit': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.apigateway.UsagePlan(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApiStages': ([<class 'troposphere.apigateway.ApiStage'>], False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Quota': (<class 'troposphere.apigateway.QuotaSettings'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'Throttle': (<class 'troposphere.apigateway.ThrottleSettings'>, False), 'UsagePlanName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ApiGateway::UsagePlan'
class troposphere.apigateway.UsagePlanKey(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'KeyId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'KeyType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'UsagePlanId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ApiGateway::UsagePlanKey'

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TargetArns': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ApiGateway::VpcLink'

troposphere.apigatewayv2 module

class troposphere.apigatewayv2.AccessLogSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DestinationArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Format': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.apigatewayv2.Api(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApiKeySelectionExpression': (<class 'str'>, False), 'BasePath': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Body': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'BodyS3Location': (<class 'troposphere.apigatewayv2.BodyS3Location'>, False), 'CorsConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.apigatewayv2.Cors'>, False), 'CredentialsArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DisableExecuteApiEndpoint': (<function boolean>, False), 'DisableSchemaValidation': (<function boolean>, False), 'FailOnWarnings': (<function boolean>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ProtocolType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RouteKey': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RouteSelectionExpression': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Target': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Version': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Api'
class troposphere.apigatewayv2.ApiGatewayManagedOverrides(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApiId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Integration': (<class 'troposphere.apigatewayv2.IntegrationOverrides'>, False), 'Route': (<class 'troposphere.apigatewayv2.RouteOverrides'>, False), 'Stage': (<class 'troposphere.apigatewayv2.StageOverrides'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ApiGatewayV2::ApiGatewayManagedOverrides'
class troposphere.apigatewayv2.ApiMapping(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApiId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ApiMappingKey': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DomainName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Stage': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ApiGatewayV2::ApiMapping'
class troposphere.apigatewayv2.Authorizer(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApiId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'AuthorizerCredentialsArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AuthorizerPayloadFormatVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AuthorizerResultTtlInSeconds': (<function validate_authorizer_ttl>, False), 'AuthorizerType': (<function validate_authorizer_type>, True), 'AuthorizerUri': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EnableSimpleResponses': (<function boolean>, False), 'IdentitySource': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'IdentityValidationExpression': (<class 'str'>, False), 'JwtConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.apigatewayv2.JWTConfiguration'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Authorizer'
class troposphere.apigatewayv2.BodyS3Location(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Bucket': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Etag': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Key': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Version': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.apigatewayv2.Cors(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AllowCredentials': (<function boolean>, False), 'AllowHeaders': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'AllowMethods': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'AllowOrigins': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ExposeHeaders': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'MaxAge': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.apigatewayv2.Deployment(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApiId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StageName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Deployment'
class troposphere.apigatewayv2.DomainName(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DomainName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DomainNameConfigurations': ([<class 'troposphere.apigatewayv2.DomainNameConfiguration'>], False), 'MutualTlsAuthentication': (<class 'troposphere.apigatewayv2.MutualTlsAuthentication'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ApiGatewayV2::DomainName'
class troposphere.apigatewayv2.DomainNameConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CertificateArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CertificateName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EndpointType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OwnershipVerificationCertificateArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecurityPolicy': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.apigatewayv2.Integration(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApiId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ConnectionId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ConnectionType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ContentHandlingStrategy': (<function validate_content_handling_strategy>, False), 'CredentialsArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IntegrationMethod': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IntegrationSubtype': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IntegrationType': (<function validate_integration_type>, True), 'IntegrationUri': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PassthroughBehavior': (<function validate_passthrough_behavior>, False), 'PayloadFormatVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RequestParameters': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'RequestTemplates': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'ResponseParameters': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'TemplateSelectionExpression': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TimeoutInMillis': (<function validate_timeout_in_millis>, False), 'TlsConfig': (<class 'troposphere.apigatewayv2.TlsConfig'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Integration'
class troposphere.apigatewayv2.IntegrationOverrides(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IntegrationMethod': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PayloadFormatVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TimeoutInMillis': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.apigatewayv2.IntegrationResponse(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApiId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ContentHandlingStrategy': (<function validate_content_handling_strategy>, False), 'IntegrationId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'IntegrationResponseKey': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ResponseParameters': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'ResponseTemplates': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'TemplateSelectionExpression': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ApiGatewayV2::IntegrationResponse'
class troposphere.apigatewayv2.JWTConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Audience': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Issuer': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.apigatewayv2.Model(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApiId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ContentType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Schema': (<function dict_or_string>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Model'
class troposphere.apigatewayv2.MutualTlsAuthentication(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TruststoreUri': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TruststoreVersion': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.apigatewayv2.ParameterConstraints(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Required': (<function boolean>, True)}
class troposphere.apigatewayv2.ResponseParameter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Destination': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Source': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.apigatewayv2.ResponseParameterList(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ResponseParameters': ([<class 'troposphere.apigatewayv2.ResponseParameter'>], False)}
class troposphere.apigatewayv2.Route(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApiId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ApiKeyRequired': (<function boolean>, False), 'AuthorizationScopes': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'AuthorizationType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AuthorizerId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ModelSelectionExpression': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OperationName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RequestModels': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'RequestParameters': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'RouteKey': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RouteResponseSelectionExpression': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Target': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Route'
class troposphere.apigatewayv2.RouteOverrides(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AuthorizationScopes': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'AuthorizationType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AuthorizerId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OperationName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Target': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.apigatewayv2.RouteResponse(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApiId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ModelSelectionExpression': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ResponseModels': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'ResponseParameters': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'RouteId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RouteResponseKey': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ApiGatewayV2::RouteResponse'
class troposphere.apigatewayv2.RouteSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataTraceEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'DetailedMetricsEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'LoggingLevel': (<function validate_logging_level>, False), 'ThrottlingBurstLimit': (<function integer>, False), 'ThrottlingRateLimit': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.apigatewayv2.Stage(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessLogSettings': (<class 'troposphere.apigatewayv2.AccessLogSettings'>, False), 'AccessPolicyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ApiId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'AutoDeploy': (<function boolean>, False), 'ClientCertificateId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DefaultRouteSettings': (<class 'troposphere.apigatewayv2.RouteSettings'>, False), 'DeploymentId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RouteSettings': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'StageName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'StageVariables': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Stage'
class troposphere.apigatewayv2.StageOverrides(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessLogSettings': (<class 'troposphere.apigatewayv2.AccessLogSettings'>, False), 'AutoDeploy': (<function boolean>, False), 'DefaultRouteSettings': (<class 'troposphere.apigatewayv2.RouteSettings'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RouteSettings': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'StageVariables': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
class troposphere.apigatewayv2.TlsConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ServerNameToVerify': (<class 'str'>, False)}

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SecurityGroupIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SubnetIds': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ApiGatewayV2::VpcLink'

troposphere.appconfig module

class troposphere.appconfig.Application(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AppConfig::Application'
class troposphere.appconfig.ConfigurationProfile(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApplicationId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KmsKeyIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LocationUri': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RetrievalRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Validators': ([<class 'troposphere.appconfig.Validators'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AppConfig::ConfigurationProfile'
class troposphere.appconfig.Deployment(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApplicationId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ConfigurationProfileId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ConfigurationVersion': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DeploymentStrategyId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DynamicExtensionParameters': ([<class 'troposphere.appconfig.DynamicExtensionParameters'>], False), 'EnvironmentId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'KmsKeyIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AppConfig::Deployment'
class troposphere.appconfig.DeploymentStrategy(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DeploymentDurationInMinutes': (<function double>, True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FinalBakeTimeInMinutes': (<function double>, False), 'GrowthFactor': (<function double>, True), 'GrowthType': (<function validate_growth_type>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ReplicateTo': (<function validate_replicate_to>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AppConfig::DeploymentStrategy'
class troposphere.appconfig.DynamicExtensionParameters(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ExtensionReference': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ParameterName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ParameterValue': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.appconfig.Environment(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApplicationId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Monitors': ([<class 'troposphere.appconfig.Monitor'>], False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AppConfig::Environment'
class troposphere.appconfig.Extension(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Actions': (<class 'dict'>, True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LatestVersionNumber': (<function integer>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Parameters': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AppConfig::Extension'
class troposphere.appconfig.ExtensionAssociation(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ExtensionIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ExtensionVersionNumber': (<function integer>, False), 'Parameters': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'ResourceIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AppConfig::ExtensionAssociation'
class troposphere.appconfig.HostedConfigurationVersion(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApplicationId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ConfigurationProfileId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Content': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ContentType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LatestVersionNumber': (<function integer>, False), 'VersionLabel': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AppConfig::HostedConfigurationVersion'
class troposphere.appconfig.Monitor(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AlarmArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'AlarmRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.appconfig.Parameter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Dynamic': (<function boolean>, False), 'Required': (<function boolean>, True)}
class troposphere.appconfig.Validators(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Content': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Type': (<function validate_validator_type>, False)}

troposphere.appflow module

class troposphere.appflow.AggregationConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AggregationType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TargetFileSize': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.appflow.AmplitudeConnectorProfileCredentials(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApiKey': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SecretKey': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appflow.AmplitudeSourceProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Object': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appflow.ApiKeyCredentials(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApiKey': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ApiSecretKey': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.appflow.BasicAuthCredentials(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Password': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Username': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appflow.Connector(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConnectorLabel': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ConnectorProvisioningConfig': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.ConnectorProvisioningConfig'>, True), 'ConnectorProvisioningType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AppFlow::Connector'
class troposphere.appflow.ConnectorOAuthRequest(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AuthCode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RedirectUri': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.appflow.ConnectorOperator(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Amplitude': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CustomConnector': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Datadog': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Dynatrace': (<class 'str'>, False), 'GoogleAnalytics': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InforNexus': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Marketo': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Pardot': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SAPOData': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Salesforce': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ServiceNow': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Singular': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Slack': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Trendmicro': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Veeva': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Zendesk': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.appflow.ConnectorProfile(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConnectionMode': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ConnectorLabel': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ConnectorProfileConfig': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.ConnectorProfileConfig'>, False), 'ConnectorProfileName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ConnectorType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'KMSArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AppFlow::ConnectorProfile'
class troposphere.appflow.ConnectorProfileConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConnectorProfileCredentials': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.ConnectorProfileCredentials'>, False), 'ConnectorProfileProperties': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.ConnectorProfileProperties'>, False)}
class troposphere.appflow.ConnectorProfileCredentials(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Amplitude': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.AmplitudeConnectorProfileCredentials'>, False), 'CustomConnector': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.CustomConnectorProfileCredentials'>, False), 'Datadog': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.DatadogConnectorProfileCredentials'>, False), 'Dynatrace': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.DynatraceConnectorProfileCredentials'>, False), 'GoogleAnalytics': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.GoogleAnalyticsConnectorProfileCredentials'>, False), 'InforNexus': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.InforNexusConnectorProfileCredentials'>, False), 'Marketo': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.MarketoConnectorProfileCredentials'>, False), 'Pardot': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.PardotConnectorProfileCredentials'>, False), 'Redshift': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.RedshiftConnectorProfileCredentials'>, False), 'SAPOData': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.SAPODataConnectorProfileCredentials'>, False), 'Salesforce': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.SalesforceConnectorProfileCredentials'>, False), 'ServiceNow': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.ServiceNowConnectorProfileCredentials'>, False), 'Singular': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.SingularConnectorProfileCredentials'>, False), 'Slack': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.SlackConnectorProfileCredentials'>, False), 'Snowflake': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.SnowflakeConnectorProfileCredentials'>, False), 'Trendmicro': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.TrendmicroConnectorProfileCredentials'>, False), 'Veeva': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.VeevaConnectorProfileCredentials'>, False), 'Zendesk': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.ZendeskConnectorProfileCredentials'>, False)}
class troposphere.appflow.ConnectorProfileProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomConnector': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.CustomConnectorProfileProperties'>, False), 'Datadog': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.DatadogConnectorProfileProperties'>, False), 'Dynatrace': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.DynatraceConnectorProfileProperties'>, False), 'InforNexus': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.InforNexusConnectorProfileProperties'>, False), 'Marketo': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.MarketoConnectorProfileProperties'>, False), 'Pardot': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.PardotConnectorProfileProperties'>, False), 'Redshift': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.RedshiftConnectorProfileProperties'>, False), 'SAPOData': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.SAPODataConnectorProfileProperties'>, False), 'Salesforce': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.SalesforceConnectorProfileProperties'>, False), 'ServiceNow': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.ServiceNowConnectorProfileProperties'>, False), 'Slack': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.SlackConnectorProfileProperties'>, False), 'Snowflake': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.SnowflakeConnectorProfileProperties'>, False), 'Veeva': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.VeevaConnectorProfileProperties'>, False), 'Zendesk': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.ZendeskConnectorProfileProperties'>, False)}
class troposphere.appflow.ConnectorProvisioningConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Lambda': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.LambdaConnectorProvisioningConfig'>, False)}
class troposphere.appflow.CustomAuthCredentials(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CredentialsMap': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'CustomAuthenticationType': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appflow.CustomConnectorDestinationProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomProperties': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'EntityName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ErrorHandlingConfig': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.ErrorHandlingConfig'>, False), 'IdFieldNames': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'WriteOperationType': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.appflow.CustomConnectorProfileCredentials(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApiKey': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.ApiKeyCredentials'>, False), 'AuthenticationType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Basic': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.BasicAuthCredentials'>, False), 'Custom': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.CustomAuthCredentials'>, False), 'Oauth2': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.OAuth2Credentials'>, False)}
class troposphere.appflow.CustomConnectorProfileProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'OAuth2Properties': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.OAuth2Properties'>, False), 'ProfileProperties': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
class troposphere.appflow.CustomConnectorSourceProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomProperties': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'DataTransferApi': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.DataTransferApi'>, False), 'EntityName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appflow.DataTransferApi(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appflow.DatadogConnectorProfileCredentials(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApiKey': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ApplicationKey': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appflow.DatadogConnectorProfileProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InstanceUrl': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appflow.DatadogSourceProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Object': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appflow.DestinationConnectorProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomConnector': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.CustomConnectorDestinationProperties'>, False), 'EventBridge': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.EventBridgeDestinationProperties'>, False), 'LookoutMetrics': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.LookoutMetricsDestinationProperties'>, False), 'Marketo': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.MarketoDestinationProperties'>, False), 'Redshift': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.RedshiftDestinationProperties'>, False), 'S3': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.S3DestinationProperties'>, False), 'SAPOData': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.SAPODataDestinationProperties'>, False), 'Salesforce': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.SalesforceDestinationProperties'>, False), 'Snowflake': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.SnowflakeDestinationProperties'>, False), 'Upsolver': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.UpsolverDestinationProperties'>, False), 'Zendesk': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.ZendeskDestinationProperties'>, False)}
class troposphere.appflow.DestinationFlowConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApiVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ConnectorProfileName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ConnectorType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DestinationConnectorProperties': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.DestinationConnectorProperties'>, True)}
class troposphere.appflow.DynatraceConnectorProfileCredentials(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApiToken': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appflow.DynatraceConnectorProfileProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InstanceUrl': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appflow.DynatraceSourceProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Object': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appflow.ErrorHandlingConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BucketName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'BucketPrefix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FailOnFirstError': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.appflow.EventBridgeDestinationProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ErrorHandlingConfig': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.ErrorHandlingConfig'>, False), 'Object': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appflow.Flow(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DestinationFlowConfigList': ([<class 'troposphere.appflow.DestinationFlowConfig'>], True), 'FlowName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FlowStatus': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KMSArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MetadataCatalogConfig': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.MetadataCatalogConfig'>, False), 'SourceFlowConfig': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.SourceFlowConfig'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'Tasks': ([<class 'troposphere.appflow.Task'>], True), 'TriggerConfig': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.TriggerConfig'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AppFlow::Flow'
class troposphere.appflow.GlueDataCatalog(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DatabaseName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TablePrefix': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appflow.GoogleAnalyticsConnectorProfileCredentials(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessToken': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ClientId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ClientSecret': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ConnectorOAuthRequest': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.ConnectorOAuthRequest'>, False), 'RefreshToken': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.appflow.GoogleAnalyticsSourceProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Object': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appflow.IncrementalPullConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DatetimeTypeFieldName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.appflow.InforNexusConnectorProfileCredentials(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessKeyId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Datakey': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SecretAccessKey': (<class 'str'>, True), 'UserId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appflow.InforNexusConnectorProfileProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InstanceUrl': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appflow.InforNexusSourceProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Object': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appflow.LambdaConnectorProvisioningConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LambdaArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appflow.LookoutMetricsDestinationProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Object': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.appflow.MarketoConnectorProfileCredentials(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessToken': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ClientId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ClientSecret': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ConnectorOAuthRequest': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.ConnectorOAuthRequest'>, False)}
class troposphere.appflow.MarketoConnectorProfileProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InstanceUrl': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appflow.MarketoDestinationProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ErrorHandlingConfig': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.ErrorHandlingConfig'>, False), 'Object': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appflow.MarketoSourceProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Object': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appflow.MetadataCatalogConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'GlueDataCatalog': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.GlueDataCatalog'>, False)}
class troposphere.appflow.OAuth2Credentials(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessToken': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ClientId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ClientSecret': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OAuthRequest': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.ConnectorOAuthRequest'>, False), 'RefreshToken': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.appflow.OAuth2Properties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'OAuth2GrantType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TokenUrl': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TokenUrlCustomProperties': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
class troposphere.appflow.OAuthCredentials(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessToken': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ClientId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ClientSecret': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ConnectorOAuthRequest': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.ConnectorOAuthRequest'>, False), 'RefreshToken': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.appflow.OAuthProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AuthCodeUrl': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OAuthScopes': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'TokenUrl': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.appflow.PardotConnectorProfileCredentials(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessToken': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ClientCredentialsArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ConnectorOAuthRequest': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.ConnectorOAuthRequest'>, False), 'RefreshToken': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.appflow.PardotConnectorProfileProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BusinessUnitId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'InstanceUrl': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IsSandboxEnvironment': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.appflow.PardotSourceProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Object': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appflow.PrefixConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PathPrefixHierarchy': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'PrefixFormat': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PrefixType': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.appflow.RedshiftConnectorProfileCredentials(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Password': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Username': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.appflow.RedshiftConnectorProfileProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BucketName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'BucketPrefix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ClusterIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DataApiRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DatabaseName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DatabaseUrl': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IsRedshiftServerless': (<function boolean>, False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'WorkgroupName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.appflow.RedshiftDestinationProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BucketPrefix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ErrorHandlingConfig': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.ErrorHandlingConfig'>, False), 'IntermediateBucketName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Object': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appflow.S3DestinationProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BucketName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'BucketPrefix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3OutputFormatConfig': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.S3OutputFormatConfig'>, False)}
class troposphere.appflow.S3InputFormatConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'S3InputFileType': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.appflow.S3OutputFormatConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AggregationConfig': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.AggregationConfig'>, False), 'FileType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PrefixConfig': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.PrefixConfig'>, False), 'PreserveSourceDataTyping': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.appflow.S3SourceProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BucketName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'BucketPrefix': (<class 'str'>, True), 'S3InputFormatConfig': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.S3InputFormatConfig'>, False)}
class troposphere.appflow.SAPODataConnectorProfileCredentials(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BasicAuthCredentials': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.BasicAuthCredentials'>, False), 'OAuthCredentials': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.OAuthCredentials'>, False)}
class troposphere.appflow.SAPODataConnectorProfileProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApplicationHostUrl': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ApplicationServicePath': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ClientNumber': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DisableSSO': (<function boolean>, False), 'LogonLanguage': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OAuthProperties': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.OAuthProperties'>, False), 'PortNumber': (<function integer>, False), 'PrivateLinkServiceName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.appflow.SAPODataDestinationProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ErrorHandlingConfig': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.ErrorHandlingConfig'>, False), 'IdFieldNames': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ObjectPath': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SuccessResponseHandlingConfig': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.SuccessResponseHandlingConfig'>, False), 'WriteOperationType': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.appflow.SAPODataPaginationConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'maxPageSize': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.appflow.SAPODataParallelismConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'maxParallelism': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.appflow.SAPODataSourceProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ObjectPath': (<class 'str'>, True), 'paginationConfig': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.SAPODataPaginationConfig'>, False), 'parallelismConfig': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.SAPODataParallelismConfig'>, False)}
class troposphere.appflow.SalesforceConnectorProfileCredentials(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessToken': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ClientCredentialsArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ConnectorOAuthRequest': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.ConnectorOAuthRequest'>, False), 'JwtToken': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OAuth2GrantType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RefreshToken': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.appflow.SalesforceConnectorProfileProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InstanceUrl': (<class 'str'>, False), 'isSandboxEnvironment': (<function boolean>, False), 'usePrivateLinkForMetadataAndAuthorization': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.appflow.SalesforceDestinationProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataTransferApi': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ErrorHandlingConfig': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.ErrorHandlingConfig'>, False), 'IdFieldNames': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Object': (<class 'str'>, True), 'WriteOperationType': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.appflow.SalesforceSourceProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataTransferApi': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EnableDynamicFieldUpdate': (<function boolean>, False), 'IncludeDeletedRecords': (<function boolean>, False), 'Object': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appflow.ScheduledTriggerProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataPullMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FirstExecutionFrom': (<function double>, False), 'FlowErrorDeactivationThreshold': (<function integer>, False), 'ScheduleEndTime': (<function double>, False), 'ScheduleExpression': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ScheduleOffset': (<function double>, False), 'ScheduleStartTime': (<function double>, False), 'TimeZone': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.appflow.ServiceNowConnectorProfileCredentials(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'OAuth2Credentials': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.OAuth2Credentials'>, False), 'Password': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Username': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.appflow.ServiceNowConnectorProfileProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InstanceUrl': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appflow.ServiceNowSourceProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Object': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appflow.SingularConnectorProfileCredentials(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApiKey': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appflow.SingularSourceProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Object': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appflow.SlackConnectorProfileCredentials(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessToken': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ClientId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ClientSecret': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ConnectorOAuthRequest': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.ConnectorOAuthRequest'>, False)}
class troposphere.appflow.SlackConnectorProfileProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InstanceUrl': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appflow.SlackSourceProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Object': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appflow.SnowflakeConnectorProfileCredentials(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Password': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Username': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appflow.SnowflakeConnectorProfileProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccountName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'BucketName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'BucketPrefix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PrivateLinkServiceName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Region': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Stage': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Warehouse': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appflow.SnowflakeDestinationProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BucketPrefix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ErrorHandlingConfig': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.ErrorHandlingConfig'>, False), 'IntermediateBucketName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Object': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appflow.SourceConnectorProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Amplitude': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.AmplitudeSourceProperties'>, False), 'CustomConnector': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.CustomConnectorSourceProperties'>, False), 'Datadog': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.DatadogSourceProperties'>, False), 'Dynatrace': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.DynatraceSourceProperties'>, False), 'GoogleAnalytics': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.GoogleAnalyticsSourceProperties'>, False), 'InforNexus': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.InforNexusSourceProperties'>, False), 'Marketo': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.MarketoSourceProperties'>, False), 'Pardot': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.PardotSourceProperties'>, False), 'S3': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.S3SourceProperties'>, False), 'SAPOData': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.SAPODataSourceProperties'>, False), 'Salesforce': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.SalesforceSourceProperties'>, False), 'ServiceNow': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.ServiceNowSourceProperties'>, False), 'Singular': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.SingularSourceProperties'>, False), 'Slack': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.SlackSourceProperties'>, False), 'Trendmicro': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.TrendmicroSourceProperties'>, False), 'Veeva': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.VeevaSourceProperties'>, False), 'Zendesk': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.ZendeskSourceProperties'>, False)}
class troposphere.appflow.SourceFlowConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApiVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ConnectorProfileName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ConnectorType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'IncrementalPullConfig': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.IncrementalPullConfig'>, False), 'SourceConnectorProperties': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.SourceConnectorProperties'>, True)}
class troposphere.appflow.SuccessResponseHandlingConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BucketName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'BucketPrefix': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.appflow.Task(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConnectorOperator': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.ConnectorOperator'>, False), 'DestinationField': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceFields': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'TaskProperties': ([<class 'troposphere.appflow.TaskPropertiesObject'>], False), 'TaskType': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appflow.TaskPropertiesObject(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Key': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appflow.TrendmicroConnectorProfileCredentials(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApiSecretKey': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appflow.TrendmicroSourceProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Object': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appflow.TriggerConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TriggerProperties': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.ScheduledTriggerProperties'>, False), 'TriggerType': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appflow.UpsolverDestinationProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BucketName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'BucketPrefix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3OutputFormatConfig': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.UpsolverS3OutputFormatConfig'>, True)}
class troposphere.appflow.UpsolverS3OutputFormatConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AggregationConfig': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.AggregationConfig'>, False), 'FileType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PrefixConfig': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.PrefixConfig'>, True)}
class troposphere.appflow.VeevaConnectorProfileCredentials(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Password': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Username': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appflow.VeevaConnectorProfileProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InstanceUrl': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appflow.VeevaSourceProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DocumentType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IncludeAllVersions': (<function boolean>, False), 'IncludeRenditions': (<function boolean>, False), 'IncludeSourceFiles': (<function boolean>, False), 'Object': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appflow.ZendeskConnectorProfileCredentials(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessToken': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ClientId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ClientSecret': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ConnectorOAuthRequest': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.ConnectorOAuthRequest'>, False)}
class troposphere.appflow.ZendeskConnectorProfileProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InstanceUrl': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appflow.ZendeskDestinationProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ErrorHandlingConfig': (<class 'troposphere.appflow.ErrorHandlingConfig'>, False), 'IdFieldNames': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Object': (<class 'str'>, True), 'WriteOperationType': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.appflow.ZendeskSourceProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Object': (<class 'str'>, True)}

troposphere.appintegrations module

class troposphere.appintegrations.Application(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApplicationSourceConfig': (<class 'troposphere.appintegrations.ApplicationSourceConfig'>, True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Namespace': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Permissions': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AppIntegrations::Application'
class troposphere.appintegrations.ApplicationSourceConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ExternalUrlConfig': (<class 'troposphere.appintegrations.ExternalUrlConfig'>, True)}
class troposphere.appintegrations.DataIntegration(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FileConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.appintegrations.FileConfiguration'>, False), 'KmsKey': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ObjectConfiguration': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'ScheduleConfig': (<class 'troposphere.appintegrations.ScheduleConfig'>, False), 'SourceURI': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AppIntegrations::DataIntegration'
class troposphere.appintegrations.EventFilter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Source': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appintegrations.EventIntegration(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EventBridgeBus': (<class 'str'>, True), 'EventFilter': (<class 'troposphere.appintegrations.EventFilter'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AppIntegrations::EventIntegration'
class troposphere.appintegrations.ExternalUrlConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessUrl': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ApprovedOrigins': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.appintegrations.FileConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Filters': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Folders': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
class troposphere.appintegrations.ScheduleConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FirstExecutionFrom': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Object': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ScheduleExpression': (<class 'str'>, True)}

troposphere.applicationautoscaling module

class troposphere.applicationautoscaling.CustomizedMetricSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Dimensions': ([<class 'troposphere.applicationautoscaling.MetricDimension'>], False), 'MetricName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Metrics': ([<class 'troposphere.applicationautoscaling.TargetTrackingMetricDataQuery'>], False), 'Namespace': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Statistic': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Unit': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.applicationautoscaling.MetricDimension(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.applicationautoscaling.PredefinedMetricSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PredefinedMetricType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ResourceLabel': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.applicationautoscaling.ScalableTarget(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MaxCapacity': (<function integer>, True), 'MinCapacity': (<function integer>, True), 'ResourceId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoleARN': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ScalableDimension': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ScheduledActions': ([<class 'troposphere.applicationautoscaling.ScheduledAction'>], False), 'ServiceNamespace': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SuspendedState': (<class 'troposphere.applicationautoscaling.SuspendedState'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ApplicationAutoScaling::ScalableTarget'
class troposphere.applicationautoscaling.ScalableTargetAction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MaxCapacity': (<function integer>, False), 'MinCapacity': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.applicationautoscaling.ScalingPolicy(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PolicyName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PolicyType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ResourceId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ScalableDimension': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ScalingTargetId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ServiceNamespace': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StepScalingPolicyConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.applicationautoscaling.StepScalingPolicyConfiguration'>, False), 'TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.applicationautoscaling.TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ApplicationAutoScaling::ScalingPolicy'
class troposphere.applicationautoscaling.ScheduledAction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EndTime': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ScalableTargetAction': (<class 'troposphere.applicationautoscaling.ScalableTargetAction'>, False), 'Schedule': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ScheduledActionName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'StartTime': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Timezone': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.applicationautoscaling.StepAdjustment(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MetricIntervalLowerBound': (<function double>, False), 'MetricIntervalUpperBound': (<function double>, False), 'ScalingAdjustment': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.applicationautoscaling.StepScalingPolicyConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AdjustmentType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Cooldown': (<function integer>, False), 'MetricAggregationType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MinAdjustmentMagnitude': (<function integer>, False), 'StepAdjustments': ([<class 'troposphere.applicationautoscaling.StepAdjustment'>], False)}
class troposphere.applicationautoscaling.SuspendedState(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DynamicScalingInSuspended': (<function boolean>, False), 'DynamicScalingOutSuspended': (<function boolean>, False), 'ScheduledScalingSuspended': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.applicationautoscaling.TargetTrackingMetric(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Dimensions': ([<class 'troposphere.applicationautoscaling.TargetTrackingMetricDimension'>], False), 'MetricName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Namespace': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.applicationautoscaling.TargetTrackingMetricDataQuery(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Expression': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Id': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Label': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MetricStat': (<class 'troposphere.applicationautoscaling.TargetTrackingMetricStat'>, False), 'ReturnData': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.applicationautoscaling.TargetTrackingMetricDimension(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.applicationautoscaling.TargetTrackingMetricStat(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Metric': (<class 'troposphere.applicationautoscaling.TargetTrackingMetric'>, False), 'Stat': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Unit': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.applicationautoscaling.TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomizedMetricSpecification': (<class 'troposphere.applicationautoscaling.CustomizedMetricSpecification'>, False), 'DisableScaleIn': (<function boolean>, False), 'PredefinedMetricSpecification': (<class 'troposphere.applicationautoscaling.PredefinedMetricSpecification'>, False), 'ScaleInCooldown': (<function integer>, False), 'ScaleOutCooldown': (<function integer>, False), 'TargetValue': (<function double>, True)}

troposphere.applicationinsights module

class troposphere.applicationinsights.Alarm(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AlarmName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Severity': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.applicationinsights.AlarmMetric(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AlarmMetricName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.applicationinsights.Application(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AttachMissingPermission': (<function boolean>, False), 'AutoConfigurationEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'CWEMonitorEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'ComponentMonitoringSettings': ([<class 'troposphere.applicationinsights.ComponentMonitoringSetting'>], False), 'CustomComponents': ([<class 'troposphere.applicationinsights.CustomComponent'>], False), 'GroupingType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LogPatternSets': ([<class 'troposphere.applicationinsights.LogPatternSet'>], False), 'OpsCenterEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'OpsItemSNSTopicArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ResourceGroupName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ApplicationInsights::Application'
class troposphere.applicationinsights.ComponentConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConfigurationDetails': (<class 'troposphere.applicationinsights.ConfigurationDetails'>, False), 'SubComponentTypeConfigurations': ([<class 'troposphere.applicationinsights.SubComponentTypeConfiguration'>], False)}
class troposphere.applicationinsights.ComponentMonitoringSetting(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ComponentARN': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ComponentConfigurationMode': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ComponentName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CustomComponentConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.applicationinsights.ComponentConfiguration'>, False), 'DefaultOverwriteComponentConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.applicationinsights.ComponentConfiguration'>, False), 'Tier': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.applicationinsights.ConfigurationDetails(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AlarmMetrics': ([<class 'troposphere.applicationinsights.AlarmMetric'>], False), 'Alarms': ([<class 'troposphere.applicationinsights.Alarm'>], False), 'HAClusterPrometheusExporter': (<class 'troposphere.applicationinsights.HAClusterPrometheusExporter'>, False), 'HANAPrometheusExporter': (<class 'troposphere.applicationinsights.HANAPrometheusExporter'>, False), 'JMXPrometheusExporter': (<class 'troposphere.applicationinsights.JMXPrometheusExporter'>, False), 'Logs': ([<class 'troposphere.applicationinsights.Log'>], False), 'NetWeaverPrometheusExporter': (<class 'troposphere.applicationinsights.NetWeaverPrometheusExporter'>, False), 'Processes': ([<class 'troposphere.applicationinsights.Process'>], False), 'SQLServerPrometheusExporter': (<class 'troposphere.applicationinsights.SQLServerPrometheusExporter'>, False), 'WindowsEvents': ([<class 'troposphere.applicationinsights.WindowsEvent'>], False)}
class troposphere.applicationinsights.CustomComponent(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ComponentName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ResourceList': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
class troposphere.applicationinsights.HAClusterPrometheusExporter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PrometheusPort': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.applicationinsights.HANAPrometheusExporter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AgreeToInstallHANADBClient': (<function boolean>, True), 'HANAPort': (<class 'str'>, True), 'HANASID': (<class 'str'>, True), 'HANASecretName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PrometheusPort': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.applicationinsights.JMXPrometheusExporter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'HostPort': (<class 'str'>, False), 'JMXURL': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PrometheusPort': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.applicationinsights.Log(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Encoding': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LogGroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LogPath': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LogType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PatternSet': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.applicationinsights.LogPattern(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Pattern': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PatternName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Rank': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.applicationinsights.LogPatternSet(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LogPatterns': ([<class 'troposphere.applicationinsights.LogPattern'>], True), 'PatternSetName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.applicationinsights.NetWeaverPrometheusExporter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InstanceNumbers': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'PrometheusPort': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SAPSID': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.applicationinsights.Process(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AlarmMetrics': ([<class 'troposphere.applicationinsights.AlarmMetric'>], True), 'ProcessName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.applicationinsights.SQLServerPrometheusExporter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PrometheusPort': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SQLSecretName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.applicationinsights.SubComponentConfigurationDetails(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AlarmMetrics': ([<class 'troposphere.applicationinsights.AlarmMetric'>], False), 'Logs': ([<class 'troposphere.applicationinsights.Log'>], False), 'Processes': ([<class 'troposphere.applicationinsights.Process'>], False), 'WindowsEvents': ([<class 'troposphere.applicationinsights.WindowsEvent'>], False)}
class troposphere.applicationinsights.SubComponentTypeConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SubComponentConfigurationDetails': (<class 'troposphere.applicationinsights.SubComponentConfigurationDetails'>, True), 'SubComponentType': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.applicationinsights.WindowsEvent(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EventLevels': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'EventName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'LogGroupName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PatternSet': (<class 'str'>, False)}

troposphere.appmesh module

class troposphere.appmesh.AccessLog(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'File': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.FileAccessLog'>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.AwsCloudMapInstanceAttribute(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Key': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appmesh.AwsCloudMapServiceDiscovery(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Attributes': ([<class 'troposphere.appmesh.AwsCloudMapInstanceAttribute'>], False), 'IpPreference': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NamespaceName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ServiceName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appmesh.Backend(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'VirtualService': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.VirtualServiceBackend'>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.BackendDefaults(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ClientPolicy': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.ClientPolicy'>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.ClientPolicy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TLS': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.ClientPolicyTls'>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.ClientPolicyTls(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Certificate': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.ClientTlsCertificate'>, False), 'Enforce': (<function boolean>, False), 'Ports': ([<function integer>], False), 'Validation': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.TlsValidationContext'>, True)}
class troposphere.appmesh.ClientTlsCertificate(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'File': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.ListenerTlsFileCertificate'>, False), 'SDS': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.ListenerTlsSdsCertificate'>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.DnsServiceDiscovery(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Hostname': (<class 'str'>, True), 'IpPreference': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ResponseType': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.Duration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Unit': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.appmesh.EgressFilter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appmesh.FileAccessLog(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Format': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.LoggingFormat'>, False), 'Path': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appmesh.GatewayRoute(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'GatewayRouteName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MeshName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MeshOwner': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Spec': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.GatewayRouteSpec'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'VirtualGatewayName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AppMesh::GatewayRoute'
class troposphere.appmesh.GatewayRouteHostnameMatch(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Exact': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Suffix': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.GatewayRouteHostnameRewrite(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DefaultTargetHostname': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.GatewayRouteMetadataMatch(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Exact': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Prefix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Range': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.GatewayRouteRangeMatch'>, False), 'Regex': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Suffix': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.GatewayRouteRangeMatch(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'End': (<function integer>, True), 'Start': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.appmesh.GatewayRouteSpec(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'GrpcRoute': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.GrpcGatewayRoute'>, False), 'Http2Route': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.HttpGatewayRoute'>, False), 'HttpRoute': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.HttpGatewayRoute'>, False), 'Priority': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.GatewayRouteTarget(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Port': (<function integer>, False), 'VirtualService': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.GatewayRouteVirtualService'>, True)}
class troposphere.appmesh.GatewayRouteVirtualService(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'VirtualServiceName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appmesh.GrpcGatewayRoute(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Action': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.GrpcGatewayRouteAction'>, True), 'Match': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.GrpcGatewayRouteMatch'>, True)}
class troposphere.appmesh.GrpcGatewayRouteAction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Rewrite': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.GrpcGatewayRouteRewrite'>, False), 'Target': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.GatewayRouteTarget'>, True)}
class troposphere.appmesh.GrpcGatewayRouteMatch(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Hostname': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.GatewayRouteHostnameMatch'>, False), 'Metadata': ([<class 'troposphere.appmesh.GrpcGatewayRouteMetadata'>], False), 'Port': (<function integer>, False), 'ServiceName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.GrpcGatewayRouteMetadata(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Invert': (<function boolean>, False), 'Match': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.GatewayRouteMetadataMatch'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appmesh.GrpcGatewayRouteRewrite(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Hostname': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.GatewayRouteHostnameRewrite'>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.GrpcRetryPolicy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'GrpcRetryEvents': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'HttpRetryEvents': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'MaxRetries': (<function integer>, True), 'PerRetryTimeout': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.Duration'>, True), 'TcpRetryEvents': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.GrpcRoute(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Action': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.GrpcRouteAction'>, True), 'Match': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.GrpcRouteMatch'>, True), 'RetryPolicy': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.GrpcRetryPolicy'>, False), 'Timeout': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.GrpcTimeout'>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.GrpcRouteAction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'WeightedTargets': ([<class 'troposphere.appmesh.WeightedTarget'>], True)}
class troposphere.appmesh.GrpcRouteMatch(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Metadata': ([<class 'troposphere.appmesh.GrpcRouteMetadata'>], False), 'MethodName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Port': (<function integer>, False), 'ServiceName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.GrpcRouteMetadata(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Invert': (<function boolean>, False), 'Match': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.GrpcRouteMetadataMatchMethod'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appmesh.GrpcRouteMetadataMatchMethod(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Exact': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Prefix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Range': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.MatchRange'>, False), 'Regex': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Suffix': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.GrpcTimeout(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Idle': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.Duration'>, False), 'PerRequest': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.Duration'>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.HeaderMatchMethod(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Exact': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Prefix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Range': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.MatchRange'>, False), 'Regex': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Suffix': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.HealthCheck(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'HealthyThreshold': (<function integer>, True), 'IntervalMillis': (<function integer>, True), 'Path': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Port': (<function integer>, False), 'Protocol': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TimeoutMillis': (<function integer>, True), 'UnhealthyThreshold': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.appmesh.HttpGatewayRoute(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Action': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.HttpGatewayRouteAction'>, True), 'Match': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.HttpGatewayRouteMatch'>, True)}
class troposphere.appmesh.HttpGatewayRouteAction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Rewrite': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.HttpGatewayRouteRewrite'>, False), 'Target': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.GatewayRouteTarget'>, True)}
class troposphere.appmesh.HttpGatewayRouteHeader(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Invert': (<function boolean>, False), 'Match': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.HttpGatewayRouteHeaderMatch'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appmesh.HttpGatewayRouteHeaderMatch(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Exact': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Prefix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Range': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.GatewayRouteRangeMatch'>, False), 'Regex': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Suffix': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.HttpGatewayRouteMatch(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Headers': ([<class 'troposphere.appmesh.HttpGatewayRouteHeader'>], False), 'Hostname': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.GatewayRouteHostnameMatch'>, False), 'Method': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Path': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.HttpPathMatch'>, False), 'Port': (<function integer>, False), 'Prefix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'QueryParameters': ([<class 'troposphere.appmesh.QueryParameter'>], False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.HttpGatewayRoutePathRewrite(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Exact': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.HttpGatewayRoutePrefixRewrite(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DefaultPrefix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.HttpGatewayRouteRewrite(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Hostname': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.GatewayRouteHostnameRewrite'>, False), 'Path': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.HttpGatewayRoutePathRewrite'>, False), 'Prefix': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.HttpGatewayRoutePrefixRewrite'>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.HttpPathMatch(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Exact': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Regex': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.HttpQueryParameterMatch(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Exact': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.HttpRetryPolicy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'HttpRetryEvents': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'MaxRetries': (<function integer>, True), 'PerRetryTimeout': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.Duration'>, True), 'TcpRetryEvents': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.HttpRoute(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Action': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.HttpRouteAction'>, True), 'Match': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.HttpRouteMatch'>, True), 'RetryPolicy': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.HttpRetryPolicy'>, False), 'Timeout': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.HttpTimeout'>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.HttpRouteAction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'WeightedTargets': ([<class 'troposphere.appmesh.WeightedTarget'>], True)}
class troposphere.appmesh.HttpRouteHeader(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Invert': (<function boolean>, False), 'Match': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.HeaderMatchMethod'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appmesh.HttpRouteMatch(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Headers': ([<class 'troposphere.appmesh.HttpRouteHeader'>], False), 'Method': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Path': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.HttpPathMatch'>, False), 'Port': (<function integer>, False), 'Prefix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'QueryParameters': ([<class 'troposphere.appmesh.QueryParameter'>], False), 'Scheme': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.HttpTimeout(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Idle': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.Duration'>, False), 'PerRequest': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.Duration'>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.JsonFormatRef(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Key': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appmesh.Listener(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConnectionPool': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.VirtualNodeConnectionPool'>, False), 'HealthCheck': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.HealthCheck'>, False), 'OutlierDetection': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.OutlierDetection'>, False), 'PortMapping': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.PortMapping'>, True), 'TLS': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.ListenerTls'>, False), 'Timeout': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.ListenerTimeout'>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.ListenerTimeout(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'GRPC': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.GrpcTimeout'>, False), 'HTTP': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.HttpTimeout'>, False), 'HTTP2': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.HttpTimeout'>, False), 'TCP': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.TcpTimeout'>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.ListenerTls(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Certificate': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.ListenerTlsCertificate'>, True), 'Mode': (<function validate_listenertls_mode>, True), 'Validation': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.ListenerTlsValidationContext'>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.ListenerTlsAcmCertificate(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CertificateArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appmesh.ListenerTlsCertificate(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ACM': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.ListenerTlsAcmCertificate'>, False), 'File': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.ListenerTlsFileCertificate'>, False), 'SDS': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.ListenerTlsSdsCertificate'>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.ListenerTlsFileCertificate(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CertificateChain': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PrivateKey': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appmesh.ListenerTlsSdsCertificate(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SecretName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appmesh.ListenerTlsValidationContext(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SubjectAlternativeNames': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.SubjectAlternativeNames'>, False), 'Trust': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.ListenerTlsValidationContextTrust'>, True)}
class troposphere.appmesh.ListenerTlsValidationContextTrust(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'File': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.TlsValidationContextFileTrust'>, False), 'SDS': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.TlsValidationContextSdsTrust'>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.Logging(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessLog': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.AccessLog'>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.LoggingFormat(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Json': ([<class 'troposphere.appmesh.JsonFormatRef'>], False), 'Text': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.MatchRange(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'End': (<function integer>, True), 'Start': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.appmesh.Mesh(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MeshName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Spec': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.MeshSpec'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AppMesh::Mesh'
class troposphere.appmesh.MeshServiceDiscovery(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'IpPreference': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.MeshSpec(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EgressFilter': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.EgressFilter'>, False), 'ServiceDiscovery': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.MeshServiceDiscovery'>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.OutlierDetection(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BaseEjectionDuration': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.Duration'>, True), 'Interval': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.Duration'>, True), 'MaxEjectionPercent': (<function integer>, True), 'MaxServerErrors': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.appmesh.PortMapping(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Port': (<function integer>, True), 'Protocol': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appmesh.QueryParameter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Match': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.HttpQueryParameterMatch'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appmesh.Route(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MeshName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MeshOwner': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RouteName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Spec': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.RouteSpec'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'VirtualRouterName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AppMesh::Route'
class troposphere.appmesh.RouteSpec(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'GrpcRoute': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.GrpcRoute'>, False), 'Http2Route': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.HttpRoute'>, False), 'HttpRoute': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.HttpRoute'>, False), 'Priority': (<function integer>, False), 'TcpRoute': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.TcpRoute'>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.ServiceDiscovery(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AWSCloudMap': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.AwsCloudMapServiceDiscovery'>, False), 'DNS': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.DnsServiceDiscovery'>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.SubjectAlternativeNameMatchers(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Exact': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.SubjectAlternativeNames(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Match': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.SubjectAlternativeNameMatchers'>, True)}
class troposphere.appmesh.TcpRoute(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Action': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.TcpRouteAction'>, True), 'Match': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.TcpRouteMatch'>, False), 'Timeout': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.TcpTimeout'>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.TcpRouteAction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'WeightedTargets': ([<class 'troposphere.appmesh.WeightedTarget'>], True)}
class troposphere.appmesh.TcpRouteMatch(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Port': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.TcpTimeout(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Idle': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.Duration'>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.TlsValidationContext(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SubjectAlternativeNames': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.SubjectAlternativeNames'>, False), 'Trust': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.TlsValidationContextTrust'>, True)}
class troposphere.appmesh.TlsValidationContextAcmTrust(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CertificateAuthorityArns': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
class troposphere.appmesh.TlsValidationContextFileTrust(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CertificateChain': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appmesh.TlsValidationContextSdsTrust(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SecretName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appmesh.TlsValidationContextTrust(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ACM': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.TlsValidationContextAcmTrust'>, False), 'File': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.TlsValidationContextFileTrust'>, False), 'SDS': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.TlsValidationContextSdsTrust'>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGateway(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MeshName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MeshOwner': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Spec': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGatewaySpec'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'VirtualGatewayName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AppMesh::VirtualGateway'
class troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGatewayAccessLog(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'File': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGatewayFileAccessLog'>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGatewayBackendDefaults(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ClientPolicy': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGatewayClientPolicy'>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGatewayClientPolicy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TLS': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGatewayClientPolicyTls'>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGatewayClientPolicyTls(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Certificate': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGatewayClientTlsCertificate'>, False), 'Enforce': (<function boolean>, False), 'Ports': ([<function integer>], False), 'Validation': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGatewayTlsValidationContext'>, True)}
class troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGatewayClientTlsCertificate(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'File': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGatewayListenerTlsFileCertificate'>, False), 'SDS': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGatewayListenerTlsSdsCertificate'>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGatewayConnectionPool(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'GRPC': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGatewayGrpcConnectionPool'>, False), 'HTTP': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGatewayHttpConnectionPool'>, False), 'HTTP2': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGatewayHttp2ConnectionPool'>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGatewayFileAccessLog(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Format': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.LoggingFormat'>, False), 'Path': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGatewayGrpcConnectionPool(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MaxRequests': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGatewayHealthCheckPolicy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'HealthyThreshold': (<function integer>, True), 'IntervalMillis': (<function integer>, True), 'Path': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Port': (<function integer>, False), 'Protocol': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TimeoutMillis': (<function integer>, True), 'UnhealthyThreshold': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGatewayHttp2ConnectionPool(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MaxRequests': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGatewayHttpConnectionPool(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MaxConnections': (<function integer>, True), 'MaxPendingRequests': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGatewayListener(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConnectionPool': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGatewayConnectionPool'>, False), 'HealthCheck': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGatewayHealthCheckPolicy'>, False), 'PortMapping': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGatewayPortMapping'>, True), 'TLS': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGatewayListenerTls'>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGatewayListenerTls(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Certificate': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGatewayListenerTlsCertificate'>, True), 'Mode': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Validation': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGatewayListenerTlsValidationContext'>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGatewayListenerTlsAcmCertificate(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CertificateArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGatewayListenerTlsCertificate(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ACM': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGatewayListenerTlsAcmCertificate'>, False), 'File': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGatewayListenerTlsFileCertificate'>, False), 'SDS': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGatewayListenerTlsSdsCertificate'>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGatewayListenerTlsFileCertificate(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CertificateChain': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PrivateKey': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGatewayListenerTlsSdsCertificate(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SecretName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGatewayListenerTlsValidationContext(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SubjectAlternativeNames': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.SubjectAlternativeNames'>, False), 'Trust': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGatewayListenerTlsValidationContextTrust'>, True)}
class troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGatewayListenerTlsValidationContextTrust(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'File': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGatewayTlsValidationContextFileTrust'>, False), 'SDS': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGatewayTlsValidationContextSdsTrust'>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGatewayLogging(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessLog': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGatewayAccessLog'>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGatewayPortMapping(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Port': (<function integer>, True), 'Protocol': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGatewaySpec(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BackendDefaults': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGatewayBackendDefaults'>, False), 'Listeners': ([<class 'troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGatewayListener'>], True), 'Logging': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGatewayLogging'>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGatewayTlsValidationContext(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SubjectAlternativeNames': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.SubjectAlternativeNames'>, False), 'Trust': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGatewayTlsValidationContextTrust'>, True)}
class troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGatewayTlsValidationContextAcmTrust(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CertificateAuthorityArns': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
class troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGatewayTlsValidationContextFileTrust(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CertificateChain': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGatewayTlsValidationContextSdsTrust(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SecretName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGatewayTlsValidationContextTrust(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ACM': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGatewayTlsValidationContextAcmTrust'>, False), 'File': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGatewayTlsValidationContextFileTrust'>, False), 'SDS': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.VirtualGatewayTlsValidationContextSdsTrust'>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.VirtualNode(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MeshName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MeshOwner': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Spec': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.VirtualNodeSpec'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'VirtualNodeName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AppMesh::VirtualNode'
class troposphere.appmesh.VirtualNodeConnectionPool(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'GRPC': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.VirtualNodeGrpcConnectionPool'>, False), 'HTTP': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.VirtualNodeHttpConnectionPool'>, False), 'HTTP2': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.VirtualNodeHttp2ConnectionPool'>, False), 'TCP': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.VirtualNodeTcpConnectionPool'>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.VirtualNodeGrpcConnectionPool(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MaxRequests': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.appmesh.VirtualNodeHttp2ConnectionPool(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MaxRequests': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.appmesh.VirtualNodeHttpConnectionPool(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MaxConnections': (<function integer>, True), 'MaxPendingRequests': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.VirtualNodeServiceProvider(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'VirtualNodeName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appmesh.VirtualNodeSpec(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BackendDefaults': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.BackendDefaults'>, False), 'Backends': ([<class 'troposphere.appmesh.Backend'>], False), 'Listeners': ([<class 'troposphere.appmesh.Listener'>], False), 'Logging': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.Logging'>, False), 'ServiceDiscovery': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.ServiceDiscovery'>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.VirtualNodeTcpConnectionPool(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MaxConnections': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.appmesh.VirtualRouter(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MeshName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MeshOwner': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Spec': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.VirtualRouterSpec'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'VirtualRouterName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AppMesh::VirtualRouter'
class troposphere.appmesh.VirtualRouterListener(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PortMapping': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.PortMapping'>, True)}
class troposphere.appmesh.VirtualRouterServiceProvider(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'VirtualRouterName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appmesh.VirtualRouterSpec(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Listeners': ([<class 'troposphere.appmesh.VirtualRouterListener'>], True)}
class troposphere.appmesh.VirtualService(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MeshName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MeshOwner': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Spec': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.VirtualServiceSpec'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'VirtualServiceName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AppMesh::VirtualService'
class troposphere.appmesh.VirtualServiceBackend(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ClientPolicy': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.ClientPolicy'>, False), 'VirtualServiceName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appmesh.VirtualServiceProvider(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'VirtualNode': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.VirtualNodeServiceProvider'>, False), 'VirtualRouter': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.VirtualRouterServiceProvider'>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.VirtualServiceSpec(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Provider': (<class 'troposphere.appmesh.VirtualServiceProvider'>, False)}
class troposphere.appmesh.WeightedTarget(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Port': (<function integer>, False), 'VirtualNode': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Weight': (<function integer>, True)}

troposphere.apprunner module

class troposphere.apprunner.AuthenticationConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ConnectionArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.apprunner.AutoScalingConfiguration(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AutoScalingConfigurationName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MaxConcurrency': (<function integer>, False), 'MaxSize': (<function integer>, False), 'MinSize': (<function integer>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AppRunner::AutoScalingConfiguration'
class troposphere.apprunner.CodeConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CodeConfigurationValues': (<class 'troposphere.apprunner.CodeConfigurationValues'>, False), 'ConfigurationSource': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.apprunner.CodeConfigurationValues(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BuildCommand': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Port': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Runtime': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RuntimeEnvironmentSecrets': ([<class 'troposphere.apprunner.KeyValuePair'>], False), 'RuntimeEnvironmentVariables': ([<class 'troposphere.apprunner.KeyValuePair'>], False), 'StartCommand': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.apprunner.CodeRepository(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CodeConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.apprunner.CodeConfiguration'>, False), 'RepositoryUrl': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SourceCodeVersion': (<class 'troposphere.apprunner.SourceCodeVersion'>, True), 'SourceDirectory': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.apprunner.EgressConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EgressType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'VpcConnectorArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.apprunner.EncryptionConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'KmsKey': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.apprunner.HealthCheckConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'HealthyThreshold': (<function integer>, False), 'Interval': (<function integer>, False), 'Path': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Protocol': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Timeout': (<function integer>, False), 'UnhealthyThreshold': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.apprunner.ImageConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Port': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RuntimeEnvironmentSecrets': ([<class 'troposphere.apprunner.KeyValuePair'>], False), 'RuntimeEnvironmentVariables': ([<class 'troposphere.apprunner.KeyValuePair'>], False), 'StartCommand': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.apprunner.ImageRepository(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ImageConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.apprunner.ImageConfiguration'>, False), 'ImageIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ImageRepositoryType': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.apprunner.IngressConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'IsPubliclyAccessible': (<function boolean>, True)}
class troposphere.apprunner.IngressVpcConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'VpcEndpointId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'VpcId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.apprunner.InstanceConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Cpu': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InstanceRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Memory': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.apprunner.KeyValuePair(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.apprunner.NetworkConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EgressConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.apprunner.EgressConfiguration'>, False), 'IngressConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.apprunner.IngressConfiguration'>, False), 'IpAddressType': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.apprunner.ObservabilityConfiguration(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ObservabilityConfigurationName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TraceConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.apprunner.TraceConfiguration'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AppRunner::ObservabilityConfiguration'
class troposphere.apprunner.Service(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AutoScalingConfigurationArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EncryptionConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.apprunner.EncryptionConfiguration'>, False), 'HealthCheckConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.apprunner.HealthCheckConfiguration'>, False), 'InstanceConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.apprunner.InstanceConfiguration'>, False), 'NetworkConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.apprunner.NetworkConfiguration'>, False), 'ObservabilityConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.apprunner.ServiceObservabilityConfiguration'>, False), 'ServiceName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.apprunner.SourceConfiguration'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AppRunner::Service'
class troposphere.apprunner.ServiceObservabilityConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ObservabilityConfigurationArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ObservabilityEnabled': (<function boolean>, True)}
class troposphere.apprunner.SourceCodeVersion(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Type': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.apprunner.SourceConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AuthenticationConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.apprunner.AuthenticationConfiguration'>, False), 'AutoDeploymentsEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'CodeRepository': (<class 'troposphere.apprunner.CodeRepository'>, False), 'ImageRepository': (<class 'troposphere.apprunner.ImageRepository'>, False)}
class troposphere.apprunner.TraceConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Vendor': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.apprunner.VpcConnector(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SecurityGroups': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Subnets': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'VpcConnectorName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AppRunner::VpcConnector'
class troposphere.apprunner.VpcIngressConnection(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'IngressVpcConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.apprunner.IngressVpcConfiguration'>, True), 'ServiceArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'VpcIngressConnectionName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AppRunner::VpcIngressConnection'

troposphere.appstream module

class troposphere.appstream.AccessEndpoint(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EndpointType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'VpceId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appstream.AppBlock(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DisplayName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PackagingType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PostSetupScriptDetails': (<class 'troposphere.appstream.ScriptDetails'>, False), 'SetupScriptDetails': (<class 'troposphere.appstream.ScriptDetails'>, False), 'SourceS3Location': (<class 'troposphere.appstream.S3Location'>, True), 'Tags': (<function validate_tags_or_list>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AppStream::AppBlock'
class troposphere.appstream.AppBlockBuilder(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessEndpoints': ([<class 'troposphere.appstream.AccessEndpoint'>], False), 'AppBlockArns': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DisplayName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EnableDefaultInternetAccess': (<function boolean>, False), 'IamRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InstanceType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Platform': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'VpcConfig': (<class 'troposphere.appstream.VpcConfig'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AppStream::AppBlockBuilder'
class troposphere.appstream.Application(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AppBlockArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'AttributesToDelete': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DisplayName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IconS3Location': (<class 'troposphere.appstream.S3Location'>, True), 'InstanceFamilies': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'LaunchParameters': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LaunchPath': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Platforms': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Tags': (<function validate_tags_or_list>, False), 'WorkingDirectory': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AppStream::Application'
class troposphere.appstream.ApplicationEntitlementAssociation(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApplicationIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, True), 'EntitlementName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'StackName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AppStream::ApplicationEntitlementAssociation'
class troposphere.appstream.ApplicationFleetAssociation(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApplicationArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FleetName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AppStream::ApplicationFleetAssociation'
class troposphere.appstream.ApplicationSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Enabled': (<function boolean>, True), 'SettingsGroup': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.appstream.Attribute(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appstream.CertificateBasedAuthProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CertificateAuthorityArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Status': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.appstream.ComputeCapacity(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DesiredInstances': (<function integer>, False), 'DesiredSessions': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.appstream.DirectoryConfig(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CertificateBasedAuthProperties': (<class 'troposphere.appstream.CertificateBasedAuthProperties'>, False), 'DirectoryName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'OrganizationalUnitDistinguishedNames': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'ServiceAccountCredentials': (<class 'troposphere.appstream.ServiceAccountCredentials'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AppStream::DirectoryConfig'
class troposphere.appstream.DomainJoinInfo(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DirectoryName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OrganizationalUnitDistinguishedName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.appstream.Entitlement(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AppVisibility': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Attributes': ([<class 'troposphere.appstream.Attribute'>], True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'StackName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AppStream::Entitlement'
class troposphere.appstream.Fleet(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ComputeCapacity': (<class 'troposphere.appstream.ComputeCapacity'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DisconnectTimeoutInSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'DisplayName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DomainJoinInfo': (<class 'troposphere.appstream.DomainJoinInfo'>, False), 'EnableDefaultInternetAccess': (<function boolean>, False), 'FleetType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IamRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IdleDisconnectTimeoutInSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'ImageArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ImageName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InstanceType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MaxConcurrentSessions': (<function integer>, False), 'MaxSessionsPerInstance': (<function integer>, False), 'MaxUserDurationInSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Platform': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SessionScriptS3Location': (<class 'troposphere.appstream.S3Location'>, False), 'StreamView': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<function validate_tags_or_list>, False), 'UsbDeviceFilterStrings': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'VpcConfig': (<class 'troposphere.appstream.VpcConfig'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AppStream::Fleet'
class troposphere.appstream.ImageBuilder(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessEndpoints': ([<class 'troposphere.appstream.AccessEndpoint'>], False), 'AppstreamAgentVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DisplayName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DomainJoinInfo': (<class 'troposphere.appstream.DomainJoinInfo'>, False), 'EnableDefaultInternetAccess': (<function boolean>, False), 'IamRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ImageArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ImageName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InstanceType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<function validate_tags_or_list>, False), 'VpcConfig': (<class 'troposphere.appstream.VpcConfig'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AppStream::ImageBuilder'
class troposphere.appstream.S3Location(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'S3Bucket': (<class 'str'>, True), 'S3Key': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appstream.ScriptDetails(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ExecutableParameters': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ExecutablePath': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ScriptS3Location': (<class 'troposphere.appstream.S3Location'>, True), 'TimeoutInSeconds': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.appstream.ServiceAccountCredentials(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccountName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'AccountPassword': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appstream.Stack(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessEndpoints': ([<class 'troposphere.appstream.AccessEndpoint'>], False), 'ApplicationSettings': (<class 'troposphere.appstream.ApplicationSettings'>, False), 'AttributesToDelete': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'DeleteStorageConnectors': (<function boolean>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DisplayName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EmbedHostDomains': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'FeedbackURL': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RedirectURL': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StorageConnectors': ([<class 'troposphere.appstream.StorageConnector'>], False), 'StreamingExperienceSettings': (<class 'troposphere.appstream.StreamingExperienceSettings'>, False), 'Tags': (<function validate_tags_or_list>, False), 'UserSettings': ([<class 'troposphere.appstream.UserSetting'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AppStream::Stack'
class troposphere.appstream.StackFleetAssociation(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FleetName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'StackName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AppStream::StackFleetAssociation'
class troposphere.appstream.StackUserAssociation(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AuthenticationType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SendEmailNotification': (<function boolean>, False), 'StackName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'UserName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AppStream::StackUserAssociation'
class troposphere.appstream.StorageConnector(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConnectorType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Domains': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ResourceIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.appstream.StreamingExperienceSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PreferredProtocol': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.appstream.User(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AuthenticationType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FirstName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LastName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MessageAction': (<class 'str'>, False), 'UserName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AppStream::User'
class troposphere.appstream.UserSetting(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Action': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MaximumLength': (<function integer>, False), 'Permission': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appstream.VpcConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SecurityGroupIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SubnetIds': ([<class 'str'>], False)}

troposphere.appsync module

class troposphere.appsync.AdditionalAuthenticationProvider(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AuthenticationType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'LambdaAuthorizerConfig': (<class 'troposphere.appsync.LambdaAuthorizerConfig'>, False), 'OpenIDConnectConfig': (<class 'troposphere.appsync.OpenIDConnectConfig'>, False), 'UserPoolConfig': (<class 'troposphere.appsync.CognitoUserPoolConfig'>, False)}
class troposphere.appsync.ApiCache(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApiCachingBehavior': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ApiId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'AtRestEncryptionEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'HealthMetricsConfig': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TransitEncryptionEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'Ttl': (<function double>, True), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AppSync::ApiCache'
class troposphere.appsync.ApiKey(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApiId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ApiKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Expires': (<function double>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AppSync::ApiKey'
class troposphere.appsync.AppSyncRuntime(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RuntimeVersion': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appsync.AuthorizationConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AuthorizationType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'AwsIamConfig': (<class 'troposphere.appsync.AwsIamConfig'>, False)}
class troposphere.appsync.AwsIamConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SigningRegion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SigningServiceName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.appsync.CachingConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CachingKeys': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Ttl': (<function double>, True)}
class troposphere.appsync.CognitoUserPoolConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AppIdClientRegex': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AwsRegion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'UserPoolId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.appsync.DataSource(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApiId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DynamoDBConfig': (<class 'troposphere.appsync.DynamoDBConfig'>, False), 'ElasticsearchConfig': (<class 'troposphere.appsync.ElasticsearchConfig'>, False), 'EventBridgeConfig': (<class 'troposphere.appsync.EventBridgeConfig'>, False), 'HttpConfig': (<class 'troposphere.appsync.HttpConfig'>, False), 'LambdaConfig': (<class 'troposphere.appsync.LambdaConfig'>, False), 'MetricsConfig': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'OpenSearchServiceConfig': (<class 'troposphere.appsync.OpenSearchServiceConfig'>, False), 'RelationalDatabaseConfig': (<class 'troposphere.appsync.RelationalDatabaseConfig'>, False), 'ServiceRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AppSync::DataSource'
class troposphere.appsync.DeltaSyncConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BaseTableTTL': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DeltaSyncTableName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DeltaSyncTableTTL': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appsync.DomainName(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CertificateArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DomainName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AppSync::DomainName'
class troposphere.appsync.DomainNameApiAssociation(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApiId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DomainName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AppSync::DomainNameApiAssociation'
class troposphere.appsync.DynamoDBConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AwsRegion': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DeltaSyncConfig': (<class 'troposphere.appsync.DeltaSyncConfig'>, False), 'TableName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'UseCallerCredentials': (<function boolean>, False), 'Versioned': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.appsync.ElasticsearchConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AwsRegion': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Endpoint': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appsync.EnhancedMetricsConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataSourceLevelMetricsBehavior': (<class 'str'>, True), 'OperationLevelMetricsConfig': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ResolverLevelMetricsBehavior': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appsync.EventBridgeConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EventBusArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appsync.FunctionConfiguration(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApiId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Code': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CodeS3Location': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DataSourceName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FunctionVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MaxBatchSize': (<function integer>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RequestMappingTemplate': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RequestMappingTemplateS3Location': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ResponseMappingTemplate': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ResponseMappingTemplateS3Location': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Runtime': (<class 'troposphere.appsync.AppSyncRuntime'>, False), 'SyncConfig': (<class 'troposphere.appsync.SyncConfig'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AppSync::FunctionConfiguration'
class troposphere.appsync.GraphQLApi(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AdditionalAuthenticationProviders': ([<class 'troposphere.appsync.AdditionalAuthenticationProvider'>], False), 'ApiType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AuthenticationType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'EnhancedMetricsConfig': (<class 'troposphere.appsync.EnhancedMetricsConfig'>, False), 'EnvironmentVariables': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'IntrospectionConfig': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LambdaAuthorizerConfig': (<class 'troposphere.appsync.LambdaAuthorizerConfig'>, False), 'LogConfig': (<class 'troposphere.appsync.LogConfig'>, False), 'MergedApiExecutionRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'OpenIDConnectConfig': (<class 'troposphere.appsync.OpenIDConnectConfig'>, False), 'OwnerContact': (<class 'str'>, False), 'QueryDepthLimit': (<function integer>, False), 'ResolverCountLimit': (<function integer>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'UserPoolConfig': (<class 'troposphere.appsync.UserPoolConfig'>, False), 'Visibility': (<class 'str'>, False), 'XrayEnabled': (<function boolean>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AppSync::GraphQLApi'
class troposphere.appsync.GraphQLSchema(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApiId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Definition': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DefinitionS3Location': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AppSync::GraphQLSchema'
class troposphere.appsync.HttpConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AuthorizationConfig': (<class 'troposphere.appsync.AuthorizationConfig'>, False), 'Endpoint': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appsync.LambdaAuthorizerConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AuthorizerResultTtlInSeconds': (<function double>, False), 'AuthorizerUri': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IdentityValidationExpression': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.appsync.LambdaConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LambdaFunctionArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appsync.LambdaConflictHandlerConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LambdaConflictHandlerArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.appsync.LogConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CloudWatchLogsRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ExcludeVerboseContent': (<function boolean>, False), 'FieldLogLevel': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.appsync.OpenIDConnectConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AuthTTL': (<function double>, False), 'ClientId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IatTTL': (<function double>, False), 'Issuer': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.appsync.OpenSearchServiceConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AwsRegion': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Endpoint': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appsync.PipelineConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Functions': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.appsync.RdsHttpEndpointConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AwsRegion': (<class 'str'>, True), 'AwsSecretStoreArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DatabaseName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DbClusterIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Schema': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.appsync.RelationalDatabaseConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RdsHttpEndpointConfig': (<class 'troposphere.appsync.RdsHttpEndpointConfig'>, False), 'RelationalDatabaseSourceType': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.appsync.Resolver(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApiId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'CachingConfig': (<class 'troposphere.appsync.CachingConfig'>, False), 'Code': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CodeS3Location': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DataSourceName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FieldName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Kind': (<function resolver_kind_validator>, False), 'MaxBatchSize': (<function integer>, False), 'MetricsConfig': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PipelineConfig': (<class 'troposphere.appsync.PipelineConfig'>, False), 'RequestMappingTemplate': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RequestMappingTemplateS3Location': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ResponseMappingTemplate': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ResponseMappingTemplateS3Location': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Runtime': (<class 'troposphere.appsync.AppSyncRuntime'>, False), 'SyncConfig': (<class 'troposphere.appsync.SyncConfig'>, False), 'TypeName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AppSync::Resolver'
class troposphere.appsync.SourceApiAssociation(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MergedApiIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceApiAssociationConfig': (<class 'troposphere.appsync.SourceApiAssociationConfig'>, False), 'SourceApiIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AppSync::SourceApiAssociation'
class troposphere.appsync.SourceApiAssociationConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MergeType': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.appsync.SyncConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConflictDetection': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ConflictHandler': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LambdaConflictHandlerConfig': (<class 'troposphere.appsync.LambdaConflictHandlerConfig'>, False)}
class troposphere.appsync.UserPoolConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AppIdClientRegex': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AwsRegion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DefaultAction': (<class 'str'>, False), 'UserPoolId': (<class 'str'>, False)}

troposphere.aps module

class troposphere.aps.AmpConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'WorkspaceArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.aps.Destination(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AmpConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.aps.AmpConfiguration'>, True)}
class troposphere.aps.EksConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ClusterArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SecurityGroupIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SubnetIds': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
class troposphere.aps.LoggingConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LogGroupArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.aps.RuleGroupsNamespace(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Data': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'Workspace': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::APS::RuleGroupsNamespace'
class troposphere.aps.ScrapeConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConfigurationBlob': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.aps.Scraper(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Alias': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Destination': (<class 'troposphere.aps.Destination'>, True), 'ScrapeConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.aps.ScrapeConfiguration'>, True), 'Source': (<class 'troposphere.aps.Source'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::APS::Scraper'
class troposphere.aps.Source(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EksConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.aps.EksConfiguration'>, True)}
class troposphere.aps.Workspace(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AlertManagerDefinition': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Alias': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KmsKeyArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LoggingConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.aps.LoggingConfiguration'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::APS::Workspace'

troposphere.ask module

class troposphere.ask.AuthenticationConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ClientId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ClientSecret': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RefreshToken': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.ask.Overrides(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Manifest': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
class troposphere.ask.Skill(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AuthenticationConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.ask.AuthenticationConfiguration'>, True), 'SkillPackage': (<class 'troposphere.ask.SkillPackage'>, True), 'VendorId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'Alexa::ASK::Skill'
class troposphere.ask.SkillPackage(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Overrides': (<class 'troposphere.ask.Overrides'>, False), 'S3Bucket': (<class 'str'>, True), 'S3BucketRole': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3Key': (<class 'str'>, True), 'S3ObjectVersion': (<class 'str'>, False)}

troposphere.athena module

class troposphere.athena.AclConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'S3AclOption': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.athena.CapacityAssignment(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'WorkgroupNames': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
class troposphere.athena.CapacityAssignmentConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CapacityAssignments': ([<class 'troposphere.athena.CapacityAssignment'>], True)}
class troposphere.athena.CapacityReservation(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CapacityAssignmentConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.athena.CapacityAssignmentConfiguration'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TargetDpus': (<function integer>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Athena::CapacityReservation'
class troposphere.athena.CustomerContentEncryptionConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'KmsKey': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.athena.DataCatalog(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Parameters': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Athena::DataCatalog'
class troposphere.athena.EncryptionConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EncryptionOption': (<function validate_encryptionoption>, True), 'KmsKey': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.athena.EngineVersion(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EffectiveEngineVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SelectedEngineVersion': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.athena.NamedQuery(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Database': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'QueryString': (<class 'str'>, True), 'WorkGroup': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Athena::NamedQuery'
class troposphere.athena.PreparedStatement(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'QueryStatement': (<class 'str'>, True), 'StatementName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'WorkGroup': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Athena::PreparedStatement'
class troposphere.athena.ResultConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AclConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.athena.AclConfiguration'>, False), 'EncryptionConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.athena.EncryptionConfiguration'>, False), 'ExpectedBucketOwner': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OutputLocation': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.athena.WorkGroup(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RecursiveDeleteOption': (<function boolean>, False), 'State': (<function validate_workgroup_state>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'WorkGroupConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.athena.WorkGroupConfiguration'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Athena::WorkGroup'
class troposphere.athena.WorkGroupConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AdditionalConfiguration': (<class 'str'>, False), 'BytesScannedCutoffPerQuery': (<function integer>, False), 'CustomerContentEncryptionConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.athena.CustomerContentEncryptionConfiguration'>, False), 'EnforceWorkGroupConfiguration': (<function boolean>, False), 'EngineVersion': (<class 'troposphere.athena.EngineVersion'>, False), 'ExecutionRole': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PublishCloudWatchMetricsEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'RequesterPaysEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'ResultConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.athena.ResultConfiguration'>, False)}

troposphere.auditmanager module

class troposphere.auditmanager.AWSAccount(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EmailAddress': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Id': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.auditmanager.AWSService(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ServiceName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.auditmanager.Assessment(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AssessmentReportsDestination': (<class 'troposphere.auditmanager.AssessmentReportsDestination'>, False), 'AwsAccount': (<class 'troposphere.auditmanager.AWSAccount'>, False), 'Delegations': ([<class 'troposphere.auditmanager.Delegation'>], False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FrameworkId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Roles': ([<class 'troposphere.auditmanager.Role'>], False), 'Scope': (<class 'troposphere.auditmanager.Scope'>, False), 'Status': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AuditManager::Assessment'
class troposphere.auditmanager.AssessmentReportsDestination(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Destination': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DestinationType': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.auditmanager.Delegation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AssessmentId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AssessmentName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Comment': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ControlSetId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CreatedBy': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CreationTime': (<function double>, False), 'Id': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LastUpdated': (<function double>, False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RoleType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Status': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.auditmanager.Role(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RoleType': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.auditmanager.Scope(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AwsAccounts': ([<class 'troposphere.auditmanager.AWSAccount'>], False), 'AwsServices': ([<class 'troposphere.auditmanager.AWSService'>], False)}

troposphere.autoscaling module

class troposphere.autoscaling.AcceleratorCountRequest(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Max': (<function integer>, False), 'Min': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.autoscaling.AcceleratorTotalMemoryMiBRequest(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Max': (<function integer>, False), 'Min': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.autoscaling.AutoScalingGroup(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AutoScalingGroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AvailabilityZones': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'CapacityRebalance': (<function boolean>, False), 'Context': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Cooldown': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DefaultInstanceWarmup': (<function integer>, False), 'DesiredCapacity': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DesiredCapacityType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'HealthCheckGracePeriod': (<function integer>, False), 'HealthCheckType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InstanceId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InstanceMaintenancePolicy': (<class 'troposphere.autoscaling.InstanceMaintenancePolicy'>, False), 'LaunchConfigurationName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LaunchTemplate': (<class 'troposphere.autoscaling.LaunchTemplateSpecification'>, False), 'LifecycleHookSpecificationList': ([<class 'troposphere.autoscaling.LifecycleHookSpecification'>], False), 'LoadBalancerNames': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'MaxInstanceLifetime': (<function integer>, False), 'MaxSize': (<function validate_int_to_str>, True), 'MetricsCollection': ([<class 'troposphere.autoscaling.MetricsCollection'>], False), 'MinSize': (<function validate_int_to_str>, True), 'MixedInstancesPolicy': (<class 'troposphere.autoscaling.MixedInstancesPolicy'>, False), 'NewInstancesProtectedFromScaleIn': (<function boolean>, False), 'NotificationConfigurations': ([<class 'troposphere.autoscaling.NotificationConfigurations'>], False), 'PlacementGroup': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ServiceLinkedRoleARN': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<function validate_tags_or_list>, False), 'TargetGroupARNs': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'TerminationPolicies': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'VPCZoneIdentifier': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup'
class troposphere.autoscaling.BaselineEbsBandwidthMbpsRequest(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Max': (<function integer>, False), 'Min': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.autoscaling.BlockDeviceMapping(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DeviceName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Ebs': (<class 'troposphere.autoscaling.EBSBlockDevice'>, False), 'NoDevice': (<function boolean>, False), 'VirtualName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.autoscaling.CustomizedMetricSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Dimensions': ([<class 'troposphere.autoscaling.MetricDimension'>], False), 'MetricName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Namespace': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Statistic': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Unit': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.autoscaling.EBSBlockDevice(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DeleteOnTermination': (<function boolean>, False), 'Encrypted': (<function boolean>, False), 'Iops': (<function integer>, False), 'SnapshotId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Throughput': (<function integer>, False), 'VolumeSize': (<function integer>, False), 'VolumeType': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.autoscaling.InstanceMaintenancePolicy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MaxHealthyPercentage': (<function integer>, False), 'MinHealthyPercentage': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.autoscaling.InstanceRequirements(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AcceleratorCount': (<class 'troposphere.autoscaling.AcceleratorCountRequest'>, False), 'AcceleratorManufacturers': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'AcceleratorNames': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'AcceleratorTotalMemoryMiB': (<class 'troposphere.autoscaling.AcceleratorTotalMemoryMiBRequest'>, False), 'AcceleratorTypes': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'AllowedInstanceTypes': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'BareMetal': (<class 'str'>, False), 'BaselineEbsBandwidthMbps': (<class 'troposphere.autoscaling.BaselineEbsBandwidthMbpsRequest'>, False), 'BurstablePerformance': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CpuManufacturers': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ExcludedInstanceTypes': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'InstanceGenerations': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'LocalStorage': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LocalStorageTypes': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'MaxSpotPriceAsPercentageOfOptimalOnDemandPrice': (<function integer>, False), 'MemoryGiBPerVCpu': (<class 'troposphere.autoscaling.MemoryGiBPerVCpuRequest'>, False), 'MemoryMiB': (<class 'troposphere.autoscaling.MemoryMiBRequest'>, True), 'NetworkBandwidthGbps': (<class 'troposphere.autoscaling.NetworkBandwidthGbpsRequest'>, False), 'NetworkInterfaceCount': (<class 'troposphere.autoscaling.NetworkInterfaceCountRequest'>, False), 'OnDemandMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice': (<function integer>, False), 'RequireHibernateSupport': (<function boolean>, False), 'SpotMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice': (<function integer>, False), 'TotalLocalStorageGB': (<class 'troposphere.autoscaling.TotalLocalStorageGBRequest'>, False), 'VCpuCount': (<class 'troposphere.autoscaling.VCpuCountRequest'>, True)}
class troposphere.autoscaling.InstanceReusePolicy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ReuseOnScaleIn': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.autoscaling.InstancesDistribution(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'OnDemandAllocationStrategy': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OnDemandBaseCapacity': (<function integer>, False), 'OnDemandPercentageAboveBaseCapacity': (<function integer>, False), 'SpotAllocationStrategy': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SpotInstancePools': (<function integer>, False), 'SpotMaxPrice': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.autoscaling.LaunchConfiguration(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AssociatePublicIpAddress': (<function boolean>, False), 'BlockDeviceMappings': ([<class 'troposphere.autoscaling.BlockDeviceMapping'>], False), 'ClassicLinkVPCId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ClassicLinkVPCSecurityGroups': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'EbsOptimized': (<function boolean>, False), 'IamInstanceProfile': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ImageId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'InstanceId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InstanceMonitoring': (<function boolean>, False), 'InstanceType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'KernelId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KeyName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LaunchConfigurationName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MetadataOptions': (<class 'troposphere.autoscaling.MetadataOptions'>, False), 'PlacementTenancy': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RamDiskId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecurityGroups': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SpotPrice': (<class 'str'>, False), 'UserData': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration'
class troposphere.autoscaling.LaunchTemplate(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LaunchTemplateSpecification': (<class 'troposphere.autoscaling.LaunchTemplateSpecification'>, True), 'Overrides': ([<class 'troposphere.autoscaling.LaunchTemplateOverrides'>], False)}
class troposphere.autoscaling.LaunchTemplateOverrides(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InstanceRequirements': (<class 'troposphere.autoscaling.InstanceRequirements'>, False), 'InstanceType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LaunchTemplateSpecification': (<class 'troposphere.autoscaling.LaunchTemplateSpecification'>, False), 'WeightedCapacity': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.autoscaling.LaunchTemplateSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LaunchTemplateId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LaunchTemplateName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Version': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.autoscaling.LifecycleHook(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AutoScalingGroupName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DefaultResult': (<class 'str'>, False), 'HeartbeatTimeout': (<function integer>, False), 'LifecycleHookName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LifecycleTransition': (<class 'str'>, True), 'NotificationMetadata': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NotificationTargetARN': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RoleARN': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AutoScaling::LifecycleHook'
class troposphere.autoscaling.LifecycleHookSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DefaultResult': (<class 'str'>, False), 'HeartbeatTimeout': (<function integer>, False), 'LifecycleHookName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'LifecycleTransition': (<class 'str'>, True), 'NotificationMetadata': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NotificationTargetARN': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RoleARN': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.autoscaling.MemoryGiBPerVCpuRequest(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Max': (<function double>, False), 'Min': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.autoscaling.MemoryMiBRequest(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Max': (<function integer>, False), 'Min': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.autoscaling.MetadataOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'HttpEndpoint': (<class 'str'>, False), 'HttpPutResponseHopLimit': (<function integer>, False), 'HttpTokens': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.autoscaling.Metric(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Dimensions': ([<class 'troposphere.autoscaling.MetricDimension'>], False), 'MetricName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Namespace': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.autoscaling.MetricDataQuery(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Expression': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Id': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Label': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MetricStat': (<class 'troposphere.autoscaling.MetricStat'>, False), 'ReturnData': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.autoscaling.MetricDimension(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.autoscaling.MetricStat(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Metric': (<class 'troposphere.autoscaling.Metric'>, True), 'Stat': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Unit': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.autoscaling.MetricsCollection(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Granularity': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Metrics': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.autoscaling.MixedInstancesPolicy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InstancesDistribution': (<class 'troposphere.autoscaling.InstancesDistribution'>, False), 'LaunchTemplate': (<class 'troposphere.autoscaling.LaunchTemplate'>, True)}
class troposphere.autoscaling.NetworkBandwidthGbpsRequest(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Max': (<function double>, False), 'Min': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.autoscaling.NetworkInterfaceCountRequest(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Max': (<function integer>, False), 'Min': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.autoscaling.NotificationConfigurations(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'NotificationTypes': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'TopicARN': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
class troposphere.autoscaling.PredefinedMetricSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PredefinedMetricType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ResourceLabel': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.autoscaling.PredictiveScalingConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MaxCapacityBreachBehavior': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MaxCapacityBuffer': (<function integer>, False), 'MetricSpecifications': ([<class 'troposphere.autoscaling.PredictiveScalingMetricSpecification'>], True), 'Mode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SchedulingBufferTime': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.autoscaling.PredictiveScalingCustomizedCapacityMetric(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MetricDataQueries': ([<class 'troposphere.autoscaling.MetricDataQuery'>], True)}
class troposphere.autoscaling.PredictiveScalingCustomizedLoadMetric(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MetricDataQueries': ([<class 'troposphere.autoscaling.MetricDataQuery'>], True)}
class troposphere.autoscaling.PredictiveScalingCustomizedScalingMetric(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MetricDataQueries': ([<class 'troposphere.autoscaling.MetricDataQuery'>], True)}
class troposphere.autoscaling.PredictiveScalingMetricSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomizedCapacityMetricSpecification': (<class 'troposphere.autoscaling.PredictiveScalingCustomizedCapacityMetric'>, False), 'CustomizedLoadMetricSpecification': (<class 'troposphere.autoscaling.PredictiveScalingCustomizedLoadMetric'>, False), 'CustomizedScalingMetricSpecification': (<class 'troposphere.autoscaling.PredictiveScalingCustomizedScalingMetric'>, False), 'PredefinedLoadMetricSpecification': (<class 'troposphere.autoscaling.PredictiveScalingPredefinedLoadMetric'>, False), 'PredefinedMetricPairSpecification': (<class 'troposphere.autoscaling.PredictiveScalingPredefinedMetricPair'>, False), 'PredefinedScalingMetricSpecification': (<class 'troposphere.autoscaling.PredictiveScalingPredefinedScalingMetric'>, False), 'TargetValue': (<function double>, True)}
class troposphere.autoscaling.PredictiveScalingPredefinedLoadMetric(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PredefinedMetricType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ResourceLabel': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.autoscaling.PredictiveScalingPredefinedMetricPair(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PredefinedMetricType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ResourceLabel': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.autoscaling.PredictiveScalingPredefinedScalingMetric(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PredefinedMetricType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ResourceLabel': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.autoscaling.ScalingPolicy(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AdjustmentType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AutoScalingGroupName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Cooldown': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EstimatedInstanceWarmup': (<function integer>, False), 'MetricAggregationType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MinAdjustmentMagnitude': (<function integer>, False), 'PolicyType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PredictiveScalingConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.autoscaling.PredictiveScalingConfiguration'>, False), 'ScalingAdjustment': (<function integer>, False), 'StepAdjustments': ([<class 'troposphere.autoscaling.StepAdjustments'>], False), 'TargetTrackingConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.autoscaling.TargetTrackingConfiguration'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AutoScaling::ScalingPolicy'
class troposphere.autoscaling.ScheduledAction(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AutoScalingGroupName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DesiredCapacity': (<function integer>, False), 'EndTime': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MaxSize': (<function integer>, False), 'MinSize': (<function integer>, False), 'Recurrence': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StartTime': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TimeZone': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AutoScaling::ScheduledAction'
class troposphere.autoscaling.StepAdjustments(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MetricIntervalLowerBound': (<function double>, False), 'MetricIntervalUpperBound': (<function double>, False), 'ScalingAdjustment': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.autoscaling.TargetTrackingConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomizedMetricSpecification': (<class 'troposphere.autoscaling.CustomizedMetricSpecification'>, False), 'DisableScaleIn': (<function boolean>, False), 'PredefinedMetricSpecification': (<class 'troposphere.autoscaling.PredefinedMetricSpecification'>, False), 'TargetValue': (<function double>, True)}
class troposphere.autoscaling.TotalLocalStorageGBRequest(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Max': (<function double>, False), 'Min': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.autoscaling.VCpuCountRequest(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Max': (<function integer>, False), 'Min': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.autoscaling.WarmPool(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AutoScalingGroupName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'InstanceReusePolicy': (<class 'troposphere.autoscaling.InstanceReusePolicy'>, False), 'MaxGroupPreparedCapacity': (<function integer>, False), 'MinSize': (<function integer>, False), 'PoolState': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AutoScaling::WarmPool'

troposphere.autoscalingplans module

class troposphere.autoscalingplans.ApplicationSource(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CloudFormationStackARN': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TagFilters': ([<class 'troposphere.autoscalingplans.TagFilter'>], False)}
class troposphere.autoscalingplans.CustomizedLoadMetricSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Dimensions': ([<class 'troposphere.autoscalingplans.MetricDimension'>], False), 'MetricName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Namespace': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Statistic': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Unit': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.autoscalingplans.CustomizedScalingMetricSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Dimensions': ([<class 'troposphere.autoscalingplans.MetricDimension'>], False), 'MetricName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Namespace': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Statistic': (<function statistic_type>, True), 'Unit': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.autoscalingplans.MetricDimension(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.autoscalingplans.PredefinedLoadMetricSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PredefinedLoadMetricType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ResourceLabel': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.autoscalingplans.PredefinedScalingMetricSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PredefinedScalingMetricType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ResourceLabel': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.autoscalingplans.ScalingInstruction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomizedLoadMetricSpecification': (<class 'troposphere.autoscalingplans.CustomizedLoadMetricSpecification'>, False), 'DisableDynamicScaling': (<function boolean>, False), 'MaxCapacity': (<function integer>, True), 'MinCapacity': (<function integer>, True), 'PredefinedLoadMetricSpecification': (<class 'troposphere.autoscalingplans.PredefinedLoadMetricSpecification'>, False), 'PredictiveScalingMaxCapacityBehavior': (<function validate_predictivescalingmaxcapacitybehavior>, False), 'PredictiveScalingMaxCapacityBuffer': (<function integer>, False), 'PredictiveScalingMode': (<function validate_predictivescalingmode>, False), 'ResourceId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ScalableDimension': (<function scalable_dimension_type>, True), 'ScalingPolicyUpdateBehavior': (<function validate_scalingpolicyupdatebehavior>, False), 'ScheduledActionBufferTime': (<function integer>, False), 'ServiceNamespace': (<function service_namespace_type>, True), 'TargetTrackingConfigurations': ([<class 'troposphere.autoscalingplans.TargetTrackingConfiguration'>], True)}
class troposphere.autoscalingplans.ScalingPlan(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApplicationSource': (<class 'troposphere.autoscalingplans.ApplicationSource'>, True), 'ScalingInstructions': ([<class 'troposphere.autoscalingplans.ScalingInstruction'>], True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::AutoScalingPlans::ScalingPlan'
class troposphere.autoscalingplans.TagFilter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Key': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Values': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.autoscalingplans.TargetTrackingConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomizedScalingMetricSpecification': (<class 'troposphere.autoscalingplans.CustomizedScalingMetricSpecification'>, False), 'DisableScaleIn': (<function boolean>, False), 'EstimatedInstanceWarmup': (<function integer>, False), 'PredefinedScalingMetricSpecification': (<class 'troposphere.autoscalingplans.PredefinedScalingMetricSpecification'>, False), 'ScaleInCooldown': (<function integer>, False), 'ScaleOutCooldown': (<function integer>, False), 'TargetValue': (<function double>, True)}

troposphere.awslambda module

class troposphere.awslambda.Alias(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FunctionName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FunctionVersion': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ProvisionedConcurrencyConfig': (<class 'troposphere.awslambda.ProvisionedConcurrencyConfiguration'>, False), 'RoutingConfig': (<class 'troposphere.awslambda.AliasRoutingConfiguration'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Lambda::Alias'
class troposphere.awslambda.AliasRoutingConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AdditionalVersionWeights': ([<class 'troposphere.awslambda.VersionWeight'>], True)}
class troposphere.awslambda.AllowedPublishers(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SigningProfileVersionArns': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
class troposphere.awslambda.AmazonManagedKafkaEventSourceConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConsumerGroupId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.awslambda.Code(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ImageUri': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3Bucket': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3Key': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3ObjectVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ZipFile': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.awslambda.CodeSigningConfig(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AllowedPublishers': (<class 'troposphere.awslambda.AllowedPublishers'>, True), 'CodeSigningPolicies': (<class 'troposphere.awslambda.CodeSigningPolicies'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Lambda::CodeSigningConfig'
class troposphere.awslambda.CodeSigningPolicies(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'UntrustedArtifactOnDeployment': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.awslambda.Content(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'S3Bucket': (<class 'str'>, True), 'S3Key': (<class 'str'>, True), 'S3ObjectVersion': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.awslambda.Cors(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AllowCredentials': (<function boolean>, False), 'AllowHeaders': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'AllowMethods': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'AllowOrigins': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ExposeHeaders': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'MaxAge': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.awslambda.DeadLetterConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TargetArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.awslambda.DestinationConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'OnFailure': (<class 'troposphere.awslambda.OnFailure'>, False), 'OnSuccess': (<class 'troposphere.awslambda.OnSuccess'>, False)}
class troposphere.awslambda.DocumentDBEventSourceConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CollectionName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DatabaseName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FullDocument': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.awslambda.Endpoints(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'KafkaBootstrapServers': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.awslambda.Environment(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Variables': (<function validate_variables_name>, False)}
class troposphere.awslambda.EphemeralStorage(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Size': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.awslambda.EventInvokeConfig(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DestinationConfig': (<class 'troposphere.awslambda.DestinationConfig'>, False), 'FunctionName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MaximumEventAgeInSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'MaximumRetryAttempts': (<function integer>, False), 'Qualifier': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Lambda::EventInvokeConfig'
class troposphere.awslambda.EventSourceMapping(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AmazonManagedKafkaEventSourceConfig': (<class 'troposphere.awslambda.AmazonManagedKafkaEventSourceConfig'>, False), 'BatchSize': (<function integer>, False), 'BisectBatchOnFunctionError': (<function boolean>, False), 'DestinationConfig': (<class 'troposphere.awslambda.DestinationConfig'>, False), 'DocumentDBEventSourceConfig': (<class 'troposphere.awslambda.DocumentDBEventSourceConfig'>, False), 'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'EventSourceArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FilterCriteria': (<class 'troposphere.awslambda.FilterCriteria'>, False), 'FunctionName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FunctionResponseTypes': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'MaximumBatchingWindowInSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'MaximumRecordAgeInSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'MaximumRetryAttempts': (<function integer>, False), 'ParallelizationFactor': (<function integer>, False), 'Queues': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ScalingConfig': (<class 'troposphere.awslambda.ScalingConfig'>, False), 'SelfManagedEventSource': (<class 'troposphere.awslambda.SelfManagedEventSource'>, False), 'SelfManagedKafkaEventSourceConfig': (<class 'troposphere.awslambda.SelfManagedKafkaEventSourceConfig'>, False), 'SourceAccessConfigurations': ([<class 'troposphere.awslambda.SourceAccessConfiguration'>], False), 'StartingPosition': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StartingPositionTimestamp': (<function double>, False), 'Topics': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'TumblingWindowInSeconds': (<function integer>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Lambda::EventSourceMapping'
class troposphere.awslambda.FileSystemConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Arn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'LocalMountPath': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.awslambda.Filter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Pattern': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.awslambda.FilterCriteria(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Filters': ([<class 'troposphere.awslambda.Filter'>], False)}
class troposphere.awslambda.Function(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Architectures': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Code': (<class 'troposphere.awslambda.Code'>, True), 'CodeSigningConfigArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DeadLetterConfig': (<class 'troposphere.awslambda.DeadLetterConfig'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Environment': (<class 'troposphere.awslambda.Environment'>, False), 'EphemeralStorage': (<class 'troposphere.awslambda.EphemeralStorage'>, False), 'FileSystemConfigs': ([<class 'troposphere.awslambda.FileSystemConfig'>], False), 'FunctionName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Handler': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ImageConfig': (<class 'troposphere.awslambda.ImageConfig'>, False), 'KmsKeyArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Layers': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'LoggingConfig': (<class 'troposphere.awslambda.LoggingConfig'>, False), 'MemorySize': (<function validate_memory_size>, False), 'PackageType': (<function validate_package_type>, False), 'ReservedConcurrentExecutions': (<function integer>, False), 'Role': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Runtime': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RuntimeManagementConfig': (<class 'troposphere.awslambda.RuntimeManagementConfig'>, False), 'SnapStart': (<class 'troposphere.awslambda.SnapStart'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'Timeout': (<function integer>, False), 'TracingConfig': (<class 'troposphere.awslambda.TracingConfig'>, False), 'VpcConfig': (<class 'troposphere.awslambda.VPCConfig'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Lambda::Function'
class troposphere.awslambda.ImageConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Command': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'EntryPoint': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'WorkingDirectory': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.awslambda.LayerVersion(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CompatibleArchitectures': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'CompatibleRuntimes': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Content': (<class 'troposphere.awslambda.Content'>, True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LayerName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LicenseInfo': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Lambda::LayerVersion'
class troposphere.awslambda.LayerVersionPermission(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Action': (<class 'str'>, True), 'LayerVersionArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'OrganizationId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Principal': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Lambda::LayerVersionPermission'
class troposphere.awslambda.LoggingConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApplicationLogLevel': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LogFormat': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LogGroup': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SystemLogLevel': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.awslambda.OnFailure(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Destination': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.awslambda.OnSuccess(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Destination': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.awslambda.Permission(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Action': (<class 'str'>, True), 'EventSourceToken': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FunctionName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FunctionUrlAuthType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Principal': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PrincipalOrgID': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceAccount': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Lambda::Permission'
class troposphere.awslambda.ProvisionedConcurrencyConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ProvisionedConcurrentExecutions': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.awslambda.RuntimeManagementConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RuntimeVersionArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'UpdateRuntimeOn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.awslambda.RuntimePolicy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RuntimeVersionArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'UpdateRuntimeOn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.awslambda.ScalingConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MaximumConcurrency': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.awslambda.SelfManagedEventSource(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Endpoints': (<class 'troposphere.awslambda.Endpoints'>, False)}
class troposphere.awslambda.SelfManagedKafkaEventSourceConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConsumerGroupId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.awslambda.SnapStart(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApplyOn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.awslambda.SnapStartResponse(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApplyOn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OptimizationStatus': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.awslambda.SourceAccessConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Type': (<class 'str'>, False), 'URI': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.awslambda.TracingConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Mode': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.awslambda.Url(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AuthType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Cors': (<class 'troposphere.awslambda.Cors'>, False), 'InvokeMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Qualifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TargetFunctionArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Lambda::Url'
class troposphere.awslambda.VPCConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Ipv6AllowedForDualStack': (<function boolean>, False), 'SecurityGroupIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SubnetIds': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.awslambda.Version(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CodeSha256': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FunctionName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Policy': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'ProvisionedConcurrencyConfig': (<class 'troposphere.awslambda.ProvisionedConcurrencyConfiguration'>, False), 'RuntimePolicy': (<class 'troposphere.awslambda.RuntimePolicy'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Lambda::Version'
class troposphere.awslambda.VersionWeight(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FunctionVersion': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FunctionWeight': (<function double>, True)}

troposphere.backup module

class troposphere.backup.AdvancedBackupSettingResourceType(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BackupOptions': (<class 'dict'>, True), 'ResourceType': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.backup.BackupPlan(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BackupPlan': (<class 'troposphere.backup.BackupPlanResourceType'>, True), 'BackupPlanTags': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Backup::BackupPlan'
class troposphere.backup.BackupPlanResourceType(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AdvancedBackupSettings': ([<class 'troposphere.backup.AdvancedBackupSettingResourceType'>], False), 'BackupPlanName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'BackupPlanRule': ([<class 'troposphere.backup.BackupRuleResourceType'>], True)}
class troposphere.backup.BackupRuleResourceType(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CompletionWindowMinutes': (<function double>, False), 'CopyActions': ([<class 'troposphere.backup.CopyActionResourceType'>], False), 'EnableContinuousBackup': (<function boolean>, False), 'Lifecycle': (<class 'troposphere.backup.LifecycleResourceType'>, False), 'RecoveryPointTags': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'RuleName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ScheduleExpression': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ScheduleExpressionTimezone': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StartWindowMinutes': (<function double>, False), 'TargetBackupVault': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.backup.BackupSelection(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BackupPlanId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'BackupSelection': (<class 'troposphere.backup.BackupSelectionResourceType'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Backup::BackupSelection'
class troposphere.backup.BackupSelectionResourceType(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Conditions': (<class 'troposphere.backup.Conditions'>, False), 'IamRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ListOfTags': ([<class 'troposphere.backup.ConditionResourceType'>], False), 'NotResources': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Resources': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SelectionName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.backup.BackupVault(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessPolicy': (<function validate_json_checker>, False), 'BackupVaultName': (<function backup_vault_name>, True), 'BackupVaultTags': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'EncryptionKeyArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LockConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.backup.LockConfigurationType'>, False), 'Notifications': (<class 'troposphere.backup.NotificationObjectType'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Backup::BackupVault'
class troposphere.backup.ConditionParameter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConditionKey': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ConditionValue': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.backup.ConditionResourceType(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConditionKey': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ConditionType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ConditionValue': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.backup.Conditions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'StringEquals': ([<class 'troposphere.backup.ConditionParameter'>], False), 'StringLike': ([<class 'troposphere.backup.ConditionParameter'>], False), 'StringNotEquals': ([<class 'troposphere.backup.ConditionParameter'>], False), 'StringNotLike': ([<class 'troposphere.backup.ConditionParameter'>], False)}
class troposphere.backup.ControlInputParameter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ParameterName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ParameterValue': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.backup.ControlScope(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ComplianceResourceIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ComplianceResourceTypes': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
class troposphere.backup.CopyActionResourceType(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DestinationBackupVaultArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Lifecycle': (<class 'troposphere.backup.LifecycleResourceType'>, False)}
class troposphere.backup.Framework(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FrameworkControls': ([<class 'troposphere.backup.FrameworkControl'>], True), 'FrameworkDescription': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FrameworkName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FrameworkTags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Backup::Framework'
class troposphere.backup.FrameworkControl(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ControlInputParameters': ([<class 'troposphere.backup.ControlInputParameter'>], False), 'ControlName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ControlScope': (<class 'troposphere.backup.ControlScope'>, False)}
class troposphere.backup.KeyValue(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Key': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.backup.LifecycleResourceType(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DeleteAfterDays': (<function double>, False), 'MoveToColdStorageAfterDays': (<function double>, False), 'OptInToArchiveForSupportedResources': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.backup.LockConfigurationType(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ChangeableForDays': (<function integer>, False), 'MaxRetentionDays': (<function integer>, False), 'MinRetentionDays': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.backup.NotificationObjectType(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BackupVaultEvents': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'SNSTopicArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.backup.ProtectedResourceConditions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'StringEquals': ([<class 'troposphere.backup.KeyValue'>], False), 'StringNotEquals': ([<class 'troposphere.backup.KeyValue'>], False)}
class troposphere.backup.ReportDeliveryChannel(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Formats': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'S3BucketName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'S3KeyPrefix': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.backup.ReportPlan(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ReportDeliveryChannel': (<class 'troposphere.backup.ReportDeliveryChannel'>, True), 'ReportPlanDescription': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ReportPlanName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ReportPlanTags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'ReportSetting': (<class 'troposphere.backup.ReportSetting'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Backup::ReportPlan'
class troposphere.backup.ReportSetting(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Accounts': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'FrameworkArns': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'OrganizationUnits': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Regions': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ReportTemplate': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.backup.RestoreTestingPlan(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RecoveryPointSelection': (<class 'troposphere.backup.RestoreTestingRecoveryPointSelection'>, True), 'RestoreTestingPlanName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ScheduleExpression': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ScheduleExpressionTimezone': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StartWindowHours': (<function integer>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Backup::RestoreTestingPlan'
class troposphere.backup.RestoreTestingRecoveryPointSelection(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Algorithm': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ExcludeVaults': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'IncludeVaults': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'RecoveryPointTypes': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'SelectionWindowDays': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.backup.RestoreTestingSelection(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'IamRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ProtectedResourceArns': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ProtectedResourceConditions': (<class 'troposphere.backup.ProtectedResourceConditions'>, False), 'ProtectedResourceType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RestoreMetadataOverrides': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'RestoreTestingPlanName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RestoreTestingSelectionName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ValidationWindowHours': (<function integer>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Backup::RestoreTestingSelection'

troposphere.batch module

class troposphere.batch.AuthorizationConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessPointId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Iam': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.batch.ComputeEnvironment(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ComputeEnvironmentName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ComputeResources': (<class 'troposphere.batch.ComputeResources'>, False), 'EksConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.batch.EksConfiguration'>, False), 'ReplaceComputeEnvironment': (<function boolean>, False), 'ServiceRole': (<class 'str'>, False), 'State': (<function validate_environment_state>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True), 'UnmanagedvCpus': (<function integer>, False), 'UpdatePolicy': (<class 'troposphere.batch.UpdatePolicy'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Batch::ComputeEnvironment'
class troposphere.batch.ComputeEnvironmentOrder(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ComputeEnvironment': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Order': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.batch.ComputeResources(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AllocationStrategy': (<function validate_allocation_strategy>, False), 'BidPercentage': (<function integer>, False), 'DesiredvCpus': (<function integer>, False), 'Ec2Configuration': ([<class 'troposphere.batch.Ec2ConfigurationObject'>], False), 'Ec2KeyPair': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ImageId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InstanceRole': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InstanceTypes': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'LaunchTemplate': (<class 'troposphere.batch.LaunchTemplateSpecification'>, False), 'MaxvCpus': (<function integer>, True), 'MinvCpus': (<function integer>, False), 'PlacementGroup': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecurityGroupIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SpotIamFleetRole': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Subnets': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True), 'UpdateToLatestImageVersion': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.batch.ContainerProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Command': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Environment': ([<class 'troposphere.batch.Environment'>], False), 'EphemeralStorage': (<class 'troposphere.batch.EphemeralStorage'>, False), 'ExecutionRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FargatePlatformConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.batch.FargatePlatformConfiguration'>, False), 'Image': (<class 'str'>, True), 'InstanceType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'JobRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LinuxParameters': (<class 'troposphere.batch.LinuxParameters'>, False), 'LogConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.batch.LogConfiguration'>, False), 'Memory': (<function integer>, False), 'MountPoints': ([<class 'troposphere.batch.MountPoints'>], False), 'NetworkConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.batch.NetworkConfiguration'>, False), 'Privileged': (<function boolean>, False), 'ReadonlyRootFilesystem': (<function boolean>, False), 'RepositoryCredentials': (<class 'troposphere.batch.RepositoryCredentials'>, False), 'ResourceRequirements': ([<class 'troposphere.batch.ResourceRequirement'>], False), 'RuntimePlatform': (<class 'troposphere.batch.RuntimePlatform'>, False), 'Secrets': ([<class 'troposphere.batch.Secret'>], False), 'Ulimits': ([<class 'troposphere.batch.Ulimit'>], False), 'User': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Vcpus': (<function integer>, False), 'Volumes': ([<class 'troposphere.batch.Volumes'>], False)}
class troposphere.batch.Device(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContainerPath': (<class 'str'>, False), 'HostPath': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Permissions': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.batch.Ec2ConfigurationObject(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ImageIdOverride': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ImageKubernetesVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ImageType': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.batch.EcsProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TaskProperties': ([<class 'troposphere.batch.EcsTaskProperties'>], True)}
class troposphere.batch.EcsTaskProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Containers': ([<class 'troposphere.batch.TaskContainerProperties'>], False), 'EphemeralStorage': (<class 'troposphere.batch.EphemeralStorage'>, False), 'ExecutionRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IpcMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NetworkConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.batch.NetworkConfiguration'>, False), 'PidMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PlatformVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RuntimePlatform': (<class 'troposphere.batch.RuntimePlatform'>, False), 'TaskRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Volumes': ([<class 'troposphere.batch.Volumes'>], False)}
class troposphere.batch.EfsVolumeConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AuthorizationConfig': (<class 'troposphere.batch.AuthorizationConfig'>, False), 'FileSystemId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RootDirectory': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TransitEncryption': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TransitEncryptionPort': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.batch.EksConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EksClusterArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'KubernetesNamespace': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.batch.EksContainer(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Args': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Command': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Env': ([<class 'troposphere.batch.EksContainerEnvironmentVariable'>], False), 'Image': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ImagePullPolicy': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Resources': (<class 'troposphere.batch.EksContainerResourceRequirements'>, False), 'SecurityContext': (<class 'troposphere.batch.EksContainerSecurityContext'>, False), 'VolumeMounts': ([<class 'troposphere.batch.EksContainerVolumeMount'>], False)}
class troposphere.batch.EksContainerEnvironmentVariable(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.batch.EksContainerResourceRequirements(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Limits': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Requests': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
class troposphere.batch.EksContainerSecurityContext(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AllowPrivilegeEscalation': (<function boolean>, False), 'Privileged': (<function boolean>, False), 'ReadOnlyRootFilesystem': (<function boolean>, False), 'RunAsGroup': (<function integer>, False), 'RunAsNonRoot': (<function boolean>, False), 'RunAsUser': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.batch.EksContainerVolumeMount(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MountPath': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ReadOnly': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.batch.EksEmptyDir(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Medium': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SizeLimit': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.batch.EksHostPath(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Path': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.batch.EksProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PodProperties': (<class 'troposphere.batch.PodProperties'>, False)}
class troposphere.batch.EksSecret(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Optional': (<function boolean>, False), 'SecretName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.batch.EksVolume(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EmptyDir': (<class 'troposphere.batch.EksEmptyDir'>, False), 'HostPath': (<class 'troposphere.batch.EksHostPath'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Secret': (<class 'troposphere.batch.EksSecret'>, False)}
class troposphere.batch.Environment(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.batch.EphemeralStorage(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SizeInGiB': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.batch.EvaluateOnExit(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Action': (<class 'str'>, True), 'OnExitCode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OnReason': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OnStatusReason': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.batch.FairsharePolicy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ComputeReservation': (<function double>, False), 'ShareDecaySeconds': (<function double>, False), 'ShareDistribution': ([<class 'troposphere.batch.ShareAttributes'>], False)}
class troposphere.batch.FargatePlatformConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PlatformVersion': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.batch.ImagePullSecret(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.batch.JobDefinition(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContainerProperties': (<class 'troposphere.batch.ContainerProperties'>, False), 'EcsProperties': (<class 'troposphere.batch.EcsProperties'>, False), 'EksProperties': (<class 'troposphere.batch.EksProperties'>, False), 'JobDefinitionName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NodeProperties': (<class 'troposphere.batch.NodeProperties'>, False), 'Parameters': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'PlatformCapabilities': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'PropagateTags': (<function boolean>, False), 'RetryStrategy': (<class 'troposphere.batch.RetryStrategy'>, False), 'SchedulingPriority': (<function integer>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Timeout': (<class 'troposphere.batch.Timeout'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Batch::JobDefinition'
class troposphere.batch.JobQueue(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ComputeEnvironmentOrder': ([<class 'troposphere.batch.ComputeEnvironmentOrder'>], True), 'JobQueueName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'JobStateTimeLimitActions': ([<class 'troposphere.batch.JobStateTimeLimitAction'>], False), 'Priority': (<function integer>, True), 'SchedulingPolicyArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'State': (<function validate_queue_state>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Batch::JobQueue'
class troposphere.batch.JobStateTimeLimitAction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Action': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MaxTimeSeconds': (<function integer>, True), 'Reason': (<class 'str'>, True), 'State': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.batch.LaunchTemplateSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LaunchTemplateId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LaunchTemplateName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Version': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.batch.LinuxParameters(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Devices': ([<class 'troposphere.batch.Device'>], False), 'InitProcessEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'MaxSwap': (<function integer>, False), 'SharedMemorySize': (<function integer>, False), 'Swappiness': (<function integer>, False), 'Tmpfs': ([<class 'troposphere.batch.Tmpfs'>], False)}
class troposphere.batch.LogConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LogDriver': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Options': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'SecretOptions': ([<class 'troposphere.batch.Secret'>], False)}
class troposphere.batch.Metadata(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Labels': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
class troposphere.batch.MountPoints(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContainerPath': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ReadOnly': (<function boolean>, False), 'SourceVolume': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.batch.NetworkConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AssignPublicIp': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.batch.NodeProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MainNode': (<function integer>, True), 'NodeRangeProperties': ([<class 'troposphere.batch.NodeRangeProperty'>], True), 'NumNodes': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.batch.NodeRangeProperty(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Container': (<class 'troposphere.batch.ContainerProperties'>, False), 'EcsProperties': (<class 'troposphere.batch.EcsProperties'>, False), 'InstanceTypes': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'TargetNodes': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.batch.PodProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Containers': ([<class 'troposphere.batch.EksContainer'>], False), 'DnsPolicy': (<class 'str'>, False), 'HostNetwork': (<function boolean>, False), 'ImagePullSecrets': ([<class 'troposphere.batch.ImagePullSecret'>], False), 'InitContainers': ([<class 'troposphere.batch.EksContainer'>], False), 'Metadata': (<class 'troposphere.batch.Metadata'>, False), 'ServiceAccountName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ShareProcessNamespace': (<function boolean>, False), 'Volumes': ([<class 'troposphere.batch.EksVolume'>], False)}
class troposphere.batch.RepositoryCredentials(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CredentialsParameter': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.batch.ResourceRequirement(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Type': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.batch.RetryStrategy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Attempts': (<function integer>, False), 'EvaluateOnExit': ([<class 'troposphere.batch.EvaluateOnExit'>], False)}
class troposphere.batch.RuntimePlatform(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CpuArchitecture': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OperatingSystemFamily': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.batch.SchedulingPolicy(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FairsharePolicy': (<class 'troposphere.batch.FairsharePolicy'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Batch::SchedulingPolicy'
class troposphere.batch.Secret(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ValueFrom': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.batch.ShareAttributes(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ShareIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'WeightFactor': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.batch.TaskContainerDependency(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Condition': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ContainerName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.batch.TaskContainerProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Command': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'DependsOn': ([<class 'troposphere.batch.TaskContainerDependency'>], False), 'Environment': ([<class 'troposphere.batch.Environment'>], False), 'Essential': (<function boolean>, False), 'Image': (<class 'str'>, True), 'LinuxParameters': (<class 'troposphere.batch.LinuxParameters'>, False), 'LogConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.batch.LogConfiguration'>, False), 'MountPoints': ([<class 'troposphere.batch.MountPoints'>], False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Privileged': (<function boolean>, False), 'ReadonlyRootFilesystem': (<function boolean>, False), 'RepositoryCredentials': (<class 'troposphere.batch.RepositoryCredentials'>, False), 'ResourceRequirements': ([<class 'troposphere.batch.ResourceRequirement'>], False), 'Secrets': ([<class 'troposphere.batch.Secret'>], False), 'Ulimits': ([<class 'troposphere.batch.Ulimit'>], False), 'User': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.batch.Timeout(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AttemptDurationSeconds': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.batch.Tmpfs(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContainerPath': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MountOptions': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Size': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.batch.Ulimit(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'HardLimit': (<function integer>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SoftLimit': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.batch.UpdatePolicy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'JobExecutionTimeoutMinutes': (<function integer>, False), 'TerminateJobsOnUpdate': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.batch.Volumes(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EfsVolumeConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.batch.EfsVolumeConfiguration'>, False), 'Host': (<class 'troposphere.batch.VolumesHost'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.batch.VolumesHost(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SourcePath': (<class 'str'>, False)}

troposphere.budgets module

class troposphere.budgets.ActionSubscriber(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Address': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.budgets.ActionThreshold(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Type': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<function double>, True)}
class troposphere.budgets.AutoAdjustData(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AutoAdjustType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'HistoricalOptions': (<class 'troposphere.budgets.HistoricalOptions'>, False)}
class troposphere.budgets.Budget(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Budget': (<class 'troposphere.budgets.BudgetData'>, True), 'NotificationsWithSubscribers': ([<class 'troposphere.budgets.NotificationWithSubscribers'>], False), 'ResourceTags': ([<class 'troposphere.budgets.ResourceTag'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Budgets::Budget'
class troposphere.budgets.BudgetData(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AutoAdjustData': (<class 'troposphere.budgets.AutoAdjustData'>, False), 'BudgetLimit': (<class 'troposphere.budgets.Spend'>, False), 'BudgetName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'BudgetType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'CostFilters': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'CostTypes': (<class 'troposphere.budgets.CostTypes'>, False), 'PlannedBudgetLimits': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'TimePeriod': (<class 'troposphere.budgets.TimePeriod'>, False), 'TimeUnit': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.budgets.BudgetsAction(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ActionThreshold': (<class 'troposphere.budgets.ActionThreshold'>, True), 'ActionType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ApprovalModel': (<class 'str'>, False), 'BudgetName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Definition': (<class 'troposphere.budgets.Definition'>, True), 'ExecutionRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'NotificationType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ResourceTags': ([<class 'troposphere.budgets.ResourceTag'>], False), 'Subscribers': ([<class 'troposphere.budgets.ActionSubscriber'>], True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Budgets::BudgetsAction'
class troposphere.budgets.CostTypes(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'IncludeCredit': (<function boolean>, False), 'IncludeDiscount': (<function boolean>, False), 'IncludeOtherSubscription': (<function boolean>, False), 'IncludeRecurring': (<function boolean>, False), 'IncludeRefund': (<function boolean>, False), 'IncludeSubscription': (<function boolean>, False), 'IncludeSupport': (<function boolean>, False), 'IncludeTax': (<function boolean>, False), 'IncludeUpfront': (<function boolean>, False), 'UseAmortized': (<function boolean>, False), 'UseBlended': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.budgets.Definition(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'IamActionDefinition': (<class 'troposphere.budgets.IamActionDefinition'>, False), 'ScpActionDefinition': (<class 'troposphere.budgets.ScpActionDefinition'>, False), 'SsmActionDefinition': (<class 'troposphere.budgets.SsmActionDefinition'>, False)}
class troposphere.budgets.HistoricalOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BudgetAdjustmentPeriod': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.budgets.IamActionDefinition(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Groups': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'PolicyArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Roles': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Users': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.budgets.Notification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ComparisonOperator': (<class 'str'>, True), 'NotificationType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Threshold': (<function double>, True), 'ThresholdType': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.budgets.NotificationWithSubscribers(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Notification': (<class 'troposphere.budgets.Notification'>, True), 'Subscribers': ([<class 'troposphere.budgets.Subscriber'>], True)}
class troposphere.budgets.ResourceTag(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Key': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.budgets.ScpActionDefinition(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PolicyId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TargetIds': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
class troposphere.budgets.Spend(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Amount': (<function double>, True), 'Unit': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.budgets.SsmActionDefinition(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InstanceIds': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Region': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Subtype': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.budgets.Subscriber(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Address': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SubscriptionType': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.budgets.TimePeriod(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'End': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Start': (<class 'str'>, False)}

troposphere.cassandra module

class troposphere.cassandra.AutoScalingSetting(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AutoScalingDisabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'MaximumUnits': (<function integer>, False), 'MinimumUnits': (<function integer>, False), 'ScalingPolicy': (<class 'troposphere.cassandra.ScalingPolicy'>, False)}
class troposphere.cassandra.AutoScalingSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ReadCapacityAutoScaling': (<class 'troposphere.cassandra.AutoScalingSetting'>, False), 'WriteCapacityAutoScaling': (<class 'troposphere.cassandra.AutoScalingSetting'>, False)}
class troposphere.cassandra.BillingMode(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Mode': (<function validate_billingmode_mode>, True), 'ProvisionedThroughput': (<class 'troposphere.cassandra.ProvisionedThroughput'>, False)}
class troposphere.cassandra.ClusteringKeyColumn(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Column': (<class 'troposphere.cassandra.Column'>, True), 'OrderBy': (<function validate_clusteringkeycolumn_orderby>, False)}
class troposphere.cassandra.Column(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ColumnName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ColumnType': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.cassandra.EncryptionSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EncryptionType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'KmsKeyIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.cassandra.Keyspace(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'KeyspaceName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ReplicationSpecification': (<class 'troposphere.cassandra.ReplicationSpecification'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Cassandra::Keyspace'
class troposphere.cassandra.ProvisionedThroughput(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ReadCapacityUnits': (<function integer>, True), 'WriteCapacityUnits': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.cassandra.ReplicaSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ReadCapacityAutoScaling': (<class 'troposphere.cassandra.AutoScalingSetting'>, False), 'ReadCapacityUnits': (<function integer>, False), 'Region': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.cassandra.ReplicationSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RegionList': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ReplicationStrategy': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.cassandra.ScalingPolicy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.cassandra.TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.cassandra.Table(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AutoScalingSpecifications': (<class 'troposphere.cassandra.AutoScalingSpecification'>, False), 'BillingMode': (<class 'troposphere.cassandra.BillingMode'>, False), 'ClientSideTimestampsEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'ClusteringKeyColumns': ([<class 'troposphere.cassandra.ClusteringKeyColumn'>], False), 'DefaultTimeToLive': (<function integer>, False), 'EncryptionSpecification': (<class 'troposphere.cassandra.EncryptionSpecification'>, False), 'KeyspaceName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PartitionKeyColumns': ([<class 'troposphere.cassandra.Column'>], True), 'PointInTimeRecoveryEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'RegularColumns': ([<class 'troposphere.cassandra.Column'>], False), 'ReplicaSpecifications': ([<class 'troposphere.cassandra.ReplicaSpecification'>], False), 'TableName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Cassandra::Table'
class troposphere.cassandra.TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DisableScaleIn': (<function boolean>, False), 'ScaleInCooldown': (<function integer>, False), 'ScaleOutCooldown': (<function integer>, False), 'TargetValue': (<function integer>, True)}

troposphere.ce module

class troposphere.ce.AnomalyMonitor(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MonitorDimension': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MonitorName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MonitorSpecification': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MonitorType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ResourceTags': ([<class 'troposphere.ce.ResourceTag'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CE::AnomalyMonitor'
class troposphere.ce.AnomalySubscription(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Frequency': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MonitorArnList': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'ResourceTags': ([<class 'troposphere.ce.ResourceTag'>], False), 'Subscribers': ([<class 'troposphere.ce.Subscriber'>], True), 'SubscriptionName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Threshold': (<function double>, False), 'ThresholdExpression': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CE::AnomalySubscription'
class troposphere.ce.CostCategory(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DefaultValue': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RuleVersion': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Rules': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SplitChargeRules': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CE::CostCategory'
class troposphere.ce.ResourceTag(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Key': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.ce.Subscriber(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Address': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Status': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}

troposphere.certificatemanager module

class troposphere.certificatemanager.Account(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ExpiryEventsConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.certificatemanager.ExpiryEventsConfiguration'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CertificateManager::Account'
class troposphere.certificatemanager.Certificate(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CertificateAuthorityArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CertificateTransparencyLoggingPreference': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DomainName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DomainValidationOptions': ([<class 'troposphere.certificatemanager.DomainValidationOption'>], False), 'KeyAlgorithm': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SubjectAlternativeNames': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Tags': (<function validate_tags_or_list>, False), 'ValidationMethod': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CertificateManager::Certificate'
class troposphere.certificatemanager.DomainValidationOption(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DomainName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'HostedZoneId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ValidationDomain': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.certificatemanager.ExpiryEventsConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DaysBeforeExpiry': (<function integer>, False)}

troposphere.chatbot module

class troposphere.chatbot.MicrosoftTeamsChannelConfiguration(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConfigurationName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'GuardrailPolicies': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'IamRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'LoggingLevel': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SnsTopicArns': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'TeamId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TeamsChannelId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TeamsTenantId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'UserRoleRequired': (<function boolean>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Chatbot::MicrosoftTeamsChannelConfiguration'
class troposphere.chatbot.SlackChannelConfiguration(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConfigurationName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'GuardrailPolicies': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'IamRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'LoggingLevel': (<function validate_logginglevel>, False), 'SlackChannelId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SlackWorkspaceId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SnsTopicArns': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'UserRoleRequired': (<function boolean>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Chatbot::SlackChannelConfiguration'

troposphere.cloud9 module

class troposphere.cloud9.EnvironmentEC2(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AutomaticStopTimeMinutes': (<function integer>, False), 'ConnectionType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ImageId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'InstanceType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OwnerArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Repositories': ([<class 'troposphere.cloud9.Repository'>], False), 'SubnetId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Cloud9::EnvironmentEC2'
class troposphere.cloud9.Repository(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PathComponent': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RepositoryUrl': (<class 'str'>, True)}

troposphere.cloudformation module

class troposphere.cloudformation.AutoDeployment(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'RetainStacksOnAccountRemoval': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.cloudformation.CustomResource(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ServiceToken': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CloudFormation::CustomResource'
class troposphere.cloudformation.DeploymentTargets(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccountFilterType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Accounts': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'AccountsUrl': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OrganizationalUnitIds': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.cloudformation.HookDefaultVersion(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TypeName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TypeVersionArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VersionId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CloudFormation::HookDefaultVersion'
class troposphere.cloudformation.HookTypeConfig(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Configuration': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ConfigurationAlias': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TypeArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TypeName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CloudFormation::HookTypeConfig'
class troposphere.cloudformation.HookVersion(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ExecutionRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LoggingConfig': (<class 'troposphere.cloudformation.LoggingConfig'>, False), 'SchemaHandlerPackage': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TypeName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CloudFormation::HookVersion'
class troposphere.cloudformation.LoggingConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LogGroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LogRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.cloudformation.Macro(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FunctionName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'LogGroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LogRoleARN': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CloudFormation::Macro'
class troposphere.cloudformation.ManagedExecution(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Active': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.cloudformation.ModuleDefaultVersion(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Arn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ModuleName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VersionId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CloudFormation::ModuleDefaultVersion'
class troposphere.cloudformation.ModuleVersion(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ModuleName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ModulePackage': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CloudFormation::ModuleVersion'
class troposphere.cloudformation.OperationPreferences(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FailureToleranceCount': (<function integer>, False), 'FailureTolerancePercentage': (<function integer>, False), 'MaxConcurrentCount': (<function integer>, False), 'MaxConcurrentPercentage': (<function integer>, False), 'RegionConcurrencyType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RegionOrder': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.cloudformation.Parameter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ParameterKey': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ParameterValue': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.cloudformation.PublicTypeVersion(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Arn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LogDeliveryBucket': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PublicVersionNumber': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TypeName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CloudFormation::PublicTypeVersion'
class troposphere.cloudformation.Publisher(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AcceptTermsAndConditions': (<function boolean>, True), 'ConnectionArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CloudFormation::Publisher'
class troposphere.cloudformation.ResourceDefaultVersion(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TypeName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TypeVersionArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VersionId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CloudFormation::ResourceDefaultVersion'
class troposphere.cloudformation.ResourceVersion(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ExecutionRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LoggingConfig': (<class 'troposphere.cloudformation.LoggingConfig'>, False), 'SchemaHandlerPackage': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TypeName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CloudFormation::ResourceVersion'
class troposphere.cloudformation.Stack(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'NotificationARNs': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Parameters': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TemplateURL': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TimeoutInMinutes': (<function integer>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CloudFormation::Stack'
class troposphere.cloudformation.StackInstances(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DeploymentTargets': (<class 'troposphere.cloudformation.DeploymentTargets'>, True), 'ParameterOverrides': ([<class 'troposphere.cloudformation.Parameter'>], False), 'Regions': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
class troposphere.cloudformation.StackSet(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AdministrationRoleARN': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AutoDeployment': (<class 'troposphere.cloudformation.AutoDeployment'>, False), 'CallAs': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Capabilities': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ExecutionRoleName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ManagedExecution': (<class 'troposphere.cloudformation.ManagedExecution'>, False), 'OperationPreferences': (<class 'troposphere.cloudformation.OperationPreferences'>, False), 'Parameters': ([<class 'troposphere.cloudformation.Parameter'>], False), 'PermissionModel': (<class 'str'>, True), 'StackInstancesGroup': ([<class 'troposphere.cloudformation.StackInstances'>], False), 'StackSetName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TemplateBody': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TemplateURL': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CloudFormation::StackSet'
class troposphere.cloudformation.TypeActivation(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AutoUpdate': (<function boolean>, False), 'ExecutionRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LoggingConfig': (<class 'troposphere.cloudformation.LoggingConfig'>, False), 'MajorVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PublicTypeArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PublisherId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TypeName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TypeNameAlias': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VersionBump': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CloudFormation::TypeActivation'
class troposphere.cloudformation.WaitCondition(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Count': (<function integer>, False), 'Handle': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Timeout': (<function validate_int_to_str>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CloudFormation::WaitCondition'
class troposphere.cloudformation.WaitConditionHandle(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CloudFormation::WaitConditionHandle'

troposphere.cloudfront module

class troposphere.cloudfront.AccessControlAllowHeaders(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Items': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.AccessControlAllowMethods(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Items': (<function cloudfront_access_control_allow_methods>, True)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.AccessControlAllowOrigins(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Items': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.AccessControlExposeHeaders(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Items': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.CacheBehavior(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AllowedMethods': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'CachePolicyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CachedMethods': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Compress': (<function boolean>, False), 'DefaultTTL': (<function double>, False), 'FieldLevelEncryptionId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ForwardedValues': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.ForwardedValues'>, False), 'FunctionAssociations': ([<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.FunctionAssociation'>], False), 'LambdaFunctionAssociations': ([<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.LambdaFunctionAssociation'>], False), 'MaxTTL': (<function double>, False), 'MinTTL': (<function double>, False), 'OriginRequestPolicyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PathPattern': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RealtimeLogConfigArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ResponseHeadersPolicyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SmoothStreaming': (<function boolean>, False), 'TargetOriginId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TrustedKeyGroups': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'TrustedSigners': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ViewerProtocolPolicy': (<function cloudfront_viewer_protocol_policy>, True)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.CacheCookiesConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CookieBehavior': (<function cloudfront_cache_cookie_behavior>, True), 'Cookies': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.CacheHeadersConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'HeaderBehavior': (<function cloudfront_cache_header_behavior>, True), 'Headers': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.CachePolicy(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CachePolicyConfig': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.CachePolicyConfig'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CloudFront::CachePolicy'
class troposphere.cloudfront.CachePolicyConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Comment': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DefaultTTL': (<function double>, True), 'MaxTTL': (<function double>, True), 'MinTTL': (<function double>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ParametersInCacheKeyAndForwardedToOrigin': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.ParametersInCacheKeyAndForwardedToOrigin'>, True)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.CacheQueryStringsConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'QueryStringBehavior': (<function cloudfront_cache_query_string_behavior>, True), 'QueryStrings': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CloudFront::CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity'
class troposphere.cloudfront.CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Comment': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.ContentSecurityPolicy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContentSecurityPolicy': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Override': (<function boolean>, True)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.ContentTypeOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Override': (<function boolean>, True)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.ContinuousDeploymentPolicy(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContinuousDeploymentPolicyConfig': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.ContinuousDeploymentPolicyConfig'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CloudFront::ContinuousDeploymentPolicy'
class troposphere.cloudfront.ContinuousDeploymentPolicyConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Enabled': (<function boolean>, True), 'SingleHeaderPolicyConfig': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.SingleHeaderPolicyConfig'>, False), 'SingleWeightPolicyConfig': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.SingleWeightPolicyConfig'>, False), 'StagingDistributionDnsNames': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'TrafficConfig': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.TrafficConfig'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.Cookies(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Forward': (<function cloudfront_forward_type>, True), 'WhitelistedNames': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.CorsConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessControlAllowCredentials': (<function boolean>, True), 'AccessControlAllowHeaders': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.AccessControlAllowHeaders'>, True), 'AccessControlAllowMethods': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.AccessControlAllowMethods'>, True), 'AccessControlAllowOrigins': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.AccessControlAllowOrigins'>, True), 'AccessControlExposeHeaders': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.AccessControlExposeHeaders'>, False), 'AccessControlMaxAgeSec': (<function integer>, False), 'OriginOverride': (<function boolean>, True)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.CustomErrorResponse(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ErrorCachingMinTTL': (<function double>, False), 'ErrorCode': (<function integer>, True), 'ResponseCode': (<function integer>, False), 'ResponsePagePath': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.CustomHeader(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Header': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Override': (<function boolean>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.CustomHeadersConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Items': ([<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.CustomHeader'>], True)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.CustomOriginConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'HTTPPort': (<function validate_network_port>, False), 'HTTPSPort': (<function validate_network_port>, False), 'OriginKeepaliveTimeout': (<function integer>, False), 'OriginProtocolPolicy': (<class 'str'>, True), 'OriginReadTimeout': (<function integer>, False), 'OriginSSLProtocols': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.DefaultCacheBehavior(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AllowedMethods': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'CachePolicyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CachedMethods': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Compress': (<function boolean>, False), 'DefaultTTL': (<function double>, False), 'FieldLevelEncryptionId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ForwardedValues': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.ForwardedValues'>, False), 'FunctionAssociations': ([<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.FunctionAssociation'>], False), 'LambdaFunctionAssociations': ([<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.LambdaFunctionAssociation'>], False), 'MaxTTL': (<function double>, False), 'MinTTL': (<function double>, False), 'OriginRequestPolicyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RealtimeLogConfigArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ResponseHeadersPolicyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SmoothStreaming': (<function boolean>, False), 'TargetOriginId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TrustedKeyGroups': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'TrustedSigners': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ViewerProtocolPolicy': (<function cloudfront_viewer_protocol_policy>, True)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.Distribution(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DistributionConfig': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.DistributionConfig'>, True), 'Tags': (<function validate_tags_or_list>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CloudFront::Distribution'
class troposphere.cloudfront.DistributionConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Aliases': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'CNAMEs': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'CacheBehaviors': ([<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.CacheBehavior'>], False), 'Comment': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ContinuousDeploymentPolicyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CustomErrorResponses': ([<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.CustomErrorResponse'>], False), 'CustomOrigin': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.LegacyCustomOrigin'>, False), 'DefaultCacheBehavior': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.DefaultCacheBehavior'>, True), 'DefaultRootObject': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Enabled': (<function boolean>, True), 'HttpVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IPV6Enabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'Logging': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.Logging'>, False), 'OriginGroups': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.OriginGroups'>, False), 'Origins': ([<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.Origin'>], False), 'PriceClass': (<function priceclass_type>, False), 'Restrictions': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.Restrictions'>, False), 'S3Origin': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.LegacyS3Origin'>, False), 'Staging': (<function boolean>, False), 'ViewerCertificate': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.ViewerCertificate'>, False), 'WebACLId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.EndPoint(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'KinesisStreamConfig': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.KinesisStreamConfig'>, True), 'StreamType': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.ForwardedValues(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Cookies': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.Cookies'>, False), 'Headers': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'QueryString': (<function boolean>, True), 'QueryStringCacheKeys': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.FrameOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FrameOption': (<function cloudfront_frame_option>, True), 'Override': (<function boolean>, True)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.Function(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AutoPublish': (<function boolean>, False), 'FunctionCode': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FunctionConfig': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.FunctionConfig'>, True), 'FunctionMetadata': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.FunctionMetadata'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CloudFront::Function'
class troposphere.cloudfront.FunctionAssociation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EventType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FunctionARN': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.FunctionConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Comment': (<class 'str'>, True), 'KeyValueStoreAssociations': ([<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.KeyValueStoreAssociation'>], False), 'Runtime': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.FunctionMetadata(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FunctionARN': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.GeoRestriction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Locations': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'RestrictionType': (<function cloudfront_restriction_type>, True)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.ImportSource(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SourceArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SourceType': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.KeyGroup(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'KeyGroupConfig': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.KeyGroupConfig'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CloudFront::KeyGroup'
class troposphere.cloudfront.KeyGroupConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Comment': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Items': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.KeyValueStore(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Comment': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ImportSource': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.ImportSource'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CloudFront::KeyValueStore'
class troposphere.cloudfront.KeyValueStoreAssociation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'KeyValueStoreARN': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.KinesisStreamConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'StreamArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.LambdaFunctionAssociation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EventType': (<function cloudfront_event_type>, False), 'IncludeBody': (<function boolean>, False), 'LambdaFunctionARN': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.LegacyCustomOrigin(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DNSName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'HTTPPort': (<function integer>, False), 'HTTPSPort': (<function integer>, False), 'OriginProtocolPolicy': (<class 'str'>, True), 'OriginSSLProtocols': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.LegacyS3Origin(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DNSName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'OriginAccessIdentity': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.Logging(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Bucket': (<class 'str'>, True), 'IncludeCookies': (<function boolean>, False), 'Prefix': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.MonitoringSubscription(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DistributionId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MonitoringSubscription': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.MonitoringSubscriptionProperty'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CloudFront::MonitoringSubscription'
class troposphere.cloudfront.MonitoringSubscriptionProperty(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RealtimeMetricsSubscriptionConfig': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.RealtimeMetricsSubscriptionConfig'>, False)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.Origin(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConnectionAttempts': (<function integer>, False), 'ConnectionTimeout': (<function integer>, False), 'CustomOriginConfig': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.CustomOriginConfig'>, False), 'DomainName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Id': (<class 'str'>, True), 'OriginAccessControlId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OriginCustomHeaders': ([<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.OriginCustomHeader'>], False), 'OriginPath': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OriginShield': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.OriginShield'>, False), 'S3OriginConfig': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.S3OriginConfig'>, False)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.OriginAccessControl(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'OriginAccessControlConfig': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.OriginAccessControlConfig'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CloudFront::OriginAccessControl'
class troposphere.cloudfront.OriginAccessControlConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'OriginAccessControlOriginType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SigningBehavior': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SigningProtocol': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.OriginCustomHeader(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'HeaderName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'HeaderValue': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.OriginGroup(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FailoverCriteria': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.OriginGroupFailoverCriteria'>, True), 'Id': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Members': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.OriginGroupMembers'>, True)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.OriginGroupFailoverCriteria(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'StatusCodes': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.StatusCodes'>, True)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.OriginGroupMember(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'OriginId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.OriginGroupMembers(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Items': ([<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.OriginGroupMember'>], True), 'Quantity': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.OriginGroups(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Items': ([<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.OriginGroup'>], False), 'Quantity': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.OriginRequestCookiesConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CookieBehavior': (<function cloudfront_origin_request_cookie_behavior>, True), 'Cookies': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.OriginRequestHeadersConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'HeaderBehavior': (<function cloudfront_origin_request_header_behavior>, True), 'Headers': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.OriginRequestPolicy(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'OriginRequestPolicyConfig': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.OriginRequestPolicyConfig'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CloudFront::OriginRequestPolicy'
class troposphere.cloudfront.OriginRequestPolicyConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Comment': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CookiesConfig': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.OriginRequestCookiesConfig'>, True), 'HeadersConfig': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.OriginRequestHeadersConfig'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'QueryStringsConfig': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.OriginRequestQueryStringsConfig'>, True)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.OriginRequestQueryStringsConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'QueryStringBehavior': (<function cloudfront_origin_request_query_string_behavior>, True), 'QueryStrings': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.OriginShield(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'OriginShieldRegion': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.ParametersInCacheKeyAndForwardedToOrigin(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CookiesConfig': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.CacheCookiesConfig'>, True), 'EnableAcceptEncodingBrotli': (<function boolean>, False), 'EnableAcceptEncodingGzip': (<function boolean>, True), 'HeadersConfig': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.CacheHeadersConfig'>, True), 'QueryStringsConfig': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.CacheQueryStringsConfig'>, True)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.PublicKey(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PublicKeyConfig': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.PublicKeyConfig'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CloudFront::PublicKey'
class troposphere.cloudfront.PublicKeyConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CallerReference': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Comment': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EncodedKey': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.RealtimeLogConfig(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EndPoints': ([<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.EndPoint'>], True), 'Fields': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SamplingRate': (<function double>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CloudFront::RealtimeLogConfig'
class troposphere.cloudfront.RealtimeMetricsSubscriptionConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RealtimeMetricsSubscriptionStatus': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.ReferrerPolicy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Override': (<function boolean>, True), 'ReferrerPolicy': (<function cloudfront_referrer_policy>, True)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.RemoveHeader(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Header': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.RemoveHeadersConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Items': ([<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.RemoveHeader'>], True)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.ResponseHeadersPolicy(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ResponseHeadersPolicyConfig': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.ResponseHeadersPolicyConfig'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CloudFront::ResponseHeadersPolicy'
class troposphere.cloudfront.ResponseHeadersPolicyConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Comment': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CorsConfig': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.CorsConfig'>, False), 'CustomHeadersConfig': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.CustomHeadersConfig'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RemoveHeadersConfig': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.RemoveHeadersConfig'>, False), 'SecurityHeadersConfig': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.SecurityHeadersConfig'>, False), 'ServerTimingHeadersConfig': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.ServerTimingHeadersConfig'>, False)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.Restrictions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'GeoRestriction': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.GeoRestriction'>, True)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.S3Origin(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DomainName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'OriginAccessIdentity': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.S3OriginConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'OriginAccessIdentity': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.SecurityHeadersConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContentSecurityPolicy': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.ContentSecurityPolicy'>, False), 'ContentTypeOptions': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.ContentTypeOptions'>, False), 'FrameOptions': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.FrameOptions'>, False), 'ReferrerPolicy': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.ReferrerPolicy'>, False), 'StrictTransportSecurity': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.StrictTransportSecurity'>, False), 'XSSProtection': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.XSSProtection'>, False)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.ServerTimingHeadersConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Enabled': (<function boolean>, True), 'SamplingRate': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.SessionStickinessConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'IdleTTL': (<function integer>, True), 'MaximumTTL': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.SingleHeaderConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Header': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.SingleHeaderPolicyConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Header': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.SingleWeightConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SessionStickinessConfig': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.SessionStickinessConfig'>, False), 'Weight': (<function double>, True)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.SingleWeightPolicyConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SessionStickinessConfig': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.SessionStickinessConfig'>, False), 'Weight': (<function double>, True)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.StatusCodes(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Items': ([<function integer>], True), 'Quantity': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.StreamingDistribution(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'StreamingDistributionConfig': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.StreamingDistributionConfig'>, True), 'Tags': (<function validate_tags_or_list>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CloudFront::StreamingDistribution'
class troposphere.cloudfront.StreamingDistributionConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Aliases': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Comment': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Enabled': (<function boolean>, True), 'Logging': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.StreamingDistributioniLogging'>, False), 'PriceClass': (<function priceclass_type>, False), 'S3Origin': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.S3Origin'>, True), 'TrustedSigners': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.TrustedSigners'>, True)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.StreamingDistributioniLogging(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Bucket': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Enabled': (<function boolean>, True), 'Prefix': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.StrictTransportSecurity(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessControlMaxAgeSec': (<function integer>, True), 'IncludeSubdomains': (<function boolean>, False), 'Override': (<function boolean>, True), 'Preload': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.TrafficConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SingleHeaderConfig': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.SingleHeaderConfig'>, False), 'SingleWeightConfig': (<class 'troposphere.cloudfront.SingleWeightConfig'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.TrustedSigners(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AwsAccountNumbers': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Enabled': (<function boolean>, True)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.ViewerCertificate(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AcmCertificateArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CloudFrontDefaultCertificate': (<function boolean>, False), 'IamCertificateId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MinimumProtocolVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SslSupportMethod': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.cloudfront.XSSProtection(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ModeBlock': (<function boolean>, False), 'Override': (<function boolean>, True), 'Protection': (<function boolean>, True), 'ReportUri': (<class 'str'>, False)}

troposphere.cloudtrail module

class troposphere.cloudtrail.AdvancedEventSelector(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FieldSelectors': ([<class 'troposphere.cloudtrail.AdvancedFieldSelector'>], True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.cloudtrail.AdvancedFieldSelector(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EndsWith': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Equals': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Field': (<class 'str'>, True), 'NotEndsWith': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'NotEquals': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'NotStartsWith': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'StartsWith': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.cloudtrail.Channel(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Destinations': ([<class 'troposphere.cloudtrail.Destination'>], False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Source': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CloudTrail::Channel'
class troposphere.cloudtrail.DataResource(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Type': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Values': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.cloudtrail.Destination(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Location': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.cloudtrail.EventDataStore(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AdvancedEventSelectors': ([<class 'troposphere.cloudtrail.AdvancedEventSelector'>], False), 'BillingMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FederationEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'FederationRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IngestionEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'InsightSelectors': ([<class 'troposphere.cloudtrail.InsightSelector'>], False), 'InsightsDestination': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MultiRegionEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OrganizationEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'RetentionPeriod': (<function integer>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TerminationProtectionEnabled': (<function boolean>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CloudTrail::EventDataStore'
class troposphere.cloudtrail.EventSelector(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataResources': ([<class 'troposphere.cloudtrail.DataResource'>], False), 'ExcludeManagementEventSources': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'IncludeManagementEvents': (<function boolean>, False), 'ReadWriteType': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.cloudtrail.InsightSelector(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InsightType': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.cloudtrail.ResourcePolicy(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ResourceArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ResourcePolicy': (<class 'dict'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CloudTrail::ResourcePolicy'
class troposphere.cloudtrail.Trail(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AdvancedEventSelectors': ([<class 'troposphere.cloudtrail.AdvancedEventSelector'>], False), 'CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CloudWatchLogsRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EnableLogFileValidation': (<function boolean>, False), 'EventSelectors': ([<class 'troposphere.cloudtrail.EventSelector'>], False), 'IncludeGlobalServiceEvents': (<function boolean>, False), 'InsightSelectors': ([<class 'troposphere.cloudtrail.InsightSelector'>], False), 'IsLogging': (<function boolean>, True), 'IsMultiRegionTrail': (<function boolean>, False), 'IsOrganizationTrail': (<function boolean>, False), 'KMSKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3BucketName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'S3KeyPrefix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SnsTopicName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TrailName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CloudTrail::Trail'

troposphere.cloudwatch module

class troposphere.cloudwatch.Alarm(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ActionsEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'AlarmActions': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'AlarmDescription': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AlarmName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ComparisonOperator': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DatapointsToAlarm': (<function integer>, False), 'Dimensions': ([<class 'troposphere.cloudwatch.MetricDimension'>], False), 'EvaluateLowSampleCountPercentile': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EvaluationPeriods': (<function integer>, True), 'ExtendedStatistic': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InsufficientDataActions': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'MetricName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Metrics': ([<class 'troposphere.cloudwatch.MetricDataQuery'>], False), 'Namespace': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OKActions': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Period': (<function integer>, False), 'Statistic': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'Threshold': (<function double>, False), 'ThresholdMetricId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TreatMissingData': (<function validate_treat_missing_data>, False), 'Unit': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm'
class troposphere.cloudwatch.AnomalyDetector(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Configuration': (<class 'troposphere.cloudwatch.Configuration'>, False), 'Dimensions': ([<class 'troposphere.cloudwatch.MetricDimension'>], False), 'MetricCharacteristics': (<class 'troposphere.cloudwatch.MetricCharacteristics'>, False), 'MetricMathAnomalyDetector': (<class 'troposphere.cloudwatch.MetricMathAnomalyDetector'>, False), 'MetricName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Namespace': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SingleMetricAnomalyDetector': (<class 'troposphere.cloudwatch.SingleMetricAnomalyDetector'>, False), 'Stat': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CloudWatch::AnomalyDetector'
class troposphere.cloudwatch.CompositeAlarm(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ActionsEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'ActionsSuppressor': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ActionsSuppressorExtensionPeriod': (<function integer>, False), 'ActionsSuppressorWaitPeriod': (<function integer>, False), 'AlarmActions': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'AlarmDescription': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AlarmName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AlarmRule': (<class 'str'>, True), 'InsufficientDataActions': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'OKActions': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CloudWatch::CompositeAlarm'
class troposphere.cloudwatch.Configuration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ExcludedTimeRanges': ([<class 'troposphere.cloudwatch.Range'>], False), 'MetricTimeZone': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.cloudwatch.Dashboard(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DashboardBody': (<function dict_or_string>, True), 'DashboardName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CloudWatch::Dashboard'
class troposphere.cloudwatch.InsightRule(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RuleBody': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RuleName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RuleState': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CloudWatch::InsightRule'
class troposphere.cloudwatch.Metric(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Dimensions': ([<class 'troposphere.cloudwatch.MetricDimension'>], False), 'MetricName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Namespace': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.cloudwatch.MetricCharacteristics(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PeriodicSpikes': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.cloudwatch.MetricDataQuery(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccountId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Expression': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Id': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Label': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MetricStat': (<class 'troposphere.cloudwatch.MetricStat'>, False), 'Period': (<function integer>, False), 'ReturnData': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.cloudwatch.MetricDimension(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.cloudwatch.MetricMathAnomalyDetector(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MetricDataQueries': ([<class 'troposphere.cloudwatch.MetricDataQuery'>], False)}
class troposphere.cloudwatch.MetricStat(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Metric': (<class 'troposphere.cloudwatch.Metric'>, True), 'Period': (<function integer>, True), 'Stat': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Unit': (<function validate_unit>, False)}
class troposphere.cloudwatch.MetricStream(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ExcludeFilters': ([<class 'troposphere.cloudwatch.MetricStreamFilter'>], False), 'FirehoseArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'IncludeFilters': ([<class 'troposphere.cloudwatch.MetricStreamFilter'>], False), 'IncludeLinkedAccountsMetrics': (<function boolean>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OutputFormat': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'StatisticsConfigurations': ([<class 'troposphere.cloudwatch.MetricStreamStatisticsConfiguration'>], False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CloudWatch::MetricStream'
class troposphere.cloudwatch.MetricStreamFilter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MetricNames': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Namespace': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.cloudwatch.MetricStreamStatisticsConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AdditionalStatistics': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'IncludeMetrics': ([<class 'troposphere.cloudwatch.MetricStreamStatisticsMetric'>], True)}
class troposphere.cloudwatch.MetricStreamStatisticsMetric(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MetricName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Namespace': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.cloudwatch.Range(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EndTime': (<class 'str'>, True), 'StartTime': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.cloudwatch.SingleMetricAnomalyDetector(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccountId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Dimensions': ([<class 'troposphere.cloudwatch.MetricDimension'>], False), 'MetricName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Namespace': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Stat': (<class 'str'>, False)}

troposphere.codeartifact module

class troposphere.codeartifact.Domain(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DomainName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'EncryptionKey': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PermissionsPolicyDocument': (<function policytypes>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CodeArtifact::Domain'
class troposphere.codeartifact.OriginConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Restrictions': (<class 'troposphere.codeartifact.Restrictions'>, True)}
class troposphere.codeartifact.PackageGroup(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContactInfo': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DomainName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DomainOwner': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OriginConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.codeartifact.OriginConfiguration'>, False), 'Pattern': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CodeArtifact::PackageGroup'
class troposphere.codeartifact.Repository(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DomainName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DomainOwner': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ExternalConnections': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'PermissionsPolicyDocument': (<function policytypes>, False), 'RepositoryName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'Upstreams': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CodeArtifact::Repository'
class troposphere.codeartifact.RestrictionType(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Repositories': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'RestrictionMode': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.codeartifact.Restrictions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ExternalUpstream': (<class 'troposphere.codeartifact.RestrictionType'>, False), 'InternalUpstream': (<class 'troposphere.codeartifact.RestrictionType'>, False), 'Publish': (<class 'troposphere.codeartifact.RestrictionType'>, False)}

troposphere.codebuild module

class troposphere.codebuild.Artifacts(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ArtifactIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EncryptionDisabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'Location': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NamespaceType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OverrideArtifactName': (<function boolean>, False), 'Packaging': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Path': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.codebuild.BatchRestrictions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ComputeTypesAllowed': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'MaximumBuildsAllowed': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.codebuild.BuildStatusConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Context': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TargetUrl': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.codebuild.CloudWatchLogs(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'GroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Status': (<function validate_status>, True), 'StreamName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.codebuild.Environment(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Certificate': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ComputeType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'EnvironmentVariables': (<function validate_environmentvariable_or_list>, False), 'Fleet': (<class 'troposphere.codebuild.ProjectFleet'>, False), 'Image': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ImagePullCredentialsType': (<function validate_image_pull_credentials>, False), 'PrivilegedMode': (<function boolean>, False), 'RegistryCredential': (<class 'troposphere.codebuild.RegistryCredential'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.codebuild.EnvironmentVariable(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.codebuild.Fleet(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BaseCapacity': (<function integer>, False), 'ComputeType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EnvironmentType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CodeBuild::Fleet'
class troposphere.codebuild.GitSubmodulesConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FetchSubmodules': (<function boolean>, True)}
class troposphere.codebuild.LogsConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CloudWatchLogs': (<class 'troposphere.codebuild.CloudWatchLogs'>, False), 'S3Logs': (<class 'troposphere.codebuild.S3Logs'>, False)}
class troposphere.codebuild.Project(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Artifacts': (<class 'troposphere.codebuild.Artifacts'>, True), 'BadgeEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'BuildBatchConfig': (<class 'troposphere.codebuild.ProjectBuildBatchConfig'>, False), 'Cache': (<class 'troposphere.codebuild.ProjectCache'>, False), 'ConcurrentBuildLimit': (<function integer>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EncryptionKey': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Environment': (<class 'troposphere.codebuild.Environment'>, True), 'FileSystemLocations': ([<class 'troposphere.codebuild.ProjectFileSystemLocation'>], False), 'LogsConfig': (<class 'troposphere.codebuild.LogsConfig'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'QueuedTimeoutInMinutes': (<function integer>, False), 'ResourceAccessRole': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecondaryArtifacts': ([<class 'troposphere.codebuild.Artifacts'>], False), 'SecondarySourceVersions': ([<class 'troposphere.codebuild.ProjectSourceVersion'>], False), 'SecondarySources': ([<class 'troposphere.codebuild.Source'>], False), 'ServiceRole': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Source': (<class 'troposphere.codebuild.Source'>, True), 'SourceVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TimeoutInMinutes': (<function integer>, False), 'Triggers': (<class 'troposphere.codebuild.ProjectTriggers'>, False), 'Visibility': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VpcConfig': (<class 'troposphere.codebuild.VpcConfig'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CodeBuild::Project'
class troposphere.codebuild.ProjectBuildBatchConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BatchReportMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CombineArtifacts': (<function boolean>, False), 'Restrictions': (<class 'troposphere.codebuild.BatchRestrictions'>, False), 'ServiceRole': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TimeoutInMins': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.codebuild.ProjectCache(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Location': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Modes': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.codebuild.ProjectFileSystemLocation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Identifier': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Location': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MountOptions': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MountPoint': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Type': (<function validate_projectfilesystemlocation_type>, True)}
class troposphere.codebuild.ProjectFleet(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FleetArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.codebuild.ProjectSourceVersion(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SourceIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SourceVersion': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.codebuild.ProjectTriggers(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BuildType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FilterGroups': (<class 'list'>, False), 'Webhook': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.codebuild.RegistryCredential(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Credential': (<class 'str'>, True), 'CredentialProvider': (<function validate_credentials_provider>, True)}
class troposphere.codebuild.ReportExportConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ExportConfigType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'S3Destination': (<class 'troposphere.codebuild.S3ReportExportConfig'>, False)}
class troposphere.codebuild.ReportGroup(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DeleteReports': (<function boolean>, False), 'ExportConfig': (<class 'troposphere.codebuild.ReportExportConfig'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CodeBuild::ReportGroup'
class troposphere.codebuild.S3Logs(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EncryptionDisabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'Location': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Status': (<function validate_status>, True)}
class troposphere.codebuild.S3ReportExportConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Bucket': (<class 'str'>, True), 'BucketOwner': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EncryptionDisabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'EncryptionKey': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Packaging': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Path': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.codebuild.Source(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Auth': (<class 'troposphere.codebuild.SourceAuth'>, False), 'BuildSpec': (<class 'str'>, False), 'BuildStatusConfig': (<class 'troposphere.codebuild.BuildStatusConfig'>, False), 'GitCloneDepth': (<function integer>, False), 'GitSubmodulesConfig': (<class 'troposphere.codebuild.GitSubmodulesConfig'>, False), 'InsecureSsl': (<function boolean>, False), 'Location': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ReportBuildStatus': (<function boolean>, False), 'SourceIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.codebuild.SourceAuth(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Resource': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.codebuild.SourceCredential(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AuthType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ServerType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Token': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Username': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CodeBuild::SourceCredential'
class troposphere.codebuild.VpcConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SecurityGroupIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Subnets': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'VpcId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.codebuild.WebhookFilter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ExcludeMatchedPattern': (<function boolean>, False), 'Pattern': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Type': (<function validate_webhookfilter_type>, True)}

troposphere.codecommit module

class troposphere.codecommit.Code(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BranchName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3': (<class 'troposphere.codecommit.S3'>, True)}
class troposphere.codecommit.Repository(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Code': (<class 'troposphere.codecommit.Code'>, False), 'KmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RepositoryDescription': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RepositoryName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'Triggers': ([<class 'troposphere.codecommit.Trigger'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CodeCommit::Repository'
class troposphere.codecommit.S3(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Bucket': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Key': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ObjectVersion': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.codecommit.Trigger(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Branches': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'CustomData': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DestinationArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Events': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True)}

troposphere.codedeploy module

class troposphere.codedeploy.Alarm(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.codedeploy.AlarmConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Alarms': ([<class 'troposphere.codedeploy.Alarm'>], False), 'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'IgnorePollAlarmFailure': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.codedeploy.Application(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApplicationName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ComputePlatform': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CodeDeploy::Application'
class troposphere.codedeploy.AutoRollbackConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'Events': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.codedeploy.BlueGreenDeploymentConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DeploymentReadyOption': (<class 'troposphere.codedeploy.DeploymentReadyOption'>, False), 'GreenFleetProvisioningOption': (<class 'troposphere.codedeploy.GreenFleetProvisioningOption'>, False), 'TerminateBlueInstancesOnDeploymentSuccess': (<class 'troposphere.codedeploy.BlueInstanceTerminationOption'>, False)}
class troposphere.codedeploy.BlueInstanceTerminationOption(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Action': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TerminationWaitTimeInMinutes': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.codedeploy.Deployment(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IgnoreApplicationStopFailures': (<function boolean>, False), 'Revision': (<class 'troposphere.codedeploy.Revision'>, True)}
class troposphere.codedeploy.DeploymentConfig(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ComputePlatform': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DeploymentConfigName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MinimumHealthyHosts': (<class 'troposphere.codedeploy.MinimumHealthyHosts'>, False), 'TrafficRoutingConfig': (<class 'troposphere.codedeploy.TrafficRoutingConfig'>, False), 'ZonalConfig': (<class 'troposphere.codedeploy.ZonalConfig'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentConfig'
class troposphere.codedeploy.DeploymentGroup(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AlarmConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.codedeploy.AlarmConfiguration'>, False), 'ApplicationName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'AutoRollbackConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.codedeploy.AutoRollbackConfiguration'>, False), 'AutoScalingGroups': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'BlueGreenDeploymentConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.codedeploy.BlueGreenDeploymentConfiguration'>, False), 'Deployment': (<class 'troposphere.codedeploy.Deployment'>, False), 'DeploymentConfigName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DeploymentGroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DeploymentStyle': (<class 'troposphere.codedeploy.DeploymentStyle'>, False), 'ECSServices': ([<class 'troposphere.codedeploy.ECSService'>], False), 'Ec2TagFilters': ([<class 'troposphere.codedeploy.Ec2TagFilters'>], False), 'Ec2TagSet': (<class 'troposphere.codedeploy.Ec2TagSet'>, False), 'LoadBalancerInfo': (<class 'troposphere.codedeploy.LoadBalancerInfo'>, False), 'OnPremisesInstanceTagFilters': ([<class 'troposphere.codedeploy.OnPremisesInstanceTagFilters'>], False), 'OnPremisesTagSet': (<class 'troposphere.codedeploy.OnPremisesTagSet'>, False), 'OutdatedInstancesStrategy': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ServiceRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TerminationHookEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'TriggerConfigurations': ([<class 'troposphere.codedeploy.TriggerConfig'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup'
class troposphere.codedeploy.DeploymentReadyOption(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ActionOnTimeout': (<class 'str'>, False), 'WaitTimeInMinutes': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.codedeploy.DeploymentStyle(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DeploymentOption': (<function deployment_option_validator>, False), 'DeploymentType': (<function deployment_type_validator>, False)}
class troposphere.codedeploy.ECSService(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ClusterName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ServiceName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.codedeploy.Ec2TagFilters(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Key': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.codedeploy.Ec2TagSet(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Ec2TagSetList': ([<class 'troposphere.codedeploy.Ec2TagSetListObject'>], False)}
class troposphere.codedeploy.Ec2TagSetListObject(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Ec2TagGroup': ([<class 'troposphere.codedeploy.Ec2TagFilters'>], False)}
class troposphere.codedeploy.ElbInfoList(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.codedeploy.GitHubLocation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CommitId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Repository': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.codedeploy.GreenFleetProvisioningOption(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Action': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.codedeploy.LoadBalancerInfo(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ElbInfoList': ([<class 'troposphere.codedeploy.ElbInfoList'>], False), 'TargetGroupInfoList': ([<class 'troposphere.codedeploy.TargetGroupInfo'>], False), 'TargetGroupPairInfoList': ([<class 'troposphere.codedeploy.TargetGroupPairInfo'>], False)}
class troposphere.codedeploy.MinimumHealthyHosts(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Type': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.codedeploy.MinimumHealthyHostsPerZone(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Type': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.codedeploy.OnPremisesInstanceTagFilters(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Key': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.codedeploy.OnPremisesTagSet(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'OnPremisesTagSetList': ([<class 'troposphere.codedeploy.OnPremisesTagSetListObject'>], False)}
class troposphere.codedeploy.OnPremisesTagSetListObject(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'OnPremisesTagGroup': ([<class 'troposphere.codedeploy.TagFilter'>], False)}
class troposphere.codedeploy.Revision(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'GitHubLocation': (<class 'troposphere.codedeploy.GitHubLocation'>, False), 'RevisionType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3Location': (<class 'troposphere.codedeploy.S3Location'>, False)}
class troposphere.codedeploy.S3Location(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Bucket': (<class 'str'>, True), 'BundleType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ETag': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Key': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Version': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.codedeploy.TagFilter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Key': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.codedeploy.TargetGroupInfo(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.codedeploy.TargetGroupPairInfo(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ProdTrafficRoute': (<class 'troposphere.codedeploy.TrafficRoute'>, False), 'TargetGroups': ([<class 'troposphere.codedeploy.TargetGroupInfo'>], False), 'TestTrafficRoute': (<class 'troposphere.codedeploy.TrafficRoute'>, False)}
class troposphere.codedeploy.TimeBasedCanary(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CanaryInterval': (<function integer>, True), 'CanaryPercentage': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.codedeploy.TimeBasedLinear(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LinearInterval': (<function integer>, True), 'LinearPercentage': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.codedeploy.TrafficRoute(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ListenerArns': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.codedeploy.TrafficRoutingConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TimeBasedCanary': (<class 'troposphere.codedeploy.TimeBasedCanary'>, False), 'TimeBasedLinear': (<class 'troposphere.codedeploy.TimeBasedLinear'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.codedeploy.TriggerConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TriggerEvents': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'TriggerName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TriggerTargetArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.codedeploy.ZonalConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FirstZoneMonitorDurationInSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'MinimumHealthyHostsPerZone': (<class 'troposphere.codedeploy.MinimumHealthyHostsPerZone'>, False), 'MonitorDurationInSeconds': (<function integer>, False)}

troposphere.codeguruprofiler module

class troposphere.codeguruprofiler.AgentPermissions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Principals': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
class troposphere.codeguruprofiler.Channel(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'channelId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'channelUri': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.codeguruprofiler.ProfilingGroup(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AgentPermissions': (<class 'troposphere.codeguruprofiler.AgentPermissions'>, False), 'AnomalyDetectionNotificationConfiguration': ([<class 'troposphere.codeguruprofiler.Channel'>], False), 'ComputePlatform': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ProfilingGroupName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CodeGuruProfiler::ProfilingGroup'

troposphere.codegurureviewer module

class troposphere.codegurureviewer.RepositoryAssociation(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BucketName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ConnectionArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Owner': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CodeGuruReviewer::RepositoryAssociation'

troposphere.codepipeline module

class troposphere.codepipeline.ActionTypeId(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Category': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Owner': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Provider': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Version': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.codepipeline.Actions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ActionTypeId': (<class 'troposphere.codepipeline.ActionTypeId'>, True), 'Configuration': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'InputArtifacts': ([<class 'troposphere.codepipeline.InputArtifacts'>], False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Namespace': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OutputArtifacts': ([<class 'troposphere.codepipeline.OutputArtifacts'>], False), 'Region': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RunOrder': (<function integer>, False), 'TimeoutInMinutes': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.codepipeline.ArtifactDetails(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MaximumCount': (<function integer>, True), 'MinimumCount': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.codepipeline.ArtifactStore(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EncryptionKey': (<class 'troposphere.codepipeline.EncryptionKey'>, False), 'Location': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.codepipeline.ArtifactStoreMap(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ArtifactStore': (<class 'troposphere.codepipeline.ArtifactStore'>, True), 'Region': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.codepipeline.Blockers(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.codepipeline.ConfigurationProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Key': (<function boolean>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Queryable': (<function boolean>, False), 'Required': (<function boolean>, True), 'Secret': (<function boolean>, True), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.codepipeline.CustomActionType(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Category': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ConfigurationProperties': ([<class 'troposphere.codepipeline.ConfigurationProperties'>], False), 'InputArtifactDetails': (<class 'troposphere.codepipeline.ArtifactDetails'>, True), 'OutputArtifactDetails': (<class 'troposphere.codepipeline.ArtifactDetails'>, True), 'Provider': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Settings': (<class 'troposphere.codepipeline.Settings'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'Version': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CodePipeline::CustomActionType'
class troposphere.codepipeline.DisableInboundStageTransitions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Reason': (<class 'str'>, True), 'StageName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.codepipeline.EncryptionKey(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Id': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.codepipeline.FailureConditions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Result': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.codepipeline.GitBranchFilterCriteria(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Excludes': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Includes': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.codepipeline.GitConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PullRequest': ([<class 'troposphere.codepipeline.GitPullRequestFilter'>], False), 'Push': ([<class 'troposphere.codepipeline.GitPushFilter'>], False), 'SourceActionName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.codepipeline.GitFilePathFilterCriteria(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Excludes': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Includes': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.codepipeline.GitPullRequestFilter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Branches': (<class 'troposphere.codepipeline.GitBranchFilterCriteria'>, False), 'Events': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'FilePaths': (<class 'troposphere.codepipeline.GitFilePathFilterCriteria'>, False)}
class troposphere.codepipeline.GitPushFilter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Branches': (<class 'troposphere.codepipeline.GitBranchFilterCriteria'>, False), 'FilePaths': (<class 'troposphere.codepipeline.GitFilePathFilterCriteria'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.codepipeline.GitTagFilterCriteria'>, False)}
class troposphere.codepipeline.GitTagFilterCriteria(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Excludes': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Includes': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.codepipeline.InputArtifacts(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.codepipeline.OutputArtifacts(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.codepipeline.Pipeline(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ArtifactStore': (<class 'troposphere.codepipeline.ArtifactStore'>, False), 'ArtifactStores': ([<class 'troposphere.codepipeline.ArtifactStoreMap'>], False), 'DisableInboundStageTransitions': ([<class 'troposphere.codepipeline.DisableInboundStageTransitions'>], False), 'ExecutionMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PipelineType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RestartExecutionOnUpdate': (<function boolean>, False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Stages': ([<class 'troposphere.codepipeline.Stages'>], True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'Triggers': ([<class 'troposphere.codepipeline.PipelineTriggerDeclaration'>], False), 'Variables': ([<class 'troposphere.codepipeline.VariableDeclaration'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CodePipeline::Pipeline'
class troposphere.codepipeline.PipelineTriggerDeclaration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'GitConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.codepipeline.GitConfiguration'>, False), 'ProviderType': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.codepipeline.Settings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EntityUrlTemplate': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ExecutionUrlTemplate': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RevisionUrlTemplate': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ThirdPartyConfigurationUrl': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.codepipeline.Stages(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Actions': ([<class 'troposphere.codepipeline.Actions'>], True), 'Blockers': ([<class 'troposphere.codepipeline.Blockers'>], False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'OnFailure': (<class 'troposphere.codepipeline.FailureConditions'>, False)}
class troposphere.codepipeline.VariableDeclaration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DefaultValue': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.codepipeline.Webhook(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Authentication': (<class 'str'>, True), 'AuthenticationConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.codepipeline.WebhookAuthConfiguration'>, True), 'Filters': ([<class 'troposphere.codepipeline.WebhookFilterRule'>], True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RegisterWithThirdParty': (<function boolean>, False), 'TargetAction': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TargetPipeline': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TargetPipelineVersion': (<function integer>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CodePipeline::Webhook'
class troposphere.codepipeline.WebhookAuthConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AllowedIPRange': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecretToken': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.codepipeline.WebhookFilterRule(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'JsonPath': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MatchEquals': (<class 'str'>, False)}

troposphere.codestar module

class troposphere.codestar.Code(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'S3': (<class 'troposphere.codestar.S3'>, True)}
class troposphere.codestar.GitHubRepository(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Code': (<class 'troposphere.codestar.Code'>, False), 'ConnectionArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EnableIssues': (<function boolean>, False), 'IsPrivate': (<function boolean>, False), 'RepositoryAccessToken': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RepositoryDescription': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RepositoryName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RepositoryOwner': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CodeStar::GitHubRepository'
class troposphere.codestar.S3(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Bucket': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Key': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ObjectVersion': (<class 'str'>, False)}

troposphere.codestarconnections module

class troposphere.codestarconnections.Connection(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConnectionName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'HostArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ProviderType': (<function validate_connection_providertype>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CodeStarConnections::Connection'

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConnectionArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'EncryptionKeyArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OwnerId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RepositoryName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CodeStarConnections::RepositoryLink'
class troposphere.codestarconnections.SyncConfiguration(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Branch': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ConfigFile': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PublishDeploymentStatus': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RepositoryLinkId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ResourceName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SyncType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TriggerResourceUpdateOn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CodeStarConnections::SyncConfiguration'

troposphere.codestarnotifications module

class troposphere.codestarnotifications.NotificationRule(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CreatedBy': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DetailType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'EventTypeId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EventTypeIds': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Resource': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Status': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'TargetAddress': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Targets': ([<class 'troposphere.codestarnotifications.Target'>], True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CodeStarNotifications::NotificationRule'
class troposphere.codestarnotifications.Target(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TargetAddress': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TargetType': (<class 'str'>, True)}

troposphere.cognito module

class troposphere.cognito.AccountRecoverySetting(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RecoveryMechanisms': ([<class 'troposphere.cognito.RecoveryOption'>], False)}
class troposphere.cognito.AccountTakeoverActionType(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EventAction': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Notify': (<function boolean>, True)}
class troposphere.cognito.AccountTakeoverActionsType(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'HighAction': (<class 'troposphere.cognito.AccountTakeoverActionType'>, False), 'LowAction': (<class 'troposphere.cognito.AccountTakeoverActionType'>, False), 'MediumAction': (<class 'troposphere.cognito.AccountTakeoverActionType'>, False)}
class troposphere.cognito.AccountTakeoverRiskConfigurationType(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Actions': (<class 'troposphere.cognito.AccountTakeoverActionsType'>, True), 'NotifyConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.cognito.NotifyConfigurationType'>, False)}
class troposphere.cognito.AdminCreateUserConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AllowAdminCreateUserOnly': (<function boolean>, False), 'InviteMessageTemplate': (<class 'troposphere.cognito.InviteMessageTemplate'>, False), 'UnusedAccountValidityDays': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.cognito.AnalyticsConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApplicationArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ApplicationId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ExternalId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'UserDataShared': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.cognito.AttributeType(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.cognito.CloudWatchLogsConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LogGroupArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.cognito.CognitoIdentityProvider(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ClientId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ProviderName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ServerSideTokenCheck': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.cognito.CognitoStreams(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StreamName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StreamingStatus': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.cognito.CompromisedCredentialsActionsType(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EventAction': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.cognito.CompromisedCredentialsRiskConfigurationType(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Actions': (<class 'troposphere.cognito.CompromisedCredentialsActionsType'>, True), 'EventFilter': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.cognito.CustomDomainConfigType(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CertificateArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.cognito.CustomEmailSender(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LambdaArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LambdaVersion': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.cognito.CustomSMSSender(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LambdaArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LambdaVersion': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.cognito.DeviceConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ChallengeRequiredOnNewDevice': (<function boolean>, False), 'DeviceOnlyRememberedOnUserPrompt': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.cognito.EmailConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConfigurationSet': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EmailSendingAccount': (<class 'str'>, False), 'From': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ReplyToEmailAddress': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.cognito.IdentityPool(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AllowClassicFlow': (<function boolean>, False), 'AllowUnauthenticatedIdentities': (<function boolean>, True), 'CognitoEvents': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'CognitoIdentityProviders': ([<class 'troposphere.cognito.CognitoIdentityProvider'>], False), 'CognitoStreams': (<class 'troposphere.cognito.CognitoStreams'>, False), 'DeveloperProviderName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IdentityPoolName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OpenIdConnectProviderARNs': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'PushSync': (<class 'troposphere.cognito.PushSync'>, False), 'SamlProviderARNs': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SupportedLoginProviders': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Cognito::IdentityPool'
class troposphere.cognito.IdentityPoolPrincipalTag(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'IdentityPoolId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'IdentityProviderName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PrincipalTags': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'UseDefaults': (<function boolean>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Cognito::IdentityPoolPrincipalTag'
class troposphere.cognito.IdentityPoolRoleAttachment(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'IdentityPoolId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoleMappings': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Roles': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Cognito::IdentityPoolRoleAttachment'
class troposphere.cognito.InviteMessageTemplate(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EmailMessage': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EmailSubject': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SMSMessage': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.cognito.LambdaConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CreateAuthChallenge': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CustomEmailSender': (<class 'troposphere.cognito.CustomEmailSender'>, False), 'CustomMessage': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CustomSMSSender': (<class 'troposphere.cognito.CustomSMSSender'>, False), 'DefineAuthChallenge': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KMSKeyID': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PostAuthentication': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PostConfirmation': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PreAuthentication': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PreSignUp': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PreTokenGeneration': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PreTokenGenerationConfig': (<class 'troposphere.cognito.PreTokenGenerationConfig'>, False), 'UserMigration': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VerifyAuthChallengeResponse': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.cognito.LogConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CloudWatchLogsConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.cognito.CloudWatchLogsConfiguration'>, False), 'EventSource': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LogLevel': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.cognito.LogDeliveryConfiguration(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LogConfigurations': ([<class 'troposphere.cognito.LogConfiguration'>], False), 'UserPoolId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Cognito::LogDeliveryConfiguration'
class troposphere.cognito.MappingRule(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Claim': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MatchType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoleARN': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.cognito.NotifyConfigurationType(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BlockEmail': (<class 'troposphere.cognito.NotifyEmailType'>, False), 'From': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MfaEmail': (<class 'troposphere.cognito.NotifyEmailType'>, False), 'NoActionEmail': (<class 'troposphere.cognito.NotifyEmailType'>, False), 'ReplyTo': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.cognito.NotifyEmailType(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'HtmlBody': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Subject': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TextBody': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.cognito.NumberAttributeConstraints(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MaxValue': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MinValue': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.cognito.PasswordPolicy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MinimumLength': (<function integer>, False), 'RequireLowercase': (<function boolean>, False), 'RequireNumbers': (<function boolean>, False), 'RequireSymbols': (<function boolean>, False), 'RequireUppercase': (<function boolean>, False), 'TemporaryPasswordValidityDays': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.cognito.Policies(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PasswordPolicy': (<class 'troposphere.cognito.PasswordPolicy'>, False)}
class troposphere.cognito.PreTokenGenerationConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LambdaArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LambdaVersion': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.cognito.PushSync(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApplicationArns': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.cognito.RecoveryOption(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<function validate_recoveryoption_name>, False), 'Priority': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.cognito.ResourceServerScopeType(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ScopeDescription': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ScopeName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.cognito.RiskExceptionConfigurationType(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BlockedIPRangeList': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SkippedIPRangeList': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.cognito.RoleMapping(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AmbiguousRoleResolution': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IdentityProvider': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RulesConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.cognito.RulesConfiguration'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.cognito.RulesConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Rules': ([<class 'troposphere.cognito.MappingRule'>], True)}
class troposphere.cognito.SchemaAttribute(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AttributeDataType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DeveloperOnlyAttribute': (<function boolean>, False), 'Mutable': (<function boolean>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NumberAttributeConstraints': (<class 'troposphere.cognito.NumberAttributeConstraints'>, False), 'Required': (<function boolean>, False), 'StringAttributeConstraints': (<class 'troposphere.cognito.StringAttributeConstraints'>, False)}
class troposphere.cognito.SmsConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ExternalId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SnsCallerArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SnsRegion': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.cognito.StringAttributeConstraints(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MaxLength': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MinLength': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.cognito.TokenValidityUnits(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessToken': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IdToken': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RefreshToken': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.cognito.UserAttributeUpdateSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AttributesRequireVerificationBeforeUpdate': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
class troposphere.cognito.UserPool(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccountRecoverySetting': (<class 'troposphere.cognito.AccountRecoverySetting'>, False), 'AdminCreateUserConfig': (<class 'troposphere.cognito.AdminCreateUserConfig'>, False), 'AliasAttributes': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'AutoVerifiedAttributes': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'DeletionProtection': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DeviceConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.cognito.DeviceConfiguration'>, False), 'EmailConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.cognito.EmailConfiguration'>, False), 'EmailVerificationMessage': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EmailVerificationSubject': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EnabledMfas': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'LambdaConfig': (<class 'troposphere.cognito.LambdaConfig'>, False), 'MfaConfiguration': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Policies': (<class 'troposphere.cognito.Policies'>, False), 'Schema': ([<class 'troposphere.cognito.SchemaAttribute'>], False), 'SmsAuthenticationMessage': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SmsConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.cognito.SmsConfiguration'>, False), 'SmsVerificationMessage': (<class 'str'>, False), 'UserAttributeUpdateSettings': (<class 'troposphere.cognito.UserAttributeUpdateSettings'>, False), 'UserPoolAddOns': (<class 'troposphere.cognito.UserPoolAddOns'>, False), 'UserPoolName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'UserPoolTags': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'UsernameAttributes': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'UsernameConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.cognito.UsernameConfiguration'>, False), 'VerificationMessageTemplate': (<class 'troposphere.cognito.VerificationMessageTemplate'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Cognito::UserPool'
class troposphere.cognito.UserPoolAddOns(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AdvancedSecurityMode': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.cognito.UserPoolClient(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessTokenValidity': (<function integer>, False), 'AllowedOAuthFlows': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'AllowedOAuthFlowsUserPoolClient': (<function boolean>, False), 'AllowedOAuthScopes': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'AnalyticsConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.cognito.AnalyticsConfiguration'>, False), 'AuthSessionValidity': (<function integer>, False), 'CallbackURLs': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ClientName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DefaultRedirectURI': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EnablePropagateAdditionalUserContextData': (<function boolean>, False), 'EnableTokenRevocation': (<function boolean>, False), 'ExplicitAuthFlows': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'GenerateSecret': (<function boolean>, False), 'IdTokenValidity': (<function integer>, False), 'LogoutURLs': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'PreventUserExistenceErrors': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ReadAttributes': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'RefreshTokenValidity': (<function integer>, False), 'SupportedIdentityProviders': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'TokenValidityUnits': (<class 'troposphere.cognito.TokenValidityUnits'>, False), 'UserPoolId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'WriteAttributes': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Cognito::UserPoolClient'
class troposphere.cognito.UserPoolDomain(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomDomainConfig': (<class 'troposphere.cognito.CustomDomainConfigType'>, False), 'Domain': (<class 'str'>, True), 'UserPoolId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Cognito::UserPoolDomain'
class troposphere.cognito.UserPoolGroup(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'GroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Precedence': (<function integer>, False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'UserPoolId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Cognito::UserPoolGroup'
class troposphere.cognito.UserPoolIdentityProvider(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AttributeMapping': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'IdpIdentifiers': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ProviderDetails': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'ProviderName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ProviderType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'UserPoolId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Cognito::UserPoolIdentityProvider'
class troposphere.cognito.UserPoolResourceServer(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Identifier': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Scopes': ([<class 'troposphere.cognito.ResourceServerScopeType'>], False), 'UserPoolId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Cognito::UserPoolResourceServer'
class troposphere.cognito.UserPoolRiskConfigurationAttachment(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccountTakeoverRiskConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.cognito.AccountTakeoverRiskConfigurationType'>, False), 'ClientId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'CompromisedCredentialsRiskConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.cognito.CompromisedCredentialsRiskConfigurationType'>, False), 'RiskExceptionConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.cognito.RiskExceptionConfigurationType'>, False), 'UserPoolId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Cognito::UserPoolRiskConfigurationAttachment'
class troposphere.cognito.UserPoolUICustomizationAttachment(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CSS': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ClientId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'UserPoolId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Cognito::UserPoolUICustomizationAttachment'
class troposphere.cognito.UserPoolUser(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ClientMetadata': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'DesiredDeliveryMediums': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ForceAliasCreation': (<function boolean>, False), 'MessageAction': (<class 'str'>, False), 'UserAttributes': ([<class 'troposphere.cognito.AttributeType'>], False), 'UserPoolId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Username': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ValidationData': ([<class 'troposphere.cognito.AttributeType'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Cognito::UserPoolUser'
class troposphere.cognito.UserPoolUserToGroupAttachment(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'GroupName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'UserPoolId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Username': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Cognito::UserPoolUserToGroupAttachment'
class troposphere.cognito.UsernameConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CaseSensitive': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.cognito.VerificationMessageTemplate(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DefaultEmailOption': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EmailMessage': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EmailMessageByLink': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EmailSubject': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EmailSubjectByLink': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SmsMessage': (<class 'str'>, False)}

troposphere.compat module


troposphere.config module

class troposphere.config.AccountAggregationSources(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccountIds': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'AllAwsRegions': (<function boolean>, False), 'AwsRegions': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.config.AggregationAuthorization(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AuthorizedAccountId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'AuthorizedAwsRegion': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Config::AggregationAuthorization'
class troposphere.config.Compliance(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Type': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.config.ConfigRule(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Compliance': (<class 'troposphere.config.Compliance'>, False), 'ConfigRuleName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EvaluationModes': ([<class 'troposphere.config.EvaluationModeConfiguration'>], False), 'InputParameters': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'MaximumExecutionFrequency': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Scope': (<class 'troposphere.config.Scope'>, False), 'Source': (<class 'troposphere.config.Source'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Config::ConfigRule'
class troposphere.config.ConfigSnapshotDeliveryProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DeliveryFrequency': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.config.ConfigurationAggregator(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccountAggregationSources': ([<class 'troposphere.config.AccountAggregationSources'>], False), 'ConfigurationAggregatorName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OrganizationAggregationSource': (<class 'troposphere.config.OrganizationAggregationSource'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Config::ConfigurationAggregator'
class troposphere.config.ConfigurationRecorder(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RecordingGroup': (<class 'troposphere.config.RecordingGroup'>, False), 'RecordingMode': (<class 'troposphere.config.RecordingMode'>, False), 'RoleARN': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Config::ConfigurationRecorder'
class troposphere.config.ConformancePack(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConformancePackInputParameters': ([<class 'troposphere.config.ConformancePackInputParameter'>], False), 'ConformancePackName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DeliveryS3Bucket': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DeliveryS3KeyPrefix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TemplateBody': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TemplateS3Uri': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TemplateSSMDocumentDetails': (<class 'troposphere.config.TemplateSSMDocumentDetails'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Config::ConformancePack'
class troposphere.config.ConformancePackInputParameter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ParameterName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ParameterValue': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.config.CustomPolicyDetails(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EnableDebugLogDelivery': (<function boolean>, False), 'PolicyRuntime': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PolicyText': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.config.DeliveryChannel(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConfigSnapshotDeliveryProperties': (<class 'troposphere.config.ConfigSnapshotDeliveryProperties'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3BucketName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'S3KeyPrefix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3KmsKeyArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SnsTopicARN': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Config::DeliveryChannel'
class troposphere.config.EvaluationModeConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Mode': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.config.ExclusionByResourceTypes(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ResourceTypes': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
class troposphere.config.ExecutionControls(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SsmControls': (<class 'troposphere.config.SsmControls'>, False)}
class troposphere.config.OrganizationAggregationSource(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AllAwsRegions': (<function boolean>, False), 'AwsRegions': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.config.OrganizationConfigRule(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ExcludedAccounts': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'OrganizationConfigRuleName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'OrganizationCustomPolicyRuleMetadata': (<class 'troposphere.config.OrganizationCustomPolicyRuleMetadata'>, False), 'OrganizationCustomRuleMetadata': (<class 'troposphere.config.OrganizationCustomRuleMetadata'>, False), 'OrganizationManagedRuleMetadata': (<class 'troposphere.config.OrganizationManagedRuleMetadata'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Config::OrganizationConfigRule'
class troposphere.config.OrganizationConformancePack(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConformancePackInputParameters': ([<class 'troposphere.config.ConformancePackInputParameter'>], False), 'DeliveryS3Bucket': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DeliveryS3KeyPrefix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ExcludedAccounts': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'OrganizationConformancePackName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TemplateBody': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TemplateS3Uri': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Config::OrganizationConformancePack'
class troposphere.config.OrganizationCustomPolicyRuleMetadata(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DebugLogDeliveryAccounts': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InputParameters': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MaximumExecutionFrequency': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OrganizationConfigRuleTriggerTypes': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'PolicyText': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ResourceIdScope': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ResourceTypesScope': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Runtime': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TagKeyScope': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TagValueScope': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.config.OrganizationCustomRuleMetadata(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InputParameters': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LambdaFunctionArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MaximumExecutionFrequency': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OrganizationConfigRuleTriggerTypes': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'ResourceIdScope': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ResourceTypesScope': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'TagKeyScope': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TagValueScope': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.config.OrganizationManagedRuleMetadata(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InputParameters': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MaximumExecutionFrequency': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ResourceIdScope': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ResourceTypesScope': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'RuleIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TagKeyScope': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TagValueScope': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.config.RecordingGroup(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AllSupported': (<function boolean>, False), 'ExclusionByResourceTypes': (<class 'troposphere.config.ExclusionByResourceTypes'>, False), 'IncludeGlobalResourceTypes': (<function boolean>, False), 'RecordingStrategy': (<class 'troposphere.config.RecordingStrategy'>, False), 'ResourceTypes': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.config.RecordingMode(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RecordingFrequency': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RecordingModeOverrides': ([<class 'troposphere.config.RecordingModeOverride'>], False)}
class troposphere.config.RecordingModeOverride(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RecordingFrequency': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ResourceTypes': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
class troposphere.config.RecordingStrategy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'UseOnly': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.config.RemediationConfiguration(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Automatic': (<function boolean>, False), 'ConfigRuleName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ExecutionControls': (<class 'troposphere.config.ExecutionControls'>, False), 'MaximumAutomaticAttempts': (<function integer>, False), 'Parameters': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'ResourceType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RetryAttemptSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'TargetId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TargetType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TargetVersion': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Config::RemediationConfiguration'
class troposphere.config.RemediationParameterValue(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ResourceValue': (<class 'troposphere.config.ResourceValue'>, False), 'StaticValue': (<class 'troposphere.config.StaticValue'>, False)}
class troposphere.config.ResourceValue(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Value': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.config.Scope(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ComplianceResourceId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ComplianceResourceTypes': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'TagKey': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TagValue': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.config.Source(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomPolicyDetails': (<class 'troposphere.config.CustomPolicyDetails'>, False), 'Owner': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SourceDetails': ([<class 'troposphere.config.SourceDetails'>], False), 'SourceIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.config.SourceDetails(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EventSource': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MaximumExecutionFrequency': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MessageType': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.config.SsmControls(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConcurrentExecutionRatePercentage': (<function integer>, False), 'ErrorPercentage': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.config.StaticValue(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Values': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.config.StoredQuery(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'QueryDescription': (<class 'str'>, False), 'QueryExpression': (<class 'str'>, True), 'QueryName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Config::StoredQuery'
class troposphere.config.TemplateSSMDocumentDetails(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DocumentName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DocumentVersion': (<class 'str'>, False)}

troposphere.connect module

class troposphere.connect.Actions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AssignContactCategoryActions': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'CreateCaseActions': ([<class 'troposphere.connect.CreateCaseAction'>], False), 'EndAssociatedTasksActions': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'EventBridgeActions': ([<class 'troposphere.connect.EventBridgeAction'>], False), 'SendNotificationActions': ([<class 'troposphere.connect.SendNotificationAction'>], False), 'TaskActions': ([<class 'troposphere.connect.TaskAction'>], False), 'UpdateCaseActions': ([<class 'troposphere.connect.UpdateCaseAction'>], False)}
class troposphere.connect.Application(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApplicationPermissions': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Namespace': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.connect.ApprovedOrigin(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InstanceId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Origin': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Connect::ApprovedOrigin'
class troposphere.connect.Attributes(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AutoResolveBestVoices': (<function boolean>, False), 'ContactLens': (<function boolean>, False), 'ContactflowLogs': (<function boolean>, False), 'EarlyMedia': (<function boolean>, False), 'InboundCalls': (<function boolean>, True), 'OutboundCalls': (<function boolean>, True), 'UseCustomTTSVoices': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.connect.Constraints(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InvisibleFields': ([<class 'troposphere.connect.InvisibleFieldInfo'>], False), 'ReadOnlyFields': ([<class 'troposphere.connect.ReadOnlyFieldInfo'>], False), 'RequiredFields': ([<class 'troposphere.connect.RequiredFieldInfo'>], False)}
class troposphere.connect.ContactFlow(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Content': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InstanceArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'State': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Connect::ContactFlow'
class troposphere.connect.ContactFlowModule(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Content': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InstanceArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'State': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Connect::ContactFlowModule'
class troposphere.connect.CreateCaseAction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Fields': ([<class 'troposphere.connect.Field'>], True), 'TemplateId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.connect.CrossChannelBehavior(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BehaviorType': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.connect.DefaultFieldValue(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DefaultValue': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Id': (<class 'troposphere.connect.FieldIdentifier'>, True)}
class troposphere.connect.EncryptionConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EncryptionType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'KeyId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.connect.EventBridgeAction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.connect.Field(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Id': (<class 'troposphere.connect.FieldIdentifier'>, True), 'SingleSelectOptions': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.connect.FieldIdentifier(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.connect.FieldValue(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BooleanValue': (<function boolean>, False), 'DoubleValue': (<function double>, False), 'EmptyValue': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'StringValue': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.connect.HoursOfOperation(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Config': ([<class 'troposphere.connect.HoursOfOperationConfig'>], True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InstanceArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TimeZone': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Connect::HoursOfOperation'
class troposphere.connect.HoursOfOperationConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Day': (<class 'str'>, True), 'EndTime': (<class 'troposphere.connect.HoursOfOperationTimeSlice'>, True), 'StartTime': (<class 'troposphere.connect.HoursOfOperationTimeSlice'>, True)}
class troposphere.connect.HoursOfOperationTimeSlice(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Hours': (<function integer>, True), 'Minutes': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.connect.Instance(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Attributes': (<class 'troposphere.connect.Attributes'>, True), 'DirectoryId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IdentityManagementType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'InstanceAlias': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Connect::Instance'
class troposphere.connect.InstanceStorageConfig(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InstanceArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'KinesisFirehoseConfig': (<class 'troposphere.connect.KinesisFirehoseConfig'>, False), 'KinesisStreamConfig': (<class 'troposphere.connect.KinesisStreamConfig'>, False), 'KinesisVideoStreamConfig': (<class 'troposphere.connect.KinesisVideoStreamConfig'>, False), 'ResourceType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'S3Config': (<class 'troposphere.connect.S3Config'>, False), 'StorageType': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Connect::InstanceStorageConfig'
class troposphere.connect.IntegrationAssociation(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InstanceId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'IntegrationArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'IntegrationType': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Connect::IntegrationAssociation'
class troposphere.connect.InvisibleFieldInfo(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Id': (<class 'troposphere.connect.FieldIdentifier'>, True)}
class troposphere.connect.KinesisFirehoseConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FirehoseArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.connect.KinesisStreamConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'StreamArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.connect.KinesisVideoStreamConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EncryptionConfig': (<class 'troposphere.connect.EncryptionConfig'>, True), 'Prefix': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RetentionPeriodHours': (<function double>, True)}
class troposphere.connect.MediaConcurrency(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Channel': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Concurrency': (<function integer>, True), 'CrossChannelBehavior': (<class 'troposphere.connect.CrossChannelBehavior'>, False)}
class troposphere.connect.NotificationRecipientType(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'UserArns': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'UserTags': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
class troposphere.connect.OutboundCallerConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'OutboundCallerIdName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OutboundCallerIdNumberArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OutboundFlowArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.connect.PhoneNumber(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CountryCode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Prefix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourcePhoneNumberArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TargetArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Connect::PhoneNumber'
class troposphere.connect.PhoneNumberQuickConnectConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PhoneNumber': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.connect.PredefinedAttribute(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InstanceArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Values': (<class 'troposphere.connect.Values'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Connect::PredefinedAttribute'
class troposphere.connect.Prompt(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InstanceArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'S3Uri': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Connect::Prompt'
class troposphere.connect.Queue(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'HoursOfOperationArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'InstanceArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MaxContacts': (<function integer>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'OutboundCallerConfig': (<class 'troposphere.connect.OutboundCallerConfig'>, False), 'QuickConnectArns': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Status': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Connect::Queue'
class troposphere.connect.QueueQuickConnectConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContactFlowArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'QueueArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.connect.QuickConnect(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InstanceArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'QuickConnectConfig': (<class 'troposphere.connect.QuickConnectConfig'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Connect::QuickConnect'
class troposphere.connect.QuickConnectConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PhoneConfig': (<class 'troposphere.connect.PhoneNumberQuickConnectConfig'>, False), 'QueueConfig': (<class 'troposphere.connect.QueueQuickConnectConfig'>, False), 'QuickConnectType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'UserConfig': (<class 'troposphere.connect.UserQuickConnectConfig'>, False)}
class troposphere.connect.ReadOnlyFieldInfo(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Id': (<class 'troposphere.connect.FieldIdentifier'>, True)}
class troposphere.connect.Reference(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Type': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.connect.RequiredFieldInfo(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Id': (<class 'troposphere.connect.FieldIdentifier'>, True)}
class troposphere.connect.RoutingProfile(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AgentAvailabilityTimer': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DefaultOutboundQueueArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, True), 'InstanceArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MediaConcurrencies': ([<class 'troposphere.connect.MediaConcurrency'>], True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'QueueConfigs': ([<class 'troposphere.connect.RoutingProfileQueueConfig'>], False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Connect::RoutingProfile'
class troposphere.connect.RoutingProfileQueueConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Delay': (<function integer>, True), 'Priority': (<function integer>, True), 'QueueReference': (<class 'troposphere.connect.RoutingProfileQueueReference'>, True)}
class troposphere.connect.RoutingProfileQueueReference(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Channel': (<class 'str'>, True), 'QueueArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.connect.Rule(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Actions': (<class 'troposphere.connect.Actions'>, True), 'Function': (<class 'str'>, True), 'InstanceArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PublishStatus': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TriggerEventSource': (<class 'troposphere.connect.RuleTriggerEventSource'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Connect::Rule'
class troposphere.connect.RuleTriggerEventSource(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EventSourceName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'IntegrationAssociationArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.connect.S3Config(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BucketName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'BucketPrefix': (<class 'str'>, True), 'EncryptionConfig': (<class 'troposphere.connect.EncryptionConfig'>, False)}
class troposphere.connect.SecurityKey(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InstanceId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Key': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Connect::SecurityKey'
class troposphere.connect.SecurityProfile(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AllowedAccessControlHierarchyGroupId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AllowedAccessControlTags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'Applications': ([<class 'troposphere.connect.Application'>], False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'HierarchyRestrictedResources': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'InstanceArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Permissions': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SecurityProfileName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TagRestrictedResources': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Connect::SecurityProfile'
class troposphere.connect.SendNotificationAction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Content': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ContentType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DeliveryMethod': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Recipient': (<class 'troposphere.connect.NotificationRecipientType'>, True), 'Subject': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.connect.TaskAction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContactFlowArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'References': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
class troposphere.connect.TaskTemplate(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ClientToken': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Constraints': (<class 'troposphere.connect.Constraints'>, False), 'ContactFlowArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Defaults': ([<class 'troposphere.connect.DefaultFieldValue'>], False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Fields': ([<class 'troposphere.connect.Field'>], False), 'InstanceArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Status': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Connect::TaskTemplate'
class troposphere.connect.TrafficDistributionGroup(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InstanceArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Connect::TrafficDistributionGroup'
class troposphere.connect.UpdateCaseAction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Fields': ([<class 'troposphere.connect.Field'>], True)}
class troposphere.connect.User(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DirectoryUserId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'HierarchyGroupArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IdentityInfo': (<class 'troposphere.connect.UserIdentityInfo'>, False), 'InstanceArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Password': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PhoneConfig': (<class 'troposphere.connect.UserPhoneConfig'>, True), 'RoutingProfileArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SecurityProfileArns': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'UserProficiencies': ([<class 'troposphere.connect.UserProficiency'>], False), 'Username': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Connect::User'
class troposphere.connect.UserHierarchyGroup(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InstanceArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ParentGroupArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Connect::UserHierarchyGroup'
class troposphere.connect.UserIdentityInfo(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Email': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FirstName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LastName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Mobile': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecondaryEmail': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.connect.UserPhoneConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AfterContactWorkTimeLimit': (<function integer>, False), 'AutoAccept': (<function boolean>, False), 'DeskPhoneNumber': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PhoneType': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.connect.UserProficiency(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AttributeName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'AttributeValue': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Level': (<function double>, True)}
class troposphere.connect.UserQuickConnectConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContactFlowArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'UserArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.connect.Values(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'StringList': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.connect.View(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Actions': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InstanceArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'Template': (<class 'dict'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Connect::View'
class troposphere.connect.ViewVersion(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'VersionDescription': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ViewArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ViewContentSha256': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Connect::ViewVersion'

troposphere.constants module

troposphere.cur module

class troposphere.cur.ReportDefinition(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AdditionalArtifacts': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'AdditionalSchemaElements': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'BillingViewArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Compression': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Format': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RefreshClosedReports': (<function boolean>, True), 'ReportName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ReportVersioning': (<class 'str'>, True), 'S3Bucket': (<class 'str'>, True), 'S3Prefix': (<class 'str'>, True), 'S3Region': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TimeUnit': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CUR::ReportDefinition'

troposphere.customerprofiles module

class troposphere.customerprofiles.AttributeDetails(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Attributes': ([<class 'troposphere.customerprofiles.AttributeItem'>], True), 'Expression': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.customerprofiles.AttributeItem(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.customerprofiles.AttributeTypesSelector(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Address': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'AttributeMatchingModel': (<class 'str'>, True), 'EmailAddress': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'PhoneNumber': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.customerprofiles.AutoMerging(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConflictResolution': (<class 'troposphere.customerprofiles.ConflictResolution'>, False), 'Consolidation': (<class 'troposphere.customerprofiles.Consolidation'>, False), 'Enabled': (<function boolean>, True), 'MinAllowedConfidenceScoreForMerging': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.customerprofiles.CalculatedAttributeDefinition(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AttributeDetails': (<class 'troposphere.customerprofiles.AttributeDetails'>, True), 'CalculatedAttributeName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Conditions': (<class 'troposphere.customerprofiles.Conditions'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DisplayName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DomainName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Statistic': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CustomerProfiles::CalculatedAttributeDefinition'
class troposphere.customerprofiles.Conditions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ObjectCount': (<function integer>, False), 'Range': (<class 'troposphere.customerprofiles.Range'>, False), 'Threshold': (<class 'troposphere.customerprofiles.Threshold'>, False)}
class troposphere.customerprofiles.ConflictResolution(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConflictResolvingModel': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SourceName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.customerprofiles.ConnectorOperator(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Marketo': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Salesforce': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ServiceNow': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Zendesk': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.customerprofiles.Consolidation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MatchingAttributesList': (<class 'dict'>, True)}
class troposphere.customerprofiles.DestinationDetails(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Status': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Uri': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.customerprofiles.Domain(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DeadLetterQueueUrl': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DefaultEncryptionKey': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DefaultExpirationDays': (<function integer>, True), 'DomainName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Matching': (<class 'troposphere.customerprofiles.Matching'>, False), 'RuleBasedMatching': (<class 'troposphere.customerprofiles.RuleBasedMatching'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CustomerProfiles::Domain'
class troposphere.customerprofiles.DomainStats(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MeteringProfileCount': (<function double>, False), 'ObjectCount': (<function double>, False), 'ProfileCount': (<function double>, False), 'TotalSize': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.customerprofiles.EventStream(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DomainName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'EventStreamName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'Uri': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CustomerProfiles::EventStream'
class troposphere.customerprofiles.ExportingConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'S3Exporting': (<class 'troposphere.customerprofiles.S3ExportingConfig'>, False)}
class troposphere.customerprofiles.FieldMap(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ObjectTypeField': (<class 'troposphere.customerprofiles.ObjectTypeField'>, False)}
class troposphere.customerprofiles.FlowDefinition(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FlowName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'KmsArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SourceFlowConfig': (<class 'troposphere.customerprofiles.SourceFlowConfig'>, True), 'Tasks': ([<class 'troposphere.customerprofiles.Task'>], True), 'TriggerConfig': (<class 'troposphere.customerprofiles.TriggerConfig'>, True)}
class troposphere.customerprofiles.IncrementalPullConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DatetimeTypeFieldName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.customerprofiles.Integration(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DomainName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FlowDefinition': (<class 'troposphere.customerprofiles.FlowDefinition'>, False), 'ObjectTypeName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ObjectTypeNames': ([<class 'troposphere.customerprofiles.ObjectTypeMapping'>], False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'Uri': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CustomerProfiles::Integration'
class troposphere.customerprofiles.JobSchedule(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DayOfTheWeek': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Time': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.customerprofiles.KeyMap(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ObjectTypeKeyList': ([<class 'troposphere.customerprofiles.ObjectTypeKey'>], False)}
class troposphere.customerprofiles.MarketoSourceProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Object': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.customerprofiles.Matching(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AutoMerging': (<class 'troposphere.customerprofiles.AutoMerging'>, False), 'Enabled': (<function boolean>, True), 'ExportingConfig': (<class 'troposphere.customerprofiles.ExportingConfig'>, False), 'JobSchedule': (<class 'troposphere.customerprofiles.JobSchedule'>, False)}
class troposphere.customerprofiles.MatchingRule(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Rule': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
class troposphere.customerprofiles.ObjectType(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AllowProfileCreation': (<function boolean>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DomainName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'EncryptionKey': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ExpirationDays': (<function integer>, False), 'Fields': ([<class 'troposphere.customerprofiles.FieldMap'>], False), 'Keys': ([<class 'troposphere.customerprofiles.KeyMap'>], False), 'ObjectTypeName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SourceLastUpdatedTimestampFormat': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TemplateId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::CustomerProfiles::ObjectType'
class troposphere.customerprofiles.ObjectTypeField(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContentType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Source': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Target': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.customerprofiles.ObjectTypeKey(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FieldNames': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'StandardIdentifiers': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.customerprofiles.ObjectTypeMapping(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Key': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.customerprofiles.Range(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Unit': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.customerprofiles.RuleBasedMatching(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AttributeTypesSelector': (<class 'troposphere.customerprofiles.AttributeTypesSelector'>, False), 'ConflictResolution': (<class 'troposphere.customerprofiles.ConflictResolution'>, False), 'Enabled': (<function boolean>, True), 'ExportingConfig': (<class 'troposphere.customerprofiles.ExportingConfig'>, False), 'MatchingRules': ([<class 'troposphere.customerprofiles.MatchingRule'>], False), 'MaxAllowedRuleLevelForMatching': (<function integer>, False), 'MaxAllowedRuleLevelForMerging': (<function integer>, False), 'Status': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.customerprofiles.S3ExportingConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'S3BucketName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'S3KeyName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.customerprofiles.S3SourceProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BucketName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'BucketPrefix': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.customerprofiles.SalesforceSourceProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EnableDynamicFieldUpdate': (<function boolean>, False), 'IncludeDeletedRecords': (<function boolean>, False), 'Object': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.customerprofiles.ScheduledTriggerProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataPullMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FirstExecutionFrom': (<function double>, False), 'ScheduleEndTime': (<function double>, False), 'ScheduleExpression': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ScheduleOffset': (<function integer>, False), 'ScheduleStartTime': (<function double>, False), 'Timezone': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.customerprofiles.ServiceNowSourceProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Object': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.customerprofiles.SourceConnectorProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Marketo': (<class 'troposphere.customerprofiles.MarketoSourceProperties'>, False), 'S3': (<class 'troposphere.customerprofiles.S3SourceProperties'>, False), 'Salesforce': (<class 'troposphere.customerprofiles.SalesforceSourceProperties'>, False), 'ServiceNow': (<class 'troposphere.customerprofiles.ServiceNowSourceProperties'>, False), 'Zendesk': (<class 'troposphere.customerprofiles.ZendeskSourceProperties'>, False)}
class troposphere.customerprofiles.SourceFlowConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConnectorProfileName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ConnectorType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'IncrementalPullConfig': (<class 'troposphere.customerprofiles.IncrementalPullConfig'>, False), 'SourceConnectorProperties': (<class 'troposphere.customerprofiles.SourceConnectorProperties'>, True)}
class troposphere.customerprofiles.Task(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConnectorOperator': (<class 'troposphere.customerprofiles.ConnectorOperator'>, False), 'DestinationField': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceFields': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'TaskProperties': ([<class 'troposphere.customerprofiles.TaskPropertiesMap'>], False), 'TaskType': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.customerprofiles.TaskPropertiesMap(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'OperatorPropertyKey': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Property': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.customerprofiles.Threshold(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Operator': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.customerprofiles.TriggerConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TriggerProperties': (<class 'troposphere.customerprofiles.TriggerProperties'>, False), 'TriggerType': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.customerprofiles.TriggerProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Scheduled': (<class 'troposphere.customerprofiles.ScheduledTriggerProperties'>, False)}
class troposphere.customerprofiles.ZendeskSourceProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Object': (<class 'str'>, True)}

troposphere.databrew module

class troposphere.databrew.Action(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Operation': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Parameters': (<class 'troposphere.databrew.RecipeParameters'>, False)}
class troposphere.databrew.AllowedStatistics(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Statistics': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
class troposphere.databrew.ColumnSelector(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Regex': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.databrew.ColumnStatisticsConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Selectors': ([<class 'troposphere.databrew.ColumnSelector'>], False), 'Statistics': (<class 'troposphere.databrew.StatisticsConfiguration'>, True)}
class troposphere.databrew.ConditionExpression(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Condition': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TargetColumn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.databrew.CsvOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Delimiter': (<class 'str'>, False), 'HeaderRow': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.databrew.CsvOutputOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Delimiter': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.databrew.DataCatalogInputDefinition(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CatalogId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DatabaseName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TableName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TempDirectory': (<class 'troposphere.databrew.S3Location'>, False)}
class troposphere.databrew.DataCatalogOutput(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CatalogId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DatabaseName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DatabaseOptions': (<class 'troposphere.databrew.DatabaseTableOutputOptions'>, False), 'Overwrite': (<function boolean>, False), 'S3Options': (<class 'troposphere.databrew.S3TableOutputOptions'>, False), 'TableName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.databrew.DatabaseInputDefinition(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DatabaseTableName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'GlueConnectionName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'QueryString': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TempDirectory': (<class 'troposphere.databrew.S3Location'>, False)}
class troposphere.databrew.DatabaseOutput(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DatabaseOptions': (<class 'troposphere.databrew.DatabaseTableOutputOptions'>, True), 'DatabaseOutputMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'GlueConnectionName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.databrew.DatabaseTableOutputOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TableName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TempDirectory': (<class 'troposphere.databrew.S3Location'>, False)}
class troposphere.databrew.Dataset(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Format': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FormatOptions': (<class 'troposphere.databrew.FormatOptions'>, False), 'Input': (<class 'troposphere.databrew.Input'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PathOptions': (<class 'troposphere.databrew.PathOptions'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::DataBrew::Dataset'
class troposphere.databrew.DatasetParameter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CreateColumn': (<function boolean>, False), 'DatetimeOptions': (<class 'troposphere.databrew.DatetimeOptions'>, False), 'Filter': (<class 'troposphere.databrew.FilterExpression'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.databrew.DatetimeOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Format': (<class 'str'>, True), 'LocaleCode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TimezoneOffset': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.databrew.EntityDetectorConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AllowedStatistics': (<class 'troposphere.databrew.AllowedStatistics'>, False), 'EntityTypes': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
class troposphere.databrew.ExcelOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'HeaderRow': (<function boolean>, False), 'SheetIndexes': ([<function integer>], False), 'SheetNames': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.databrew.FilesLimit(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MaxFiles': (<function integer>, True), 'Order': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OrderedBy': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.databrew.FilterExpression(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Expression': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ValuesMap': ([<class 'troposphere.databrew.FilterValue'>], True)}
class troposphere.databrew.FilterValue(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Value': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ValueReference': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.databrew.FormatOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Csv': (<class 'troposphere.databrew.CsvOptions'>, False), 'Excel': (<class 'troposphere.databrew.ExcelOptions'>, False), 'Json': (<class 'troposphere.databrew.JsonOptions'>, False)}
class troposphere.databrew.Input(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataCatalogInputDefinition': (<class 'troposphere.databrew.DataCatalogInputDefinition'>, False), 'S3InputDefinition': (<class 'troposphere.databrew.S3Location'>, False)}
class troposphere.databrew.Job(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataCatalogOutputs': ([<class 'troposphere.databrew.DataCatalogOutput'>], False), 'DatabaseOutputs': ([<class 'troposphere.databrew.DatabaseOutput'>], False), 'DatasetName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EncryptionKeyArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EncryptionMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'JobSample': (<class 'troposphere.databrew.JobSample'>, False), 'LogSubscription': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MaxCapacity': (<function integer>, False), 'MaxRetries': (<function integer>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'OutputLocation': (<class 'troposphere.databrew.OutputLocation'>, False), 'Outputs': ([<class 'troposphere.databrew.Output'>], False), 'ProfileConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.databrew.ProfileConfiguration'>, False), 'ProjectName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Recipe': (<class 'troposphere.databrew.JobRecipe'>, False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'Timeout': (<function integer>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ValidationConfigurations': ([<class 'troposphere.databrew.ValidationConfiguration'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::DataBrew::Job'
class troposphere.databrew.JobRecipe(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Version': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.databrew.JobS3Location(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Bucket': (<class 'str'>, True), 'BucketOwner': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Key': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.databrew.JobSample(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Mode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Size': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.databrew.JsonOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MultiLine': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.databrew.Metadata(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SourceArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.databrew.Output(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CompressionFormat': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Format': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FormatOptions': (<class 'troposphere.databrew.OutputFormatOptions'>, False), 'Location': (<class 'troposphere.databrew.S3Location'>, True), 'MaxOutputFiles': (<function integer>, False), 'Overwrite': (<function boolean>, False), 'PartitionColumns': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.databrew.OutputFormatOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Csv': (<class 'troposphere.databrew.CsvOutputOptions'>, False)}
class troposphere.databrew.OutputLocation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Bucket': (<class 'str'>, True), 'BucketOwner': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Key': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.databrew.PathOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FilesLimit': (<class 'troposphere.databrew.FilesLimit'>, False), 'LastModifiedDateCondition': (<class 'troposphere.databrew.FilterExpression'>, False), 'Parameters': ([<class 'troposphere.databrew.PathParameter'>], False)}
class troposphere.databrew.PathParameter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DatasetParameter': (<class 'troposphere.databrew.DatasetParameter'>, True), 'PathParameterName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.databrew.ProfileConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ColumnStatisticsConfigurations': ([<class 'troposphere.databrew.ColumnStatisticsConfiguration'>], False), 'DatasetStatisticsConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.databrew.StatisticsConfiguration'>, False), 'EntityDetectorConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.databrew.EntityDetectorConfiguration'>, False), 'ProfileColumns': ([<class 'troposphere.databrew.ColumnSelector'>], False)}
class troposphere.databrew.Project(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DatasetName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RecipeName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Sample': (<class 'troposphere.databrew.Sample'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::DataBrew::Project'
class troposphere.databrew.Recipe(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Steps': ([<class 'troposphere.databrew.RecipeStep'>], True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::DataBrew::Recipe'
class troposphere.databrew.RecipeParameters(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AggregateFunction': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Base': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CaseStatement': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CategoryMap': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CharsToRemove': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CollapseConsecutiveWhitespace': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ColumnDataType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ColumnRange': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Count': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CustomCharacters': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CustomStopWords': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CustomValue': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DatasetsColumns': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DateAddValue': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DateTimeFormat': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DateTimeParameters': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DeleteOtherRows': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Delimiter': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EndPattern': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EndPosition': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EndValue': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ExpandContractions': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Exponent': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FalseString': (<class 'str'>, False), 'GroupByAggFunctionOptions': (<class 'str'>, False), 'GroupByColumns': (<class 'str'>, False), 'HiddenColumns': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IgnoreCase': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IncludeInSplit': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Input': (<class 'troposphere.databrew.Input'>, False), 'Interval': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IsText': (<class 'str'>, False), 'JoinKeys': (<class 'str'>, False), 'JoinType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LeftColumns': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Limit': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LowerBound': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MapType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ModeType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MultiLine': (<function boolean>, False), 'NumRows': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NumRowsAfter': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NumRowsBefore': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OrderByColumn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OrderByColumns': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Other': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Pattern': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PatternOption1': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PatternOption2': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PatternOptions': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Period': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Position': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RemoveAllPunctuation': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RemoveAllQuotes': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RemoveAllWhitespace': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RemoveCustomCharacters': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RemoveCustomValue': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RemoveLeadingAndTrailingPunctuation': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RemoveLeadingAndTrailingQuotes': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RemoveLeadingAndTrailingWhitespace': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RemoveLetters': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RemoveNumbers': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RemoveSourceColumn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RemoveSpecialCharacters': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RightColumns': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SampleSize': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SampleType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecondInput': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecondaryInputs': ([<class 'troposphere.databrew.SecondaryInput'>], False), 'SheetIndexes': ([<function integer>], False), 'SheetNames': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SourceColumn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceColumn1': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceColumn2': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceColumns': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StartColumnIndex': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StartPattern': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StartPosition': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StartValue': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StemmingMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StepCount': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StepIndex': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StopWordsMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Strategy': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TargetColumn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TargetColumnNames': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TargetDateFormat': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TargetIndex': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TimeZone': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TokenizerPattern': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TrueString': (<class 'str'>, False), 'UdfLang': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Units': (<class 'str'>, False), 'UnpivotColumn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'UpperBound': (<class 'str'>, False), 'UseNewDataFrame': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Value1': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Value2': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ValueColumn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ViewFrame': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.databrew.RecipeStep(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Action': (<class 'troposphere.databrew.Action'>, True), 'ConditionExpressions': ([<class 'troposphere.databrew.ConditionExpression'>], False)}
class troposphere.databrew.Rule(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CheckExpression': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ColumnSelectors': ([<class 'troposphere.databrew.ColumnSelector'>], False), 'Disabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SubstitutionMap': ([<class 'troposphere.databrew.SubstitutionValue'>], False), 'Threshold': (<class 'troposphere.databrew.Threshold'>, False)}
class troposphere.databrew.Ruleset(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Rules': ([<class 'troposphere.databrew.Rule'>], True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TargetArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::DataBrew::Ruleset'
class troposphere.databrew.S3Location(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Bucket': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Key': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.databrew.S3TableOutputOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Location': (<class 'troposphere.databrew.JobS3Location'>, True)}
class troposphere.databrew.Sample(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Size': (<function integer>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.databrew.Schedule(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CronExpression': (<class 'str'>, True), 'JobNames': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::DataBrew::Schedule'
class troposphere.databrew.SecondaryInput(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataCatalogInputDefinition': (<class 'troposphere.databrew.DataCatalogInputDefinition'>, False), 'S3InputDefinition': (<class 'troposphere.databrew.S3Location'>, False)}
class troposphere.databrew.StatisticOverride(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Parameters': (<class 'dict'>, True), 'Statistic': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.databrew.StatisticsConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'IncludedStatistics': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Overrides': ([<class 'troposphere.databrew.StatisticOverride'>], False)}
class troposphere.databrew.SubstitutionValue(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Value': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ValueReference': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.databrew.Threshold(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Type': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Unit': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Value': (<function double>, True)}
class troposphere.databrew.ValidationConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RulesetArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ValidationMode': (<class 'str'>, False)}

troposphere.datapipeline module

class troposphere.datapipeline.ObjectField(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Key': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RefValue': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StringValue': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.datapipeline.ParameterObject(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Attributes': ([<class 'troposphere.datapipeline.ParameterObjectAttribute'>], True), 'Id': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.datapipeline.ParameterObjectAttribute(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Key': (<class 'str'>, True), 'StringValue': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.datapipeline.ParameterValue(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Id': (<class 'str'>, True), 'StringValue': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.datapipeline.Pipeline(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Activate': (<function boolean>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ParameterObjects': ([<class 'troposphere.datapipeline.ParameterObject'>], False), 'ParameterValues': ([<class 'troposphere.datapipeline.ParameterValue'>], False), 'PipelineObjects': ([<class 'troposphere.datapipeline.PipelineObject'>], False), 'PipelineTags': ([<class 'troposphere.datapipeline.PipelineTag'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::DataPipeline::Pipeline'
class troposphere.datapipeline.PipelineObject(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Fields': ([<class 'troposphere.datapipeline.ObjectField'>], True), 'Id': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.datapipeline.PipelineTag(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Key': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}

troposphere.datasync module

class troposphere.datasync.Agent(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ActivationKey': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AgentName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecurityGroupArns': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SubnetArns': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'VpcEndpointId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::DataSync::Agent'
class troposphere.datasync.AzureBlobSasConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AzureBlobSasToken': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.datasync.Deleted(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ReportLevel': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.datasync.Destination(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'S3': (<class 'troposphere.datasync.TaskReportConfigDestinationS3'>, False)}
class troposphere.datasync.Ec2Config(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SecurityGroupArns': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'SubnetArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.datasync.FilterRule(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FilterType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.datasync.LocationAzureBlob(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AgentArns': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'AzureAccessTier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AzureBlobAuthenticationType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'AzureBlobContainerUrl': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AzureBlobSasConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.datasync.AzureBlobSasConfiguration'>, False), 'AzureBlobType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Subdirectory': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::DataSync::LocationAzureBlob'
class troposphere.datasync.LocationEFS(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessPointArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Ec2Config': (<class 'troposphere.datasync.Ec2Config'>, True), 'EfsFilesystemArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FileSystemAccessRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InTransitEncryption': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Subdirectory': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::DataSync::LocationEFS'
class troposphere.datasync.LocationFSxLustre(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FsxFilesystemArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecurityGroupArns': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Subdirectory': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::DataSync::LocationFSxLustre'
class troposphere.datasync.LocationFSxONTAP(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Protocol': (<class 'troposphere.datasync.ONTAPProtocol'>, False), 'SecurityGroupArns': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'StorageVirtualMachineArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Subdirectory': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::DataSync::LocationFSxONTAP'
class troposphere.datasync.LocationFSxOpenZFS(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FsxFilesystemArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Protocol': (<class 'troposphere.datasync.Protocol'>, True), 'SecurityGroupArns': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Subdirectory': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::DataSync::LocationFSxOpenZFS'
class troposphere.datasync.LocationFSxWindows(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Domain': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FsxFilesystemArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Password': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecurityGroupArns': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Subdirectory': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'User': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::DataSync::LocationFSxWindows'
class troposphere.datasync.LocationHDFS(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AgentArns': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'AuthenticationType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'BlockSize': (<function integer>, False), 'KerberosKeytab': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KerberosKrb5Conf': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KerberosPrincipal': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KmsKeyProviderUri': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NameNodes': ([<class 'troposphere.datasync.NameNode'>], True), 'QopConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.datasync.QopConfiguration'>, False), 'ReplicationFactor': (<function integer>, False), 'SimpleUser': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Subdirectory': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::DataSync::LocationHDFS'
class troposphere.datasync.LocationNFS(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MountOptions': (<class 'troposphere.datasync.MountOptions'>, False), 'OnPremConfig': (<class 'troposphere.datasync.OnPremConfig'>, True), 'ServerHostname': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Subdirectory': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::DataSync::LocationNFS'
class troposphere.datasync.LocationObjectStorage(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessKey': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AgentArns': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'BucketName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecretKey': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ServerCertificate': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ServerHostname': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ServerPort': (<function integer>, False), 'ServerProtocol': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Subdirectory': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::DataSync::LocationObjectStorage'
class troposphere.datasync.LocationS3(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'S3BucketArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3Config': (<class 'troposphere.datasync.S3Config'>, True), 'S3StorageClass': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Subdirectory': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::DataSync::LocationS3'
class troposphere.datasync.LocationSMB(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AgentArns': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Domain': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MountOptions': (<class 'troposphere.datasync.MountOptions'>, False), 'Password': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ServerHostname': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Subdirectory': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'User': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::DataSync::LocationSMB'
class troposphere.datasync.ManifestConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Action': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Format': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Source': (<class 'troposphere.datasync.Source'>, True)}
class troposphere.datasync.ManifestConfigSourceS3(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BucketAccessRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ManifestObjectPath': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ManifestObjectVersionId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3BucketArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.datasync.MountOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Version': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.datasync.NFS(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MountOptions': (<class 'troposphere.datasync.MountOptions'>, True)}
class troposphere.datasync.NameNode(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Hostname': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Port': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.datasync.NfsMountOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Version': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.datasync.ONTAPProtocol(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'NFS': (<class 'troposphere.datasync.NFS'>, False), 'SMB': (<class 'troposphere.datasync.SMB'>, False)}
class troposphere.datasync.OnPremConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AgentArns': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
class troposphere.datasync.Options(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Atime': (<class 'str'>, False), 'BytesPerSecond': (<function integer>, False), 'Gid': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LogLevel': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Mtime': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ObjectTags': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OverwriteMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PosixPermissions': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PreserveDeletedFiles': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PreserveDevices': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecurityDescriptorCopyFlags': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TaskQueueing': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TransferMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Uid': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VerifyMode': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.datasync.Overrides(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Deleted': (<class 'troposphere.datasync.Deleted'>, False), 'Skipped': (<class 'troposphere.datasync.Skipped'>, False), 'Transferred': (<class 'troposphere.datasync.Transferred'>, False), 'Verified': (<class 'troposphere.datasync.Verified'>, False)}
class troposphere.datasync.Protocol(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'NFS': (<class 'troposphere.datasync.NFS'>, False)}
class troposphere.datasync.QopConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataTransferProtection': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RpcProtection': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.datasync.S3Config(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BucketAccessRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.datasync.SMB(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Domain': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MountOptions': (<class 'troposphere.datasync.SmbMountOptions'>, True), 'Password': (<class 'str'>, True), 'User': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.datasync.ServerConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ServerHostname': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ServerPort': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.datasync.ServerCredentials(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Password': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Username': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.datasync.Skipped(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ReportLevel': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.datasync.SmbMountOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Version': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.datasync.Source(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'S3': (<class 'troposphere.datasync.ManifestConfigSourceS3'>, False)}
class troposphere.datasync.StorageSystem(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AgentArns': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'CloudWatchLogGroupArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ServerConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.datasync.ServerConfiguration'>, True), 'ServerCredentials': (<class 'troposphere.datasync.ServerCredentials'>, False), 'SystemType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::DataSync::StorageSystem'
class troposphere.datasync.Task(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CloudWatchLogGroupArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DestinationLocationArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Excludes': ([<class 'troposphere.datasync.FilterRule'>], False), 'Includes': ([<class 'troposphere.datasync.FilterRule'>], False), 'ManifestConfig': (<class 'troposphere.datasync.ManifestConfig'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Options': (<class 'troposphere.datasync.Options'>, False), 'Schedule': (<class 'troposphere.datasync.TaskSchedule'>, False), 'SourceLocationArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TaskReportConfig': (<class 'troposphere.datasync.TaskReportConfig'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::DataSync::Task'
class troposphere.datasync.TaskReportConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Destination': (<class 'troposphere.datasync.Destination'>, True), 'ObjectVersionIds': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OutputType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Overrides': (<class 'troposphere.datasync.Overrides'>, False), 'ReportLevel': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.datasync.TaskReportConfigDestinationS3(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BucketAccessRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3BucketArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Subdirectory': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.datasync.TaskSchedule(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ScheduleExpression': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Status': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.datasync.Transferred(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ReportLevel': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.datasync.Verified(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ReportLevel': (<class 'str'>, False)}

troposphere.dax module

class troposphere.dax.Cluster(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AvailabilityZones': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ClusterEndpointEncryptionType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ClusterName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IAMRoleARN': (<class 'str'>, True), 'NodeType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'NotificationTopicARN': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ParameterGroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PreferredMaintenanceWindow': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ReplicationFactor': (<function integer>, True), 'SSESpecification': (<class 'troposphere.dax.SSESpecification'>, False), 'SecurityGroupIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SubnetGroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::DAX::Cluster'
class troposphere.dax.ParameterGroup(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ParameterGroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ParameterNameValues': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::DAX::ParameterGroup'
class troposphere.dax.SSESpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SSEEnabled': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.dax.SubnetGroup(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SubnetGroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SubnetIds': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::DAX::SubnetGroup'

troposphere.detective module

class troposphere.detective.Graph(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AutoEnableMembers': (<function boolean>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Detective::Graph'
class troposphere.detective.MemberInvitation(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DisableEmailNotification': (<function boolean>, False), 'GraphArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MemberEmailAddress': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MemberId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Message': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Detective::MemberInvitation'
class troposphere.detective.OrganizationAdmin(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccountId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Detective::OrganizationAdmin'

troposphere.devopsguru module

class troposphere.devopsguru.CloudFormationCollectionFilter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'StackNames': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.devopsguru.LogAnomalyDetectionIntegration(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::DevOpsGuru::LogAnomalyDetectionIntegration'
class troposphere.devopsguru.NotificationChannel(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Config': (<class 'troposphere.devopsguru.NotificationChannelConfig'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::DevOpsGuru::NotificationChannel'
class troposphere.devopsguru.NotificationChannelConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Filters': (<class 'troposphere.devopsguru.NotificationFilterConfig'>, False), 'Sns': (<class 'troposphere.devopsguru.SnsChannelConfig'>, False)}
class troposphere.devopsguru.NotificationFilterConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MessageTypes': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Severities': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.devopsguru.ResourceCollection(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ResourceCollectionFilter': (<class 'troposphere.devopsguru.ResourceCollectionFilter'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::DevOpsGuru::ResourceCollection'
class troposphere.devopsguru.ResourceCollectionFilter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CloudFormation': (<class 'troposphere.devopsguru.CloudFormationCollectionFilter'>, False), 'Tags': ([<class 'troposphere.devopsguru.TagCollection'>], False)}
class troposphere.devopsguru.SnsChannelConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TopicArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.devopsguru.TagCollection(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AppBoundaryKey': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TagValues': ([<class 'str'>], False)}

troposphere.directoryservice module

class troposphere.directoryservice.MicrosoftAD(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CreateAlias': (<function boolean>, False), 'Edition': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EnableSso': (<function boolean>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Password': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ShortName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VpcSettings': (<class 'troposphere.directoryservice.VpcSettings'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::DirectoryService::MicrosoftAD'
class troposphere.directoryservice.SimpleAD(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CreateAlias': (<function boolean>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EnableSso': (<function boolean>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Password': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ShortName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Size': (<class 'str'>, True), 'VpcSettings': (<class 'troposphere.directoryservice.VpcSettings'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::DirectoryService::SimpleAD'
class troposphere.directoryservice.VpcSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SubnetIds': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'VpcId': (<class 'str'>, True)}

troposphere.dlm module

class troposphere.dlm.Action(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CrossRegionCopy': ([<class 'troposphere.dlm.CrossRegionCopyAction'>], True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.dlm.ArchiveRetainRule(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RetentionArchiveTier': (<class 'troposphere.dlm.RetentionArchiveTier'>, True)}
class troposphere.dlm.ArchiveRule(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RetainRule': (<class 'troposphere.dlm.ArchiveRetainRule'>, True)}
class troposphere.dlm.CreateRule(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CronExpression': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Interval': (<function validate_interval>, False), 'IntervalUnit': (<function validate_interval_unit>, False), 'Location': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Scripts': ([<class 'troposphere.dlm.Script'>], False), 'Times': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.dlm.CrossRegionCopyAction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EncryptionConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.dlm.EncryptionConfiguration'>, True), 'RetainRule': (<class 'troposphere.dlm.CrossRegionCopyRetainRule'>, False), 'Target': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.dlm.CrossRegionCopyDeprecateRule(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Interval': (<function integer>, True), 'IntervalUnit': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.dlm.CrossRegionCopyRetainRule(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Interval': (<function integer>, True), 'IntervalUnit': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.dlm.CrossRegionCopyRule(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CmkArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CopyTags': (<function boolean>, False), 'DeprecateRule': (<class 'troposphere.dlm.CrossRegionCopyDeprecateRule'>, False), 'Encrypted': (<function boolean>, True), 'RetainRule': (<class 'troposphere.dlm.CrossRegionCopyRetainRule'>, False), 'Target': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TargetRegion': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.dlm.CrossRegionCopyTarget(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TargetRegion': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.dlm.DeprecateRule(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Count': (<function integer>, False), 'Interval': (<function integer>, False), 'IntervalUnit': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.dlm.EncryptionConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CmkArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Encrypted': (<function boolean>, True)}
class troposphere.dlm.EventParameters(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DescriptionRegex': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EventType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SnapshotOwner': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
class troposphere.dlm.EventSource(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Parameters': (<class 'troposphere.dlm.EventParameters'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.dlm.Exclusions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ExcludeBootVolumes': (<function boolean>, False), 'ExcludeTags': ([], False), 'ExcludeVolumeTypes': ([], False)}
class troposphere.dlm.FastRestoreRule(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AvailabilityZones': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Count': (<function integer>, False), 'Interval': (<function integer>, False), 'IntervalUnit': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.dlm.LifecyclePolicy(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CopyTags': (<function boolean>, False), 'CreateInterval': (<function integer>, False), 'CrossRegionCopyTargets': ([], False), 'DefaultPolicy': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Exclusions': (<class 'troposphere.dlm.Exclusions'>, False), 'ExecutionRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ExtendDeletion': (<function boolean>, False), 'PolicyDetails': (<class 'troposphere.dlm.PolicyDetails'>, False), 'RetainInterval': (<function integer>, False), 'State': (<function validate_state>, False), 'Tags': (<function validate_tags_or_list>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::DLM::LifecyclePolicy'
class troposphere.dlm.Parameters(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ExcludeBootVolume': (<function boolean>, False), 'ExcludeDataVolumeTags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'NoReboot': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.dlm.PolicyDetails(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Actions': ([<class 'troposphere.dlm.Action'>], False), 'CopyTags': (<function boolean>, False), 'CreateInterval': (<function integer>, False), 'CrossRegionCopyTargets': ([], False), 'EventSource': (<class 'troposphere.dlm.EventSource'>, False), 'Exclusions': (<class 'troposphere.dlm.Exclusions'>, False), 'ExtendDeletion': (<function boolean>, False), 'Parameters': (<class 'troposphere.dlm.Parameters'>, False), 'PolicyLanguage': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PolicyType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ResourceLocations': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ResourceType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ResourceTypes': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'RetainInterval': (<function integer>, False), 'Schedules': ([<class 'troposphere.dlm.Schedule'>], False), 'TargetTags': (<function validate_tags_or_list>, False)}
class troposphere.dlm.RetainRule(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Count': (<function integer>, False), 'Interval': (<function integer>, False), 'IntervalUnit': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.dlm.RetentionArchiveTier(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Count': (<function integer>, False), 'Interval': (<function integer>, False), 'IntervalUnit': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.dlm.Schedule(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ArchiveRule': (<class 'troposphere.dlm.ArchiveRule'>, False), 'CopyTags': (<function boolean>, False), 'CreateRule': (<class 'troposphere.dlm.CreateRule'>, False), 'CrossRegionCopyRules': ([<class 'troposphere.dlm.CrossRegionCopyRule'>], False), 'DeprecateRule': (<class 'troposphere.dlm.DeprecateRule'>, False), 'FastRestoreRule': (<class 'troposphere.dlm.FastRestoreRule'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RetainRule': (<class 'troposphere.dlm.RetainRule'>, False), 'ShareRules': ([<class 'troposphere.dlm.ShareRule'>], False), 'TagsToAdd': (<function validate_tags_or_list>, False), 'VariableTags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
class troposphere.dlm.Script(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ExecuteOperationOnScriptFailure': (<function boolean>, False), 'ExecutionHandler': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ExecutionHandlerService': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ExecutionTimeout': (<function integer>, False), 'MaximumRetryCount': (<function integer>, False), 'Stages': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.dlm.ShareRule(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TargetAccounts': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'UnshareInterval': (<function integer>, False), 'UnshareIntervalUnit': (<class 'str'>, False)}

troposphere.dms module

class troposphere.dms.Certificate(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CertificateIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CertificatePem': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CertificateWallet': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::DMS::Certificate'
class troposphere.dms.ComputeConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AvailabilityZone': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DnsNameServers': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MaxCapacityUnits': (<function integer>, True), 'MinCapacityUnits': (<function integer>, False), 'MultiAZ': (<function boolean>, False), 'PreferredMaintenanceWindow': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ReplicationSubnetGroupId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VpcSecurityGroupIds': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.dms.DataProvider(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataProviderIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DataProviderName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Engine': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ExactSettings': (<function boolean>, False), 'Settings': (<class 'troposphere.dms.Settings'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::DMS::DataProvider'
class troposphere.dms.DataProviderDescriptor(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataProviderArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DataProviderIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DataProviderName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecretsManagerAccessRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecretsManagerSecretId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.dms.DocDbSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DocsToInvestigate': (<function integer>, False), 'ExtractDocId': (<function boolean>, False), 'NestingLevel': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecretsManagerAccessRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecretsManagerSecretId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.dms.DynamoDbSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ServiceAccessRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.dms.ElasticsearchSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EndpointUri': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ErrorRetryDuration': (<function integer>, False), 'FullLoadErrorPercentage': (<function integer>, False), 'ServiceAccessRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.dms.Endpoint(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CertificateArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DatabaseName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DocDbSettings': (<class 'troposphere.dms.DocDbSettings'>, False), 'DynamoDbSettings': (<class 'troposphere.dms.DynamoDbSettings'>, False), 'ElasticsearchSettings': (<class 'troposphere.dms.ElasticsearchSettings'>, False), 'EndpointIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EndpointType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'EngineName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ExtraConnectionAttributes': (<class 'str'>, False), 'GcpMySQLSettings': (<class 'troposphere.dms.GcpMySQLSettings'>, False), 'IbmDb2Settings': (<class 'troposphere.dms.IbmDb2Settings'>, False), 'KafkaSettings': (<class 'troposphere.dms.KafkaSettings'>, False), 'KinesisSettings': (<class 'troposphere.dms.KinesisSettings'>, False), 'KmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MicrosoftSqlServerSettings': (<class 'troposphere.dms.MicrosoftSqlServerSettings'>, False), 'MongoDbSettings': (<class 'troposphere.dms.MongoDbSettings'>, False), 'MySqlSettings': (<class 'troposphere.dms.MySqlSettings'>, False), 'NeptuneSettings': (<class 'troposphere.dms.NeptuneSettings'>, False), 'OracleSettings': (<class 'troposphere.dms.OracleSettings'>, False), 'Password': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Port': (<function validate_network_port>, False), 'PostgreSqlSettings': (<class 'troposphere.dms.PostgreSqlSettings'>, False), 'RedisSettings': (<class 'troposphere.dms.RedisSettings'>, False), 'RedshiftSettings': (<class 'troposphere.dms.RedshiftSettings'>, False), 'ResourceIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3Settings': (<class 'troposphere.dms.S3Settings'>, False), 'ServerName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SslMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SybaseSettings': (<class 'troposphere.dms.SybaseSettings'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'Username': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::DMS::Endpoint'
class troposphere.dms.EventSubscription(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'EventCategories': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SnsTopicArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SourceIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SourceType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SubscriptionName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::DMS::EventSubscription'
class troposphere.dms.GcpMySQLSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AfterConnectScript': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CleanSourceMetadataOnMismatch': (<function boolean>, False), 'DatabaseName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EventsPollInterval': (<function integer>, False), 'MaxFileSize': (<function integer>, False), 'ParallelLoadThreads': (<function integer>, False), 'Password': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Port': (<function integer>, False), 'SecretsManagerAccessRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecretsManagerSecretId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ServerName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ServerTimezone': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Username': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.dms.IbmDb2Settings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CurrentLsn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KeepCsvFiles': (<function boolean>, False), 'LoadTimeout': (<function integer>, False), 'MaxFileSize': (<function integer>, False), 'MaxKBytesPerRead': (<function integer>, False), 'SecretsManagerAccessRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecretsManagerSecretId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SetDataCaptureChanges': (<function boolean>, False), 'WriteBufferSize': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.dms.InstanceProfile(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AvailabilityZone': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InstanceProfileIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InstanceProfileName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KmsKeyArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NetworkType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PubliclyAccessible': (<function boolean>, False), 'SubnetGroupIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'VpcSecurityGroups': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::DMS::InstanceProfile'
class troposphere.dms.KafkaSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Broker': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IncludeControlDetails': (<function boolean>, False), 'IncludeNullAndEmpty': (<function boolean>, False), 'IncludePartitionValue': (<function boolean>, False), 'IncludeTableAlterOperations': (<function boolean>, False), 'IncludeTransactionDetails': (<function boolean>, False), 'MessageFormat': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MessageMaxBytes': (<function integer>, False), 'NoHexPrefix': (<function boolean>, False), 'PartitionIncludeSchemaTable': (<function boolean>, False), 'SaslPassword': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SaslUserName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecurityProtocol': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SslCaCertificateArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SslClientCertificateArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SslClientKeyArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SslClientKeyPassword': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Topic': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.dms.KinesisSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'IncludeControlDetails': (<function boolean>, False), 'IncludeNullAndEmpty': (<function boolean>, False), 'IncludePartitionValue': (<function boolean>, False), 'IncludeTableAlterOperations': (<function boolean>, False), 'IncludeTransactionDetails': (<function boolean>, False), 'MessageFormat': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NoHexPrefix': (<function boolean>, False), 'PartitionIncludeSchemaTable': (<function boolean>, False), 'ServiceAccessRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StreamArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.dms.MicrosoftSqlServerSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BcpPacketSize': (<function integer>, False), 'ControlTablesFileGroup': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DatabaseName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ForceLobLookup': (<function boolean>, False), 'Password': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Port': (<function integer>, False), 'QuerySingleAlwaysOnNode': (<function boolean>, False), 'ReadBackupOnly': (<function boolean>, False), 'SafeguardPolicy': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecretsManagerAccessRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecretsManagerSecretId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ServerName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TlogAccessMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TrimSpaceInChar': (<function boolean>, False), 'UseBcpFullLoad': (<function boolean>, False), 'UseThirdPartyBackupDevice': (<function boolean>, False), 'Username': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.dms.MigrationProject(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InstanceProfileArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InstanceProfileIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InstanceProfileName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MigrationProjectIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MigrationProjectName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SchemaConversionApplicationAttributes': (<class 'troposphere.dms.SchemaConversionApplicationAttributes'>, False), 'SourceDataProviderDescriptors': ([<class 'troposphere.dms.DataProviderDescriptor'>], False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TargetDataProviderDescriptors': ([<class 'troposphere.dms.DataProviderDescriptor'>], False), 'TransformationRules': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::DMS::MigrationProject'
class troposphere.dms.MongoDbSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AuthMechanism': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AuthSource': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AuthType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DatabaseName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DocsToInvestigate': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ExtractDocId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NestingLevel': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Password': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Port': (<function validate_network_port>, False), 'SecretsManagerAccessRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecretsManagerSecretId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ServerName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Username': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.dms.MySqlSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AfterConnectScript': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CleanSourceMetadataOnMismatch': (<function boolean>, False), 'EventsPollInterval': (<function integer>, False), 'MaxFileSize': (<function integer>, False), 'ParallelLoadThreads': (<function integer>, False), 'SecretsManagerAccessRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecretsManagerSecretId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ServerTimezone': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TargetDbType': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.dms.NeptuneSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ErrorRetryDuration': (<function integer>, False), 'IamAuthEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'MaxFileSize': (<function integer>, False), 'MaxRetryCount': (<function integer>, False), 'S3BucketFolder': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3BucketName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ServiceAccessRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.dms.OracleSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessAlternateDirectly': (<function boolean>, False), 'AddSupplementalLogging': (<function boolean>, False), 'AdditionalArchivedLogDestId': (<function integer>, False), 'AllowSelectNestedTables': (<function boolean>, False), 'ArchivedLogDestId': (<function integer>, False), 'ArchivedLogsOnly': (<function boolean>, False), 'AsmPassword': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AsmServer': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AsmUser': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CharLengthSemantics': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DirectPathNoLog': (<function boolean>, False), 'DirectPathParallelLoad': (<function boolean>, False), 'EnableHomogenousTablespace': (<function boolean>, False), 'ExtraArchivedLogDestIds': ([<function integer>], False), 'FailTasksOnLobTruncation': (<function boolean>, False), 'NumberDatatypeScale': (<function integer>, False), 'OraclePathPrefix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ParallelAsmReadThreads': (<function integer>, False), 'ReadAheadBlocks': (<function integer>, False), 'ReadTableSpaceName': (<function boolean>, False), 'ReplacePathPrefix': (<function boolean>, False), 'RetryInterval': (<function integer>, False), 'SecretsManagerAccessRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecretsManagerOracleAsmAccessRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecretsManagerOracleAsmSecretId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecretsManagerSecretId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecurityDbEncryption': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecurityDbEncryptionName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SpatialDataOptionToGeoJsonFunctionName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StandbyDelayTime': (<function integer>, False), 'UseAlternateFolderForOnline': (<function boolean>, False), 'UseBFile': (<function boolean>, False), 'UseDirectPathFullLoad': (<function boolean>, False), 'UseLogminerReader': (<function boolean>, False), 'UsePathPrefix': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.dms.PostgreSqlSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AfterConnectScript': (<class 'str'>, False), 'BabelfishDatabaseName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CaptureDdls': (<function boolean>, False), 'DatabaseMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DdlArtifactsSchema': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ExecuteTimeout': (<function integer>, False), 'FailTasksOnLobTruncation': (<function boolean>, False), 'HeartbeatEnable': (<function boolean>, False), 'HeartbeatFrequency': (<function integer>, False), 'HeartbeatSchema': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MapBooleanAsBoolean': (<function boolean>, False), 'MaxFileSize': (<function integer>, False), 'PluginName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecretsManagerAccessRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecretsManagerSecretId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SlotName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.dms.RedisSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AuthPassword': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AuthType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AuthUserName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Port': (<function validate_network_port>, False), 'ServerName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SslCaCertificateArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SslSecurityProtocol': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.dms.RedshiftSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AcceptAnyDate': (<function boolean>, False), 'AfterConnectScript': (<class 'str'>, False), 'BucketFolder': (<class 'str'>, False), 'BucketName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CaseSensitiveNames': (<function boolean>, False), 'CompUpdate': (<function boolean>, False), 'ConnectionTimeout': (<function integer>, False), 'DateFormat': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EmptyAsNull': (<function boolean>, False), 'EncryptionMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ExplicitIds': (<function boolean>, False), 'FileTransferUploadStreams': (<function integer>, False), 'LoadTimeout': (<function integer>, False), 'MapBooleanAsBoolean': (<function boolean>, False), 'MaxFileSize': (<function integer>, False), 'RemoveQuotes': (<function boolean>, False), 'ReplaceChars': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ReplaceInvalidChars': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecretsManagerAccessRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecretsManagerSecretId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ServerSideEncryptionKmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ServiceAccessRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TimeFormat': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TrimBlanks': (<function boolean>, False), 'TruncateColumns': (<function boolean>, False), 'WriteBufferSize': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.dms.ReplicationConfig(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ComputeConfig': (<class 'troposphere.dms.ComputeConfig'>, False), 'ReplicationConfigArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ReplicationConfigIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ReplicationSettings': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'ReplicationType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ResourceIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceEndpointArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SupplementalSettings': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'TableMappings': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TargetEndpointArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::DMS::ReplicationConfig'
class troposphere.dms.ReplicationInstance(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AllocatedStorage': (<function integer>, False), 'AllowMajorVersionUpgrade': (<function boolean>, False), 'AutoMinorVersionUpgrade': (<function boolean>, False), 'AvailabilityZone': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EngineVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MultiAZ': (<function boolean>, False), 'PreferredMaintenanceWindow': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PubliclyAccessible': (<function boolean>, False), 'ReplicationInstanceClass': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ReplicationInstanceIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ReplicationSubnetGroupIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ResourceIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'VpcSecurityGroupIds': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::DMS::ReplicationInstance'
class troposphere.dms.ReplicationSubnetGroup(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ReplicationSubnetGroupDescription': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ReplicationSubnetGroupIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SubnetIds': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::DMS::ReplicationSubnetGroup'
class troposphere.dms.ReplicationTask(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CdcStartPosition': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CdcStartTime': (<function double>, False), 'CdcStopPosition': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MigrationType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ReplicationInstanceArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ReplicationTaskIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ReplicationTaskSettings': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ResourceIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceEndpointArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TableMappings': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TargetEndpointArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TaskData': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::DMS::ReplicationTask'
class troposphere.dms.S3Settings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AddColumnName': (<function boolean>, False), 'AddTrailingPaddingCharacter': (<function boolean>, False), 'BucketFolder': (<class 'str'>, False), 'BucketName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CannedAclForObjects': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CdcInsertsAndUpdates': (<function boolean>, False), 'CdcInsertsOnly': (<function boolean>, False), 'CdcMaxBatchInterval': (<function integer>, False), 'CdcMinFileSize': (<function integer>, False), 'CdcPath': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CompressionType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CsvDelimiter': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CsvNoSupValue': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CsvNullValue': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CsvRowDelimiter': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DataFormat': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DataPageSize': (<function integer>, False), 'DatePartitionDelimiter': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DatePartitionEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'DatePartitionSequence': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DatePartitionTimezone': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DictPageSizeLimit': (<function integer>, False), 'EnableStatistics': (<function boolean>, False), 'EncodingType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EncryptionMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ExpectedBucketOwner': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ExternalTableDefinition': (<class 'str'>, False), 'GlueCatalogGeneration': (<function boolean>, False), 'IgnoreHeaderRows': (<function integer>, False), 'IncludeOpForFullLoad': (<function boolean>, False), 'MaxFileSize': (<function integer>, False), 'ParquetTimestampInMillisecond': (<function boolean>, False), 'ParquetVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PreserveTransactions': (<function boolean>, False), 'Rfc4180': (<function boolean>, False), 'RowGroupLength': (<function integer>, False), 'ServerSideEncryptionKmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ServiceAccessRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TimestampColumnName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'UseCsvNoSupValue': (<function boolean>, False), 'UseTaskStartTimeForFullLoadTimestamp': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.dms.SchemaConversionApplicationAttributes(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'S3BucketPath': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3BucketRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.dms.Settings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MicrosoftSqlServerSettings': (<class 'troposphere.dms.MicrosoftSqlServerSettings'>, False), 'MySqlSettings': (<class 'troposphere.dms.MySqlSettings'>, False), 'OracleSettings': (<class 'troposphere.dms.OracleSettings'>, False), 'PostgreSqlSettings': (<class 'troposphere.dms.PostgreSqlSettings'>, False)}
class troposphere.dms.SybaseSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SecretsManagerAccessRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecretsManagerSecretId': (<class 'str'>, False)}

troposphere.docdb module

class troposphere.docdb.DBCluster(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AvailabilityZones': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'BackupRetentionPeriod': (<function integer>, False), 'CopyTagsToSnapshot': (<function boolean>, False), 'DBClusterIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DBClusterParameterGroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DBSubnetGroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DeletionProtection': (<function boolean>, False), 'EnableCloudwatchLogsExports': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'EngineVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MasterUserPassword': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MasterUsername': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Port': (<function integer>, False), 'PreferredBackupWindow': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PreferredMaintenanceWindow': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RestoreToTime': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RestoreType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SnapshotIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceDBClusterIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StorageEncrypted': (<function boolean>, False), 'StorageType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'UseLatestRestorableTime': (<function boolean>, False), 'VpcSecurityGroupIds': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::DocDB::DBCluster'
class troposphere.docdb.DBClusterParameterGroup(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Family': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Parameters': (<class 'dict'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::DocDB::DBClusterParameterGroup'
class troposphere.docdb.DBInstance(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AutoMinorVersionUpgrade': (<function boolean>, False), 'AvailabilityZone': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CACertificateIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CertificateRotationRestart': (<function boolean>, False), 'DBClusterIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DBInstanceClass': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DBInstanceIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EnablePerformanceInsights': (<function boolean>, False), 'PreferredMaintenanceWindow': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::DocDB::DBInstance'
class troposphere.docdb.DBSubnetGroup(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DBSubnetGroupDescription': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DBSubnetGroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SubnetIds': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::DocDB::DBSubnetGroup'
class troposphere.docdb.EventSubscription(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'EventCategories': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SnsTopicArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SourceIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SourceType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SubscriptionName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::DocDB::EventSubscription'

troposphere.dynamodb module

class troposphere.dynamodb.AttributeDefinition(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AttributeName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'AttributeType': (<function attribute_type_validator>, True)}
class troposphere.dynamodb.CapacityAutoScalingSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MaxCapacity': (<function integer>, True), 'MinCapacity': (<function integer>, True), 'SeedCapacity': (<function integer>, False), 'TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.dynamodb.TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration'>, True)}
class troposphere.dynamodb.ContributorInsightsSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Enabled': (<function boolean>, True)}
class troposphere.dynamodb.Csv(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Delimiter': (<class 'str'>, False), 'HeaderList': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.dynamodb.GlobalSecondaryIndex(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContributorInsightsSpecification': (<class 'troposphere.dynamodb.ContributorInsightsSpecification'>, False), 'IndexName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'KeySchema': ([<class 'troposphere.dynamodb.KeySchema'>], True), 'OnDemandThroughput': (<class 'troposphere.dynamodb.OnDemandThroughput'>, False), 'Projection': (<class 'troposphere.dynamodb.Projection'>, True), 'ProvisionedThroughput': (<class 'troposphere.dynamodb.ProvisionedThroughput'>, False)}
class troposphere.dynamodb.GlobalTable(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AttributeDefinitions': ([<class 'troposphere.dynamodb.AttributeDefinition'>], True), 'BillingMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'GlobalSecondaryIndexes': ([<class 'troposphere.dynamodb.GlobalTableGlobalSecondaryIndex'>], False), 'KeySchema': ([<class 'troposphere.dynamodb.KeySchema'>], True), 'LocalSecondaryIndexes': ([<class 'troposphere.dynamodb.LocalSecondaryIndex'>], False), 'Replicas': ([<class 'troposphere.dynamodb.ReplicaSpecification'>], True), 'SSESpecification': (<class 'troposphere.dynamodb.GlobalTableSSESpecification'>, False), 'StreamSpecification': (<class 'troposphere.dynamodb.StreamSpecification'>, False), 'TableName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TimeToLiveSpecification': (<class 'troposphere.dynamodb.TimeToLiveSpecification'>, False), 'WriteOnDemandThroughputSettings': (<class 'troposphere.dynamodb.WriteOnDemandThroughputSettings'>, False), 'WriteProvisionedThroughputSettings': (<class 'troposphere.dynamodb.WriteProvisionedThroughputSettings'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::DynamoDB::GlobalTable'
class troposphere.dynamodb.GlobalTableGlobalSecondaryIndex(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'IndexName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'KeySchema': ([<class 'troposphere.dynamodb.KeySchema'>], True), 'Projection': (<class 'troposphere.dynamodb.Projection'>, True), 'WriteOnDemandThroughputSettings': (<class 'troposphere.dynamodb.WriteOnDemandThroughputSettings'>, False), 'WriteProvisionedThroughputSettings': (<class 'troposphere.dynamodb.WriteProvisionedThroughputSettings'>, False)}
class troposphere.dynamodb.GlobalTableSSESpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SSEEnabled': (<function boolean>, True), 'SSEType': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.dynamodb.ImportSourceSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InputCompressionType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InputFormat': (<class 'str'>, True), 'InputFormatOptions': (<class 'troposphere.dynamodb.InputFormatOptions'>, False), 'S3BucketSource': (<class 'troposphere.dynamodb.S3BucketSource'>, True)}
class troposphere.dynamodb.InputFormatOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Csv': (<class 'troposphere.dynamodb.Csv'>, False)}
class troposphere.dynamodb.KeySchema(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AttributeName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'KeyType': (<function key_type_validator>, True)}
class troposphere.dynamodb.KinesisStreamSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApproximateCreationDateTimePrecision': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StreamArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.dynamodb.LocalSecondaryIndex(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'IndexName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'KeySchema': ([<class 'troposphere.dynamodb.KeySchema'>], True), 'Projection': (<class 'troposphere.dynamodb.Projection'>, True)}
class troposphere.dynamodb.OnDemandThroughput(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MaxReadRequestUnits': (<function integer>, False), 'MaxWriteRequestUnits': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.dynamodb.PointInTimeRecoverySpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PointInTimeRecoveryEnabled': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.dynamodb.Projection(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'NonKeyAttributes': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ProjectionType': (<function projection_type_validator>, False)}
class troposphere.dynamodb.ProvisionedThroughput(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ReadCapacityUnits': (<function integer>, True), 'WriteCapacityUnits': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.dynamodb.ReadOnDemandThroughputSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MaxReadRequestUnits': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.dynamodb.ReadProvisionedThroughputSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ReadCapacityAutoScalingSettings': (<class 'troposphere.dynamodb.CapacityAutoScalingSettings'>, False), 'ReadCapacityUnits': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.dynamodb.ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContributorInsightsSpecification': (<class 'troposphere.dynamodb.ContributorInsightsSpecification'>, False), 'IndexName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ReadOnDemandThroughputSettings': (<class 'troposphere.dynamodb.ReadOnDemandThroughputSettings'>, False), 'ReadProvisionedThroughputSettings': (<class 'troposphere.dynamodb.ReadProvisionedThroughputSettings'>, False)}
class troposphere.dynamodb.ReplicaSSESpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'KMSMasterKeyId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.dynamodb.ReplicaSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContributorInsightsSpecification': (<class 'troposphere.dynamodb.ContributorInsightsSpecification'>, False), 'DeletionProtectionEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'GlobalSecondaryIndexes': ([<class 'troposphere.dynamodb.ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSpecification'>], False), 'KinesisStreamSpecification': (<class 'troposphere.dynamodb.KinesisStreamSpecification'>, False), 'PointInTimeRecoverySpecification': (<class 'troposphere.dynamodb.PointInTimeRecoverySpecification'>, False), 'ReadOnDemandThroughputSettings': (<class 'troposphere.dynamodb.ReadOnDemandThroughputSettings'>, False), 'ReadProvisionedThroughputSettings': (<class 'troposphere.dynamodb.ReadProvisionedThroughputSettings'>, False), 'Region': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ReplicaStreamSpecification': (<class 'troposphere.dynamodb.ReplicaStreamSpecification'>, False), 'ResourcePolicy': (<class 'troposphere.dynamodb.ResourcePolicy'>, False), 'SSESpecification': (<class 'troposphere.dynamodb.ReplicaSSESpecification'>, False), 'TableClass': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
class troposphere.dynamodb.ReplicaStreamSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ResourcePolicy': (<class 'troposphere.dynamodb.ResourcePolicy'>, True)}
class troposphere.dynamodb.ResourcePolicy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PolicyDocument': (<class 'dict'>, True)}
class troposphere.dynamodb.S3BucketSource(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'S3Bucket': (<class 'str'>, True), 'S3BucketOwner': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3KeyPrefix': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.dynamodb.SSESpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'KMSMasterKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SSEEnabled': (<function boolean>, True), 'SSEType': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.dynamodb.StreamSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ResourcePolicy': (<class 'troposphere.dynamodb.ResourcePolicy'>, False), 'StreamViewType': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.dynamodb.Table(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AttributeDefinitions': ([<class 'troposphere.dynamodb.AttributeDefinition'>], False), 'BillingMode': (<function billing_mode_validator>, False), 'ContributorInsightsSpecification': (<class 'troposphere.dynamodb.ContributorInsightsSpecification'>, False), 'DeletionProtectionEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'GlobalSecondaryIndexes': ([<class 'troposphere.dynamodb.GlobalSecondaryIndex'>], False), 'ImportSourceSpecification': (<class 'troposphere.dynamodb.ImportSourceSpecification'>, False), 'KeySchema': ([<class 'troposphere.dynamodb.KeySchema'>], True), 'KinesisStreamSpecification': (<class 'troposphere.dynamodb.KinesisStreamSpecification'>, False), 'LocalSecondaryIndexes': ([<class 'troposphere.dynamodb.LocalSecondaryIndex'>], False), 'OnDemandThroughput': (<class 'troposphere.dynamodb.OnDemandThroughput'>, False), 'PointInTimeRecoverySpecification': (<class 'troposphere.dynamodb.PointInTimeRecoverySpecification'>, False), 'ProvisionedThroughput': (<class 'troposphere.dynamodb.ProvisionedThroughput'>, False), 'ResourcePolicy': (<class 'troposphere.dynamodb.ResourcePolicy'>, False), 'SSESpecification': (<class 'troposphere.dynamodb.SSESpecification'>, False), 'StreamSpecification': (<class 'troposphere.dynamodb.StreamSpecification'>, False), 'TableClass': (<function table_class_validator>, False), 'TableName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TimeToLiveSpecification': (<class 'troposphere.dynamodb.TimeToLiveSpecification'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::DynamoDB::Table'
class troposphere.dynamodb.TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DisableScaleIn': (<function boolean>, False), 'ScaleInCooldown': (<function integer>, False), 'ScaleOutCooldown': (<function integer>, False), 'TargetValue': (<function double>, True)}
class troposphere.dynamodb.TimeToLiveSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AttributeName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Enabled': (<function boolean>, True)}
class troposphere.dynamodb.WriteOnDemandThroughputSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MaxWriteRequestUnits': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.dynamodb.WriteProvisionedThroughputSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'WriteCapacityAutoScalingSettings': (<class 'troposphere.dynamodb.CapacityAutoScalingSettings'>, False)}

troposphere.ec2 module

class troposphere.ec2.AcceleratorCount(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Max': (<function integer>, False), 'Min': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.AcceleratorCountRequest(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Max': (<function integer>, False), 'Min': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.AcceleratorTotalMemoryMiB(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Max': (<function integer>, False), 'Min': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.AcceleratorTotalMemoryMiBRequest(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Max': (<function integer>, False), 'Min': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.AccessScopePathRequest(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Destination': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.PathStatementRequest'>, False), 'Source': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.PathStatementRequest'>, False), 'ThroughResources': ([<class 'troposphere.ec2.ThroughResourcesStatementRequest'>], False)}
class troposphere.ec2.AssociationParameters(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Key': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
class troposphere.ec2.BaselineEbsBandwidthMbps(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Max': (<function integer>, False), 'Min': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.BaselineEbsBandwidthMbpsRequest(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Max': (<function integer>, False), 'Min': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.BlockDeviceMapping(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DeviceName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Ebs': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.EBSBlockDevice'>, False), 'NoDevice': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'VirtualName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.CapacityRebalance(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ReplacementStrategy': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TerminationDelay': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.CapacityReservation(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AvailabilityZone': (<class 'str'>, True), 'EbsOptimized': (<function boolean>, False), 'EndDate': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EndDateType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EphemeralStorage': (<function boolean>, False), 'InstanceCount': (<function integer>, True), 'InstanceMatchCriteria': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InstancePlatform': (<class 'str'>, True), 'InstanceType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'OutPostArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PlacementGroupArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TagSpecifications': ([<class 'troposphere.ec2.TagSpecifications'>], False), 'Tenancy': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::CapacityReservation'
class troposphere.ec2.CapacityReservationFleet(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AllocationStrategy': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EndDate': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InstanceMatchCriteria': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InstanceTypeSpecifications': ([<class 'troposphere.ec2.InstanceTypeSpecification'>], False), 'NoRemoveEndDate': (<function boolean>, False), 'RemoveEndDate': (<function boolean>, False), 'TagSpecifications': ([<class 'troposphere.ec2.TagSpecifications'>], False), 'Tenancy': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TotalTargetCapacity': (<function integer>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::CapacityReservationFleet'
class troposphere.ec2.CapacityReservationOptionsRequest(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'UsageStrategy': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.CapacityReservationSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CapacityReservationPreference': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CapacityReservationTarget': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.CapacityReservationTarget'>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.CapacityReservationTarget(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CapacityReservationId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CapacityReservationResourceGroupArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.CarrierGateway(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'VpcId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::CarrierGateway'
class troposphere.ec2.CertificateAuthenticationRequest(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ClientRootCertificateChainArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.ec2.ClassicLoadBalancer(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.ec2.ClassicLoadBalancersConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ClassicLoadBalancers': ([<class 'troposphere.ec2.ClassicLoadBalancer'>], True)}
class troposphere.ec2.ClientAuthenticationRequest(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ActiveDirectory': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.DirectoryServiceAuthenticationRequest'>, False), 'FederatedAuthentication': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.FederatedAuthenticationRequest'>, False), 'MutualAuthentication': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.CertificateAuthenticationRequest'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.ec2.ClientConnectOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Enabled': (<function boolean>, True), 'LambdaFunctionArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.ClientLoginBannerOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BannerText': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Enabled': (<function boolean>, True)}
class troposphere.ec2.ClientVpnAuthorizationRule(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessGroupId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AuthorizeAllGroups': (<function boolean>, False), 'ClientVpnEndpointId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TargetNetworkCidr': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::ClientVpnAuthorizationRule'
class troposphere.ec2.ClientVpnEndpoint(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AuthenticationOptions': ([<class 'troposphere.ec2.ClientAuthenticationRequest'>], True), 'ClientCidrBlock': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ClientConnectOptions': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.ClientConnectOptions'>, False), 'ClientLoginBannerOptions': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.ClientLoginBannerOptions'>, False), 'ConnectionLogOptions': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.ConnectionLogOptions'>, True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DnsServers': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SecurityGroupIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SelfServicePortal': (<function validate_clientvpnendpoint_selfserviceportal>, False), 'ServerCertificateArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SessionTimeoutHours': (<function integer>, False), 'SplitTunnel': (<function boolean>, False), 'TagSpecifications': ([<class 'troposphere.ec2.TagSpecifications'>], False), 'TransportProtocol': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VpcId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VpnPort': (<function validate_clientvpnendpoint_vpnport>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::ClientVpnEndpoint'
class troposphere.ec2.ClientVpnRoute(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ClientVpnEndpointId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DestinationCidrBlock': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TargetVpcSubnetId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::ClientVpnRoute'
class troposphere.ec2.ClientVpnTargetNetworkAssociation(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ClientVpnEndpointId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SubnetId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::ClientVpnTargetNetworkAssociation'
class troposphere.ec2.CloudWatchLogs(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'LogGroup': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.ConnectionLogOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CloudwatchLogGroup': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CloudwatchLogStream': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Enabled': (<function boolean>, True)}
class troposphere.ec2.ConnectionTrackingSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TcpEstablishedTimeout': (<function integer>, False), 'UdpStreamTimeout': (<function integer>, False), 'UdpTimeout': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.CpuOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AmdSevSnp': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CoreCount': (<function integer>, False), 'ThreadsPerCore': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.CreditSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CPUCredits': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.CustomerGateway(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BgpAsn': (<function integer>, False), 'CertificateArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DeviceName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IpAddress': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<function validate_tags_or_list>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::CustomerGateway'
class troposphere.ec2.DHCPOptions(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DomainName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DomainNameServers': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Ipv6AddressPreferredLeaseTime': (<function integer>, False), 'NetbiosNameServers': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'NetbiosNodeType': (<function integer>, False), 'NtpServers': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Tags': (<function validate_tags_or_list>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::DHCPOptions'
class troposphere.ec2.DestinationOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FileFormat': (<class 'str'>, True), 'HiveCompatiblePartitions': (<function boolean>, True), 'PerHourPartition': (<function boolean>, True)}
class troposphere.ec2.DeviceOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PublicSigningKeyUrl': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TenantId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.DirectoryServiceAuthenticationRequest(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DirectoryId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.ec2.EBSBlockDevice(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DeleteOnTermination': (<function boolean>, False), 'Encrypted': (<function boolean>, False), 'Iops': (<function integer>, False), 'KmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SnapshotId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Throughput': (<function integer>, False), 'VolumeSize': (<function integer>, False), 'VolumeType': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.EC2Fleet(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Context': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ExcessCapacityTerminationPolicy': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LaunchTemplateConfigs': ([<class 'troposphere.ec2.FleetLaunchTemplateConfigRequest'>], True), 'OnDemandOptions': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.OnDemandOptionsRequest'>, False), 'ReplaceUnhealthyInstances': (<function boolean>, False), 'SpotOptions': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.SpotOptionsRequest'>, False), 'TagSpecifications': ([<class 'troposphere.ec2.TagSpecifications'>], False), 'TargetCapacitySpecification': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.TargetCapacitySpecificationRequest'>, True), 'TerminateInstancesWithExpiration': (<function boolean>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ValidFrom': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ValidUntil': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::EC2Fleet'
class troposphere.ec2.EIP(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Domain': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InstanceId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NetworkBorderGroup': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PublicIpv4Pool': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TransferAddress': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::EIP'
class troposphere.ec2.EIPAssociation(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AllocationId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InstanceId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NetworkInterfaceId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PrivateIpAddress': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::EIPAssociation'
class troposphere.ec2.EbsBlockDevice(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DeleteOnTermination': (<function boolean>, False), 'Encrypted': (<function boolean>, False), 'Iops': (<function integer>, False), 'SnapshotId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VolumeSize': (<function integer>, False), 'VolumeType': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.Egress(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CidrIp': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CidrIpv6': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DestinationPrefixListId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DestinationSecurityGroupId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FromPort': (<function integer>, False), 'IpProtocol': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ToPort': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.EgressOnlyInternetGateway(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'VpcId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::EgressOnlyInternetGateway'
class troposphere.ec2.ElasticGpuSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Type': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.ElasticInferenceAccelerator(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Count': (<function integer>, False), 'Type': (<function validate_elasticinferenceaccelerator_type>, True)}
class troposphere.ec2.EnaSrdSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EnaSrdEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'EnaSrdUdpSpecification': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.EnaSrdUdpSpecification'>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.EnaSrdUdpSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EnaSrdUdpEnabled': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.EnclaveCertificateIamRoleAssociation(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CertificateArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::EnclaveCertificateIamRoleAssociation'
class troposphere.ec2.EnclaveOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.Entry(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Cidr': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.FederatedAuthenticationRequest(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SAMLProviderArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SelfServiceSAMLProviderArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.FilterPortRange(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FromPort': (<function integer>, False), 'ToPort': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.FleetLaunchTemplateConfigRequest(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LaunchTemplateSpecification': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.FleetLaunchTemplateSpecificationRequest'>, False), 'Overrides': ([<class 'troposphere.ec2.FleetLaunchTemplateOverridesRequest'>], False)}
class troposphere.ec2.FleetLaunchTemplateOverridesRequest(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AvailabilityZone': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InstanceRequirements': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.InstanceRequirementsRequest'>, False), 'InstanceType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MaxPrice': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Placement': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.Placement'>, False), 'Priority': (<function double>, False), 'SubnetId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'WeightedCapacity': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.FleetLaunchTemplateSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LaunchTemplateId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LaunchTemplateName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Version': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.ec2.FleetLaunchTemplateSpecificationRequest(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LaunchTemplateId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LaunchTemplateName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Version': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.ec2.FlowLog(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DeliverCrossAccountRole': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DeliverLogsPermissionArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DestinationOptions': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.DestinationOptions'>, False), 'LogDestination': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LogDestinationType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LogFormat': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LogGroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MaxAggregationInterval': (<function integer>, False), 'ResourceId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ResourceType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TrafficType': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::FlowLog'
class troposphere.ec2.GatewayRouteTableAssociation(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'GatewayId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RouteTableId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::GatewayRouteTableAssociation'
class troposphere.ec2.HibernationOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Configured': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.Host(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AssetId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AutoPlacement': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AvailabilityZone': (<class 'str'>, True), 'HostMaintenance': (<class 'str'>, False), 'HostRecovery': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InstanceFamily': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InstanceType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OutpostArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::Host'
class troposphere.ec2.ICMP(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Code': (<function integer>, False), 'Type': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.IPAM(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OperatingRegions': ([<class 'troposphere.ec2.IpamOperatingRegion'>], False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'Tier': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::IPAM'
class troposphere.ec2.IPAMAllocation(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Cidr': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IpamPoolId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'NetmaskLength': (<function integer>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::IPAMAllocation'
class troposphere.ec2.IPAMPool(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AddressFamily': (<class 'str'>, True), 'AllocationDefaultNetmaskLength': (<function integer>, False), 'AllocationMaxNetmaskLength': (<function integer>, False), 'AllocationMinNetmaskLength': (<function integer>, False), 'AllocationResourceTags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'AutoImport': (<function boolean>, False), 'AwsService': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IpamScopeId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Locale': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ProvisionedCidrs': ([<class 'troposphere.ec2.ProvisionedCidr'>], False), 'PublicIpSource': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PubliclyAdvertisable': (<function boolean>, False), 'SourceIpamPoolId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceResource': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.SourceResource'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::IPAMPool'
class troposphere.ec2.IPAMPoolCidr(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Cidr': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IpamPoolId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'NetmaskLength': (<function integer>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::IPAMPoolCidr'
class troposphere.ec2.IPAMResourceDiscovery(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OperatingRegions': ([<class 'troposphere.ec2.IpamOperatingRegion'>], False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::IPAMResourceDiscovery'
class troposphere.ec2.IPAMResourceDiscoveryAssociation(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'IpamId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'IpamResourceDiscoveryId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::IPAMResourceDiscoveryAssociation'
class troposphere.ec2.IPAMScope(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IpamId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::IPAMScope'
class troposphere.ec2.IamInstanceProfile(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Arn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.IamInstanceProfileSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Arn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.Ingress(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CidrIp': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CidrIpv6': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FromPort': (<function integer>, False), 'IpProtocol': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SourcePrefixListId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceSecurityGroupId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceSecurityGroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceSecurityGroupOwnerId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ToPort': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.Instance(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AdditionalInfo': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Affinity': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AvailabilityZone': (<class 'str'>, False), 'BlockDeviceMappings': ([<class 'troposphere.ec2.BlockDeviceMapping'>], False), 'CpuOptions': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.CpuOptions'>, False), 'CreditSpecification': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.CreditSpecification'>, False), 'DisableApiTermination': (<function boolean>, False), 'EbsOptimized': (<function boolean>, False), 'ElasticGpuSpecifications': ([<class 'troposphere.ec2.ElasticGpuSpecification'>], False), 'ElasticInferenceAccelerators': ([<class 'troposphere.ec2.ElasticInferenceAccelerator'>], False), 'EnclaveOptions': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.EnclaveOptions'>, False), 'HibernationOptions': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.HibernationOptions'>, False), 'HostId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'HostResourceGroupArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IamInstanceProfile': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ImageId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InstanceType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Ipv6AddressCount': (<function integer>, False), 'Ipv6Addresses': ([<class 'troposphere.ec2.InstanceIpv6Address'>], False), 'KernelId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KeyName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LaunchTemplate': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.LaunchTemplateSpecification'>, False), 'LicenseSpecifications': ([<class 'troposphere.ec2.LicenseSpecification'>], False), 'Monitoring': (<function boolean>, False), 'NetworkInterfaces': ([<class 'troposphere.ec2.NetworkInterfaceProperty'>], False), 'PlacementGroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PrivateDnsNameOptions': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.PrivateDnsNameOptions'>, False), 'PrivateIpAddress': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PropagateTagsToVolumeOnCreation': (<function boolean>, False), 'RamdiskId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecurityGroupIds': (<class 'list'>, False), 'SecurityGroups': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SourceDestCheck': (<function boolean>, False), 'SsmAssociations': ([<class 'troposphere.ec2.SsmAssociations'>], False), 'SubnetId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<function validate_tags_or_list>, False), 'Tenancy': (<class 'str'>, False), 'UserData': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Volumes': (<class 'list'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::Instance'
class troposphere.ec2.InstanceConnectEndpoint(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ClientToken': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PreserveClientIp': (<function boolean>, False), 'SecurityGroupIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SubnetId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::InstanceConnectEndpoint'
class troposphere.ec2.InstanceIpv6Address(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Ipv6Address': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.ec2.InstanceMarketOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MarketType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SpotOptions': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.SpotOptions'>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.InstanceNetworkInterfaceSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AssociatePublicIpAddress': (<function boolean>, False), 'DeleteOnTermination': (<function boolean>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DeviceIndex': (<function integer>, False), 'Groups': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Ipv6AddressCount': (<function integer>, False), 'Ipv6Addresses': ([<class 'troposphere.ec2.InstanceIpv6Address'>], False), 'NetworkInterfaceId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PrivateIpAddresses': ([<class 'troposphere.ec2.PrivateIpAddressSpecification'>], False), 'SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount': (<function integer>, False), 'SubnetId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.InstanceRequirements(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AcceleratorCount': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.AcceleratorCount'>, False), 'AcceleratorManufacturers': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'AcceleratorNames': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'AcceleratorTotalMemoryMiB': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.AcceleratorTotalMemoryMiB'>, False), 'AcceleratorTypes': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'AllowedInstanceTypes': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'BareMetal': (<class 'str'>, False), 'BaselineEbsBandwidthMbps': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.BaselineEbsBandwidthMbps'>, False), 'BurstablePerformance': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CpuManufacturers': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ExcludedInstanceTypes': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'InstanceGenerations': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'LocalStorage': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LocalStorageTypes': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'MaxSpotPriceAsPercentageOfOptimalOnDemandPrice': (<function integer>, False), 'MemoryGiBPerVCpu': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.MemoryGiBPerVCpu'>, False), 'MemoryMiB': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.MemoryMiB'>, False), 'NetworkBandwidthGbps': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.NetworkBandwidthGbps'>, False), 'NetworkInterfaceCount': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.NetworkInterfaceCount'>, False), 'OnDemandMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice': (<function integer>, False), 'RequireHibernateSupport': (<function boolean>, False), 'SpotMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice': (<function integer>, False), 'TotalLocalStorageGB': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.TotalLocalStorageGB'>, False), 'VCpuCount': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.VCpuCount'>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.InstanceRequirementsRequest(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AcceleratorCount': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.AcceleratorCountRequest'>, False), 'AcceleratorManufacturers': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'AcceleratorNames': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'AcceleratorTotalMemoryMiB': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.AcceleratorTotalMemoryMiBRequest'>, False), 'AcceleratorTypes': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'AllowedInstanceTypes': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'BareMetal': (<class 'str'>, False), 'BaselineEbsBandwidthMbps': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.BaselineEbsBandwidthMbpsRequest'>, False), 'BurstablePerformance': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CpuManufacturers': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ExcludedInstanceTypes': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'InstanceGenerations': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'LocalStorage': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LocalStorageTypes': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'MaxSpotPriceAsPercentageOfOptimalOnDemandPrice': (<function integer>, False), 'MemoryGiBPerVCpu': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.MemoryGiBPerVCpuRequest'>, False), 'MemoryMiB': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.MemoryMiBRequest'>, False), 'NetworkBandwidthGbps': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.NetworkBandwidthGbpsRequest'>, False), 'NetworkInterfaceCount': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.NetworkInterfaceCountRequest'>, False), 'OnDemandMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice': (<function integer>, False), 'RequireHibernateSupport': (<function boolean>, False), 'SpotMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice': (<function integer>, False), 'TotalLocalStorageGB': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.TotalLocalStorageGBRequest'>, False), 'VCpuCount': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.VCpuCountRangeRequest'>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.InstanceTypeSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AvailabilityZone': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AvailabilityZoneId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EbsOptimized': (<function boolean>, False), 'InstancePlatform': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InstanceType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Priority': (<function integer>, False), 'Weight': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.InternetGateway(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Tags': (<function validate_tags_or_list>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::InternetGateway'
class troposphere.ec2.IpamOperatingRegion(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RegionName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.ec2.Ipv4PrefixSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Ipv4Prefix': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.ec2.Ipv6Add(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Ipv6Address': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.Ipv6PrefixSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Ipv6Prefix': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.ec2.KeyPair(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'KeyFormat': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KeyName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'KeyType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PublicKeyMaterial': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::KeyPair'
class troposphere.ec2.KinesisDataFirehose(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DeliveryStream': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.LaunchSpecifications(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BlockDeviceMappings': ([<class 'troposphere.ec2.BlockDeviceMapping'>], False), 'EbsOptimized': (<function boolean>, False), 'IamInstanceProfile': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.IamInstanceProfileSpecification'>, False), 'ImageId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'InstanceRequirements': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.InstanceRequirementsRequest'>, False), 'InstanceType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KernelId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KeyName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Monitoring': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.Monitoring'>, False), 'NetworkInterfaces': ([<class 'troposphere.ec2.InstanceNetworkInterfaceSpecification'>], False), 'Placement': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.SpotPlacement'>, False), 'RamdiskId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecurityGroups': ([<class 'troposphere.ec2.SecurityGroups'>], False), 'SpotPrice': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SubnetId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TagSpecifications': ([<class 'troposphere.ec2.SpotFleetTagSpecification'>], False), 'UserData': (<class 'str'>, False), 'WeightedCapacity': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.LaunchTemplate(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LaunchTemplateData': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.LaunchTemplateData'>, True), 'LaunchTemplateName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TagSpecifications': ([<class 'troposphere.ec2.TagSpecifications'>], False), 'VersionDescription': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate'
class troposphere.ec2.LaunchTemplateBlockDeviceMapping(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DeviceName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Ebs': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.EBSBlockDevice'>, False), 'NoDevice': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VirtualName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.LaunchTemplateConfigs(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LaunchTemplateSpecification': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.FleetLaunchTemplateSpecification'>, False), 'Overrides': ([<class 'troposphere.ec2.LaunchTemplateOverrides'>], False)}
class troposphere.ec2.LaunchTemplateCreditSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CpuCredits': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.LaunchTemplateData(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BlockDeviceMappings': ([<class 'troposphere.ec2.LaunchTemplateBlockDeviceMapping'>], False), 'CapacityReservationSpecification': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.CapacityReservationSpecification'>, False), 'CpuOptions': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.CpuOptions'>, False), 'CreditSpecification': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.LaunchTemplateCreditSpecification'>, False), 'DisableApiStop': (<function boolean>, False), 'DisableApiTermination': (<function boolean>, False), 'EbsOptimized': (<function boolean>, False), 'ElasticGpuSpecifications': ([<class 'troposphere.ec2.ElasticGpuSpecification'>], False), 'ElasticInferenceAccelerators': ([<class 'troposphere.ec2.LaunchTemplateElasticInferenceAccelerator'>], False), 'EnclaveOptions': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.EnclaveOptions'>, False), 'HibernationOptions': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.HibernationOptions'>, False), 'IamInstanceProfile': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.IamInstanceProfile'>, False), 'ImageId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InstanceMarketOptions': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.InstanceMarketOptions'>, False), 'InstanceRequirements': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.InstanceRequirements'>, False), 'InstanceType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KernelId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KeyName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LicenseSpecifications': ([<class 'troposphere.ec2.LicenseSpecification'>], False), 'MaintenanceOptions': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.MaintenanceOptions'>, False), 'MetadataOptions': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.MetadataOptions'>, False), 'Monitoring': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.Monitoring'>, False), 'NetworkInterfaces': ([<class 'troposphere.ec2.NetworkInterfaces'>], False), 'Placement': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.Placement'>, False), 'PrivateDnsNameOptions': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.PrivateDnsNameOptions'>, False), 'RamDiskId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecurityGroupIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SecurityGroups': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'TagSpecifications': ([<class 'troposphere.ec2.TagSpecifications'>], False), 'UserData': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.LaunchTemplateElasticInferenceAccelerator(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Count': (<function integer>, False), 'Type': (<function validate_elasticinferenceaccelerator_type>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.LaunchTemplateOverrides(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AvailabilityZone': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InstanceRequirements': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.InstanceRequirementsRequest'>, False), 'InstanceType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Priority': (<function double>, False), 'SpotPrice': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SubnetId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'WeightedCapacity': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.LaunchTemplateSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LaunchTemplateId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LaunchTemplateName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Version': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.ec2.LicenseSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LicenseConfigurationArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.LoadBalancerOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LoadBalancerArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Port': (<function integer>, False), 'Protocol': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SubnetIds': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.ec2.LoadBalancersConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ClassicLoadBalancersConfig': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.ClassicLoadBalancersConfig'>, False), 'TargetGroupsConfig': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.TargetGroupConfig'>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.LocalGatewayRoute(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DestinationCidrBlock': (<class 'str'>, True), 'LocalGatewayRouteTableId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'LocalGatewayVirtualInterfaceGroupId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NetworkInterfaceId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::LocalGatewayRoute'
class troposphere.ec2.LocalGatewayRouteTable(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LocalGatewayId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Mode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::LocalGatewayRouteTable'
class troposphere.ec2.LocalGatewayRouteTableVPCAssociation(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LocalGatewayRouteTableId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<function validate_tags_or_list>, False), 'VpcId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::LocalGatewayRouteTableVPCAssociation'
class troposphere.ec2.LocalGatewayRouteTableVirtualInterfaceGroupAssociation(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LocalGatewayRouteTableId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'LocalGatewayVirtualInterfaceGroupId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::LocalGatewayRouteTableVirtualInterfaceGroupAssociation'
class troposphere.ec2.MaintenanceOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AutoRecovery': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.MaintenanceStrategies(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CapacityRebalance': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.CapacityRebalance'>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.MemoryGiBPerVCpu(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Max': (<function double>, False), 'Min': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.MemoryGiBPerVCpuRequest(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Max': (<function double>, False), 'Min': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.MemoryMiB(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Max': (<function integer>, False), 'Min': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.MemoryMiBRequest(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Max': (<function integer>, False), 'Min': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.MetadataOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'HttpEndpoint': (<class 'str'>, False), 'HttpProtocolIpv6': (<class 'str'>, False), 'HttpPutResponseHopLimit': (<function integer>, False), 'HttpTokens': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InstanceMetadataTags': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.Monitoring(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.MountPoint(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Device': (<class 'str'>, True), 'VolumeId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.ec2.MulticastDomainOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AutoAcceptSharedAssociations': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Igmpv2Support': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StaticSourcesSupport': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.NatGateway(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AllocationId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ConnectivityType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MaxDrainDurationSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'PrivateIpAddress': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecondaryAllocationIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount': (<function integer>, False), 'SecondaryPrivateIpAddresses': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SubnetId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<function validate_tags_or_list>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::NatGateway'
class troposphere.ec2.NetworkAcl(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Tags': (<function validate_tags_or_list>, False), 'VpcId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::NetworkAcl'
class troposphere.ec2.NetworkAclEntry(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CidrBlock': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Egress': (<function boolean>, False), 'Icmp': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.ICMP'>, False), 'Ipv6CidrBlock': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NetworkAclId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PortRange': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.PortRange'>, False), 'Protocol': (<function validate_network_port>, True), 'RuleAction': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RuleNumber': (<function validate_networkaclentry_rulenumber>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::NetworkAclEntry'
class troposphere.ec2.NetworkBandwidthGbps(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Max': (<function double>, False), 'Min': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.NetworkBandwidthGbpsRequest(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Max': (<function double>, False), 'Min': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.NetworkInsightsAccessScope(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ExcludePaths': ([<class 'troposphere.ec2.AccessScopePathRequest'>], False), 'MatchPaths': ([<class 'troposphere.ec2.AccessScopePathRequest'>], False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::NetworkInsightsAccessScope'
class troposphere.ec2.NetworkInsightsAccessScopeAnalysis(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'NetworkInsightsAccessScopeId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::NetworkInsightsAccessScopeAnalysis'
class troposphere.ec2.NetworkInsightsAnalysis(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AdditionalAccounts': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'FilterInArns': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'NetworkInsightsPathId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::NetworkInsightsAnalysis'
class troposphere.ec2.NetworkInsightsPath(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Destination': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DestinationIp': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DestinationPort': (<function integer>, False), 'FilterAtDestination': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.PathFilter'>, False), 'FilterAtSource': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.PathFilter'>, False), 'Protocol': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Source': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SourceIp': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::NetworkInsightsPath'
class troposphere.ec2.NetworkInterface(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConnectionTrackingSpecification': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.ConnectionTrackingSpecification'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'GroupSet': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'InterfaceType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Ipv4PrefixCount': (<function integer>, False), 'Ipv4Prefixes': ([<class 'troposphere.ec2.Ipv4PrefixSpecification'>], False), 'Ipv6AddressCount': (<function integer>, False), 'Ipv6Addresses': ([<class 'troposphere.ec2.InstanceIpv6Address'>], False), 'Ipv6PrefixCount': (<function integer>, False), 'Ipv6Prefixes': ([<class 'troposphere.ec2.Ipv6PrefixSpecification'>], False), 'PrivateIpAddress': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PrivateIpAddresses': ([<class 'troposphere.ec2.PrivateIpAddressSpecification'>], False), 'SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount': (<function integer>, False), 'SourceDestCheck': (<function boolean>, False), 'SubnetId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<function validate_tags_or_list>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::NetworkInterface'
class troposphere.ec2.NetworkInterfaceAttachment(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DeleteOnTermination': (<function boolean>, False), 'DeviceIndex': (<function validate_int_to_str>, True), 'EnaSrdSpecification': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.EnaSrdSpecification'>, False), 'InstanceId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'NetworkInterfaceId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::NetworkInterfaceAttachment'
class troposphere.ec2.NetworkInterfaceCount(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Max': (<function integer>, False), 'Min': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.NetworkInterfaceCountRequest(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Max': (<function integer>, False), 'Min': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.NetworkInterfaceOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'NetworkInterfaceId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Port': (<function integer>, False), 'Protocol': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.NetworkInterfacePermission(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AwsAccountId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'NetworkInterfaceId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Permission': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::NetworkInterfacePermission'
class troposphere.ec2.NetworkInterfaceProperty(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AssociateCarrierIpAddress': (<function boolean>, False), 'AssociatePublicIpAddress': (<function boolean>, False), 'DeleteOnTermination': (<function boolean>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DeviceIndex': (<function validate_int_to_str>, True), 'GroupSet': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Ipv6AddressCount': (<function integer>, False), 'Ipv6Addresses': ([<class 'troposphere.ec2.InstanceIpv6Address'>], False), 'NetworkInterfaceId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PrivateIpAddress': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PrivateIpAddresses': ([<class 'troposphere.ec2.PrivateIpAddressSpecification'>], False), 'SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount': (<function integer>, False), 'SubnetId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.NetworkInterfaces(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AssociateCarrierIpAddress': (<function boolean>, False), 'AssociatePublicIpAddress': (<function boolean>, False), 'ConnectionTrackingSpecification': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.ConnectionTrackingSpecification'>, False), 'DeleteOnTermination': (<function boolean>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DeviceIndex': (<function integer>, False), 'EnaSrdSpecification': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.EnaSrdSpecification'>, False), 'Groups': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'InterfaceType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Ipv4PrefixCount': (<function integer>, False), 'Ipv4Prefixes': ([<class 'troposphere.ec2.Ipv4PrefixSpecification'>], False), 'Ipv6AddressCount': (<function integer>, False), 'Ipv6Addresses': ([<class 'troposphere.ec2.Ipv6Add'>], False), 'Ipv6PrefixCount': (<function integer>, False), 'Ipv6Prefixes': ([<class 'troposphere.ec2.Ipv6PrefixSpecification'>], False), 'NetworkCardIndex': (<function integer>, False), 'NetworkInterfaceId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PrimaryIpv6': (<function boolean>, False), 'PrivateIpAddress': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PrivateIpAddresses': ([<class 'troposphere.ec2.PrivateIpAddressSpecification'>], False), 'SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount': (<function integer>, False), 'SubnetId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.NetworkPerformanceMetricSubscription(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Destination': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Metric': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Source': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Statistic': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::NetworkPerformanceMetricSubscription'
class troposphere.ec2.OidcOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AuthorizationEndpoint': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ClientId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ClientSecret': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Issuer': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Scope': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TokenEndpoint': (<class 'str'>, False), 'UserInfoEndpoint': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.OnDemandOptionsRequest(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AllocationStrategy': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CapacityReservationOptions': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.CapacityReservationOptionsRequest'>, False), 'MaxTotalPrice': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MinTargetCapacity': (<function integer>, False), 'SingleAvailabilityZone': (<function boolean>, False), 'SingleInstanceType': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.Options(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApplianceModeSupport': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DnsSupport': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Ipv6Support': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.PacketHeaderStatementRequest(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DestinationAddresses': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'DestinationPorts': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'DestinationPrefixLists': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Protocols': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SourceAddresses': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SourcePorts': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SourcePrefixLists': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.ec2.PathFilter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DestinationAddress': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DestinationPortRange': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.FilterPortRange'>, False), 'SourceAddress': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourcePortRange': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.FilterPortRange'>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.PathStatementRequest(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PacketHeaderStatement': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.PacketHeaderStatementRequest'>, False), 'ResourceStatement': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.ResourceStatementRequest'>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.PeeringAttachmentStatus(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Code': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Message': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.Placement(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Affinity': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AvailabilityZone': (<class 'str'>, False), 'GroupId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'GroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'HostId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'HostResourceGroupArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PartitionNumber': (<function integer>, False), 'SpreadDomain': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tenancy': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.PlacementGroup(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PartitionCount': (<function integer>, False), 'SpreadLevel': (<function validate_placement_spread_level>, False), 'Strategy': (<function validate_placement_strategy>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::PlacementGroup'
class troposphere.ec2.PortRange(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'From': (<function validate_network_port>, False), 'To': (<function validate_network_port>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.PrefixList(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AddressFamily': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Entries': ([<class 'troposphere.ec2.Entry'>], False), 'MaxEntries': (<function integer>, False), 'PrefixListName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::PrefixList'
class troposphere.ec2.PrivateDnsNameOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EnableResourceNameDnsAAAARecord': (<function boolean>, False), 'EnableResourceNameDnsARecord': (<function boolean>, False), 'HostnameType': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.PrivateDnsNameOptionsOnLaunch(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EnableResourceNameDnsAAAARecord': (<function boolean>, False), 'EnableResourceNameDnsARecord': (<function boolean>, False), 'HostnameType': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.PrivateIpAddressSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Primary': (<function boolean>, False), 'PrivateIpAddress': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.ec2.ProvisionedCidr(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Cidr': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.ec2.ResourceStatementRequest(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ResourceTypes': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Resources': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.ec2.Route(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CarrierGatewayId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CoreNetworkArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DestinationCidrBlock': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DestinationIpv6CidrBlock': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DestinationPrefixListId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EgressOnlyInternetGatewayId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'GatewayId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InstanceId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LocalGatewayId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NatGatewayId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NetworkInterfaceId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RouteTableId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TransitGatewayId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VpcEndpointId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VpcPeeringConnectionId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::Route'
class troposphere.ec2.RouteTable(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Tags': (<function validate_tags_or_list>, False), 'VpcId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::RouteTable'
class troposphere.ec2.S3(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BucketName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'BucketOwner': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'Prefix': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.SecurityGroup(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'GroupDescription': (<class 'str'>, True), 'GroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecurityGroupEgress': (<class 'list'>, False), 'SecurityGroupIngress': (<class 'list'>, False), 'Tags': (<function validate_tags_or_list>, False), 'VpcId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup'
class troposphere.ec2.SecurityGroupEgress(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CidrIp': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CidrIpv6': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DestinationPrefixListId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DestinationSecurityGroupId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FromPort': (<function validate_network_port>, False), 'GroupId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'IpProtocol': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ToPort': (<function validate_network_port>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupEgress'
class troposphere.ec2.SecurityGroupIngress(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CidrIp': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CidrIpv6': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FromPort': (<function validate_network_port>, False), 'GroupId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'GroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IpProtocol': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SourcePrefixListId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceSecurityGroupId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceSecurityGroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceSecurityGroupOwnerId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ToPort': (<function validate_network_port>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress'
class troposphere.ec2.SecurityGroupRule(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CidrIp': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CidrIpv6': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DestinationPrefixListId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DestinationSecurityGroupId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FromPort': (<function validate_network_port>, False), 'IpProtocol': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SourcePrefixListId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceSecurityGroupId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceSecurityGroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceSecurityGroupOwnerId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ToPort': (<function validate_network_port>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.SecurityGroups(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'GroupId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.ec2.SnapshotBlockPublicAccess(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'State': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::SnapshotBlockPublicAccess'
class troposphere.ec2.SourceResource(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ResourceId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ResourceOwner': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ResourceRegion': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ResourceType': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.ec2.SpotCapacityRebalance(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ReplacementStrategy': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TerminationDelay': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.SpotFleet(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SpotFleetRequestConfigData': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.SpotFleetRequestConfigData'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::SpotFleet'
class troposphere.ec2.SpotFleetRequestConfigData(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AllocationStrategy': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Context': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ExcessCapacityTerminationPolicy': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IamFleetRole': (<class 'str'>, True), 'InstanceInterruptionBehavior': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InstancePoolsToUseCount': (<function integer>, False), 'LaunchSpecifications': ([<class 'troposphere.ec2.LaunchSpecifications'>], False), 'LaunchTemplateConfigs': ([<class 'troposphere.ec2.LaunchTemplateConfigs'>], False), 'LoadBalancersConfig': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.LoadBalancersConfig'>, False), 'OnDemandAllocationStrategy': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OnDemandMaxTotalPrice': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OnDemandTargetCapacity': (<function integer>, False), 'ReplaceUnhealthyInstances': (<function boolean>, False), 'SpotMaintenanceStrategies': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.SpotMaintenanceStrategies'>, False), 'SpotMaxTotalPrice': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SpotPrice': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TagSpecifications': ([<class 'troposphere.ec2.SpotFleetTagSpecification'>], False), 'TargetCapacity': (<function integer>, True), 'TargetCapacityUnitType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TerminateInstancesWithExpiration': (<function boolean>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ValidFrom': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ValidUntil': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.SpotFleetTagSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ResourceType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<function validate_tags_or_list>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.SpotMaintenanceStrategies(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CapacityRebalance': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.SpotCapacityRebalance'>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.SpotOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BlockDurationMinutes': (<function integer>, False), 'InstanceInterruptionBehavior': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MaxPrice': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SpotInstanceType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ValidUntil': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.SpotOptionsRequest(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AllocationStrategy': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InstanceInterruptionBehavior': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InstancePoolsToUseCount': (<function integer>, False), 'MaintenanceStrategies': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.MaintenanceStrategies'>, False), 'MaxTotalPrice': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MinTargetCapacity': (<function integer>, False), 'SingleAvailabilityZone': (<function boolean>, False), 'SingleInstanceType': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.SpotPlacement(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AvailabilityZone': (<class 'str'>, False), 'GroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tenancy': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.SseSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomerManagedKeyEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'KmsKeyArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.SsmAssociations(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AssociationParameters': ([<class 'troposphere.ec2.AssociationParameters'>], False), 'DocumentName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.ec2.State(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Code': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.Subnet(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AssignIpv6AddressOnCreation': (<function boolean>, False), 'AvailabilityZone': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AvailabilityZoneId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CidrBlock': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EnableDns64': (<function boolean>, False), 'EnableLniAtDeviceIndex': (<function integer>, False), 'Ipv4IpamPoolId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Ipv4NetmaskLength': (<function integer>, False), 'Ipv6CidrBlock': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Ipv6CidrBlocks': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Ipv6IpamPoolId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Ipv6Native': (<function boolean>, False), 'Ipv6NetmaskLength': (<function integer>, False), 'MapPublicIpOnLaunch': (<function boolean>, False), 'OutpostArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PrivateDnsNameOptionsOnLaunch': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.PrivateDnsNameOptionsOnLaunch'>, False), 'Tags': (<function validate_tags_or_list>, False), 'VpcId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::Subnet'
class troposphere.ec2.SubnetCidrBlock(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Ipv6CidrBlock': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Ipv6IpamPoolId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Ipv6NetmaskLength': (<function integer>, False), 'SubnetId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::SubnetCidrBlock'
class troposphere.ec2.SubnetNetworkAclAssociation(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'NetworkAclId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SubnetId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::SubnetNetworkAclAssociation'
class troposphere.ec2.SubnetRouteTableAssociation(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RouteTableId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SubnetId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation'
class troposphere.ec2.TagSpecifications(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ResourceType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<function validate_tags_or_list>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.TargetCapacitySpecificationRequest(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DefaultTargetCapacityType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OnDemandTargetCapacity': (<function integer>, False), 'SpotTargetCapacity': (<function integer>, False), 'TargetCapacityUnitType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TotalTargetCapacity': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.ec2.TargetGroup(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Arn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.ec2.TargetGroupConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TargetGroups': ([<class 'troposphere.ec2.TargetGroup'>], True)}
class troposphere.ec2.ThroughResourcesStatementRequest(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ResourceStatement': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.ResourceStatementRequest'>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.TotalLocalStorageGB(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Max': (<function double>, False), 'Min': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.TotalLocalStorageGBRequest(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Max': (<function double>, False), 'Min': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.TrafficMirrorFilter(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NetworkServices': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::TrafficMirrorFilter'
class troposphere.ec2.TrafficMirrorFilterRule(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DestinationCidrBlock': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DestinationPortRange': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.TrafficMirrorPortRange'>, False), 'Protocol': (<function integer>, False), 'RuleAction': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RuleNumber': (<function integer>, True), 'SourceCidrBlock': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SourcePortRange': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.TrafficMirrorPortRange'>, False), 'TrafficDirection': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TrafficMirrorFilterId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::TrafficMirrorFilterRule'
class troposphere.ec2.TrafficMirrorPortRange(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FromPort': (<function integer>, True), 'ToPort': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.ec2.TrafficMirrorSession(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NetworkInterfaceId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PacketLength': (<function integer>, False), 'SessionNumber': (<function integer>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TrafficMirrorFilterId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TrafficMirrorTargetId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'VirtualNetworkId': (<function integer>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::TrafficMirrorSession'
class troposphere.ec2.TrafficMirrorTarget(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'GatewayLoadBalancerEndpointId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NetworkInterfaceId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NetworkLoadBalancerArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::TrafficMirrorTarget'
class troposphere.ec2.TransitGateway(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AmazonSideAsn': (<function integer>, False), 'AssociationDefaultRouteTableId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AutoAcceptSharedAttachments': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DefaultRouteTableAssociation': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DefaultRouteTablePropagation': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DnsSupport': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MulticastSupport': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PropagationDefaultRouteTableId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<function validate_tags_or_list>, False), 'TransitGatewayCidrBlocks': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'VpnEcmpSupport': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::TransitGateway'
class troposphere.ec2.TransitGatewayAttachment(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Options': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.Options'>, False), 'SubnetIds': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Tags': (<function validate_tags_or_list>, False), 'TransitGatewayId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'VpcId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::TransitGatewayAttachment'
class troposphere.ec2.TransitGatewayConnect(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Options': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.TransitGatewayConnectOptions'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TransportTransitGatewayAttachmentId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::TransitGatewayConnect'
class troposphere.ec2.TransitGatewayConnectOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Protocol': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.TransitGatewayMulticastDomain(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Options': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.MulticastDomainOptions'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TransitGatewayId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::TransitGatewayMulticastDomain'
class troposphere.ec2.TransitGatewayMulticastDomainAssociation(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SubnetId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TransitGatewayAttachmentId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TransitGatewayMulticastDomainId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::TransitGatewayMulticastDomainAssociation'
class troposphere.ec2.TransitGatewayMulticastGroupMember(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'GroupIpAddress': (<class 'str'>, True), 'NetworkInterfaceId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TransitGatewayMulticastDomainId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::TransitGatewayMulticastGroupMember'
class troposphere.ec2.TransitGatewayMulticastGroupSource(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'GroupIpAddress': (<class 'str'>, True), 'NetworkInterfaceId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TransitGatewayMulticastDomainId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::TransitGatewayMulticastGroupSource'
class troposphere.ec2.TransitGatewayPeeringAttachment(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PeerAccountId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PeerRegion': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PeerTransitGatewayId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TransitGatewayId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::TransitGatewayPeeringAttachment'
class troposphere.ec2.TransitGatewayRoute(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Blackhole': (<function boolean>, False), 'DestinationCidrBlock': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TransitGatewayAttachmentId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TransitGatewayRouteTableId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::TransitGatewayRoute'
class troposphere.ec2.TransitGatewayRouteTable(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Tags': (<function validate_tags_or_list>, False), 'TransitGatewayId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::TransitGatewayRouteTable'
class troposphere.ec2.TransitGatewayRouteTableAssociation(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TransitGatewayAttachmentId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TransitGatewayRouteTableId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::TransitGatewayRouteTableAssociation'
class troposphere.ec2.TransitGatewayRouteTablePropagation(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TransitGatewayAttachmentId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TransitGatewayRouteTableId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::TransitGatewayRouteTablePropagation'
class troposphere.ec2.TransitGatewayRouteTableRoute(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AttachmentId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DestinationCidr': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PrefixListId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ResourceId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ResourceType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RouteOrigin': (<class 'str'>, False), 'State': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.TransitGatewayVpcAttachment(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AddSubnetIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Options': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.Options'>, False), 'RemoveSubnetIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SubnetIds': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TransitGatewayId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'VpcId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::TransitGatewayVpcAttachment'
class troposphere.ec2.VCpuCount(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Max': (<function integer>, False), 'Min': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.VCpuCountRangeRequest(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Max': (<function integer>, False), 'Min': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.VPC(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CidrBlock': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EnableDnsHostnames': (<function boolean>, False), 'EnableDnsSupport': (<function boolean>, False), 'InstanceTenancy': (<function instance_tenancy>, False), 'Ipv4IpamPoolId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Ipv4NetmaskLength': (<function integer>, False), 'Tags': (<function validate_tags_or_list>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::VPC'
class troposphere.ec2.VPCCidrBlock(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AmazonProvidedIpv6CidrBlock': (<function boolean>, False), 'CidrBlock': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Ipv4IpamPoolId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Ipv4NetmaskLength': (<function integer>, False), 'Ipv6CidrBlock': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Ipv6IpamPoolId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Ipv6NetmaskLength': (<function integer>, False), 'Ipv6Pool': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VpcId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::VPCCidrBlock'
class troposphere.ec2.VPCDHCPOptionsAssociation(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DhcpOptionsId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'VpcId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::VPCDHCPOptionsAssociation'
class troposphere.ec2.VPCEndpoint(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PolicyDocument': (<function policytypes>, False), 'PrivateDnsEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'RouteTableIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SecurityGroupIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ServiceName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SubnetIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'VpcEndpointType': (<function vpc_endpoint_type>, False), 'VpcId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::VPCEndpoint'
class troposphere.ec2.VPCEndpointConnectionNotification(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConnectionEvents': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'ConnectionNotificationArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ServiceId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VPCEndpointId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::VPCEndpointConnectionNotification'
class troposphere.ec2.VPCEndpointService(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AcceptanceRequired': (<function boolean>, False), 'ContributorInsightsEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'GatewayLoadBalancerArns': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'NetworkLoadBalancerArns': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'PayerResponsibility': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::VPCEndpointService'
class troposphere.ec2.VPCEndpointServicePermissions(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AllowedPrincipals': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ServiceId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::VPCEndpointServicePermissions'
class troposphere.ec2.VPCGatewayAttachment(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InternetGatewayId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VpcId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'VpnGatewayId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::VPCGatewayAttachment'
class troposphere.ec2.VPCPeeringConnection(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PeerOwnerId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PeerRegion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PeerRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PeerVpcId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<function validate_tags_or_list>, False), 'VpcId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::VPCPeeringConnection'
class troposphere.ec2.VPNConnection(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomerGatewayId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'StaticRoutesOnly': (<function boolean>, False), 'Tags': (<function validate_tags_or_list>, False), 'TransitGatewayId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True), 'VpnGatewayId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VpnTunnelOptionsSpecifications': ([<class 'troposphere.ec2.VpnTunnelOptionsSpecification'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::VPNConnection'
class troposphere.ec2.VPNConnectionRoute(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DestinationCidrBlock': (<class 'str'>, True), 'VpnConnectionId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::VPNConnectionRoute'
class troposphere.ec2.VPNGateway(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AmazonSideAsn': (<function integer>, False), 'Tags': (<function validate_tags_or_list>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::VPNGateway'
class troposphere.ec2.VPNGatewayRoutePropagation(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RouteTableIds': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'VpnGatewayId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::VPNGatewayRoutePropagation'
class troposphere.ec2.VerifiedAccessEndpoint(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApplicationDomain': (<class 'str'>, True), 'AttachmentType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DomainCertificateArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'EndpointDomainPrefix': (<class 'str'>, True), 'EndpointType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'LoadBalancerOptions': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.LoadBalancerOptions'>, False), 'NetworkInterfaceOptions': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.NetworkInterfaceOptions'>, False), 'PolicyDocument': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PolicyEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'SecurityGroupIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SseSpecification': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.SseSpecification'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'VerifiedAccessGroupId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::VerifiedAccessEndpoint'
class troposphere.ec2.VerifiedAccessGroup(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PolicyDocument': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PolicyEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'SseSpecification': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.SseSpecification'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'VerifiedAccessInstanceId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::VerifiedAccessGroup'
class troposphere.ec2.VerifiedAccessInstance(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FipsEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'LoggingConfigurations': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.VerifiedAccessLogs'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'VerifiedAccessTrustProviderIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'VerifiedAccessTrustProviders': ([<class 'troposphere.ec2.VerifiedAccessTrustProviderProperty'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::VerifiedAccessInstance'
class troposphere.ec2.VerifiedAccessLogs(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CloudWatchLogs': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.CloudWatchLogs'>, False), 'IncludeTrustContext': (<function boolean>, False), 'KinesisDataFirehose': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.KinesisDataFirehose'>, False), 'LogVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.S3'>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.VerifiedAccessTrustProvider(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DeviceOptions': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.DeviceOptions'>, False), 'DeviceTrustProviderType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OidcOptions': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.OidcOptions'>, False), 'PolicyReferenceName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SseSpecification': (<class 'troposphere.ec2.SseSpecification'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TrustProviderType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'UserTrustProviderType': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::VerifiedAccessTrustProvider'
class troposphere.ec2.VerifiedAccessTrustProviderProperty(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DeviceTrustProviderType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TrustProviderType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'UserTrustProviderType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VerifiedAccessTrustProviderId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ec2.Volume(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AutoEnableIO': (<function boolean>, False), 'AvailabilityZone': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Encrypted': (<function boolean>, False), 'Iops': (<function integer>, False), 'KmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MultiAttachEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'OutpostArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Size': (<function integer>, False), 'SnapshotId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<function validate_tags_or_list>, False), 'Throughput': (<function integer>, False), 'VolumeType': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::Volume'
class troposphere.ec2.VolumeAttachment(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Device': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InstanceId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'VolumeId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EC2::VolumeAttachment'
class troposphere.ec2.VolumeProperty(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Device': (<class 'str'>, True), 'VolumeId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.ec2.VpnTunnelOptionsSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PreSharedKey': (<function vpn_pre_shared_key>, False), 'TunnelInsideCidr': (<function vpn_tunnel_inside_cidr>, False)}

troposphere.ecr module

class troposphere.ecr.EncryptionConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EncryptionType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'KmsKey': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ecr.ImageScanningConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ScanOnPush': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.ecr.LifecyclePolicy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LifecyclePolicyText': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RegistryId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ecr.PublicRepository(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RepositoryCatalogData': (<class 'troposphere.ecr.RepositoryCatalogData'>, False), 'RepositoryName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RepositoryPolicyText': (<function policytypes>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ECR::PublicRepository'
class troposphere.ecr.PullThroughCacheRule(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CredentialArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EcrRepositoryPrefix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'UpstreamRegistry': (<class 'str'>, False), 'UpstreamRegistryUrl': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ECR::PullThroughCacheRule'
class troposphere.ecr.RegistryPolicy(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PolicyText': (<function policytypes>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ECR::RegistryPolicy'
class troposphere.ecr.ReplicationConfiguration(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ReplicationConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.ecr.ReplicationConfigurationProperty'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ECR::ReplicationConfiguration'
class troposphere.ecr.ReplicationConfigurationProperty(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Rules': ([<class 'troposphere.ecr.ReplicationRule'>], True)}
class troposphere.ecr.ReplicationDestination(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Region': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RegistryId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.ecr.ReplicationRule(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Destinations': ([<class 'troposphere.ecr.ReplicationDestination'>], True), 'RepositoryFilters': ([<class 'troposphere.ecr.RepositoryFilter'>], False)}
class troposphere.ecr.Repository(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EmptyOnDelete': (<function boolean>, False), 'EncryptionConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.ecr.EncryptionConfiguration'>, False), 'ImageScanningConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.ecr.ImageScanningConfiguration'>, False), 'ImageTagMutability': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LifecyclePolicy': (<class 'troposphere.ecr.LifecyclePolicy'>, False), 'RepositoryName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RepositoryPolicyText': (<function policytypes>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ECR::Repository'
class troposphere.ecr.RepositoryCatalogData(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AboutText': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Architectures': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'OperatingSystems': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'RepositoryDescription': (<class 'str'>, False), 'UsageText': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ecr.RepositoryCreationTemplate(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AppliedFor': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EncryptionConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.ecr.EncryptionConfiguration'>, False), 'ImageTagMutability': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LifecyclePolicy': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Prefix': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RepositoryPolicy': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ResourceTags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ECR::RepositoryCreationTemplate'
class troposphere.ecr.RepositoryFilter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Filter': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FilterType': (<class 'str'>, True)}

troposphere.ecs module

class troposphere.ecs.AuthorizationConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessPointId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IAM': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ecs.AutoScalingGroupProvider(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AutoScalingGroupArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ManagedDraining': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ManagedScaling': (<class 'troposphere.ecs.ManagedScaling'>, False), 'ManagedTerminationProtection': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ecs.AwsvpcConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AssignPublicIp': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecurityGroups': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Subnets': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.ecs.CapacityProvider(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AutoScalingGroupProvider': (<class 'troposphere.ecs.AutoScalingGroupProvider'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ECS::CapacityProvider'
class troposphere.ecs.CapacityProviderStrategy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Base': (<function integer>, False), 'CapacityProvider': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Weight': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.ecs.CapacityProviderStrategyItem(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Base': (<function integer>, False), 'CapacityProvider': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Weight': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.ecs.Cluster(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CapacityProviders': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ClusterName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ClusterSettings': ([<class 'troposphere.ecs.ClusterSetting'>], False), 'Configuration': (<class 'troposphere.ecs.ClusterConfiguration'>, False), 'DefaultCapacityProviderStrategy': ([<class 'troposphere.ecs.CapacityProviderStrategyItem'>], False), 'ServiceConnectDefaults': (<class 'troposphere.ecs.ServiceConnectDefaults'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ECS::Cluster'
class troposphere.ecs.ClusterCapacityProviderAssociations(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CapacityProviders': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Cluster': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DefaultCapacityProviderStrategy': ([<class 'troposphere.ecs.CapacityProviderStrategy'>], True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ECS::ClusterCapacityProviderAssociations'
class troposphere.ecs.ClusterConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ExecuteCommandConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.ecs.ExecuteCommandConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.ecs.ClusterSetting(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ecs.ContainerDefinition(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Command': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Cpu': (<function integer>, False), 'CredentialSpecs': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'DependsOn': ([<class 'troposphere.ecs.ContainerDependency'>], False), 'DisableNetworking': (<function boolean>, False), 'DnsSearchDomains': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'DnsServers': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'DockerLabels': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'DockerSecurityOptions': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'EntryPoint': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Environment': ([<class 'troposphere.ecs.Environment'>], False), 'EnvironmentFiles': ([<class 'troposphere.ecs.EnvironmentFile'>], False), 'Essential': (<function boolean>, False), 'ExtraHosts': ([<class 'troposphere.ecs.HostEntry'>], False), 'FirelensConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.ecs.FirelensConfiguration'>, False), 'HealthCheck': (<class 'troposphere.ecs.HealthCheck'>, False), 'Hostname': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Image': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Interactive': (<function boolean>, False), 'Links': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'LinuxParameters': (<class 'troposphere.ecs.LinuxParameters'>, False), 'LogConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.ecs.LogConfiguration'>, False), 'Memory': (<function integer>, False), 'MemoryReservation': (<function integer>, False), 'MountPoints': ([<class 'troposphere.ecs.MountPoint'>], False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PortMappings': ([<class 'troposphere.ecs.PortMapping'>], False), 'Privileged': (<function boolean>, False), 'PseudoTerminal': (<function boolean>, False), 'ReadonlyRootFilesystem': (<function boolean>, False), 'RepositoryCredentials': (<class 'troposphere.ecs.RepositoryCredentials'>, False), 'ResourceRequirements': ([<class 'troposphere.ecs.ResourceRequirement'>], False), 'Secrets': ([<class 'troposphere.ecs.Secret'>], False), 'StartTimeout': (<function integer>, False), 'StopTimeout': (<function integer>, False), 'SystemControls': ([<class 'troposphere.ecs.SystemControl'>], False), 'Ulimits': ([<class 'troposphere.ecs.Ulimit'>], False), 'User': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VolumesFrom': ([<class 'troposphere.ecs.VolumesFrom'>], False), 'WorkingDirectory': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ecs.ContainerDependency(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Condition': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ContainerName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ecs.DeploymentAlarms(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AlarmNames': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Enable': (<function boolean>, True), 'Rollback': (<function boolean>, True)}
class troposphere.ecs.DeploymentCircuitBreaker(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Enable': (<function boolean>, True), 'Rollback': (<function boolean>, True)}
class troposphere.ecs.DeploymentConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Alarms': (<class 'troposphere.ecs.DeploymentAlarms'>, False), 'DeploymentCircuitBreaker': (<class 'troposphere.ecs.DeploymentCircuitBreaker'>, False), 'MaximumPercent': (<function integer>, False), 'MinimumHealthyPercent': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.ecs.DeploymentController(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Type': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ecs.Device(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContainerPath': (<class 'str'>, False), 'HostPath': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Permissions': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.ecs.DockerVolumeConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Autoprovision': (<function boolean>, False), 'Driver': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DriverOpts': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Labels': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Scope': (<function scope_validator>, False)}
class troposphere.ecs.EBSTagSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PropagateTags': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ResourceType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
class troposphere.ecs.EFSVolumeConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AuthorizationConfig': (<class 'troposphere.ecs.AuthorizationConfig'>, False), 'FilesystemId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RootDirectory': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TransitEncryption': (<function ecs_efs_encryption_status>, False), 'TransitEncryptionPort': (<function validate_transit_encryption_port>, False)}
class troposphere.ecs.Environment(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ecs.EnvironmentFile(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Type': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ecs.EphemeralStorage(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SizeInGiB': (<function validate_ephemeral_storage_size>, False)}
class troposphere.ecs.ExecuteCommandConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'KmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LogConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.ecs.ExecuteCommandLogConfiguration'>, False), 'Logging': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ecs.ExecuteCommandLogConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CloudWatchEncryptionEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'CloudWatchLogGroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3BucketName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3EncryptionEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'S3KeyPrefix': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ecs.FSxAuthorizationConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CredentialsParameter': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Domain': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.ecs.FSxWindowsFileServerVolumeConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AuthorizationConfig': (<class 'troposphere.ecs.FSxAuthorizationConfig'>, False), 'FileSystemId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RootDirectory': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.ecs.FirelensConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Options': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ecs.HealthCheck(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Command': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Interval': (<function integer>, False), 'Retries': (<function integer>, False), 'StartPeriod': (<function integer>, False), 'Timeout': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.ecs.Host(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SourcePath': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ecs.HostEntry(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Hostname': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IpAddress': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ecs.InferenceAccelerator(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DeviceName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DeviceType': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ecs.KernelCapabilities(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Add': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Drop': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.ecs.LinuxParameters(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Capabilities': (<class 'troposphere.ecs.KernelCapabilities'>, False), 'Devices': ([<class 'troposphere.ecs.Device'>], False), 'InitProcessEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'MaxSwap': (<function integer>, False), 'SharedMemorySize': (<function integer>, False), 'Swappiness': (<function integer>, False), 'Tmpfs': ([<class 'troposphere.ecs.Tmpfs'>], False)}
class troposphere.ecs.LoadBalancer(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContainerName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ContainerPort': (<function validate_network_port>, False), 'LoadBalancerName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TargetGroupArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ecs.LogConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LogDriver': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Options': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'SecretOptions': ([<class 'troposphere.ecs.Secret'>], False)}
class troposphere.ecs.ManagedScaling(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InstanceWarmupPeriod': (<function integer>, False), 'MaximumScalingStepSize': (<function validate_scaling_step_size>, False), 'MinimumScalingStepSize': (<function validate_scaling_step_size>, False), 'Status': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TargetCapacity': (<function validate_target_capacity>, False)}
class troposphere.ecs.MountPoint(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContainerPath': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ReadOnly': (<function boolean>, False), 'SourceVolume': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ecs.NetworkConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AwsvpcConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.ecs.AwsvpcConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.ecs.PlacementConstraint(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Expression': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Type': (<function placement_constraint_validator>, True)}
class troposphere.ecs.PlacementStrategy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Field': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Type': (<function placement_strategy_validator>, True)}
class troposphere.ecs.PortMapping(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AppProtocol': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ContainerPort': (<function validate_network_port>, False), 'ContainerPortRange': (<class 'str'>, False), 'HostPort': (<function validate_network_port>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Protocol': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ecs.PrimaryTaskSet(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Cluster': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Service': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TaskSetId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ECS::PrimaryTaskSet'
class troposphere.ecs.ProxyConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContainerName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ProxyConfigurationProperties': (<class 'list'>, False), 'Type': (<function ecs_proxy_type>, False)}
class troposphere.ecs.RepositoryCredentials(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CredentialsParameter': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ecs.ResourceRequirement(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Type': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.ecs.RuntimePlatform(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CpuArchitecture': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OperatingSystemFamily': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ecs.Scale(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Unit': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Value': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.ecs.Secret(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ValueFrom': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.ecs.Service(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CapacityProviderStrategy': ([<class 'troposphere.ecs.CapacityProviderStrategyItem'>], False), 'Cluster': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DeploymentConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.ecs.DeploymentConfiguration'>, False), 'DeploymentController': (<class 'troposphere.ecs.DeploymentController'>, False), 'DesiredCount': (<function integer>, False), 'EnableECSManagedTags': (<function boolean>, False), 'EnableExecuteCommand': (<function boolean>, False), 'HealthCheckGracePeriodSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'LaunchType': (<function launch_type_validator>, False), 'LoadBalancers': ([<class 'troposphere.ecs.LoadBalancer'>], False), 'NetworkConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.ecs.NetworkConfiguration'>, False), 'PlacementConstraints': ([<class 'troposphere.ecs.PlacementConstraint'>], False), 'PlacementStrategies': ([<class 'troposphere.ecs.PlacementStrategy'>], False), 'PlatformVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PropagateTags': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Role': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SchedulingStrategy': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ServiceConnectConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.ecs.ServiceConnectConfiguration'>, False), 'ServiceName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ServiceRegistries': ([<class 'troposphere.ecs.ServiceRegistry'>], False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TaskDefinition': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VolumeConfigurations': ([<class 'troposphere.ecs.ServiceVolumeConfiguration'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ECS::Service'
class troposphere.ecs.ServiceConnectClientAlias(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DnsName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Port': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.ecs.ServiceConnectConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Enabled': (<function boolean>, True), 'LogConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.ecs.LogConfiguration'>, False), 'Namespace': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Services': ([<class 'troposphere.ecs.ServiceConnectService'>], False)}
class troposphere.ecs.ServiceConnectDefaults(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Namespace': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ecs.ServiceConnectService(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ClientAliases': ([<class 'troposphere.ecs.ServiceConnectClientAlias'>], False), 'DiscoveryName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IngressPortOverride': (<function integer>, False), 'PortName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Timeout': (<class 'troposphere.ecs.TimeoutConfiguration'>, False), 'Tls': (<class 'troposphere.ecs.ServiceConnectTlsConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.ecs.ServiceConnectTlsCertificateAuthority(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AwsPcaAuthorityArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ecs.ServiceConnectTlsConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'IssuerCertificateAuthority': (<class 'troposphere.ecs.ServiceConnectTlsCertificateAuthority'>, True), 'KmsKey': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ecs.ServiceManagedEBSVolumeConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Encrypted': (<function boolean>, False), 'FilesystemType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Iops': (<function integer>, False), 'KmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SizeInGiB': (<function integer>, False), 'SnapshotId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TagSpecifications': ([<class 'troposphere.ecs.EBSTagSpecification'>], False), 'Throughput': (<function integer>, False), 'VolumeType': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ecs.ServiceRegistry(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContainerName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ContainerPort': (<function integer>, False), 'Port': (<function integer>, False), 'RegistryArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ecs.ServiceVolumeConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ManagedEBSVolume': (<class 'troposphere.ecs.ServiceManagedEBSVolumeConfiguration'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.ecs.SystemControl(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Namespace': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ecs.TaskDefinition(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContainerDefinitions': ([<class 'troposphere.ecs.ContainerDefinition'>], False), 'Cpu': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EphemeralStorage': (<class 'troposphere.ecs.EphemeralStorage'>, False), 'ExecutionRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Family': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InferenceAccelerators': ([<class 'troposphere.ecs.InferenceAccelerator'>], False), 'IpcMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Memory': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NetworkMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PidMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PlacementConstraints': ([<class 'troposphere.ecs.PlacementConstraint'>], False), 'ProxyConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.ecs.ProxyConfiguration'>, False), 'RequiresCompatibilities': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'RuntimePlatform': (<class 'troposphere.ecs.RuntimePlatform'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TaskRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Volumes': ([<class 'troposphere.ecs.Volume'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition'
class troposphere.ecs.TaskSet(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Cluster': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ExternalId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LaunchType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LoadBalancers': ([<class 'troposphere.ecs.LoadBalancer'>], False), 'NetworkConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.ecs.NetworkConfiguration'>, False), 'PlatformVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Scale': (<class 'troposphere.ecs.Scale'>, False), 'Service': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ServiceRegistries': ([<class 'troposphere.ecs.ServiceRegistry'>], False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TaskDefinition': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ECS::TaskSet'
class troposphere.ecs.TimeoutConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'IdleTimeoutSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'PerRequestTimeoutSeconds': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.ecs.Tmpfs(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContainerPath': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MountOptions': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Size': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.ecs.Ulimit(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'HardLimit': (<function integer>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SoftLimit': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.ecs.Volume(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConfiguredAtLaunch': (<function boolean>, False), 'DockerVolumeConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.ecs.DockerVolumeConfiguration'>, False), 'EFSVolumeConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.ecs.EFSVolumeConfiguration'>, False), 'FSxWindowsFileServerVolumeConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.ecs.FSxWindowsFileServerVolumeConfiguration'>, False), 'Host': (<class 'troposphere.ecs.Host'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ecs.VolumesFrom(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ReadOnly': (<function boolean>, False), 'SourceContainer': (<class 'str'>, False)}

troposphere.efs module

class troposphere.efs.AccessPoint(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessPointTags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'ClientToken': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FileSystemId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PosixUser': (<class 'troposphere.efs.PosixUser'>, False), 'RootDirectory': (<class 'troposphere.efs.RootDirectory'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EFS::AccessPoint'
class troposphere.efs.BackupPolicy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Status': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.efs.CreationInfo(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'OwnerGid': (<class 'str'>, True), 'OwnerUid': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Permissions': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.efs.FileSystem(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AvailabilityZoneName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'BackupPolicy': (<class 'troposphere.efs.BackupPolicy'>, False), 'BypassPolicyLockoutSafetyCheck': (<function boolean>, False), 'Encrypted': (<function boolean>, False), 'FileSystemPolicy': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'FileSystemProtection': (<class 'troposphere.efs.FileSystemProtection'>, False), 'FileSystemTags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'KmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LifecyclePolicies': ([<class 'troposphere.efs.LifecyclePolicy'>], False), 'PerformanceMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ProvisionedThroughputInMibps': (<function provisioned_throughput_validator>, False), 'ReplicationConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.efs.ReplicationConfiguration'>, False), 'ThroughputMode': (<function throughput_mode_validator>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EFS::FileSystem'
class troposphere.efs.FileSystemProtection(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ReplicationOverwriteProtection': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.efs.LifecyclePolicy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TransitionToArchive': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TransitionToIA': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TransitionToPrimaryStorageClass': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.efs.MountTarget(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FileSystemId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'IpAddress': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecurityGroups': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'SubnetId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EFS::MountTarget'
class troposphere.efs.PosixUser(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Gid': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SecondaryGids': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Uid': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.efs.ReplicationConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Destinations': ([<class 'troposphere.efs.ReplicationDestination'>], False)}
class troposphere.efs.ReplicationDestination(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AvailabilityZoneName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FileSystemId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Region': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.efs.RootDirectory(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CreationInfo': (<class 'troposphere.efs.CreationInfo'>, False), 'Path': (<class 'str'>, False)}

troposphere.eks module

class troposphere.eks.AccessConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AuthenticationMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'BootstrapClusterCreatorAdminPermissions': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.eks.AccessEntry(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessPolicies': ([<class 'troposphere.eks.AccessPolicy'>], False), 'ClusterName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'KubernetesGroups': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'PrincipalArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Username': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EKS::AccessEntry'
class troposphere.eks.AccessPolicy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessScope': (<class 'troposphere.eks.AccessScope'>, True), 'PolicyArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.eks.AccessScope(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Namespaces': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.eks.Addon(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AddonName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'AddonVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ClusterName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ConfigurationValues': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PreserveOnDelete': (<function boolean>, False), 'ResolveConflicts': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ServiceAccountRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EKS::Addon'
class troposphere.eks.Cluster(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessConfig': (<class 'troposphere.eks.AccessConfig'>, False), 'EncryptionConfig': ([<class 'troposphere.eks.EncryptionConfig'>], False), 'KubernetesNetworkConfig': (<class 'troposphere.eks.KubernetesNetworkConfig'>, False), 'Logging': (<class 'troposphere.eks.Logging'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OutpostConfig': (<class 'troposphere.eks.OutpostConfig'>, False), 'ResourcesVpcConfig': (<class 'troposphere.eks.ResourcesVpcConfig'>, True), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'Version': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EKS::Cluster'
class troposphere.eks.ClusterLogging(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EnabledTypes': ([<class 'troposphere.eks.LoggingTypeConfig'>], False)}
class troposphere.eks.ControlPlanePlacement(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'GroupName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.eks.EncryptionConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Provider': (<class 'troposphere.eks.Provider'>, False), 'Resources': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.eks.FargateProfile(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ClusterName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FargateProfileName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PodExecutionRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Selectors': ([<class 'troposphere.eks.Selector'>], True), 'Subnets': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EKS::FargateProfile'
class troposphere.eks.IdentityProviderConfig(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ClusterName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'IdentityProviderConfigName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Oidc': (<class 'troposphere.eks.OidcIdentityProviderConfig'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EKS::IdentityProviderConfig'
class troposphere.eks.KubernetesNetworkConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'IpFamily': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ServiceIpv4Cidr': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ServiceIpv6Cidr': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.eks.Label(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Key': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.eks.LaunchTemplateSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Id': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Version': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.eks.Logging(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ClusterLogging': (<class 'troposphere.eks.ClusterLogging'>, False)}
class troposphere.eks.LoggingTypeConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Type': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.eks.Nodegroup(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AmiType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CapacityType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ClusterName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DiskSize': (<function integer>, False), 'ForceUpdateEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'InstanceTypes': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Labels': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'LaunchTemplate': (<class 'troposphere.eks.LaunchTemplateSpecification'>, False), 'NodeRole': (<class 'str'>, True), 'NodegroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ReleaseVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RemoteAccess': (<class 'troposphere.eks.RemoteAccess'>, False), 'ScalingConfig': (<class 'troposphere.eks.ScalingConfig'>, False), 'Subnets': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Taints': ([<class 'troposphere.eks.Taint'>], False), 'UpdateConfig': (<class 'troposphere.eks.UpdateConfig'>, False), 'Version': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EKS::Nodegroup'
class troposphere.eks.OidcIdentityProviderConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ClientId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'GroupsClaim': (<class 'str'>, False), 'GroupsPrefix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IssuerUrl': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RequiredClaims': ([<class 'troposphere.eks.RequiredClaim'>], False), 'UsernameClaim': (<class 'str'>, False), 'UsernamePrefix': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.eks.OutpostConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ControlPlaneInstanceType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ControlPlanePlacement': (<class 'troposphere.eks.ControlPlanePlacement'>, False), 'OutpostArns': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
class troposphere.eks.PodIdentityAssociation(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ClusterName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Namespace': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ServiceAccount': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EKS::PodIdentityAssociation'
class troposphere.eks.Provider(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'KeyArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.eks.RemoteAccess(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Ec2SshKey': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SourceSecurityGroups': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.eks.RequiredClaim(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Key': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.eks.ResourcesVpcConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EndpointPrivateAccess': (<function boolean>, False), 'EndpointPublicAccess': (<function boolean>, False), 'PublicAccessCidrs': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SecurityGroupIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SubnetIds': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
class troposphere.eks.ScalingConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DesiredSize': (<function integer>, False), 'MaxSize': (<function integer>, False), 'MinSize': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.eks.Selector(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Labels': ([<class 'troposphere.eks.Label'>], False), 'Namespace': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.eks.Taint(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Effect': (<function validate_taint_effect>, False), 'Key': (<function validate_taint_key>, False), 'Value': (<function validate_taint_value>, False)}
class troposphere.eks.UpdateConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MaxUnavailable': (<function double>, False), 'MaxUnavailablePercentage': (<function double>, False)}

troposphere.elasticache module

class troposphere.elasticache.AuthenticationMode(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Passwords': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.elasticache.CacheCluster(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AZMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AutoMinorVersionUpgrade': (<function boolean>, False), 'CacheNodeType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'CacheParameterGroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CacheSecurityGroupNames': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'CacheSubnetGroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ClusterName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Engine': (<class 'str'>, True), 'EngineVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IpDiscovery': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LogDeliveryConfigurations': ([<class 'troposphere.elasticache.LogDeliveryConfigurationRequest'>], False), 'NetworkType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NotificationTopicArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NumCacheNodes': (<function integer>, True), 'Port': (<function integer>, False), 'PreferredAvailabilityZone': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PreferredAvailabilityZones': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'PreferredMaintenanceWindow': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SnapshotArns': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SnapshotName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SnapshotRetentionLimit': (<function integer>, False), 'SnapshotWindow': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TransitEncryptionEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'VpcSecurityGroupIds': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ElastiCache::CacheCluster'
class troposphere.elasticache.CacheUsageLimits(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataStorage': (<class 'troposphere.elasticache.DataStorage'>, False), 'ECPUPerSecond': (<class 'troposphere.elasticache.ECPUPerSecond'>, False)}
class troposphere.elasticache.CloudWatchLogsDestinationDetails(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LogGroup': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.elasticache.DataStorage(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Maximum': (<function integer>, False), 'Minimum': (<function integer>, False), 'Unit': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.elasticache.DestinationDetails(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CloudWatchLogsDetails': (<class 'troposphere.elasticache.CloudWatchLogsDestinationDetails'>, False), 'KinesisFirehoseDetails': (<class 'troposphere.elasticache.KinesisFirehoseDestinationDetails'>, False)}
class troposphere.elasticache.ECPUPerSecond(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Maximum': (<function integer>, False), 'Minimum': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.elasticache.Endpoint(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Address': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Port': (<function validate_network_port>, False)}
class troposphere.elasticache.GlobalReplicationGroup(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AutomaticFailoverEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'CacheNodeType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CacheParameterGroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EngineVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'GlobalNodeGroupCount': (<function integer>, False), 'GlobalReplicationGroupDescription': (<class 'str'>, False), 'GlobalReplicationGroupIdSuffix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Members': ([<class 'troposphere.elasticache.GlobalReplicationGroupMember'>], True), 'RegionalConfigurations': ([<class 'troposphere.elasticache.RegionalConfiguration'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ElastiCache::GlobalReplicationGroup'
class troposphere.elasticache.GlobalReplicationGroupMember(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ReplicationGroupId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ReplicationGroupRegion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Role': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.elasticache.KinesisFirehoseDestinationDetails(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DeliveryStream': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.elasticache.LogDeliveryConfigurationRequest(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DestinationDetails': (<class 'troposphere.elasticache.DestinationDetails'>, True), 'DestinationType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'LogFormat': (<class 'str'>, True), 'LogType': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.elasticache.NodeGroupConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'NodeGroupId': (<function validate_node_group_id>, False), 'PrimaryAvailabilityZone': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ReplicaAvailabilityZones': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ReplicaCount': (<function integer>, False), 'Slots': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.elasticache.ParameterGroup(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CacheParameterGroupFamily': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Properties': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ElastiCache::ParameterGroup'
class troposphere.elasticache.RegionalConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ReplicationGroupId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ReplicationGroupRegion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ReshardingConfigurations': ([<class 'troposphere.elasticache.ReshardingConfiguration'>], False)}
class troposphere.elasticache.ReplicationGroup(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AtRestEncryptionEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'AuthToken': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AutoMinorVersionUpgrade': (<function boolean>, False), 'AutomaticFailoverEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'CacheNodeType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CacheParameterGroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CacheSecurityGroupNames': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'CacheSubnetGroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ClusterMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DataTieringEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'Engine': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EngineVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'GlobalReplicationGroupId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IpDiscovery': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LogDeliveryConfigurations': ([<class 'troposphere.elasticache.LogDeliveryConfigurationRequest'>], False), 'MultiAZEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'NetworkType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NodeGroupConfiguration': ([<class 'troposphere.elasticache.NodeGroupConfiguration'>], False), 'NotificationTopicArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NumCacheClusters': (<function integer>, False), 'NumNodeGroups': (<function integer>, False), 'Port': (<function validate_network_port>, False), 'PreferredCacheClusterAZs': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'PreferredMaintenanceWindow': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PrimaryClusterId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ReplicasPerNodeGroup': (<function integer>, False), 'ReplicationGroupDescription': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ReplicationGroupId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecurityGroupIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SnapshotArns': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SnapshotName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SnapshotRetentionLimit': (<function integer>, False), 'SnapshotWindow': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SnapshottingClusterId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TransitEncryptionEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'TransitEncryptionMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'UserGroupIds': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ElastiCache::ReplicationGroup'
class troposphere.elasticache.ReshardingConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'NodeGroupId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PreferredAvailabilityZones': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.elasticache.SecurityGroup(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ElastiCache::SecurityGroup'
class troposphere.elasticache.SecurityGroupIngress(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CacheSecurityGroupName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'EC2SecurityGroupName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ElastiCache::SecurityGroupIngress'
class troposphere.elasticache.ServerlessCache(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CacheUsageLimits': (<class 'troposphere.elasticache.CacheUsageLimits'>, False), 'DailySnapshotTime': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Endpoint': (<class 'troposphere.elasticache.Endpoint'>, False), 'Engine': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FinalSnapshotName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MajorEngineVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ReaderEndpoint': (<class 'troposphere.elasticache.Endpoint'>, False), 'SecurityGroupIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ServerlessCacheName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SnapshotArnsToRestore': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SnapshotRetentionLimit': (<function integer>, False), 'SubnetIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'UserGroupId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ElastiCache::ServerlessCache'
class troposphere.elasticache.SubnetGroup(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CacheSubnetGroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SubnetIds': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ElastiCache::SubnetGroup'
class troposphere.elasticache.User(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessString': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AuthenticationMode': (<class 'troposphere.elasticache.AuthenticationMode'>, False), 'Engine': (<class 'str'>, True), 'NoPasswordRequired': (<function boolean>, False), 'Passwords': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'UserId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'UserName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ElastiCache::User'
class troposphere.elasticache.UserGroup(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Engine': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'UserGroupId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'UserIds': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ElastiCache::UserGroup'

troposphere.elasticbeanstalk module

class troposphere.elasticbeanstalk.Application(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApplicationName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ResourceLifecycleConfig': (<class 'troposphere.elasticbeanstalk.ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Application'
class troposphere.elasticbeanstalk.ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ServiceRole': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VersionLifecycleConfig': (<class 'troposphere.elasticbeanstalk.ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig'>, False)}
class troposphere.elasticbeanstalk.ApplicationVersion(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApplicationName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceBundle': (<class 'troposphere.elasticbeanstalk.SourceBundle'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::ApplicationVersion'
class troposphere.elasticbeanstalk.ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MaxAgeRule': (<class 'troposphere.elasticbeanstalk.MaxAgeRule'>, False), 'MaxCountRule': (<class 'troposphere.elasticbeanstalk.MaxCountRule'>, False)}
class troposphere.elasticbeanstalk.ConfigurationTemplate(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApplicationName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EnvironmentId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OptionSettings': ([<class 'troposphere.elasticbeanstalk.OptionSetting'>], False), 'PlatformArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SolutionStackName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.elasticbeanstalk.SourceConfiguration'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::ConfigurationTemplate'
class troposphere.elasticbeanstalk.Environment(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApplicationName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'CNAMEPrefix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EnvironmentName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OperationsRole': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OptionSettings': ([<class 'troposphere.elasticbeanstalk.OptionSetting'>], False), 'PlatformArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SolutionStackName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TemplateName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tier': (<class 'troposphere.elasticbeanstalk.Tier'>, False), 'VersionLabel': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Environment'
class troposphere.elasticbeanstalk.MaxAgeRule(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DeleteSourceFromS3': (<function boolean>, False), 'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'MaxAgeInDays': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.elasticbeanstalk.MaxCountRule(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DeleteSourceFromS3': (<function boolean>, False), 'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'MaxCount': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.elasticbeanstalk.OptionSetting(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Namespace': (<class 'str'>, True), 'OptionName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ResourceName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.elasticbeanstalk.SourceBundle(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'S3Bucket': (<class 'str'>, True), 'S3Key': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.elasticbeanstalk.SourceConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApplicationName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TemplateName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.elasticbeanstalk.Tier(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<function validate_tier_name>, False), 'Type': (<function validate_tier_type>, False), 'Version': (<class 'str'>, False)}

troposphere.elasticloadbalancing module

class troposphere.elasticloadbalancing.AccessLoggingPolicy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EmitInterval': (<function integer>, False), 'Enabled': (<function boolean>, True), 'S3BucketName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'S3BucketPrefix': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.elasticloadbalancing.AppCookieStickinessPolicy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CookieName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PolicyName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.elasticloadbalancing.ConnectionDrainingPolicy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Enabled': (<function boolean>, True), 'Timeout': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.elasticloadbalancing.ConnectionSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'IdleTimeout': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.elasticloadbalancing.HealthCheck(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'HealthyThreshold': (<function validate_threshold>, True), 'Interval': (<function validate_int_to_str>, True), 'Target': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Timeout': (<function validate_int_to_str>, True), 'UnhealthyThreshold': (<function validate_threshold>, True)}
class troposphere.elasticloadbalancing.LBCookieStickinessPolicy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CookieExpirationPeriod': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PolicyName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.elasticloadbalancing.Listener(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InstancePort': (<function validate_network_port>, True), 'InstanceProtocol': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LoadBalancerPort': (<function validate_network_port>, True), 'PolicyNames': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Protocol': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SSLCertificateId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.elasticloadbalancing.LoadBalancer(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessLoggingPolicy': (<class 'troposphere.elasticloadbalancing.AccessLoggingPolicy'>, False), 'AppCookieStickinessPolicy': (<class 'list'>, False), 'AvailabilityZones': (<class 'list'>, False), 'ConnectionDrainingPolicy': (<class 'troposphere.elasticloadbalancing.ConnectionDrainingPolicy'>, False), 'ConnectionSettings': (<class 'troposphere.elasticloadbalancing.ConnectionSettings'>, False), 'CrossZone': (<function boolean>, False), 'HealthCheck': (<class 'troposphere.elasticloadbalancing.HealthCheck'>, False), 'Instances': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'LBCookieStickinessPolicy': (<class 'list'>, False), 'Listeners': (<class 'list'>, True), 'LoadBalancerName': (<function validate_elb_name>, False), 'Policies': (<class 'list'>, False), 'Scheme': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecurityGroups': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Subnets': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Tags': (<function validate_tags_or_list>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer'
class troposphere.elasticloadbalancing.Policy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Attributes': ([<class 'dict'>], True), 'InstancePorts': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'LoadBalancerPorts': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'PolicyName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PolicyType': (<class 'str'>, True)}

troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2 module

class troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.Action(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AuthenticateCognitoConfig': (<class 'troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.AuthenticateCognitoConfig'>, False), 'AuthenticateOidcConfig': (<class 'troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.AuthenticateOidcConfig'>, False), 'FixedResponseConfig': (<class 'troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.FixedResponseConfig'>, False), 'ForwardConfig': (<class 'troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.ForwardConfig'>, False), 'Order': (<function integer>, False), 'RedirectConfig': (<class 'troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.RedirectConfig'>, False), 'TargetGroupArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.AuthenticateCognitoConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AuthenticationRequestExtraParams': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'OnUnauthenticatedRequest': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Scope': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SessionCookieName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SessionTimeout': (<function integer>, False), 'UserPoolArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'UserPoolClientId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'UserPoolDomain': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.AuthenticateOidcConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AuthenticationRequestExtraParams': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'AuthorizationEndpoint': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ClientId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ClientSecret': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Issuer': (<class 'str'>, True), 'OnUnauthenticatedRequest': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Scope': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SessionCookieName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SessionTimeout': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TokenEndpoint': (<class 'str'>, True), 'UseExistingClientSecret': (<function boolean>, False), 'UserInfoEndpoint': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.Certificate(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CertificateArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.Condition(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Field': (<class 'str'>, False), 'HostHeaderConfig': (<class 'troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.HostHeaderConfig'>, False), 'HttpHeaderConfig': (<class 'troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.HttpHeaderConfig'>, False), 'HttpRequestMethodConfig': (<class 'troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.HttpRequestMethodConfig'>, False), 'PathPatternConfig': (<class 'troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.PathPatternConfig'>, False), 'QueryStringConfig': (<class 'troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.QueryStringConfig'>, False), 'SourceIpConfig': (<class 'troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.SourceIpConfig'>, False), 'Values': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.FixedResponseConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContentType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MessageBody': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StatusCode': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.ForwardConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TargetGroupStickinessConfig': (<class 'troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.TargetGroupStickinessConfig'>, False), 'TargetGroups': ([<class 'troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.TargetGroupTuple'>], False)}
class troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.HostHeaderConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Values': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.HttpHeaderConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'HttpHeaderName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Values': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.HttpRequestMethodConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Values': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.Listener(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AlpnPolicy': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Certificates': ([<class 'troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.Certificate'>], False), 'DefaultActions': ([<class 'troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.Action'>], True), 'LoadBalancerArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MutualAuthentication': (<class 'troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.MutualAuthentication'>, False), 'Port': (<function validate_network_port>, False), 'Protocol': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SslPolicy': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener'
class troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.ListenerCertificate(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Certificates': ([<class 'troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.Certificate'>], True), 'ListenerArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerCertificate'
class troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.ListenerRule(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Actions': ([<class 'troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.ListenerRuleAction'>], True), 'Conditions': ([<class 'troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.Condition'>], True), 'ListenerArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Priority': (<function integer>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerRule'
class troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.ListenerRuleAction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AuthenticateCognitoConfig': (<class 'troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.AuthenticateCognitoConfig'>, False), 'AuthenticateOidcConfig': (<class 'troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.ListenerRuleAuthenticateOidcConfig'>, False), 'FixedResponseConfig': (<class 'troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.FixedResponseConfig'>, False), 'ForwardConfig': (<class 'troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.ForwardConfig'>, False), 'Order': (<function integer>, False), 'RedirectConfig': (<class 'troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.RedirectConfig'>, False), 'TargetGroupArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.ListenerRuleAuthenticateOidcConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AuthenticationRequestExtraParams': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'AuthorizationEndpoint': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ClientId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ClientSecret': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Issuer': (<class 'str'>, True), 'OnUnauthenticatedRequest': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Scope': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SessionCookieName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SessionTimeout': (<function integer>, False), 'TokenEndpoint': (<class 'str'>, True), 'UseExistingClientSecret': (<function boolean>, False), 'UserInfoEndpoint': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.LoadBalancer(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EnforceSecurityGroupInboundRulesOnPrivateLinkTraffic': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IpAddressType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LoadBalancerAttributes': ([<class 'troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.LoadBalancerAttributes'>], False), 'Name': (<function validate_elb_name>, False), 'Scheme': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecurityGroups': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SubnetMappings': ([<class 'troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.SubnetMapping'>], False), 'Subnets': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Tags': (<function validate_tags_or_list>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer'
class troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.LoadBalancerAttributes(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Key': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.Matcher(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'GrpcCode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'HttpCode': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.MutualAuthentication(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'IgnoreClientCertificateExpiry': (<function boolean>, False), 'Mode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TrustStoreArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.PathPatternConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Values': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.QueryStringConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Values': ([<class 'troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.QueryStringKeyValue'>], False)}
class troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.QueryStringKeyValue(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Key': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.RedirectConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Host': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Path': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Port': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Protocol': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Query': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StatusCode': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.RevocationContent(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RevocationType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3Bucket': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3Key': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3ObjectVersion': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.SourceIpConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Values': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.SubnetMapping(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AllocationId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IPv6Address': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PrivateIPv4Address': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SubnetId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.TargetDescription(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AvailabilityZone': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Id': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Port': (<function validate_network_port>, False)}
class troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.TargetGroup(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'HealthCheckEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'HealthCheckIntervalSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'HealthCheckPath': (<class 'str'>, False), 'HealthCheckPort': (<function tg_healthcheck_port>, False), 'HealthCheckProtocol': (<class 'str'>, False), 'HealthCheckTimeoutSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'HealthyThresholdCount': (<function integer>, False), 'IpAddressType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Matcher': (<class 'troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.Matcher'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Port': (<function validate_network_port>, False), 'Protocol': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ProtocolVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<function validate_tags_or_list>, False), 'TargetGroupAttributes': ([<class 'troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.TargetGroupAttribute'>], False), 'TargetType': (<function validate_target_type>, False), 'Targets': ([<class 'troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.TargetDescription'>], False), 'UnhealthyThresholdCount': (<function integer>, False), 'VpcId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup'
class troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.TargetGroupAttribute(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Key': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.TargetGroupStickinessConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DurationSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.TargetGroupTuple(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TargetGroupArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Weight': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.TrustStore(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CaCertificatesBundleS3Bucket': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CaCertificatesBundleS3Key': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CaCertificatesBundleS3ObjectVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TrustStore'
class troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.TrustStoreRevocation(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RevocationContents': ([<class 'troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.RevocationContent'>], False), 'TrustStoreArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TrustStoreRevocation'
class troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2.TrustStoreRevocationProperty(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'NumberOfRevokedEntries': (<function integer>, False), 'RevocationId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RevocationType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TrustStoreArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}

troposphere.elasticsearch module

class troposphere.elasticsearch.AdvancedSecurityOptionsInput(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AnonymousAuthEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'InternalUserDatabaseEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'MasterUserOptions': (<class 'troposphere.elasticsearch.MasterUserOptions'>, False)}
class troposphere.elasticsearch.CognitoOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'IdentityPoolId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'UserPoolId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.elasticsearch.ColdStorageOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.elasticsearch.Domain(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessPolicies': (<function policytypes>, False), 'AdvancedOptions': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'AdvancedSecurityOptions': (<class 'troposphere.elasticsearch.AdvancedSecurityOptionsInput'>, False), 'CognitoOptions': (<class 'troposphere.elasticsearch.CognitoOptions'>, False), 'DomainEndpointOptions': (<class 'troposphere.elasticsearch.DomainEndpointOptions'>, False), 'DomainName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EBSOptions': (<class 'troposphere.elasticsearch.EBSOptions'>, False), 'ElasticsearchClusterConfig': (<class 'troposphere.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchClusterConfig'>, False), 'ElasticsearchVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EncryptionAtRestOptions': (<class 'troposphere.elasticsearch.EncryptionAtRestOptions'>, False), 'LogPublishingOptions': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'NodeToNodeEncryptionOptions': (<class 'troposphere.elasticsearch.NodeToNodeEncryptionOptions'>, False), 'SnapshotOptions': (<class 'troposphere.elasticsearch.SnapshotOptions'>, False), 'Tags': (<function validate_tags_or_list>, False), 'VPCOptions': (<class 'troposphere.elasticsearch.VPCOptions'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Elasticsearch::Domain'
class troposphere.elasticsearch.DomainEndpointOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomEndpoint': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CustomEndpointCertificateArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CustomEndpointEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'EnforceHTTPS': (<function boolean>, False), 'TLSSecurityPolicy': (<function validate_tls_security_policy>, False)}
class troposphere.elasticsearch.EBSOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EBSEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'Iops': (<function integer>, False), 'VolumeSize': (<function integer>, False), 'VolumeType': (<function validate_volume_type>, False)}
class troposphere.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchClusterConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ColdStorageOptions': (<class 'troposphere.elasticsearch.ColdStorageOptions'>, False), 'DedicatedMasterCount': (<function integer>, False), 'DedicatedMasterEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'DedicatedMasterType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InstanceCount': (<function integer>, False), 'InstanceType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'WarmCount': (<function integer>, False), 'WarmEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'WarmType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ZoneAwarenessConfig': (<class 'troposphere.elasticsearch.ZoneAwarenessConfig'>, False), 'ZoneAwarenessEnabled': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.elasticsearch.EncryptionAtRestOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'KmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.elasticsearch.LogPublishingOption(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.elasticsearch.MasterUserOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MasterUserARN': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MasterUserName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MasterUserPassword': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.elasticsearch.NodeToNodeEncryptionOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.elasticsearch.SnapshotOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AutomatedSnapshotStartHour': (<function validate_automated_snapshot_start_hour>, False)}
class troposphere.elasticsearch.VPCOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SecurityGroupIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SubnetIds': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.elasticsearch.ZoneAwarenessConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AvailabilityZoneCount': (<function integer>, False)}

troposphere.emr module

class troposphere.emr.Application(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AdditionalInfo': (<function additional_info_validator>, False), 'Args': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Version': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.emr.AutoScalingPolicy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Constraints': (<class 'troposphere.emr.ScalingConstraints'>, True), 'Rules': ([<class 'troposphere.emr.ScalingRule'>], True)}
class troposphere.emr.AutoTerminationPolicy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'IdleTimeout': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.emr.BootstrapActionConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ScriptBootstrapAction': (<class 'troposphere.emr.ScriptBootstrapActionConfig'>, True)}
class troposphere.emr.CloudWatchAlarmDefinition(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ComparisonOperator': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Dimensions': ([<class 'troposphere.validators.emr.KeyValueClass'>], False), 'EvaluationPeriods': (<function integer>, False), 'MetricName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Namespace': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Period': (<function integer>, True), 'Statistic': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Threshold': (<function double>, True), 'Unit': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.emr.Cluster(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AdditionalInfo': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Applications': ([<class 'troposphere.emr.Application'>], False), 'AutoScalingRole': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AutoTerminationPolicy': (<class 'troposphere.emr.AutoTerminationPolicy'>, False), 'BootstrapActions': ([<class 'troposphere.emr.BootstrapActionConfig'>], False), 'Configurations': ([<class 'troposphere.emr.Configuration'>], False), 'CustomAmiId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EbsRootVolumeIops': (<function integer>, False), 'EbsRootVolumeSize': (<function integer>, False), 'EbsRootVolumeThroughput': (<function integer>, False), 'Instances': (<class 'troposphere.emr.JobFlowInstancesConfig'>, True), 'JobFlowRole': (<class 'str'>, True), 'KerberosAttributes': (<class 'troposphere.emr.KerberosAttributes'>, False), 'LogEncryptionKmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LogUri': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ManagedScalingPolicy': (<class 'troposphere.emr.ManagedScalingPolicy'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'OSReleaseLabel': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PlacementGroupConfigs': ([<class 'troposphere.emr.PlacementGroupConfig'>], False), 'ReleaseLabel': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ScaleDownBehavior': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecurityConfiguration': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ServiceRole': (<class 'str'>, True), 'StepConcurrencyLevel': (<function integer>, False), 'Steps': ([<class 'troposphere.emr.StepConfig'>], False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'VisibleToAllUsers': (<function boolean>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EMR::Cluster'
class troposphere.emr.ComputeLimits(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MaximumCapacityUnits': (<function integer>, True), 'MaximumCoreCapacityUnits': (<function integer>, False), 'MaximumOnDemandCapacityUnits': (<function integer>, False), 'MinimumCapacityUnits': (<function integer>, True), 'UnitType': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.emr.Configuration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Classification': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ConfigurationProperties': (<function properties_validator>, False), 'Configurations': (<function validate_configurations>, False)}
class troposphere.emr.EbsBlockDeviceConfigs(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'VolumeSpecification': (<class 'troposphere.emr.VolumeSpecification'>, True), 'VolumesPerInstance': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.emr.EbsConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EbsBlockDeviceConfigs': ([<class 'troposphere.emr.EbsBlockDeviceConfigs'>], False), 'EbsOptimized': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.emr.HadoopJarStepConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Args': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Jar': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MainClass': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StepProperties': ([<class 'troposphere.validators.emr.KeyValueClass'>], False)}
class troposphere.emr.InstanceFleetConfig(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ClusterId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'InstanceFleetType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'InstanceTypeConfigs': ([<class 'troposphere.emr.InstanceTypeConfig'>], False), 'LaunchSpecifications': (<class 'troposphere.emr.InstanceFleetProvisioningSpecifications'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TargetOnDemandCapacity': (<function integer>, False), 'TargetSpotCapacity': (<function integer>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EMR::InstanceFleetConfig'
class troposphere.emr.InstanceFleetConfigProperty(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InstanceTypeConfigs': ([<class 'troposphere.emr.InstanceTypeConfig'>], False), 'LaunchSpecifications': (<class 'troposphere.emr.InstanceFleetProvisioningSpecifications'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TargetOnDemandCapacity': (<function integer>, False), 'TargetSpotCapacity': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.emr.InstanceFleetProvisioningSpecifications(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'OnDemandSpecification': (<class 'troposphere.emr.OnDemandProvisioningSpecification'>, False), 'SpotSpecification': (<class 'troposphere.emr.SpotProvisioningSpecification'>, False)}
class troposphere.emr.InstanceGroupConfig(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AutoScalingPolicy': (<class 'troposphere.emr.AutoScalingPolicy'>, False), 'BidPrice': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Configurations': ([<class 'troposphere.emr.Configuration'>], False), 'CustomAmiId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EbsConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.emr.EbsConfiguration'>, False), 'InstanceCount': (<function integer>, True), 'InstanceRole': (<class 'str'>, True), 'InstanceType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'JobFlowId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Market': (<function market_validator>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EMR::InstanceGroupConfig'
class troposphere.emr.InstanceGroupConfigProperty(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AutoScalingPolicy': (<class 'troposphere.emr.AutoScalingPolicy'>, False), 'BidPrice': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Configurations': ([<class 'troposphere.emr.Configuration'>], False), 'CustomAmiId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EbsConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.emr.EbsConfiguration'>, False), 'InstanceCount': (<function integer>, True), 'InstanceType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Market': (<function market_validator>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.emr.InstanceTypeConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BidPrice': (<class 'str'>, False), 'BidPriceAsPercentageOfOnDemandPrice': (<function double>, False), 'Configurations': ([<class 'troposphere.emr.Configuration'>], False), 'CustomAmiId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EbsConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.emr.EbsConfiguration'>, False), 'InstanceType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'WeightedCapacity': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.emr.JobFlowInstancesConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AdditionalMasterSecurityGroups': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'AdditionalSlaveSecurityGroups': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'CoreInstanceFleet': (<class 'troposphere.emr.InstanceFleetConfigProperty'>, False), 'CoreInstanceGroup': (<class 'troposphere.emr.InstanceGroupConfigProperty'>, False), 'Ec2KeyName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Ec2SubnetId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Ec2SubnetIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'EmrManagedMasterSecurityGroup': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EmrManagedSlaveSecurityGroup': (<class 'str'>, False), 'HadoopVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KeepJobFlowAliveWhenNoSteps': (<function boolean>, False), 'MasterInstanceFleet': (<class 'troposphere.emr.InstanceFleetConfigProperty'>, False), 'MasterInstanceGroup': (<class 'troposphere.emr.InstanceGroupConfigProperty'>, False), 'Placement': (<class 'troposphere.emr.PlacementType'>, False), 'ServiceAccessSecurityGroup': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TaskInstanceFleets': ([<class 'troposphere.emr.InstanceFleetConfigProperty'>], False), 'TaskInstanceGroup': ([<class 'troposphere.emr.InstanceGroupConfigProperty'>], False), 'TaskInstanceGroups': ([<class 'troposphere.emr.InstanceGroupConfigProperty'>], False), 'TerminationProtected': (<function boolean>, False), 'UnhealthyNodeReplacement': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.emr.KerberosAttributes(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ADDomainJoinPassword': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ADDomainJoinUser': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CrossRealmTrustPrincipalPassword': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KdcAdminPassword': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Realm': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.emr.ManagedScalingPolicy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ComputeLimits': (<class 'troposphere.emr.ComputeLimits'>, False)}
class troposphere.emr.OnDemandProvisioningSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AllocationStrategy': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.emr.PlacementGroupConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InstanceRole': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PlacementStrategy': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.emr.PlacementType(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AvailabilityZone': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.emr.ScalingAction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Market': (<function market_validator>, False), 'SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.emr.SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration'>, True)}
class troposphere.emr.ScalingConstraints(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MaxCapacity': (<function integer>, True), 'MinCapacity': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.emr.ScalingRule(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Action': (<class 'troposphere.emr.ScalingAction'>, True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Trigger': (<class 'troposphere.emr.ScalingTrigger'>, True)}
class troposphere.emr.ScalingTrigger(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CloudWatchAlarmDefinition': (<class 'troposphere.emr.CloudWatchAlarmDefinition'>, True)}
class troposphere.emr.ScriptBootstrapActionConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Args': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Path': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.emr.SecurityConfiguration(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecurityConfiguration': (<class 'dict'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EMR::SecurityConfiguration'
class troposphere.emr.SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AdjustmentType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CoolDown': (<function integer>, False), 'ScalingAdjustment': (<function validate_defer>, True)}
class troposphere.emr.SpotProvisioningSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AllocationStrategy': (<class 'str'>, False), 'BlockDurationMinutes': (<function integer>, False), 'TimeoutAction': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TimeoutDurationMinutes': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.emr.Step(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ActionOnFailure': (<function action_on_failure_validator>, True), 'HadoopJarStep': (<class 'troposphere.emr.HadoopJarStepConfig'>, True), 'JobFlowId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EMR::Step'
class troposphere.emr.StepConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ActionOnFailure': (<class 'str'>, False), 'HadoopJarStep': (<class 'troposphere.emr.HadoopJarStepConfig'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.emr.Studio(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AuthMode': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DefaultS3Location': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EncryptionKeyArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EngineSecurityGroupId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'IdcInstanceArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IdcUserAssignment': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IdpAuthUrl': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IdpRelayStateParameterName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ServiceRole': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SubnetIds': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TrustedIdentityPropagationEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'UserRole': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VpcId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'WorkspaceSecurityGroupId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EMR::Studio'
class troposphere.emr.StudioSessionMapping(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'IdentityName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'IdentityType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SessionPolicyArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'StudioId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EMR::StudioSessionMapping'
class troposphere.emr.VolumeSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Iops': (<function integer>, False), 'SizeInGB': (<function integer>, True), 'Throughput': (<function integer>, False), 'VolumeType': (<function volume_type_validator>, True)}
class troposphere.emr.WALWorkspace(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'WALWorkspaceName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EMR::WALWorkspace'

troposphere.emrcontainers module

class troposphere.emrcontainers.ContainerInfo(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EksInfo': (<class 'troposphere.emrcontainers.EksInfo'>, True)}
class troposphere.emrcontainers.ContainerProvider(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Id': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Info': (<class 'troposphere.emrcontainers.ContainerInfo'>, True), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.emrcontainers.EksInfo(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Namespace': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.emrcontainers.VirtualCluster(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContainerProvider': (<class 'troposphere.emrcontainers.ContainerProvider'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EMRContainers::VirtualCluster' module

class str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConnectionArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'HttpMethod': (<class 'str'>, True), 'InvocationEndpoint': (<class 'str'>, True), 'InvocationRateLimitPerSecond': (<function integer>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Events::ApiDestination'
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApiKeyName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ApiKeyValue': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'GraphQLOperation': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ArchiveName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EventPattern': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'RetentionDays': (<function integer>, False), 'SourceArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Events::Archive'
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApiKeyAuthParameters': (<class ''>, False), 'BasicAuthParameters': (<class ''>, False), 'InvocationHttpParameters': (<class ''>, False), 'OAuthParameters': (<class ''>, False)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AssignPublicIp': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecurityGroups': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Subnets': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Password': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Username': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Size': (<function integer>, False)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ArrayProperties': (<class ''>, False), 'JobDefinition': (<class 'str'>, True), 'JobName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RetryStrategy': (<class ''>, False)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Attempts': (<function integer>, False)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Base': (<function integer>, False), 'CapacityProvider': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Weight': (<function integer>, False)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ClientID': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ClientSecret': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Key': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AuthParameters': (<class ''>, False), 'AuthorizationType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Events::Connection'
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BodyParameters': ([<class ''>], False), 'HeaderParameters': ([<class ''>], False), 'QueryStringParameters': ([<class ''>], False)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Arn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CapacityProviderStrategy': ([<class ''>], False), 'EnableECSManagedTags': (<function boolean>, False), 'EnableExecuteCommand': (<function boolean>, False), 'Group': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LaunchType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NetworkConfiguration': (<class ''>, False), 'PlacementConstraints': ([<class ''>], False), 'PlacementStrategies': ([<class ''>], False), 'PlatformVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PropagateTags': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ReferenceId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TagList': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TaskCount': (<function integer>, False), 'TaskDefinitionArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EventBuses': ([<class ''>], True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ReplicationConfig': (<class ''>, False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RoutingConfig': (<class ''>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Events::Endpoint'
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EventBusArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DeadLetterConfig': (<class ''>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EventSourceName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KmsKeyIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Policy': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Events::EventBus'
class str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Action': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Condition': (<class ''>, False), 'EventBusName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Principal': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Statement': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'StatementId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Events::EventBusPolicy'
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Primary': (<class ''>, True), 'Secondary': (<class ''>, True)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'HeaderParameters': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'PathParameterValues': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'QueryStringParameters': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InputPathsMap': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'InputTemplate': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PartitionKeyPath': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AwsVpcConfiguration': (<class ''>, False)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AuthorizationEndpoint': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ClientParameters': (<class ''>, True), 'HttpMethod': (<class 'str'>, True), 'OAuthHttpParameters': (<class ''>, False)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'IsValueSecret': (<function boolean>, False), 'Key': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Expression': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Field': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'HealthCheck': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Database': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DbUser': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecretManagerArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Sql': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Sqls': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'StatementName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'WithEvent': (<function boolean>, False)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'State': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MaximumEventAgeInSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'MaximumRetryAttempts': (<function integer>, False)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FailoverConfig': (<class ''>, True)}
class str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EventBusName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EventPattern': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ScheduleExpression': (<class 'str'>, False), 'State': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Targets': ([<class ''>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Events::Rule'
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RunCommandTargets': ([<class ''>], True)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Key': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Values': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PipelineParameterList': ([<class ''>], False)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Route': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MessageGroupId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AppSyncParameters': (<class ''>, False), 'Arn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'BatchParameters': (<class ''>, False), 'DeadLetterConfig': (<class ''>, False), 'EcsParameters': (<class ''>, False), 'HttpParameters': (<class ''>, False), 'Id': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Input': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InputPath': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InputTransformer': (<class ''>, False), 'KinesisParameters': (<class ''>, False), 'RedshiftDataParameters': (<class ''>, False), 'RetryPolicy': (<class ''>, False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RunCommandParameters': (<class ''>, False), 'SageMakerPipelineParameters': (<class ''>, False), 'SqsParameters': (<class ''>, False)}

troposphere.eventschemas module

class troposphere.eventschemas.Discoverer(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CrossAccount': (<function boolean>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EventSchemas::Discoverer'
class troposphere.eventschemas.Registry(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RegistryName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EventSchemas::Registry'
class troposphere.eventschemas.RegistryPolicy(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Policy': (<class 'dict'>, True), 'RegistryName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RevisionId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EventSchemas::RegistryPolicy'
class troposphere.eventschemas.Schema(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Content': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RegistryName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SchemaName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::EventSchemas::Schema'

troposphere.finspace module

class troposphere.finspace.AttributeMapItems(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Key': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.finspace.Environment(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FederationMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FederationParameters': (<class 'troposphere.finspace.FederationParameters'>, False), 'KmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SuperuserParameters': (<class 'troposphere.finspace.SuperuserParameters'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::FinSpace::Environment'
class troposphere.finspace.FederationParameters(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApplicationCallBackURL': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AttributeMap': ([<class 'troposphere.finspace.AttributeMapItems'>], False), 'FederationProviderName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FederationURN': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SamlMetadataDocument': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SamlMetadataURL': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.finspace.SuperuserParameters(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EmailAddress': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FirstName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LastName': (<class 'str'>, False)}

troposphere.firehose module

class troposphere.firehose.AmazonOpenSearchServerlessBufferingHints(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'IntervalInSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'SizeInMBs': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.firehose.AmazonOpenSearchServerlessDestinationConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BufferingHints': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.AmazonOpenSearchServerlessBufferingHints'>, False), 'CloudWatchLoggingOptions': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.CloudWatchLoggingOptions'>, False), 'CollectionEndpoint': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IndexName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ProcessingConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.ProcessingConfiguration'>, False), 'RetryOptions': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.AmazonOpenSearchServerlessRetryOptions'>, False), 'RoleARN': (<class 'str'>, True), 'S3BackupMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3Configuration': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.S3DestinationConfiguration'>, True), 'VpcConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.VpcConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.firehose.AmazonOpenSearchServerlessRetryOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DurationInSeconds': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.firehose.AmazonopensearchserviceBufferingHints(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'IntervalInSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'SizeInMBs': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.firehose.AmazonopensearchserviceDestinationConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BufferingHints': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.AmazonopensearchserviceBufferingHints'>, False), 'CloudWatchLoggingOptions': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.CloudWatchLoggingOptions'>, False), 'ClusterEndpoint': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DocumentIdOptions': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.DocumentIdOptions'>, False), 'DomainARN': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IndexName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'IndexRotationPeriod': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ProcessingConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.ProcessingConfiguration'>, False), 'RetryOptions': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.AmazonopensearchserviceRetryOptions'>, False), 'RoleARN': (<class 'str'>, True), 'S3BackupMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3Configuration': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.S3DestinationConfiguration'>, True), 'TypeName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VpcConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.VpcConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.firehose.AmazonopensearchserviceRetryOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DurationInSeconds': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.firehose.AuthenticationConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Connectivity': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoleARN': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.firehose.BufferingHints(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'IntervalInSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'SizeInMBs': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.firehose.CloudWatchLoggingOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'LogGroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LogStreamName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.firehose.CopyCommand(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CopyOptions': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DataTableColumns': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DataTableName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.firehose.DataFormatConversionConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'InputFormatConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.InputFormatConfiguration'>, False), 'OutputFormatConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.OutputFormatConfiguration'>, False), 'SchemaConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.SchemaConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.firehose.DeliveryStream(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AmazonOpenSearchServerlessDestinationConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.AmazonOpenSearchServerlessDestinationConfiguration'>, False), 'AmazonopensearchserviceDestinationConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.AmazonopensearchserviceDestinationConfiguration'>, False), 'DeliveryStreamEncryptionConfigurationInput': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.DeliveryStreamEncryptionConfigurationInput'>, False), 'DeliveryStreamName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DeliveryStreamType': (<function delivery_stream_type_validator>, False), 'ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration'>, False), 'ExtendedS3DestinationConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.ExtendedS3DestinationConfiguration'>, False), 'HttpEndpointDestinationConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.HttpEndpointDestinationConfiguration'>, False), 'KinesisStreamSourceConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.KinesisStreamSourceConfiguration'>, False), 'MSKSourceConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.MSKSourceConfiguration'>, False), 'RedshiftDestinationConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.RedshiftDestinationConfiguration'>, False), 'S3DestinationConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.S3DestinationConfiguration'>, False), 'SnowflakeDestinationConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.SnowflakeDestinationConfiguration'>, False), 'SplunkDestinationConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.SplunkDestinationConfiguration'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::KinesisFirehose::DeliveryStream'
class troposphere.firehose.DeliveryStreamEncryptionConfigurationInput(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'KeyARN': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KeyType': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.firehose.Deserializer(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'HiveJsonSerDe': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.HiveJsonSerDe'>, False), 'OpenXJsonSerDe': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.OpenXJsonSerDe'>, False)}
class troposphere.firehose.DocumentIdOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DefaultDocumentIdFormat': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.firehose.DynamicPartitioningConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'RetryOptions': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.RetryOptions'>, False)}
class troposphere.firehose.ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BufferingHints': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.BufferingHints'>, False), 'CloudWatchLoggingOptions': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.CloudWatchLoggingOptions'>, False), 'ClusterEndpoint': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DocumentIdOptions': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.DocumentIdOptions'>, False), 'DomainARN': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IndexName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'IndexRotationPeriod': (<function index_rotation_period_validator>, False), 'ProcessingConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.ProcessingConfiguration'>, False), 'RetryOptions': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.RetryOptions'>, False), 'RoleARN': (<class 'str'>, True), 'S3BackupMode': (<function s3_backup_mode_elastic_search_validator>, False), 'S3Configuration': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.S3Configuration'>, True), 'TypeName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VpcConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.VpcConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.firehose.EncryptionConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'KMSEncryptionConfig': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.KMSEncryptionConfig'>, False), 'NoEncryptionConfig': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.firehose.ExtendedS3DestinationConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BucketARN': (<class 'str'>, True), 'BufferingHints': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.BufferingHints'>, False), 'CloudWatchLoggingOptions': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.CloudWatchLoggingOptions'>, False), 'CompressionFormat': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CustomTimeZone': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DataFormatConversionConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.DataFormatConversionConfiguration'>, False), 'DynamicPartitioningConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.DynamicPartitioningConfiguration'>, False), 'EncryptionConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.EncryptionConfiguration'>, False), 'ErrorOutputPrefix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FileExtension': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Prefix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ProcessingConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.ProcessingConfiguration'>, False), 'RoleARN': (<class 'str'>, True), 'S3BackupConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.S3DestinationConfiguration'>, False), 'S3BackupMode': (<function s3_backup_mode_extended_s3_validator>, False)}
class troposphere.firehose.HiveJsonSerDe(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TimestampFormats': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.firehose.HttpEndpointCommonAttribute(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AttributeName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'AttributeValue': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.firehose.HttpEndpointConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessKey': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Url': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.firehose.HttpEndpointDestinationConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BufferingHints': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.BufferingHints'>, False), 'CloudWatchLoggingOptions': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.CloudWatchLoggingOptions'>, False), 'EndpointConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.HttpEndpointConfiguration'>, True), 'ProcessingConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.ProcessingConfiguration'>, False), 'RequestConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.HttpEndpointRequestConfiguration'>, False), 'RetryOptions': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.RetryOptions'>, False), 'RoleARN': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3BackupMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3Configuration': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.S3DestinationConfiguration'>, True)}
class troposphere.firehose.HttpEndpointRequestConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CommonAttributes': ([<class 'troposphere.firehose.HttpEndpointCommonAttribute'>], False), 'ContentEncoding': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.firehose.InputFormatConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Deserializer': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.Deserializer'>, False)}
class troposphere.firehose.KMSEncryptionConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AWSKMSKeyARN': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.firehose.KinesisStreamSourceConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'KinesisStreamARN': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoleARN': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.firehose.MSKSourceConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AuthenticationConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.AuthenticationConfiguration'>, True), 'MSKClusterARN': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TopicName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.firehose.OpenXJsonSerDe(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CaseInsensitive': (<function boolean>, False), 'ColumnToJsonKeyMappings': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'ConvertDotsInJsonKeysToUnderscores': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.firehose.OrcSerDe(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BlockSizeBytes': (<function integer>, False), 'BloomFilterColumns': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'BloomFilterFalsePositiveProbability': (<function double>, False), 'Compression': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DictionaryKeyThreshold': (<function double>, False), 'EnablePadding': (<function boolean>, False), 'FormatVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PaddingTolerance': (<function double>, False), 'RowIndexStride': (<function integer>, False), 'StripeSizeBytes': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.firehose.OutputFormatConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Serializer': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.Serializer'>, False)}
class troposphere.firehose.ParquetSerDe(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BlockSizeBytes': (<function integer>, False), 'Compression': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EnableDictionaryCompression': (<function boolean>, False), 'MaxPaddingBytes': (<function integer>, False), 'PageSizeBytes': (<function integer>, False), 'WriterVersion': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.firehose.ProcessingConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'Processors': ([<class 'troposphere.firehose.Processor'>], False)}
class troposphere.firehose.Processor(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Parameters': ([<class 'troposphere.firehose.ProcessorParameter'>], False), 'Type': (<function processor_type_validator>, True)}
class troposphere.firehose.ProcessorParameter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ParameterName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ParameterValue': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.firehose.RedshiftDestinationConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CloudWatchLoggingOptions': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.CloudWatchLoggingOptions'>, False), 'ClusterJDBCURL': (<class 'str'>, True), 'CopyCommand': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.CopyCommand'>, True), 'Password': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ProcessingConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.ProcessingConfiguration'>, False), 'RetryOptions': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.RedshiftRetryOptions'>, False), 'RoleARN': (<class 'str'>, True), 'S3BackupConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.S3DestinationConfiguration'>, False), 'S3BackupMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3Configuration': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.S3Configuration'>, True), 'Username': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.firehose.RedshiftRetryOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DurationInSeconds': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.firehose.RetryOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DurationInSeconds': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.firehose.S3Configuration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BucketARN': (<class 'str'>, True), 'BufferingHints': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.BufferingHints'>, False), 'CloudWatchLoggingOptions': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.CloudWatchLoggingOptions'>, False), 'CompressionFormat': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EncryptionConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.EncryptionConfiguration'>, False), 'ErrorOutputPrefix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Prefix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RoleARN': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.firehose.S3DestinationConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BucketARN': (<class 'str'>, True), 'BufferingHints': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.BufferingHints'>, False), 'CloudWatchLoggingOptions': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.CloudWatchLoggingOptions'>, False), 'CompressionFormat': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EncryptionConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.EncryptionConfiguration'>, False), 'ErrorOutputPrefix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Prefix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RoleARN': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.firehose.SchemaConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CatalogId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DatabaseName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Region': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RoleARN': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TableName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VersionId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.firehose.Serializer(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'OrcSerDe': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.OrcSerDe'>, False), 'ParquetSerDe': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.ParquetSerDe'>, False)}
class troposphere.firehose.SnowflakeDestinationConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccountUrl': (<class 'str'>, True), 'CloudWatchLoggingOptions': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.CloudWatchLoggingOptions'>, False), 'ContentColumnName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DataLoadingOption': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Database': (<class 'str'>, True), 'KeyPassphrase': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MetaDataColumnName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PrivateKey': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ProcessingConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.ProcessingConfiguration'>, False), 'RetryOptions': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.SnowflakeRetryOptions'>, False), 'RoleARN': (<class 'str'>, True), 'S3BackupMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3Configuration': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.S3DestinationConfiguration'>, True), 'Schema': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SnowflakeRoleConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.SnowflakeRoleConfiguration'>, False), 'SnowflakeVpcConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.SnowflakeVpcConfiguration'>, False), 'Table': (<class 'str'>, True), 'User': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.firehose.SnowflakeRetryOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DurationInSeconds': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.firehose.SnowflakeRoleConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'SnowflakeRole': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.firehose.SnowflakeVpcConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PrivateLinkVpceId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.firehose.SplunkBufferingHints(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'IntervalInSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'SizeInMBs': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.firehose.SplunkDestinationConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BufferingHints': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.SplunkBufferingHints'>, False), 'CloudWatchLoggingOptions': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.CloudWatchLoggingOptions'>, False), 'HECAcknowledgmentTimeoutInSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'HECEndpoint': (<class 'str'>, True), 'HECEndpointType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'HECToken': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ProcessingConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.ProcessingConfiguration'>, False), 'RetryOptions': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.SplunkRetryOptions'>, False), 'S3BackupMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3Configuration': (<class 'troposphere.firehose.S3DestinationConfiguration'>, True)}
class troposphere.firehose.SplunkRetryOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DurationInSeconds': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.firehose.VpcConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RoleARN': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SecurityGroupIds': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'SubnetIds': ([<class 'str'>], True)}

troposphere.fis module

class troposphere.fis.CloudWatchLogsConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LogGroupArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.fis.ExperimentTemplate(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Actions': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ExperimentOptions': (<class 'troposphere.fis.ExperimentTemplateExperimentOptions'>, False), 'LogConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.fis.ExperimentTemplateLogConfiguration'>, False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'StopConditions': ([<class 'troposphere.fis.ExperimentTemplateStopCondition'>], True), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, True), 'Targets': (<class 'dict'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::FIS::ExperimentTemplate'
class troposphere.fis.ExperimentTemplateAction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ActionId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Parameters': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'StartAfter': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Targets': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
class troposphere.fis.ExperimentTemplateExperimentOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccountTargeting': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EmptyTargetResolutionMode': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.fis.ExperimentTemplateLogConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CloudWatchLogsConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.fis.CloudWatchLogsConfiguration'>, False), 'LogSchemaVersion': (<function integer>, True), 'S3Configuration': (<class 'troposphere.fis.S3Configuration'>, False)}
class troposphere.fis.ExperimentTemplateStopCondition(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Source': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.fis.ExperimentTemplateTarget(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Filters': ([<class 'troposphere.fis.ExperimentTemplateTargetFilter'>], False), 'Parameters': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'ResourceArns': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ResourceTags': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'ResourceType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SelectionMode': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.fis.ExperimentTemplateTargetFilter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Path': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Values': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
class troposphere.fis.S3Configuration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BucketName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Prefix': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.fis.TargetAccountConfiguration(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccountId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ExperimentTemplateId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::FIS::TargetAccountConfiguration'

troposphere.fms module

class troposphere.fms.IEMap(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ACCOUNT': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ORGUNIT': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.fms.IcmpTypeCode(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Code': (<function integer>, True), 'Type': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.fms.NetworkAclCommonPolicy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'NetworkAclEntrySet': (<class 'troposphere.fms.NetworkAclEntrySet'>, True)}
class troposphere.fms.NetworkAclEntry(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CidrBlock': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Egress': (<function boolean>, True), 'IcmpTypeCode': (<class 'troposphere.fms.IcmpTypeCode'>, False), 'Ipv6CidrBlock': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PortRange': (<class 'troposphere.fms.PortRange'>, False), 'Protocol': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RuleAction': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.fms.NetworkAclEntrySet(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FirstEntries': ([<class 'troposphere.fms.NetworkAclEntry'>], False), 'ForceRemediateForFirstEntries': (<function boolean>, True), 'ForceRemediateForLastEntries': (<function boolean>, True), 'LastEntries': ([<class 'troposphere.fms.NetworkAclEntry'>], False)}
class troposphere.fms.NetworkFirewallPolicy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FirewallDeploymentModel': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.fms.NotificationChannel(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SnsRoleName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SnsTopicArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::FMS::NotificationChannel'
class troposphere.fms.Policy(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DeleteAllPolicyResources': (<function boolean>, False), 'ExcludeMap': (<class 'troposphere.fms.IEMap'>, False), 'ExcludeResourceTags': (<function boolean>, True), 'IncludeMap': (<class 'troposphere.fms.IEMap'>, False), 'PolicyDescription': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PolicyName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RemediationEnabled': (<function boolean>, True), 'ResourceSetIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ResourceTags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'ResourceType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ResourceTypeList': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ResourcesCleanUp': (<function boolean>, False), 'SecurityServicePolicyData': (<function validate_json_checker>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::FMS::Policy'
class troposphere.fms.PolicyOption(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'NetworkAclCommonPolicy': (<class 'troposphere.fms.NetworkAclCommonPolicy'>, False), 'NetworkFirewallPolicy': (<class 'troposphere.fms.NetworkFirewallPolicy'>, False), 'ThirdPartyFirewallPolicy': (<class 'troposphere.fms.ThirdPartyFirewallPolicy'>, False)}
class troposphere.fms.PortRange(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'From': (<function integer>, True), 'To': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.fms.ResourceSet(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ResourceTypeList': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Resources': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::FMS::ResourceSet'
class troposphere.fms.SecurityServicePolicyData(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ManagedServiceData': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PolicyOption': (<class 'troposphere.fms.PolicyOption'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.fms.ThirdPartyFirewallPolicy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FirewallDeploymentModel': (<class 'str'>, True)}

troposphere.frauddetector module

class troposphere.frauddetector.Detector(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AssociatedModels': ([<class 'troposphere.frauddetector.Model'>], False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DetectorId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DetectorVersionStatus': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EventType': (<class 'troposphere.frauddetector.EventTypeProperty'>, True), 'RuleExecutionMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Rules': ([<class 'troposphere.frauddetector.Rule'>], True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::FraudDetector::Detector'
class troposphere.frauddetector.EntityType(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::FraudDetector::EntityType'
class troposphere.frauddetector.EntityTypeProperty(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Arn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CreatedTime': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Inline': (<function boolean>, False), 'LastUpdatedTime': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
class troposphere.frauddetector.EventType(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EntityTypes': ([<class 'troposphere.frauddetector.EntityTypeProperty'>], True), 'EventVariables': ([<class 'troposphere.frauddetector.EventVariable'>], True), 'Labels': ([<class 'troposphere.frauddetector.LabelProperty'>], True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::FraudDetector::EventType'
class troposphere.frauddetector.EventTypeProperty(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Arn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CreatedTime': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EntityTypes': ([<class 'troposphere.frauddetector.EntityTypeProperty'>], False), 'EventVariables': ([<class 'troposphere.frauddetector.EventVariable'>], False), 'Inline': (<function boolean>, False), 'Labels': ([<class 'troposphere.frauddetector.LabelProperty'>], False), 'LastUpdatedTime': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
class troposphere.frauddetector.EventVariable(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Arn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CreatedTime': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DataSource': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DataType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DefaultValue': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Inline': (<function boolean>, False), 'LastUpdatedTime': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'VariableType': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.frauddetector.Label(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::FraudDetector::Label'
class troposphere.frauddetector.LabelProperty(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Arn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CreatedTime': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Inline': (<function boolean>, False), 'LastUpdatedTime': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
class troposphere.frauddetector.List(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Elements': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'VariableType': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::FraudDetector::List'
class troposphere.frauddetector.Model(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Arn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.frauddetector.Outcome(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::FraudDetector::Outcome'
class troposphere.frauddetector.OutcomeProperty(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Arn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CreatedTime': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Inline': (<function boolean>, False), 'LastUpdatedTime': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
class troposphere.frauddetector.Rule(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Arn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CreatedTime': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DetectorId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Expression': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Language': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LastUpdatedTime': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Outcomes': ([<class 'troposphere.frauddetector.OutcomeProperty'>], False), 'RuleId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RuleVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
class troposphere.frauddetector.Variable(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataSource': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DataType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DefaultValue': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'VariableType': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::FraudDetector::Variable'

troposphere.fsx module

class troposphere.fsx.ActiveDirectoryConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'NetBiosName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SelfManagedActiveDirectoryConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.fsx.SelfManagedActiveDirectoryConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.fsx.AggregateConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Aggregates': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ConstituentsPerAggregate': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.fsx.AuditLogConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AuditLogDestination': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FileAccessAuditLogLevel': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FileShareAccessAuditLogLevel': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.fsx.AutoExportPolicy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Events': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
class troposphere.fsx.AutoImportPolicy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Events': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
class troposphere.fsx.AutocommitPeriod(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Type': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.fsx.ClientConfigurations(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Clients': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Options': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
class troposphere.fsx.DataRepositoryAssociation(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BatchImportMetaDataOnCreate': (<function boolean>, False), 'DataRepositoryPath': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FileSystemId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FileSystemPath': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ImportedFileChunkSize': (<function integer>, False), 'S3': (<class 'troposphere.fsx.S3'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::FSx::DataRepositoryAssociation'
class troposphere.fsx.DiskIopsConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Iops': (<function integer>, False), 'Mode': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.fsx.FileSystem(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BackupId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FileSystemType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FileSystemTypeVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LustreConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.fsx.LustreConfiguration'>, False), 'OntapConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.fsx.OntapConfiguration'>, False), 'OpenZFSConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.fsx.OpenZFSConfiguration'>, False), 'SecurityGroupIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'StorageCapacity': (<function integer>, False), 'StorageType': (<function storage_type>, False), 'SubnetIds': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'WindowsConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.fsx.WindowsConfiguration'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::FSx::FileSystem'
class troposphere.fsx.LustreConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AutoImportPolicy': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AutomaticBackupRetentionDays': (<function integer>, False), 'CopyTagsToBackups': (<function boolean>, False), 'DailyAutomaticBackupStartTime': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DataCompressionType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DeploymentType': (<function validate_lustreconfiguration_deploymenttype>, False), 'DriveCacheType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ExportPath': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ImportPath': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ImportedFileChunkSize': (<function integer>, False), 'PerUnitStorageThroughput': (<function validate_lustreconfiguration_perunitstoragethroughput>, False), 'WeeklyMaintenanceStartTime': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.fsx.NfsExports(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ClientConfigurations': ([<class 'troposphere.fsx.ClientConfigurations'>], True)}
class troposphere.fsx.OntapConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AutomaticBackupRetentionDays': (<function integer>, False), 'DailyAutomaticBackupStartTime': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DeploymentType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DiskIopsConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.fsx.DiskIopsConfiguration'>, False), 'EndpointIpAddressRange': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FsxAdminPassword': (<class 'str'>, False), 'HAPairs': (<function integer>, False), 'PreferredSubnetId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RouteTableIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ThroughputCapacity': (<function integer>, False), 'ThroughputCapacityPerHAPair': (<function integer>, False), 'WeeklyMaintenanceStartTime': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.fsx.OpenZFSConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AutomaticBackupRetentionDays': (<function integer>, False), 'CopyTagsToBackups': (<function boolean>, False), 'CopyTagsToVolumes': (<function boolean>, False), 'DailyAutomaticBackupStartTime': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DeploymentType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DiskIopsConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.fsx.DiskIopsConfiguration'>, False), 'EndpointIpAddressRange': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Options': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'PreferredSubnetId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RootVolumeConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.fsx.RootVolumeConfiguration'>, False), 'RouteTableIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ThroughputCapacity': (<function integer>, False), 'WeeklyMaintenanceStartTime': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.fsx.OriginSnapshot(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CopyStrategy': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SnapshotARN': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.fsx.RetentionPeriod(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Type': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.fsx.RootVolumeConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CopyTagsToSnapshots': (<function boolean>, False), 'DataCompressionType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NfsExports': ([<class 'troposphere.fsx.NfsExports'>], False), 'ReadOnly': (<function boolean>, False), 'RecordSizeKiB': (<function integer>, False), 'UserAndGroupQuotas': ([<class 'troposphere.fsx.UserAndGroupQuotas'>], False)}
class troposphere.fsx.S3(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AutoExportPolicy': (<class 'troposphere.fsx.AutoExportPolicy'>, False), 'AutoImportPolicy': (<class 'troposphere.fsx.AutoImportPolicy'>, False)}
class troposphere.fsx.SelfManagedActiveDirectoryConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DnsIps': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'DomainName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FileSystemAdministratorsGroup': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OrganizationalUnitDistinguishedName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Password': (<class 'str'>, False), 'UserName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.fsx.SnaplockConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AuditLogVolume': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AutocommitPeriod': (<class 'troposphere.fsx.AutocommitPeriod'>, False), 'PrivilegedDelete': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RetentionPeriod': (<class 'troposphere.fsx.SnaplockRetentionPeriod'>, False), 'SnaplockType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'VolumeAppendModeEnabled': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.fsx.SnaplockRetentionPeriod(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DefaultRetention': (<class 'troposphere.fsx.RetentionPeriod'>, True), 'MaximumRetention': (<class 'troposphere.fsx.RetentionPeriod'>, True), 'MinimumRetention': (<class 'troposphere.fsx.RetentionPeriod'>, True)}
class troposphere.fsx.Snapshot(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'VolumeId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::FSx::Snapshot'
class troposphere.fsx.StorageVirtualMachine(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ActiveDirectoryConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.fsx.ActiveDirectoryConfiguration'>, False), 'FileSystemId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RootVolumeSecurityStyle': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SvmAdminPassword': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::FSx::StorageVirtualMachine'
class troposphere.fsx.TieringPolicy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CoolingPeriod': (<function integer>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.fsx.UserAndGroupQuotas(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Id': (<function integer>, True), 'StorageCapacityQuotaGiB': (<function integer>, True), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.fsx.Volume(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BackupId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'OntapConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.fsx.VolumeOntapConfiguration'>, False), 'OpenZFSConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.fsx.VolumeOpenZFSConfiguration'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'VolumeType': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::FSx::Volume'
class troposphere.fsx.VolumeOntapConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AggregateConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.fsx.AggregateConfiguration'>, False), 'CopyTagsToBackups': (<class 'str'>, False), 'JunctionPath': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OntapVolumeType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecurityStyle': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SizeInBytes': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SizeInMegabytes': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SnaplockConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.fsx.SnaplockConfiguration'>, False), 'SnapshotPolicy': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StorageEfficiencyEnabled': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StorageVirtualMachineId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TieringPolicy': (<class 'troposphere.fsx.TieringPolicy'>, False), 'VolumeStyle': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.fsx.VolumeOpenZFSConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CopyTagsToSnapshots': (<function boolean>, False), 'DataCompressionType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NfsExports': ([<class 'troposphere.fsx.NfsExports'>], False), 'Options': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'OriginSnapshot': (<class 'troposphere.fsx.OriginSnapshot'>, False), 'ParentVolumeId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ReadOnly': (<function boolean>, False), 'RecordSizeKiB': (<function integer>, False), 'StorageCapacityQuotaGiB': (<function integer>, False), 'StorageCapacityReservationGiB': (<function integer>, False), 'UserAndGroupQuotas': ([<class 'troposphere.fsx.UserAndGroupQuotas'>], False)}
class troposphere.fsx.WindowsConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ActiveDirectoryId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Aliases': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'AuditLogConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.fsx.AuditLogConfiguration'>, False), 'AutomaticBackupRetentionDays': (<function integer>, False), 'CopyTagsToBackups': (<function boolean>, False), 'DailyAutomaticBackupStartTime': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DeploymentType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DiskIopsConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.fsx.DiskIopsConfiguration'>, False), 'PreferredSubnetId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SelfManagedActiveDirectoryConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.fsx.SelfManagedActiveDirectoryConfiguration'>, False), 'ThroughputCapacity': (<function integer>, True), 'WeeklyMaintenanceStartTime': (<class 'str'>, False)}

troposphere.gamelift module

class troposphere.gamelift.Alias(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoutingStrategy': (<class 'troposphere.gamelift.RoutingStrategy'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::GameLift::Alias'
class troposphere.gamelift.AnywhereConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Cost': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.gamelift.AutoScalingPolicy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EstimatedInstanceWarmup': (<function double>, False), 'TargetTrackingConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.gamelift.TargetTrackingConfiguration'>, True)}
class troposphere.gamelift.Build(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OperatingSystem': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ServerSdkVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StorageLocation': (<class 'troposphere.gamelift.StorageLocation'>, False), 'Version': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::GameLift::Build'
class troposphere.gamelift.CertificateConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CertificateType': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.gamelift.ConnectionPortRange(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FromPort': (<function integer>, True), 'ToPort': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.gamelift.ContainerDefinition(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Command': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ContainerName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Cpu': (<function integer>, False), 'DependsOn': ([<class 'troposphere.gamelift.ContainerDependency'>], False), 'EntryPoint': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Environment': ([<class 'troposphere.gamelift.ContainerEnvironment'>], False), 'Essential': (<function boolean>, False), 'HealthCheck': (<class 'troposphere.gamelift.ContainerHealthCheck'>, False), 'ImageUri': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MemoryLimits': (<class 'troposphere.gamelift.MemoryLimits'>, False), 'PortConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.gamelift.PortConfiguration'>, False), 'ResolvedImageDigest': (<class 'str'>, False), 'WorkingDirectory': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.gamelift.ContainerDependency(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Condition': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ContainerName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.gamelift.ContainerEnvironment(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.gamelift.ContainerGroupDefinition(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContainerDefinitions': ([<class 'troposphere.gamelift.ContainerDefinition'>], True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'OperatingSystem': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SchedulingStrategy': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TotalCpuLimit': (<function integer>, True), 'TotalMemoryLimit': (<function integer>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::GameLift::ContainerGroupDefinition'
class troposphere.gamelift.ContainerGroupsConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConnectionPortRange': (<class 'troposphere.gamelift.ConnectionPortRange'>, True), 'ContainerGroupDefinitionNames': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'ContainerGroupsPerInstance': (<class 'troposphere.gamelift.ContainerGroupsPerInstance'>, False)}
class troposphere.gamelift.ContainerGroupsPerInstance(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DesiredReplicaContainerGroupsPerInstance': (<function integer>, False), 'MaxReplicaContainerGroupsPerInstance': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.gamelift.ContainerHealthCheck(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Command': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Interval': (<function integer>, False), 'Retries': (<function integer>, False), 'StartPeriod': (<function integer>, False), 'Timeout': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.gamelift.ContainerPortRange(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FromPort': (<function integer>, True), 'Protocol': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ToPort': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.gamelift.FilterConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AllowedLocations': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.gamelift.Fleet(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AnywhereConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.gamelift.AnywhereConfiguration'>, False), 'ApplyCapacity': (<class 'str'>, False), 'BuildId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CertificateConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.gamelift.CertificateConfiguration'>, False), 'ComputeType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ContainerGroupsConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.gamelift.ContainerGroupsConfiguration'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DesiredEC2Instances': (<function integer>, False), 'EC2InboundPermissions': ([<class 'troposphere.gamelift.IpPermission'>], False), 'EC2InstanceType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FleetType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InstanceRoleARN': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InstanceRoleCredentialsProvider': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Locations': ([<class 'troposphere.gamelift.LocationConfiguration'>], False), 'MaxSize': (<function integer>, False), 'MetricGroups': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'MinSize': (<function integer>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'NewGameSessionProtectionPolicy': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PeerVpcAwsAccountId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PeerVpcId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ResourceCreationLimitPolicy': (<class 'troposphere.gamelift.ResourceCreationLimitPolicy'>, False), 'RuntimeConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.gamelift.RuntimeConfiguration'>, False), 'ScalingPolicies': ([<class 'troposphere.gamelift.ScalingPolicy'>], False), 'ScriptId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::GameLift::Fleet'
class troposphere.gamelift.GameProperty(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Key': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.gamelift.GameServerGroup(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AutoScalingPolicy': (<class 'troposphere.gamelift.AutoScalingPolicy'>, False), 'BalancingStrategy': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DeleteOption': (<class 'str'>, False), 'GameServerGroupName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'GameServerProtectionPolicy': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InstanceDefinitions': ([<class 'troposphere.gamelift.InstanceDefinition'>], True), 'LaunchTemplate': (<class 'troposphere.gamelift.LaunchTemplate'>, False), 'MaxSize': (<function double>, False), 'MinSize': (<function double>, False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'VpcSubnets': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::GameLift::GameServerGroup'
class troposphere.gamelift.GameSessionQueue(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomEventData': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Destinations': ([<class 'troposphere.gamelift.GameSessionQueueDestination'>], False), 'FilterConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.gamelift.FilterConfiguration'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'NotificationTarget': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PlayerLatencyPolicies': ([<class 'troposphere.gamelift.PlayerLatencyPolicy'>], False), 'PriorityConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.gamelift.PriorityConfiguration'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TimeoutInSeconds': (<function integer>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::GameLift::GameSessionQueue'
class troposphere.gamelift.GameSessionQueueDestination(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DestinationArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.gamelift.InstanceDefinition(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InstanceType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'WeightedCapacity': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.gamelift.IpPermission(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FromPort': (<function integer>, True), 'IpRange': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Protocol': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ToPort': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.gamelift.LaunchTemplate(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LaunchTemplateId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LaunchTemplateName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Version': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.gamelift.Location(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LocationName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::GameLift::Location'
class troposphere.gamelift.LocationCapacity(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DesiredEC2Instances': (<function integer>, True), 'MaxSize': (<function integer>, True), 'MinSize': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.gamelift.LocationConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Location': (<class 'str'>, True), 'LocationCapacity': (<class 'troposphere.gamelift.LocationCapacity'>, False)}
class troposphere.gamelift.MatchmakingConfiguration(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AcceptanceRequired': (<function boolean>, True), 'AcceptanceTimeoutSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'AdditionalPlayerCount': (<function integer>, False), 'BackfillMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CreationTime': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CustomEventData': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FlexMatchMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'GameProperties': ([<class 'troposphere.gamelift.GameProperty'>], False), 'GameSessionData': (<class 'str'>, False), 'GameSessionQueueArns': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'NotificationTarget': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RequestTimeoutSeconds': (<function integer>, True), 'RuleSetArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RuleSetName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::GameLift::MatchmakingConfiguration'
class troposphere.gamelift.MatchmakingRuleSet(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RuleSetBody': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::GameLift::MatchmakingRuleSet'
class troposphere.gamelift.MemoryLimits(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'HardLimit': (<function integer>, False), 'SoftLimit': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.gamelift.PlayerLatencyPolicy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MaximumIndividualPlayerLatencyMilliseconds': (<function integer>, False), 'PolicyDurationSeconds': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.gamelift.PortConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContainerPortRanges': ([<class 'troposphere.gamelift.ContainerPortRange'>], True)}
class troposphere.gamelift.PriorityConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LocationOrder': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'PriorityOrder': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.gamelift.ResourceCreationLimitPolicy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'NewGameSessionsPerCreator': (<function integer>, False), 'PolicyPeriodInMinutes': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.gamelift.RoutingStrategy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FleetId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Message': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.gamelift.RuntimeConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'GameSessionActivationTimeoutSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'MaxConcurrentGameSessionActivations': (<function integer>, False), 'ServerProcesses': ([<class 'troposphere.gamelift.ServerProcess'>], False)}
class troposphere.gamelift.S3Location(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Bucket': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Key': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ObjectVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.gamelift.ScalingPolicy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ComparisonOperator': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EvaluationPeriods': (<function integer>, False), 'Location': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MetricName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PolicyType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ScalingAdjustment': (<function integer>, False), 'ScalingAdjustmentType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Status': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TargetConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.gamelift.TargetConfiguration'>, False), 'Threshold': (<function double>, False), 'UpdateStatus': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.gamelift.Script(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StorageLocation': (<class 'troposphere.gamelift.S3Location'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'Version': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::GameLift::Script'
class troposphere.gamelift.ServerProcess(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConcurrentExecutions': (<function integer>, True), 'LaunchPath': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Parameters': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.gamelift.StorageLocation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Bucket': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Key': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ObjectVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.gamelift.TargetConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TargetValue': (<function double>, True)}
class troposphere.gamelift.TargetTrackingConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TargetValue': (<function double>, True)}

troposphere.globalaccelerator module

class troposphere.globalaccelerator.Accelerator(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'IpAddressType': (<function accelerator_ipaddresstype>, False), 'IpAddresses': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::GlobalAccelerator::Accelerator'
class troposphere.globalaccelerator.CrossAccountAttachment(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Principals': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Resources': ([<class 'troposphere.globalaccelerator.Resource'>], False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::GlobalAccelerator::CrossAccountAttachment'
class troposphere.globalaccelerator.EndpointConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AttachmentArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ClientIPPreservationEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'EndpointId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Weight': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.globalaccelerator.EndpointGroup(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EndpointConfigurations': ([<class 'troposphere.globalaccelerator.EndpointConfiguration'>], False), 'EndpointGroupRegion': (<class 'str'>, True), 'HealthCheckIntervalSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'HealthCheckPath': (<class 'str'>, False), 'HealthCheckPort': (<function integer>, False), 'HealthCheckProtocol': (<function endpointgroup_healthcheckprotocol>, False), 'ListenerArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PortOverrides': ([<class 'troposphere.globalaccelerator.PortOverride'>], False), 'ThresholdCount': (<function integer>, False), 'TrafficDialPercentage': (<function double>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::GlobalAccelerator::EndpointGroup'
class troposphere.globalaccelerator.Listener(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AcceleratorArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ClientAffinity': (<function listener_clientaffinity>, False), 'PortRanges': ([<class 'troposphere.globalaccelerator.PortRange'>], True), 'Protocol': (<function listener_protocol>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::GlobalAccelerator::Listener'
class troposphere.globalaccelerator.PortOverride(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EndpointPort': (<function integer>, True), 'ListenerPort': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.globalaccelerator.PortRange(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FromPort': (<function integer>, True), 'ToPort': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.globalaccelerator.Resource(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EndpointId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Region': (<class 'str'>, False)}

troposphere.glue module

class troposphere.glue.Action(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Arguments': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'CrawlerName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'JobName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NotificationProperty': (<class 'troposphere.glue.NotificationProperty'>, False), 'SecurityConfiguration': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Timeout': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.glue.CatalogTarget(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConnectionName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DatabaseName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DlqEventQueueArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EventQueueArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tables': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.glue.Classifier(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CsvClassifier': (<class 'troposphere.glue.CsvClassifier'>, False), 'GrokClassifier': (<class 'troposphere.glue.GrokClassifier'>, False), 'JsonClassifier': (<class 'troposphere.glue.JsonClassifier'>, False), 'XMLClassifier': (<class 'troposphere.glue.XMLClassifier'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Glue::Classifier'
class troposphere.glue.CloudWatchEncryption(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CloudWatchEncryptionMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KmsKeyArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.glue.Column(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Comment': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.glue.Condition(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CrawlState': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CrawlerName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'JobName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LogicalOperator': (<class 'str'>, False), 'State': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.glue.Connection(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CatalogId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ConnectionInput': (<class 'troposphere.glue.ConnectionInput'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Glue::Connection'
class troposphere.glue.ConnectionInput(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConnectionProperties': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'ConnectionType': (<function connection_type_validator>, True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MatchCriteria': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PhysicalConnectionRequirements': (<class 'troposphere.glue.PhysicalConnectionRequirements'>, False)}
class troposphere.glue.ConnectionPasswordEncryption(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'KmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ReturnConnectionPasswordEncrypted': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.glue.ConnectionsList(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Connections': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.glue.Crawler(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Classifiers': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Configuration': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CrawlerSecurityConfiguration': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DatabaseName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LakeFormationConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.glue.LakeFormationConfiguration'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RecrawlPolicy': (<class 'troposphere.glue.RecrawlPolicy'>, False), 'Role': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Schedule': (<class 'troposphere.glue.Schedule'>, False), 'SchemaChangePolicy': (<class 'troposphere.glue.SchemaChangePolicy'>, False), 'TablePrefix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Targets': (<class 'troposphere.glue.Targets'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Glue::Crawler'
class troposphere.glue.CsvClassifier(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AllowSingleColumn': (<function boolean>, False), 'ContainsCustomDatatype': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ContainsHeader': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CustomDatatypeConfigured': (<function boolean>, False), 'Delimiter': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DisableValueTrimming': (<function boolean>, False), 'Header': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'QuoteSymbol': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.glue.CustomEntityType(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContextWords': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RegexString': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Glue::CustomEntityType'
class troposphere.glue.DataCatalogEncryptionSettings(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CatalogId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DataCatalogEncryptionSettings': (<class 'troposphere.glue.DataCatalogEncryptionSettingsProperty'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Glue::DataCatalogEncryptionSettings'
class troposphere.glue.DataCatalogEncryptionSettingsProperty(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConnectionPasswordEncryption': (<class 'troposphere.glue.ConnectionPasswordEncryption'>, False), 'EncryptionAtRest': (<class 'troposphere.glue.EncryptionAtRest'>, False)}
class troposphere.glue.DataLakePrincipal(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataLakePrincipalIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.glue.DataQualityRuleset(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ClientToken': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Ruleset': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'TargetTable': (<class 'troposphere.glue.DataQualityTargetTable'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Glue::DataQualityRuleset'
class troposphere.glue.DataQualityTargetTable(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DatabaseName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TableName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.glue.Database(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CatalogId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DatabaseInput': (<class 'troposphere.glue.DatabaseInput'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Glue::Database'
class troposphere.glue.DatabaseIdentifier(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CatalogId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DatabaseName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Region': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.glue.DatabaseInput(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CreateTableDefaultPermissions': ([<class 'troposphere.glue.PrincipalPrivileges'>], False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FederatedDatabase': (<class 'troposphere.glue.FederatedDatabase'>, False), 'LocationUri': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Parameters': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'TargetDatabase': (<class 'troposphere.glue.DatabaseIdentifier'>, False)}
class troposphere.glue.DeltaTarget(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConnectionName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CreateNativeDeltaTable': (<function boolean>, False), 'DeltaTables': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'WriteManifest': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.glue.DevEndpoint(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Arguments': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'EndpointName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ExtraJarsS3Path': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ExtraPythonLibsS3Path': (<class 'str'>, False), 'GlueVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NumberOfNodes': (<function integer>, False), 'NumberOfWorkers': (<function integer>, False), 'PublicKey': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PublicKeys': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SecurityConfiguration': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecurityGroupIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SubnetId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'WorkerType': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Glue::DevEndpoint'
class troposphere.glue.DynamoDBTarget(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Path': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.glue.EncryptionAtRest(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CatalogEncryptionMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CatalogEncryptionServiceRole': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SseAwsKmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.glue.EncryptionConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CloudWatchEncryption': (<class 'troposphere.glue.CloudWatchEncryption'>, False), 'JobBookmarksEncryption': (<class 'troposphere.glue.JobBookmarksEncryption'>, False), 'S3Encryptions': ([<class 'troposphere.glue.S3Encryption'>], False)}
class troposphere.glue.EventBatchingCondition(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BatchSize': (<function integer>, True), 'BatchWindow': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.glue.ExecutionProperty(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MaxConcurrentRuns': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.glue.FederatedDatabase(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConnectionName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Identifier': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.glue.FindMatchesParameters(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccuracyCostTradeoff': (<function double>, False), 'EnforceProvidedLabels': (<function boolean>, False), 'PrecisionRecallTradeoff': (<function double>, False), 'PrimaryKeyColumnName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.glue.GlueTables(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CatalogId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ConnectionName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DatabaseName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TableName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.glue.GrokClassifier(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Classification': (<class 'str'>, True), 'CustomPatterns': (<class 'str'>, False), 'GrokPattern': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.glue.IcebergInput(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MetadataOperation': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Version': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.glue.IcebergTarget(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConnectionName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Exclusions': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'MaximumTraversalDepth': (<function integer>, False), 'Paths': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.glue.InputRecordTables(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'GlueTables': ([<class 'troposphere.glue.GlueTables'>], False)}
class troposphere.glue.JdbcTarget(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConnectionName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Exclusions': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Path': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.glue.Job(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AllocatedCapacity': (<function double>, False), 'Command': (<class 'troposphere.glue.JobCommand'>, True), 'Connections': (<class 'troposphere.glue.ConnectionsList'>, False), 'DefaultArguments': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ExecutionClass': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ExecutionProperty': (<class 'troposphere.glue.ExecutionProperty'>, False), 'GlueVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LogUri': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MaxCapacity': (<function double>, False), 'MaxRetries': (<function double>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NonOverridableArguments': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'NotificationProperty': (<class 'troposphere.glue.NotificationProperty'>, False), 'NumberOfWorkers': (<function integer>, False), 'Role': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SecurityConfiguration': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Timeout': (<function integer>, False), 'WorkerType': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Glue::Job'
class troposphere.glue.JobBookmarksEncryption(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'JobBookmarksEncryptionMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KmsKeyArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.glue.JobCommand(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PythonVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Runtime': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ScriptLocation': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.glue.JsonClassifier(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'JsonPath': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.glue.LakeFormationConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccountId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'UseLakeFormationCredentials': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.glue.MLTransform(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'GlueVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InputRecordTables': (<class 'troposphere.glue.InputRecordTables'>, True), 'MaxCapacity': (<function double>, False), 'MaxRetries': (<function integer>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NumberOfWorkers': (<function integer>, False), 'Role': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Timeout': (<function integer>, False), 'TransformEncryption': (<class 'troposphere.glue.TransformEncryption'>, False), 'TransformParameters': (<class 'troposphere.glue.TransformParameters'>, True), 'WorkerType': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Glue::MLTransform'
class troposphere.glue.MLUserDataEncryption(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'KmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MLUserDataEncryptionMode': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.glue.MongoDBTarget(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConnectionName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Path': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.glue.NotificationProperty(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'NotifyDelayAfter': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.glue.OpenTableFormatInput(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'IcebergInput': (<class 'troposphere.glue.IcebergInput'>, False)}
class troposphere.glue.Order(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Column': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SortOrder': (<function validate_sortorder>, True)}
class troposphere.glue.Partition(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CatalogId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DatabaseName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PartitionInput': (<class 'troposphere.glue.PartitionInput'>, True), 'TableName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Glue::Partition'
class troposphere.glue.PartitionInput(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Parameters': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'StorageDescriptor': (<class 'troposphere.glue.StorageDescriptor'>, False), 'Values': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
class troposphere.glue.PhysicalConnectionRequirements(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AvailabilityZone': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecurityGroupIdList': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SubnetId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.glue.Predicate(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Conditions': ([<class 'troposphere.glue.Condition'>], False), 'Logical': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.glue.PrincipalPrivileges(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Permissions': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Principal': (<class 'troposphere.glue.DataLakePrincipal'>, False)}
class troposphere.glue.RecrawlPolicy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RecrawlBehavior': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.glue.Registry(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Glue::Registry'
class troposphere.glue.RegistryProperty(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Arn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.glue.S3Encryption(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'KmsKeyArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3EncryptionMode': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.glue.S3Target(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConnectionName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DlqEventQueueArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EventQueueArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Exclusions': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Path': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SampleSize': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.glue.Schedule(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ScheduleExpression': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.glue.Schema(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CheckpointVersion': (<class 'troposphere.glue.SchemaVersionProperty'>, False), 'Compatibility': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DataFormat': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Registry': (<class 'troposphere.glue.RegistryProperty'>, False), 'SchemaDefinition': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Glue::Schema'
class troposphere.glue.SchemaChangePolicy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DeleteBehavior': (<function delete_behavior_validator>, False), 'UpdateBehavior': (<function update_behavior_validator>, False)}
class troposphere.glue.SchemaId(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RegistryName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SchemaArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SchemaName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.glue.SchemaProperty(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RegistryName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SchemaArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SchemaName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.glue.SchemaReference(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SchemaId': (<class 'troposphere.glue.SchemaId'>, False), 'SchemaVersionId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SchemaVersionNumber': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.glue.SchemaVersion(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Schema': (<class 'troposphere.glue.SchemaProperty'>, True), 'SchemaDefinition': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Glue::SchemaVersion'
class troposphere.glue.SchemaVersionMetadata(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Key': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SchemaVersionId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Glue::SchemaVersionMetadata'
class troposphere.glue.SchemaVersionProperty(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'IsLatest': (<function boolean>, False), 'VersionNumber': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.glue.SecurityConfiguration(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EncryptionConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.glue.EncryptionConfiguration'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Glue::SecurityConfiguration'
class troposphere.glue.SerdeInfo(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Parameters': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'SerializationLibrary': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.glue.SkewedInfo(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SkewedColumnNames': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SkewedColumnValueLocationMaps': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'SkewedColumnValues': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.glue.StorageDescriptor(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BucketColumns': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Columns': ([<class 'troposphere.glue.Column'>], False), 'Compressed': (<function boolean>, False), 'InputFormat': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Location': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NumberOfBuckets': (<function integer>, False), 'OutputFormat': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Parameters': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'SchemaReference': (<class 'troposphere.glue.SchemaReference'>, False), 'SerdeInfo': (<class 'troposphere.glue.SerdeInfo'>, False), 'SkewedInfo': (<class 'troposphere.glue.SkewedInfo'>, False), 'SortColumns': ([<class 'troposphere.glue.Order'>], False), 'StoredAsSubDirectories': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.glue.Table(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CatalogId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DatabaseName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'OpenTableFormatInput': (<class 'troposphere.glue.OpenTableFormatInput'>, False), 'TableInput': (<class 'troposphere.glue.TableInput'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Glue::Table'
class troposphere.glue.TableIdentifier(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CatalogId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DatabaseName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Region': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.glue.TableInput(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Owner': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Parameters': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'PartitionKeys': ([<class 'troposphere.glue.Column'>], False), 'Retention': (<function integer>, False), 'StorageDescriptor': (<class 'troposphere.glue.StorageDescriptor'>, False), 'TableType': (<function table_type_validator>, False), 'TargetTable': (<class 'troposphere.glue.TableIdentifier'>, False), 'ViewExpandedText': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ViewOriginalText': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.glue.TableOptimizer(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CatalogId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DatabaseName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TableName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TableOptimizerConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.glue.TableOptimizerConfiguration'>, True), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Glue::TableOptimizer'
class troposphere.glue.TableOptimizerConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Enabled': (<function boolean>, True), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.glue.Targets(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CatalogTargets': ([<class 'troposphere.glue.CatalogTarget'>], False), 'DeltaTargets': ([<class 'troposphere.glue.DeltaTarget'>], False), 'DynamoDBTargets': ([<class 'troposphere.glue.DynamoDBTarget'>], False), 'IcebergTargets': ([<class 'troposphere.glue.IcebergTarget'>], False), 'JdbcTargets': ([<class 'troposphere.glue.JdbcTarget'>], False), 'MongoDBTargets': ([<class 'troposphere.glue.MongoDBTarget'>], False), 'S3Targets': ([<class 'troposphere.glue.S3Target'>], False)}
class troposphere.glue.TransformEncryption(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MLUserDataEncryption': (<class 'troposphere.glue.MLUserDataEncryption'>, False), 'TaskRunSecurityConfigurationName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.glue.TransformParameters(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FindMatchesParameters': (<class 'troposphere.glue.FindMatchesParameters'>, False), 'TransformType': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.glue.Trigger(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Actions': ([<class 'troposphere.glue.Action'>], True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EventBatchingCondition': (<class 'troposphere.glue.EventBatchingCondition'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Predicate': (<class 'troposphere.glue.Predicate'>, False), 'Schedule': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StartOnCreation': (<function boolean>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Type': (<function trigger_type_validator>, True), 'WorkflowName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Glue::Trigger'
class troposphere.glue.Workflow(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DefaultRunProperties': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MaxConcurrentRuns': (<function integer>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Glue::Workflow'
class troposphere.glue.XMLClassifier(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Classification': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RowTag': (<class 'str'>, True)}

troposphere.greengrass module

class troposphere.greengrass.Connector(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConnectorArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Id': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Parameters': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
class troposphere.greengrass.ConnectorDefinition(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InitialVersion': (<class 'troposphere.greengrass.ConnectorDefinitionVersionProperty'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Greengrass::ConnectorDefinition'
class troposphere.greengrass.ConnectorDefinitionVersion(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConnectorDefinitionId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Connectors': ([<class 'troposphere.greengrass.Connector'>], True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Greengrass::ConnectorDefinitionVersion'
class troposphere.greengrass.ConnectorDefinitionVersionProperty(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Connectors': ([<class 'troposphere.greengrass.Connector'>], True)}
class troposphere.greengrass.Core(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CertificateArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Id': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SyncShadow': (<function boolean>, False), 'ThingArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.greengrass.CoreDefinition(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InitialVersion': (<class 'troposphere.greengrass.CoreDefinitionVersionProperty'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Greengrass::CoreDefinition'
class troposphere.greengrass.CoreDefinitionVersion(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CoreDefinitionId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Cores': ([<class 'troposphere.greengrass.Core'>], True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Greengrass::CoreDefinitionVersion'
class troposphere.greengrass.CoreDefinitionVersionProperty(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Cores': ([<class 'troposphere.greengrass.Core'>], True)}
class troposphere.greengrass.DefaultConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Execution': (<class 'troposphere.greengrass.Execution'>, True)}
class troposphere.greengrass.Device(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CertificateArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Id': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SyncShadow': (<function boolean>, False), 'ThingArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.greengrass.DeviceDefinition(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InitialVersion': (<class 'troposphere.greengrass.DeviceDefinitionVersionProperty'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Greengrass::DeviceDefinition'
class troposphere.greengrass.DeviceDefinitionVersion(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DeviceDefinitionId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Devices': ([<class 'troposphere.greengrass.Device'>], True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Greengrass::DeviceDefinitionVersion'
class troposphere.greengrass.DeviceDefinitionVersionProperty(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Devices': ([<class 'troposphere.greengrass.Device'>], True)}
class troposphere.greengrass.Environment(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessSysfs': (<function boolean>, False), 'Execution': (<class 'troposphere.greengrass.Execution'>, False), 'ResourceAccessPolicies': ([<class 'troposphere.greengrass.ResourceAccessPolicy'>], False), 'Variables': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
class troposphere.greengrass.Execution(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'IsolationMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RunAs': (<class 'troposphere.greengrass.RunAs'>, False)}
class troposphere.greengrass.Function(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FunctionArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FunctionConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.greengrass.FunctionConfiguration'>, True), 'Id': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.greengrass.FunctionConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EncodingType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Environment': (<class 'troposphere.greengrass.Environment'>, False), 'ExecArgs': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Executable': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MemorySize': (<function integer>, False), 'Pinned': (<function boolean>, False), 'Timeout': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.greengrass.FunctionDefinition(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InitialVersion': (<class 'troposphere.greengrass.FunctionDefinitionVersionProperty'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Greengrass::FunctionDefinition'
class troposphere.greengrass.FunctionDefinitionVersion(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DefaultConfig': (<class 'troposphere.greengrass.DefaultConfig'>, False), 'FunctionDefinitionId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Functions': ([<class 'troposphere.greengrass.Function'>], True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Greengrass::FunctionDefinitionVersion'
class troposphere.greengrass.FunctionDefinitionVersionProperty(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DefaultConfig': (<class 'troposphere.greengrass.DefaultConfig'>, False), 'Functions': ([<class 'troposphere.greengrass.Function'>], True)}
class troposphere.greengrass.Group(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InitialVersion': (<class 'troposphere.greengrass.GroupVersionProperty'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Greengrass::Group'
class troposphere.greengrass.GroupOwnerSetting(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AutoAddGroupOwner': (<function boolean>, True), 'GroupOwner': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.greengrass.GroupVersion(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConnectorDefinitionVersionArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CoreDefinitionVersionArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DeviceDefinitionVersionArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FunctionDefinitionVersionArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'GroupId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'LoggerDefinitionVersionArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ResourceDefinitionVersionArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SubscriptionDefinitionVersionArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Greengrass::GroupVersion'
class troposphere.greengrass.GroupVersionProperty(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConnectorDefinitionVersionArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CoreDefinitionVersionArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DeviceDefinitionVersionArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FunctionDefinitionVersionArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LoggerDefinitionVersionArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ResourceDefinitionVersionArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SubscriptionDefinitionVersionArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.greengrass.LocalDeviceResourceData(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'GroupOwnerSetting': (<class 'troposphere.greengrass.GroupOwnerSetting'>, False), 'SourcePath': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.greengrass.LocalVolumeResourceData(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DestinationPath': (<class 'str'>, True), 'GroupOwnerSetting': (<class 'troposphere.greengrass.GroupOwnerSetting'>, False), 'SourcePath': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.greengrass.Logger(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Component': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Id': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Level': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Space': (<function integer>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.greengrass.LoggerDefinition(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InitialVersion': (<class 'troposphere.greengrass.LoggerDefinitionVersionProperty'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Greengrass::LoggerDefinition'
class troposphere.greengrass.LoggerDefinitionVersion(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LoggerDefinitionId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Loggers': ([<class 'troposphere.greengrass.Logger'>], True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Greengrass::LoggerDefinitionVersion'
class troposphere.greengrass.LoggerDefinitionVersionProperty(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Loggers': ([<class 'troposphere.greengrass.Logger'>], True)}
class troposphere.greengrass.ResourceAccessPolicy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Permission': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ResourceId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.greengrass.ResourceDataContainer(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LocalDeviceResourceData': (<class 'troposphere.greengrass.LocalDeviceResourceData'>, False), 'LocalVolumeResourceData': (<class 'troposphere.greengrass.LocalVolumeResourceData'>, False), 'S3MachineLearningModelResourceData': (<class 'troposphere.greengrass.S3MachineLearningModelResourceData'>, False), 'SageMakerMachineLearningModelResourceData': (<class 'troposphere.greengrass.SageMakerMachineLearningModelResourceData'>, False), 'SecretsManagerSecretResourceData': (<class 'troposphere.greengrass.SecretsManagerSecretResourceData'>, False)}
class troposphere.greengrass.ResourceDefinition(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InitialVersion': (<class 'troposphere.greengrass.ResourceDefinitionVersionProperty'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Greengrass::ResourceDefinition'
class troposphere.greengrass.ResourceDefinitionVersion(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ResourceDefinitionId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Resources': ([<class 'troposphere.greengrass.ResourceInstance'>], True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Greengrass::ResourceDefinitionVersion'
class troposphere.greengrass.ResourceDefinitionVersionProperty(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Resources': ([<class 'troposphere.greengrass.ResourceInstance'>], True)}
class troposphere.greengrass.ResourceDownloadOwnerSetting(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'GroupOwner': (<class 'str'>, True), 'GroupPermission': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.greengrass.ResourceInstance(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Id': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ResourceDataContainer': (<class 'troposphere.greengrass.ResourceDataContainer'>, True)}
class troposphere.greengrass.RunAs(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Gid': (<function integer>, False), 'Uid': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.greengrass.S3MachineLearningModelResourceData(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DestinationPath': (<class 'str'>, True), 'OwnerSetting': (<class 'troposphere.greengrass.ResourceDownloadOwnerSetting'>, False), 'S3Uri': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.greengrass.SageMakerMachineLearningModelResourceData(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DestinationPath': (<class 'str'>, True), 'OwnerSetting': (<class 'troposphere.greengrass.ResourceDownloadOwnerSetting'>, False), 'SageMakerJobArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.greengrass.SecretsManagerSecretResourceData(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ARN': (<class 'str'>, True), 'AdditionalStagingLabelsToDownload': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.greengrass.Subscription(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Id': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Source': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Subject': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Target': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.greengrass.SubscriptionDefinition(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InitialVersion': (<class 'troposphere.greengrass.SubscriptionDefinitionVersionProperty'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Greengrass::SubscriptionDefinition'
class troposphere.greengrass.SubscriptionDefinitionVersion(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SubscriptionDefinitionId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Subscriptions': ([<class 'troposphere.greengrass.Subscription'>], True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Greengrass::SubscriptionDefinitionVersion'
class troposphere.greengrass.SubscriptionDefinitionVersionProperty(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Subscriptions': ([<class 'troposphere.greengrass.Subscription'>], True)}

troposphere.greengrassv2 module

class troposphere.greengrassv2.ComponentConfigurationUpdate(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Merge': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Reset': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.greengrassv2.ComponentDependencyRequirement(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DependencyType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VersionRequirement': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.greengrassv2.ComponentDeploymentSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ComponentVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ConfigurationUpdate': (<class 'troposphere.greengrassv2.ComponentConfigurationUpdate'>, False), 'RunWith': (<class 'troposphere.greengrassv2.ComponentRunWith'>, False)}
class troposphere.greengrassv2.ComponentPlatform(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Attributes': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.greengrassv2.ComponentRunWith(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PosixUser': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SystemResourceLimits': (<class 'troposphere.greengrassv2.SystemResourceLimits'>, False), 'WindowsUser': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.greengrassv2.ComponentVersion(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InlineRecipe': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LambdaFunction': (<class 'troposphere.greengrassv2.LambdaFunctionRecipeSource'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::GreengrassV2::ComponentVersion'
class troposphere.greengrassv2.Deployment(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Components': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'DeploymentName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DeploymentPolicies': (<class 'troposphere.greengrassv2.DeploymentPolicies'>, False), 'IotJobConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.greengrassv2.DeploymentIoTJobConfiguration'>, False), 'ParentTargetArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'TargetArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::GreengrassV2::Deployment'
class troposphere.greengrassv2.DeploymentComponentUpdatePolicy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Action': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TimeoutInSeconds': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.greengrassv2.DeploymentConfigurationValidationPolicy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TimeoutInSeconds': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.greengrassv2.DeploymentIoTJobConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AbortConfig': (<class 'troposphere.greengrassv2.IoTJobAbortConfig'>, False), 'JobExecutionsRolloutConfig': (<class 'troposphere.greengrassv2.IoTJobExecutionsRolloutConfig'>, False), 'TimeoutConfig': (<class 'troposphere.greengrassv2.IoTJobTimeoutConfig'>, False)}
class troposphere.greengrassv2.DeploymentPolicies(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ComponentUpdatePolicy': (<class 'troposphere.greengrassv2.DeploymentComponentUpdatePolicy'>, False), 'ConfigurationValidationPolicy': (<class 'troposphere.greengrassv2.DeploymentConfigurationValidationPolicy'>, False), 'FailureHandlingPolicy': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.greengrassv2.IoTJobAbortConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CriteriaList': ([<class 'troposphere.greengrassv2.IoTJobAbortCriteria'>], True)}
class troposphere.greengrassv2.IoTJobAbortCriteria(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Action': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FailureType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MinNumberOfExecutedThings': (<function integer>, True), 'ThresholdPercentage': (<function double>, True)}
class troposphere.greengrassv2.IoTJobExecutionsRolloutConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ExponentialRate': (<class 'troposphere.greengrassv2.IoTJobExponentialRolloutRate'>, False), 'MaximumPerMinute': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.greengrassv2.IoTJobExponentialRolloutRate(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BaseRatePerMinute': (<function integer>, True), 'IncrementFactor': (<function double>, True), 'RateIncreaseCriteria': (<class 'troposphere.greengrassv2.IoTJobRateIncreaseCriteria'>, True)}
class troposphere.greengrassv2.IoTJobRateIncreaseCriteria(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'NumberOfNotifiedThings': (<function integer>, False), 'NumberOfSucceededThings': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.greengrassv2.IoTJobTimeoutConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InProgressTimeoutInMinutes': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.greengrassv2.LambdaContainerParams(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Devices': ([<class 'troposphere.greengrassv2.LambdaDeviceMount'>], False), 'MemorySizeInKB': (<function integer>, False), 'MountROSysfs': (<function boolean>, False), 'Volumes': ([<class 'troposphere.greengrassv2.LambdaVolumeMount'>], False)}
class troposphere.greengrassv2.LambdaDeviceMount(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AddGroupOwner': (<function boolean>, False), 'Path': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Permission': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.greengrassv2.LambdaEventSource(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Topic': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.greengrassv2.LambdaExecutionParameters(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EnvironmentVariables': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'EventSources': ([<class 'troposphere.greengrassv2.LambdaEventSource'>], False), 'ExecArgs': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'InputPayloadEncodingType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LinuxProcessParams': (<class 'troposphere.greengrassv2.LambdaLinuxProcessParams'>, False), 'MaxIdleTimeInSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'MaxInstancesCount': (<function integer>, False), 'MaxQueueSize': (<function integer>, False), 'Pinned': (<function boolean>, False), 'StatusTimeoutInSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'TimeoutInSeconds': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.greengrassv2.LambdaFunctionRecipeSource(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ComponentDependencies': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'ComponentLambdaParameters': (<class 'troposphere.greengrassv2.LambdaExecutionParameters'>, False), 'ComponentName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ComponentPlatforms': ([<class 'troposphere.greengrassv2.ComponentPlatform'>], False), 'ComponentVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LambdaArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.greengrassv2.LambdaLinuxProcessParams(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContainerParams': (<class 'troposphere.greengrassv2.LambdaContainerParams'>, False), 'IsolationMode': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.greengrassv2.LambdaVolumeMount(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AddGroupOwner': (<function boolean>, False), 'DestinationPath': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Permission': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourcePath': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.greengrassv2.SystemResourceLimits(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Cpus': (<function double>, False), 'Memory': (<function integer>, False)}

troposphere.groundstation module

class troposphere.groundstation.AntennaDownlinkConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SpectrumConfig': (<class 'troposphere.groundstation.SpectrumConfig'>, False)}
class troposphere.groundstation.AntennaDownlinkDemodDecodeConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DecodeConfig': (<class 'troposphere.groundstation.DecodeConfig'>, False), 'DemodulationConfig': (<class 'troposphere.groundstation.DemodulationConfig'>, False), 'SpectrumConfig': (<class 'troposphere.groundstation.SpectrumConfig'>, False)}
class troposphere.groundstation.AntennaUplinkConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SpectrumConfig': (<class 'troposphere.groundstation.SpectrumConfig'>, False), 'TargetEirp': (<class 'troposphere.groundstation.Eirp'>, False), 'TransmitDisabled': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.groundstation.AwsGroundStationAgentEndpoint(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AgentStatus': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AuditResults': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EgressAddress': (<class 'troposphere.groundstation.ConnectionDetails'>, False), 'IngressAddress': (<class 'troposphere.groundstation.RangedConnectionDetails'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.groundstation.Bandwidth(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Units': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Value': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.groundstation.Config(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConfigData': (<class 'troposphere.groundstation.ConfigData'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::GroundStation::Config'
class troposphere.groundstation.ConfigData(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AntennaDownlinkConfig': (<class 'troposphere.groundstation.AntennaDownlinkConfig'>, False), 'AntennaDownlinkDemodDecodeConfig': (<class 'troposphere.groundstation.AntennaDownlinkDemodDecodeConfig'>, False), 'AntennaUplinkConfig': (<class 'troposphere.groundstation.AntennaUplinkConfig'>, False), 'DataflowEndpointConfig': (<class 'troposphere.groundstation.DataflowEndpointConfig'>, False), 'S3RecordingConfig': (<class 'troposphere.groundstation.S3RecordingConfig'>, False), 'TrackingConfig': (<class 'troposphere.groundstation.TrackingConfig'>, False), 'UplinkEchoConfig': (<class 'troposphere.groundstation.UplinkEchoConfig'>, False)}
class troposphere.groundstation.ConnectionDetails(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Mtu': (<function integer>, False), 'SocketAddress': (<class 'troposphere.groundstation.SocketAddress'>, False)}
class troposphere.groundstation.DataflowEdge(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Destination': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Source': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.groundstation.DataflowEndpoint(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Address': (<class 'troposphere.groundstation.SocketAddress'>, False), 'Mtu': (<function integer>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.groundstation.DataflowEndpointConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataflowEndpointName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DataflowEndpointRegion': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.groundstation.DataflowEndpointGroup(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContactPostPassDurationSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'ContactPrePassDurationSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'EndpointDetails': ([<class 'troposphere.groundstation.EndpointDetails'>], True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::GroundStation::DataflowEndpointGroup'
class troposphere.groundstation.DecodeConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'UnvalidatedJSON': (<function validate_json_checker>, False)}
class troposphere.groundstation.DemodulationConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'UnvalidatedJSON': (<function validate_json_checker>, False)}
class troposphere.groundstation.Eirp(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Units': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Value': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.groundstation.EndpointDetails(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AwsGroundStationAgentEndpoint': (<class 'troposphere.groundstation.AwsGroundStationAgentEndpoint'>, False), 'Endpoint': (<class 'troposphere.groundstation.DataflowEndpoint'>, False), 'SecurityDetails': (<class 'troposphere.groundstation.SecurityDetails'>, False)}
class troposphere.groundstation.Frequency(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Units': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Value': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.groundstation.IntegerRange(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Maximum': (<function integer>, False), 'Minimum': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.groundstation.MissionProfile(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContactPostPassDurationSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'ContactPrePassDurationSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'DataflowEdges': ([<class 'troposphere.groundstation.DataflowEdge'>], True), 'MinimumViableContactDurationSeconds': (<function integer>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'StreamsKmsKey': (<class 'troposphere.groundstation.StreamsKmsKey'>, False), 'StreamsKmsRole': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TrackingConfigArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::GroundStation::MissionProfile'
class troposphere.groundstation.RangedConnectionDetails(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Mtu': (<function integer>, False), 'SocketAddress': (<class 'troposphere.groundstation.RangedSocketAddress'>, False)}
class troposphere.groundstation.RangedSocketAddress(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PortRange': (<class 'troposphere.groundstation.IntegerRange'>, False)}
class troposphere.groundstation.S3RecordingConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BucketArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Prefix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.groundstation.SecurityDetails(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecurityGroupIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SubnetIds': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.groundstation.SocketAddress(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Port': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.groundstation.SpectrumConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Bandwidth': (<class 'troposphere.groundstation.Bandwidth'>, False), 'CenterFrequency': (<class 'troposphere.groundstation.Frequency'>, False), 'Polarization': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.groundstation.StreamsKmsKey(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'KmsAliasArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KmsKeyArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.groundstation.TrackingConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Autotrack': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.groundstation.UplinkEchoConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AntennaUplinkConfigArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False)}

troposphere.guardduty module

class troposphere.guardduty.CFNDataSourceConfigurations(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Kubernetes': (<class 'troposphere.guardduty.CFNKubernetesConfiguration'>, False), 'MalwareProtection': (<class 'troposphere.guardduty.CFNMalwareProtectionConfiguration'>, False), 'S3Logs': (<class 'troposphere.guardduty.CFNS3LogsConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.guardduty.CFNFeatureAdditionalConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Status': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.guardduty.CFNFeatureConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AdditionalConfiguration': ([<class 'troposphere.guardduty.CFNFeatureAdditionalConfiguration'>], False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Status': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.guardduty.CFNKubernetesAuditLogsConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Enable': (<function boolean>, True)}
class troposphere.guardduty.CFNKubernetesConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AuditLogs': (<class 'troposphere.guardduty.CFNKubernetesAuditLogsConfiguration'>, True)}
class troposphere.guardduty.CFNMalwareProtectionConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ScanEc2InstanceWithFindings': (<class 'troposphere.guardduty.CFNScanEc2InstanceWithFindingsConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.guardduty.CFNS3LogsConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Enable': (<function boolean>, True)}
class troposphere.guardduty.CFNScanEc2InstanceWithFindingsConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EbsVolumes': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.guardduty.Condition(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Eq': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Equals': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'GreaterThan': (<function integer>, False), 'GreaterThanOrEqual': (<function integer>, False), 'Gt': (<function integer>, False), 'Gte': (<function integer>, False), 'LessThan': (<function integer>, False), 'LessThanOrEqual': (<function integer>, False), 'Lt': (<function integer>, False), 'Lte': (<function integer>, False), 'Neq': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'NotEquals': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.guardduty.Detector(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataSources': (<class 'troposphere.guardduty.CFNDataSourceConfigurations'>, False), 'Enable': (<function boolean>, True), 'Features': ([<class 'troposphere.guardduty.CFNFeatureConfiguration'>], False), 'FindingPublishingFrequency': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': ([<class 'troposphere.guardduty.TagItem'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::GuardDuty::Detector'
class troposphere.guardduty.Filter(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Action': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DetectorId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FindingCriteria': (<class 'troposphere.guardduty.FindingCriteria'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Rank': (<function integer>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::GuardDuty::Filter'
class troposphere.guardduty.FindingCriteria(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Criterion': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
class troposphere.guardduty.IPSet(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Activate': (<function boolean>, False), 'DetectorId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Format': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Location': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': ([<class 'troposphere.guardduty.TagItem'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::GuardDuty::IPSet'
class troposphere.guardduty.Master(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DetectorId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'InvitationId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MasterId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::GuardDuty::Master'
class troposphere.guardduty.Member(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DetectorId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DisableEmailNotification': (<function boolean>, False), 'Email': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MemberId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Message': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Status': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::GuardDuty::Member'
class troposphere.guardduty.TagItem(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Key': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.guardduty.ThreatIntelSet(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Activate': (<function boolean>, False), 'DetectorId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Format': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Location': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': ([<class 'troposphere.guardduty.TagItem'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::GuardDuty::ThreatIntelSet'

troposphere.healthlake module

class troposphere.healthlake.CreatedAt(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Nanos': (<function integer>, True), 'Seconds': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.healthlake.FHIRDatastore(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DatastoreName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DatastoreTypeVersion': (<class 'str'>, True), 'IdentityProviderConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.healthlake.IdentityProviderConfiguration'>, False), 'PreloadDataConfig': (<class 'troposphere.healthlake.PreloadDataConfig'>, False), 'SseConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.healthlake.SseConfiguration'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::HealthLake::FHIRDatastore'
class troposphere.healthlake.IdentityProviderConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AuthorizationStrategy': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FineGrainedAuthorizationEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'IdpLambdaArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Metadata': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.healthlake.KmsEncryptionConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CmkType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'KmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.healthlake.PreloadDataConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PreloadDataType': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.healthlake.SseConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'KmsEncryptionConfig': (<class 'troposphere.healthlake.KmsEncryptionConfig'>, True)}

troposphere.iam module

class troposphere.iam.AccessKey(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Serial': (<function integer>, False), 'Status': (<function status>, False), 'UserName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IAM::AccessKey'
class troposphere.iam.Group(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'GroupName': (<function iam_group_name>, False), 'ManagedPolicyArns': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Path': (<function iam_path>, False), 'Policies': ([<class 'troposphere.iam.Policy'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IAM::Group'
class troposphere.iam.GroupPolicy(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'GroupName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PolicyDocument': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'PolicyName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IAM::GroupPolicy'
class troposphere.iam.InstanceProfile(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InstanceProfileName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Path': (<function iam_path>, False), 'Roles': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile'
class troposphere.iam.LoginProfile(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Password': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PasswordResetRequired': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.iam.ManagedPolicy(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Groups': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ManagedPolicyName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Path': (<function iam_path>, False), 'PolicyDocument': (<function policytypes>, True), 'Roles': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Users': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IAM::ManagedPolicy'
class troposphere.iam.OIDCProvider(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ClientIdList': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'ThumbprintList': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Url': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IAM::OIDCProvider'
class troposphere.iam.Policy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PolicyDocument': (<function policytypes>, True), 'PolicyName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iam.PolicyType(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Groups': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'PolicyDocument': (<function policytypes>, True), 'PolicyName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Roles': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Users': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IAM::Policy'
class troposphere.iam.Role(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AssumeRolePolicyDocument': (<function policytypes>, True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ManagedPolicyArns': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'MaxSessionDuration': (<function integer>, False), 'Path': (<function iam_path>, False), 'PermissionsBoundary': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Policies': ([<class 'troposphere.iam.Policy'>], False), 'RoleName': (<function iam_role_name>, False), 'Tags': (<function validate_tags_or_list>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IAM::Role'
class troposphere.iam.RolePolicy(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PolicyDocument': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'PolicyName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoleName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IAM::RolePolicy'
class troposphere.iam.SAMLProvider(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SamlMetadataDocument': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IAM::SAMLProvider'
class troposphere.iam.ServerCertificate(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CertificateBody': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CertificateChain': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Path': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PrivateKey': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ServerCertificateName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IAM::ServerCertificate'
class troposphere.iam.ServiceLinkedRole(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AWSServiceName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CustomSuffix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IAM::ServiceLinkedRole'
class troposphere.iam.User(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Groups': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'LoginProfile': (<class 'troposphere.iam.LoginProfile'>, False), 'ManagedPolicyArns': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Path': (<function iam_path>, False), 'PermissionsBoundary': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Policies': ([<class 'troposphere.iam.Policy'>], False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'UserName': (<function iam_user_name>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IAM::User'
class troposphere.iam.UserPolicy(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PolicyDocument': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'PolicyName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'UserName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IAM::UserPolicy'
class troposphere.iam.UserToGroupAddition(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'GroupName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Users': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IAM::UserToGroupAddition'
class troposphere.iam.VirtualMFADevice(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Path': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'Users': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'VirtualMfaDeviceName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IAM::VirtualMFADevice'

troposphere.imagebuilder module

class troposphere.imagebuilder.Action(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'IncludeResources': (<class 'troposphere.imagebuilder.IncludeResources'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.imagebuilder.AdditionalInstanceConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SystemsManagerAgent': (<class 'troposphere.imagebuilder.SystemsManagerAgent'>, False), 'UserDataOverride': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.imagebuilder.AmiDistributionConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AmiTags': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LaunchPermissionConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.imagebuilder.LaunchPermissionConfiguration'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TargetAccountIds': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.imagebuilder.AmiExclusionRules(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'IsPublic': (<function boolean>, False), 'LastLaunched': (<class 'troposphere.imagebuilder.LastLaunched'>, False), 'Regions': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SharedAccounts': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'TagMap': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
class troposphere.imagebuilder.Component(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ChangeDescription': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Data': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Platform': (<function component_platforms>, True), 'SupportedOsVersions': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Uri': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Version': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ImageBuilder::Component'
class troposphere.imagebuilder.ComponentConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ComponentArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Parameters': ([<class 'troposphere.imagebuilder.ComponentParameter'>], False)}
class troposphere.imagebuilder.ComponentParameter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
class troposphere.imagebuilder.ContainerComponentConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ComponentArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Parameters': ([<class 'troposphere.imagebuilder.ComponentParameter'>], False)}
class troposphere.imagebuilder.ContainerDistributionConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContainerTags': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TargetRepository': (<class 'troposphere.imagebuilder.TargetContainerRepository'>, False)}
class troposphere.imagebuilder.ContainerRecipe(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Components': ([<class 'troposphere.imagebuilder.ContainerComponentConfiguration'>], True), 'ContainerType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DockerfileTemplateData': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DockerfileTemplateUri': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ImageOsVersionOverride': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InstanceConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.imagebuilder.InstanceConfiguration'>, False), 'KmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ParentImage': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PlatformOverride': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'TargetRepository': (<class 'troposphere.imagebuilder.TargetContainerRepository'>, True), 'Version': (<class 'str'>, True), 'WorkingDirectory': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ImageBuilder::ContainerRecipe'
class troposphere.imagebuilder.Distribution(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AmiDistributionConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.imagebuilder.AmiDistributionConfiguration'>, False), 'ContainerDistributionConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.imagebuilder.ContainerDistributionConfiguration'>, False), 'FastLaunchConfigurations': ([<class 'troposphere.imagebuilder.FastLaunchConfiguration'>], False), 'LaunchTemplateConfigurations': ([<class 'troposphere.imagebuilder.LaunchTemplateConfiguration'>], False), 'LicenseConfigurationArns': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Region': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.imagebuilder.DistributionConfiguration(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Distributions': ([<class 'troposphere.imagebuilder.Distribution'>], True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ImageBuilder::DistributionConfiguration'
class troposphere.imagebuilder.EbsInstanceBlockDeviceSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DeleteOnTermination': (<function boolean>, False), 'Encrypted': (<function boolean>, False), 'Iops': (<function integer>, False), 'KmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SnapshotId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Throughput': (<function integer>, False), 'VolumeSize': (<function integer>, False), 'VolumeType': (<function ebsinstanceblockdevicespecification_volume_type>, False)}
class troposphere.imagebuilder.EcrConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContainerTags': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'RepositoryName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.imagebuilder.ExclusionRules(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Amis': (<class 'troposphere.imagebuilder.AmiExclusionRules'>, False), 'TagMap': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
class troposphere.imagebuilder.FastLaunchConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccountId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'LaunchTemplate': (<class 'troposphere.imagebuilder.FastLaunchLaunchTemplateSpecification'>, False), 'MaxParallelLaunches': (<function integer>, False), 'SnapshotConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.imagebuilder.FastLaunchSnapshotConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.imagebuilder.FastLaunchLaunchTemplateSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LaunchTemplateId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LaunchTemplateName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LaunchTemplateVersion': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.imagebuilder.FastLaunchSnapshotConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TargetResourceCount': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.imagebuilder.Filter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RetainAtLeast': (<function integer>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Unit': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Value': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.imagebuilder.Image(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContainerRecipeArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DistributionConfigurationArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EnhancedImageMetadataEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'ExecutionRole': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ImageRecipeArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ImageScanningConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.imagebuilder.ImageScanningConfiguration'>, False), 'ImageTestsConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.imagebuilder.ImageTestsConfiguration'>, False), 'InfrastructureConfigurationArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Workflows': ([<class 'troposphere.imagebuilder.WorkflowConfiguration'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ImageBuilder::Image'
class troposphere.imagebuilder.ImagePipeline(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContainerRecipeArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DistributionConfigurationArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EnhancedImageMetadataEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'ExecutionRole': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ImageRecipeArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ImageScanningConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.imagebuilder.ImageScanningConfiguration'>, False), 'ImageTestsConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.imagebuilder.ImageTestsConfiguration'>, False), 'InfrastructureConfigurationArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Schedule': (<class 'troposphere.imagebuilder.Schedule'>, False), 'Status': (<function imagepipeline_status>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Workflows': ([<class 'troposphere.imagebuilder.WorkflowConfiguration'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ImageBuilder::ImagePipeline'
class troposphere.imagebuilder.ImageRecipe(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AdditionalInstanceConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.imagebuilder.AdditionalInstanceConfiguration'>, False), 'BlockDeviceMappings': ([<class 'troposphere.imagebuilder.InstanceBlockDeviceMapping'>], False), 'Components': ([<class 'troposphere.imagebuilder.ComponentConfiguration'>], True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ParentImage': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Version': (<class 'str'>, True), 'WorkingDirectory': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ImageBuilder::ImageRecipe'
class troposphere.imagebuilder.ImageScanningConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EcrConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.imagebuilder.EcrConfiguration'>, False), 'ImageScanningEnabled': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.imagebuilder.ImageTestsConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ImageTestsEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'TimeoutMinutes': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.imagebuilder.IncludeResources(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Amis': (<function boolean>, False), 'Containers': (<function boolean>, False), 'Snapshots': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.imagebuilder.InfrastructureConfiguration(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InstanceMetadataOptions': (<class 'troposphere.imagebuilder.InstanceMetadataOptions'>, False), 'InstanceProfileName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'InstanceTypes': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'KeyPair': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Logging': (<class 'troposphere.imagebuilder.Logging'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ResourceTags': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'SecurityGroupIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SnsTopicArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SubnetId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'TerminateInstanceOnFailure': (<function boolean>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ImageBuilder::InfrastructureConfiguration'
class troposphere.imagebuilder.InstanceBlockDeviceMapping(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DeviceName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Ebs': (<class 'troposphere.imagebuilder.EbsInstanceBlockDeviceSpecification'>, False), 'NoDevice': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VirtualName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.imagebuilder.InstanceConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BlockDeviceMappings': ([<class 'troposphere.imagebuilder.InstanceBlockDeviceMapping'>], False), 'Image': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.imagebuilder.InstanceMetadataOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'HttpPutResponseHopLimit': (<function integer>, False), 'HttpTokens': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.imagebuilder.LastLaunched(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Unit': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.imagebuilder.LaunchPermissionConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'OrganizationArns': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'OrganizationalUnitArns': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'UserGroups': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'UserIds': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.imagebuilder.LaunchTemplateConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccountId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LaunchTemplateId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SetDefaultVersion': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.imagebuilder.LifecyclePolicy(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ExecutionRole': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PolicyDetails': ([<class 'troposphere.imagebuilder.PolicyDetail'>], True), 'ResourceSelection': (<class 'troposphere.imagebuilder.ResourceSelection'>, True), 'ResourceType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Status': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ImageBuilder::LifecyclePolicy'
class troposphere.imagebuilder.Logging(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'S3Logs': (<class 'troposphere.imagebuilder.S3Logs'>, False)}
class troposphere.imagebuilder.PolicyDetail(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Action': (<class 'troposphere.imagebuilder.Action'>, True), 'ExclusionRules': (<class 'troposphere.imagebuilder.ExclusionRules'>, False), 'Filter': (<class 'troposphere.imagebuilder.Filter'>, True)}
class troposphere.imagebuilder.RecipeSelection(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SemanticVersion': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.imagebuilder.ResourceSelection(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Recipes': ([<class 'troposphere.imagebuilder.RecipeSelection'>], False), 'TagMap': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
class troposphere.imagebuilder.S3Logs(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'S3BucketName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3KeyPrefix': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.imagebuilder.Schedule(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PipelineExecutionStartCondition': (<function schedule_pipelineexecutionstartcondition>, False), 'ScheduleExpression': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.imagebuilder.SystemsManagerAgent(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'UninstallAfterBuild': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.imagebuilder.TargetContainerRepository(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RepositoryName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Service': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.imagebuilder.Workflow(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ChangeDescription': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Data': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Uri': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Version': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ImageBuilder::Workflow'
class troposphere.imagebuilder.WorkflowConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'OnFailure': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ParallelGroup': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Parameters': ([<class 'troposphere.imagebuilder.WorkflowParameter'>], False), 'WorkflowArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.imagebuilder.WorkflowParameter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Value': ([<class 'str'>], False)}

troposphere.inspector module

class troposphere.inspector.AssessmentTarget(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AssessmentTargetName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ResourceGroupArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Inspector::AssessmentTarget'
class troposphere.inspector.AssessmentTemplate(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AssessmentTargetArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'AssessmentTemplateName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DurationInSeconds': (<function integer>, True), 'RulesPackageArns': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'UserAttributesForFindings': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Inspector::AssessmentTemplate'
class troposphere.inspector.ResourceGroup(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ResourceGroupTags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Inspector::ResourceGroup'

troposphere.iot module

class troposphere.iot.AbortConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CriteriaList': ([<class 'troposphere.iot.AbortCriteria'>], True)}
class troposphere.iot.AbortCriteria(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Action': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FailureType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MinNumberOfExecutedThings': (<function integer>, True), 'ThresholdPercentage': (<function double>, True)}
class troposphere.iot.AccountAuditConfiguration(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccountId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'AuditCheckConfigurations': (<class 'troposphere.iot.AuditCheckConfigurations'>, True), 'AuditNotificationTargetConfigurations': (<class 'troposphere.iot.AuditNotificationTargetConfigurations'>, False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IoT::AccountAuditConfiguration'
class troposphere.iot.Action(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CloudwatchAlarm': (<class 'troposphere.iot.CloudwatchAlarmAction'>, False), 'CloudwatchLogs': (<class 'troposphere.iot.CloudwatchLogsAction'>, False), 'CloudwatchMetric': (<class 'troposphere.iot.CloudwatchMetricAction'>, False), 'DynamoDB': (<class 'troposphere.iot.DynamoDBAction'>, False), 'DynamoDBv2': (<class 'troposphere.iot.DynamoDBv2Action'>, False), 'Elasticsearch': (<class 'troposphere.iot.ElasticsearchAction'>, False), 'Firehose': (<class 'troposphere.iot.FirehoseAction'>, False), 'Http': (<class 'troposphere.iot.HttpAction'>, False), 'IotAnalytics': (<class 'troposphere.iot.IotAnalyticsAction'>, False), 'IotEvents': (<class 'troposphere.iot.IotEventsAction'>, False), 'IotSiteWise': (<class 'troposphere.iot.IotSiteWiseAction'>, False), 'Kafka': (<class 'troposphere.iot.KafkaAction'>, False), 'Kinesis': (<class 'troposphere.iot.KinesisAction'>, False), 'Lambda': (<class 'troposphere.iot.LambdaAction'>, False), 'Location': (<class 'troposphere.iot.LocationAction'>, False), 'OpenSearch': (<class 'troposphere.iot.OpenSearchAction'>, False), 'Republish': (<class 'troposphere.iot.RepublishAction'>, False), 'S3': (<class 'troposphere.iot.S3Action'>, False), 'Sns': (<class 'troposphere.iot.SnsAction'>, False), 'Sqs': (<class 'troposphere.iot.SqsAction'>, False), 'StepFunctions': (<class 'troposphere.iot.StepFunctionsAction'>, False), 'Timestream': (<class 'troposphere.iot.TimestreamAction'>, False)}
class troposphere.iot.ActionParams(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AddThingsToThingGroupParams': (<class 'troposphere.iot.AddThingsToThingGroupParams'>, False), 'EnableIoTLoggingParams': (<class 'troposphere.iot.EnableIoTLoggingParams'>, False), 'PublishFindingToSnsParams': (<class 'troposphere.iot.PublishFindingToSnsParams'>, False), 'ReplaceDefaultPolicyVersionParams': (<class 'troposphere.iot.ReplaceDefaultPolicyVersionParams'>, False), 'UpdateCACertificateParams': (<class 'troposphere.iot.UpdateCACertificateParams'>, False), 'UpdateDeviceCertificateParams': (<class 'troposphere.iot.UpdateDeviceCertificateParams'>, False)}
class troposphere.iot.AddThingsToThingGroupParams(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'OverrideDynamicGroups': (<function boolean>, False), 'ThingGroupNames': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
class troposphere.iot.AggregationType(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Values': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
class troposphere.iot.AlertTarget(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AlertTargetArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iot.AssetPropertyTimestamp(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'OffsetInNanos': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TimeInSeconds': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iot.AssetPropertyValue(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Quality': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Timestamp': (<class 'troposphere.iot.AssetPropertyTimestamp'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'troposphere.iot.AssetPropertyVariant'>, True)}
class troposphere.iot.AssetPropertyVariant(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BooleanValue': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DoubleValue': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IntegerValue': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StringValue': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.iot.AttributePayload(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Attributes': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
class troposphere.iot.AuditCheckConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.iot.AuditCheckConfigurations(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AuthenticatedCognitoRoleOverlyPermissiveCheck': (<class 'troposphere.iot.AuditCheckConfiguration'>, False), 'CaCertificateExpiringCheck': (<class 'troposphere.iot.AuditCheckConfiguration'>, False), 'CaCertificateKeyQualityCheck': (<class 'troposphere.iot.AuditCheckConfiguration'>, False), 'ConflictingClientIdsCheck': (<class 'troposphere.iot.AuditCheckConfiguration'>, False), 'DeviceCertificateExpiringCheck': (<class 'troposphere.iot.AuditCheckConfiguration'>, False), 'DeviceCertificateKeyQualityCheck': (<class 'troposphere.iot.AuditCheckConfiguration'>, False), 'DeviceCertificateSharedCheck': (<class 'troposphere.iot.AuditCheckConfiguration'>, False), 'IntermediateCaRevokedForActiveDeviceCertificatesCheck': (<class 'troposphere.iot.AuditCheckConfiguration'>, False), 'IoTPolicyPotentialMisConfigurationCheck': (<class 'troposphere.iot.AuditCheckConfiguration'>, False), 'IotPolicyOverlyPermissiveCheck': (<class 'troposphere.iot.AuditCheckConfiguration'>, False), 'IotRoleAliasAllowsAccessToUnusedServicesCheck': (<class 'troposphere.iot.AuditCheckConfiguration'>, False), 'IotRoleAliasOverlyPermissiveCheck': (<class 'troposphere.iot.AuditCheckConfiguration'>, False), 'LoggingDisabledCheck': (<class 'troposphere.iot.AuditCheckConfiguration'>, False), 'RevokedCaCertificateStillActiveCheck': (<class 'troposphere.iot.AuditCheckConfiguration'>, False), 'RevokedDeviceCertificateStillActiveCheck': (<class 'troposphere.iot.AuditCheckConfiguration'>, False), 'UnauthenticatedCognitoRoleOverlyPermissiveCheck': (<class 'troposphere.iot.AuditCheckConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.iot.AuditNotificationTarget(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TargetArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.iot.AuditNotificationTargetConfigurations(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Sns': (<class 'troposphere.iot.AuditNotificationTarget'>, False)}
class troposphere.iot.Authorizer(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AuthorizerFunctionArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'AuthorizerName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EnableCachingForHttp': (<function boolean>, False), 'SigningDisabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'Status': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TokenKeyName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TokenSigningPublicKeys': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IoT::Authorizer'
class troposphere.iot.AuthorizerConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AllowAuthorizerOverride': (<function boolean>, False), 'DefaultAuthorizerName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.iot.Behavior(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Criteria': (<class 'troposphere.iot.BehaviorCriteria'>, False), 'ExportMetric': (<function boolean>, False), 'Metric': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MetricDimension': (<class 'troposphere.iot.MetricDimension'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SuppressAlerts': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.iot.BehaviorCriteria(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ComparisonOperator': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ConsecutiveDatapointsToAlarm': (<function integer>, False), 'ConsecutiveDatapointsToClear': (<function integer>, False), 'DurationSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'MlDetectionConfig': (<class 'troposphere.iot.MachineLearningDetectionConfig'>, False), 'StatisticalThreshold': (<class 'troposphere.iot.StatisticalThreshold'>, False), 'Value': (<class 'troposphere.iot.MetricValue'>, False)}
class troposphere.iot.BillingGroup(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BillingGroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'BillingGroupProperties': (<class 'troposphere.iot.BillingGroupProperties'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IoT::BillingGroup'
class troposphere.iot.BillingGroupProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BillingGroupDescription': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.iot.CACertificate(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AutoRegistrationStatus': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CACertificatePem': (<class 'str'>, True), 'CertificateMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RegistrationConfig': (<class 'troposphere.iot.RegistrationConfig'>, False), 'RemoveAutoRegistration': (<function boolean>, False), 'Status': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'VerificationCertificatePem': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IoT::CACertificate'
class troposphere.iot.Certificate(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CACertificatePem': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CertificateMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CertificatePem': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CertificateSigningRequest': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Status': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IoT::Certificate'
class troposphere.iot.CertificateProvider(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccountDefaultForOperations': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'CertificateProviderName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LambdaFunctionArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IoT::CertificateProvider'
class troposphere.iot.CloudwatchAlarmAction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AlarmName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'StateReason': (<class 'str'>, True), 'StateValue': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iot.CloudwatchLogsAction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BatchMode': (<function boolean>, False), 'LogGroupName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iot.CloudwatchMetricAction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MetricName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MetricNamespace': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MetricTimestamp': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MetricUnit': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MetricValue': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iot.CustomMetric(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DisplayName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MetricName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MetricType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IoT::CustomMetric'
class troposphere.iot.Dimension(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StringValues': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IoT::Dimension'
class troposphere.iot.DomainConfiguration(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AuthorizerConfig': (<class 'troposphere.iot.AuthorizerConfig'>, False), 'DomainConfigurationName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DomainConfigurationStatus': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DomainName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ServerCertificateArns': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ServerCertificateConfig': (<class 'troposphere.iot.ServerCertificateConfig'>, False), 'ServiceType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TlsConfig': (<class 'troposphere.iot.TlsConfig'>, False), 'ValidationCertificateArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IoT::DomainConfiguration'
class troposphere.iot.DynamoDBAction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'HashKeyField': (<class 'str'>, True), 'HashKeyType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'HashKeyValue': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PayloadField': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RangeKeyField': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RangeKeyType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RangeKeyValue': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TableName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iot.DynamoDBv2Action(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PutItem': (<class 'troposphere.iot.PutItemInput'>, False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.iot.ElasticsearchAction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Endpoint': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Id': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Index': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iot.EnableIoTLoggingParams(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LogLevel': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoleArnForLogging': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iot.ExponentialRolloutRate(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BaseRatePerMinute': (<function integer>, True), 'IncrementFactor': (<function double>, True), 'RateIncreaseCriteria': (<class 'troposphere.iot.RateIncreaseCriteria'>, True)}
class troposphere.iot.FirehoseAction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BatchMode': (<function boolean>, False), 'DeliveryStreamName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Separator': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.iot.FleetMetric(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AggregationField': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AggregationType': (<class 'troposphere.iot.AggregationType'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IndexName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MetricName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Period': (<function integer>, False), 'QueryString': (<class 'str'>, False), 'QueryVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'Unit': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IoT::FleetMetric'
class troposphere.iot.HttpAction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Auth': (<class 'troposphere.iot.HttpAuthorization'>, False), 'ConfirmationUrl': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Headers': ([<class 'troposphere.iot.HttpActionHeader'>], False), 'Url': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iot.HttpActionHeader(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Key': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iot.HttpAuthorization(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Sigv4': (<class 'troposphere.iot.SigV4Authorization'>, False)}
class troposphere.iot.HttpUrlDestinationSummary(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConfirmationUrl': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.iot.IotAnalyticsAction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BatchMode': (<function boolean>, False), 'ChannelName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iot.IotEventsAction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BatchMode': (<function boolean>, False), 'InputName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MessageId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iot.IotSiteWiseAction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PutAssetPropertyValueEntries': ([<class 'troposphere.iot.PutAssetPropertyValueEntry'>], True), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iot.JobExecutionsRetryConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RetryCriteriaList': ([<class 'troposphere.iot.RetryCriteria'>], False)}
class troposphere.iot.JobExecutionsRolloutConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ExponentialRolloutRate': (<class 'troposphere.iot.ExponentialRolloutRate'>, False), 'MaximumPerMinute': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.iot.JobTemplate(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AbortConfig': (<function validate_json_checker>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DestinationPackageVersions': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Document': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DocumentSource': (<class 'str'>, False), 'JobArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'JobExecutionsRetryConfig': (<class 'troposphere.iot.JobExecutionsRetryConfig'>, False), 'JobExecutionsRolloutConfig': (<function validate_json_checker>, False), 'JobTemplateId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MaintenanceWindows': ([<class 'troposphere.iot.MaintenanceWindow'>], False), 'PresignedUrlConfig': (<class 'troposphere.iot.PresignedUrlConfig'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TimeoutConfig': (<function validate_json_checker>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IoT::JobTemplate'
class troposphere.iot.KafkaAction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ClientProperties': (<class 'dict'>, True), 'DestinationArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Headers': ([<class 'troposphere.iot.KafkaActionHeader'>], False), 'Key': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Partition': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Topic': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iot.KafkaActionHeader(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Key': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iot.KinesisAction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PartitionKey': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'StreamName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iot.LambdaAction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FunctionArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.iot.LocationAction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DeviceId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Latitude': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Longitude': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Timestamp': (<class 'troposphere.iot.Timestamp'>, False), 'TrackerName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iot.Logging(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccountId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DefaultLogLevel': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IoT::Logging'
class troposphere.iot.MachineLearningDetectionConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConfidenceLevel': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.iot.MaintenanceWindow(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DurationInMinutes': (<function integer>, False), 'StartTime': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.iot.MetricDimension(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DimensionName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Operator': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.iot.MetricToRetain(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ExportMetric': (<function boolean>, False), 'Metric': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MetricDimension': (<class 'troposphere.iot.MetricDimension'>, False)}
class troposphere.iot.MetricValue(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Cidrs': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Count': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Number': (<function double>, False), 'Numbers': ([<function double>], False), 'Ports': ([<function integer>], False), 'Strings': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.iot.MetricsExportConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MqttTopic': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iot.MitigationAction(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ActionName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ActionParams': (<class 'troposphere.iot.ActionParams'>, True), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IoT::MitigationAction'
class troposphere.iot.OpenSearchAction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Endpoint': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Id': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Index': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iot.Policy(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PolicyDocument': (<function policytypes>, True), 'PolicyName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IoT::Policy'
class troposphere.iot.PolicyPrincipalAttachment(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PolicyName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Principal': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IoT::PolicyPrincipalAttachment'
class troposphere.iot.PresignedUrlConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ExpiresInSec': (<function integer>, False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iot.ProvisioningHook(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PayloadVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TargetArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.iot.ProvisioningTemplate(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'PreProvisioningHook': (<class 'troposphere.iot.ProvisioningHook'>, False), 'ProvisioningRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TemplateBody': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TemplateName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TemplateType': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IoT::ProvisioningTemplate'
class troposphere.iot.PublishFindingToSnsParams(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TopicArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iot.PutAssetPropertyValueEntry(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AssetId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EntryId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PropertyAlias': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PropertyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PropertyValues': ([<class 'troposphere.iot.AssetPropertyValue'>], True)}
class troposphere.iot.PutItemInput(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TableName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iot.RateIncreaseCriteria(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'NumberOfNotifiedThings': (<function integer>, False), 'NumberOfSucceededThings': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.iot.RegistrationConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TemplateBody': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TemplateName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.iot.ReplaceDefaultPolicyVersionParams(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TemplateName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iot.RepublishAction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Headers': (<class 'troposphere.iot.RepublishActionHeaders'>, False), 'Qos': (<function integer>, False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Topic': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iot.RepublishActionHeaders(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContentType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CorrelationData': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MessageExpiry': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PayloadFormatIndicator': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ResponseTopic': (<class 'str'>, False), 'UserProperties': ([<class 'troposphere.iot.UserProperty'>], False)}
class troposphere.iot.ResourceSpecificLogging(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LogLevel': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TargetName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TargetType': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IoT::ResourceSpecificLogging'
class troposphere.iot.RetryCriteria(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FailureType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NumberOfRetries': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.iot.RoleAlias(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CredentialDurationSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'RoleAlias': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IoT::RoleAlias'
class troposphere.iot.S3Action(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BucketName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'CannedAcl': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Key': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iot.ScheduledAudit(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DayOfMonth': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DayOfWeek': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Frequency': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ScheduledAuditName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TargetCheckNames': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IoT::ScheduledAudit'
class troposphere.iot.SecurityProfile(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AdditionalMetricsToRetainV2': ([<class 'troposphere.iot.MetricToRetain'>], False), 'AlertTargets': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Behaviors': ([<class 'troposphere.iot.Behavior'>], False), 'MetricsExportConfig': (<class 'troposphere.iot.MetricsExportConfig'>, False), 'SecurityProfileDescription': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecurityProfileName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TargetArns': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IoT::SecurityProfile'
class troposphere.iot.ServerCertificateConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EnableOCSPCheck': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.iot.ServerCertificateSummary(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ServerCertificateArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ServerCertificateStatus': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ServerCertificateStatusDetail': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.iot.SigV4Authorization(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ServiceName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SigningRegion': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iot.SnsAction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MessageFormat': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TargetArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iot.SoftwarePackage(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PackageName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IoT::SoftwarePackage'
class troposphere.iot.SoftwarePackageVersion(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Attributes': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PackageName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'VersionName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IoT::SoftwarePackageVersion'
class troposphere.iot.SqsAction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'QueueUrl': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'UseBase64': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.iot.StatisticalThreshold(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Statistic': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.iot.StepFunctionsAction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ExecutionNamePrefix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'StateMachineName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iot.Thing(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AttributePayload': (<class 'troposphere.iot.AttributePayload'>, False), 'ThingName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IoT::Thing'
class troposphere.iot.ThingGroup(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ParentGroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'QueryString': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'ThingGroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ThingGroupProperties': (<class 'troposphere.iot.ThingGroupProperties'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IoT::ThingGroup'
class troposphere.iot.ThingGroupProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AttributePayload': (<class 'troposphere.iot.AttributePayload'>, False), 'ThingGroupDescription': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.iot.ThingPrincipalAttachment(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Principal': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ThingName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IoT::ThingPrincipalAttachment'
class troposphere.iot.ThingType(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DeprecateThingType': (<function boolean>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'ThingTypeName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ThingTypeProperties': (<class 'troposphere.iot.ThingTypeProperties'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IoT::ThingType'
class troposphere.iot.ThingTypeProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SearchableAttributes': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ThingTypeDescription': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.iot.TimeoutConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InProgressTimeoutInMinutes': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.iot.Timestamp(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Unit': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iot.TimestreamAction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DatabaseName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Dimensions': ([<class 'troposphere.iot.TimestreamDimension'>], True), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TableName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Timestamp': (<class 'troposphere.iot.TimestreamTimestamp'>, False)}
class troposphere.iot.TimestreamDimension(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iot.TimestreamTimestamp(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Unit': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iot.TlsConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SecurityPolicy': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.iot.TopicRule(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RuleName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TopicRulePayload': (<class 'troposphere.iot.TopicRulePayload'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IoT::TopicRule'
class troposphere.iot.TopicRuleDestination(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'HttpUrlProperties': (<class 'troposphere.iot.HttpUrlDestinationSummary'>, False), 'Status': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VpcProperties': (<class 'troposphere.iot.VpcDestinationProperties'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IoT::TopicRuleDestination'
class troposphere.iot.TopicRulePayload(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Actions': ([<class 'troposphere.iot.Action'>], True), 'AwsIotSqlVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ErrorAction': (<class 'troposphere.iot.Action'>, False), 'RuleDisabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'Sql': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iot.UpdateCACertificateParams(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Action': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iot.UpdateDeviceCertificateParams(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Action': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iot.UserProperty(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Key': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iot.VpcDestinationProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecurityGroups': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SubnetIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'VpcId': (<class 'str'>, False)}

troposphere.iot1click module

class troposphere.iot1click.Device(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DeviceId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Enabled': (<function boolean>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IoT1Click::Device'
class troposphere.iot1click.DeviceTemplate(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CallbackOverrides': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'DeviceType': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.iot1click.Placement(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AssociatedDevices': (<function validate_json_checker>, False), 'Attributes': (<function validate_json_checker>, False), 'PlacementName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ProjectName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IoT1Click::Placement'
class troposphere.iot1click.PlacementTemplate(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DefaultAttributes': (<function validate_json_checker>, False), 'DeviceTemplates': (<function validate_json_checker>, False)}
class troposphere.iot1click.Project(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PlacementTemplate': (<class 'troposphere.iot1click.PlacementTemplate'>, True), 'ProjectName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IoT1Click::Project'

troposphere.iotanalytics module

class troposphere.iotanalytics.Action(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ActionName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ContainerAction': (<class 'troposphere.iotanalytics.ContainerAction'>, False), 'QueryAction': (<class 'troposphere.iotanalytics.QueryAction'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotanalytics.Activity(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AddAttributes': (<class 'troposphere.iotanalytics.AddAttributes'>, False), 'Channel': (<class 'troposphere.iotanalytics.ActivityChannel'>, False), 'Datastore': (<class 'troposphere.iotanalytics.ActivityDatastore'>, False), 'DeviceRegistryEnrich': (<class 'troposphere.iotanalytics.DeviceRegistryEnrich'>, False), 'DeviceShadowEnrich': (<class 'troposphere.iotanalytics.DeviceShadowEnrich'>, False), 'Filter': (<class 'troposphere.iotanalytics.Filter'>, False), 'Lambda': (<class 'troposphere.iotanalytics.Lambda'>, False), 'Math': (<class 'troposphere.iotanalytics.Math'>, False), 'RemoveAttributes': (<class 'troposphere.iotanalytics.RemoveAttributes'>, False), 'SelectAttributes': (<class 'troposphere.iotanalytics.SelectAttributes'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotanalytics.ActivityChannel(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ChannelName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Next': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotanalytics.ActivityDatastore(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DatastoreName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iotanalytics.AddAttributes(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Attributes': (<class 'dict'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Next': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotanalytics.Channel(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ChannelName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ChannelStorage': (<class 'troposphere.iotanalytics.ChannelStorage'>, False), 'RetentionPeriod': (<class 'troposphere.iotanalytics.RetentionPeriod'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IoTAnalytics::Channel'
class troposphere.iotanalytics.ChannelStorage(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomerManagedS3': (<class 'troposphere.iotanalytics.CustomerManagedS3'>, False), 'ServiceManagedS3': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotanalytics.Column(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iotanalytics.ContainerAction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ExecutionRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Image': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ResourceConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.iotanalytics.ResourceConfiguration'>, True), 'Variables': ([<class 'troposphere.iotanalytics.Variable'>], False)}
class troposphere.iotanalytics.CustomerManagedS3(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Bucket': (<class 'str'>, True), 'KeyPrefix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iotanalytics.CustomerManagedS3Storage(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Bucket': (<class 'str'>, True), 'KeyPrefix': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotanalytics.Dataset(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Actions': ([<class 'troposphere.iotanalytics.Action'>], True), 'ContentDeliveryRules': ([<class 'troposphere.iotanalytics.DatasetContentDeliveryRule'>], False), 'DatasetName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LateDataRules': ([<class 'troposphere.iotanalytics.LateDataRule'>], False), 'RetentionPeriod': (<class 'troposphere.iotanalytics.RetentionPeriod'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'Triggers': ([<class 'troposphere.iotanalytics.Trigger'>], False), 'VersioningConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.iotanalytics.VersioningConfiguration'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IoTAnalytics::Dataset'
class troposphere.iotanalytics.DatasetContentDeliveryRule(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Destination': (<class 'troposphere.iotanalytics.DatasetContentDeliveryRuleDestination'>, True), 'EntryName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotanalytics.DatasetContentDeliveryRuleDestination(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'IotEventsDestinationConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.iotanalytics.IotEventsDestinationConfiguration'>, False), 'S3DestinationConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.iotanalytics.S3DestinationConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotanalytics.DatasetContentVersionValue(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DatasetName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iotanalytics.Datastore(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DatastoreName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DatastorePartitions': (<class 'troposphere.iotanalytics.DatastorePartitions'>, False), 'DatastoreStorage': (<class 'troposphere.iotanalytics.DatastoreStorage'>, False), 'FileFormatConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.iotanalytics.FileFormatConfiguration'>, False), 'RetentionPeriod': (<class 'troposphere.iotanalytics.RetentionPeriod'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IoTAnalytics::Datastore'
class troposphere.iotanalytics.DatastorePartition(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Partition': (<class 'troposphere.iotanalytics.Partition'>, False), 'TimestampPartition': (<class 'troposphere.iotanalytics.TimestampPartition'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotanalytics.DatastorePartitions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Partitions': ([<class 'troposphere.iotanalytics.DatastorePartition'>], False)}
class troposphere.iotanalytics.DatastoreStorage(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomerManagedS3': (<class 'troposphere.iotanalytics.CustomerManagedS3'>, False), 'IotSiteWiseMultiLayerStorage': (<class 'troposphere.iotanalytics.IotSiteWiseMultiLayerStorage'>, False), 'ServiceManagedS3': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotanalytics.DeltaTime(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'OffsetSeconds': (<function integer>, True), 'TimeExpression': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iotanalytics.DeltaTimeSessionWindowConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TimeoutInMinutes': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.iotanalytics.DeviceRegistryEnrich(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Attribute': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Next': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ThingName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iotanalytics.DeviceShadowEnrich(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Attribute': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Next': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ThingName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iotanalytics.FileFormatConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'JsonConfiguration': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'ParquetConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.iotanalytics.ParquetConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotanalytics.Filter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Filter': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Next': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotanalytics.GlueConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DatabaseName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TableName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iotanalytics.IotEventsDestinationConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InputName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iotanalytics.IotSiteWiseMultiLayerStorage(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomerManagedS3Storage': (<class 'troposphere.iotanalytics.CustomerManagedS3Storage'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotanalytics.Lambda(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BatchSize': (<function integer>, True), 'LambdaName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Next': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotanalytics.LateDataRule(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RuleConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.iotanalytics.LateDataRuleConfiguration'>, True), 'RuleName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotanalytics.LateDataRuleConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DeltaTimeSessionWindowConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.iotanalytics.DeltaTimeSessionWindowConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotanalytics.Math(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Attribute': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Math': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Next': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotanalytics.OutputFileUriValue(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FileName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iotanalytics.ParquetConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SchemaDefinition': (<class 'troposphere.iotanalytics.SchemaDefinition'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotanalytics.Partition(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AttributeName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iotanalytics.Pipeline(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PipelineActivities': ([<class 'troposphere.iotanalytics.Activity'>], True), 'PipelineName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IoTAnalytics::Pipeline'
class troposphere.iotanalytics.QueryAction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Filters': ([<class 'troposphere.iotanalytics.QueryActionFilter'>], False), 'SqlQuery': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iotanalytics.QueryActionFilter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DeltaTime': (<class 'troposphere.iotanalytics.DeltaTime'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotanalytics.RemoveAttributes(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Attributes': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Next': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotanalytics.ResourceConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ComputeType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'VolumeSizeInGB': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.iotanalytics.RetentionPeriod(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'NumberOfDays': (<function integer>, False), 'Unlimited': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.iotanalytics.S3DestinationConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Bucket': (<class 'str'>, True), 'GlueConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.iotanalytics.GlueConfiguration'>, False), 'Key': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iotanalytics.Schedule(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ScheduleExpression': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iotanalytics.SchemaDefinition(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Columns': ([<class 'troposphere.iotanalytics.Column'>], False)}
class troposphere.iotanalytics.SelectAttributes(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Attributes': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Next': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotanalytics.TimestampPartition(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AttributeName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TimestampFormat': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotanalytics.Trigger(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Schedule': (<class 'troposphere.iotanalytics.Schedule'>, False), 'TriggeringDataset': (<class 'troposphere.iotanalytics.TriggeringDataset'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotanalytics.TriggeringDataset(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DatasetName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iotanalytics.Variable(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DatasetContentVersionValue': (<class 'troposphere.iotanalytics.DatasetContentVersionValue'>, False), 'DoubleValue': (<function double>, False), 'OutputFileUriValue': (<class 'troposphere.iotanalytics.OutputFileUriValue'>, False), 'StringValue': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VariableName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iotanalytics.VersioningConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MaxVersions': (<function integer>, False), 'Unlimited': (<function boolean>, False)}

troposphere.iotcoredeviceadvisor module

class troposphere.iotcoredeviceadvisor.DeviceUnderTest(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CertificateArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ThingArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotcoredeviceadvisor.SuiteDefinition(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SuiteDefinitionConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.iotcoredeviceadvisor.SuiteDefinitionConfiguration'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IoTCoreDeviceAdvisor::SuiteDefinition'
class troposphere.iotcoredeviceadvisor.SuiteDefinitionConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DevicePermissionRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Devices': ([<class 'troposphere.iotcoredeviceadvisor.DeviceUnderTest'>], False), 'IntendedForQualification': (<function boolean>, False), 'RootGroup': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SuiteDefinitionName': (<class 'str'>, False)}

troposphere.iotevents module

class troposphere.iotevents.AcknowledgeFlow(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.iotevents.Action(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ClearTimer': (<class 'troposphere.iotevents.ClearTimer'>, False), 'DynamoDB': (<class 'troposphere.iotevents.DynamoDB'>, False), 'DynamoDBv2': (<class 'troposphere.iotevents.DynamoDBv2'>, False), 'Firehose': (<class 'troposphere.iotevents.Firehose'>, False), 'IotEvents': (<class 'troposphere.iotevents.IotEvents'>, False), 'IotSiteWise': (<class 'troposphere.iotevents.IotSiteWise'>, False), 'IotTopicPublish': (<class 'troposphere.iotevents.IotTopicPublish'>, False), 'Lambda': (<class 'troposphere.iotevents.Lambda'>, False), 'ResetTimer': (<class 'troposphere.iotevents.ResetTimer'>, False), 'SetTimer': (<class 'troposphere.iotevents.SetTimer'>, False), 'SetVariable': (<class 'troposphere.iotevents.SetVariable'>, False), 'Sns': (<class 'troposphere.iotevents.Sns'>, False), 'Sqs': (<class 'troposphere.iotevents.Sqs'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotevents.AlarmAction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DynamoDB': (<class 'troposphere.iotevents.DynamoDB'>, False), 'DynamoDBv2': (<class 'troposphere.iotevents.DynamoDBv2'>, False), 'Firehose': (<class 'troposphere.iotevents.Firehose'>, False), 'IotEvents': (<class 'troposphere.iotevents.IotEvents'>, False), 'IotSiteWise': (<class 'troposphere.iotevents.IotSiteWise'>, False), 'IotTopicPublish': (<class 'troposphere.iotevents.IotTopicPublish'>, False), 'Lambda': (<class 'troposphere.iotevents.Lambda'>, False), 'Sns': (<class 'troposphere.iotevents.Sns'>, False), 'Sqs': (<class 'troposphere.iotevents.Sqs'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotevents.AlarmCapabilities(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AcknowledgeFlow': (<class 'troposphere.iotevents.AcknowledgeFlow'>, False), 'InitializationConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.iotevents.InitializationConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotevents.AlarmEventActions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AlarmActions': ([<class 'troposphere.iotevents.AlarmAction'>], False)}
class troposphere.iotevents.AlarmModel(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AlarmCapabilities': (<class 'troposphere.iotevents.AlarmCapabilities'>, False), 'AlarmEventActions': (<class 'troposphere.iotevents.AlarmEventActions'>, False), 'AlarmModelDescription': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AlarmModelName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AlarmRule': (<class 'troposphere.iotevents.AlarmRule'>, True), 'Key': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Severity': (<function integer>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IoTEvents::AlarmModel'
class troposphere.iotevents.AlarmRule(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SimpleRule': (<class 'troposphere.iotevents.SimpleRule'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotevents.AssetPropertyTimestamp(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'OffsetInNanos': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TimeInSeconds': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iotevents.AssetPropertyValue(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Quality': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Timestamp': (<class 'troposphere.iotevents.AssetPropertyTimestamp'>, False), 'Value': (<class 'troposphere.iotevents.AssetPropertyVariant'>, True)}
class troposphere.iotevents.AssetPropertyVariant(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BooleanValue': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DoubleValue': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IntegerValue': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StringValue': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotevents.Attribute(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'JsonPath': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iotevents.ClearTimer(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TimerName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iotevents.DetectorModel(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DetectorModelDefinition': (<class 'troposphere.iotevents.DetectorModelDefinition'>, True), 'DetectorModelDescription': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DetectorModelName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EvaluationMethod': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Key': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IoTEvents::DetectorModel'
class troposphere.iotevents.DetectorModelDefinition(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InitialStateName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'States': ([<class 'troposphere.iotevents.State'>], True)}
class troposphere.iotevents.DynamoDB(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'HashKeyField': (<class 'str'>, True), 'HashKeyType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'HashKeyValue': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Operation': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Payload': (<class 'troposphere.iotevents.Payload'>, False), 'PayloadField': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RangeKeyField': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RangeKeyType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RangeKeyValue': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TableName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iotevents.DynamoDBv2(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Payload': (<class 'troposphere.iotevents.Payload'>, False), 'TableName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iotevents.Event(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Actions': ([<class 'troposphere.iotevents.Action'>], False), 'Condition': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EventName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iotevents.Firehose(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DeliveryStreamName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Payload': (<class 'troposphere.iotevents.Payload'>, False), 'Separator': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotevents.InitializationConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DisabledOnInitialization': (<function boolean>, True)}
class troposphere.iotevents.Input(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InputDefinition': (<class 'troposphere.iotevents.InputDefinition'>, True), 'InputDescription': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InputName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IoTEvents::Input'
class troposphere.iotevents.InputDefinition(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Attributes': ([<class 'troposphere.iotevents.Attribute'>], True)}
class troposphere.iotevents.IotEvents(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InputName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Payload': (<class 'troposphere.iotevents.Payload'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotevents.IotSiteWise(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AssetId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EntryId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PropertyAlias': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PropertyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PropertyValue': (<class 'troposphere.iotevents.AssetPropertyValue'>, True)}
class troposphere.iotevents.IotTopicPublish(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MqttTopic': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Payload': (<class 'troposphere.iotevents.Payload'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotevents.Lambda(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FunctionArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Payload': (<class 'troposphere.iotevents.Payload'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotevents.OnEnter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Events': ([<class 'troposphere.iotevents.Event'>], False)}
class troposphere.iotevents.OnExit(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Events': ([<class 'troposphere.iotevents.Event'>], False)}
class troposphere.iotevents.OnInput(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Events': ([<class 'troposphere.iotevents.Event'>], False), 'TransitionEvents': ([<class 'troposphere.iotevents.TransitionEvent'>], False)}
class troposphere.iotevents.Payload(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContentExpression': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iotevents.ResetTimer(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TimerName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iotevents.SetTimer(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DurationExpression': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Seconds': (<function integer>, False), 'TimerName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iotevents.SetVariable(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Value': (<class 'str'>, True), 'VariableName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iotevents.SimpleRule(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ComparisonOperator': (<class 'str'>, True), 'InputProperty': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Threshold': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iotevents.Sns(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Payload': (<class 'troposphere.iotevents.Payload'>, False), 'TargetArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iotevents.Sqs(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Payload': (<class 'troposphere.iotevents.Payload'>, False), 'QueueUrl': (<class 'str'>, True), 'UseBase64': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.iotevents.State(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'OnEnter': (<class 'troposphere.iotevents.OnEnter'>, False), 'OnExit': (<class 'troposphere.iotevents.OnExit'>, False), 'OnInput': (<class 'troposphere.iotevents.OnInput'>, False), 'StateName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iotevents.TransitionEvent(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Actions': ([<class 'troposphere.iotevents.Action'>], False), 'Condition': (<class 'str'>, True), 'EventName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'NextState': (<class 'str'>, True)}

troposphere.iotfleethub module

class troposphere.iotfleethub.Application(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApplicationDescription': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ApplicationName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IoTFleetHub::Application'

troposphere.iotsitewise module

class troposphere.iotsitewise.AccessPolicy(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessPolicyIdentity': (<class 'troposphere.iotsitewise.AccessPolicyIdentity'>, True), 'AccessPolicyPermission': (<class 'str'>, True), 'AccessPolicyResource': (<class 'troposphere.iotsitewise.AccessPolicyResource'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IoTSiteWise::AccessPolicy'
class troposphere.iotsitewise.AccessPolicyIdentity(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'IamRole': (<class 'troposphere.iotsitewise.IamRole'>, False), 'IamUser': (<class 'troposphere.iotsitewise.IamUser'>, False), 'User': (<class 'troposphere.iotsitewise.User'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotsitewise.AccessPolicyResource(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Portal': (<class 'troposphere.iotsitewise.PortalProperty'>, False), 'Project': (<class 'troposphere.iotsitewise.ProjectProperty'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotsitewise.Alarms(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AlarmRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NotificationLambdaArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotsitewise.Asset(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AssetDescription': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AssetExternalId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AssetHierarchies': ([<class 'troposphere.iotsitewise.AssetHierarchy'>], False), 'AssetModelId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'AssetName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'AssetProperties': ([<class 'troposphere.iotsitewise.AssetProperty'>], False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IoTSiteWise::Asset'
class troposphere.iotsitewise.AssetHierarchy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ChildAssetId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ExternalId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Id': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LogicalId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotsitewise.AssetModel(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AssetModelCompositeModels': ([<class 'troposphere.iotsitewise.AssetModelCompositeModel'>], False), 'AssetModelDescription': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AssetModelExternalId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AssetModelHierarchies': ([<class 'troposphere.iotsitewise.AssetModelHierarchy'>], False), 'AssetModelName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'AssetModelProperties': ([<class 'troposphere.iotsitewise.AssetModelProperty'>], False), 'AssetModelType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IoTSiteWise::AssetModel'
class troposphere.iotsitewise.AssetModelCompositeModel(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ComposedAssetModelId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CompositeModelProperties': ([<class 'troposphere.iotsitewise.AssetModelProperty'>], False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ExternalId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Id': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ParentAssetModelCompositeModelExternalId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Path': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iotsitewise.AssetModelHierarchy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ChildAssetModelId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ExternalId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Id': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LogicalId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iotsitewise.AssetModelProperty(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DataTypeSpec': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ExternalId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Id': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LogicalId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Type': (<class 'troposphere.iotsitewise.PropertyType'>, True), 'Unit': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotsitewise.AssetProperty(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Alias': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ExternalId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Id': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LogicalId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NotificationState': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Unit': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotsitewise.Attribute(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DefaultValue': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotsitewise.Dashboard(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DashboardDefinition': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DashboardDescription': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DashboardName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ProjectId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IoTSiteWise::Dashboard'
class troposphere.iotsitewise.ExpressionVariable(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'troposphere.iotsitewise.VariableValue'>, True)}
class troposphere.iotsitewise.Gateway(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'GatewayCapabilitySummaries': ([<class 'troposphere.iotsitewise.GatewayCapabilitySummary'>], False), 'GatewayName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'GatewayPlatform': (<class 'troposphere.iotsitewise.GatewayPlatform'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IoTSiteWise::Gateway'
class troposphere.iotsitewise.GatewayCapabilitySummary(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CapabilityConfiguration': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CapabilityNamespace': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iotsitewise.GatewayPlatform(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Greengrass': (<class 'troposphere.iotsitewise.Greengrass'>, False), 'GreengrassV2': (<class 'troposphere.iotsitewise.GreengrassV2'>, False), 'SiemensIE': (<class 'troposphere.iotsitewise.SiemensIE'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotsitewise.Greengrass(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'GroupArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iotsitewise.GreengrassV2(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CoreDeviceThingName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iotsitewise.IamRole(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'arn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotsitewise.IamUser(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'arn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotsitewise.Metric(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Expression': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Variables': ([<class 'troposphere.iotsitewise.ExpressionVariable'>], True), 'Window': (<class 'troposphere.iotsitewise.MetricWindow'>, True)}
class troposphere.iotsitewise.MetricWindow(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Tumbling': (<class 'troposphere.iotsitewise.TumblingWindow'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotsitewise.Portal(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Alarms': (<class 'troposphere.iotsitewise.Alarms'>, False), 'NotificationSenderEmail': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PortalAuthMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PortalContactEmail': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PortalDescription': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PortalName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IoTSiteWise::Portal'
class troposphere.iotsitewise.PortalProperty(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'id': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotsitewise.Project(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AssetIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'PortalId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ProjectDescription': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ProjectName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IoTSiteWise::Project'
class troposphere.iotsitewise.ProjectProperty(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'id': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotsitewise.PropertyPathDefinition(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iotsitewise.PropertyType(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Attribute': (<class 'troposphere.iotsitewise.Attribute'>, False), 'Metric': (<class 'troposphere.iotsitewise.Metric'>, False), 'Transform': (<class 'troposphere.iotsitewise.Transform'>, False), 'TypeName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iotsitewise.SiemensIE(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'IotCoreThingName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iotsitewise.Transform(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Expression': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Variables': ([<class 'troposphere.iotsitewise.ExpressionVariable'>], True)}
class troposphere.iotsitewise.TumblingWindow(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Interval': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Offset': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotsitewise.User(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'id': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotsitewise.VariableValue(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'HierarchyExternalId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'HierarchyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'HierarchyLogicalId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PropertyExternalId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PropertyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PropertyLogicalId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PropertyPath': ([<class 'troposphere.iotsitewise.PropertyPathDefinition'>], False)}

troposphere.iotwireless module

class troposphere.iotwireless.AbpV10x(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DevAddr': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SessionKeys': (<class 'troposphere.iotwireless.SessionKeysAbpV10x'>, True)}
class troposphere.iotwireless.AbpV11(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DevAddr': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SessionKeys': (<class 'troposphere.iotwireless.SessionKeysAbpV11'>, True)}
class troposphere.iotwireless.Application(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DestinationName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FPort': (<function integer>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotwireless.Destination(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Expression': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ExpressionType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IoTWireless::Destination'
class troposphere.iotwireless.DeviceProfile(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LoRaWAN': (<class 'troposphere.iotwireless.LoRaWANDeviceProfile'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IoTWireless::DeviceProfile'
class troposphere.iotwireless.FPorts(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Applications': ([<class 'troposphere.iotwireless.Application'>], False)}
class troposphere.iotwireless.FuotaTask(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AssociateMulticastGroup': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AssociateWirelessDevice': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DisassociateMulticastGroup': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DisassociateWirelessDevice': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FirmwareUpdateImage': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FirmwareUpdateRole': (<class 'str'>, True), 'LoRaWAN': (<class 'troposphere.iotwireless.FuotaTaskLoRaWAN'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IoTWireless::FuotaTask'
class troposphere.iotwireless.FuotaTaskLoRaWAN(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RfRegion': (<class 'str'>, True), 'StartTime': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotwireless.LoRaWAN(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DlClass': (<class 'str'>, True), 'NumberOfDevicesInGroup': (<function integer>, False), 'NumberOfDevicesRequested': (<function integer>, False), 'RfRegion': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iotwireless.LoRaWANDevice(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AbpV10x': (<class 'troposphere.iotwireless.AbpV10x'>, False), 'AbpV11': (<class 'troposphere.iotwireless.AbpV11'>, False), 'DevEui': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DeviceProfileId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FPorts': (<class 'troposphere.iotwireless.FPorts'>, False), 'OtaaV10x': (<class 'troposphere.iotwireless.OtaaV10x'>, False), 'OtaaV11': (<class 'troposphere.iotwireless.OtaaV11'>, False), 'ServiceProfileId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotwireless.LoRaWANDeviceProfile(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ClassBTimeout': (<function integer>, False), 'ClassCTimeout': (<function integer>, False), 'FactoryPresetFreqsList': ([<function integer>], False), 'MacVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MaxDutyCycle': (<function integer>, False), 'MaxEirp': (<function integer>, False), 'PingSlotDr': (<function integer>, False), 'PingSlotFreq': (<function integer>, False), 'PingSlotPeriod': (<function integer>, False), 'RegParamsRevision': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RfRegion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RxDataRate2': (<function integer>, False), 'RxDelay1': (<function integer>, False), 'RxDrOffset1': (<function integer>, False), 'RxFreq2': (<function integer>, False), 'Supports32BitFCnt': (<function boolean>, False), 'SupportsClassB': (<function boolean>, False), 'SupportsClassC': (<function boolean>, False), 'SupportsJoin': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.iotwireless.LoRaWANGateway(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'GatewayEui': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RfRegion': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iotwireless.LoRaWANGatewayVersion(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Model': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PackageVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Station': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotwireless.LoRaWANServiceProfile(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AddGwMetadata': (<function boolean>, False), 'ChannelMask': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DevStatusReqFreq': (<function integer>, False), 'DlBucketSize': (<function integer>, False), 'DlRate': (<function integer>, False), 'DlRatePolicy': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DrMax': (<function integer>, False), 'DrMin': (<function integer>, False), 'HrAllowed': (<function boolean>, False), 'MinGwDiversity': (<function integer>, False), 'NwkGeoLoc': (<function boolean>, False), 'PrAllowed': (<function boolean>, False), 'RaAllowed': (<function boolean>, False), 'ReportDevStatusBattery': (<function boolean>, False), 'ReportDevStatusMargin': (<function boolean>, False), 'TargetPer': (<function integer>, False), 'UlBucketSize': (<function integer>, False), 'UlRate': (<function integer>, False), 'UlRatePolicy': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotwireless.LoRaWANUpdateGatewayTaskCreate(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CurrentVersion': (<class 'troposphere.iotwireless.LoRaWANGatewayVersion'>, False), 'SigKeyCrc': (<function integer>, False), 'UpdateSignature': (<class 'str'>, False), 'UpdateVersion': (<class 'troposphere.iotwireless.LoRaWANGatewayVersion'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotwireless.LoRaWANUpdateGatewayTaskEntry(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CurrentVersion': (<class 'troposphere.iotwireless.LoRaWANGatewayVersion'>, False), 'UpdateVersion': (<class 'troposphere.iotwireless.LoRaWANGatewayVersion'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotwireless.MulticastGroup(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AssociateWirelessDevice': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DisassociateWirelessDevice': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LoRaWAN': (<class 'troposphere.iotwireless.LoRaWAN'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IoTWireless::MulticastGroup'
class troposphere.iotwireless.NetworkAnalyzerConfiguration(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TraceContent': (<class 'troposphere.iotwireless.TraceContent'>, False), 'WirelessDevices': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'WirelessGateways': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IoTWireless::NetworkAnalyzerConfiguration'
class troposphere.iotwireless.OtaaV10x(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AppEui': (<class 'str'>, True), 'AppKey': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iotwireless.OtaaV11(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AppKey': (<class 'str'>, True), 'JoinEui': (<class 'str'>, True), 'NwkKey': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iotwireless.PartnerAccount(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccountLinked': (<function boolean>, False), 'PartnerAccountId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PartnerType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Sidewalk': (<class 'troposphere.iotwireless.SidewalkAccountInfo'>, False), 'SidewalkResponse': (<class 'troposphere.iotwireless.SidewalkAccountInfoWithFingerprint'>, False), 'SidewalkUpdate': (<class 'troposphere.iotwireless.SidewalkUpdateAccount'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IoTWireless::PartnerAccount'
class troposphere.iotwireless.ServiceProfile(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LoRaWAN': (<class 'troposphere.iotwireless.LoRaWANServiceProfile'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IoTWireless::ServiceProfile'
class troposphere.iotwireless.SessionKeysAbpV10x(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AppSKey': (<class 'str'>, True), 'NwkSKey': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iotwireless.SessionKeysAbpV11(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AppSKey': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FNwkSIntKey': (<class 'str'>, True), 'NwkSEncKey': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SNwkSIntKey': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iotwireless.Sidewalk(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DeviceCreationFile': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DeviceCreationFileList': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Role': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SidewalkManufacturingSn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotwireless.SidewalkAccountInfo(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AppServerPrivateKey': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.iotwireless.SidewalkAccountInfoWithFingerprint(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AmazonId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Arn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Fingerprint': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotwireless.SidewalkUpdateAccount(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AppServerPrivateKey': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotwireless.TaskDefinition(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AutoCreateTasks': (<function boolean>, True), 'LoRaWANUpdateGatewayTaskEntry': (<class 'troposphere.iotwireless.LoRaWANUpdateGatewayTaskEntry'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TaskDefinitionType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Update': (<class 'troposphere.iotwireless.UpdateWirelessGatewayTaskCreate'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IoTWireless::TaskDefinition'
class troposphere.iotwireless.TraceContent(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LogLevel': (<class 'str'>, False), 'WirelessDeviceFrameInfo': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotwireless.UpdateWirelessGatewayTaskCreate(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LoRaWAN': (<class 'troposphere.iotwireless.LoRaWANUpdateGatewayTaskCreate'>, False), 'UpdateDataRole': (<class 'str'>, False), 'UpdateDataSource': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.iotwireless.WirelessDevice(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DestinationName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'LastUplinkReceivedAt': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LoRaWAN': (<class 'troposphere.iotwireless.LoRaWANDevice'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Positioning': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'ThingArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IoTWireless::WirelessDevice'
class troposphere.iotwireless.WirelessDeviceImportTask(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DestinationName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Sidewalk': (<class 'troposphere.iotwireless.Sidewalk'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IoTWireless::WirelessDeviceImportTask'
class troposphere.iotwireless.WirelessGateway(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LastUplinkReceivedAt': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LoRaWAN': (<class 'troposphere.iotwireless.LoRaWANGateway'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'ThingArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ThingName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IoTWireless::WirelessGateway'

troposphere.ivs module

class troposphere.ivs.Channel(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Authorized': (<function boolean>, False), 'InsecureIngest': (<function boolean>, False), 'LatencyMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Preset': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RecordingConfigurationArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IVS::Channel'
class troposphere.ivs.DestinationConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'S3': (<class 'troposphere.ivs.S3DestinationConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.ivs.EncoderConfiguration(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'Video': (<class 'troposphere.ivs.Video'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IVS::EncoderConfiguration'
class troposphere.ivs.PlaybackKeyPair(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PublicKeyMaterial': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IVS::PlaybackKeyPair'
class troposphere.ivs.PlaybackRestrictionPolicy(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AllowedCountries': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'AllowedOrigins': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'EnableStrictOriginEnforcement': (<function boolean>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IVS::PlaybackRestrictionPolicy'
class troposphere.ivs.RecordingConfiguration(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DestinationConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.ivs.DestinationConfiguration'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RecordingReconnectWindowSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'RenditionConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.ivs.RenditionConfiguration'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'ThumbnailConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.ivs.ThumbnailConfiguration'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IVS::RecordingConfiguration'
class troposphere.ivs.RenditionConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RenditionSelection': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Renditions': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.ivs.S3DestinationConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BucketName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.ivs.S3StorageConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BucketName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.ivs.Stage(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IVS::Stage'
class troposphere.ivs.StorageConfiguration(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3': (<class 'troposphere.ivs.S3StorageConfiguration'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IVS::StorageConfiguration'
class troposphere.ivs.StreamKey(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ChannelArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::IVS::StreamKey'
class troposphere.ivs.ThumbnailConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RecordingMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Resolution': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Storage': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'TargetIntervalSeconds': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.ivs.Video(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Bitrate': (<function integer>, False), 'Framerate': (<function double>, False), 'Height': (<function integer>, False), 'Width': (<function integer>, False)}

troposphere.kendra module

class troposphere.kendra.AccessControlListConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'KeyPath': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.kendra.AclConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AllowedGroupsColumnName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.kendra.CapacityUnitsConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'QueryCapacityUnits': (<function integer>, True), 'StorageCapacityUnits': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.kendra.ColumnConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ChangeDetectingColumns': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'DocumentDataColumnName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DocumentIdColumnName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DocumentTitleColumnName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FieldMappings': ([<class 'troposphere.kendra.DataSourceToIndexFieldMapping'>], False)}
class troposphere.kendra.ConfluenceAttachmentConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AttachmentFieldMappings': ([<class 'troposphere.kendra.ConfluenceAttachmentToIndexFieldMapping'>], False), 'CrawlAttachments': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.kendra.ConfluenceAttachmentToIndexFieldMapping(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataSourceFieldName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DateFieldFormat': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IndexFieldName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.kendra.ConfluenceBlogConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BlogFieldMappings': ([<class 'troposphere.kendra.ConfluenceBlogToIndexFieldMapping'>], False)}
class troposphere.kendra.ConfluenceBlogToIndexFieldMapping(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataSourceFieldName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DateFieldFormat': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IndexFieldName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.kendra.ConfluenceConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AttachmentConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.kendra.ConfluenceAttachmentConfiguration'>, False), 'BlogConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.kendra.ConfluenceBlogConfiguration'>, False), 'ExclusionPatterns': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'InclusionPatterns': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'PageConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.kendra.ConfluencePageConfiguration'>, False), 'SecretArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ServerUrl': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SpaceConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.kendra.ConfluenceSpaceConfiguration'>, False), 'Version': (<class 'str'>, True), 'VpcConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.kendra.DataSourceVpcConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.kendra.ConfluencePageConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PageFieldMappings': ([<class 'troposphere.kendra.ConfluencePageToIndexFieldMapping'>], False)}
class troposphere.kendra.ConfluencePageToIndexFieldMapping(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataSourceFieldName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DateFieldFormat': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IndexFieldName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.kendra.ConfluenceSpaceConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CrawlArchivedSpaces': (<function boolean>, False), 'CrawlPersonalSpaces': (<function boolean>, False), 'ExcludeSpaces': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'IncludeSpaces': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SpaceFieldMappings': ([<class 'troposphere.kendra.ConfluenceSpaceToIndexFieldMapping'>], False)}
class troposphere.kendra.ConfluenceSpaceToIndexFieldMapping(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataSourceFieldName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DateFieldFormat': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IndexFieldName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.kendra.ConnectionConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DatabaseHost': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DatabaseName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DatabasePort': (<function integer>, True), 'SecretArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TableName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.kendra.CustomDocumentEnrichmentConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InlineConfigurations': ([<class 'troposphere.kendra.InlineCustomDocumentEnrichmentConfiguration'>], False), 'PostExtractionHookConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.kendra.HookConfiguration'>, False), 'PreExtractionHookConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.kendra.HookConfiguration'>, False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.kendra.DataSource(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomDocumentEnrichmentConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.kendra.CustomDocumentEnrichmentConfiguration'>, False), 'DataSourceConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.kendra.DataSourceConfiguration'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IndexId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'LanguageCode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Schedule': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Kendra::DataSource'
class troposphere.kendra.DataSourceConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConfluenceConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.kendra.ConfluenceConfiguration'>, False), 'DatabaseConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.kendra.DatabaseConfiguration'>, False), 'GoogleDriveConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.kendra.GoogleDriveConfiguration'>, False), 'OneDriveConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.kendra.OneDriveConfiguration'>, False), 'S3Configuration': (<class 'troposphere.kendra.S3DataSourceConfiguration'>, False), 'SalesforceConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.kendra.SalesforceConfiguration'>, False), 'ServiceNowConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.kendra.ServiceNowConfiguration'>, False), 'SharePointConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.kendra.SharePointConfiguration'>, False), 'WebCrawlerConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.kendra.WebCrawlerConfiguration'>, False), 'WorkDocsConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.kendra.WorkDocsConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.kendra.DataSourceToIndexFieldMapping(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataSourceFieldName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DateFieldFormat': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IndexFieldName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.kendra.DataSourceVpcConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SecurityGroupIds': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'SubnetIds': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
class troposphere.kendra.DatabaseConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AclConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.kendra.AclConfiguration'>, False), 'ColumnConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.kendra.ColumnConfiguration'>, True), 'ConnectionConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.kendra.ConnectionConfiguration'>, True), 'DatabaseEngineType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SqlConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.kendra.SqlConfiguration'>, False), 'VpcConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.kendra.DataSourceVpcConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.kendra.DocumentAttributeCondition(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConditionDocumentAttributeKey': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ConditionOnValue': (<class 'troposphere.kendra.DocumentAttributeValue'>, False), 'Operator': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.kendra.DocumentAttributeTarget(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TargetDocumentAttributeKey': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TargetDocumentAttributeValue': (<class 'troposphere.kendra.DocumentAttributeValue'>, False), 'TargetDocumentAttributeValueDeletion': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.kendra.DocumentAttributeValue(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DateValue': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LongValue': (<function integer>, False), 'StringListValue': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'StringValue': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.kendra.DocumentMetadataConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Relevance': (<class 'troposphere.kendra.Relevance'>, False), 'Search': (<class 'troposphere.kendra.Search'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.kendra.DocumentsMetadataConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'S3Prefix': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.kendra.Faq(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FileFormat': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IndexId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'LanguageCode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'S3Path': (<class 'troposphere.kendra.S3Path'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Kendra::Faq'
class troposphere.kendra.GoogleDriveConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ExcludeMimeTypes': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ExcludeSharedDrives': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ExcludeUserAccounts': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ExclusionPatterns': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'FieldMappings': ([<class 'troposphere.kendra.DataSourceToIndexFieldMapping'>], False), 'InclusionPatterns': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SecretArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.kendra.HookConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InvocationCondition': (<class 'troposphere.kendra.DocumentAttributeCondition'>, False), 'LambdaArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'S3Bucket': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.kendra.Index(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CapacityUnits': (<class 'troposphere.kendra.CapacityUnitsConfiguration'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DocumentMetadataConfigurations': ([<class 'troposphere.kendra.DocumentMetadataConfiguration'>], False), 'Edition': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.kendra.ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'UserContextPolicy': (<class 'str'>, False), 'UserTokenConfigurations': ([<class 'troposphere.kendra.UserTokenConfiguration'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Kendra::Index'
class troposphere.kendra.InlineCustomDocumentEnrichmentConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Condition': (<class 'troposphere.kendra.DocumentAttributeCondition'>, False), 'DocumentContentDeletion': (<function boolean>, False), 'Target': (<class 'troposphere.kendra.DocumentAttributeTarget'>, False)}
class troposphere.kendra.JsonTokenTypeConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'GroupAttributeField': (<class 'str'>, True), 'UserNameAttributeField': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.kendra.JwtTokenTypeConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ClaimRegex': (<class 'str'>, False), 'GroupAttributeField': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Issuer': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KeyLocation': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SecretManagerArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'URL': (<class 'str'>, False), 'UserNameAttributeField': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.kendra.OneDriveConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DisableLocalGroups': (<function boolean>, False), 'ExclusionPatterns': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'FieldMappings': ([<class 'troposphere.kendra.DataSourceToIndexFieldMapping'>], False), 'InclusionPatterns': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'OneDriveUsers': (<class 'troposphere.kendra.OneDriveUsers'>, True), 'SecretArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TenantDomain': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.kendra.OneDriveUsers(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'OneDriveUserList': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'OneDriveUserS3Path': (<class 'troposphere.kendra.S3Path'>, False)}
class troposphere.kendra.ProxyConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Credentials': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Host': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Port': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.kendra.Relevance(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Duration': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Freshness': (<function boolean>, False), 'Importance': (<function integer>, False), 'RankOrder': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ValueImportanceItems': ([<class 'troposphere.kendra.ValueImportanceItem'>], False)}
class troposphere.kendra.S3DataSourceConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessControlListConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.kendra.AccessControlListConfiguration'>, False), 'BucketName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DocumentsMetadataConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.kendra.DocumentsMetadataConfiguration'>, False), 'ExclusionPatterns': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'InclusionPatterns': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'InclusionPrefixes': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.kendra.S3Path(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Bucket': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Key': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.kendra.SalesforceChatterFeedConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DocumentDataFieldName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DocumentTitleFieldName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FieldMappings': ([<class 'troposphere.kendra.DataSourceToIndexFieldMapping'>], False), 'IncludeFilterTypes': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.kendra.SalesforceConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ChatterFeedConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.kendra.SalesforceChatterFeedConfiguration'>, False), 'CrawlAttachments': (<function boolean>, False), 'ExcludeAttachmentFilePatterns': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'IncludeAttachmentFilePatterns': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'KnowledgeArticleConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.kendra.SalesforceKnowledgeArticleConfiguration'>, False), 'SecretArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ServerUrl': (<class 'str'>, True), 'StandardObjectAttachmentConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.kendra.SalesforceStandardObjectAttachmentConfiguration'>, False), 'StandardObjectConfigurations': ([<class 'troposphere.kendra.SalesforceStandardObjectConfiguration'>], False)}
class troposphere.kendra.SalesforceCustomKnowledgeArticleTypeConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DocumentDataFieldName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DocumentTitleFieldName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FieldMappings': ([<class 'troposphere.kendra.DataSourceToIndexFieldMapping'>], False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.kendra.SalesforceKnowledgeArticleConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomKnowledgeArticleTypeConfigurations': ([<class 'troposphere.kendra.SalesforceCustomKnowledgeArticleTypeConfiguration'>], False), 'IncludedStates': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'StandardKnowledgeArticleTypeConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.kendra.SalesforceStandardKnowledgeArticleTypeConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.kendra.SalesforceStandardKnowledgeArticleTypeConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DocumentDataFieldName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DocumentTitleFieldName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FieldMappings': ([<class 'troposphere.kendra.DataSourceToIndexFieldMapping'>], False)}
class troposphere.kendra.SalesforceStandardObjectAttachmentConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DocumentTitleFieldName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FieldMappings': ([<class 'troposphere.kendra.DataSourceToIndexFieldMapping'>], False)}
class troposphere.kendra.SalesforceStandardObjectConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DocumentDataFieldName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DocumentTitleFieldName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FieldMappings': ([<class 'troposphere.kendra.DataSourceToIndexFieldMapping'>], False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.kendra.Search(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Displayable': (<function boolean>, False), 'Facetable': (<function boolean>, False), 'Searchable': (<function boolean>, False), 'Sortable': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.kendra.ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'KmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.kendra.ServiceNowConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AuthenticationType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'HostUrl': (<class 'str'>, True), 'KnowledgeArticleConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.kendra.ServiceNowKnowledgeArticleConfiguration'>, False), 'SecretArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ServiceCatalogConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.kendra.ServiceNowServiceCatalogConfiguration'>, False), 'ServiceNowBuildVersion': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.kendra.ServiceNowKnowledgeArticleConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CrawlAttachments': (<function boolean>, False), 'DocumentDataFieldName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DocumentTitleFieldName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ExcludeAttachmentFilePatterns': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'FieldMappings': ([<class 'troposphere.kendra.DataSourceToIndexFieldMapping'>], False), 'FilterQuery': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IncludeAttachmentFilePatterns': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.kendra.ServiceNowServiceCatalogConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CrawlAttachments': (<function boolean>, False), 'DocumentDataFieldName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DocumentTitleFieldName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ExcludeAttachmentFilePatterns': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'FieldMappings': ([<class 'troposphere.kendra.DataSourceToIndexFieldMapping'>], False), 'IncludeAttachmentFilePatterns': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.kendra.SharePointConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CrawlAttachments': (<function boolean>, False), 'DisableLocalGroups': (<function boolean>, False), 'DocumentTitleFieldName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ExclusionPatterns': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'FieldMappings': ([<class 'troposphere.kendra.DataSourceToIndexFieldMapping'>], False), 'InclusionPatterns': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SecretArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SharePointVersion': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SslCertificateS3Path': (<class 'troposphere.kendra.S3Path'>, False), 'Urls': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'UseChangeLog': (<function boolean>, False), 'VpcConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.kendra.DataSourceVpcConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.kendra.SqlConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'QueryIdentifiersEnclosingOption': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.kendra.UserTokenConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'JsonTokenTypeConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.kendra.JsonTokenTypeConfiguration'>, False), 'JwtTokenTypeConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.kendra.JwtTokenTypeConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.kendra.ValueImportanceItem(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Key': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Value': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.kendra.WebCrawlerAuthenticationConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BasicAuthentication': ([<class 'troposphere.kendra.WebCrawlerBasicAuthentication'>], False)}
class troposphere.kendra.WebCrawlerBasicAuthentication(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Credentials': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Host': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Port': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.kendra.WebCrawlerConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AuthenticationConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.kendra.WebCrawlerAuthenticationConfiguration'>, False), 'CrawlDepth': (<function integer>, False), 'MaxContentSizePerPageInMegaBytes': (<function double>, False), 'MaxLinksPerPage': (<function integer>, False), 'MaxUrlsPerMinuteCrawlRate': (<function integer>, False), 'ProxyConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.kendra.ProxyConfiguration'>, False), 'UrlExclusionPatterns': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'UrlInclusionPatterns': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Urls': (<class 'troposphere.kendra.WebCrawlerUrls'>, True)}
class troposphere.kendra.WebCrawlerSeedUrlConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SeedUrls': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'WebCrawlerMode': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.kendra.WebCrawlerSiteMapsConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SiteMaps': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
class troposphere.kendra.WebCrawlerUrls(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SeedUrlConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.kendra.WebCrawlerSeedUrlConfiguration'>, False), 'SiteMapsConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.kendra.WebCrawlerSiteMapsConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.kendra.WorkDocsConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CrawlComments': (<function boolean>, False), 'ExclusionPatterns': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'FieldMappings': ([<class 'troposphere.kendra.DataSourceToIndexFieldMapping'>], False), 'InclusionPatterns': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'OrganizationId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'UseChangeLog': (<function boolean>, False)}

troposphere.kinesis module

class troposphere.kinesis.Stream(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RetentionPeriodHours': (<function integer>, False), 'ShardCount': (<function integer>, False), 'StreamEncryption': (<class 'troposphere.kinesis.StreamEncryption'>, False), 'StreamModeDetails': (<class 'troposphere.kinesis.StreamModeDetails'>, False), 'Tags': (<function validate_tags_or_list>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Kinesis::Stream'
class troposphere.kinesis.StreamConsumer(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConsumerName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'StreamARN': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Kinesis::StreamConsumer'
class troposphere.kinesis.StreamEncryption(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EncryptionType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'KeyId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.kinesis.StreamModeDetails(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'StreamMode': (<function kinesis_stream_mode>, True)}

troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2 module

class troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.Application(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApplicationConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.ApplicationConfiguration'>, False), 'ApplicationDescription': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ApplicationMaintenanceConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.ApplicationMaintenanceConfiguration'>, False), 'ApplicationMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ApplicationName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RunConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.RunConfiguration'>, False), 'RuntimeEnvironment': (<function validate_runtime_environment>, True), 'ServiceExecutionRole': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::KinesisAnalyticsV2::Application'
class troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.ApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOption(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApplicationName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'CloudWatchLoggingOption': (<class 'troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.CloudWatchLoggingOption'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::KinesisAnalyticsV2::ApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOption'
class troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.ApplicationCodeConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CodeContent': (<class 'troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.CodeContent'>, True), 'CodeContentType': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.ApplicationConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApplicationCodeConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.ApplicationCodeConfiguration'>, False), 'ApplicationSnapshotConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.ApplicationSnapshotConfiguration'>, False), 'EnvironmentProperties': (<class 'troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.EnvironmentProperties'>, False), 'FlinkApplicationConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.FlinkApplicationConfiguration'>, False), 'SqlApplicationConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.SqlApplicationConfiguration'>, False), 'VpcConfigurations': ([<class 'troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.VpcConfiguration'>], False), 'ZeppelinApplicationConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.ZeppelinApplicationConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.ApplicationMaintenanceConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApplicationMaintenanceWindowStartTime': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.ApplicationOutput(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApplicationName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Output': (<class 'troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.Output'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::KinesisAnalyticsV2::ApplicationOutput'
class troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.ApplicationReferenceDataSource(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApplicationName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ReferenceDataSource': (<class 'troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.ReferenceDataSource'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::KinesisAnalyticsV2::ApplicationReferenceDataSource'
class troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.ApplicationRestoreConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApplicationRestoreType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SnapshotName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.ApplicationSnapshotConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SnapshotsEnabled': (<function boolean>, True)}
class troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.CSVMappingParameters(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RecordColumnDelimiter': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RecordRowDelimiter': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.CatalogConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'GlueDataCatalogConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.GlueDataCatalogConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.CheckpointConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CheckpointInterval': (<function integer>, False), 'CheckpointingEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'ConfigurationType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MinPauseBetweenCheckpoints': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.CloudWatchLoggingOption(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LogStreamARN': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.CodeContent(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'S3ContentLocation': (<class 'troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.S3ContentLocation'>, False), 'TextContent': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ZipFileContent': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.CustomArtifactConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ArtifactType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MavenReference': (<class 'troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.MavenReference'>, False), 'S3ContentLocation': (<class 'troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.S3ContentLocation'>, False)}
class troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.DeployAsApplicationConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'S3ContentLocation': (<class 'troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.S3ContentBaseLocation'>, True)}
class troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.DestinationSchema(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RecordFormatType': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.EnvironmentProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PropertyGroups': ([<class 'troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.PropertyGroup'>], False)}
class troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.FlinkApplicationConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CheckpointConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.CheckpointConfiguration'>, False), 'MonitoringConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.MonitoringConfiguration'>, False), 'ParallelismConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.ParallelismConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.FlinkRunConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AllowNonRestoredState': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.GlueDataCatalogConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DatabaseARN': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.Input(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InputParallelism': (<class 'troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.InputParallelism'>, False), 'InputProcessingConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.InputProcessingConfiguration'>, False), 'InputSchema': (<class 'troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.InputSchema'>, True), 'KinesisFirehoseInput': (<class 'troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.KinesisFirehoseInput'>, False), 'KinesisStreamsInput': (<class 'troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.KinesisStreamsInput'>, False), 'NamePrefix': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.InputLambdaProcessor(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ResourceARN': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.InputParallelism(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Count': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.InputProcessingConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InputLambdaProcessor': (<class 'troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.InputLambdaProcessor'>, False)}
class troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.InputSchema(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RecordColumns': ([<class 'troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.RecordColumn'>], True), 'RecordEncoding': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RecordFormat': (<class 'troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.RecordFormat'>, True)}
class troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.JSONMappingParameters(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RecordRowPath': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.KinesisFirehoseInput(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ResourceARN': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.KinesisFirehoseOutput(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ResourceARN': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.KinesisStreamsInput(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ResourceARN': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.KinesisStreamsOutput(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ResourceARN': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.LambdaOutput(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ResourceARN': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.MappingParameters(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CSVMappingParameters': (<class 'troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.CSVMappingParameters'>, False), 'JSONMappingParameters': (<class 'troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.JSONMappingParameters'>, False)}
class troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.MavenReference(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ArtifactId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'GroupId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Version': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.MonitoringConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConfigurationType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'LogLevel': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MetricsLevel': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.Output(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DestinationSchema': (<class 'troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.DestinationSchema'>, True), 'KinesisFirehoseOutput': (<class 'troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.KinesisFirehoseOutput'>, False), 'KinesisStreamsOutput': (<class 'troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.KinesisStreamsOutput'>, False), 'LambdaOutput': (<class 'troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.LambdaOutput'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.ParallelismConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AutoScalingEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'ConfigurationType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Parallelism': (<function integer>, False), 'ParallelismPerKPU': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.PropertyGroup(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PropertyGroupId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PropertyMap': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
class troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.RecordColumn(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Mapping': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SqlType': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.RecordFormat(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MappingParameters': (<class 'troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.MappingParameters'>, False), 'RecordFormatType': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.ReferenceDataSource(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ReferenceSchema': (<class 'troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.ReferenceSchema'>, True), 'S3ReferenceDataSource': (<class 'troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.S3ReferenceDataSource'>, False), 'TableName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.ReferenceSchema(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RecordColumns': ([<class 'troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.RecordColumn'>], True), 'RecordEncoding': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RecordFormat': (<class 'troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.RecordFormat'>, True)}
class troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.RunConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApplicationRestoreConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.ApplicationRestoreConfiguration'>, False), 'FlinkRunConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.FlinkRunConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.S3ContentBaseLocation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BasePath': (<class 'str'>, False), 'BucketARN': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.S3ContentLocation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BucketARN': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FileKey': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ObjectVersion': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.S3ReferenceDataSource(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BucketARN': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FileKey': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.SqlApplicationConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Inputs': ([<class 'troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.Input'>], False)}
class troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.VpcConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SecurityGroupIds': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'SubnetIds': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
class troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.ZeppelinApplicationConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CatalogConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.CatalogConfiguration'>, False), 'CustomArtifactsConfiguration': ([<class 'troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.CustomArtifactConfiguration'>], False), 'DeployAsApplicationConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.DeployAsApplicationConfiguration'>, False), 'MonitoringConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.ZeppelinMonitoringConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.kinesisanalyticsv2.ZeppelinMonitoringConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LogLevel': (<class 'str'>, False)}

troposphere.kms module

class troposphere.kms.Alias(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AliasName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TargetKeyId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::KMS::Alias'
class troposphere.kms.Key(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BypassPolicyLockoutSafetyCheck': (<function boolean>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EnableKeyRotation': (<function boolean>, False), 'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'KeyPolicy': (<function policytypes>, False), 'KeySpec': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KeyUsage': (<function key_usage_type>, False), 'MultiRegion': (<function boolean>, False), 'Origin': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PendingWindowInDays': (<function validate_pending_window_in_days>, False), 'RotationPeriodInDays': (<function integer>, False), 'Tags': (<function validate_tags_or_list>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::KMS::Key'
class troposphere.kms.ReplicaKey(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'KeyPolicy': (<class 'dict'>, True), 'PendingWindowInDays': (<function integer>, False), 'PrimaryKeyArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::KMS::ReplicaKey'

troposphere.lakeformation module

class troposphere.lakeformation.ColumnWildcard(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ExcludedColumnNames': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.lakeformation.DataCellsFilter(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ColumnNames': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ColumnWildcard': (<class 'troposphere.lakeformation.ColumnWildcard'>, False), 'DatabaseName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RowFilter': (<class 'troposphere.lakeformation.RowFilter'>, False), 'TableCatalogId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TableName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::LakeFormation::DataCellsFilter'
class troposphere.lakeformation.DataCellsFilterResource(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DatabaseName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TableCatalogId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TableName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.lakeformation.DataLakePrincipal(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataLakePrincipalIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.lakeformation.DataLakeSettings(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Admins': ([<class 'troposphere.lakeformation.DataLakePrincipal'>], False), 'AllowExternalDataFiltering': (<function boolean>, False), 'AllowFullTableExternalDataAccess': (<function boolean>, False), 'AuthorizedSessionTagValueList': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'CreateDatabaseDefaultPermissions': ([], False), 'CreateTableDefaultPermissions': ([], False), 'ExternalDataFilteringAllowList': ([], False), 'MutationType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Parameters': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'TrustedResourceOwners': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::LakeFormation::DataLakeSettings'
class troposphere.lakeformation.DataLocationResource(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CatalogId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ResourceArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.lakeformation.DatabaseResource(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CatalogId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.lakeformation.LFTag(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TagKey': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TagValues': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.lakeformation.LFTagKeyResource(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CatalogId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TagKey': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TagValues': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
class troposphere.lakeformation.LFTagPair(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CatalogId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TagKey': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TagValues': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
class troposphere.lakeformation.LFTagPolicyResource(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CatalogId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Expression': ([<class 'troposphere.lakeformation.LFTag'>], True), 'ResourceType': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.lakeformation.Permissions(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataLakePrincipal': (<class 'troposphere.lakeformation.DataLakePrincipal'>, True), 'Permissions': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'PermissionsWithGrantOption': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Resource': (<class 'troposphere.lakeformation.ResourceProperty'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::LakeFormation::Permissions'
class troposphere.lakeformation.PermissionsDataLocationResource(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CatalogId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3Resource': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.lakeformation.PrincipalPermissions(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Catalog': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Permissions': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'PermissionsWithGrantOption': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Principal': (<class 'troposphere.lakeformation.DataLakePrincipal'>, True), 'Resource': (<class 'troposphere.lakeformation.PrincipalResource'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::LakeFormation::PrincipalPermissions'
class troposphere.lakeformation.PrincipalPermissionsProperty(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Permissions': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Principal': (<class 'troposphere.lakeformation.DataLakePrincipal'>, True)}
class troposphere.lakeformation.PrincipalResource(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Catalog': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'DataCellsFilter': (<class 'troposphere.lakeformation.DataCellsFilterResource'>, False), 'DataLocation': (<class 'troposphere.lakeformation.DataLocationResource'>, False), 'Database': (<class 'troposphere.lakeformation.DatabaseResource'>, False), 'LFTag': (<class 'troposphere.lakeformation.LFTagKeyResource'>, False), 'LFTagPolicy': (<class 'troposphere.lakeformation.LFTagPolicyResource'>, False), 'Table': (<class 'troposphere.lakeformation.TableResource'>, False), 'TableWithColumns': (<class 'troposphere.lakeformation.TableWithColumnsResource'>, False)}
class troposphere.lakeformation.Resource(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'HybridAccessEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'ResourceArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'UseServiceLinkedRole': (<function boolean>, True), 'WithFederation': (<function boolean>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::LakeFormation::Resource'
class troposphere.lakeformation.ResourceProperty(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataLocationResource': (<class 'troposphere.lakeformation.PermissionsDataLocationResource'>, False), 'DatabaseResource': (<class 'troposphere.lakeformation.DatabaseResource'>, False), 'TableResource': (<class 'troposphere.lakeformation.TableResource'>, False), 'TableWithColumnsResource': (<class 'troposphere.lakeformation.TableWithColumnsResource'>, False)}
class troposphere.lakeformation.RowFilter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AllRowsWildcard': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'FilterExpression': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.lakeformation.TableResource(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CatalogId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DatabaseName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TableWildcard': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
class troposphere.lakeformation.TableWildcard(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {}
class troposphere.lakeformation.TableWithColumnsResource(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CatalogId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ColumnNames': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ColumnWildcard': (<class 'troposphere.lakeformation.ColumnWildcard'>, False), 'DatabaseName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.lakeformation.Tag(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CatalogId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TagKey': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TagValues': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::LakeFormation::Tag'
class troposphere.lakeformation.TagAssociation(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LFTags': ([<class 'troposphere.lakeformation.LFTagPair'>], True), 'Resource': (<class 'troposphere.lakeformation.TagAssociationResource'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::LakeFormation::TagAssociation'
class troposphere.lakeformation.TagAssociationResource(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Catalog': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Database': (<class 'troposphere.lakeformation.DatabaseResource'>, False), 'Table': (<class 'troposphere.lakeformation.TableResource'>, False), 'TableWithColumns': (<class 'troposphere.lakeformation.TagAssociationTableWithColumnsResource'>, False)}
class troposphere.lakeformation.TagAssociationTableWithColumnsResource(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CatalogId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ColumnNames': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'DatabaseName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True)}

troposphere.licensemanager module

class troposphere.licensemanager.BorrowConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AllowEarlyCheckIn': (<function boolean>, True), 'MaxTimeToLiveInMinutes': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.licensemanager.ConsumptionConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BorrowConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.licensemanager.BorrowConfiguration'>, False), 'ProvisionalConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.licensemanager.ProvisionalConfiguration'>, False), 'RenewType': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.licensemanager.Entitlement(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AllowCheckIn': (<function boolean>, False), 'MaxCount': (<function integer>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Overage': (<function boolean>, False), 'Unit': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.licensemanager.Grant(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AllowedOperations': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'GrantName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'HomeRegion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LicenseArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Principals': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Status': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::LicenseManager::Grant'
class troposphere.licensemanager.IssuerData(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SignKey': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.licensemanager.License(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Beneficiary': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ConsumptionConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.licensemanager.ConsumptionConfiguration'>, True), 'Entitlements': ([<class 'troposphere.licensemanager.Entitlement'>], True), 'HomeRegion': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Issuer': (<class 'troposphere.licensemanager.IssuerData'>, True), 'LicenseMetadata': ([<class 'troposphere.licensemanager.Metadata'>], False), 'LicenseName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ProductName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ProductSKU': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Status': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Validity': (<class 'troposphere.licensemanager.ValidityDateFormat'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::LicenseManager::License'
class troposphere.licensemanager.Metadata(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.licensemanager.ProvisionalConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MaxTimeToLiveInMinutes': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.licensemanager.ValidityDateFormat(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Begin': (<class 'str'>, True), 'End': (<class 'str'>, True)}

troposphere.lightsail module

class troposphere.lightsail.AccessRules(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AllowPublicOverrides': (<function boolean>, False), 'GetObject': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.lightsail.AddOn(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AddOnType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'AutoSnapshotAddOnRequest': (<class 'troposphere.lightsail.AutoSnapshotAddOn'>, False), 'Status': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.lightsail.Alarm(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AlarmName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ComparisonOperator': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ContactProtocols': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'DatapointsToAlarm': (<function integer>, False), 'EvaluationPeriods': (<function integer>, True), 'MetricName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MonitoredResourceName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'NotificationEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'NotificationTriggers': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Threshold': (<function double>, True), 'TreatMissingData': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Lightsail::Alarm'
class troposphere.lightsail.AutoSnapshotAddOn(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SnapshotTimeOfDay': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.lightsail.Bucket(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessRules': (<class 'troposphere.lightsail.AccessRules'>, False), 'BucketName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'BundleId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ObjectVersioning': (<function boolean>, False), 'ReadOnlyAccessAccounts': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ResourcesReceivingAccess': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Lightsail::Bucket'
class troposphere.lightsail.CacheBehavior(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Behavior': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.lightsail.CacheBehaviorPerPath(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Behavior': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Path': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.lightsail.CacheSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AllowedHTTPMethods': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CachedHTTPMethods': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DefaultTTL': (<function integer>, False), 'ForwardedCookies': (<class 'troposphere.lightsail.CookieObject'>, False), 'ForwardedHeaders': (<class 'troposphere.lightsail.HeaderObject'>, False), 'ForwardedQueryStrings': (<class 'troposphere.lightsail.QueryStringObject'>, False), 'MaximumTTL': (<function integer>, False), 'MinimumTTL': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.lightsail.Certificate(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CertificateName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DomainName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SubjectAlternativeNames': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Lightsail::Certificate'
class troposphere.lightsail.Container(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContainerServiceDeployment': (<class 'troposphere.lightsail.ContainerServiceDeployment'>, False), 'IsDisabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'Power': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PrivateRegistryAccess': (<class 'troposphere.lightsail.PrivateRegistryAccess'>, False), 'PublicDomainNames': ([<class 'troposphere.lightsail.PublicDomainName'>], False), 'Scale': (<function integer>, True), 'ServiceName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Lightsail::Container'
class troposphere.lightsail.ContainerProperty(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Command': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ContainerName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Environment': ([<class 'troposphere.lightsail.EnvironmentVariable'>], False), 'Image': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Ports': ([<class 'troposphere.lightsail.PortInfo'>], False)}
class troposphere.lightsail.ContainerServiceDeployment(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Containers': ([<class 'troposphere.lightsail.ContainerProperty'>], False), 'PublicEndpoint': (<class 'troposphere.lightsail.PublicEndpoint'>, False)}
class troposphere.lightsail.CookieObject(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CookiesAllowList': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Option': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.lightsail.Database(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AvailabilityZone': (<class 'str'>, False), 'BackupRetention': (<function boolean>, False), 'CaCertificateIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MasterDatabaseName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MasterUserPassword': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MasterUsername': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PreferredBackupWindow': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PreferredMaintenanceWindow': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PubliclyAccessible': (<function boolean>, False), 'RelationalDatabaseBlueprintId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RelationalDatabaseBundleId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RelationalDatabaseName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RelationalDatabaseParameters': ([<class 'troposphere.lightsail.RelationalDatabaseParameter'>], False), 'RotateMasterUserPassword': (<function boolean>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Lightsail::Database'
class troposphere.lightsail.Disk(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AddOns': ([<class 'troposphere.lightsail.AddOn'>], False), 'AvailabilityZone': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DiskName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Location': (<class 'troposphere.lightsail.Location'>, False), 'SizeInGb': (<function integer>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Lightsail::Disk'
class troposphere.lightsail.DiskProperty(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AttachedTo': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AttachmentState': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DiskName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'IOPS': (<function integer>, False), 'IsSystemDisk': (<function boolean>, False), 'Path': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SizeInGb': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.lightsail.Distribution(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BundleId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'CacheBehaviorSettings': (<class 'troposphere.lightsail.CacheSettings'>, False), 'CacheBehaviors': ([<class 'troposphere.lightsail.CacheBehaviorPerPath'>], False), 'CertificateName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DefaultCacheBehavior': (<class 'troposphere.lightsail.CacheBehavior'>, True), 'DistributionName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'IpAddressType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IsEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'Origin': (<class 'troposphere.lightsail.InputOrigin'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Lightsail::Distribution'
class troposphere.lightsail.EcrImagePullerRole(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'IsActive': (<function boolean>, False), 'PrincipalArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.lightsail.EnvironmentVariable(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Value': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Variable': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.lightsail.Hardware(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CpuCount': (<function integer>, False), 'Disks': ([<class 'troposphere.lightsail.DiskProperty'>], False), 'RamSizeInGb': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.lightsail.HeaderObject(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'HeadersAllowList': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Option': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.lightsail.HealthCheckConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'HealthyThreshold': (<function integer>, False), 'IntervalSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'Path': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SuccessCodes': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TimeoutSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'UnhealthyThreshold': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.lightsail.InputOrigin(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ProtocolPolicy': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RegionName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.lightsail.Instance(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AddOns': ([<class 'troposphere.lightsail.AddOn'>], False), 'AvailabilityZone': (<class 'str'>, False), 'BlueprintId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'BundleId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Hardware': (<class 'troposphere.lightsail.Hardware'>, False), 'InstanceName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'KeyPairName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Location': (<class 'troposphere.lightsail.Location'>, False), 'Networking': (<class 'troposphere.lightsail.Networking'>, False), 'State': (<class 'troposphere.lightsail.State'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'UserData': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Lightsail::Instance'
class troposphere.lightsail.LoadBalancer(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AttachedInstances': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'HealthCheckPath': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InstancePort': (<function integer>, True), 'IpAddressType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LoadBalancerName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SessionStickinessEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'SessionStickinessLBCookieDurationSeconds': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TlsPolicyName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Lightsail::LoadBalancer'
class troposphere.lightsail.LoadBalancerTlsCertificate(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CertificateAlternativeNames': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'CertificateDomainName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'CertificateName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'HttpsRedirectionEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'IsAttached': (<function boolean>, False), 'LoadBalancerName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Lightsail::LoadBalancerTlsCertificate'
class troposphere.lightsail.Location(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AvailabilityZone': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RegionName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.lightsail.MonthlyTransfer(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'GbPerMonthAllocated': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.lightsail.Networking(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MonthlyTransfer': (<class 'troposphere.lightsail.MonthlyTransfer'>, False), 'Ports': ([<class 'troposphere.lightsail.Port'>], True)}
class troposphere.lightsail.Port(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessDirection': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AccessFrom': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AccessType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CidrListAliases': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Cidrs': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'CommonName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FromPort': (<function integer>, False), 'Ipv6Cidrs': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Protocol': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ToPort': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.lightsail.PortInfo(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Port': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Protocol': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.lightsail.PrivateRegistryAccess(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EcrImagePullerRole': (<class 'troposphere.lightsail.EcrImagePullerRole'>, False)}
class troposphere.lightsail.PublicDomainName(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CertificateName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DomainNames': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.lightsail.PublicEndpoint(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContainerName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ContainerPort': (<function integer>, False), 'HealthCheckConfig': (<class 'troposphere.lightsail.HealthCheckConfig'>, False)}
class troposphere.lightsail.QueryStringObject(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Option': (<function boolean>, False), 'QueryStringsAllowList': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.lightsail.RelationalDatabaseParameter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AllowedValues': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ApplyMethod': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ApplyType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DataType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IsModifiable': (<function boolean>, False), 'ParameterName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ParameterValue': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.lightsail.State(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Code': (<function integer>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.lightsail.StaticIp(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AttachedTo': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StaticIpName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Lightsail::StaticIp'

troposphere.location module

class troposphere.location.APIKey(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ExpireTime': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ForceDelete': (<function boolean>, False), 'ForceUpdate': (<function boolean>, False), 'KeyName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'NoExpiry': (<function boolean>, False), 'Restrictions': (<class 'troposphere.location.ApiKeyRestrictions'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Location::APIKey'
class troposphere.location.ApiKeyRestrictions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AllowActions': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'AllowReferers': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'AllowResources': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
class troposphere.location.DataSourceConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'IntendedUse': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.location.GeofenceCollection(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CollectionName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Location::GeofenceCollection'
class troposphere.location.Map(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Configuration': (<class 'troposphere.location.MapConfiguration'>, True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MapName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PricingPlan': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Location::Map'
class troposphere.location.MapConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomLayers': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'PoliticalView': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Style': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.location.PlaceIndex(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataSource': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DataSourceConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.location.DataSourceConfiguration'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IndexName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PricingPlan': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Location::PlaceIndex'
class troposphere.location.RouteCalculator(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CalculatorName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DataSource': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PricingPlan': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Location::RouteCalculator'
class troposphere.location.Tracker(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EventBridgeEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'KmsKeyEnableGeospatialQueries': (<function boolean>, False), 'KmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PositionFiltering': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TrackerName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Location::Tracker'
class troposphere.location.TrackerConsumer(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConsumerArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TrackerName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Location::TrackerConsumer'

troposphere.logs module

class troposphere.logs.AccountPolicy(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PolicyDocument': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PolicyName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PolicyType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Scope': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SelectionCriteria': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Logs::AccountPolicy'
class troposphere.logs.Delivery(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DeliveryDestinationArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DeliverySourceName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Logs::Delivery'
class troposphere.logs.DeliveryDestination(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DeliveryDestinationPolicy': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'DestinationResourceArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Logs::DeliveryDestination'
class troposphere.logs.DeliverySource(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LogType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ResourceArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Logs::DeliverySource'
class troposphere.logs.Destination(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DestinationName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DestinationPolicy': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TargetArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Logs::Destination'
class troposphere.logs.Dimension(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Key': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.logs.LogAnomalyDetector(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccountId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AnomalyVisibilityTime': (<function double>, False), 'DetectorName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EvaluationFrequency': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FilterPattern': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LogGroupArnList': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Logs::LogAnomalyDetector'
class troposphere.logs.LogGroup(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataProtectionPolicy': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'KmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LogGroupClass': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LogGroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RetentionInDays': (<function validate_loggroup_retention_in_days>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Logs::LogGroup'
class troposphere.logs.LogStream(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LogGroupName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'LogStreamName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Logs::LogStream'
class troposphere.logs.MetricFilter(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FilterName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FilterPattern': (<class 'str'>, True), 'LogGroupName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MetricTransformations': ([<class 'troposphere.logs.MetricTransformation'>], True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Logs::MetricFilter'
class troposphere.logs.MetricTransformation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DefaultValue': (<function double>, False), 'Dimensions': ([<class 'troposphere.logs.Dimension'>], False), 'MetricName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MetricNamespace': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MetricValue': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Unit': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.logs.QueryDefinition(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LogGroupNames': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'QueryString': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Logs::QueryDefinition'
class troposphere.logs.ResourcePolicy(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PolicyDocument': (<function validate_resource_policy>, True), 'PolicyName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Logs::ResourcePolicy'
class troposphere.logs.SubscriptionFilter(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DestinationArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Distribution': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FilterName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FilterPattern': (<class 'str'>, True), 'LogGroupName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Logs::SubscriptionFilter'

troposphere.lookoutequipment module

class troposphere.lookoutequipment.DataInputConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InferenceInputNameConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.lookoutequipment.InputNameConfiguration'>, False), 'InputTimeZoneOffset': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3InputConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.lookoutequipment.S3InputConfiguration'>, True)}
class troposphere.lookoutequipment.DataOutputConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'KmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3OutputConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.lookoutequipment.S3OutputConfiguration'>, True)}
class troposphere.lookoutequipment.InferenceScheduler(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataDelayOffsetInMinutes': (<function integer>, False), 'DataInputConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.lookoutequipment.DataInputConfiguration'>, True), 'DataOutputConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.lookoutequipment.DataOutputConfiguration'>, True), 'DataUploadFrequency': (<class 'str'>, True), 'InferenceSchedulerName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ModelName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ServerSideKmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::LookoutEquipment::InferenceScheduler'
class troposphere.lookoutequipment.InputNameConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ComponentTimestampDelimiter': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TimestampFormat': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.lookoutequipment.S3InputConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Bucket': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Prefix': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.lookoutequipment.S3OutputConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Bucket': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Prefix': (<class 'str'>, False)}

troposphere.lookoutmetrics module

class troposphere.lookoutmetrics.Action(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LambdaConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.lookoutmetrics.LambdaConfiguration'>, False), 'SNSConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.lookoutmetrics.SNSConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.lookoutmetrics.Alert(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Action': (<class 'troposphere.lookoutmetrics.Action'>, True), 'AlertDescription': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AlertName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AlertSensitivityThreshold': (<function integer>, True), 'AnomalyDetectorArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::LookoutMetrics::Alert'
class troposphere.lookoutmetrics.AnomalyDetector(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AnomalyDetectorConfig': (<class 'troposphere.lookoutmetrics.AnomalyDetectorConfig'>, True), 'AnomalyDetectorDescription': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AnomalyDetectorName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KmsKeyArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MetricSetList': ([<class 'troposphere.lookoutmetrics.MetricSet'>], True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::LookoutMetrics::AnomalyDetector'
class troposphere.lookoutmetrics.AnomalyDetectorConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AnomalyDetectorFrequency': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.lookoutmetrics.AppFlowConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FlowName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.lookoutmetrics.CloudwatchConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.lookoutmetrics.CsvFormatDescriptor(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Charset': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ContainsHeader': (<function boolean>, False), 'Delimiter': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FileCompression': (<class 'str'>, False), 'HeaderList': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'QuoteSymbol': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.lookoutmetrics.FileFormatDescriptor(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CsvFormatDescriptor': (<class 'troposphere.lookoutmetrics.CsvFormatDescriptor'>, False), 'JsonFormatDescriptor': (<class 'troposphere.lookoutmetrics.JsonFormatDescriptor'>, False)}
class troposphere.lookoutmetrics.JsonFormatDescriptor(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Charset': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FileCompression': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.lookoutmetrics.LambdaConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LambdaArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.lookoutmetrics.Metric(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AggregationFunction': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MetricName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Namespace': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.lookoutmetrics.MetricSet(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DimensionList': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'MetricList': ([<class 'troposphere.lookoutmetrics.Metric'>], True), 'MetricSetDescription': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MetricSetFrequency': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MetricSetName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MetricSource': (<class 'troposphere.lookoutmetrics.MetricSource'>, True), 'Offset': (<function integer>, False), 'TimestampColumn': (<class 'troposphere.lookoutmetrics.TimestampColumn'>, False), 'Timezone': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.lookoutmetrics.MetricSource(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AppFlowConfig': (<class 'troposphere.lookoutmetrics.AppFlowConfig'>, False), 'CloudwatchConfig': (<class 'troposphere.lookoutmetrics.CloudwatchConfig'>, False), 'RDSSourceConfig': (<class 'troposphere.lookoutmetrics.RDSSourceConfig'>, False), 'RedshiftSourceConfig': (<class 'troposphere.lookoutmetrics.RedshiftSourceConfig'>, False), 'S3SourceConfig': (<class 'troposphere.lookoutmetrics.S3SourceConfig'>, False)}
class troposphere.lookoutmetrics.RDSSourceConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DBInstanceIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DatabaseHost': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DatabaseName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DatabasePort': (<function integer>, True), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SecretManagerArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TableName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'VpcConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.lookoutmetrics.VpcConfiguration'>, True)}
class troposphere.lookoutmetrics.RedshiftSourceConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ClusterIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DatabaseHost': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DatabaseName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DatabasePort': (<function integer>, True), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SecretManagerArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TableName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'VpcConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.lookoutmetrics.VpcConfiguration'>, True)}
class troposphere.lookoutmetrics.S3SourceConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FileFormatDescriptor': (<class 'troposphere.lookoutmetrics.FileFormatDescriptor'>, True), 'HistoricalDataPathList': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TemplatedPathList': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.lookoutmetrics.SNSConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SnsTopicArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.lookoutmetrics.TimestampColumn(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ColumnFormat': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ColumnName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.lookoutmetrics.VpcConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SecurityGroupIdList': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'SubnetIdList': ([<class 'str'>], True)}

troposphere.lookoutvision module

class troposphere.lookoutvision.Project(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ProjectName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::LookoutVision::Project'

troposphere.macie module

class troposphere.macie.AllowList(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Criteria': (<class 'troposphere.macie.Criteria'>, True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Macie::AllowList'
class troposphere.macie.Criteria(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Regex': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3WordsList': (<class 'troposphere.macie.S3WordsList'>, False)}
class troposphere.macie.CriterionAdditionalProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'eq': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'gt': (<function integer>, False), 'gte': (<function integer>, False), 'lt': (<function integer>, False), 'lte': (<function integer>, False), 'neq': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.macie.CustomDataIdentifier(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IgnoreWords': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Keywords': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'MaximumMatchDistance': (<function integer>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Regex': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Macie::CustomDataIdentifier'
class troposphere.macie.FindingCriteria(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Criterion': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
class troposphere.macie.FindingsFilter(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Action': (<function findingsfilter_action>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FindingCriteria': (<class 'troposphere.macie.FindingCriteria'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Position': (<function integer>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Macie::FindingsFilter'
class troposphere.macie.S3WordsList(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BucketName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ObjectKey': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.macie.Session(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FindingPublishingFrequency': (<function session_findingpublishingfrequency>, False), 'Status': (<function session_status>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Macie::Session'

troposphere.managedblockchain module

class troposphere.managedblockchain.Accessor(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessorType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'NetworkType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ManagedBlockchain::Accessor'
class troposphere.managedblockchain.ApprovalThresholdPolicy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ProposalDurationInHours': (<function integer>, False), 'ThresholdComparator': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ThresholdPercentage': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.managedblockchain.Member(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InvitationId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MemberConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.managedblockchain.MemberConfiguration'>, True), 'NetworkConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.managedblockchain.NetworkConfiguration'>, False), 'NetworkId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ManagedBlockchain::Member'
class troposphere.managedblockchain.MemberConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MemberFrameworkConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.managedblockchain.MemberFrameworkConfiguration'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.managedblockchain.MemberFabricConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AdminPassword': (<class 'str'>, True), 'AdminUsername': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.managedblockchain.MemberFrameworkConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MemberFabricConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.managedblockchain.MemberFabricConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.managedblockchain.NetworkConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Framework': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FrameworkVersion': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'NetworkFrameworkConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.managedblockchain.NetworkFrameworkConfiguration'>, False), 'VotingPolicy': (<class 'troposphere.managedblockchain.VotingPolicy'>, True)}
class troposphere.managedblockchain.NetworkFabricConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Edition': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.managedblockchain.NetworkFrameworkConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'NetworkFabricConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.managedblockchain.NetworkFabricConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.managedblockchain.Node(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MemberId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NetworkId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'NodeConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.managedblockchain.NodeConfiguration'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ManagedBlockchain::Node'
class troposphere.managedblockchain.NodeConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AvailabilityZone': (<class 'str'>, True), 'InstanceType': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.managedblockchain.VotingPolicy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApprovalThresholdPolicy': (<class 'troposphere.managedblockchain.ApprovalThresholdPolicy'>, False)}

troposphere.mediaconnect module

class troposphere.mediaconnect.Bridge(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EgressGatewayBridge': (<class 'troposphere.mediaconnect.EgressGatewayBridge'>, False), 'IngressGatewayBridge': (<class 'troposphere.mediaconnect.IngressGatewayBridge'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Outputs': ([<class 'troposphere.mediaconnect.BridgeOutputProperty'>], False), 'PlacementArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SourceFailoverConfig': (<class 'troposphere.mediaconnect.FailoverConfig'>, False), 'Sources': ([<class 'troposphere.mediaconnect.BridgeSourceProperty'>], True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::MediaConnect::Bridge'
class troposphere.mediaconnect.BridgeFlowSource(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FlowArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FlowVpcInterfaceAttachment': (<class 'troposphere.mediaconnect.VpcInterfaceAttachment'>, False)}
class troposphere.mediaconnect.BridgeNetworkOutput(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'IpAddress': (<class 'str'>, True), 'NetworkName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Port': (<function integer>, True), 'Protocol': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Ttl': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.mediaconnect.BridgeNetworkSource(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MulticastIp': (<class 'str'>, True), 'NetworkName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Port': (<function integer>, True), 'Protocol': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.mediaconnect.BridgeOutput(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BridgeArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'NetworkOutput': (<class 'troposphere.mediaconnect.BridgeNetworkOutput'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::MediaConnect::BridgeOutput'
class troposphere.mediaconnect.BridgeOutputProperty(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'NetworkOutput': (<class 'troposphere.mediaconnect.BridgeNetworkOutput'>, False)}
class troposphere.mediaconnect.BridgeSource(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BridgeArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FlowSource': (<class 'troposphere.mediaconnect.BridgeFlowSource'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'NetworkSource': (<class 'troposphere.mediaconnect.BridgeNetworkSource'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::MediaConnect::BridgeSource'
class troposphere.mediaconnect.BridgeSourceProperty(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FlowSource': (<class 'troposphere.mediaconnect.BridgeFlowSource'>, False), 'NetworkSource': (<class 'troposphere.mediaconnect.BridgeNetworkSource'>, False)}
class troposphere.mediaconnect.DestinationConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DestinationIp': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DestinationPort': (<function integer>, True), 'Interface': (<class 'troposphere.mediaconnect.Interface'>, True)}
class troposphere.mediaconnect.EgressGatewayBridge(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MaxBitrate': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.mediaconnect.EncodingParameters(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CompressionFactor': (<function double>, True), 'EncoderProfile': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.mediaconnect.Encryption(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Algorithm': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ConstantInitializationVector': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DeviceId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KeyType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Region': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ResourceId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SecretArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Url': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.mediaconnect.FailoverConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FailoverMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RecoveryWindow': (<function integer>, False), 'SourcePriority': (<class 'troposphere.mediaconnect.SourcePriority'>, False), 'State': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.mediaconnect.Flow(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AvailabilityZone': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Maintenance': (<class 'troposphere.mediaconnect.Maintenance'>, False), 'MediaStreams': ([<class 'troposphere.mediaconnect.MediaStream'>], False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Source': (<class 'troposphere.mediaconnect.Source'>, True), 'SourceFailoverConfig': (<class 'troposphere.mediaconnect.FailoverConfig'>, False), 'VpcInterfaces': ([<class 'troposphere.mediaconnect.VpcInterface'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::MediaConnect::Flow'
class troposphere.mediaconnect.FlowEntitlement(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataTransferSubscriberFeePercent': (<function integer>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Encryption': (<class 'troposphere.mediaconnect.Encryption'>, False), 'EntitlementStatus': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FlowArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Subscribers': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::MediaConnect::FlowEntitlement'
class troposphere.mediaconnect.FlowOutput(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CidrAllowList': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Destination': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Encryption': (<class 'troposphere.mediaconnect.FlowOutputEncryption'>, False), 'FlowArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MaxLatency': (<function integer>, False), 'MediaStreamOutputConfigurations': ([<class 'troposphere.mediaconnect.MediaStreamOutputConfiguration'>], False), 'MinLatency': (<function integer>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Port': (<function integer>, False), 'Protocol': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RemoteId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SmoothingLatency': (<function integer>, False), 'StreamId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VpcInterfaceAttachment': (<class 'troposphere.mediaconnect.VpcInterfaceAttachment'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::MediaConnect::FlowOutput'
class troposphere.mediaconnect.FlowOutputEncryption(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Algorithm': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KeyType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SecretArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.mediaconnect.FlowSource(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Decryption': (<class 'troposphere.mediaconnect.Encryption'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, True), 'EntitlementArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FlowArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'GatewayBridgeSource': (<class 'troposphere.mediaconnect.GatewayBridgeSource'>, False), 'IngestPort': (<function integer>, False), 'MaxBitrate': (<function integer>, False), 'MaxLatency': (<function integer>, False), 'MinLatency': (<function integer>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Protocol': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SenderControlPort': (<function integer>, False), 'SenderIpAddress': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceListenerAddress': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceListenerPort': (<function integer>, False), 'StreamId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VpcInterfaceName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'WhitelistCidr': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::MediaConnect::FlowSource'
class troposphere.mediaconnect.FlowVpcInterface(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FlowArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SecurityGroupIds': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'SubnetId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::MediaConnect::FlowVpcInterface'
class troposphere.mediaconnect.Fmtp(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ChannelOrder': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Colorimetry': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ExactFramerate': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Par': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Range': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ScanMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tcs': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.mediaconnect.Gateway(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EgressCidrBlocks': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Networks': ([<class 'troposphere.mediaconnect.GatewayNetwork'>], True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::MediaConnect::Gateway'
class troposphere.mediaconnect.GatewayBridgeSource(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BridgeArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'VpcInterfaceAttachment': (<class 'troposphere.mediaconnect.VpcInterfaceAttachment'>, False)}
class troposphere.mediaconnect.GatewayNetwork(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CidrBlock': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.mediaconnect.IngressGatewayBridge(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MaxBitrate': (<function integer>, True), 'MaxOutputs': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.mediaconnect.InputConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InputPort': (<function integer>, True), 'Interface': (<class 'troposphere.mediaconnect.Interface'>, True)}
class troposphere.mediaconnect.Interface(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.mediaconnect.Maintenance(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MaintenanceDay': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MaintenanceStartHour': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.mediaconnect.MediaStream(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Attributes': (<class 'troposphere.mediaconnect.MediaStreamAttributes'>, False), 'ClockRate': (<function integer>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Fmt': (<function integer>, False), 'MediaStreamId': (<function integer>, True), 'MediaStreamName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MediaStreamType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'VideoFormat': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.mediaconnect.MediaStreamAttributes(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Fmtp': (<class 'troposphere.mediaconnect.Fmtp'>, False), 'Lang': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.mediaconnect.MediaStreamOutputConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DestinationConfigurations': ([<class 'troposphere.mediaconnect.DestinationConfiguration'>], False), 'EncodingName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'EncodingParameters': (<class 'troposphere.mediaconnect.EncodingParameters'>, False), 'MediaStreamName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.mediaconnect.MediaStreamSourceConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EncodingName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'InputConfigurations': ([<class 'troposphere.mediaconnect.InputConfiguration'>], False), 'MediaStreamName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.mediaconnect.Source(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Decryption': (<class 'troposphere.mediaconnect.Encryption'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EntitlementArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'GatewayBridgeSource': (<class 'troposphere.mediaconnect.GatewayBridgeSource'>, False), 'IngestIp': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IngestPort': (<function integer>, False), 'MaxBitrate': (<function integer>, False), 'MaxLatency': (<function integer>, False), 'MaxSyncBuffer': (<function integer>, False), 'MediaStreamSourceConfigurations': ([<class 'troposphere.mediaconnect.MediaStreamSourceConfiguration'>], False), 'MinLatency': (<function integer>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Protocol': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SenderControlPort': (<function integer>, False), 'SenderIpAddress': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceIngestPort': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceListenerAddress': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceListenerPort': (<function integer>, False), 'StreamId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VpcInterfaceName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'WhitelistCidr': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.mediaconnect.SourcePriority(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PrimarySource': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.mediaconnect.VpcInterface(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'NetworkInterfaceIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'NetworkInterfaceType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SecurityGroupIds': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'SubnetId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.mediaconnect.VpcInterfaceAttachment(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'VpcInterfaceName': (<class 'str'>, False)}

troposphere.mediaconvert module

class troposphere.mediaconvert.AccelerationSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Mode': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.mediaconvert.HopDestination(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Priority': (<function integer>, False), 'Queue': (<class 'str'>, False), 'WaitMinutes': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.mediaconvert.JobTemplate(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccelerationSettings': (<class 'troposphere.mediaconvert.AccelerationSettings'>, False), 'Category': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'HopDestinations': ([<class 'troposphere.mediaconvert.HopDestination'>], False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Priority': (<function integer>, False), 'Queue': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SettingsJson': (<class 'dict'>, True), 'StatusUpdateInterval': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::MediaConvert::JobTemplate'
class troposphere.mediaconvert.Preset(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Category': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SettingsJson': (<class 'dict'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::MediaConvert::Preset'
class troposphere.mediaconvert.Queue(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PricingPlan': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Status': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::MediaConvert::Queue'

troposphere.medialive module

class troposphere.medialive.AacSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Bitrate': (<function double>, False), 'CodingMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InputType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Profile': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RateControlMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RawFormat': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SampleRate': (<function double>, False), 'Spec': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VbrQuality': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.Ac3Settings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AttenuationControl': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Bitrate': (<function double>, False), 'BitstreamMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CodingMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Dialnorm': (<function integer>, False), 'DrcProfile': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LfeFilter': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MetadataControl': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.AncillarySourceSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SourceAncillaryChannelNumber': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.ArchiveCdnSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ArchiveS3Settings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.ArchiveS3Settings'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.ArchiveContainerSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'M2tsSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.M2tsSettings'>, False), 'RawSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.RawSettings'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.ArchiveGroupSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ArchiveCdnSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.ArchiveCdnSettings'>, False), 'Destination': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.OutputLocationRef'>, False), 'RolloverInterval': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.ArchiveOutputSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContainerSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.ArchiveContainerSettings'>, False), 'Extension': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NameModifier': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.ArchiveS3Settings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CannedAcl': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.AribDestinationSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {}
class troposphere.medialive.AribSourceSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {}
class troposphere.medialive.AudioChannelMapping(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InputChannelLevels': ([<class 'troposphere.medialive.InputChannelLevel'>], False), 'OutputChannel': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.AudioCodecSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AacSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.AacSettings'>, False), 'Ac3Settings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.Ac3Settings'>, False), 'Eac3AtmosSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.Eac3AtmosSettings'>, False), 'Eac3Settings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.Eac3Settings'>, False), 'Mp2Settings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.Mp2Settings'>, False), 'PassThroughSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.PassThroughSettings'>, False), 'WavSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.WavSettings'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.AudioDescription(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AudioDashRoles': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'AudioNormalizationSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.AudioNormalizationSettings'>, False), 'AudioSelectorName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AudioType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AudioTypeControl': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AudioWatermarkingSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.AudioWatermarkSettings'>, False), 'CodecSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.AudioCodecSettings'>, False), 'DvbDashAccessibility': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LanguageCode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LanguageCodeControl': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RemixSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.RemixSettings'>, False), 'StreamName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.AudioDolbyEDecode(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ProgramSelection': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.AudioHlsRenditionSelection(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'GroupId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.AudioLanguageSelection(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LanguageCode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LanguageSelectionPolicy': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.AudioNormalizationSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Algorithm': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AlgorithmControl': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TargetLkfs': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.AudioOnlyHlsSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AudioGroupId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AudioOnlyImage': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.InputLocation'>, False), 'AudioTrackType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SegmentType': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.AudioPidSelection(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Pid': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.AudioSelector(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SelectorSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.AudioSelectorSettings'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.AudioSelectorSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AudioHlsRenditionSelection': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.AudioHlsRenditionSelection'>, False), 'AudioLanguageSelection': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.AudioLanguageSelection'>, False), 'AudioPidSelection': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.AudioPidSelection'>, False), 'AudioTrackSelection': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.AudioTrackSelection'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.AudioSilenceFailoverSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AudioSelectorName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AudioSilenceThresholdMsec': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.AudioTrack(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Track': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.AudioTrackSelection(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DolbyEDecode': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.AudioDolbyEDecode'>, False), 'Tracks': ([<class 'troposphere.medialive.AudioTrack'>], False)}
class troposphere.medialive.AudioWatermarkSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'NielsenWatermarksSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.NielsenWatermarksSettings'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.AutomaticInputFailoverSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ErrorClearTimeMsec': (<function integer>, False), 'FailoverConditions': ([<class 'troposphere.medialive.FailoverCondition'>], False), 'InputPreference': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecondaryInputId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.AvailBlanking(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AvailBlankingImage': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.InputLocation'>, False), 'State': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.AvailConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AvailSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.AvailSettings'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.AvailSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Esam': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.Esam'>, False), 'Scte35SpliceInsert': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.Scte35SpliceInsert'>, False), 'Scte35TimeSignalApos': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.Scte35TimeSignalApos'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.BlackoutSlate(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BlackoutSlateImage': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.InputLocation'>, False), 'NetworkEndBlackout': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NetworkEndBlackoutImage': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.InputLocation'>, False), 'NetworkId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'State': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.BurnInDestinationSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Alignment': (<class 'str'>, False), 'BackgroundColor': (<class 'str'>, False), 'BackgroundOpacity': (<function integer>, False), 'Font': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.InputLocation'>, False), 'FontColor': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FontOpacity': (<function integer>, False), 'FontResolution': (<function integer>, False), 'FontSize': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OutlineColor': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OutlineSize': (<function integer>, False), 'ShadowColor': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ShadowOpacity': (<function integer>, False), 'ShadowXOffset': (<function integer>, False), 'ShadowYOffset': (<function integer>, False), 'TeletextGridControl': (<class 'str'>, False), 'XPosition': (<function integer>, False), 'YPosition': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.CaptionDescription(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Accessibility': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CaptionDashRoles': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'CaptionSelectorName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DestinationSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.CaptionDestinationSettings'>, False), 'DvbDashAccessibility': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LanguageCode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LanguageDescription': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.CaptionDestinationSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AribDestinationSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.AribDestinationSettings'>, False), 'BurnInDestinationSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.BurnInDestinationSettings'>, False), 'DvbSubDestinationSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.DvbSubDestinationSettings'>, False), 'EbuTtDDestinationSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.EbuTtDDestinationSettings'>, False), 'EmbeddedDestinationSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.EmbeddedDestinationSettings'>, False), 'EmbeddedPlusScte20DestinationSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.EmbeddedPlusScte20DestinationSettings'>, False), 'RtmpCaptionInfoDestinationSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.RtmpCaptionInfoDestinationSettings'>, False), 'Scte20PlusEmbeddedDestinationSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.Scte20PlusEmbeddedDestinationSettings'>, False), 'Scte27DestinationSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.Scte27DestinationSettings'>, False), 'SmpteTtDestinationSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.SmpteTtDestinationSettings'>, False), 'TeletextDestinationSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.TeletextDestinationSettings'>, False), 'TtmlDestinationSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.TtmlDestinationSettings'>, False), 'WebvttDestinationSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.WebvttDestinationSettings'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.CaptionLanguageMapping(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CaptionChannel': (<function integer>, False), 'LanguageCode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LanguageDescription': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.CaptionRectangle(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Height': (<function double>, False), 'LeftOffset': (<function double>, False), 'TopOffset': (<function double>, False), 'Width': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.CaptionSelector(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LanguageCode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SelectorSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.CaptionSelectorSettings'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.CaptionSelectorSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AncillarySourceSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.AncillarySourceSettings'>, False), 'AribSourceSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.AribSourceSettings'>, False), 'DvbSubSourceSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.DvbSubSourceSettings'>, False), 'EmbeddedSourceSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.EmbeddedSourceSettings'>, False), 'Scte20SourceSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.Scte20SourceSettings'>, False), 'Scte27SourceSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.Scte27SourceSettings'>, False), 'TeletextSourceSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.TeletextSourceSettings'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.CdiInputSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Resolution': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.Channel(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CdiInputSpecification': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.CdiInputSpecification'>, False), 'ChannelClass': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Destinations': ([<class 'troposphere.medialive.OutputDestination'>], False), 'EncoderSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.EncoderSettings'>, False), 'InputAttachments': ([<class 'troposphere.medialive.InputAttachment'>], False), 'InputSpecification': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.InputSpecification'>, False), 'LogLevel': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Maintenance': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.MaintenanceCreateSettings'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Vpc': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.VpcOutputSettings'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::MediaLive::Channel'
class troposphere.medialive.CmafIngestGroupSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Destination': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.OutputLocationRef'>, False), 'NielsenId3Behavior': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Scte35Type': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SegmentLength': (<function integer>, False), 'SegmentLengthUnits': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SendDelayMs': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.CmafIngestOutputSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'NameModifier': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.ColorCorrection(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InputColorSpace': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OutputColorSpace': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Uri': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.ColorCorrectionSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'GlobalColorCorrections': ([<class 'troposphere.medialive.ColorCorrection'>], False)}
class troposphere.medialive.ColorSpacePassthroughSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {}
class troposphere.medialive.DolbyVision81Settings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {}
class troposphere.medialive.DvbNitSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'NetworkId': (<function integer>, False), 'NetworkName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RepInterval': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.DvbSdtSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'OutputSdt': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RepInterval': (<function integer>, False), 'ServiceName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ServiceProviderName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.DvbSubDestinationSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Alignment': (<class 'str'>, False), 'BackgroundColor': (<class 'str'>, False), 'BackgroundOpacity': (<function integer>, False), 'Font': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.InputLocation'>, False), 'FontColor': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FontOpacity': (<function integer>, False), 'FontResolution': (<function integer>, False), 'FontSize': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OutlineColor': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OutlineSize': (<function integer>, False), 'ShadowColor': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ShadowOpacity': (<function integer>, False), 'ShadowXOffset': (<function integer>, False), 'ShadowYOffset': (<function integer>, False), 'TeletextGridControl': (<class 'str'>, False), 'XPosition': (<function integer>, False), 'YPosition': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.DvbSubSourceSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'OcrLanguage': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Pid': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.DvbTdtSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RepInterval': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.Eac3AtmosSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Bitrate': (<function double>, False), 'CodingMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Dialnorm': (<function integer>, False), 'DrcLine': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DrcRf': (<class 'str'>, False), 'HeightTrim': (<function double>, False), 'SurroundTrim': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.Eac3Settings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AttenuationControl': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Bitrate': (<function double>, False), 'BitstreamMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CodingMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DcFilter': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Dialnorm': (<function integer>, False), 'DrcLine': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DrcRf': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LfeControl': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LfeFilter': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LoRoCenterMixLevel': (<function double>, False), 'LoRoSurroundMixLevel': (<function double>, False), 'LtRtCenterMixLevel': (<function double>, False), 'LtRtSurroundMixLevel': (<function double>, False), 'MetadataControl': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PassthroughControl': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PhaseControl': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StereoDownmix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SurroundExMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SurroundMode': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.EbuTtDDestinationSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CopyrightHolder': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FillLineGap': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FontFamily': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StyleControl': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.EmbeddedDestinationSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {}
class troposphere.medialive.EmbeddedPlusScte20DestinationSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {}
class troposphere.medialive.EmbeddedSourceSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Convert608To708': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Scte20Detection': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Source608ChannelNumber': (<function integer>, False), 'Source608TrackNumber': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.EncoderSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AudioDescriptions': ([<class 'troposphere.medialive.AudioDescription'>], False), 'AvailBlanking': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.AvailBlanking'>, False), 'AvailConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.AvailConfiguration'>, False), 'BlackoutSlate': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.BlackoutSlate'>, False), 'CaptionDescriptions': ([<class 'troposphere.medialive.CaptionDescription'>], False), 'ColorCorrectionSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.ColorCorrectionSettings'>, False), 'FeatureActivations': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.FeatureActivations'>, False), 'GlobalConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.GlobalConfiguration'>, False), 'MotionGraphicsConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.MotionGraphicsConfiguration'>, False), 'NielsenConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.NielsenConfiguration'>, False), 'OutputGroups': ([<class 'troposphere.medialive.OutputGroup'>], False), 'ThumbnailConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.ThumbnailConfiguration'>, False), 'TimecodeConfig': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.TimecodeConfig'>, False), 'VideoDescriptions': ([<class 'troposphere.medialive.VideoDescription'>], False)}
class troposphere.medialive.EpochLockingSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomEpoch': (<class 'str'>, False), 'JamSyncTime': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.Esam(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AcquisitionPointId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AdAvailOffset': (<function integer>, False), 'PasswordParam': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PoisEndpoint': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Username': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ZoneIdentity': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.FailoverCondition(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FailoverConditionSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.FailoverConditionSettings'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.FailoverConditionSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AudioSilenceSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.AudioSilenceFailoverSettings'>, False), 'InputLossSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.InputLossFailoverSettings'>, False), 'VideoBlackSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.VideoBlackFailoverSettings'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.FeatureActivations(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InputPrepareScheduleActions': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OutputStaticImageOverlayScheduleActions': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.FecOutputSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ColumnDepth': (<function integer>, False), 'IncludeFec': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RowLength': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.Fmp4HlsSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AudioRenditionSets': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NielsenId3Behavior': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TimedMetadataBehavior': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.FrameCaptureCdnSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FrameCaptureS3Settings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.FrameCaptureS3Settings'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.FrameCaptureGroupSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Destination': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.OutputLocationRef'>, False), 'FrameCaptureCdnSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.FrameCaptureCdnSettings'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.FrameCaptureHlsSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {}
class troposphere.medialive.FrameCaptureOutputSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'NameModifier': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.FrameCaptureS3Settings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CannedAcl': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.FrameCaptureSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CaptureInterval': (<function integer>, False), 'CaptureIntervalUnits': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TimecodeBurninSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.TimecodeBurninSettings'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.GlobalConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InitialAudioGain': (<function integer>, False), 'InputEndAction': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InputLossBehavior': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.InputLossBehavior'>, False), 'OutputLockingMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OutputLockingSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.OutputLockingSettings'>, False), 'OutputTimingSource': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SupportLowFramerateInputs': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.H264ColorSpaceSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ColorSpacePassthroughSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.ColorSpacePassthroughSettings'>, False), 'Rec601Settings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.Rec601Settings'>, False), 'Rec709Settings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.Rec709Settings'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.H264FilterSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TemporalFilterSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.TemporalFilterSettings'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.H264Settings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AdaptiveQuantization': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AfdSignaling': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Bitrate': (<function integer>, False), 'BufFillPct': (<function integer>, False), 'BufSize': (<function integer>, False), 'ColorMetadata': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ColorSpaceSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.H264ColorSpaceSettings'>, False), 'EntropyEncoding': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FilterSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.H264FilterSettings'>, False), 'FixedAfd': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FlickerAq': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ForceFieldPictures': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FramerateControl': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FramerateDenominator': (<function integer>, False), 'FramerateNumerator': (<function integer>, False), 'GopBReference': (<class 'str'>, False), 'GopClosedCadence': (<function integer>, False), 'GopNumBFrames': (<function integer>, False), 'GopSize': (<function double>, False), 'GopSizeUnits': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Level': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LookAheadRateControl': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MaxBitrate': (<function integer>, False), 'MinIInterval': (<function integer>, False), 'NumRefFrames': (<function integer>, False), 'ParControl': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ParDenominator': (<function integer>, False), 'ParNumerator': (<function integer>, False), 'Profile': (<class 'str'>, False), 'QualityLevel': (<class 'str'>, False), 'QvbrQualityLevel': (<function integer>, False), 'RateControlMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ScanType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SceneChangeDetect': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Slices': (<function integer>, False), 'Softness': (<function integer>, False), 'SpatialAq': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SubgopLength': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Syntax': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TemporalAq': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TimecodeBurninSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.TimecodeBurninSettings'>, False), 'TimecodeInsertion': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.H265ColorSpaceSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ColorSpacePassthroughSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.ColorSpacePassthroughSettings'>, False), 'DolbyVision81Settings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.DolbyVision81Settings'>, False), 'Hdr10Settings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.Hdr10Settings'>, False), 'Rec601Settings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.Rec601Settings'>, False), 'Rec709Settings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.Rec709Settings'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.H265FilterSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TemporalFilterSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.TemporalFilterSettings'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.H265Settings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AdaptiveQuantization': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AfdSignaling': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AlternativeTransferFunction': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Bitrate': (<function integer>, False), 'BufSize': (<function integer>, False), 'ColorMetadata': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ColorSpaceSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.H265ColorSpaceSettings'>, False), 'FilterSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.H265FilterSettings'>, False), 'FixedAfd': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FlickerAq': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FramerateDenominator': (<function integer>, False), 'FramerateNumerator': (<function integer>, False), 'GopClosedCadence': (<function integer>, False), 'GopSize': (<function double>, False), 'GopSizeUnits': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Level': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LookAheadRateControl': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MaxBitrate': (<function integer>, False), 'MinIInterval': (<function integer>, False), 'MvOverPictureBoundaries': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MvTemporalPredictor': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ParDenominator': (<function integer>, False), 'ParNumerator': (<function integer>, False), 'Profile': (<class 'str'>, False), 'QvbrQualityLevel': (<function integer>, False), 'RateControlMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ScanType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SceneChangeDetect': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Slices': (<function integer>, False), 'Tier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TileHeight': (<function integer>, False), 'TilePadding': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TileWidth': (<function integer>, False), 'TimecodeBurninSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.TimecodeBurninSettings'>, False), 'TimecodeInsertion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TreeblockSize': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.Hdr10Settings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MaxCll': (<function integer>, False), 'MaxFall': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.HlsAkamaiSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConnectionRetryInterval': (<function integer>, False), 'FilecacheDuration': (<function integer>, False), 'HttpTransferMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NumRetries': (<function integer>, False), 'RestartDelay': (<function integer>, False), 'Salt': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Token': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.HlsBasicPutSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConnectionRetryInterval': (<function integer>, False), 'FilecacheDuration': (<function integer>, False), 'NumRetries': (<function integer>, False), 'RestartDelay': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.HlsCdnSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'HlsAkamaiSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.HlsAkamaiSettings'>, False), 'HlsBasicPutSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.HlsBasicPutSettings'>, False), 'HlsMediaStoreSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.HlsMediaStoreSettings'>, False), 'HlsS3Settings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.HlsS3Settings'>, False), 'HlsWebdavSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.HlsWebdavSettings'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.HlsGroupSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AdMarkers': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'BaseUrlContent': (<class 'str'>, False), 'BaseUrlContent1': (<class 'str'>, False), 'BaseUrlManifest': (<class 'str'>, False), 'BaseUrlManifest1': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CaptionLanguageMappings': ([<class 'troposphere.medialive.CaptionLanguageMapping'>], False), 'CaptionLanguageSetting': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ClientCache': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CodecSpecification': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ConstantIv': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Destination': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.OutputLocationRef'>, False), 'DirectoryStructure': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DiscontinuityTags': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EncryptionType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'HlsCdnSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.HlsCdnSettings'>, False), 'HlsId3SegmentTagging': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IFrameOnlyPlaylists': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IncompleteSegmentBehavior': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IndexNSegments': (<function integer>, False), 'InputLossAction': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IvInManifest': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IvSource': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KeepSegments': (<function integer>, False), 'KeyFormat': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KeyFormatVersions': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KeyProviderSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.KeyProviderSettings'>, False), 'ManifestCompression': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ManifestDurationFormat': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MinSegmentLength': (<function integer>, False), 'Mode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OutputSelection': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ProgramDateTime': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ProgramDateTimeClock': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ProgramDateTimePeriod': (<function integer>, False), 'RedundantManifest': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SegmentLength': (<function integer>, False), 'SegmentationMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SegmentsPerSubdirectory': (<function integer>, False), 'StreamInfResolution': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TimedMetadataId3Frame': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TimedMetadataId3Period': (<function integer>, False), 'TimestampDeltaMilliseconds': (<function integer>, False), 'TsFileMode': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.HlsInputSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Bandwidth': (<function integer>, False), 'BufferSegments': (<function integer>, False), 'Retries': (<function integer>, False), 'RetryInterval': (<function integer>, False), 'Scte35Source': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.HlsMediaStoreSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConnectionRetryInterval': (<function integer>, False), 'FilecacheDuration': (<function integer>, False), 'MediaStoreStorageClass': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NumRetries': (<function integer>, False), 'RestartDelay': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.HlsOutputSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'H265PackagingType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'HlsSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.HlsSettings'>, False), 'NameModifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SegmentModifier': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.HlsS3Settings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CannedAcl': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.HlsSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AudioOnlyHlsSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.AudioOnlyHlsSettings'>, False), 'Fmp4HlsSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.Fmp4HlsSettings'>, False), 'FrameCaptureHlsSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.FrameCaptureHlsSettings'>, False), 'StandardHlsSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.StandardHlsSettings'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.HlsWebdavSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConnectionRetryInterval': (<function integer>, False), 'FilecacheDuration': (<function integer>, False), 'HttpTransferMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NumRetries': (<function integer>, False), 'RestartDelay': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.HtmlMotionGraphicsSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {}
class troposphere.medialive.Input(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Destinations': ([<class 'troposphere.medialive.InputDestinationRequest'>], False), 'InputDevices': ([<class 'troposphere.medialive.InputDeviceSettings'>], False), 'InputSecurityGroups': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'MediaConnectFlows': ([<class 'troposphere.medialive.MediaConnectFlowRequest'>], False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Sources': ([<class 'troposphere.medialive.InputSourceRequest'>], False), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Vpc': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.InputVpcRequest'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::MediaLive::Input'
class troposphere.medialive.InputAttachment(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AutomaticInputFailoverSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.AutomaticInputFailoverSettings'>, False), 'InputAttachmentName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InputId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InputSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.InputSettings'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.InputChannelLevel(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Gain': (<function integer>, False), 'InputChannel': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.InputDestinationRequest(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'StreamName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.InputDeviceRequest(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Id': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.InputDeviceSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Id': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.InputLocation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PasswordParam': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Uri': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Username': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.InputLossBehavior(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BlackFrameMsec': (<function integer>, False), 'InputLossImageColor': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InputLossImageSlate': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.InputLocation'>, False), 'InputLossImageType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RepeatFrameMsec': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.InputLossFailoverSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InputLossThresholdMsec': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.InputSecurityGroup(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'WhitelistRules': ([<class 'troposphere.medialive.InputWhitelistRuleCidr'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::MediaLive::InputSecurityGroup'
class troposphere.medialive.InputSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AudioSelectors': ([<class 'troposphere.medialive.AudioSelector'>], False), 'CaptionSelectors': ([<class 'troposphere.medialive.CaptionSelector'>], False), 'DeblockFilter': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DenoiseFilter': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FilterStrength': (<function integer>, False), 'InputFilter': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NetworkInputSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.NetworkInputSettings'>, False), 'Scte35Pid': (<function integer>, False), 'Smpte2038DataPreference': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceEndBehavior': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VideoSelector': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.VideoSelector'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.InputSourceRequest(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PasswordParam': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Url': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Username': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.InputSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Codec': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MaximumBitrate': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Resolution': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.InputVpcRequest(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SecurityGroupIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SubnetIds': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.medialive.InputWhitelistRuleCidr(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Cidr': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.KeyProviderSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'StaticKeySettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.StaticKeySettings'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.M2tsSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AbsentInputAudioBehavior': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Arib': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AribCaptionsPid': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AribCaptionsPidControl': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AudioBufferModel': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AudioFramesPerPes': (<function integer>, False), 'AudioPids': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AudioStreamType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Bitrate': (<function integer>, False), 'BufferModel': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CcDescriptor': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DvbNitSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.DvbNitSettings'>, False), 'DvbSdtSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.DvbSdtSettings'>, False), 'DvbSubPids': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DvbTdtSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.DvbTdtSettings'>, False), 'DvbTeletextPid': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Ebif': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EbpAudioInterval': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EbpLookaheadMs': (<function integer>, False), 'EbpPlacement': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EcmPid': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EsRateInPes': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EtvPlatformPid': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EtvSignalPid': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FragmentTime': (<function double>, False), 'Klv': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KlvDataPids': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NielsenId3Behavior': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NullPacketBitrate': (<function double>, False), 'PatInterval': (<function integer>, False), 'PcrControl': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PcrPeriod': (<function integer>, False), 'PcrPid': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PmtInterval': (<function integer>, False), 'PmtPid': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ProgramNum': (<function integer>, False), 'RateMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Scte27Pids': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Scte35Control': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Scte35Pid': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Scte35PrerollPullupMilliseconds': (<function double>, False), 'SegmentationMarkers': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SegmentationStyle': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SegmentationTime': (<function double>, False), 'TimedMetadataBehavior': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TimedMetadataPid': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TransportStreamId': (<function integer>, False), 'VideoPid': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.M3u8Settings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AudioFramesPerPes': (<function integer>, False), 'AudioPids': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EcmPid': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KlvBehavior': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KlvDataPids': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NielsenId3Behavior': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PatInterval': (<function integer>, False), 'PcrControl': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PcrPeriod': (<function integer>, False), 'PcrPid': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PmtInterval': (<function integer>, False), 'PmtPid': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ProgramNum': (<function integer>, False), 'Scte35Behavior': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Scte35Pid': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TimedMetadataBehavior': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TimedMetadataPid': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TransportStreamId': (<function integer>, False), 'VideoPid': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.MaintenanceCreateSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MaintenanceDay': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MaintenanceStartTime': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.MaintenanceUpdateSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MaintenanceDay': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MaintenanceScheduledDate': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MaintenanceStartTime': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.MediaConnectFlowRequest(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FlowArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.MediaPackageGroupSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Destination': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.OutputLocationRef'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.MediaPackageOutputDestinationSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ChannelId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.MediaPackageOutputSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {}
class troposphere.medialive.MotionGraphicsConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MotionGraphicsInsertion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MotionGraphicsSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.MotionGraphicsSettings'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.MotionGraphicsSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'HtmlMotionGraphicsSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.HtmlMotionGraphicsSettings'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.Mp2Settings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Bitrate': (<function double>, False), 'CodingMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SampleRate': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.Mpeg2FilterSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TemporalFilterSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.TemporalFilterSettings'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.Mpeg2Settings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AdaptiveQuantization': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AfdSignaling': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ColorMetadata': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ColorSpace': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DisplayAspectRatio': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FilterSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.Mpeg2FilterSettings'>, False), 'FixedAfd': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FramerateDenominator': (<function integer>, False), 'FramerateNumerator': (<function integer>, False), 'GopClosedCadence': (<function integer>, False), 'GopNumBFrames': (<function integer>, False), 'GopSize': (<function double>, False), 'GopSizeUnits': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ScanType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SubgopLength': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TimecodeBurninSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.TimecodeBurninSettings'>, False), 'TimecodeInsertion': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.MsSmoothGroupSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AcquisitionPointId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AudioOnlyTimecodeControl': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CertificateMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ConnectionRetryInterval': (<function integer>, False), 'Destination': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.OutputLocationRef'>, False), 'EventId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EventIdMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EventStopBehavior': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FilecacheDuration': (<function integer>, False), 'FragmentLength': (<function integer>, False), 'InputLossAction': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NumRetries': (<function integer>, False), 'RestartDelay': (<function integer>, False), 'SegmentationMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SendDelayMs': (<function integer>, False), 'SparseTrackType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StreamManifestBehavior': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TimestampOffset': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TimestampOffsetMode': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.MsSmoothOutputSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'H265PackagingType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NameModifier': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.Multiplex(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AvailabilityZones': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Destinations': ([<class 'troposphere.medialive.MultiplexOutputDestination'>], False), 'MultiplexSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.MultiplexSettings'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::MediaLive::Multiplex'
class troposphere.medialive.MultiplexGroupSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {}
class troposphere.medialive.MultiplexMediaConnectOutputDestinationSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EntitlementArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.MultiplexOutputDestination(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MultiplexMediaConnectOutputDestinationSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.MultiplexMediaConnectOutputDestinationSettings'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.MultiplexOutputSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Destination': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.OutputLocationRef'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.MultiplexProgramChannelDestinationSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MultiplexId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ProgramName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.MultiplexProgramPacketIdentifiersMap(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AudioPids': ([<function integer>], False), 'DvbSubPids': ([<function integer>], False), 'DvbTeletextPid': (<function integer>, False), 'EtvPlatformPid': (<function integer>, False), 'EtvSignalPid': (<function integer>, False), 'KlvDataPids': ([<function integer>], False), 'PcrPid': (<function integer>, False), 'PmtPid': (<function integer>, False), 'PrivateMetadataPid': (<function integer>, False), 'Scte27Pids': ([<function integer>], False), 'Scte35Pid': (<function integer>, False), 'TimedMetadataPid': (<function integer>, False), 'VideoPid': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.MultiplexProgramPipelineDetail(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ActiveChannelPipeline': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PipelineId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.MultiplexProgramServiceDescriptor(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ProviderName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ServiceName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.medialive.MultiplexProgramSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PreferredChannelPipeline': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ProgramNumber': (<function integer>, True), 'ServiceDescriptor': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.MultiplexProgramServiceDescriptor'>, False), 'VideoSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.MultiplexVideoSettings'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.MultiplexSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MaximumVideoBufferDelayMilliseconds': (<function integer>, False), 'TransportStreamBitrate': (<function integer>, True), 'TransportStreamId': (<function integer>, True), 'TransportStreamReservedBitrate': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.MultiplexStatmuxVideoSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MaximumBitrate': (<function integer>, False), 'MinimumBitrate': (<function integer>, False), 'Priority': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.MultiplexVideoSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConstantBitrate': (<function integer>, False), 'StatmuxSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.MultiplexStatmuxVideoSettings'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.Multiplexprogram(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ChannelId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MultiplexId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MultiplexProgramSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.MultiplexProgramSettings'>, False), 'PacketIdentifiersMap': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.MultiplexProgramPacketIdentifiersMap'>, False), 'PipelineDetails': ([<class 'troposphere.medialive.MultiplexProgramPipelineDetail'>], False), 'PreferredChannelPipeline': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ProgramName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::MediaLive::Multiplexprogram'
class troposphere.medialive.NetworkInputSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'HlsInputSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.HlsInputSettings'>, False), 'ServerValidation': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.NielsenCBET(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CbetCheckDigitString': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CbetStepaside': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Csid': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.NielsenConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DistributorId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NielsenPcmToId3Tagging': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.NielsenNaesIiNw(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CheckDigitString': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Sid': (<function double>, False), 'Timezone': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.NielsenWatermarksSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'NielsenCbetSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.NielsenCBET'>, False), 'NielsenDistributionType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NielsenNaesIiNwSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.NielsenNaesIiNw'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.Output(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AudioDescriptionNames': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'CaptionDescriptionNames': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'OutputName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OutputSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.OutputSettings'>, False), 'VideoDescriptionName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.OutputDestination(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Id': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MediaPackageSettings': ([<class 'troposphere.medialive.MediaPackageOutputDestinationSettings'>], False), 'MultiplexSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.MultiplexProgramChannelDestinationSettings'>, False), 'Settings': ([<class 'troposphere.medialive.OutputDestinationSettings'>], False)}
class troposphere.medialive.OutputDestinationSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PasswordParam': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StreamName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Url': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Username': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.OutputGroup(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OutputGroupSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.OutputGroupSettings'>, False), 'Outputs': ([<class 'troposphere.medialive.Output'>], False)}
class troposphere.medialive.OutputGroupSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ArchiveGroupSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.ArchiveGroupSettings'>, False), 'CmafIngestGroupSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.CmafIngestGroupSettings'>, False), 'FrameCaptureGroupSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.FrameCaptureGroupSettings'>, False), 'HlsGroupSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.HlsGroupSettings'>, False), 'MediaPackageGroupSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.MediaPackageGroupSettings'>, False), 'MsSmoothGroupSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.MsSmoothGroupSettings'>, False), 'MultiplexGroupSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.MultiplexGroupSettings'>, False), 'RtmpGroupSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.RtmpGroupSettings'>, False), 'UdpGroupSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.UdpGroupSettings'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.OutputLocationRef(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DestinationRefId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.OutputLockingSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EpochLockingSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.EpochLockingSettings'>, False), 'PipelineLockingSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.PipelineLockingSettings'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.OutputSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ArchiveOutputSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.ArchiveOutputSettings'>, False), 'CmafIngestOutputSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.CmafIngestOutputSettings'>, False), 'FrameCaptureOutputSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.FrameCaptureOutputSettings'>, False), 'HlsOutputSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.HlsOutputSettings'>, False), 'MediaPackageOutputSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.MediaPackageOutputSettings'>, False), 'MsSmoothOutputSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.MsSmoothOutputSettings'>, False), 'MultiplexOutputSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.MultiplexOutputSettings'>, False), 'RtmpOutputSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.RtmpOutputSettings'>, False), 'UdpOutputSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.UdpOutputSettings'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.PassThroughSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {}
class troposphere.medialive.PipelineLockingSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {}
class troposphere.medialive.RawSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {}
class troposphere.medialive.Rec601Settings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {}
class troposphere.medialive.Rec709Settings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {}
class troposphere.medialive.RemixSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ChannelMappings': ([<class 'troposphere.medialive.AudioChannelMapping'>], False), 'ChannelsIn': (<function integer>, False), 'ChannelsOut': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.RtmpCaptionInfoDestinationSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {}
class troposphere.medialive.RtmpGroupSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AdMarkers': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'AuthenticationScheme': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CacheFullBehavior': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CacheLength': (<function integer>, False), 'CaptionData': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IncludeFillerNalUnits': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InputLossAction': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RestartDelay': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.RtmpOutputSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CertificateMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ConnectionRetryInterval': (<function integer>, False), 'Destination': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.OutputLocationRef'>, False), 'NumRetries': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.Scte20PlusEmbeddedDestinationSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {}
class troposphere.medialive.Scte20SourceSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Convert608To708': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Source608ChannelNumber': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.Scte27DestinationSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {}
class troposphere.medialive.Scte27SourceSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'OcrLanguage': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Pid': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.Scte35SpliceInsert(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AdAvailOffset': (<function integer>, False), 'NoRegionalBlackoutFlag': (<class 'str'>, False), 'WebDeliveryAllowedFlag': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.Scte35TimeSignalApos(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AdAvailOffset': (<function integer>, False), 'NoRegionalBlackoutFlag': (<class 'str'>, False), 'WebDeliveryAllowedFlag': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.SmpteTtDestinationSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {}
class troposphere.medialive.StandardHlsSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AudioRenditionSets': (<class 'str'>, False), 'M3u8Settings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.M3u8Settings'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.StaticKeySettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'KeyProviderServer': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.InputLocation'>, False), 'StaticKeyValue': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.TeletextDestinationSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {}
class troposphere.medialive.TeletextSourceSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'OutputRectangle': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.CaptionRectangle'>, False), 'PageNumber': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.TemporalFilterSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PostFilterSharpening': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Strength': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.ThumbnailConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'State': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.TimecodeBurninSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FontSize': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Position': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Prefix': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.TimecodeConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Source': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SyncThreshold': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.TtmlDestinationSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'StyleControl': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.UdpContainerSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'M2tsSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.M2tsSettings'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.UdpGroupSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InputLossAction': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TimedMetadataId3Frame': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TimedMetadataId3Period': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.UdpOutputSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BufferMsec': (<function integer>, False), 'ContainerSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.UdpContainerSettings'>, False), 'Destination': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.OutputLocationRef'>, False), 'FecOutputSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.FecOutputSettings'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.VideoBlackFailoverSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BlackDetectThreshold': (<function double>, False), 'VideoBlackThresholdMsec': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.VideoCodecSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FrameCaptureSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.FrameCaptureSettings'>, False), 'H264Settings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.H264Settings'>, False), 'H265Settings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.H265Settings'>, False), 'Mpeg2Settings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.Mpeg2Settings'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.VideoDescription(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CodecSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.VideoCodecSettings'>, False), 'Height': (<function integer>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RespondToAfd': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ScalingBehavior': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Sharpness': (<function integer>, False), 'Width': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.VideoSelector(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ColorSpace': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ColorSpaceSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.VideoSelectorColorSpaceSettings'>, False), 'ColorSpaceUsage': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SelectorSettings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.VideoSelectorSettings'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.VideoSelectorColorSpaceSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Hdr10Settings': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.Hdr10Settings'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.VideoSelectorPid(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Pid': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.VideoSelectorProgramId(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ProgramId': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.VideoSelectorSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'VideoSelectorPid': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.VideoSelectorPid'>, False), 'VideoSelectorProgramId': (<class 'troposphere.medialive.VideoSelectorProgramId'>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.VpcOutputSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PublicAddressAllocationIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SecurityGroupIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SubnetIds': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.medialive.WavSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BitDepth': (<function double>, False), 'CodingMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SampleRate': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.medialive.WebvttDestinationSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'StyleControl': (<class 'str'>, False)}

troposphere.mediapackage module

class troposphere.mediapackage.Asset(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EgressEndpoints': ([<class 'troposphere.mediapackage.EgressEndpoint'>], False), 'Id': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PackagingGroupId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ResourceId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SourceRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::MediaPackage::Asset'
class troposphere.mediapackage.Authorization(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CdnIdentifierSecret': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SecretsRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.mediapackage.Channel(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EgressAccessLogs': (<class 'troposphere.mediapackage.LogConfiguration'>, False), 'HlsIngest': (<class 'troposphere.mediapackage.HlsIngest'>, False), 'Id': (<class 'str'>, True), 'IngressAccessLogs': (<class 'troposphere.mediapackage.LogConfiguration'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::MediaPackage::Channel'
class troposphere.mediapackage.CmafEncryption(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SpekeKeyProvider': (<class 'troposphere.mediapackage.SpekeKeyProvider'>, True)}
class troposphere.mediapackage.CmafPackage(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Encryption': (<class 'troposphere.mediapackage.CmafEncryption'>, False), 'HlsManifests': ([<class 'troposphere.mediapackage.HlsManifest'>], True), 'IncludeEncoderConfigurationInSegments': (<function boolean>, False), 'SegmentDurationSeconds': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.mediapackage.DashEncryption(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SpekeKeyProvider': (<class 'troposphere.mediapackage.SpekeKeyProvider'>, True)}
class troposphere.mediapackage.DashManifest(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ManifestLayout': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ManifestName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MinBufferTimeSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'Profile': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ScteMarkersSource': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StreamSelection': (<class 'troposphere.mediapackage.StreamSelection'>, False)}
class troposphere.mediapackage.DashPackage(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DashManifests': ([<class 'troposphere.mediapackage.DashManifest'>], True), 'Encryption': (<class 'troposphere.mediapackage.DashEncryption'>, False), 'IncludeEncoderConfigurationInSegments': (<function boolean>, False), 'IncludeIframeOnlyStream': (<function boolean>, False), 'PeriodTriggers': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SegmentDurationSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'SegmentTemplateFormat': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.mediapackage.EgressEndpoint(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PackagingConfigurationId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Url': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.mediapackage.EncryptionContractConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PresetSpeke20Audio': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PresetSpeke20Video': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.mediapackage.HlsEncryption(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConstantInitializationVector': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EncryptionMethod': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SpekeKeyProvider': (<class 'troposphere.mediapackage.SpekeKeyProvider'>, True)}
class troposphere.mediapackage.HlsIngest(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ingestEndpoints': ([<class 'troposphere.mediapackage.IngestEndpoint'>], False)}
class troposphere.mediapackage.HlsManifest(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AdMarkers': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IncludeIframeOnlyStream': (<function boolean>, False), 'ManifestName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ProgramDateTimeIntervalSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'RepeatExtXKey': (<function boolean>, False), 'StreamSelection': (<class 'troposphere.mediapackage.StreamSelection'>, False)}
class troposphere.mediapackage.HlsPackage(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Encryption': (<class 'troposphere.mediapackage.HlsEncryption'>, False), 'HlsManifests': ([<class 'troposphere.mediapackage.HlsManifest'>], True), 'IncludeDvbSubtitles': (<function boolean>, False), 'SegmentDurationSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'UseAudioRenditionGroup': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.mediapackage.IngestEndpoint(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Id': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Password': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Url': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Username': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.mediapackage.LogConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LogGroupName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.mediapackage.MssEncryption(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SpekeKeyProvider': (<class 'troposphere.mediapackage.SpekeKeyProvider'>, True)}
class troposphere.mediapackage.MssManifest(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ManifestName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StreamSelection': (<class 'troposphere.mediapackage.StreamSelection'>, False)}
class troposphere.mediapackage.MssPackage(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Encryption': (<class 'troposphere.mediapackage.MssEncryption'>, False), 'MssManifests': ([<class 'troposphere.mediapackage.MssManifest'>], True), 'SegmentDurationSeconds': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.mediapackage.OriginEndpoint(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Authorization': (<class 'troposphere.mediapackage.Authorization'>, False), 'ChannelId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'CmafPackage': (<class 'troposphere.mediapackage.OriginEndpointCmafPackage'>, False), 'DashPackage': (<class 'troposphere.mediapackage.OriginEndpointDashPackage'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'HlsPackage': (<class 'troposphere.mediapackage.OriginEndpointHlsPackage'>, False), 'Id': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ManifestName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MssPackage': (<class 'troposphere.mediapackage.OriginEndpointMssPackage'>, False), 'Origination': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StartoverWindowSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TimeDelaySeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'Whitelist': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::MediaPackage::OriginEndpoint'
class troposphere.mediapackage.OriginEndpointCmafEncryption(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConstantInitializationVector': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EncryptionMethod': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KeyRotationIntervalSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'SpekeKeyProvider': (<class 'troposphere.mediapackage.OriginEndpointSpekeKeyProvider'>, True)}
class troposphere.mediapackage.OriginEndpointCmafPackage(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Encryption': (<class 'troposphere.mediapackage.OriginEndpointCmafEncryption'>, False), 'HlsManifests': ([<class 'troposphere.mediapackage.OriginEndpointHlsManifest'>], False), 'SegmentDurationSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'SegmentPrefix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StreamSelection': (<class 'troposphere.mediapackage.StreamSelection'>, False)}
class troposphere.mediapackage.OriginEndpointDashEncryption(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'KeyRotationIntervalSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'SpekeKeyProvider': (<class 'troposphere.mediapackage.SpekeKeyProvider'>, True)}
class troposphere.mediapackage.OriginEndpointDashPackage(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AdTriggers': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'AdsOnDeliveryRestrictions': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Encryption': (<class 'troposphere.mediapackage.OriginEndpointDashEncryption'>, False), 'IncludeIframeOnlyStream': (<function boolean>, False), 'ManifestLayout': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ManifestWindowSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'MinBufferTimeSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'MinUpdatePeriodSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'PeriodTriggers': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Profile': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SegmentDurationSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'SegmentTemplateFormat': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StreamSelection': (<class 'troposphere.mediapackage.StreamSelection'>, False), 'SuggestedPresentationDelaySeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'UtcTiming': (<class 'str'>, False), 'UtcTimingUri': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.mediapackage.OriginEndpointHlsEncryption(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConstantInitializationVector': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EncryptionMethod': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KeyRotationIntervalSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'RepeatExtXKey': (<function boolean>, False), 'SpekeKeyProvider': (<class 'troposphere.mediapackage.SpekeKeyProvider'>, True)}
class troposphere.mediapackage.OriginEndpointHlsManifest(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AdMarkers': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AdTriggers': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'AdsOnDeliveryRestrictions': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Id': (<class 'str'>, True), 'IncludeIframeOnlyStream': (<function boolean>, False), 'ManifestName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PlaylistType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PlaylistWindowSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'ProgramDateTimeIntervalSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'Url': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.mediapackage.OriginEndpointHlsPackage(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AdMarkers': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AdTriggers': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'AdsOnDeliveryRestrictions': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Encryption': (<class 'troposphere.mediapackage.OriginEndpointHlsEncryption'>, False), 'IncludeDvbSubtitles': (<function boolean>, False), 'IncludeIframeOnlyStream': (<function boolean>, False), 'PlaylistType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PlaylistWindowSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'ProgramDateTimeIntervalSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'SegmentDurationSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'StreamSelection': (<class 'troposphere.mediapackage.StreamSelection'>, False), 'UseAudioRenditionGroup': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.mediapackage.OriginEndpointMssPackage(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Encryption': (<class 'troposphere.mediapackage.MssEncryption'>, False), 'ManifestWindowSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'SegmentDurationSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'StreamSelection': (<class 'troposphere.mediapackage.StreamSelection'>, False)}
class troposphere.mediapackage.OriginEndpointSpekeKeyProvider(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CertificateArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EncryptionContractConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.mediapackage.EncryptionContractConfiguration'>, False), 'ResourceId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SystemIds': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Url': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.mediapackage.PackagingConfiguration(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CmafPackage': (<class 'troposphere.mediapackage.CmafPackage'>, False), 'DashPackage': (<class 'troposphere.mediapackage.DashPackage'>, False), 'HlsPackage': (<class 'troposphere.mediapackage.HlsPackage'>, False), 'Id': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MssPackage': (<class 'troposphere.mediapackage.MssPackage'>, False), 'PackagingGroupId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::MediaPackage::PackagingConfiguration'
class troposphere.mediapackage.PackagingGroup(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Authorization': (<class 'troposphere.mediapackage.Authorization'>, False), 'EgressAccessLogs': (<class 'troposphere.mediapackage.LogConfiguration'>, False), 'Id': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::MediaPackage::PackagingGroup'
class troposphere.mediapackage.SpekeKeyProvider(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EncryptionContractConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.mediapackage.EncryptionContractConfiguration'>, False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SystemIds': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Url': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.mediapackage.StreamSelection(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MaxVideoBitsPerSecond': (<function integer>, False), 'MinVideoBitsPerSecond': (<function integer>, False), 'StreamOrder': (<class 'str'>, False)}

troposphere.mediastore module

class troposphere.mediastore.Container(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessLoggingEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'ContainerName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'CorsPolicy': ([<class 'troposphere.mediastore.CorsRule'>], False), 'LifecyclePolicy': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MetricPolicy': (<class 'troposphere.mediastore.MetricPolicy'>, False), 'Policy': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::MediaStore::Container'
class troposphere.mediastore.CorsRule(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AllowedHeaders': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'AllowedMethods': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'AllowedOrigins': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ExposeHeaders': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'MaxAgeSeconds': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.mediastore.MetricPolicy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContainerLevelMetrics': (<function containerlevelmetrics_status>, True), 'MetricPolicyRules': ([<class 'troposphere.mediastore.MetricPolicyRule'>], False)}
class troposphere.mediastore.MetricPolicyRule(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ObjectGroup': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ObjectGroupName': (<class 'str'>, True)}

troposphere.memorydb module

class troposphere.memorydb.ACL(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ACLName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'UserNames': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::MemoryDB::ACL'
class troposphere.memorydb.AuthenticationMode(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Passwords': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.memorydb.Cluster(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ACLName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'AutoMinorVersionUpgrade': (<function boolean>, False), 'ClusterEndpoint': (<class 'troposphere.memorydb.Endpoint'>, False), 'ClusterName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DataTiering': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EngineVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FinalSnapshotName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MaintenanceWindow': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NodeType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'NumReplicasPerShard': (<function integer>, False), 'NumShards': (<function integer>, False), 'ParameterGroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Port': (<function integer>, False), 'SecurityGroupIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SnapshotArns': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SnapshotName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SnapshotRetentionLimit': (<function integer>, False), 'SnapshotWindow': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SnsTopicArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SnsTopicStatus': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SubnetGroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TLSEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::MemoryDB::Cluster'
class troposphere.memorydb.Endpoint(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Address': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Port': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.memorydb.ParameterGroup(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Family': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ParameterGroupName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Parameters': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::MemoryDB::ParameterGroup'
class troposphere.memorydb.SubnetGroup(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SubnetGroupName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SubnetIds': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::MemoryDB::SubnetGroup'
class troposphere.memorydb.User(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessString': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AuthenticationMode': (<class 'troposphere.memorydb.AuthenticationMode'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'UserName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::MemoryDB::User'

troposphere.msk module

class troposphere.msk.AmazonMskCluster(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MskClusterArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.msk.BatchScramSecret(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ClusterArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SecretArnList': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::MSK::BatchScramSecret'
class troposphere.msk.BrokerLogs(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CloudWatchLogs': (<class 'troposphere.msk.CloudWatchLogs'>, False), 'Firehose': (<class 'troposphere.msk.Firehose'>, False), 'S3': (<class 'troposphere.msk.S3'>, False)}
class troposphere.msk.BrokerNodeGroupInfo(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BrokerAZDistribution': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ClientSubnets': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'ConnectivityInfo': (<class 'troposphere.msk.ConnectivityInfo'>, False), 'InstanceType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SecurityGroups': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'StorageInfo': (<class 'troposphere.msk.StorageInfo'>, False)}
class troposphere.msk.ClientAuthentication(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Sasl': (<class 'troposphere.msk.Sasl'>, False), 'Tls': (<class 'troposphere.msk.Tls'>, False), 'Unauthenticated': (<class 'troposphere.msk.Unauthenticated'>, False)}
class troposphere.msk.CloudWatchLogs(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Enabled': (<function boolean>, True), 'LogGroup': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.msk.Cluster(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BrokerNodeGroupInfo': (<class 'troposphere.msk.BrokerNodeGroupInfo'>, True), 'ClientAuthentication': (<class 'troposphere.msk.ClientAuthentication'>, False), 'ClusterName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ConfigurationInfo': (<class 'troposphere.msk.ConfigurationInfo'>, False), 'CurrentVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EncryptionInfo': (<class 'troposphere.msk.EncryptionInfo'>, False), 'EnhancedMonitoring': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KafkaVersion': (<class 'str'>, True), 'LoggingInfo': (<class 'troposphere.msk.LoggingInfo'>, False), 'NumberOfBrokerNodes': (<function integer>, True), 'OpenMonitoring': (<class 'troposphere.msk.OpenMonitoring'>, False), 'StorageMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::MSK::Cluster'
class troposphere.msk.ClusterPolicy(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ClusterArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Policy': (<class 'dict'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::MSK::ClusterPolicy'
class troposphere.msk.Configuration(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KafkaVersionsList': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'LatestRevision': (<class 'troposphere.msk.LatestRevision'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ServerProperties': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::MSK::Configuration'
class troposphere.msk.ConfigurationInfo(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Arn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Revision': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.msk.ConnectivityInfo(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PublicAccess': (<class 'troposphere.msk.PublicAccess'>, False), 'VpcConnectivity': (<class 'troposphere.msk.VpcConnectivity'>, False)}
class troposphere.msk.ConsumerGroupReplication(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConsumerGroupsToExclude': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ConsumerGroupsToReplicate': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'DetectAndCopyNewConsumerGroups': (<function boolean>, False), 'SynchroniseConsumerGroupOffsets': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.msk.EBSStorageInfo(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ProvisionedThroughput': (<class 'troposphere.msk.ProvisionedThroughput'>, False), 'VolumeSize': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.msk.EncryptionAtRest(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataVolumeKMSKeyId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.msk.EncryptionInTransit(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ClientBroker': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InCluster': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.msk.EncryptionInfo(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EncryptionAtRest': (<class 'troposphere.msk.EncryptionAtRest'>, False), 'EncryptionInTransit': (<class 'troposphere.msk.EncryptionInTransit'>, False)}
class troposphere.msk.Firehose(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DeliveryStream': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Enabled': (<function boolean>, True)}
class troposphere.msk.Iam(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Enabled': (<function boolean>, True)}
class troposphere.msk.JmxExporter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EnabledInBroker': (<function boolean>, True)}
class troposphere.msk.KafkaCluster(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AmazonMskCluster': (<class 'troposphere.msk.AmazonMskCluster'>, True), 'VpcConfig': (<class 'troposphere.msk.KafkaClusterClientVpcConfig'>, True)}
class troposphere.msk.KafkaClusterClientVpcConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SecurityGroupIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SubnetIds': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
class troposphere.msk.LatestRevision(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CreationTime': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Revision': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.msk.LoggingInfo(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BrokerLogs': (<class 'troposphere.msk.BrokerLogs'>, True)}
class troposphere.msk.NodeExporter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EnabledInBroker': (<function boolean>, True)}
class troposphere.msk.OpenMonitoring(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Prometheus': (<class 'troposphere.msk.Prometheus'>, True)}
class troposphere.msk.Prometheus(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'JmxExporter': (<class 'troposphere.msk.JmxExporter'>, False), 'NodeExporter': (<class 'troposphere.msk.NodeExporter'>, False)}
class troposphere.msk.ProvisionedThroughput(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'VolumeThroughput': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.msk.PublicAccess(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Type': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.msk.ReplicationInfo(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConsumerGroupReplication': (<class 'troposphere.msk.ConsumerGroupReplication'>, True), 'SourceKafkaClusterArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TargetCompressionType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TargetKafkaClusterArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TopicReplication': (<class 'troposphere.msk.TopicReplication'>, True)}
class troposphere.msk.ReplicationStartingPosition(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Type': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.msk.Replicator(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CurrentVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KafkaClusters': ([<class 'troposphere.msk.KafkaCluster'>], True), 'ReplicationInfoList': ([<class 'troposphere.msk.ReplicationInfo'>], True), 'ReplicatorName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ServiceExecutionRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::MSK::Replicator'
class troposphere.msk.S3(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Bucket': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Enabled': (<function boolean>, True), 'Prefix': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.msk.Sasl(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Iam': (<class 'troposphere.msk.Iam'>, False), 'Scram': (<class 'troposphere.msk.Scram'>, False)}
class troposphere.msk.Scram(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Enabled': (<function boolean>, True)}
class troposphere.msk.ServerlessCluster(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ClientAuthentication': (<class 'troposphere.msk.ClientAuthentication'>, True), 'ClusterName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'VpcConfigs': ([<class 'troposphere.msk.VpcConfig'>], True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::MSK::ServerlessCluster'
class troposphere.msk.StorageInfo(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EBSStorageInfo': (<class 'troposphere.msk.EBSStorageInfo'>, False)}
class troposphere.msk.Tls(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CertificateAuthorityArnList': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.msk.TopicReplication(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CopyAccessControlListsForTopics': (<function boolean>, False), 'CopyTopicConfigurations': (<function boolean>, False), 'DetectAndCopyNewTopics': (<function boolean>, False), 'StartingPosition': (<class 'troposphere.msk.ReplicationStartingPosition'>, False), 'TopicsToExclude': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'TopicsToReplicate': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
class troposphere.msk.Unauthenticated(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Enabled': (<function boolean>, True)}
class troposphere.msk.VpcConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SecurityGroups': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SubnetIds': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
class troposphere.msk.VpcConnection(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Authentication': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ClientSubnets': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'SecurityGroups': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'TargetClusterArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'VpcId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::MSK::VpcConnection'
class troposphere.msk.VpcConnectivity(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ClientAuthentication': (<class 'troposphere.msk.VpcConnectivityClientAuthentication'>, False)}
class troposphere.msk.VpcConnectivityClientAuthentication(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Sasl': (<class 'troposphere.msk.VpcConnectivitySasl'>, False), 'Tls': (<class 'troposphere.msk.VpcConnectivityTls'>, False)}
class troposphere.msk.VpcConnectivityIam(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Enabled': (<function boolean>, True)}
class troposphere.msk.VpcConnectivitySasl(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Iam': (<class 'troposphere.msk.VpcConnectivityIam'>, False), 'Scram': (<class 'troposphere.msk.VpcConnectivityScram'>, False)}
class troposphere.msk.VpcConnectivityScram(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Enabled': (<function boolean>, True)}
class troposphere.msk.VpcConnectivityTls(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Enabled': (<function boolean>, True)}

troposphere.mwaa module

class troposphere.mwaa.Environment(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AirflowConfigurationOptions': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'AirflowVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DagS3Path': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EndpointManagement': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EnvironmentClass': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ExecutionRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KmsKey': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LoggingConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.mwaa.LoggingConfiguration'>, False), 'MaxWorkers': (<function integer>, False), 'MinWorkers': (<function integer>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'NetworkConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.mwaa.NetworkConfiguration'>, False), 'PluginsS3ObjectVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PluginsS3Path': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RequirementsS3ObjectVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RequirementsS3Path': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Schedulers': (<function integer>, False), 'SourceBucketArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StartupScriptS3ObjectVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StartupScriptS3Path': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'WebserverAccessMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'WeeklyMaintenanceWindowStart': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::MWAA::Environment'
class troposphere.mwaa.LoggingConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DagProcessingLogs': (<class 'troposphere.mwaa.ModuleLoggingConfiguration'>, False), 'SchedulerLogs': (<class 'troposphere.mwaa.ModuleLoggingConfiguration'>, False), 'TaskLogs': (<class 'troposphere.mwaa.ModuleLoggingConfiguration'>, False), 'WebserverLogs': (<class 'troposphere.mwaa.ModuleLoggingConfiguration'>, False), 'WorkerLogs': (<class 'troposphere.mwaa.ModuleLoggingConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.mwaa.ModuleLoggingConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CloudWatchLogGroupArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'LogLevel': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.mwaa.NetworkConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SecurityGroupIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SubnetIds': ([<class 'str'>], False)}

troposphere.neptune module

class troposphere.neptune.DBCluster(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AssociatedRoles': ([<class 'troposphere.neptune.DBClusterRole'>], False), 'AvailabilityZones': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'BackupRetentionPeriod': (<function integer>, False), 'CopyTagsToSnapshot': (<function boolean>, False), 'DBClusterIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DBClusterParameterGroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DBInstanceParameterGroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DBPort': (<function integer>, False), 'DBSubnetGroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DeletionProtection': (<function boolean>, False), 'EnableCloudwatchLogsExports': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'EngineVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IamAuthEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'KmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PreferredBackupWindow': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PreferredMaintenanceWindow': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RestoreToTime': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RestoreType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ServerlessScalingConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.neptune.ServerlessScalingConfiguration'>, False), 'SnapshotIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceDBClusterIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StorageEncrypted': (<function boolean>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'UseLatestRestorableTime': (<function boolean>, False), 'VpcSecurityGroupIds': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Neptune::DBCluster'
class troposphere.neptune.DBClusterParameterGroup(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Family': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Parameters': (<class 'dict'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Neptune::DBClusterParameterGroup'
class troposphere.neptune.DBClusterRole(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FeatureName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.neptune.DBInstance(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AllowMajorVersionUpgrade': (<function boolean>, False), 'AutoMinorVersionUpgrade': (<function boolean>, False), 'AvailabilityZone': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DBClusterIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DBInstanceClass': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DBInstanceIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DBParameterGroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DBSnapshotIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DBSubnetGroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PreferredMaintenanceWindow': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Neptune::DBInstance'
class troposphere.neptune.DBParameterGroup(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Family': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Parameters': (<class 'dict'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Neptune::DBParameterGroup'
class troposphere.neptune.DBSubnetGroup(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DBSubnetGroupDescription': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DBSubnetGroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SubnetIds': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Neptune::DBSubnetGroup'
class troposphere.neptune.EventSubscription(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'EventCategories': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SnsTopicArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SourceType': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Neptune::EventSubscription'
class troposphere.neptune.ServerlessScalingConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MaxCapacity': (<function double>, True), 'MinCapacity': (<function double>, True)}

troposphere.networkfirewall module

class troposphere.networkfirewall.ActionDefinition(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PublishMetricAction': (<class 'troposphere.networkfirewall.PublishMetricAction'>, False)}
class troposphere.networkfirewall.Address(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AddressDefinition': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.networkfirewall.CheckCertificateRevocationStatus(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RevokedStatusAction': (<class 'str'>, False), 'UnknownStatusAction': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.networkfirewall.CustomAction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ActionDefinition': (<class 'troposphere.networkfirewall.ActionDefinition'>, True), 'ActionName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.networkfirewall.Dimension(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.networkfirewall.Firewall(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DeleteProtection': (<function boolean>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FirewallName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FirewallPolicyArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FirewallPolicyChangeProtection': (<function boolean>, False), 'SubnetChangeProtection': (<function boolean>, False), 'SubnetMappings': ([<class 'troposphere.networkfirewall.SubnetMapping'>], True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'VpcId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::NetworkFirewall::Firewall'
class troposphere.networkfirewall.FirewallPolicy(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FirewallPolicy': (<class 'troposphere.networkfirewall.FirewallPolicyProperty'>, True), 'FirewallPolicyName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::NetworkFirewall::FirewallPolicy'
class troposphere.networkfirewall.FirewallPolicyProperty(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PolicyVariables': (<class 'troposphere.networkfirewall.PolicyVariables'>, False), 'StatefulDefaultActions': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'StatefulEngineOptions': (<class 'troposphere.networkfirewall.StatefulEngineOptions'>, False), 'StatefulRuleGroupReferences': ([<class 'troposphere.networkfirewall.StatefulRuleGroupReference'>], False), 'StatelessCustomActions': ([<class 'troposphere.networkfirewall.CustomAction'>], False), 'StatelessDefaultActions': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'StatelessFragmentDefaultActions': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'StatelessRuleGroupReferences': ([<class 'troposphere.networkfirewall.StatelessRuleGroupReference'>], False), 'TLSInspectionConfigurationArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.networkfirewall.Header(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Destination': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DestinationPort': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Direction': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Protocol': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Source': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SourcePort': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.networkfirewall.IPSet(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Definition': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.networkfirewall.IPSetReference(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ReferenceArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.networkfirewall.LogDestinationConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LogDestination': (<class 'dict'>, True), 'LogDestinationType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'LogType': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.networkfirewall.LoggingConfiguration(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FirewallArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FirewallName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LoggingConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.networkfirewall.LoggingConfigurationProperty'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::NetworkFirewall::LoggingConfiguration'
class troposphere.networkfirewall.LoggingConfigurationProperty(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LogDestinationConfigs': ([<class 'troposphere.networkfirewall.LogDestinationConfig'>], True)}
class troposphere.networkfirewall.MatchAttributes(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DestinationPorts': ([<class 'troposphere.networkfirewall.PortRange'>], False), 'Destinations': ([<class 'troposphere.networkfirewall.Address'>], False), 'Protocols': ([<function integer>], False), 'SourcePorts': ([<class 'troposphere.networkfirewall.PortRange'>], False), 'Sources': ([<class 'troposphere.networkfirewall.Address'>], False), 'TCPFlags': ([<class 'troposphere.networkfirewall.TCPFlagField'>], False)}
class troposphere.networkfirewall.PolicyVariables(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RuleVariables': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
class troposphere.networkfirewall.PortRange(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FromPort': (<function integer>, True), 'ToPort': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.networkfirewall.PortSet(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Definition': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.networkfirewall.PublishMetricAction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Dimensions': ([<class 'troposphere.networkfirewall.Dimension'>], True)}
class troposphere.networkfirewall.ReferenceSets(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'IPSetReferences': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
class troposphere.networkfirewall.RuleDefinition(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Actions': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'MatchAttributes': (<class 'troposphere.networkfirewall.MatchAttributes'>, True)}
class troposphere.networkfirewall.RuleGroup(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Capacity': (<function integer>, True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RuleGroup': (<class 'troposphere.networkfirewall.RuleGroupProperty'>, False), 'RuleGroupName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'Type': (<function validate_rule_group_type>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::NetworkFirewall::RuleGroup'
class troposphere.networkfirewall.RuleGroupProperty(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ReferenceSets': (<class 'troposphere.networkfirewall.ReferenceSets'>, False), 'RuleVariables': (<class 'troposphere.networkfirewall.RuleVariables'>, False), 'RulesSource': (<class 'troposphere.networkfirewall.RulesSource'>, True), 'StatefulRuleOptions': (<class 'troposphere.networkfirewall.StatefulRuleOptions'>, False)}
class troposphere.networkfirewall.RuleOption(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Keyword': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Settings': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.networkfirewall.RuleVariables(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'IPSets': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'PortSets': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
class troposphere.networkfirewall.RulesSource(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RulesSourceList': (<class 'troposphere.networkfirewall.RulesSourceList'>, False), 'RulesString': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StatefulRules': ([<class 'troposphere.networkfirewall.StatefulRule'>], False), 'StatelessRulesAndCustomActions': (<class 'troposphere.networkfirewall.StatelessRulesAndCustomActions'>, False)}
class troposphere.networkfirewall.RulesSourceList(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'GeneratedRulesType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TargetTypes': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Targets': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
class troposphere.networkfirewall.ServerCertificate(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ResourceArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.networkfirewall.ServerCertificateConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CertificateAuthorityArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CheckCertificateRevocationStatus': (<class 'troposphere.networkfirewall.CheckCertificateRevocationStatus'>, False), 'Scopes': ([<class 'troposphere.networkfirewall.ServerCertificateScope'>], False), 'ServerCertificates': ([<class 'troposphere.networkfirewall.ServerCertificate'>], False)}
class troposphere.networkfirewall.ServerCertificateScope(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DestinationPorts': ([<class 'troposphere.networkfirewall.PortRange'>], False), 'Destinations': ([<class 'troposphere.networkfirewall.Address'>], False), 'Protocols': ([<function integer>], False), 'SourcePorts': ([<class 'troposphere.networkfirewall.PortRange'>], False), 'Sources': ([<class 'troposphere.networkfirewall.Address'>], False)}
class troposphere.networkfirewall.StatefulEngineOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RuleOrder': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StreamExceptionPolicy': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.networkfirewall.StatefulRule(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Action': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Header': (<class 'troposphere.networkfirewall.Header'>, True), 'RuleOptions': ([<class 'troposphere.networkfirewall.RuleOption'>], True)}
class troposphere.networkfirewall.StatefulRuleGroupOverride(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Action': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.networkfirewall.StatefulRuleGroupReference(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Override': (<class 'troposphere.networkfirewall.StatefulRuleGroupOverride'>, False), 'Priority': (<function integer>, False), 'ResourceArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.networkfirewall.StatefulRuleOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RuleOrder': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.networkfirewall.StatelessRule(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Priority': (<function integer>, True), 'RuleDefinition': (<class 'troposphere.networkfirewall.RuleDefinition'>, True)}
class troposphere.networkfirewall.StatelessRuleGroupReference(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Priority': (<function integer>, True), 'ResourceArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.networkfirewall.StatelessRulesAndCustomActions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomActions': ([<class 'troposphere.networkfirewall.CustomAction'>], False), 'StatelessRules': ([<class 'troposphere.networkfirewall.StatelessRule'>], True)}
class troposphere.networkfirewall.SubnetMapping(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'IPAddressType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SubnetId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.networkfirewall.TCPFlagField(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Flags': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Masks': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.networkfirewall.TLSInspectionConfiguration(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TLSInspectionConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.networkfirewall.TLSInspectionConfigurationProperty'>, True), 'TLSInspectionConfigurationName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::NetworkFirewall::TLSInspectionConfiguration'
class troposphere.networkfirewall.TLSInspectionConfigurationProperty(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ServerCertificateConfigurations': ([<class 'troposphere.networkfirewall.ServerCertificateConfiguration'>], False)}

troposphere.networkmanager module

class troposphere.networkmanager.AWSLocation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SubnetArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Zone': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.networkmanager.Bandwidth(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DownloadSpeed': (<function integer>, False), 'UploadSpeed': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.networkmanager.BgpOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PeerAsn': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.networkmanager.ConnectAttachment(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CoreNetworkId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'EdgeLocation': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Options': (<class 'troposphere.networkmanager.ConnectAttachmentOptions'>, True), 'ProposedSegmentChange': (<class 'troposphere.networkmanager.ProposedSegmentChange'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TransportAttachmentId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::NetworkManager::ConnectAttachment'
class troposphere.networkmanager.ConnectAttachmentOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Protocol': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.networkmanager.ConnectPeer(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BgpOptions': (<class 'troposphere.networkmanager.BgpOptions'>, False), 'ConnectAttachmentId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'CoreNetworkAddress': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InsideCidrBlocks': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'PeerAddress': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SubnetArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::NetworkManager::ConnectPeer'
class troposphere.networkmanager.ConnectPeerBgpConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CoreNetworkAddress': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CoreNetworkAsn': (<function double>, False), 'PeerAddress': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PeerAsn': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.networkmanager.ConnectPeerConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BgpConfigurations': ([<class 'troposphere.networkmanager.ConnectPeerBgpConfiguration'>], False), 'CoreNetworkAddress': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InsideCidrBlocks': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'PeerAddress': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Protocol': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.networkmanager.CoreNetwork(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'GlobalNetworkId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PolicyDocument': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::NetworkManager::CoreNetwork'
class troposphere.networkmanager.CoreNetworkEdge(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Asn': (<function double>, False), 'EdgeLocation': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InsideCidrBlocks': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.networkmanager.CoreNetworkSegment(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EdgeLocations': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SharedSegments': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.networkmanager.CustomerGatewayAssociation(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomerGatewayArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DeviceId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'GlobalNetworkId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'LinkId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::NetworkManager::CustomerGatewayAssociation'
class troposphere.networkmanager.Device(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AWSLocation': (<class 'troposphere.networkmanager.AWSLocation'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'GlobalNetworkId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Location': (<class 'troposphere.networkmanager.Location'>, False), 'Model': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SerialNumber': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SiteId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Vendor': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::NetworkManager::Device'
class troposphere.networkmanager.GlobalNetwork(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CreatedAt': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'State': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::NetworkManager::GlobalNetwork'

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Bandwidth': (<class 'troposphere.networkmanager.Bandwidth'>, True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'GlobalNetworkId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Provider': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SiteId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::NetworkManager::Link'
class troposphere.networkmanager.LinkAssociation(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DeviceId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'GlobalNetworkId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'LinkId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::NetworkManager::LinkAssociation'
class troposphere.networkmanager.Location(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Address': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Latitude': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Longitude': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.networkmanager.ProposedSegmentChange(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AttachmentPolicyRuleNumber': (<function integer>, False), 'SegmentName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
class troposphere.networkmanager.Site(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'GlobalNetworkId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Location': (<class 'troposphere.networkmanager.Location'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::NetworkManager::Site'
class troposphere.networkmanager.SiteToSiteVpnAttachment(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CoreNetworkId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ProposedSegmentChange': (<class 'troposphere.networkmanager.ProposedSegmentChange'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'VpnConnectionArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::NetworkManager::SiteToSiteVpnAttachment'
class troposphere.networkmanager.TransitGatewayPeering(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CoreNetworkId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TransitGatewayArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::NetworkManager::TransitGatewayPeering'
class troposphere.networkmanager.TransitGatewayRegistration(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'GlobalNetworkId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TransitGatewayArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::NetworkManager::TransitGatewayRegistration'
class troposphere.networkmanager.TransitGatewayRouteTableAttachment(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PeeringId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ProposedSegmentChange': (<class 'troposphere.networkmanager.ProposedSegmentChange'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TransitGatewayRouteTableArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::NetworkManager::TransitGatewayRouteTableAttachment'
class troposphere.networkmanager.VpcAttachment(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CoreNetworkId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Options': (<class 'troposphere.networkmanager.VpcOptions'>, False), 'ProposedSegmentChange': (<class 'troposphere.networkmanager.ProposedSegmentChange'>, False), 'SubnetArns': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'VpcArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::NetworkManager::VpcAttachment'
class troposphere.networkmanager.VpcOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApplianceModeSupport': (<function boolean>, False), 'Ipv6Support': (<function boolean>, False)}

troposphere.nimblestudio module

class troposphere.nimblestudio.ActiveDirectoryComputerAttribute(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.nimblestudio.ActiveDirectoryConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ComputerAttributes': ([<class 'troposphere.nimblestudio.ActiveDirectoryComputerAttribute'>], False), 'DirectoryId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OrganizationalUnitDistinguishedName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.nimblestudio.ComputeFarmConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ActiveDirectoryUser': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Endpoint': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.nimblestudio.LaunchProfile(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Ec2SubnetIds': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'LaunchProfileProtocolVersions': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'StreamConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.nimblestudio.StreamConfiguration'>, True), 'StudioComponentIds': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'StudioId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::NimbleStudio::LaunchProfile'
class troposphere.nimblestudio.LicenseServiceConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Endpoint': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.nimblestudio.ScriptParameterKeyValue(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Key': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.nimblestudio.SharedFileSystemConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Endpoint': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FileSystemId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LinuxMountPoint': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ShareName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'WindowsMountDrive': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.nimblestudio.StreamConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AutomaticTerminationMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ClipboardMode': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Ec2InstanceTypes': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'MaxSessionLengthInMinutes': (<function double>, False), 'MaxStoppedSessionLengthInMinutes': (<function double>, False), 'SessionBackup': (<class 'troposphere.nimblestudio.StreamConfigurationSessionBackup'>, False), 'SessionPersistenceMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SessionStorage': (<class 'troposphere.nimblestudio.StreamConfigurationSessionStorage'>, False), 'StreamingImageIds': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'VolumeConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.nimblestudio.VolumeConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.nimblestudio.StreamConfigurationSessionBackup(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MaxBackupsToRetain': (<function double>, False), 'Mode': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.nimblestudio.StreamConfigurationSessionStorage(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Mode': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Root': (<class 'troposphere.nimblestudio.StreamingSessionStorageRoot'>, False)}
class troposphere.nimblestudio.StreamingImage(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Ec2ImageId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'StudioId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::NimbleStudio::StreamingImage'
class troposphere.nimblestudio.StreamingImageEncryptionConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'KeyArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KeyType': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.nimblestudio.StreamingSessionStorageRoot(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Linux': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Windows': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.nimblestudio.Studio(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AdminRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DisplayName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'StudioEncryptionConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.nimblestudio.StudioEncryptionConfiguration'>, False), 'StudioName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'UserRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::NimbleStudio::Studio'
class troposphere.nimblestudio.StudioComponent(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Configuration': (<class 'troposphere.nimblestudio.StudioComponentConfiguration'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Ec2SecurityGroupIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'InitializationScripts': ([<class 'troposphere.nimblestudio.StudioComponentInitializationScript'>], False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ScriptParameters': ([<class 'troposphere.nimblestudio.ScriptParameterKeyValue'>], False), 'StudioId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Subtype': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::NimbleStudio::StudioComponent'
class troposphere.nimblestudio.StudioComponentConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ActiveDirectoryConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.nimblestudio.ActiveDirectoryConfiguration'>, False), 'ComputeFarmConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.nimblestudio.ComputeFarmConfiguration'>, False), 'LicenseServiceConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.nimblestudio.LicenseServiceConfiguration'>, False), 'SharedFileSystemConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.nimblestudio.SharedFileSystemConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.nimblestudio.StudioComponentInitializationScript(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LaunchProfileProtocolVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Platform': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RunContext': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Script': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.nimblestudio.StudioEncryptionConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'KeyArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KeyType': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.nimblestudio.VolumeConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Iops': (<function double>, False), 'Size': (<function double>, False), 'Throughput': (<function double>, False)}

troposphere.opensearchservice module

class troposphere.opensearchservice.AdvancedSecurityOptionsInput(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AnonymousAuthDisableDate': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AnonymousAuthEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'InternalUserDatabaseEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'MasterUserOptions': (<class 'troposphere.opensearchservice.MasterUserOptions'>, False), 'SAMLOptions': (<class 'troposphere.opensearchservice.SAMLOptions'>, False)}
class troposphere.opensearchservice.ClusterConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ColdStorageOptions': (<class 'troposphere.opensearchservice.ColdStorageOptions'>, False), 'DedicatedMasterCount': (<function integer>, False), 'DedicatedMasterEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'DedicatedMasterType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InstanceCount': (<function integer>, False), 'InstanceType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MultiAZWithStandbyEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'WarmCount': (<function integer>, False), 'WarmEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'WarmType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ZoneAwarenessConfig': (<class 'troposphere.opensearchservice.ZoneAwarenessConfig'>, False), 'ZoneAwarenessEnabled': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.opensearchservice.CognitoOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'IdentityPoolId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'UserPoolId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.opensearchservice.ColdStorageOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.opensearchservice.Domain(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessPolicies': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'AdvancedOptions': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'AdvancedSecurityOptions': (<class 'troposphere.opensearchservice.AdvancedSecurityOptionsInput'>, False), 'ClusterConfig': (<class 'troposphere.opensearchservice.ClusterConfig'>, False), 'CognitoOptions': (<class 'troposphere.opensearchservice.CognitoOptions'>, False), 'DomainEndpointOptions': (<class 'troposphere.opensearchservice.DomainEndpointOptions'>, False), 'DomainName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EBSOptions': (<class 'troposphere.opensearchservice.EBSOptions'>, False), 'EncryptionAtRestOptions': (<class 'troposphere.opensearchservice.EncryptionAtRestOptions'>, False), 'EngineVersion': (<function validate_search_service_engine_version>, False), 'IPAddressType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LogPublishingOptions': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'NodeToNodeEncryptionOptions': (<class 'troposphere.opensearchservice.NodeToNodeEncryptionOptions'>, False), 'OffPeakWindowOptions': (<class 'troposphere.opensearchservice.OffPeakWindowOptions'>, False), 'SnapshotOptions': (<class 'troposphere.opensearchservice.SnapshotOptions'>, False), 'SoftwareUpdateOptions': (<class 'troposphere.opensearchservice.SoftwareUpdateOptions'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'VPCOptions': (<class 'troposphere.opensearchservice.VPCOptions'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::OpenSearchService::Domain'
class troposphere.opensearchservice.DomainEndpointOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomEndpoint': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CustomEndpointCertificateArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CustomEndpointEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'EnforceHTTPS': (<function boolean>, False), 'TLSSecurityPolicy': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.opensearchservice.EBSOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EBSEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'Iops': (<function integer>, False), 'Throughput': (<function integer>, False), 'VolumeSize': (<function integer>, False), 'VolumeType': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.opensearchservice.EncryptionAtRestOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'KmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.opensearchservice.Idp(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EntityId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MetadataContent': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.opensearchservice.LogPublishingOption(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.opensearchservice.MasterUserOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MasterUserARN': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MasterUserName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MasterUserPassword': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.opensearchservice.NodeToNodeEncryptionOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.opensearchservice.OffPeakWindow(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'WindowStartTime': (<class 'troposphere.opensearchservice.WindowStartTime'>, False)}
class troposphere.opensearchservice.OffPeakWindowOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'OffPeakWindow': (<class 'troposphere.opensearchservice.OffPeakWindow'>, False)}
class troposphere.opensearchservice.SAMLOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'Idp': (<class 'troposphere.opensearchservice.Idp'>, False), 'MasterBackendRole': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MasterUserName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RolesKey': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SessionTimeoutMinutes': (<function integer>, False), 'SubjectKey': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.opensearchservice.ServiceSoftwareOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AutomatedUpdateDate': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Cancellable': (<function boolean>, False), 'CurrentVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NewVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OptionalDeployment': (<function boolean>, False), 'UpdateAvailable': (<function boolean>, False), 'UpdateStatus': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.opensearchservice.SnapshotOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AutomatedSnapshotStartHour': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.opensearchservice.SoftwareUpdateOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AutoSoftwareUpdateEnabled': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.opensearchservice.VPCOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SecurityGroupIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SubnetIds': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.opensearchservice.WindowStartTime(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Hours': (<function integer>, True), 'Minutes': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.opensearchservice.ZoneAwarenessConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AvailabilityZoneCount': (<function integer>, False)}

troposphere.opsworks module

class troposphere.opsworks.App(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AppSource': (<class 'troposphere.opsworks.Source'>, False), 'Attributes': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'DataSources': ([<class 'troposphere.opsworks.DataSource'>], False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Domains': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'EnableSsl': (<function boolean>, False), 'Environment': ([<class 'troposphere.opsworks.Environment'>], False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Shortname': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SslConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.opsworks.SslConfiguration'>, False), 'StackId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::OpsWorks::App'
class troposphere.opsworks.AutoScalingThresholds(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CpuThreshold': (<function double>, False), 'IgnoreMetricsTime': (<function integer>, False), 'InstanceCount': (<function integer>, False), 'LoadThreshold': (<function double>, False), 'MemoryThreshold': (<function double>, False), 'ThresholdsWaitTime': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.opsworks.BlockDeviceMapping(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DeviceName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Ebs': (<class 'troposphere.opsworks.EbsBlockDevice'>, False), 'NoDevice': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VirtualName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.opsworks.ChefConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BerkshelfVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ManageBerkshelf': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.opsworks.DataSource(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Arn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DatabaseName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Type': (<function validate_data_source_type>, False)}
class troposphere.opsworks.EbsBlockDevice(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DeleteOnTermination': (<function boolean>, False), 'Iops': (<function integer>, False), 'SnapshotId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VolumeSize': (<function integer>, False), 'VolumeType': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.opsworks.ElasticIp(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Ip': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.opsworks.ElasticLoadBalancerAttachment(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ElasticLoadBalancerName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'LayerId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::OpsWorks::ElasticLoadBalancerAttachment'
class troposphere.opsworks.Environment(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Key': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Secure': (<function boolean>, False), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.opsworks.Instance(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AgentVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AmiId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Architecture': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AutoScalingType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AvailabilityZone': (<class 'str'>, False), 'BlockDeviceMappings': ([<class 'troposphere.opsworks.BlockDeviceMapping'>], False), 'EbsOptimized': (<function boolean>, False), 'ElasticIps': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Hostname': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InstallUpdatesOnBoot': (<function boolean>, False), 'InstanceType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'LayerIds': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Os': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RootDeviceType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SshKeyName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StackId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SubnetId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tenancy': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TimeBasedAutoScaling': (<class 'troposphere.opsworks.TimeBasedAutoScaling'>, False), 'VirtualizationType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Volumes': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::OpsWorks::Instance'
class troposphere.opsworks.Layer(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Attributes': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'AutoAssignElasticIps': (<function boolean>, True), 'AutoAssignPublicIps': (<function boolean>, True), 'CustomInstanceProfileArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CustomJson': (<function validate_json_checker>, False), 'CustomRecipes': (<class 'troposphere.opsworks.Recipes'>, False), 'CustomSecurityGroupIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'EnableAutoHealing': (<function boolean>, True), 'InstallUpdatesOnBoot': (<function boolean>, False), 'LifecycleEventConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.opsworks.LifeCycleConfiguration'>, False), 'LoadBasedAutoScaling': (<class 'troposphere.opsworks.LoadBasedAutoScaling'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Packages': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Shortname': (<class 'str'>, True), 'StackId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True), 'UseEbsOptimizedInstances': (<function boolean>, False), 'VolumeConfigurations': ([<class 'troposphere.opsworks.VolumeConfiguration'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::OpsWorks::Layer'
class troposphere.opsworks.LifeCycleConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ShutdownEventConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.opsworks.ShutdownEventConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.opsworks.LoadBasedAutoScaling(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DownScaling': (<class 'troposphere.opsworks.AutoScalingThresholds'>, False), 'Enable': (<function boolean>, False), 'UpScaling': (<class 'troposphere.opsworks.AutoScalingThresholds'>, False)}
class troposphere.opsworks.RdsDbInstance(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DbPassword': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DbUser': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RdsDbInstanceArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.opsworks.Recipes(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Configure': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Deploy': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Setup': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Shutdown': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Undeploy': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.opsworks.ShutdownEventConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DelayUntilElbConnectionsDrained': (<function boolean>, False), 'ExecutionTimeout': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.opsworks.Source(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Password': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Revision': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SshKey': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Url': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Username': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.opsworks.SslConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Certificate': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Chain': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PrivateKey': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.opsworks.Stack(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AgentVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Attributes': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'ChefConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.opsworks.ChefConfiguration'>, False), 'CloneAppIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ClonePermissions': (<function boolean>, False), 'ConfigurationManager': (<class 'troposphere.opsworks.StackConfigurationManager'>, False), 'CustomCookbooksSource': (<class 'troposphere.opsworks.Source'>, False), 'CustomJson': (<function validate_json_checker>, False), 'DefaultAvailabilityZone': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DefaultInstanceProfileArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DefaultOs': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DefaultRootDeviceType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DefaultSshKeyName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DefaultSubnetId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EcsClusterArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ElasticIps': ([<class 'troposphere.opsworks.ElasticIp'>], False), 'HostnameTheme': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RdsDbInstances': ([<class 'troposphere.opsworks.RdsDbInstance'>], False), 'ServiceRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SourceStackId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<function validate_tags_or_list>, False), 'UseCustomCookbooks': (<function boolean>, False), 'UseOpsworksSecurityGroups': (<function boolean>, False), 'VpcId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::OpsWorks::Stack'
class troposphere.opsworks.StackConfigurationManager(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Version': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.opsworks.TimeBasedAutoScaling(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Friday': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Monday': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Saturday': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Sunday': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Thursday': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Tuesday': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Wednesday': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
class troposphere.opsworks.UserProfile(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AllowSelfManagement': (<function boolean>, False), 'IamUserArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SshPublicKey': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SshUsername': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::OpsWorks::UserProfile'
class troposphere.opsworks.Volume(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Ec2VolumeId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MountPoint': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StackId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::OpsWorks::Volume'
class troposphere.opsworks.VolumeConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Encrypted': (<function boolean>, False), 'Iops': (<function integer>, False), 'MountPoint': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NumberOfDisks': (<function integer>, False), 'RaidLevel': (<function integer>, False), 'Size': (<function integer>, False), 'VolumeType': (<function validate_volume_type>, False)}

troposphere.panorama module

class troposphere.panorama.ApplicationInstance(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApplicationInstanceIdToReplace': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DefaultRuntimeContextDevice': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ManifestOverridesPayload': (<class 'troposphere.panorama.ManifestOverridesPayload'>, False), 'ManifestPayload': (<class 'troposphere.panorama.ManifestPayload'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RuntimeRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Panorama::ApplicationInstance'
class troposphere.panorama.ManifestOverridesPayload(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PayloadData': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.panorama.ManifestPayload(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PayloadData': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.panorama.Package(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PackageName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'StorageLocation': (<class 'troposphere.panorama.StorageLocation'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Panorama::Package'
class troposphere.panorama.PackageVersion(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MarkLatest': (<function boolean>, False), 'OwnerAccount': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PackageId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PackageVersion': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PatchVersion': (<class 'str'>, True), 'UpdatedLatestPatchVersion': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Panorama::PackageVersion'
class troposphere.panorama.StorageLocation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BinaryPrefixLocation': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Bucket': (<class 'str'>, False), 'GeneratedPrefixLocation': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ManifestPrefixLocation': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RepoPrefixLocation': (<class 'str'>, False)}

troposphere.pinpoint module

class troposphere.pinpoint.ADMChannel(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApplicationId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ClientId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ClientSecret': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Pinpoint::ADMChannel'
class troposphere.pinpoint.APNSChannel(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApplicationId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'BundleId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Certificate': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DefaultAuthenticationMethod': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'PrivateKey': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TeamId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TokenKey': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TokenKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Pinpoint::APNSChannel'
class troposphere.pinpoint.APNSPushNotificationTemplate(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Action': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Body': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MediaUrl': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Sound': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Title': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Url': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.pinpoint.APNSSandboxChannel(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApplicationId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'BundleId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Certificate': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DefaultAuthenticationMethod': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'PrivateKey': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TeamId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TokenKey': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TokenKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Pinpoint::APNSSandboxChannel'
class troposphere.pinpoint.APNSVoipChannel(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApplicationId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'BundleId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Certificate': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DefaultAuthenticationMethod': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'PrivateKey': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TeamId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TokenKey': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TokenKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Pinpoint::APNSVoipChannel'
class troposphere.pinpoint.APNSVoipSandboxChannel(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApplicationId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'BundleId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Certificate': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DefaultAuthenticationMethod': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'PrivateKey': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TeamId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TokenKey': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TokenKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Pinpoint::APNSVoipSandboxChannel'
class troposphere.pinpoint.AndroidPushNotificationTemplate(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Action': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Body': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ImageIconUrl': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ImageUrl': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SmallImageIconUrl': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Sound': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Title': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Url': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.pinpoint.App(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Pinpoint::App'
class troposphere.pinpoint.ApplicationSettings(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApplicationId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'CampaignHook': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.CampaignHook'>, False), 'CloudWatchMetricsEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'Limits': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.Limits'>, False), 'QuietTime': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.QuietTime'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Pinpoint::ApplicationSettings'
class troposphere.pinpoint.AttributeDimension(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AttributeType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Values': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.pinpoint.BaiduChannel(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApiKey': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ApplicationId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'SecretKey': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Pinpoint::BaiduChannel'
class troposphere.pinpoint.Behavior(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Recency': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.Recency'>, False)}
class troposphere.pinpoint.BodyConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Alignment': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Body': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TextColor': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.pinpoint.ButtonConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Android': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.OverrideButtonConfiguration'>, False), 'DefaultConfig': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.DefaultButtonConfiguration'>, False), 'IOS': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.OverrideButtonConfiguration'>, False), 'Web': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.OverrideButtonConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.pinpoint.Campaign(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AdditionalTreatments': ([<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.WriteTreatmentResource'>], False), 'ApplicationId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'CampaignHook': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.CampaignHook'>, False), 'CustomDeliveryConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.CustomDeliveryConfiguration'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'HoldoutPercent': (<function integer>, False), 'IsPaused': (<function boolean>, False), 'Limits': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.Limits'>, False), 'MessageConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.MessageConfiguration'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Priority': (<function integer>, False), 'Schedule': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.Schedule'>, True), 'SegmentId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SegmentVersion': (<function integer>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'TemplateConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.TemplateConfiguration'>, False), 'TreatmentDescription': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TreatmentName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Pinpoint::Campaign'
class troposphere.pinpoint.CampaignCustomMessage(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Data': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.pinpoint.CampaignEmailMessage(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Body': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FromAddress': (<class 'str'>, False), 'HtmlBody': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Title': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.pinpoint.CampaignEventFilter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Dimensions': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.EventDimensions'>, False), 'FilterType': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.pinpoint.CampaignHook(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LambdaFunctionName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Mode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'WebUrl': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.pinpoint.CampaignInAppMessage(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Content': ([<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.InAppMessageContent'>], False), 'CustomConfig': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Layout': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.pinpoint.CampaignSmsMessage(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Body': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EntityId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MessageType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OriginationNumber': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SenderId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TemplateId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.pinpoint.Coordinates(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Latitude': (<function double>, True), 'Longitude': (<function double>, True)}
class troposphere.pinpoint.CustomDeliveryConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DeliveryUri': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EndpointTypes': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.pinpoint.DefaultButtonConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BackgroundColor': (<class 'str'>, False), 'BorderRadius': (<function integer>, False), 'ButtonAction': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Link': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Text': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TextColor': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.pinpoint.DefaultPushNotificationTemplate(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Action': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Body': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Sound': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Title': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Url': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.pinpoint.Demographic(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AppVersion': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.SetDimension'>, False), 'Channel': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.SetDimension'>, False), 'DeviceType': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.SetDimension'>, False), 'Make': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.SetDimension'>, False), 'Model': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.SetDimension'>, False), 'Platform': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.SetDimension'>, False)}
class troposphere.pinpoint.EmailChannel(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApplicationId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ConfigurationSet': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'FromAddress': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Identity': (<class 'str'>, True), 'OrchestrationSendingRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Pinpoint::EmailChannel'
class troposphere.pinpoint.EmailTemplate(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DefaultSubstitutions': (<class 'str'>, False), 'HtmlPart': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Subject': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'TemplateDescription': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TemplateName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TextPart': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Pinpoint::EmailTemplate'
class troposphere.pinpoint.EventDimensions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Attributes': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'EventType': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.SetDimension'>, False), 'Metrics': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
class troposphere.pinpoint.EventStream(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApplicationId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DestinationStreamArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Pinpoint::EventStream'
class troposphere.pinpoint.GCMChannel(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApiKey': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ApplicationId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DefaultAuthenticationMethod': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'ServiceJson': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Pinpoint::GCMChannel'
class troposphere.pinpoint.GPSPoint(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Coordinates': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.Coordinates'>, True), 'RangeInKilometers': (<function double>, True)}
class troposphere.pinpoint.Groups(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Dimensions': ([<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.SegmentDimensions'>], False), 'SourceSegments': ([<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.SourceSegments'>], False), 'SourceType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.pinpoint.HeaderConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Alignment': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Header': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TextColor': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.pinpoint.InAppMessageBodyConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Alignment': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Body': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TextColor': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.pinpoint.InAppMessageButton(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Android': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.OverrideButtonConfiguration'>, False), 'DefaultConfig': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.DefaultButtonConfiguration'>, False), 'IOS': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.OverrideButtonConfiguration'>, False), 'Web': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.OverrideButtonConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.pinpoint.InAppMessageContent(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BackgroundColor': (<class 'str'>, False), 'BodyConfig': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.BodyConfig'>, False), 'HeaderConfig': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.HeaderConfig'>, False), 'ImageUrl': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PrimaryBtn': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.ButtonConfig'>, False), 'SecondaryBtn': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.ButtonConfig'>, False)}
class troposphere.pinpoint.InAppMessageHeaderConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Alignment': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Header': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TextColor': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.pinpoint.InAppTemplate(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Content': ([<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.InAppMessageContent'>], False), 'CustomConfig': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Layout': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'TemplateDescription': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TemplateName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Pinpoint::InAppTemplate'
class troposphere.pinpoint.Limits(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Daily': (<function integer>, False), 'MaximumDuration': (<function integer>, False), 'MessagesPerSecond': (<function integer>, False), 'Session': (<function integer>, False), 'Total': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.pinpoint.Location(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Country': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.SetDimension'>, False), 'GPSPoint': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.GPSPoint'>, False)}
class troposphere.pinpoint.Message(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Action': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Body': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ImageIconUrl': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ImageSmallIconUrl': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ImageUrl': (<class 'str'>, False), 'JsonBody': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MediaUrl': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RawContent': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SilentPush': (<function boolean>, False), 'TimeToLive': (<function integer>, False), 'Title': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Url': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.pinpoint.MessageConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ADMMessage': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.Message'>, False), 'APNSMessage': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.Message'>, False), 'BaiduMessage': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.Message'>, False), 'CustomMessage': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.CampaignCustomMessage'>, False), 'DefaultMessage': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.Message'>, False), 'EmailMessage': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.CampaignEmailMessage'>, False), 'GCMMessage': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.Message'>, False), 'InAppMessage': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.CampaignInAppMessage'>, False), 'SMSMessage': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.CampaignSmsMessage'>, False)}
class troposphere.pinpoint.MetricDimension(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ComparisonOperator': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Value': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.pinpoint.OverrideButtonConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ButtonAction': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Link': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.pinpoint.PushTemplate(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ADM': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.AndroidPushNotificationTemplate'>, False), 'APNS': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.APNSPushNotificationTemplate'>, False), 'Baidu': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.AndroidPushNotificationTemplate'>, False), 'Default': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.DefaultPushNotificationTemplate'>, False), 'DefaultSubstitutions': (<class 'str'>, False), 'GCM': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.AndroidPushNotificationTemplate'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'TemplateDescription': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TemplateName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Pinpoint::PushTemplate'
class troposphere.pinpoint.QuietTime(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'End': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Start': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.pinpoint.Recency(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Duration': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RecencyType': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.pinpoint.SMSChannel(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApplicationId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'SenderId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ShortCode': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Pinpoint::SMSChannel'
class troposphere.pinpoint.Schedule(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EndTime': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EventFilter': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.CampaignEventFilter'>, False), 'Frequency': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IsLocalTime': (<function boolean>, False), 'QuietTime': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.QuietTime'>, False), 'StartTime': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TimeZone': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.pinpoint.Segment(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApplicationId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Dimensions': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.SegmentDimensions'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SegmentGroups': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.SegmentGroups'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Pinpoint::Segment'
class troposphere.pinpoint.SegmentDimensions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Attributes': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Behavior': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.Behavior'>, False), 'Demographic': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.Demographic'>, False), 'Location': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.Location'>, False), 'Metrics': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'UserAttributes': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
class troposphere.pinpoint.SegmentGroups(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Groups': ([<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.Groups'>], False), 'Include': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.pinpoint.SetDimension(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DimensionType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Values': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.pinpoint.SmsTemplate(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Body': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DefaultSubstitutions': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'TemplateDescription': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TemplateName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Pinpoint::SmsTemplate'
class troposphere.pinpoint.SourceSegments(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Id': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Version': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.pinpoint.Template(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Version': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.pinpoint.TemplateConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EmailTemplate': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.Template'>, False), 'PushTemplate': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.Template'>, False), 'SMSTemplate': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.Template'>, False), 'VoiceTemplate': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.Template'>, False)}
class troposphere.pinpoint.VoiceChannel(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApplicationId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Pinpoint::VoiceChannel'
class troposphere.pinpoint.WriteTreatmentResource(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomDeliveryConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.CustomDeliveryConfiguration'>, False), 'MessageConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.MessageConfiguration'>, False), 'Schedule': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.Schedule'>, False), 'SizePercent': (<function integer>, False), 'TemplateConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.pinpoint.TemplateConfiguration'>, False), 'TreatmentDescription': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TreatmentName': (<class 'str'>, False)}

troposphere.pinpointemail module

class troposphere.pinpointemail.CloudWatchDestination(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DimensionConfigurations': ([<class 'troposphere.pinpointemail.DimensionConfiguration'>], False)}
class troposphere.pinpointemail.ConfigurationSet(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DeliveryOptions': (<class 'troposphere.pinpointemail.DeliveryOptions'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ReputationOptions': (<class 'troposphere.pinpointemail.ReputationOptions'>, False), 'SendingOptions': (<class 'troposphere.pinpointemail.SendingOptions'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TrackingOptions': (<class 'troposphere.pinpointemail.TrackingOptions'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::PinpointEmail::ConfigurationSet'
class troposphere.pinpointemail.ConfigurationSetEventDestination(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConfigurationSetName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'EventDestination': (<class 'troposphere.pinpointemail.EventDestination'>, False), 'EventDestinationName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::PinpointEmail::ConfigurationSetEventDestination'
class troposphere.pinpointemail.DedicatedIpPool(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PoolName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::PinpointEmail::DedicatedIpPool'
class troposphere.pinpointemail.DeliveryOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SendingPoolName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.pinpointemail.DimensionConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DefaultDimensionValue': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DimensionName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DimensionValueSource': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.pinpointemail.EventDestination(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CloudWatchDestination': (<class 'troposphere.pinpointemail.CloudWatchDestination'>, False), 'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'KinesisFirehoseDestination': (<class 'troposphere.pinpointemail.KinesisFirehoseDestination'>, False), 'MatchingEventTypes': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'PinpointDestination': (<class 'troposphere.pinpointemail.PinpointDestination'>, False), 'SnsDestination': (<class 'troposphere.pinpointemail.SnsDestination'>, False)}
class troposphere.pinpointemail.Identity(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DkimSigningEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'FeedbackForwardingEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'MailFromAttributes': (<class 'troposphere.pinpointemail.MailFromAttributes'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::PinpointEmail::Identity'
class troposphere.pinpointemail.KinesisFirehoseDestination(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DeliveryStreamArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'IamRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.pinpointemail.MailFromAttributes(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BehaviorOnMxFailure': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MailFromDomain': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.pinpointemail.PinpointDestination(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApplicationArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.pinpointemail.ReputationOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ReputationMetricsEnabled': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.pinpointemail.SendingOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SendingEnabled': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.pinpointemail.SnsDestination(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TopicArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.pinpointemail.TrackingOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomRedirectDomain': (<class 'str'>, False)}

troposphere.policies module

class troposphere.policies.AutoScalingCreationPolicy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MinSuccessfulInstancesPercent': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.policies.AutoScalingReplacingUpdate(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'WillReplace': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.policies.AutoScalingRollingUpdate(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MaxBatchSize': (<function positive_integer>, False), 'MinInstancesInService': (<function integer>, False), 'MinSuccessfulInstancesPercent': (<function integer>, False), 'PauseTime': (<function validate_pausetime>, False), 'SuspendProcesses': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'WaitOnResourceSignals': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.policies.AutoScalingScheduledAction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'IgnoreUnmodifiedGroupSizeProperties': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.policies.CodeDeployLambdaAliasUpdate(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AfterAllowTrafficHook': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ApplicationName': (<function boolean>, True), 'BeforeAllowTrafficHook': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DeploymentGroupName': (<function boolean>, True)}
class troposphere.policies.CreationPolicy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSAttribute

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AutoScalingCreationPolicy': (<class 'troposphere.policies.AutoScalingCreationPolicy'>, False), 'ResourceSignal': (<class 'troposphere.policies.ResourceSignal'>, True)}
class troposphere.policies.ResourceSignal(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Count': (<function positive_integer>, False), 'Timeout': (<function validate_pausetime>, False)}
class troposphere.policies.UpdatePolicy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSAttribute

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AutoScalingReplacingUpdate': (<class 'troposphere.policies.AutoScalingReplacingUpdate'>, False), 'AutoScalingRollingUpdate': (<class 'troposphere.policies.AutoScalingRollingUpdate'>, False), 'AutoScalingScheduledAction': (<class 'troposphere.policies.AutoScalingScheduledAction'>, False), 'CodeDeployLambdaAliasUpdate': (<class 'troposphere.policies.CodeDeployLambdaAliasUpdate'>, False), 'EnableVersionUpgrade': (<function boolean>, False), 'UseOnlineResharding': (<function boolean>, False)}

troposphere.qldb module

class troposphere.qldb.KinesisConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AggregationEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'StreamArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.qldb.Ledger(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DeletionProtection': (<function boolean>, False), 'KmsKey': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PermissionsMode': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::QLDB::Ledger'
class troposphere.qldb.Stream(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ExclusiveEndTime': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InclusiveStartTime': (<class 'str'>, True), 'KinesisConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.qldb.KinesisConfiguration'>, True), 'LedgerName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'StreamName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::QLDB::Stream'

troposphere.quicksight module

class troposphere.quicksight.AdHocFilteringOption(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AvailabilityStatus': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.AggregationFunction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AttributeAggregationFunction': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.AttributeAggregationFunction'>, False), 'CategoricalAggregationFunction': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DateAggregationFunction': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NumericalAggregationFunction': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.NumericalAggregationFunction'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.AggregationSortConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AggregationFunction': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.AggregationFunction'>, False), 'Column': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnIdentifier'>, True), 'SortDirection': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.AmazonElasticsearchParameters(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Domain': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.AmazonOpenSearchParameters(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Domain': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.Analysis(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AnalysisId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'AwsAccountId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Definition': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.AnalysisDefinition'>, False), 'Errors': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.AnalysisError'>], False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Parameters': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.Parameters'>, False), 'Permissions': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ResourcePermission'>], False), 'Sheets': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.Sheet'>], False), 'SourceEntity': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.AnalysisSourceEntity'>, False), 'Status': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'ThemeArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ValidationStrategy': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ValidationStrategy'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::QuickSight::Analysis'
class troposphere.quicksight.AnalysisDefaults(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DefaultNewSheetConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DefaultNewSheetConfiguration'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.AnalysisDefinition(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AnalysisDefaults': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.AnalysisDefaults'>, False), 'CalculatedFields': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.CalculatedField'>], False), 'ColumnConfigurations': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnConfiguration'>], False), 'DataSetIdentifierDeclarations': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DataSetIdentifierDeclaration'>], True), 'FilterGroups': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FilterGroup'>], False), 'Options': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.AssetOptions'>, False), 'ParameterDeclarations': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ParameterDeclaration'>], False), 'Sheets': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.SheetDefinition'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.AnalysisError(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Message': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ViolatedEntities': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.Entity'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.AnalysisSourceEntity(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SourceTemplate': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.AnalysisSourceTemplate'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.AnalysisSourceTemplate(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Arn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DataSetReferences': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DataSetReference'>], True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.AnchorDateConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AnchorOption': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ParameterName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ArcAxisConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Range': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ArcAxisDisplayRange'>, False), 'ReserveRange': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ArcAxisDisplayRange(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Max': (<function double>, False), 'Min': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ArcConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ArcAngle': (<function double>, False), 'ArcThickness': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ArcOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ArcThickness': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.AssetOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Timezone': (<class 'str'>, False), 'WeekStart': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.AthenaParameters(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'WorkGroup': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.AttributeAggregationFunction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SimpleAttributeAggregation': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ValueForMultipleValues': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.AuroraParameters(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Database': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Host': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Port': (<function double>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.AuroraPostgreSqlParameters(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Database': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Host': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Port': (<function double>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.AxisDataOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DateAxisOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DateAxisOptions'>, False), 'NumericAxisOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.NumericAxisOptions'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.AxisDisplayMinMaxRange(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Maximum': (<function double>, False), 'Minimum': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.AxisDisplayOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AxisLineVisibility': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AxisOffset': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DataOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.AxisDataOptions'>, False), 'GridLineVisibility': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ScrollbarOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ScrollBarOptions'>, False), 'TickLabelOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.AxisTickLabelOptions'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.AxisDisplayRange(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataDriven': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'MinMax': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.AxisDisplayMinMaxRange'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.AxisLabelOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApplyTo': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.AxisLabelReferenceOptions'>, False), 'CustomLabel': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FontConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FontConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.AxisLabelReferenceOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Column': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnIdentifier'>, True), 'FieldId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.AxisLinearScale(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'StepCount': (<function double>, False), 'StepSize': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.AxisLogarithmicScale(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Base': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.AxisScale(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Linear': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.AxisLinearScale'>, False), 'Logarithmic': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.AxisLogarithmicScale'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.AxisTickLabelOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LabelOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.LabelOptions'>, False), 'RotationAngle': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.BarChartAggregatedFieldWells(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Category': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DimensionField'>], False), 'Colors': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DimensionField'>], False), 'SmallMultiples': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DimensionField'>], False), 'Values': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.MeasureField'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.BarChartConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BarsArrangement': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CategoryAxis': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.AxisDisplayOptions'>, False), 'CategoryLabelOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ChartAxisLabelOptions'>, False), 'ColorLabelOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ChartAxisLabelOptions'>, False), 'ContributionAnalysisDefaults': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ContributionAnalysisDefault'>], False), 'DataLabels': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DataLabelOptions'>, False), 'FieldWells': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.BarChartFieldWells'>, False), 'Legend': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.LegendOptions'>, False), 'Orientation': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ReferenceLines': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ReferenceLine'>], False), 'SmallMultiplesOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.SmallMultiplesOptions'>, False), 'SortConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.BarChartSortConfiguration'>, False), 'Tooltip': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TooltipOptions'>, False), 'ValueAxis': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.AxisDisplayOptions'>, False), 'ValueLabelOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ChartAxisLabelOptions'>, False), 'VisualPalette': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualPalette'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.BarChartFieldWells(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BarChartAggregatedFieldWells': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.BarChartAggregatedFieldWells'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.BarChartSortConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CategoryItemsLimit': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ItemsLimitConfiguration'>, False), 'CategorySort': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FieldSortOptions'>], False), 'ColorItemsLimit': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ItemsLimitConfiguration'>, False), 'ColorSort': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FieldSortOptions'>], False), 'SmallMultiplesLimitConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ItemsLimitConfiguration'>, False), 'SmallMultiplesSort': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FieldSortOptions'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.BarChartVisual(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Actions': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualCustomAction'>], False), 'ChartConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.BarChartConfiguration'>, False), 'ColumnHierarchies': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnHierarchy'>], False), 'Subtitle': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualSubtitleLabelOptions'>, False), 'Title': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualTitleLabelOptions'>, False), 'VisualId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.BinCountOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Value': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.BinWidthOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BinCountLimit': (<function double>, False), 'Value': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.BodySectionConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Content': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.BodySectionContent'>, True), 'PageBreakConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.SectionPageBreakConfiguration'>, False), 'SectionId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Style': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.SectionStyle'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.BodySectionContent(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Layout': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.SectionLayoutConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.BorderStyle(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Show': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.BoxPlotAggregatedFieldWells(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'GroupBy': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DimensionField'>], False), 'Values': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.MeasureField'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.BoxPlotChartConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BoxPlotOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.BoxPlotOptions'>, False), 'CategoryAxis': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.AxisDisplayOptions'>, False), 'CategoryLabelOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ChartAxisLabelOptions'>, False), 'FieldWells': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.BoxPlotFieldWells'>, False), 'Legend': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.LegendOptions'>, False), 'PrimaryYAxisDisplayOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.AxisDisplayOptions'>, False), 'PrimaryYAxisLabelOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ChartAxisLabelOptions'>, False), 'ReferenceLines': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ReferenceLine'>], False), 'SortConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.BoxPlotSortConfiguration'>, False), 'Tooltip': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TooltipOptions'>, False), 'VisualPalette': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualPalette'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.BoxPlotFieldWells(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BoxPlotAggregatedFieldWells': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.BoxPlotAggregatedFieldWells'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.BoxPlotOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AllDataPointsVisibility': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OutlierVisibility': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StyleOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.BoxPlotStyleOptions'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.BoxPlotSortConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CategorySort': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FieldSortOptions'>], False), 'PaginationConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.PaginationConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.BoxPlotStyleOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FillStyle': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.BoxPlotVisual(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Actions': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualCustomAction'>], False), 'ChartConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.BoxPlotChartConfiguration'>, False), 'ColumnHierarchies': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnHierarchy'>], False), 'Subtitle': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualSubtitleLabelOptions'>, False), 'Title': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualTitleLabelOptions'>, False), 'VisualId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.CalculatedColumn(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ColumnId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ColumnName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Expression': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.CalculatedField(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataSetIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Expression': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.CalculatedMeasureField(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Expression': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FieldId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.CascadingControlConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SourceControls': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.CascadingControlSource'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.CascadingControlSource(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ColumnToMatch': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnIdentifier'>, False), 'SourceSheetControlId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.CastColumnTypeOperation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ColumnName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Format': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NewColumnType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SubType': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.CategoricalDimensionField(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Column': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnIdentifier'>, True), 'FieldId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FormatConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.StringFormatConfiguration'>, False), 'HierarchyId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.CategoricalMeasureField(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AggregationFunction': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Column': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnIdentifier'>, True), 'FieldId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FormatConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.StringFormatConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.CategoryDrillDownFilter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CategoryValues': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Column': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnIdentifier'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.CategoryFilter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Column': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnIdentifier'>, True), 'Configuration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.CategoryFilterConfiguration'>, True), 'DefaultFilterControlConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DefaultFilterControlConfiguration'>, False), 'FilterId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.CategoryFilterConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomFilterConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.CustomFilterConfiguration'>, False), 'CustomFilterListConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.CustomFilterListConfiguration'>, False), 'FilterListConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FilterListConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.CellValueSynonym(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CellValue': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Synonyms': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ChartAxisLabelOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AxisLabelOptions': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.AxisLabelOptions'>], False), 'SortIconVisibility': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Visibility': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ClusterMarker(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SimpleClusterMarker': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.SimpleClusterMarker'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ClusterMarkerConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ClusterMarker': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ClusterMarker'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.CollectiveConstant(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ValueList': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ColorScale(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ColorFillType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Colors': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DataColor'>], True), 'NullValueColor': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DataColor'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ColorsConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomColors': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.CustomColor'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ColumnConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ColorsConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColorsConfiguration'>, False), 'Column': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnIdentifier'>, True), 'FormatConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FormatConfiguration'>, False), 'Role': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ColumnDescription(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Text': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ColumnGroup(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'GeoSpatialColumnGroup': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.GeoSpatialColumnGroup'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ColumnGroupColumnSchema(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ColumnGroupSchema(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ColumnGroupColumnSchemaList': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnGroupColumnSchema'>], False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ColumnHierarchy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DateTimeHierarchy': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DateTimeHierarchy'>, False), 'ExplicitHierarchy': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ExplicitHierarchy'>, False), 'PredefinedHierarchy': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.PredefinedHierarchy'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ColumnIdentifier(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ColumnName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DataSetIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ColumnLevelPermissionRule(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ColumnNames': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Principals': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ColumnSchema(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'GeographicRole': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ColumnSort(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AggregationFunction': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.AggregationFunction'>, False), 'Direction': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SortBy': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnIdentifier'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ColumnTag(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ColumnDescription': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnDescription'>, False), 'ColumnGeographicRole': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ColumnTooltipItem(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Aggregation': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.AggregationFunction'>, False), 'Column': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnIdentifier'>, True), 'Label': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Visibility': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ComboChartAggregatedFieldWells(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BarValues': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.MeasureField'>], False), 'Category': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DimensionField'>], False), 'Colors': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DimensionField'>], False), 'LineValues': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.MeasureField'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ComboChartConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BarDataLabels': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DataLabelOptions'>, False), 'BarsArrangement': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CategoryAxis': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.AxisDisplayOptions'>, False), 'CategoryLabelOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ChartAxisLabelOptions'>, False), 'ColorLabelOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ChartAxisLabelOptions'>, False), 'FieldWells': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ComboChartFieldWells'>, False), 'Legend': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.LegendOptions'>, False), 'LineDataLabels': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DataLabelOptions'>, False), 'PrimaryYAxisDisplayOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.AxisDisplayOptions'>, False), 'PrimaryYAxisLabelOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ChartAxisLabelOptions'>, False), 'ReferenceLines': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ReferenceLine'>], False), 'SecondaryYAxisDisplayOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.AxisDisplayOptions'>, False), 'SecondaryYAxisLabelOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ChartAxisLabelOptions'>, False), 'SortConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ComboChartSortConfiguration'>, False), 'Tooltip': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TooltipOptions'>, False), 'VisualPalette': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualPalette'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ComboChartFieldWells(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ComboChartAggregatedFieldWells': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ComboChartAggregatedFieldWells'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ComboChartSortConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CategoryItemsLimit': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ItemsLimitConfiguration'>, False), 'CategorySort': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FieldSortOptions'>], False), 'ColorItemsLimit': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ItemsLimitConfiguration'>, False), 'ColorSort': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FieldSortOptions'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ComboChartVisual(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Actions': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualCustomAction'>], False), 'ChartConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ComboChartConfiguration'>, False), 'ColumnHierarchies': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnHierarchy'>], False), 'Subtitle': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualSubtitleLabelOptions'>, False), 'Title': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualTitleLabelOptions'>, False), 'VisualId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ComparativeOrder(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SpecifedOrder': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'TreatUndefinedSpecifiedValues': (<class 'str'>, False), 'UseOrdering': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ComparisonConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ComparisonFormat': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ComparisonFormatConfiguration'>, False), 'ComparisonMethod': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ComparisonFormatConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration'>, False), 'PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.Computation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Forecast': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ForecastComputation'>, False), 'GrowthRate': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.GrowthRateComputation'>, False), 'MaximumMinimum': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.MaximumMinimumComputation'>, False), 'MetricComparison': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.MetricComparisonComputation'>, False), 'PeriodOverPeriod': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.PeriodOverPeriodComputation'>, False), 'PeriodToDate': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.PeriodToDateComputation'>, False), 'TopBottomMovers': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TopBottomMoversComputation'>, False), 'TopBottomRanked': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TopBottomRankedComputation'>, False), 'TotalAggregation': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TotalAggregationComputation'>, False), 'UniqueValues': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.UniqueValuesComputation'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ConditionalFormattingColor(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Gradient': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ConditionalFormattingGradientColor'>, False), 'Solid': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ConditionalFormattingSolidColor'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ConditionalFormattingCustomIconCondition(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Color': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DisplayConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ConditionalFormattingIconDisplayConfiguration'>, False), 'Expression': (<class 'str'>, True), 'IconOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ConditionalFormattingCustomIconOptions'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ConditionalFormattingCustomIconOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Icon': (<class 'str'>, False), 'UnicodeIcon': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ConditionalFormattingGradientColor(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Color': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.GradientColor'>, True), 'Expression': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ConditionalFormattingIcon(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomCondition': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ConditionalFormattingCustomIconCondition'>, False), 'IconSet': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ConditionalFormattingIconSet'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ConditionalFormattingIconDisplayConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'IconDisplayOption': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ConditionalFormattingIconSet(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Expression': (<class 'str'>, True), 'IconSetType': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ConditionalFormattingSolidColor(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Color': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Expression': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ContributionAnalysisDefault(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContributorDimensions': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnIdentifier'>], True), 'MeasureFieldId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.CreateColumnsOperation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Columns': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.CalculatedColumn'>], True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.CredentialPair(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AlternateDataSourceParameters': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DataSourceParameters'>], False), 'Password': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Username': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DecimalPlacesConfiguration'>, False), 'NegativeValueConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.NegativeValueConfiguration'>, False), 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.NullValueFormatConfiguration'>, False), 'NumberScale': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Prefix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SeparatorConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.NumericSeparatorConfiguration'>, False), 'Suffix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Symbol': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.CustomActionFilterOperation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FilterOperationSelectedFieldsConfiguration'>, True), 'TargetVisualsConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FilterOperationTargetVisualsConfiguration'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.CustomActionNavigationOperation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LocalNavigationConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.LocalNavigationConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.CustomActionSetParametersOperation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ParameterValueConfigurations': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.SetParameterValueConfiguration'>], True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.CustomActionURLOperation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'URLTarget': (<class 'str'>, True), 'URLTemplate': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.CustomColor(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Color': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FieldValue': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SpecialValue': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.CustomContentConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContentType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ContentUrl': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ImageScaling': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.CustomContentVisual(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Actions': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualCustomAction'>], False), 'ChartConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.CustomContentConfiguration'>, False), 'DataSetIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Subtitle': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualSubtitleLabelOptions'>, False), 'Title': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualTitleLabelOptions'>, False), 'VisualId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.CustomFilterConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CategoryValue': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MatchOperator': (<class 'str'>, True), 'NullOption': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ParameterName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SelectAllOptions': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.CustomFilterListConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CategoryValues': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'MatchOperator': (<class 'str'>, True), 'NullOption': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SelectAllOptions': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.CustomNarrativeOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Narrative': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.CustomParameterValues(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DateTimeValues': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'DecimalValues': ([<function double>], False), 'IntegerValues': ([<function double>], False), 'StringValues': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.CustomSql(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Columns': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.InputColumn'>], True), 'DataSourceArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SqlQuery': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.CustomValuesConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomValues': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.CustomParameterValues'>, True), 'IncludeNullValue': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.Dashboard(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AwsAccountId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DashboardId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DashboardPublishOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DashboardPublishOptions'>, False), 'Definition': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DashboardVersionDefinition'>, False), 'LinkEntities': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'LinkSharingConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.LinkSharingConfiguration'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Parameters': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.Parameters'>, False), 'Permissions': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ResourcePermission'>], False), 'SourceEntity': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DashboardSourceEntity'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'ThemeArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ValidationStrategy': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ValidationStrategy'>, False), 'VersionDescription': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::QuickSight::Dashboard'
class troposphere.quicksight.DashboardError(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Message': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ViolatedEntities': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.Entity'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DashboardPublishOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AdHocFilteringOption': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.AdHocFilteringOption'>, False), 'DataPointDrillUpDownOption': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DataPointDrillUpDownOption'>, False), 'DataPointMenuLabelOption': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DataPointMenuLabelOption'>, False), 'DataPointTooltipOption': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DataPointTooltipOption'>, False), 'ExportToCSVOption': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ExportToCSVOption'>, False), 'ExportWithHiddenFieldsOption': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ExportWithHiddenFieldsOption'>, False), 'SheetControlsOption': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.SheetControlsOption'>, False), 'SheetLayoutElementMaximizationOption': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.SheetLayoutElementMaximizationOption'>, False), 'VisualAxisSortOption': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualAxisSortOption'>, False), 'VisualMenuOption': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualMenuOption'>, False), 'VisualPublishOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DashboardVisualPublishOptions'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DashboardSourceEntity(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SourceTemplate': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DashboardSourceTemplate'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DashboardSourceTemplate(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Arn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DataSetReferences': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DataSetReference'>], True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DashboardVersionDefinition(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AnalysisDefaults': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.AnalysisDefaults'>, False), 'CalculatedFields': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.CalculatedField'>], False), 'ColumnConfigurations': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnConfiguration'>], False), 'DataSetIdentifierDeclarations': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DataSetIdentifierDeclaration'>], True), 'FilterGroups': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FilterGroup'>], False), 'Options': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.AssetOptions'>, False), 'ParameterDeclarations': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ParameterDeclaration'>], False), 'Sheets': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.SheetDefinition'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DashboardVisualPublishOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ExportHiddenFieldsOption': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ExportHiddenFieldsOption'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DataAggregation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DatasetRowDateGranularity': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DefaultDateColumnName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DataBarsOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FieldId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'NegativeColor': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PositiveColor': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DataColor(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Color': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DataValue': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DataColorPalette(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Colors': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'EmptyFillColor': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MinMaxGradient': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DataFieldSeriesItem(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AxisBinding': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FieldId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FieldValue': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Settings': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.LineChartSeriesSettings'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DataLabelOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CategoryLabelVisibility': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DataLabelTypes': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DataLabelType'>], False), 'LabelColor': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LabelContent': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LabelFontConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FontConfiguration'>, False), 'MeasureLabelVisibility': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Overlap': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Position': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TotalsVisibility': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Visibility': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DataLabelType(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataPathLabelType': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DataPathLabelType'>, False), 'FieldLabelType': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FieldLabelType'>, False), 'MaximumLabelType': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.MaximumLabelType'>, False), 'MinimumLabelType': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.MinimumLabelType'>, False), 'RangeEndsLabelType': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.RangeEndsLabelType'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DataPathColor(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Color': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Element': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DataPathValue'>, True), 'TimeGranularity': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DataPathLabelType(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FieldId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FieldValue': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Visibility': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DataPathSort(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Direction': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SortPaths': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DataPathValue'>], True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DataPathType(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PivotTableDataPathType': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DataPathValue(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataPathType': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DataPathType'>, False), 'FieldId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FieldValue': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DataPointDrillUpDownOption(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AvailabilityStatus': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DataPointMenuLabelOption(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AvailabilityStatus': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DataPointTooltipOption(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AvailabilityStatus': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DataSet(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AwsAccountId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ColumnGroups': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnGroup'>], False), 'ColumnLevelPermissionRules': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnLevelPermissionRule'>], False), 'DataSetId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DataSetRefreshProperties': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DataSetRefreshProperties'>, False), 'DataSetUsageConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DataSetUsageConfiguration'>, False), 'DatasetParameters': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DatasetParameter'>], False), 'FieldFolders': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'ImportMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IngestionWaitPolicy': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.IngestionWaitPolicy'>, False), 'LogicalTableMap': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Permissions': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ResourcePermission'>], False), 'PhysicalTableMap': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'RowLevelPermissionDataSet': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.RowLevelPermissionDataSet'>, False), 'RowLevelPermissionTagConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.RowLevelPermissionTagConfiguration'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::QuickSight::DataSet'
class troposphere.quicksight.DataSetConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ColumnGroupSchemaList': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnGroupSchema'>], False), 'DataSetSchema': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DataSetSchema'>, False), 'Placeholder': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DataSetIdentifierDeclaration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataSetArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Identifier': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DataSetReference(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataSetArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DataSetPlaceholder': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DataSetRefreshProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RefreshConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.RefreshConfiguration'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DataSetSchema(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ColumnSchemaList': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnSchema'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DataSetUsageConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DisableUseAsDirectQuerySource': (<function boolean>, False), 'DisableUseAsImportedSource': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DataSource(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AlternateDataSourceParameters': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DataSourceParameters'>], False), 'AwsAccountId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Credentials': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DataSourceCredentials'>, False), 'DataSourceId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DataSourceParameters': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DataSourceParameters'>, False), 'ErrorInfo': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DataSourceErrorInfo'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Permissions': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ResourcePermission'>], False), 'SslProperties': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.SslProperties'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True), 'VpcConnectionProperties': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VpcConnectionProperties'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::QuickSight::DataSource'
class troposphere.quicksight.DataSourceCredentials(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CopySourceArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CredentialPair': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.CredentialPair'>, False), 'SecretArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DataSourceErrorInfo(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Message': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DataSourceParameters(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AmazonElasticsearchParameters': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.AmazonElasticsearchParameters'>, False), 'AmazonOpenSearchParameters': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.AmazonOpenSearchParameters'>, False), 'AthenaParameters': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.AthenaParameters'>, False), 'AuroraParameters': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.AuroraParameters'>, False), 'AuroraPostgreSqlParameters': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.AuroraPostgreSqlParameters'>, False), 'DatabricksParameters': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DatabricksParameters'>, False), 'MariaDbParameters': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.MariaDbParameters'>, False), 'MySqlParameters': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.MySqlParameters'>, False), 'OracleParameters': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.OracleParameters'>, False), 'PostgreSqlParameters': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.PostgreSqlParameters'>, False), 'PrestoParameters': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.PrestoParameters'>, False), 'RdsParameters': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.RdsParameters'>, False), 'RedshiftParameters': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.RedshiftParameters'>, False), 'S3Parameters': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.S3Parameters'>, False), 'SnowflakeParameters': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.SnowflakeParameters'>, False), 'SparkParameters': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.SparkParameters'>, False), 'SqlServerParameters': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.SqlServerParameters'>, False), 'StarburstParameters': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.StarburstParameters'>, False), 'TeradataParameters': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TeradataParameters'>, False), 'TrinoParameters': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TrinoParameters'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DatabricksParameters(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Host': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Port': (<function double>, True), 'SqlEndpointPath': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DatasetMetadata(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CalculatedFields': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TopicCalculatedField'>], False), 'Columns': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TopicColumn'>], False), 'DataAggregation': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DataAggregation'>, False), 'DatasetArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DatasetDescription': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DatasetName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Filters': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TopicFilter'>], False), 'NamedEntities': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TopicNamedEntity'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DatasetParameter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DateTimeDatasetParameter': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DateTimeDatasetParameter'>, False), 'DecimalDatasetParameter': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DecimalDatasetParameter'>, False), 'IntegerDatasetParameter': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.IntegerDatasetParameter'>, False), 'StringDatasetParameter': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.StringDatasetParameter'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DateAxisOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MissingDateVisibility': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DateDimensionField(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Column': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnIdentifier'>, True), 'DateGranularity': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FieldId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FormatConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DateTimeFormatConfiguration'>, False), 'HierarchyId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DateMeasureField(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AggregationFunction': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Column': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnIdentifier'>, True), 'FieldId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FormatConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DateTimeFormatConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DateTimeDatasetParameter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DefaultValues': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DateTimeDatasetParameterDefaultValues'>, False), 'Id': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TimeGranularity': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ValueType': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DateTimeDatasetParameterDefaultValues(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'StaticValues': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DateTimeDefaultValues(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DynamicValue': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DynamicDefaultValue'>, False), 'RollingDate': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.RollingDateConfiguration'>, False), 'StaticValues': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DateTimeFormatConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DateTimeFormat': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.NullValueFormatConfiguration'>, False), 'NumericFormatConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.NumericFormatConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DateTimeHierarchy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DrillDownFilters': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DrillDownFilter'>], False), 'HierarchyId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DateTimeParameter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Values': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DateTimeParameterDeclaration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DefaultValues': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DateTimeDefaultValues'>, False), 'MappedDataSetParameters': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.MappedDataSetParameter'>], False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TimeGranularity': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ValueWhenUnset': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DateTimeValueWhenUnsetConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DateTimePickerControlDisplayOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DateTimeFormat': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InfoIconLabelOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.SheetControlInfoIconLabelOptions'>, False), 'TitleOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.LabelOptions'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DateTimeValueWhenUnsetConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomValue': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ValueWhenUnsetOption': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DecimalDatasetParameter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DefaultValues': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DecimalDatasetParameterDefaultValues'>, False), 'Id': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ValueType': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DecimalDatasetParameterDefaultValues(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'StaticValues': ([<function double>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DecimalDefaultValues(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DynamicValue': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DynamicDefaultValue'>, False), 'StaticValues': ([<function double>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DecimalParameter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Values': ([<function double>], True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DecimalParameterDeclaration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DefaultValues': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DecimalDefaultValues'>, False), 'MappedDataSetParameters': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.MappedDataSetParameter'>], False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ParameterValueType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ValueWhenUnset': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DecimalValueWhenUnsetConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DecimalPlacesConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DecimalPlaces': (<function double>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DecimalValueWhenUnsetConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomValue': (<function double>, False), 'ValueWhenUnsetOption': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DefaultDateTimePickerControlOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DisplayOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DateTimePickerControlDisplayOptions'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DefaultFilterControlConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ControlOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DefaultFilterControlOptions'>, True), 'Title': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DefaultFilterControlOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DefaultDateTimePickerOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DefaultDateTimePickerControlOptions'>, False), 'DefaultDropdownOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DefaultFilterDropDownControlOptions'>, False), 'DefaultListOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DefaultFilterListControlOptions'>, False), 'DefaultRelativeDateTimeOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DefaultRelativeDateTimeControlOptions'>, False), 'DefaultSliderOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DefaultSliderControlOptions'>, False), 'DefaultTextAreaOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DefaultTextAreaControlOptions'>, False), 'DefaultTextFieldOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DefaultTextFieldControlOptions'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DefaultFilterDropDownControlOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DisplayOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DropDownControlDisplayOptions'>, False), 'SelectableValues': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FilterSelectableValues'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DefaultFilterListControlOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DisplayOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ListControlDisplayOptions'>, False), 'SelectableValues': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FilterSelectableValues'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DefaultFormatting(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DisplayFormat': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DisplayFormatOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DisplayFormatOptions'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DefaultFreeFormLayoutConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CanvasSizeOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FreeFormLayoutCanvasSizeOptions'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DefaultGridLayoutConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CanvasSizeOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.GridLayoutCanvasSizeOptions'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DefaultInteractiveLayoutConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FreeForm': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DefaultFreeFormLayoutConfiguration'>, False), 'Grid': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DefaultGridLayoutConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DefaultNewSheetConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InteractiveLayoutConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DefaultInteractiveLayoutConfiguration'>, False), 'PaginatedLayoutConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DefaultPaginatedLayoutConfiguration'>, False), 'SheetContentType': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DefaultPaginatedLayoutConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SectionBased': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DefaultSectionBasedLayoutConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DefaultRelativeDateTimeControlOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DisplayOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.RelativeDateTimeControlDisplayOptions'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DefaultSectionBasedLayoutConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CanvasSizeOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.SectionBasedLayoutCanvasSizeOptions'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DefaultSliderControlOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DisplayOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.SliderControlDisplayOptions'>, False), 'MaximumValue': (<function double>, True), 'MinimumValue': (<function double>, True), 'StepSize': (<function double>, True), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DefaultTextAreaControlOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Delimiter': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DisplayOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TextAreaControlDisplayOptions'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DefaultTextFieldControlOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DisplayOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TextFieldControlDisplayOptions'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DestinationParameterValueConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomValuesConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.CustomValuesConfiguration'>, False), 'SelectAllValueOptions': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceColumn': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnIdentifier'>, False), 'SourceField': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceParameterName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DimensionField(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CategoricalDimensionField': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.CategoricalDimensionField'>, False), 'DateDimensionField': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DateDimensionField'>, False), 'NumericalDimensionField': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.NumericalDimensionField'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DisplayFormatOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BlankCellFormat': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CurrencySymbol': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DateFormat': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DecimalSeparator': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FractionDigits': (<function double>, False), 'GroupingSeparator': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NegativeFormat': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.NegativeFormat'>, False), 'Prefix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Suffix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'UnitScaler': (<class 'str'>, False), 'UseBlankCellFormat': (<function boolean>, False), 'UseGrouping': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DonutCenterOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LabelVisibility': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DonutOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ArcOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ArcOptions'>, False), 'DonutCenterOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DonutCenterOptions'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DrillDownFilter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CategoryFilter': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.CategoryDrillDownFilter'>, False), 'NumericEqualityFilter': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.NumericEqualityDrillDownFilter'>, False), 'TimeRangeFilter': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TimeRangeDrillDownFilter'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DropDownControlDisplayOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InfoIconLabelOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.SheetControlInfoIconLabelOptions'>, False), 'SelectAllOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ListControlSelectAllOptions'>, False), 'TitleOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.LabelOptions'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.DynamicDefaultValue(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DefaultValueColumn': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnIdentifier'>, True), 'GroupNameColumn': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnIdentifier'>, False), 'UserNameColumn': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnIdentifier'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.EmptyVisual(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Actions': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualCustomAction'>], False), 'DataSetIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, True), 'VisualId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.Entity(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Path': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ExcludePeriodConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Amount': (<function double>, True), 'Granularity': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Status': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ExplicitHierarchy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Columns': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnIdentifier'>], True), 'DrillDownFilters': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DrillDownFilter'>], False), 'HierarchyId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ExportHiddenFieldsOption(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AvailabilityStatus': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ExportToCSVOption(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AvailabilityStatus': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ExportWithHiddenFieldsOption(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AvailabilityStatus': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.FieldBasedTooltip(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AggregationVisibility': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TooltipFields': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TooltipItem'>], False), 'TooltipTitleType': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.FieldFolder(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Columns': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.FieldLabelType(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FieldId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Visibility': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.FieldSeriesItem(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AxisBinding': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FieldId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Settings': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.LineChartSeriesSettings'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.FieldSort(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Direction': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FieldId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.FieldSortOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ColumnSort': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnSort'>, False), 'FieldSort': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FieldSort'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.FieldTooltipItem(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FieldId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Label': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Visibility': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.FilledMapAggregatedFieldWells(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Geospatial': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DimensionField'>], False), 'Values': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.MeasureField'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.FilledMapConditionalFormatting(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConditionalFormattingOptions': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FilledMapConditionalFormattingOption'>], True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.FilledMapConditionalFormattingOption(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Shape': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FilledMapShapeConditionalFormatting'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.FilledMapConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FieldWells': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FilledMapFieldWells'>, False), 'Legend': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.LegendOptions'>, False), 'MapStyleOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.GeospatialMapStyleOptions'>, False), 'SortConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FilledMapSortConfiguration'>, False), 'Tooltip': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TooltipOptions'>, False), 'WindowOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.GeospatialWindowOptions'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.FilledMapFieldWells(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FilledMapAggregatedFieldWells': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FilledMapAggregatedFieldWells'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.FilledMapShapeConditionalFormatting(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FieldId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Format': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ShapeConditionalFormat'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.FilledMapSortConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CategorySort': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FieldSortOptions'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.FilledMapVisual(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Actions': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualCustomAction'>], False), 'ChartConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FilledMapConfiguration'>, False), 'ColumnHierarchies': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnHierarchy'>], False), 'ConditionalFormatting': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FilledMapConditionalFormatting'>, False), 'Subtitle': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualSubtitleLabelOptions'>, False), 'Title': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualTitleLabelOptions'>, False), 'VisualId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.Filter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CategoryFilter': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.CategoryFilter'>, False), 'NumericEqualityFilter': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.NumericEqualityFilter'>, False), 'NumericRangeFilter': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.NumericRangeFilter'>, False), 'RelativeDatesFilter': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.RelativeDatesFilter'>, False), 'TimeEqualityFilter': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TimeEqualityFilter'>, False), 'TimeRangeFilter': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TimeRangeFilter'>, False), 'TopBottomFilter': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TopBottomFilter'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.FilterControl(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CrossSheet': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FilterCrossSheetControl'>, False), 'DateTimePicker': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FilterDateTimePickerControl'>, False), 'Dropdown': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FilterDropDownControl'>, False), 'List': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FilterListControl'>, False), 'RelativeDateTime': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FilterRelativeDateTimeControl'>, False), 'Slider': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FilterSliderControl'>, False), 'TextArea': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FilterTextAreaControl'>, False), 'TextField': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FilterTextFieldControl'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.FilterCrossSheetControl(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CascadingControlConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.CascadingControlConfiguration'>, False), 'FilterControlId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SourceFilterId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.FilterDateTimePickerControl(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DisplayOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DateTimePickerControlDisplayOptions'>, False), 'FilterControlId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SourceFilterId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Title': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.FilterDropDownControl(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CascadingControlConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.CascadingControlConfiguration'>, False), 'DisplayOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DropDownControlDisplayOptions'>, False), 'FilterControlId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SelectableValues': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FilterSelectableValues'>, False), 'SourceFilterId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Title': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.FilterGroup(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CrossDataset': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FilterGroupId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Filters': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.Filter'>], True), 'ScopeConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FilterScopeConfiguration'>, True), 'Status': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.FilterListConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CategoryValues': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'MatchOperator': (<class 'str'>, True), 'NullOption': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SelectAllOptions': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.FilterListControl(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CascadingControlConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.CascadingControlConfiguration'>, False), 'DisplayOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ListControlDisplayOptions'>, False), 'FilterControlId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SelectableValues': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FilterSelectableValues'>, False), 'SourceFilterId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Title': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.FilterOperation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConditionExpression': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.FilterOperationSelectedFieldsConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SelectedColumns': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnIdentifier'>], False), 'SelectedFieldOptions': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SelectedFields': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.FilterOperationTargetVisualsConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SameSheetTargetVisualConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.SameSheetTargetVisualConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.FilterRelativeDateTimeControl(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DisplayOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.RelativeDateTimeControlDisplayOptions'>, False), 'FilterControlId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SourceFilterId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Title': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.FilterScopeConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AllSheets': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'SelectedSheets': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.SelectedSheetsFilterScopeConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.FilterSelectableValues(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Values': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.FilterSliderControl(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DisplayOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.SliderControlDisplayOptions'>, False), 'FilterControlId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MaximumValue': (<function double>, True), 'MinimumValue': (<function double>, True), 'SourceFilterId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'StepSize': (<function double>, True), 'Title': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.FilterTextAreaControl(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Delimiter': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DisplayOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TextAreaControlDisplayOptions'>, False), 'FilterControlId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SourceFilterId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Title': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.FilterTextFieldControl(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DisplayOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TextFieldControlDisplayOptions'>, False), 'FilterControlId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SourceFilterId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Title': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.Font(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FontFamily': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.FontConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FontColor': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FontDecoration': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FontSize': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FontSize'>, False), 'FontStyle': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FontWeight': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FontWeight'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.FontSize(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Relative': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.FontWeight(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ForecastComputation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ComputationId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'CustomSeasonalityValue': (<function double>, False), 'LowerBoundary': (<function double>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PeriodsBackward': (<function double>, False), 'PeriodsForward': (<function double>, False), 'PredictionInterval': (<function double>, False), 'Seasonality': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Time': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DimensionField'>, False), 'UpperBoundary': (<function double>, False), 'Value': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.MeasureField'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ForecastConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ForecastProperties': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TimeBasedForecastProperties'>, False), 'Scenario': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ForecastScenario'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ForecastScenario(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'WhatIfPointScenario': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.WhatIfPointScenario'>, False), 'WhatIfRangeScenario': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.WhatIfRangeScenario'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.FormatConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DateTimeFormatConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DateTimeFormatConfiguration'>, False), 'NumberFormatConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.NumberFormatConfiguration'>, False), 'StringFormatConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.StringFormatConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.FreeFormLayoutCanvasSizeOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ScreenCanvasSizeOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FreeFormLayoutScreenCanvasSizeOptions'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.FreeFormLayoutConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CanvasSizeOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FreeFormLayoutCanvasSizeOptions'>, False), 'Elements': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FreeFormLayoutElement'>], True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.FreeFormLayoutElement(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BackgroundStyle': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FreeFormLayoutElementBackgroundStyle'>, False), 'BorderStyle': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FreeFormLayoutElementBorderStyle'>, False), 'ElementId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ElementType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Height': (<class 'str'>, True), 'LoadingAnimation': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.LoadingAnimation'>, False), 'RenderingRules': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.SheetElementRenderingRule'>], False), 'SelectedBorderStyle': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FreeFormLayoutElementBorderStyle'>, False), 'Visibility': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Width': (<class 'str'>, True), 'XAxisLocation': (<class 'str'>, True), 'YAxisLocation': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.FreeFormLayoutElementBackgroundStyle(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Color': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Visibility': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.FreeFormLayoutElementBorderStyle(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Color': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Visibility': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.FreeFormLayoutScreenCanvasSizeOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'OptimizedViewPortWidth': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.FreeFormSectionLayoutConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Elements': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FreeFormLayoutElement'>], True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.FunnelChartAggregatedFieldWells(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Category': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DimensionField'>], False), 'Values': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.MeasureField'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.FunnelChartConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CategoryLabelOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ChartAxisLabelOptions'>, False), 'DataLabelOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FunnelChartDataLabelOptions'>, False), 'FieldWells': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FunnelChartFieldWells'>, False), 'SortConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FunnelChartSortConfiguration'>, False), 'Tooltip': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TooltipOptions'>, False), 'ValueLabelOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ChartAxisLabelOptions'>, False), 'VisualPalette': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualPalette'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.FunnelChartDataLabelOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CategoryLabelVisibility': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LabelColor': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LabelFontConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FontConfiguration'>, False), 'MeasureDataLabelStyle': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MeasureLabelVisibility': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Position': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Visibility': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.FunnelChartFieldWells(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FunnelChartAggregatedFieldWells': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FunnelChartAggregatedFieldWells'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.FunnelChartSortConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CategoryItemsLimit': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ItemsLimitConfiguration'>, False), 'CategorySort': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FieldSortOptions'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.FunnelChartVisual(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Actions': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualCustomAction'>], False), 'ChartConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FunnelChartConfiguration'>, False), 'ColumnHierarchies': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnHierarchy'>], False), 'Subtitle': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualSubtitleLabelOptions'>, False), 'Title': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualTitleLabelOptions'>, False), 'VisualId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.GaugeChartArcConditionalFormatting(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ForegroundColor': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ConditionalFormattingColor'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.GaugeChartConditionalFormatting(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConditionalFormattingOptions': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.GaugeChartConditionalFormattingOption'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.GaugeChartConditionalFormattingOption(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Arc': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.GaugeChartArcConditionalFormatting'>, False), 'PrimaryValue': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.GaugeChartPrimaryValueConditionalFormatting'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.GaugeChartConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataLabels': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DataLabelOptions'>, False), 'FieldWells': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.GaugeChartFieldWells'>, False), 'GaugeChartOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.GaugeChartOptions'>, False), 'TooltipOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TooltipOptions'>, False), 'VisualPalette': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualPalette'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.GaugeChartFieldWells(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TargetValues': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.MeasureField'>], False), 'Values': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.MeasureField'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.GaugeChartOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Arc': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ArcConfiguration'>, False), 'ArcAxis': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ArcAxisConfiguration'>, False), 'Comparison': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ComparisonConfiguration'>, False), 'PrimaryValueDisplayType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PrimaryValueFontConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FontConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.GaugeChartPrimaryValueConditionalFormatting(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Icon': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ConditionalFormattingIcon'>, False), 'TextColor': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ConditionalFormattingColor'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.GaugeChartVisual(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Actions': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualCustomAction'>], False), 'ChartConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.GaugeChartConfiguration'>, False), 'ConditionalFormatting': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.GaugeChartConditionalFormatting'>, False), 'Subtitle': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualSubtitleLabelOptions'>, False), 'Title': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualTitleLabelOptions'>, False), 'VisualId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.GeoSpatialColumnGroup(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Columns': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'CountryCode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.GeospatialCoordinateBounds(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'East': (<function double>, True), 'North': (<function double>, True), 'South': (<function double>, True), 'West': (<function double>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.GeospatialHeatmapColorScale(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Colors': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.GeospatialHeatmapDataColor'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.GeospatialHeatmapConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'HeatmapColor': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.GeospatialHeatmapColorScale'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.GeospatialHeatmapDataColor(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Color': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.GeospatialMapAggregatedFieldWells(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Colors': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DimensionField'>], False), 'Geospatial': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DimensionField'>], False), 'Values': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.MeasureField'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.GeospatialMapConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FieldWells': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.GeospatialMapFieldWells'>, False), 'Legend': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.LegendOptions'>, False), 'MapStyleOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.GeospatialMapStyleOptions'>, False), 'PointStyleOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.GeospatialPointStyleOptions'>, False), 'Tooltip': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TooltipOptions'>, False), 'VisualPalette': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualPalette'>, False), 'WindowOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.GeospatialWindowOptions'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.GeospatialMapFieldWells(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'GeospatialMapAggregatedFieldWells': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.GeospatialMapAggregatedFieldWells'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.GeospatialMapStyleOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BaseMapStyle': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.GeospatialMapVisual(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Actions': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualCustomAction'>], False), 'ChartConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.GeospatialMapConfiguration'>, False), 'ColumnHierarchies': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnHierarchy'>], False), 'Subtitle': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualSubtitleLabelOptions'>, False), 'Title': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualTitleLabelOptions'>, False), 'VisualId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.GeospatialPointStyleOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ClusterMarkerConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ClusterMarkerConfiguration'>, False), 'HeatmapConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.GeospatialHeatmapConfiguration'>, False), 'SelectedPointStyle': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.GeospatialWindowOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Bounds': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.GeospatialCoordinateBounds'>, False), 'MapZoomMode': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.GlobalTableBorderOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SideSpecificBorder': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TableSideBorderOptions'>, False), 'UniformBorder': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TableBorderOptions'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.GradientColor(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Stops': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.GradientStop'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.GradientStop(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Color': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DataValue': (<function double>, False), 'GradientOffset': (<function double>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.GridLayoutCanvasSizeOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ScreenCanvasSizeOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.GridLayoutScreenCanvasSizeOptions'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.GridLayoutConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CanvasSizeOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.GridLayoutCanvasSizeOptions'>, False), 'Elements': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.GridLayoutElement'>], True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.GridLayoutElement(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ColumnIndex': (<function double>, False), 'ColumnSpan': (<function double>, True), 'ElementId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ElementType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RowIndex': (<function double>, False), 'RowSpan': (<function double>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.GridLayoutScreenCanvasSizeOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'OptimizedViewPortWidth': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ResizeOption': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.GrowthRateComputation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ComputationId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PeriodSize': (<function double>, False), 'Time': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DimensionField'>, False), 'Value': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.MeasureField'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.GutterStyle(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Show': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.HeaderFooterSectionConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Layout': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.SectionLayoutConfiguration'>, True), 'SectionId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Style': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.SectionStyle'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.HeatMapAggregatedFieldWells(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Columns': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DimensionField'>], False), 'Rows': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DimensionField'>], False), 'Values': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.MeasureField'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.HeatMapConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ColorScale': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColorScale'>, False), 'ColumnLabelOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ChartAxisLabelOptions'>, False), 'DataLabels': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DataLabelOptions'>, False), 'FieldWells': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.HeatMapFieldWells'>, False), 'Legend': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.LegendOptions'>, False), 'RowLabelOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ChartAxisLabelOptions'>, False), 'SortConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.HeatMapSortConfiguration'>, False), 'Tooltip': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TooltipOptions'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.HeatMapFieldWells(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'HeatMapAggregatedFieldWells': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.HeatMapAggregatedFieldWells'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.HeatMapSortConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'HeatMapColumnItemsLimitConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ItemsLimitConfiguration'>, False), 'HeatMapColumnSort': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FieldSortOptions'>], False), 'HeatMapRowItemsLimitConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ItemsLimitConfiguration'>, False), 'HeatMapRowSort': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FieldSortOptions'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.HeatMapVisual(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Actions': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualCustomAction'>], False), 'ChartConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.HeatMapConfiguration'>, False), 'ColumnHierarchies': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnHierarchy'>], False), 'Subtitle': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualSubtitleLabelOptions'>, False), 'Title': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualTitleLabelOptions'>, False), 'VisualId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.HistogramAggregatedFieldWells(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Values': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.MeasureField'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.HistogramBinOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BinCount': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.BinCountOptions'>, False), 'BinWidth': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.BinWidthOptions'>, False), 'SelectedBinType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StartValue': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.HistogramConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BinOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.HistogramBinOptions'>, False), 'DataLabels': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DataLabelOptions'>, False), 'FieldWells': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.HistogramFieldWells'>, False), 'Tooltip': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TooltipOptions'>, False), 'VisualPalette': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualPalette'>, False), 'XAxisDisplayOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.AxisDisplayOptions'>, False), 'XAxisLabelOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ChartAxisLabelOptions'>, False), 'YAxisDisplayOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.AxisDisplayOptions'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.HistogramFieldWells(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'HistogramAggregatedFieldWells': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.HistogramAggregatedFieldWells'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.HistogramVisual(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Actions': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualCustomAction'>], False), 'ChartConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.HistogramConfiguration'>, False), 'Subtitle': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualSubtitleLabelOptions'>, False), 'Title': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualTitleLabelOptions'>, False), 'VisualId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.IdentityCenterConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EnableIdentityPropagation': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.IncrementalRefresh(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LookbackWindow': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.LookbackWindow'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.IngestionWaitPolicy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'IngestionWaitTimeInHours': (<function double>, False), 'WaitForSpiceIngestion': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.InputColumn(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SubType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.InsightConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Computations': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.Computation'>], False), 'CustomNarrative': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.CustomNarrativeOptions'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.InsightVisual(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Actions': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualCustomAction'>], False), 'DataSetIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, True), 'InsightConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.InsightConfiguration'>, False), 'Subtitle': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualSubtitleLabelOptions'>, False), 'Title': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualTitleLabelOptions'>, False), 'VisualId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.IntegerDatasetParameter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DefaultValues': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.IntegerDatasetParameterDefaultValues'>, False), 'Id': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ValueType': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.IntegerDatasetParameterDefaultValues(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'StaticValues': ([<function double>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.IntegerDefaultValues(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DynamicValue': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DynamicDefaultValue'>, False), 'StaticValues': ([<function double>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.IntegerParameter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Values': ([<function double>], True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.IntegerParameterDeclaration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DefaultValues': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.IntegerDefaultValues'>, False), 'MappedDataSetParameters': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.MappedDataSetParameter'>], False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ParameterValueType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ValueWhenUnset': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.IntegerValueWhenUnsetConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.IntegerValueWhenUnsetConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomValue': (<function double>, False), 'ValueWhenUnsetOption': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ItemsLimitConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ItemsLimit': (<function double>, False), 'OtherCategories': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.JoinInstruction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LeftJoinKeyProperties': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.JoinKeyProperties'>, False), 'LeftOperand': (<class 'str'>, True), 'OnClause': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RightJoinKeyProperties': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.JoinKeyProperties'>, False), 'RightOperand': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.JoinKeyProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'UniqueKey': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.KPIActualValueConditionalFormatting(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Icon': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ConditionalFormattingIcon'>, False), 'TextColor': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ConditionalFormattingColor'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.KPIComparisonValueConditionalFormatting(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Icon': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ConditionalFormattingIcon'>, False), 'TextColor': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ConditionalFormattingColor'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.KPIConditionalFormatting(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConditionalFormattingOptions': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.KPIConditionalFormattingOption'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.KPIConditionalFormattingOption(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ActualValue': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.KPIActualValueConditionalFormatting'>, False), 'ComparisonValue': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.KPIComparisonValueConditionalFormatting'>, False), 'PrimaryValue': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.KPIPrimaryValueConditionalFormatting'>, False), 'ProgressBar': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.KPIProgressBarConditionalFormatting'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.KPIConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FieldWells': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.KPIFieldWells'>, False), 'KPIOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.KPIOptions'>, False), 'SortConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.KPISortConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.KPIFieldWells(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TargetValues': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.MeasureField'>], False), 'TrendGroups': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DimensionField'>], False), 'Values': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.MeasureField'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.KPIOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Comparison': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ComparisonConfiguration'>, False), 'PrimaryValueDisplayType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PrimaryValueFontConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FontConfiguration'>, False), 'ProgressBar': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ProgressBarOptions'>, False), 'SecondaryValue': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.SecondaryValueOptions'>, False), 'SecondaryValueFontConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FontConfiguration'>, False), 'Sparkline': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.KPISparklineOptions'>, False), 'TrendArrows': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TrendArrowOptions'>, False), 'VisualLayoutOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.KPIVisualLayoutOptions'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.KPIPrimaryValueConditionalFormatting(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Icon': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ConditionalFormattingIcon'>, False), 'TextColor': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ConditionalFormattingColor'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.KPIProgressBarConditionalFormatting(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ForegroundColor': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ConditionalFormattingColor'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.KPISortConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TrendGroupSort': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FieldSortOptions'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.KPISparklineOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Color': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TooltipVisibility': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Visibility': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.KPIVisual(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Actions': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualCustomAction'>], False), 'ChartConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.KPIConfiguration'>, False), 'ColumnHierarchies': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnHierarchy'>], False), 'ConditionalFormatting': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.KPIConditionalFormatting'>, False), 'Subtitle': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualSubtitleLabelOptions'>, False), 'Title': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualTitleLabelOptions'>, False), 'VisualId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.KPIVisualLayoutOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'StandardLayout': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.KPIVisualStandardLayout'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.KPIVisualStandardLayout(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.LabelOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomLabel': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FontConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FontConfiguration'>, False), 'Visibility': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.Layout(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Configuration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.LayoutConfiguration'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.LayoutConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FreeFormLayout': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FreeFormLayoutConfiguration'>, False), 'GridLayout': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.GridLayoutConfiguration'>, False), 'SectionBasedLayout': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.SectionBasedLayoutConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.LegendOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Height': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Position': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Title': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.LabelOptions'>, False), 'Visibility': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Width': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.LineChartAggregatedFieldWells(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Category': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DimensionField'>], False), 'Colors': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DimensionField'>], False), 'SmallMultiples': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DimensionField'>], False), 'Values': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.MeasureField'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.LineChartConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContributionAnalysisDefaults': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ContributionAnalysisDefault'>], False), 'DataLabels': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DataLabelOptions'>, False), 'DefaultSeriesSettings': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.LineChartDefaultSeriesSettings'>, False), 'FieldWells': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.LineChartFieldWells'>, False), 'ForecastConfigurations': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ForecastConfiguration'>], False), 'Legend': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.LegendOptions'>, False), 'PrimaryYAxisDisplayOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.LineSeriesAxisDisplayOptions'>, False), 'PrimaryYAxisLabelOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ChartAxisLabelOptions'>, False), 'ReferenceLines': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ReferenceLine'>], False), 'SecondaryYAxisDisplayOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.LineSeriesAxisDisplayOptions'>, False), 'SecondaryYAxisLabelOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ChartAxisLabelOptions'>, False), 'Series': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.SeriesItem'>], False), 'SmallMultiplesOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.SmallMultiplesOptions'>, False), 'SortConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.LineChartSortConfiguration'>, False), 'Tooltip': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TooltipOptions'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VisualPalette': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualPalette'>, False), 'XAxisDisplayOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.AxisDisplayOptions'>, False), 'XAxisLabelOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ChartAxisLabelOptions'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.LineChartDefaultSeriesSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AxisBinding': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LineStyleSettings': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.LineChartLineStyleSettings'>, False), 'MarkerStyleSettings': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.LineChartMarkerStyleSettings'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.LineChartFieldWells(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LineChartAggregatedFieldWells': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.LineChartAggregatedFieldWells'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.LineChartLineStyleSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LineInterpolation': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LineStyle': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LineVisibility': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LineWidth': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.LineChartMarkerStyleSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MarkerColor': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MarkerShape': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MarkerSize': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MarkerVisibility': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.LineChartSeriesSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LineStyleSettings': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.LineChartLineStyleSettings'>, False), 'MarkerStyleSettings': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.LineChartMarkerStyleSettings'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.LineChartSortConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CategoryItemsLimitConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ItemsLimitConfiguration'>, False), 'CategorySort': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FieldSortOptions'>], False), 'ColorItemsLimitConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ItemsLimitConfiguration'>, False), 'SmallMultiplesLimitConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ItemsLimitConfiguration'>, False), 'SmallMultiplesSort': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FieldSortOptions'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.LineChartVisual(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Actions': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualCustomAction'>], False), 'ChartConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.LineChartConfiguration'>, False), 'ColumnHierarchies': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnHierarchy'>], False), 'Subtitle': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualSubtitleLabelOptions'>, False), 'Title': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualTitleLabelOptions'>, False), 'VisualId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.LineSeriesAxisDisplayOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AxisOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.AxisDisplayOptions'>, False), 'MissingDataConfigurations': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.MissingDataConfiguration'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.LinkSharingConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Permissions': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ResourcePermission'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ListControlDisplayOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InfoIconLabelOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.SheetControlInfoIconLabelOptions'>, False), 'SearchOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ListControlSearchOptions'>, False), 'SelectAllOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ListControlSelectAllOptions'>, False), 'TitleOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.LabelOptions'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ListControlSearchOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Visibility': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ListControlSelectAllOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Visibility': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.LoadingAnimation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Visibility': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.LocalNavigationConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TargetSheetId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.LogicalTable(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Alias': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DataTransforms': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TransformOperation'>], False), 'Source': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.LogicalTableSource'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.LogicalTableSource(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataSetArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'JoinInstruction': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.JoinInstruction'>, False), 'PhysicalTableId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.LongFormatText(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PlainText': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RichText': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.LookbackWindow(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ColumnName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Size': (<function double>, True), 'SizeUnit': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ManifestFileLocation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Bucket': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Key': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.MappedDataSetParameter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataSetIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DataSetParameterName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.MarginStyle(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Show': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.MariaDbParameters(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Database': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Host': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Port': (<function double>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.MaximumLabelType(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Visibility': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.MaximumMinimumComputation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ComputationId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Time': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DimensionField'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.MeasureField'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.MeasureField(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CalculatedMeasureField': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.CalculatedMeasureField'>, False), 'CategoricalMeasureField': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.CategoricalMeasureField'>, False), 'DateMeasureField': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DateMeasureField'>, False), 'NumericalMeasureField': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.NumericalMeasureField'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.MetricComparisonComputation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ComputationId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FromValue': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.MeasureField'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TargetValue': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.MeasureField'>, False), 'Time': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DimensionField'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.MinimumLabelType(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Visibility': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.MissingDataConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TreatmentOption': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.MySqlParameters(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Database': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Host': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Port': (<function double>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.NamedEntityDefinition(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FieldName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Metric': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.NamedEntityDefinitionMetric'>, False), 'PropertyName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PropertyRole': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PropertyUsage': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.NamedEntityDefinitionMetric(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Aggregation': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AggregationFunctionParameters': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.NegativeFormat(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Prefix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Suffix': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.NegativeValueConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DisplayMode': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.NetworkInterface(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AvailabilityZone': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ErrorMessage': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NetworkInterfaceId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Status': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SubnetId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.NewDefaultValues(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DateTimeStaticValues': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'DecimalStaticValues': ([<function double>], False), 'IntegerStaticValues': ([<function double>], False), 'StringStaticValues': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.NullValueFormatConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'NullString': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DecimalPlacesConfiguration'>, False), 'NegativeValueConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.NegativeValueConfiguration'>, False), 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.NullValueFormatConfiguration'>, False), 'NumberScale': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Prefix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SeparatorConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.NumericSeparatorConfiguration'>, False), 'Suffix': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.NumberFormatConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FormatConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.NumericFormatConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.NumericAxisOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Range': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.AxisDisplayRange'>, False), 'Scale': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.AxisScale'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.NumericEqualityDrillDownFilter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Column': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnIdentifier'>, True), 'Value': (<function double>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.NumericEqualityFilter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AggregationFunction': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.AggregationFunction'>, False), 'Column': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnIdentifier'>, True), 'DefaultFilterControlConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DefaultFilterControlConfiguration'>, False), 'FilterId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MatchOperator': (<class 'str'>, True), 'NullOption': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ParameterName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SelectAllOptions': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Value': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.NumericFormatConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration'>, False), 'NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration'>, False), 'PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.NumericRangeFilter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AggregationFunction': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.AggregationFunction'>, False), 'Column': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnIdentifier'>, True), 'DefaultFilterControlConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DefaultFilterControlConfiguration'>, False), 'FilterId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'IncludeMaximum': (<function boolean>, False), 'IncludeMinimum': (<function boolean>, False), 'NullOption': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RangeMaximum': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.NumericRangeFilterValue'>, False), 'RangeMinimum': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.NumericRangeFilterValue'>, False), 'SelectAllOptions': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.NumericRangeFilterValue(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Parameter': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StaticValue': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.NumericSeparatorConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DecimalSeparator': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ThousandsSeparator': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ThousandSeparatorOptions'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.NumericalAggregationFunction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PercentileAggregation': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.PercentileAggregation'>, False), 'SimpleNumericalAggregation': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.NumericalDimensionField(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Column': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnIdentifier'>, True), 'FieldId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FormatConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.NumberFormatConfiguration'>, False), 'HierarchyId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.NumericalMeasureField(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AggregationFunction': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.NumericalAggregationFunction'>, False), 'Column': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnIdentifier'>, True), 'FieldId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FormatConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.NumberFormatConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.OracleParameters(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Database': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Host': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Port': (<function double>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.OverrideDatasetParameterOperation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'NewDefaultValues': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.NewDefaultValues'>, False), 'NewParameterName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ParameterName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.PaginationConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PageNumber': (<function double>, True), 'PageSize': (<function double>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.PanelConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BackgroundColor': (<class 'str'>, False), 'BackgroundVisibility': (<class 'str'>, False), 'BorderColor': (<class 'str'>, False), 'BorderStyle': (<class 'str'>, False), 'BorderThickness': (<class 'str'>, False), 'BorderVisibility': (<class 'str'>, False), 'GutterSpacing': (<class 'str'>, False), 'GutterVisibility': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Title': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.PanelTitleOptions'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.PanelTitleOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FontConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FontConfiguration'>, False), 'HorizontalTextAlignment': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Visibility': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ParameterControl(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DateTimePicker': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ParameterDateTimePickerControl'>, False), 'Dropdown': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ParameterDropDownControl'>, False), 'List': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ParameterListControl'>, False), 'Slider': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ParameterSliderControl'>, False), 'TextArea': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ParameterTextAreaControl'>, False), 'TextField': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ParameterTextFieldControl'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ParameterDateTimePickerControl(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DisplayOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DateTimePickerControlDisplayOptions'>, False), 'ParameterControlId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SourceParameterName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Title': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ParameterDeclaration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DateTimeParameterDeclaration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DateTimeParameterDeclaration'>, False), 'DecimalParameterDeclaration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DecimalParameterDeclaration'>, False), 'IntegerParameterDeclaration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.IntegerParameterDeclaration'>, False), 'StringParameterDeclaration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.StringParameterDeclaration'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ParameterDropDownControl(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CascadingControlConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.CascadingControlConfiguration'>, False), 'DisplayOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DropDownControlDisplayOptions'>, False), 'ParameterControlId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SelectableValues': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ParameterSelectableValues'>, False), 'SourceParameterName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Title': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ParameterListControl(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CascadingControlConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.CascadingControlConfiguration'>, False), 'DisplayOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ListControlDisplayOptions'>, False), 'ParameterControlId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SelectableValues': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ParameterSelectableValues'>, False), 'SourceParameterName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Title': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ParameterSelectableValues(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LinkToDataSetColumn': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnIdentifier'>, False), 'Values': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ParameterSliderControl(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DisplayOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.SliderControlDisplayOptions'>, False), 'MaximumValue': (<function double>, True), 'MinimumValue': (<function double>, True), 'ParameterControlId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SourceParameterName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'StepSize': (<function double>, True), 'Title': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ParameterTextAreaControl(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Delimiter': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DisplayOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TextAreaControlDisplayOptions'>, False), 'ParameterControlId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SourceParameterName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Title': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ParameterTextFieldControl(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DisplayOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TextFieldControlDisplayOptions'>, False), 'ParameterControlId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SourceParameterName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Title': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.Parameters(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DateTimeParameters': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DateTimeParameter'>], False), 'DecimalParameters': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DecimalParameter'>], False), 'IntegerParameters': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.IntegerParameter'>], False), 'StringParameters': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.StringParameter'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.PercentVisibleRange(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'From': (<function double>, False), 'To': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DecimalPlacesConfiguration'>, False), 'NegativeValueConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.NegativeValueConfiguration'>, False), 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.NullValueFormatConfiguration'>, False), 'Prefix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SeparatorConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.NumericSeparatorConfiguration'>, False), 'Suffix': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.PercentileAggregation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PercentileValue': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.PeriodOverPeriodComputation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ComputationId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Time': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DimensionField'>, False), 'Value': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.MeasureField'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.PeriodToDateComputation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ComputationId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PeriodTimeGranularity': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Time': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DimensionField'>, False), 'Value': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.MeasureField'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.PhysicalTable(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomSql': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.CustomSql'>, False), 'RelationalTable': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.RelationalTable'>, False), 'S3Source': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.S3Source'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.PieChartAggregatedFieldWells(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Category': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DimensionField'>], False), 'SmallMultiples': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DimensionField'>], False), 'Values': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.MeasureField'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.PieChartConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CategoryLabelOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ChartAxisLabelOptions'>, False), 'ContributionAnalysisDefaults': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ContributionAnalysisDefault'>], False), 'DataLabels': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DataLabelOptions'>, False), 'DonutOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DonutOptions'>, False), 'FieldWells': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.PieChartFieldWells'>, False), 'Legend': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.LegendOptions'>, False), 'SmallMultiplesOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.SmallMultiplesOptions'>, False), 'SortConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.PieChartSortConfiguration'>, False), 'Tooltip': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TooltipOptions'>, False), 'ValueLabelOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ChartAxisLabelOptions'>, False), 'VisualPalette': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualPalette'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.PieChartFieldWells(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PieChartAggregatedFieldWells': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.PieChartAggregatedFieldWells'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.PieChartSortConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CategoryItemsLimit': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ItemsLimitConfiguration'>, False), 'CategorySort': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FieldSortOptions'>], False), 'SmallMultiplesLimitConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ItemsLimitConfiguration'>, False), 'SmallMultiplesSort': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FieldSortOptions'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.PieChartVisual(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Actions': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualCustomAction'>], False), 'ChartConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.PieChartConfiguration'>, False), 'ColumnHierarchies': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnHierarchy'>], False), 'Subtitle': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualSubtitleLabelOptions'>, False), 'Title': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualTitleLabelOptions'>, False), 'VisualId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.PivotFieldSortOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FieldId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SortBy': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.PivotTableSortBy'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.PivotTableAggregatedFieldWells(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Columns': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DimensionField'>], False), 'Rows': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DimensionField'>], False), 'Values': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.MeasureField'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.PivotTableCellConditionalFormatting(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FieldId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Scope': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.PivotTableConditionalFormattingScope'>, False), 'Scopes': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.PivotTableConditionalFormattingScope'>], False), 'TextFormat': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TextConditionalFormat'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.PivotTableConditionalFormatting(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConditionalFormattingOptions': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.PivotTableConditionalFormattingOption'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.PivotTableConditionalFormattingOption(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Cell': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.PivotTableCellConditionalFormatting'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.PivotTableConditionalFormattingScope(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Role': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.PivotTableConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FieldOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.PivotTableFieldOptions'>, False), 'FieldWells': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.PivotTableFieldWells'>, False), 'PaginatedReportOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.PivotTablePaginatedReportOptions'>, False), 'SortConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.PivotTableSortConfiguration'>, False), 'TableOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.PivotTableOptions'>, False), 'TotalOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.PivotTableTotalOptions'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.PivotTableDataPathOption(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataPathList': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DataPathValue'>], True), 'Width': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.PivotTableFieldCollapseStateOption(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'State': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Target': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.PivotTableFieldCollapseStateTarget'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.PivotTableFieldCollapseStateTarget(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FieldDataPathValues': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DataPathValue'>], False), 'FieldId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.PivotTableFieldOption(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomLabel': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FieldId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Visibility': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.PivotTableFieldOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CollapseStateOptions': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.PivotTableFieldCollapseStateOption'>], False), 'DataPathOptions': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.PivotTableDataPathOption'>], False), 'SelectedFieldOptions': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.PivotTableFieldOption'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.PivotTableFieldSubtotalOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FieldId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.PivotTableFieldWells(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PivotTableAggregatedFieldWells': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.PivotTableAggregatedFieldWells'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.PivotTableOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CellStyle': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TableCellStyle'>, False), 'CollapsedRowDimensionsVisibility': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ColumnHeaderStyle': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TableCellStyle'>, False), 'ColumnNamesVisibility': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DefaultCellWidth': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MetricPlacement': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RowAlternateColorOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.RowAlternateColorOptions'>, False), 'RowFieldNamesStyle': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TableCellStyle'>, False), 'RowHeaderStyle': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TableCellStyle'>, False), 'RowsLabelOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.PivotTableRowsLabelOptions'>, False), 'RowsLayout': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SingleMetricVisibility': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ToggleButtonsVisibility': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.PivotTablePaginatedReportOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'OverflowColumnHeaderVisibility': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VerticalOverflowVisibility': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.PivotTableRowsLabelOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomLabel': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Visibility': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.PivotTableSortBy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Column': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnSort'>, False), 'DataPath': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DataPathSort'>, False), 'Field': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FieldSort'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.PivotTableSortConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FieldSortOptions': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.PivotFieldSortOptions'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.PivotTableTotalOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ColumnSubtotalOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.SubtotalOptions'>, False), 'ColumnTotalOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.PivotTotalOptions'>, False), 'RowSubtotalOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.SubtotalOptions'>, False), 'RowTotalOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.PivotTotalOptions'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.PivotTableVisual(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Actions': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualCustomAction'>], False), 'ChartConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.PivotTableConfiguration'>, False), 'ConditionalFormatting': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.PivotTableConditionalFormatting'>, False), 'Subtitle': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualSubtitleLabelOptions'>, False), 'Title': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualTitleLabelOptions'>, False), 'VisualId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.PivotTotalOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomLabel': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MetricHeaderCellStyle': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TableCellStyle'>, False), 'Placement': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ScrollStatus': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TotalAggregationOptions': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TotalAggregationOption'>], False), 'TotalCellStyle': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TableCellStyle'>, False), 'TotalsVisibility': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ValueCellStyle': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TableCellStyle'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.PostgreSqlParameters(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Database': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Host': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Port': (<function double>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.PredefinedHierarchy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Columns': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnIdentifier'>], True), 'DrillDownFilters': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DrillDownFilter'>], False), 'HierarchyId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.PrestoParameters(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Catalog': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Host': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Port': (<function double>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ProgressBarOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Visibility': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ProjectOperation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ProjectedColumns': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.RadarChartAggregatedFieldWells(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Category': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DimensionField'>], False), 'Color': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DimensionField'>], False), 'Values': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.MeasureField'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.RadarChartAreaStyleSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Visibility': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.RadarChartConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AlternateBandColorsVisibility': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AlternateBandEvenColor': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AlternateBandOddColor': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AxesRangeScale': (<class 'str'>, False), 'BaseSeriesSettings': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.RadarChartSeriesSettings'>, False), 'CategoryAxis': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.AxisDisplayOptions'>, False), 'CategoryLabelOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ChartAxisLabelOptions'>, False), 'ColorAxis': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.AxisDisplayOptions'>, False), 'ColorLabelOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ChartAxisLabelOptions'>, False), 'FieldWells': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.RadarChartFieldWells'>, False), 'Legend': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.LegendOptions'>, False), 'Shape': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SortConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.RadarChartSortConfiguration'>, False), 'StartAngle': (<function double>, False), 'VisualPalette': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualPalette'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.RadarChartFieldWells(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RadarChartAggregatedFieldWells': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.RadarChartAggregatedFieldWells'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.RadarChartSeriesSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AreaStyleSettings': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.RadarChartAreaStyleSettings'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.RadarChartSortConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CategoryItemsLimit': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ItemsLimitConfiguration'>, False), 'CategorySort': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FieldSortOptions'>], False), 'ColorItemsLimit': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ItemsLimitConfiguration'>, False), 'ColorSort': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FieldSortOptions'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.RadarChartVisual(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Actions': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualCustomAction'>], False), 'ChartConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.RadarChartConfiguration'>, False), 'ColumnHierarchies': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnHierarchy'>], False), 'Subtitle': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualSubtitleLabelOptions'>, False), 'Title': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualTitleLabelOptions'>, False), 'VisualId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.RangeConstant(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Maximum': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Minimum': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.RangeEndsLabelType(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Visibility': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.RdsParameters(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Database': (<class 'str'>, True), 'InstanceId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.RedshiftParameters(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ClusterId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Database': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Host': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IdentityCenterConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.IdentityCenterConfiguration'>, False), 'Port': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ReferenceLine(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ReferenceLineDataConfiguration'>, True), 'LabelConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ReferenceLineLabelConfiguration'>, False), 'Status': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StyleConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ReferenceLineStyleConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ReferenceLineCustomLabelConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomLabel': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ReferenceLineDataConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AxisBinding': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DynamicConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ReferenceLineDynamicDataConfiguration'>, False), 'SeriesType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StaticConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ReferenceLineStaticDataConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ReferenceLineDynamicDataConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Calculation': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.NumericalAggregationFunction'>, True), 'Column': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnIdentifier'>, True), 'MeasureAggregationFunction': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.AggregationFunction'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ReferenceLineLabelConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomLabelConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ReferenceLineCustomLabelConfiguration'>, False), 'FontColor': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FontConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FontConfiguration'>, False), 'HorizontalPosition': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ValueLabelConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ReferenceLineValueLabelConfiguration'>, False), 'VerticalPosition': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ReferenceLineStaticDataConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Value': (<function double>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ReferenceLineStyleConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Color': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Pattern': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ReferenceLineValueLabelConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FormatConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.NumericFormatConfiguration'>, False), 'RelativePosition': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.RefreshConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'IncrementalRefresh': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.IncrementalRefresh'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.RefreshOnDay(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DayOfMonth': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DayOfWeek': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.RefreshSchedule(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AwsAccountId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DataSetId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Schedule': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.RefreshScheduleMap'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::QuickSight::RefreshSchedule'
class troposphere.quicksight.RefreshScheduleMap(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RefreshType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ScheduleFrequency': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ScheduleFrequency'>, False), 'ScheduleId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StartAfterDateTime': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.RelationalTable(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Catalog': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DataSourceArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'InputColumns': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.InputColumn'>], True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Schema': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.RelativeDateTimeControlDisplayOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DateTimeFormat': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InfoIconLabelOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.SheetControlInfoIconLabelOptions'>, False), 'TitleOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.LabelOptions'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.RelativeDatesFilter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AnchorDateConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.AnchorDateConfiguration'>, True), 'Column': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnIdentifier'>, True), 'DefaultFilterControlConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DefaultFilterControlConfiguration'>, False), 'ExcludePeriodConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ExcludePeriodConfiguration'>, False), 'FilterId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MinimumGranularity': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NullOption': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ParameterName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RelativeDateType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RelativeDateValue': (<function double>, False), 'TimeGranularity': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.RenameColumnOperation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ColumnName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'NewColumnName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ResourcePermission(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Actions': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Principal': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.RollingDateConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataSetIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Expression': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.RowAlternateColorOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RowAlternateColors': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Status': (<class 'str'>, False), 'UsePrimaryBackgroundColor': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.RowLevelPermissionDataSet(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Arn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FormatVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Namespace': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PermissionPolicy': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Status': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.RowLevelPermissionTagConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Status': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TagRuleConfigurations': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'TagRules': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.RowLevelPermissionTagRule'>], True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.RowLevelPermissionTagRule(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ColumnName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MatchAllValue': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TagKey': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TagMultiValueDelimiter': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.S3Parameters(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ManifestFileLocation': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ManifestFileLocation'>, True), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.S3Source(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataSourceArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'InputColumns': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.InputColumn'>], True), 'UploadSettings': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.UploadSettings'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.SameSheetTargetVisualConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TargetVisualOptions': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TargetVisuals': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.SankeyDiagramAggregatedFieldWells(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Destination': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DimensionField'>], False), 'Source': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DimensionField'>], False), 'Weight': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.MeasureField'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.SankeyDiagramChartConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataLabels': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DataLabelOptions'>, False), 'FieldWells': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.SankeyDiagramFieldWells'>, False), 'SortConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.SankeyDiagramSortConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.SankeyDiagramFieldWells(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SankeyDiagramAggregatedFieldWells': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.SankeyDiagramAggregatedFieldWells'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.SankeyDiagramSortConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DestinationItemsLimit': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ItemsLimitConfiguration'>, False), 'SourceItemsLimit': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ItemsLimitConfiguration'>, False), 'WeightSort': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FieldSortOptions'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.SankeyDiagramVisual(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Actions': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualCustomAction'>], False), 'ChartConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.SankeyDiagramChartConfiguration'>, False), 'Subtitle': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualSubtitleLabelOptions'>, False), 'Title': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualTitleLabelOptions'>, False), 'VisualId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ScatterPlotCategoricallyAggregatedFieldWells(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Category': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DimensionField'>], False), 'Label': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DimensionField'>], False), 'Size': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.MeasureField'>], False), 'XAxis': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.MeasureField'>], False), 'YAxis': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.MeasureField'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ScatterPlotConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataLabels': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DataLabelOptions'>, False), 'FieldWells': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ScatterPlotFieldWells'>, False), 'Legend': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.LegendOptions'>, False), 'Tooltip': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TooltipOptions'>, False), 'VisualPalette': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualPalette'>, False), 'XAxisDisplayOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.AxisDisplayOptions'>, False), 'XAxisLabelOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ChartAxisLabelOptions'>, False), 'YAxisDisplayOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.AxisDisplayOptions'>, False), 'YAxisLabelOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ChartAxisLabelOptions'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ScatterPlotFieldWells(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ScatterPlotCategoricallyAggregatedFieldWells': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ScatterPlotCategoricallyAggregatedFieldWells'>, False), 'ScatterPlotUnaggregatedFieldWells': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ScatterPlotUnaggregatedFieldWells'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ScatterPlotUnaggregatedFieldWells(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Category': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DimensionField'>], False), 'Label': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DimensionField'>], False), 'Size': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.MeasureField'>], False), 'XAxis': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DimensionField'>], False), 'YAxis': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DimensionField'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ScatterPlotVisual(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Actions': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualCustomAction'>], False), 'ChartConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ScatterPlotConfiguration'>, False), 'ColumnHierarchies': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnHierarchy'>], False), 'Subtitle': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualSubtitleLabelOptions'>, False), 'Title': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualTitleLabelOptions'>, False), 'VisualId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ScheduleFrequency(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Interval': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RefreshOnDay': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.RefreshOnDay'>, False), 'TimeOfTheDay': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TimeZone': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ScrollBarOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Visibility': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VisibleRange': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisibleRangeOptions'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.SecondaryValueOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Visibility': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.SectionAfterPageBreak(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Status': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.SectionBasedLayoutCanvasSizeOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PaperCanvasSizeOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.SectionBasedLayoutPaperCanvasSizeOptions'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.SectionBasedLayoutConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BodySections': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.BodySectionConfiguration'>], True), 'CanvasSizeOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.SectionBasedLayoutCanvasSizeOptions'>, True), 'FooterSections': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.HeaderFooterSectionConfiguration'>], True), 'HeaderSections': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.HeaderFooterSectionConfiguration'>], True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.SectionBasedLayoutPaperCanvasSizeOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PaperMargin': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.Spacing'>, False), 'PaperOrientation': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PaperSize': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.SectionLayoutConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FreeFormLayout': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FreeFormSectionLayoutConfiguration'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.SectionPageBreakConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'After': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.SectionAfterPageBreak'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.SectionStyle(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Height': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Padding': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.Spacing'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.SelectedSheetsFilterScopeConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SheetVisualScopingConfigurations': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.SheetVisualScopingConfiguration'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.SemanticEntityType(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SubTypeName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TypeName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TypeParameters': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.SemanticType(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FalseyCellValue': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FalseyCellValueSynonyms': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SubTypeName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TruthyCellValue': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TruthyCellValueSynonyms': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'TypeName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TypeParameters': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.SeriesItem(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataFieldSeriesItem': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DataFieldSeriesItem'>, False), 'FieldSeriesItem': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FieldSeriesItem'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.SetParameterValueConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DestinationParameterName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DestinationParameterValueConfiguration'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ShapeConditionalFormat(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BackgroundColor': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ConditionalFormattingColor'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.Sheet(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SheetId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.SheetControlInfoIconLabelOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InfoIconText': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Visibility': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.SheetControlLayout(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Configuration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.SheetControlLayoutConfiguration'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.SheetControlLayoutConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'GridLayout': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.GridLayoutConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.SheetControlsOption(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'VisibilityState': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.SheetDefinition(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContentType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FilterControls': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FilterControl'>], False), 'Layouts': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.Layout'>], False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ParameterControls': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ParameterControl'>], False), 'SheetControlLayouts': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.SheetControlLayout'>], False), 'SheetId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TextBoxes': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.SheetTextBox'>], False), 'Title': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Visuals': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.Visual'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.SheetElementConfigurationOverrides(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Visibility': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.SheetElementRenderingRule(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConfigurationOverrides': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.SheetElementConfigurationOverrides'>, True), 'Expression': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.SheetLayoutElementMaximizationOption(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AvailabilityStatus': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.SheetStyle(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Tile': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TileStyle'>, False), 'TileLayout': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TileLayoutStyle'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.SheetTextBox(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Content': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SheetTextBoxId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.SheetVisualScopingConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Scope': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SheetId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'VisualIds': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ShortFormatText(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PlainText': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RichText': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.SimpleClusterMarker(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Color': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.SliderControlDisplayOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InfoIconLabelOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.SheetControlInfoIconLabelOptions'>, False), 'TitleOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.LabelOptions'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.SmallMultiplesAxisProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Placement': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Scale': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.SmallMultiplesOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MaxVisibleColumns': (<function double>, False), 'MaxVisibleRows': (<function double>, False), 'PanelConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.PanelConfiguration'>, False), 'XAxis': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.SmallMultiplesAxisProperties'>, False), 'YAxis': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.SmallMultiplesAxisProperties'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.SnowflakeParameters(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Database': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Host': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Warehouse': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.Spacing(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Bottom': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Left': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Right': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Top': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.SparkParameters(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Host': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Port': (<function double>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.SqlServerParameters(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Database': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Host': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Port': (<function double>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.SslProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DisableSsl': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.StarburstParameters(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Catalog': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Host': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Port': (<function double>, True), 'ProductType': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.StringDatasetParameter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DefaultValues': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.StringDatasetParameterDefaultValues'>, False), 'Id': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ValueType': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.StringDatasetParameterDefaultValues(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'StaticValues': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.StringDefaultValues(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DynamicValue': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DynamicDefaultValue'>, False), 'StaticValues': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.StringFormatConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'NullValueFormatConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.NullValueFormatConfiguration'>, False), 'NumericFormatConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.NumericFormatConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.StringParameter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Values': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.StringParameterDeclaration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DefaultValues': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.StringDefaultValues'>, False), 'MappedDataSetParameters': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.MappedDataSetParameter'>], False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ParameterValueType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ValueWhenUnset': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.StringValueWhenUnsetConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.StringValueWhenUnsetConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomValue': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ValueWhenUnsetOption': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.SubtotalOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomLabel': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FieldLevel': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FieldLevelOptions': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.PivotTableFieldSubtotalOptions'>], False), 'MetricHeaderCellStyle': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TableCellStyle'>, False), 'StyleTargets': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TableStyleTarget'>], False), 'TotalCellStyle': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TableCellStyle'>, False), 'TotalsVisibility': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ValueCellStyle': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TableCellStyle'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TableAggregatedFieldWells(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'GroupBy': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DimensionField'>], False), 'Values': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.MeasureField'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TableBorderOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Color': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Style': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Thickness': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TableCellConditionalFormatting(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FieldId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TextFormat': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TextConditionalFormat'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TableCellImageSizingConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TableCellImageScalingConfiguration': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TableCellStyle(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BackgroundColor': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Border': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.GlobalTableBorderOptions'>, False), 'FontConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FontConfiguration'>, False), 'Height': (<function double>, False), 'HorizontalTextAlignment': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TextWrap': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VerticalTextAlignment': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Visibility': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TableConditionalFormatting(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConditionalFormattingOptions': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TableConditionalFormattingOption'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TableConditionalFormattingOption(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Cell': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TableCellConditionalFormatting'>, False), 'Row': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TableRowConditionalFormatting'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TableConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FieldOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TableFieldOptions'>, False), 'FieldWells': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TableFieldWells'>, False), 'PaginatedReportOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TablePaginatedReportOptions'>, False), 'SortConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TableSortConfiguration'>, False), 'TableInlineVisualizations': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TableInlineVisualization'>], False), 'TableOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TableOptions'>, False), 'TotalOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TotalOptions'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TableFieldCustomIconContent(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Icon': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TableFieldCustomTextContent(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FontConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FontConfiguration'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TableFieldImageConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SizingOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TableCellImageSizingConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TableFieldLinkConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Content': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TableFieldLinkContentConfiguration'>, True), 'Target': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TableFieldLinkContentConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomIconContent': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TableFieldCustomIconContent'>, False), 'CustomTextContent': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TableFieldCustomTextContent'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TableFieldOption(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomLabel': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FieldId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'URLStyling': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TableFieldURLConfiguration'>, False), 'Visibility': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Width': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TableFieldOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Order': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'PinnedFieldOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TablePinnedFieldOptions'>, False), 'SelectedFieldOptions': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TableFieldOption'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TableFieldURLConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ImageConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TableFieldImageConfiguration'>, False), 'LinkConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TableFieldLinkConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TableFieldWells(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TableAggregatedFieldWells': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TableAggregatedFieldWells'>, False), 'TableUnaggregatedFieldWells': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TableUnaggregatedFieldWells'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TableInlineVisualization(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataBars': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DataBarsOptions'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TableOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CellStyle': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TableCellStyle'>, False), 'HeaderStyle': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TableCellStyle'>, False), 'Orientation': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RowAlternateColorOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.RowAlternateColorOptions'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TablePaginatedReportOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'OverflowColumnHeaderVisibility': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VerticalOverflowVisibility': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TablePinnedFieldOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PinnedLeftFields': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TableRowConditionalFormatting(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BackgroundColor': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ConditionalFormattingColor'>, False), 'TextColor': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ConditionalFormattingColor'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TableSideBorderOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Bottom': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TableBorderOptions'>, False), 'InnerHorizontal': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TableBorderOptions'>, False), 'InnerVertical': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TableBorderOptions'>, False), 'Left': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TableBorderOptions'>, False), 'Right': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TableBorderOptions'>, False), 'Top': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TableBorderOptions'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TableSortConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PaginationConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.PaginationConfiguration'>, False), 'RowSort': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FieldSortOptions'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TableStyleTarget(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CellType': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TableUnaggregatedFieldWells(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Values': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.UnaggregatedField'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TableVisual(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Actions': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualCustomAction'>], False), 'ChartConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TableConfiguration'>, False), 'ConditionalFormatting': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TableConditionalFormatting'>, False), 'Subtitle': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualSubtitleLabelOptions'>, False), 'Title': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualTitleLabelOptions'>, False), 'VisualId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TagColumnOperation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ColumnName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnTag'>], True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.Template(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AwsAccountId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Definition': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TemplateVersionDefinition'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Permissions': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ResourcePermission'>], False), 'SourceEntity': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TemplateSourceEntity'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TemplateId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ValidationStrategy': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ValidationStrategy'>, False), 'VersionDescription': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::QuickSight::Template'
class troposphere.quicksight.TemplateError(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Message': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ViolatedEntities': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.Entity'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TemplateSourceAnalysis(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Arn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DataSetReferences': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DataSetReference'>], True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TemplateSourceEntity(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SourceAnalysis': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TemplateSourceAnalysis'>, False), 'SourceTemplate': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TemplateSourceTemplate'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TemplateSourceTemplate(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Arn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TemplateVersion(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CreatedTime': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DataSetConfigurations': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DataSetConfiguration'>], False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Errors': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TemplateError'>], False), 'Sheets': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.Sheet'>], False), 'SourceEntityArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Status': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ThemeArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VersionNumber': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TemplateVersionDefinition(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AnalysisDefaults': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.AnalysisDefaults'>, False), 'CalculatedFields': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.CalculatedField'>], False), 'ColumnConfigurations': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnConfiguration'>], False), 'DataSetConfigurations': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DataSetConfiguration'>], True), 'FilterGroups': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FilterGroup'>], False), 'Options': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.AssetOptions'>, False), 'ParameterDeclarations': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ParameterDeclaration'>], False), 'Sheets': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.SheetDefinition'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TeradataParameters(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Database': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Host': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Port': (<function double>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TextAreaControlDisplayOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InfoIconLabelOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.SheetControlInfoIconLabelOptions'>, False), 'PlaceholderOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TextControlPlaceholderOptions'>, False), 'TitleOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.LabelOptions'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TextConditionalFormat(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BackgroundColor': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ConditionalFormattingColor'>, False), 'Icon': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ConditionalFormattingIcon'>, False), 'TextColor': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ConditionalFormattingColor'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TextControlPlaceholderOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Visibility': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TextFieldControlDisplayOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InfoIconLabelOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.SheetControlInfoIconLabelOptions'>, False), 'PlaceholderOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TextControlPlaceholderOptions'>, False), 'TitleOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.LabelOptions'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.Theme(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AwsAccountId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'BaseThemeId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Configuration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ThemeConfiguration'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Permissions': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ResourcePermission'>], False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'ThemeId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'VersionDescription': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::QuickSight::Theme'
class troposphere.quicksight.ThemeConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataColorPalette': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DataColorPalette'>, False), 'Sheet': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.SheetStyle'>, False), 'Typography': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.Typography'>, False), 'UIColorPalette': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.UIColorPalette'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ThemeError(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Message': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ThemeVersion(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Arn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'BaseThemeId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Configuration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ThemeConfiguration'>, False), 'CreatedTime': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Errors': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ThemeError'>], False), 'Status': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VersionNumber': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.ThousandSeparatorOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Symbol': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Visibility': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TileLayoutStyle(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Gutter': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.GutterStyle'>, False), 'Margin': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.MarginStyle'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TileStyle(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Border': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.BorderStyle'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TimeBasedForecastProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LowerBoundary': (<function double>, False), 'PeriodsBackward': (<function double>, False), 'PeriodsForward': (<function double>, False), 'PredictionInterval': (<function double>, False), 'Seasonality': (<function double>, False), 'UpperBoundary': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TimeEqualityFilter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Column': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnIdentifier'>, True), 'DefaultFilterControlConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DefaultFilterControlConfiguration'>, False), 'FilterId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ParameterName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RollingDate': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.RollingDateConfiguration'>, False), 'TimeGranularity': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TimeRangeDrillDownFilter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Column': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnIdentifier'>, True), 'RangeMaximum': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RangeMinimum': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TimeGranularity': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TimeRangeFilter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Column': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnIdentifier'>, True), 'DefaultFilterControlConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DefaultFilterControlConfiguration'>, False), 'ExcludePeriodConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ExcludePeriodConfiguration'>, False), 'FilterId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'IncludeMaximum': (<function boolean>, False), 'IncludeMinimum': (<function boolean>, False), 'NullOption': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RangeMaximumValue': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TimeRangeFilterValue'>, False), 'RangeMinimumValue': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TimeRangeFilterValue'>, False), 'TimeGranularity': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TimeRangeFilterValue(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Parameter': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RollingDate': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.RollingDateConfiguration'>, False), 'StaticValue': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TooltipItem(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ColumnTooltipItem': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnTooltipItem'>, False), 'FieldTooltipItem': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FieldTooltipItem'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TooltipOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FieldBasedTooltip': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FieldBasedTooltip'>, False), 'SelectedTooltipType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TooltipVisibility': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TopBottomFilter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AggregationSortConfigurations': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.AggregationSortConfiguration'>], True), 'Column': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnIdentifier'>, True), 'DefaultFilterControlConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DefaultFilterControlConfiguration'>, False), 'FilterId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Limit': (<function double>, False), 'ParameterName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TimeGranularity': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TopBottomMoversComputation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Category': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DimensionField'>, False), 'ComputationId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MoverSize': (<function double>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SortOrder': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Time': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DimensionField'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.MeasureField'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TopBottomRankedComputation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Category': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DimensionField'>, False), 'ComputationId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ResultSize': (<function double>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.MeasureField'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.Topic(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AwsAccountId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DataSets': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DatasetMetadata'>], False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TopicId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'UserExperienceVersion': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::QuickSight::Topic'
class troposphere.quicksight.TopicCalculatedField(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Aggregation': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AllowedAggregations': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'CalculatedFieldDescription': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CalculatedFieldName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'CalculatedFieldSynonyms': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'CellValueSynonyms': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.CellValueSynonym'>], False), 'ColumnDataRole': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ComparativeOrder': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ComparativeOrder'>, False), 'DefaultFormatting': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DefaultFormatting'>, False), 'DisableIndexing': (<function boolean>, False), 'Expression': (<class 'str'>, True), 'IsIncludedInTopic': (<function boolean>, False), 'NeverAggregateInFilter': (<function boolean>, False), 'NonAdditive': (<function boolean>, False), 'NotAllowedAggregations': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SemanticType': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.SemanticType'>, False), 'TimeGranularity': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TopicCategoryFilter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CategoryFilterFunction': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CategoryFilterType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Constant': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TopicCategoryFilterConstant'>, False), 'Inverse': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TopicCategoryFilterConstant(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CollectiveConstant': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.CollectiveConstant'>, False), 'ConstantType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SingularConstant': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TopicColumn(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Aggregation': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AllowedAggregations': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'CellValueSynonyms': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.CellValueSynonym'>], False), 'ColumnDataRole': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ColumnDescription': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ColumnFriendlyName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ColumnName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ColumnSynonyms': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ComparativeOrder': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ComparativeOrder'>, False), 'DefaultFormatting': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DefaultFormatting'>, False), 'DisableIndexing': (<function boolean>, False), 'IsIncludedInTopic': (<function boolean>, False), 'NeverAggregateInFilter': (<function boolean>, False), 'NonAdditive': (<function boolean>, False), 'NotAllowedAggregations': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SemanticType': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.SemanticType'>, False), 'TimeGranularity': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TopicDateRangeFilter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Constant': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TopicRangeFilterConstant'>, False), 'Inclusive': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TopicFilter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CategoryFilter': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TopicCategoryFilter'>, False), 'DateRangeFilter': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TopicDateRangeFilter'>, False), 'FilterClass': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FilterDescription': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FilterName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FilterSynonyms': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'FilterType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NumericEqualityFilter': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TopicNumericEqualityFilter'>, False), 'NumericRangeFilter': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TopicNumericRangeFilter'>, False), 'OperandFieldName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RelativeDateFilter': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TopicRelativeDateFilter'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TopicNamedEntity(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Definition': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.NamedEntityDefinition'>], False), 'EntityDescription': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EntityName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'EntitySynonyms': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SemanticEntityType': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.SemanticEntityType'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TopicNumericEqualityFilter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Aggregation': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Constant': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TopicSingularFilterConstant'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TopicNumericRangeFilter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Aggregation': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Constant': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TopicRangeFilterConstant'>, False), 'Inclusive': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TopicRangeFilterConstant(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConstantType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RangeConstant': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.RangeConstant'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TopicRelativeDateFilter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Constant': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TopicSingularFilterConstant'>, False), 'RelativeDateFilterFunction': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TimeGranularity': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TopicSingularFilterConstant(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConstantType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SingularConstant': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TotalAggregationComputation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ComputationId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Value': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.MeasureField'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TotalAggregationFunction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SimpleTotalAggregationFunction': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TotalAggregationOption(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FieldId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TotalAggregationFunction': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TotalAggregationFunction'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TotalOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomLabel': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Placement': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ScrollStatus': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TotalAggregationOptions': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TotalAggregationOption'>], False), 'TotalCellStyle': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TableCellStyle'>, False), 'TotalsVisibility': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TransformOperation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CastColumnTypeOperation': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.CastColumnTypeOperation'>, False), 'CreateColumnsOperation': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.CreateColumnsOperation'>, False), 'FilterOperation': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FilterOperation'>, False), 'OverrideDatasetParameterOperation': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.OverrideDatasetParameterOperation'>, False), 'ProjectOperation': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ProjectOperation'>, False), 'RenameColumnOperation': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.RenameColumnOperation'>, False), 'TagColumnOperation': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TagColumnOperation'>, False), 'UntagColumnOperation': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.UntagColumnOperation'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TreeMapAggregatedFieldWells(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Colors': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.MeasureField'>], False), 'Groups': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DimensionField'>], False), 'Sizes': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.MeasureField'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TreeMapConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ColorLabelOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ChartAxisLabelOptions'>, False), 'ColorScale': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColorScale'>, False), 'DataLabels': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DataLabelOptions'>, False), 'FieldWells': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TreeMapFieldWells'>, False), 'GroupLabelOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ChartAxisLabelOptions'>, False), 'Legend': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.LegendOptions'>, False), 'SizeLabelOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ChartAxisLabelOptions'>, False), 'SortConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TreeMapSortConfiguration'>, False), 'Tooltip': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TooltipOptions'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TreeMapFieldWells(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TreeMapAggregatedFieldWells': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TreeMapAggregatedFieldWells'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TreeMapSortConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TreeMapGroupItemsLimitConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ItemsLimitConfiguration'>, False), 'TreeMapSort': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FieldSortOptions'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TreeMapVisual(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Actions': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualCustomAction'>], False), 'ChartConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TreeMapConfiguration'>, False), 'ColumnHierarchies': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnHierarchy'>], False), 'Subtitle': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualSubtitleLabelOptions'>, False), 'Title': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualTitleLabelOptions'>, False), 'VisualId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TrendArrowOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Visibility': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.TrinoParameters(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Catalog': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Host': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Port': (<function double>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.Typography(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FontFamilies': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.Font'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.UIColorPalette(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Accent': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AccentForeground': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Danger': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DangerForeground': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Dimension': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DimensionForeground': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Measure': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MeasureForeground': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PrimaryBackground': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PrimaryForeground': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecondaryBackground': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecondaryForeground': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Success': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SuccessForeground': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Warning': (<class 'str'>, False), 'WarningForeground': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.UnaggregatedField(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Column': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnIdentifier'>, True), 'FieldId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FormatConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FormatConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.UniqueValuesComputation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Category': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DimensionField'>, False), 'ComputationId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.UntagColumnOperation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ColumnName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TagNames': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.UploadSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContainsHeader': (<function boolean>, False), 'Delimiter': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Format': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StartFromRow': (<function double>, False), 'TextQualifier': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.VPCConnection(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AvailabilityStatus': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AwsAccountId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DnsResolvers': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecurityGroupIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SubnetIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'VPCConnectionId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::QuickSight::VPCConnection'
class troposphere.quicksight.ValidationStrategy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Mode': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.VisibleRangeOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PercentRange': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.PercentVisibleRange'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.Visual(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BarChartVisual': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.BarChartVisual'>, False), 'BoxPlotVisual': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.BoxPlotVisual'>, False), 'ComboChartVisual': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ComboChartVisual'>, False), 'CustomContentVisual': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.CustomContentVisual'>, False), 'EmptyVisual': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.EmptyVisual'>, False), 'FilledMapVisual': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FilledMapVisual'>, False), 'FunnelChartVisual': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FunnelChartVisual'>, False), 'GaugeChartVisual': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.GaugeChartVisual'>, False), 'GeospatialMapVisual': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.GeospatialMapVisual'>, False), 'HeatMapVisual': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.HeatMapVisual'>, False), 'HistogramVisual': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.HistogramVisual'>, False), 'InsightVisual': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.InsightVisual'>, False), 'KPIVisual': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.KPIVisual'>, False), 'LineChartVisual': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.LineChartVisual'>, False), 'PieChartVisual': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.PieChartVisual'>, False), 'PivotTableVisual': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.PivotTableVisual'>, False), 'RadarChartVisual': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.RadarChartVisual'>, False), 'SankeyDiagramVisual': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.SankeyDiagramVisual'>, False), 'ScatterPlotVisual': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ScatterPlotVisual'>, False), 'TableVisual': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TableVisual'>, False), 'TreeMapVisual': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.TreeMapVisual'>, False), 'WaterfallVisual': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.WaterfallVisual'>, False), 'WordCloudVisual': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.WordCloudVisual'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.VisualAxisSortOption(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AvailabilityStatus': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.VisualCustomAction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ActionOperations': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualCustomActionOperation'>], True), 'CustomActionId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Status': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Trigger': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.VisualCustomActionOperation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FilterOperation': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.CustomActionFilterOperation'>, False), 'NavigationOperation': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.CustomActionNavigationOperation'>, False), 'SetParametersOperation': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.CustomActionSetParametersOperation'>, False), 'URLOperation': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.CustomActionURLOperation'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.VisualMenuOption(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AvailabilityStatus': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.VisualPalette(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ChartColor': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ColorMap': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DataPathColor'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.VisualSubtitleLabelOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FormatText': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.LongFormatText'>, False), 'Visibility': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.VisualTitleLabelOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FormatText': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ShortFormatText'>, False), 'Visibility': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.VpcConnectionProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'VpcConnectionArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.WaterfallChartAggregatedFieldWells(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Breakdowns': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DimensionField'>], False), 'Categories': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DimensionField'>], False), 'Values': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.MeasureField'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.WaterfallChartColorConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'GroupColorConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.WaterfallChartGroupColorConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.WaterfallChartConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CategoryAxisDisplayOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.AxisDisplayOptions'>, False), 'CategoryAxisLabelOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ChartAxisLabelOptions'>, False), 'ColorConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.WaterfallChartColorConfiguration'>, False), 'DataLabels': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DataLabelOptions'>, False), 'FieldWells': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.WaterfallChartFieldWells'>, False), 'Legend': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.LegendOptions'>, False), 'PrimaryYAxisDisplayOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.AxisDisplayOptions'>, False), 'PrimaryYAxisLabelOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ChartAxisLabelOptions'>, False), 'SortConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.WaterfallChartSortConfiguration'>, False), 'VisualPalette': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualPalette'>, False), 'WaterfallChartOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.WaterfallChartOptions'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.WaterfallChartFieldWells(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'WaterfallChartAggregatedFieldWells': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.WaterfallChartAggregatedFieldWells'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.WaterfallChartGroupColorConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'NegativeBarColor': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PositiveBarColor': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TotalBarColor': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.WaterfallChartOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TotalBarLabel': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.WaterfallChartSortConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BreakdownItemsLimit': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ItemsLimitConfiguration'>, False), 'CategorySort': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FieldSortOptions'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.WaterfallVisual(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Actions': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualCustomAction'>], False), 'ChartConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.WaterfallChartConfiguration'>, False), 'ColumnHierarchies': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnHierarchy'>], False), 'Subtitle': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualSubtitleLabelOptions'>, False), 'Title': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualTitleLabelOptions'>, False), 'VisualId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.WhatIfPointScenario(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Date': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<function double>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.WhatIfRangeScenario(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EndDate': (<class 'str'>, True), 'StartDate': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<function double>, True)}
class troposphere.quicksight.WordCloudAggregatedFieldWells(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'GroupBy': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.DimensionField'>], False), 'Size': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.MeasureField'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.WordCloudChartConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CategoryLabelOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ChartAxisLabelOptions'>, False), 'FieldWells': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.WordCloudFieldWells'>, False), 'SortConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.WordCloudSortConfiguration'>, False), 'WordCloudOptions': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.WordCloudOptions'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.WordCloudFieldWells(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'WordCloudAggregatedFieldWells': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.WordCloudAggregatedFieldWells'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.WordCloudOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CloudLayout': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MaximumStringLength': (<function double>, False), 'WordCasing': (<class 'str'>, False), 'WordOrientation': (<class 'str'>, False), 'WordPadding': (<class 'str'>, False), 'WordScaling': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.WordCloudSortConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CategoryItemsLimit': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ItemsLimitConfiguration'>, False), 'CategorySort': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.FieldSortOptions'>], False)}
class troposphere.quicksight.WordCloudVisual(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Actions': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualCustomAction'>], False), 'ChartConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.WordCloudChartConfiguration'>, False), 'ColumnHierarchies': ([<class 'troposphere.quicksight.ColumnHierarchy'>], False), 'Subtitle': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualSubtitleLabelOptions'>, False), 'Title': (<class 'troposphere.quicksight.VisualTitleLabelOptions'>, False), 'VisualId': (<class 'str'>, True)}

troposphere.ram module

class troposphere.ram.Permission(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PolicyTemplate': (<class 'dict'>, True), 'ResourceType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::RAM::Permission'
class troposphere.ram.ResourceShare(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AllowExternalPrincipals': (<function boolean>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PermissionArns': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Principals': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ResourceArns': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Sources': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::RAM::ResourceShare'

troposphere.rds module

class troposphere.rds.AuthFormat(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AuthScheme': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ClientPasswordAuthType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IAMAuth': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecretArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.rds.CertificateDetails(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CAIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ValidTill': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.rds.ConnectionPoolConfigurationInfoFormat(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConnectionBorrowTimeout': (<function integer>, False), 'InitQuery': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MaxConnectionsPercent': (<function integer>, False), 'MaxIdleConnectionsPercent': (<function integer>, False), 'SessionPinningFilters': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.rds.CustomDBEngineVersion(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DatabaseInstallationFilesS3BucketName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DatabaseInstallationFilesS3Prefix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Engine': (<class 'str'>, True), 'EngineVersion': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ImageId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KMSKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Manifest': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceCustomDbEngineVersionIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Status': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'UseAwsProvidedLatestImage': (<function boolean>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::RDS::CustomDBEngineVersion'
class troposphere.rds.DBCluster(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AllocatedStorage': (<function integer>, False), 'AssociatedRoles': ([<class 'troposphere.rds.DBClusterRole'>], False), 'AutoMinorVersionUpgrade': (<function boolean>, False), 'AvailabilityZones': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'BacktrackWindow': (<function validate_backtrack_window>, False), 'BackupRetentionPeriod': (<function validate_backup_retention_period>, False), 'CopyTagsToSnapshot': (<function boolean>, False), 'DBClusterIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DBClusterInstanceClass': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DBClusterParameterGroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DBInstanceParameterGroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DBSubnetGroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DBSystemId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DatabaseName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DeletionProtection': (<function boolean>, False), 'Domain': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DomainIAMRoleName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EnableCloudwatchLogsExports': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'EnableGlobalWriteForwarding': (<function boolean>, False), 'EnableHttpEndpoint': (<function boolean>, False), 'EnableIAMDatabaseAuthentication': (<function boolean>, False), 'Engine': (<function validate_engine>, False), 'EngineMode': (<function validate_engine_mode>, False), 'EngineVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'GlobalClusterIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Iops': (<function integer>, False), 'KmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ManageMasterUserPassword': (<function boolean>, False), 'MasterUserPassword': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MasterUserSecret': (<class 'troposphere.rds.MasterUserSecret'>, False), 'MasterUsername': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MonitoringInterval': (<function integer>, False), 'MonitoringRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NetworkType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PerformanceInsightsEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'PerformanceInsightsKmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PerformanceInsightsRetentionPeriod': (<function integer>, False), 'Port': (<function validate_network_port>, False), 'PreferredBackupWindow': (<function validate_backup_window>, False), 'PreferredMaintenanceWindow': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PubliclyAccessible': (<function boolean>, False), 'ReplicationSourceIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RestoreToTime': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RestoreType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ScalingConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.rds.ScalingConfiguration'>, False), 'ServerlessV2ScalingConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.rds.ServerlessV2ScalingConfiguration'>, False), 'SnapshotIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceDBClusterIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceRegion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StorageEncrypted': (<function boolean>, False), 'StorageType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<function validate_tags_or_list>, False), 'UseLatestRestorableTime': (<function boolean>, False), 'VpcSecurityGroupIds': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::RDS::DBCluster'
class troposphere.rds.DBClusterParameterGroup(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DBClusterParameterGroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Family': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Parameters': (<class 'dict'>, True), 'Tags': (<function validate_tags_or_list>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::RDS::DBClusterParameterGroup'
class troposphere.rds.DBClusterRole(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FeatureName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.rds.DBInstance(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AllocatedStorage': (<function validate_str_or_int>, False), 'AllowMajorVersionUpgrade': (<function boolean>, False), 'AssociatedRoles': ([<class 'troposphere.rds.DBInstanceRole'>], False), 'AutoMinorVersionUpgrade': (<function boolean>, False), 'AutomaticBackupReplicationKmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AutomaticBackupReplicationRegion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AvailabilityZone': (<class 'str'>, False), 'BackupRetentionPeriod': (<function validate_backup_retention_period>, False), 'CACertificateIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CertificateDetails': (<class 'troposphere.rds.CertificateDetails'>, False), 'CertificateRotationRestart': (<function boolean>, False), 'CharacterSetName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CopyTagsToSnapshot': (<function boolean>, False), 'CustomIAMInstanceProfile': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DBClusterIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DBClusterSnapshotIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DBInstanceClass': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DBInstanceIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DBName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DBParameterGroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DBSecurityGroups': (<class 'list'>, False), 'DBSnapshotIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DBSubnetGroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DedicatedLogVolume': (<function boolean>, False), 'DeleteAutomatedBackups': (<function boolean>, False), 'DeletionProtection': (<function boolean>, False), 'Domain': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DomainAuthSecretArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DomainDnsIps': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'DomainFqdn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DomainIAMRoleName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DomainOu': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EnableCloudwatchLogsExports': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'EnableIAMDatabaseAuthentication': (<function boolean>, False), 'EnablePerformanceInsights': (<function boolean>, False), 'Endpoint': (<class 'troposphere.rds.Endpoint'>, False), 'Engine': (<function validate_engine>, False), 'EngineVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Iops': (<function validate_iops>, False), 'KmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LicenseModel': (<function validate_license_model>, False), 'ManageMasterUserPassword': (<function boolean>, False), 'MasterUserPassword': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MasterUserSecret': (<class 'troposphere.rds.MasterUserSecret'>, False), 'MasterUsername': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MaxAllocatedStorage': (<function integer>, False), 'MonitoringInterval': (<function integer>, False), 'MonitoringRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MultiAZ': (<function boolean>, False), 'NcharCharacterSetName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NetworkType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OptionGroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PerformanceInsightsKMSKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PerformanceInsightsRetentionPeriod': (<function integer>, False), 'Port': (<function validate_network_port>, False), 'PreferredBackupWindow': (<function validate_backup_window>, False), 'PreferredMaintenanceWindow': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ProcessorFeatures': ([<class 'troposphere.rds.ProcessorFeature'>], False), 'PromotionTier': (<function integer>, False), 'PubliclyAccessible': (<function boolean>, False), 'ReplicaMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RestoreTime': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceDBClusterIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceDBInstanceAutomatedBackupsArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceDBInstanceIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceDbiResourceId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceRegion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StorageEncrypted': (<function boolean>, False), 'StorageThroughput': (<function integer>, False), 'StorageType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<function validate_tags_or_list>, False), 'Timezone': (<class 'str'>, False), 'UseDefaultProcessorFeatures': (<function boolean>, False), 'UseLatestRestorableTime': (<function boolean>, False), 'VPCSecurityGroups': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::RDS::DBInstance'
class troposphere.rds.DBInstanceRole(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FeatureName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.rds.DBParameterGroup(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DBParameterGroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Family': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Parameters': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Tags': (<function validate_tags_or_list>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::RDS::DBParameterGroup'
class troposphere.rds.DBProxy(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Auth': ([<class 'troposphere.rds.AuthFormat'>], True), 'DBProxyName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DebugLogging': (<function boolean>, False), 'EngineFamily': (<class 'str'>, True), 'IdleClientTimeout': (<function integer>, False), 'RequireTLS': (<function boolean>, False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'VpcSecurityGroupIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'VpcSubnetIds': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::RDS::DBProxy'
class troposphere.rds.DBProxyEndpoint(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DBProxyEndpointName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DBProxyName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TargetRole': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VpcSecurityGroupIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'VpcSubnetIds': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::RDS::DBProxyEndpoint'
class troposphere.rds.DBProxyTargetGroup(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConnectionPoolConfigurationInfo': (<class 'troposphere.rds.ConnectionPoolConfigurationInfoFormat'>, False), 'DBClusterIdentifiers': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'DBInstanceIdentifiers': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'DBProxyName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TargetGroupName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::RDS::DBProxyTargetGroup'
class troposphere.rds.DBSecurityGroup(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DBSecurityGroupIngress': ([<class 'troposphere.rds.Ingress'>], True), 'EC2VpcId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'GroupDescription': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<function validate_tags_or_list>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::RDS::DBSecurityGroup'
class troposphere.rds.DBSecurityGroupIngress(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CIDRIP': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DBSecurityGroupName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'EC2SecurityGroupId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EC2SecurityGroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::RDS::DBSecurityGroupIngress'
class troposphere.rds.DBSubnetGroup(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DBSubnetGroupDescription': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DBSubnetGroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SubnetIds': (<class 'list'>, True), 'Tags': (<function validate_tags_or_list>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::RDS::DBSubnetGroup'
class troposphere.rds.Endpoint(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Address': (<class 'str'>, False), 'HostedZoneId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Port': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.rds.EventSubscription(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'EventCategories': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SnsTopicArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SourceIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SourceType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SubscriptionName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::RDS::EventSubscription'
class troposphere.rds.GlobalCluster(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DeletionProtection': (<function boolean>, False), 'Engine': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EngineVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'GlobalClusterIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceDBClusterIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StorageEncrypted': (<function boolean>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::RDS::GlobalCluster'
class troposphere.rds.Ingress(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CIDRIP': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EC2SecurityGroupId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EC2SecurityGroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.rds.Integration(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AdditionalEncryptionContext': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'DataFilter': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IntegrationName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KMSKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TargetArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::RDS::Integration'
class troposphere.rds.MasterUserSecret(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'KmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecretArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.rds.OptionConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DBSecurityGroupMemberships': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'OptionName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'OptionSettings': ([<class 'troposphere.rds.OptionSetting'>], False), 'OptionVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Port': (<function validate_network_port>, False), 'VpcSecurityGroupMemberships': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.rds.OptionGroup(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EngineName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MajorEngineVersion': (<class 'str'>, True), 'OptionConfigurations': ([<class 'troposphere.rds.OptionConfiguration'>], False), 'OptionGroupDescription': (<class 'str'>, True), 'OptionGroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<function validate_tags_or_list>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::RDS::OptionGroup'
class troposphere.rds.OptionSetting(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.rds.ProcessorFeature(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.rds.ReadEndpoint(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Address': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.rds.ScalingConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AutoPause': (<function boolean>, False), 'MaxCapacity': (<function validate_capacity>, False), 'MinCapacity': (<function validate_capacity>, False), 'SecondsBeforeTimeout': (<function integer>, False), 'SecondsUntilAutoPause': (<function integer>, False), 'TimeoutAction': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.rds.ServerlessV2ScalingConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MaxCapacity': (<function validate_v2_max_capacity>, False), 'MinCapacity': (<function validate_v2_capacity>, False)}

troposphere.redshift module

class troposphere.redshift.AmazonRedshiftParameter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ParameterName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ParameterValue': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.redshift.Cluster(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AllowVersionUpgrade': (<function boolean>, False), 'AquaConfigurationStatus': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AutomatedSnapshotRetentionPeriod': (<function integer>, False), 'AvailabilityZone': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AvailabilityZoneRelocation': (<function boolean>, False), 'AvailabilityZoneRelocationStatus': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Classic': (<function boolean>, False), 'ClusterIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ClusterParameterGroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ClusterSecurityGroups': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ClusterSubnetGroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ClusterType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ClusterVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DBName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DeferMaintenance': (<function boolean>, False), 'DeferMaintenanceDuration': (<function integer>, False), 'DeferMaintenanceEndTime': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DeferMaintenanceStartTime': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DestinationRegion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ElasticIp': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Encrypted': (<function boolean>, False), 'Endpoint': (<class 'troposphere.redshift.Endpoint'>, False), 'EnhancedVpcRouting': (<function boolean>, False), 'HsmClientCertificateIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'HsmConfigurationIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IamRoles': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'KmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LoggingProperties': (<class 'troposphere.redshift.LoggingProperties'>, False), 'MaintenanceTrackName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ManageMasterPassword': (<function boolean>, False), 'ManualSnapshotRetentionPeriod': (<function integer>, False), 'MasterPasswordSecretKmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MasterUserPassword': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MasterUsername': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MultiAZ': (<function boolean>, False), 'NamespaceResourcePolicy': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'NodeType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'NumberOfNodes': (<function integer>, False), 'OwnerAccount': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Port': (<function integer>, False), 'PreferredMaintenanceWindow': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PubliclyAccessible': (<function boolean>, False), 'ResourceAction': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RevisionTarget': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RotateEncryptionKey': (<function boolean>, False), 'SnapshotClusterIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SnapshotCopyGrantName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SnapshotCopyManual': (<function boolean>, False), 'SnapshotCopyRetentionPeriod': (<function integer>, False), 'SnapshotIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'VpcSecurityGroupIds': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Redshift::Cluster'
class troposphere.redshift.ClusterParameterGroup(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ParameterGroupFamily': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ParameterGroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Parameters': ([<class 'troposphere.redshift.AmazonRedshiftParameter'>], False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Redshift::ClusterParameterGroup'
class troposphere.redshift.ClusterSecurityGroup(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Redshift::ClusterSecurityGroup'
class troposphere.redshift.ClusterSecurityGroupIngress(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CIDRIP': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ClusterSecurityGroupName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'EC2SecurityGroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Redshift::ClusterSecurityGroupIngress'
class troposphere.redshift.ClusterSubnetGroup(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SubnetIds': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Redshift::ClusterSubnetGroup'
class troposphere.redshift.Endpoint(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Address': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Port': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.redshift.EndpointAccess(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ClusterIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, True), 'EndpointName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ResourceOwner': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SubnetGroupName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'VpcSecurityGroupIds': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Redshift::EndpointAccess'
class troposphere.redshift.EndpointAuthorization(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Account': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ClusterIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Force': (<function boolean>, False), 'VpcIds': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Redshift::EndpointAuthorization'
class troposphere.redshift.EventSubscription(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'EventCategories': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Severity': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SnsTopicArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SourceType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SubscriptionName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Redshift::EventSubscription'
class troposphere.redshift.LoggingProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BucketName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3KeyPrefix': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.redshift.NetworkInterface(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AvailabilityZone': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NetworkInterfaceId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PrivateIpAddress': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SubnetId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.redshift.PauseClusterMessage(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ClusterIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.redshift.ResizeClusterMessage(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Classic': (<function boolean>, False), 'ClusterIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ClusterType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NodeType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NumberOfNodes': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.redshift.ResumeClusterMessage(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ClusterIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.redshift.ScheduledAction(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Enable': (<function boolean>, False), 'EndTime': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IamRole': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Schedule': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ScheduledActionDescription': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ScheduledActionName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'StartTime': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TargetAction': (<class 'troposphere.redshift.ScheduledActionType'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Redshift::ScheduledAction'
class troposphere.redshift.ScheduledActionType(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PauseCluster': (<class 'troposphere.redshift.PauseClusterMessage'>, False), 'ResizeCluster': (<class 'troposphere.redshift.ResizeClusterMessage'>, False), 'ResumeCluster': (<class 'troposphere.redshift.ResumeClusterMessage'>, False)}
class troposphere.redshift.VpcEndpoint(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'NetworkInterfaces': ([<class 'troposphere.redshift.NetworkInterface'>], False), 'VpcEndpointId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VpcId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.redshift.VpcSecurityGroup(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Status': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VpcSecurityGroupId': (<class 'str'>, False)}

troposphere.rekognition module

class troposphere.rekognition.BoundingBox(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Height': (<function double>, True), 'Left': (<function double>, True), 'Top': (<function double>, True), 'Width': (<function double>, True)}
class troposphere.rekognition.Collection(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CollectionId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Rekognition::Collection'
class troposphere.rekognition.ConnectedHomeSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Labels': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'MinConfidence': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.rekognition.DataSharingPreference(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'OptIn': (<function boolean>, True)}
class troposphere.rekognition.FaceSearchSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CollectionId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FaceMatchThreshold': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.rekognition.KinesisDataStream(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Arn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.rekognition.KinesisVideoStream(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Arn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.rekognition.NotificationChannel(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Arn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.rekognition.Project(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ProjectName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Rekognition::Project'
class troposphere.rekognition.S3Destination(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BucketName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ObjectKeyPrefix': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.rekognition.StreamProcessor(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BoundingBoxRegionsOfInterest': ([<class 'troposphere.rekognition.BoundingBox'>], False), 'ConnectedHomeSettings': (<class 'troposphere.rekognition.ConnectedHomeSettings'>, False), 'DataSharingPreference': (<class 'troposphere.rekognition.DataSharingPreference'>, False), 'FaceSearchSettings': (<class 'troposphere.rekognition.FaceSearchSettings'>, False), 'KinesisDataStream': (<class 'troposphere.rekognition.KinesisDataStream'>, False), 'KinesisVideoStream': (<class 'troposphere.rekognition.KinesisVideoStream'>, True), 'KmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NotificationChannel': (<class 'troposphere.rekognition.NotificationChannel'>, False), 'PolygonRegionsOfInterest': (<function validate_PolygonRegionsOfInterest>, False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'S3Destination': (<class 'troposphere.rekognition.S3Destination'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Rekognition::StreamProcessor'

troposphere.resourcegroups module

class troposphere.resourcegroups.ConfigurationItem(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Parameters': ([<class 'troposphere.resourcegroups.ConfigurationParameter'>], False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.resourcegroups.ConfigurationParameter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Values': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.resourcegroups.Group(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Configuration': ([<class 'troposphere.resourcegroups.ConfigurationItem'>], False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ResourceQuery': (<class 'troposphere.resourcegroups.ResourceQuery'>, False), 'Resources': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ResourceGroups::Group'
class troposphere.resourcegroups.Query(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ResourceTypeFilters': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'StackIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TagFilters': ([<class 'troposphere.resourcegroups.TagFilter'>], False)}
class troposphere.resourcegroups.ResourceQuery(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Query': (<class 'troposphere.resourcegroups.Query'>, False), 'Type': (<function resourcequery_type>, False)}
class troposphere.resourcegroups.TagFilter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Key': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Values': ([<class 'str'>], False)}

troposphere.robomaker module

class troposphere.robomaker.Fleet(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::RoboMaker::Fleet'
class troposphere.robomaker.RenderingEngine(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Version': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.robomaker.Robot(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Architecture': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Fleet': (<class 'str'>, False), 'GreengrassGroupId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::RoboMaker::Robot'
class troposphere.robomaker.RobotApplication(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CurrentRevisionId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Environment': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RobotSoftwareSuite': (<class 'troposphere.robomaker.RobotSoftwareSuite'>, True), 'Sources': ([<class 'troposphere.robomaker.SourceConfig'>], False), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::RoboMaker::RobotApplication'
class troposphere.robomaker.RobotApplicationVersion(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Application': (<class 'str'>, True), 'CurrentRevisionId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::RoboMaker::RobotApplicationVersion'
class troposphere.robomaker.RobotSoftwareSuite(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Version': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.robomaker.SimulationApplication(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CurrentRevisionId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Environment': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RenderingEngine': (<class 'troposphere.robomaker.RenderingEngine'>, False), 'RobotSoftwareSuite': (<class 'troposphere.robomaker.RobotSoftwareSuite'>, True), 'SimulationSoftwareSuite': (<class 'troposphere.robomaker.SimulationSoftwareSuite'>, True), 'Sources': ([<class 'troposphere.robomaker.SourceConfig'>], False), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::RoboMaker::SimulationApplication'
class troposphere.robomaker.SimulationApplicationVersion(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Application': (<class 'str'>, True), 'CurrentRevisionId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::RoboMaker::SimulationApplicationVersion'
class troposphere.robomaker.SimulationSoftwareSuite(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Version': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.robomaker.SourceConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Architecture': (<class 'str'>, True), 'S3Bucket': (<class 'str'>, True), 'S3Key': (<class 'str'>, True)}

troposphere.route53 module

class troposphere.route53.AlarmIdentifier(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Region': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.route53.CidrCollection(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Locations': ([<class 'troposphere.route53.Location'>], False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Route53::CidrCollection'
class troposphere.route53.CidrRoutingConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CollectionId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'LocationName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.route53.Coordinates(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Latitude': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Longitude': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.route53.DNSSEC(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'HostedZoneId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Route53::DNSSEC'
class troposphere.route53.GeoLocation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContinentCode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CountryCode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SubdivisionCode': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.route53.GeoProximityLocation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AWSRegion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Bias': (<function integer>, False), 'Coordinates': (<class 'troposphere.route53.Coordinates'>, False), 'LocalZoneGroup': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.route53.HealthCheck(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'HealthCheckConfig': (<class 'troposphere.route53.HealthCheckConfig'>, True), 'HealthCheckTags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Route53::HealthCheck'
class troposphere.route53.HealthCheckConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AlarmIdentifier': (<class 'troposphere.route53.AlarmIdentifier'>, False), 'ChildHealthChecks': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'EnableSNI': (<function boolean>, False), 'FailureThreshold': (<function integer>, False), 'FullyQualifiedDomainName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'HealthThreshold': (<function integer>, False), 'IPAddress': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InsufficientDataHealthStatus': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Inverted': (<function boolean>, False), 'MeasureLatency': (<function boolean>, False), 'Port': (<function integer>, False), 'Regions': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'RequestInterval': (<function integer>, False), 'ResourcePath': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RoutingControlArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SearchString': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.route53.HostedZone(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'HostedZoneConfig': (<class 'troposphere.route53.HostedZoneConfiguration'>, False), 'HostedZoneTags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'QueryLoggingConfig': (<class 'troposphere.route53.QueryLoggingConfig'>, False), 'VPCs': ([<class 'troposphere.route53.HostedZoneVPCs'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Route53::HostedZone'
class troposphere.route53.HostedZoneConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Comment': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.route53.HostedZoneVPCs(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'VPCId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'VPCRegion': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.route53.KeySigningKey(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'HostedZoneId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'KeyManagementServiceArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Status': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Route53::KeySigningKey'
class troposphere.route53.Location(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CidrList': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'LocationName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.route53.QueryLoggingConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.route53.RecordSet(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AliasTarget': (<class 'troposphere.validators.route53.AliasTarget'>, False), 'CidrRoutingConfig': (<class 'troposphere.route53.CidrRoutingConfig'>, False), 'Failover': (<class 'str'>, False), 'GeoLocation': (<class 'troposphere.route53.GeoLocation'>, False), 'GeoProximityLocation': (<class 'troposphere.route53.GeoProximityLocation'>, False), 'HealthCheckId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'HostedZoneId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'HostedZoneName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MultiValueAnswer': (<function boolean>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Region': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ResourceRecords': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SetIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TTL': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Weight': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.route53.RecordSetGroup(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Comment': (<class 'str'>, False), 'HostedZoneId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'HostedZoneName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RecordSets': ([<class 'troposphere.route53.RecordSet'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Route53::RecordSetGroup'
class troposphere.route53.RecordSetType(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AliasTarget': (<class 'troposphere.validators.route53.AliasTarget'>, False), 'CidrRoutingConfig': (<class 'troposphere.route53.CidrRoutingConfig'>, False), 'Comment': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Failover': (<class 'str'>, False), 'GeoLocation': (<class 'troposphere.route53.GeoLocation'>, False), 'GeoProximityLocation': (<class 'troposphere.route53.GeoProximityLocation'>, False), 'HealthCheckId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'HostedZoneId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'HostedZoneName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MultiValueAnswer': (<function boolean>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Region': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ResourceRecords': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SetIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TTL': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Weight': (<function integer>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Route53::RecordSet'

troposphere.route53recoverycontrol module

class troposphere.route53recoverycontrol.AssertionRule(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AssertedControls': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'WaitPeriodMs': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.route53recoverycontrol.Cluster(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Route53RecoveryControl::Cluster'
class troposphere.route53recoverycontrol.ClusterEndpoint(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Endpoint': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Region': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.route53recoverycontrol.ControlPanel(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ClusterArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Route53RecoveryControl::ControlPanel'
class troposphere.route53recoverycontrol.GatingRule(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'GatingControls': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'TargetControls': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'WaitPeriodMs': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.route53recoverycontrol.RoutingControl(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ClusterArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ControlPanelArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Route53RecoveryControl::RoutingControl'
class troposphere.route53recoverycontrol.RuleConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Inverted': (<function boolean>, True), 'Threshold': (<function integer>, True), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.route53recoverycontrol.SafetyRule(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AssertionRule': (<class 'troposphere.route53recoverycontrol.AssertionRule'>, False), 'ControlPanelArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'GatingRule': (<class 'troposphere.route53recoverycontrol.GatingRule'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RuleConfig': (<class 'troposphere.route53recoverycontrol.RuleConfig'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Route53RecoveryControl::SafetyRule'

troposphere.route53recoveryreadiness module

class troposphere.route53recoveryreadiness.Cell(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CellName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Cells': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Route53RecoveryReadiness::Cell'
class troposphere.route53recoveryreadiness.DNSTargetResource(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DomainName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'HostedZoneArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RecordSetId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RecordType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TargetResource': (<class 'troposphere.route53recoveryreadiness.TargetResource'>, False)}
class troposphere.route53recoveryreadiness.NLBResource(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Arn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.route53recoveryreadiness.R53ResourceRecord(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DomainName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RecordSetId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.route53recoveryreadiness.ReadinessCheck(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ReadinessCheckName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ResourceSetName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Route53RecoveryReadiness::ReadinessCheck'
class troposphere.route53recoveryreadiness.RecoveryGroup(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Cells': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'RecoveryGroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Route53RecoveryReadiness::RecoveryGroup'
class troposphere.route53recoveryreadiness.Resource(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ComponentId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DnsTargetResource': (<class 'troposphere.route53recoveryreadiness.DNSTargetResource'>, False), 'ReadinessScopes': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ResourceArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.route53recoveryreadiness.ResourceSet(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ResourceSetName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ResourceSetType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Resources': ([<class 'troposphere.route53recoveryreadiness.Resource'>], True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Route53RecoveryReadiness::ResourceSet'
class troposphere.route53recoveryreadiness.TargetResource(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'NLBResource': (<class 'troposphere.route53recoveryreadiness.NLBResource'>, False), 'R53Resource': (<class 'troposphere.route53recoveryreadiness.R53ResourceRecord'>, False)}

troposphere.s3 module

class troposphere.s3.AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DaysAfterInitiation': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.s3.AccelerateConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccelerationStatus': (<function s3_transfer_acceleration_status>, True)}
class troposphere.s3.AccessControlTranslation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Owner': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.s3.AccessGrant(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessGrantsLocationConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.s3.AccessGrantsLocationConfiguration'>, False), 'AccessGrantsLocationId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ApplicationArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Grantee': (<class 'troposphere.s3.Grantee'>, True), 'Permission': (<class 'str'>, True), 'S3PrefixType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::S3::AccessGrant'
class troposphere.s3.AccessGrantsInstance(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'IdentityCenterArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::S3::AccessGrantsInstance'
class troposphere.s3.AccessGrantsLocation(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'IamRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LocationScope': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::S3::AccessGrantsLocation'
class troposphere.s3.AccessGrantsLocationConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'S3SubPrefix': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.s3.AccessPoint(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Bucket': (<class 'str'>, True), 'BucketAccountId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Policy': (<function policytypes>, False), 'PublicAccessBlockConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.s3.PublicAccessBlockConfiguration'>, False), 'VpcConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.s3.VpcConfiguration'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::S3::AccessPoint'
class troposphere.s3.AccountLevel(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ActivityMetrics': (<class 'troposphere.s3.ActivityMetrics'>, False), 'AdvancedCostOptimizationMetrics': (<class 'troposphere.s3.AdvancedCostOptimizationMetrics'>, False), 'AdvancedDataProtectionMetrics': (<class 'troposphere.s3.AdvancedDataProtectionMetrics'>, False), 'BucketLevel': (<class 'troposphere.s3.BucketLevel'>, True), 'DetailedStatusCodesMetrics': (<class 'troposphere.s3.DetailedStatusCodesMetrics'>, False), 'StorageLensGroupLevel': (<class 'troposphere.s3.StorageLensGroupLevel'>, False)}
class troposphere.s3.ActivityMetrics(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'IsEnabled': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.s3.AdvancedCostOptimizationMetrics(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'IsEnabled': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.s3.AdvancedDataProtectionMetrics(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'IsEnabled': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.s3.AnalyticsConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Id': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Prefix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StorageClassAnalysis': (<class 'troposphere.s3.StorageClassAnalysis'>, True), 'TagFilters': ([<class 'troposphere.s3.TagFilter'>], False)}
class troposphere.s3.And(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MatchAnyPrefix': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'MatchAnySuffix': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'MatchAnyTag': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'MatchObjectAge': (<class 'troposphere.s3.MatchObjectAge'>, False), 'MatchObjectSize': (<class 'troposphere.s3.MatchObjectSize'>, False)}
class troposphere.s3.AwsOrg(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Arn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.s3.Bucket(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccelerateConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.s3.AccelerateConfiguration'>, False), 'AccessControl': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AnalyticsConfigurations': ([<class 'troposphere.s3.AnalyticsConfiguration'>], False), 'BucketEncryption': (<class 'troposphere.s3.BucketEncryption'>, False), 'BucketName': (<function validate_s3_bucket_name>, False), 'CorsConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.s3.CorsConfiguration'>, False), 'IntelligentTieringConfigurations': ([<class 'troposphere.s3.IntelligentTieringConfiguration'>], False), 'InventoryConfigurations': ([<class 'troposphere.s3.InventoryConfiguration'>], False), 'LifecycleConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.s3.LifecycleConfiguration'>, False), 'LoggingConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.s3.LoggingConfiguration'>, False), 'MetricsConfigurations': ([<class 'troposphere.s3.MetricsConfiguration'>], False), 'NotificationConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.s3.NotificationConfiguration'>, False), 'ObjectLockConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.s3.ObjectLockConfiguration'>, False), 'ObjectLockEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'OwnershipControls': (<class 'troposphere.s3.OwnershipControls'>, False), 'PublicAccessBlockConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.s3.PublicAccessBlockConfiguration'>, False), 'ReplicationConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.s3.ReplicationConfiguration'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'VersioningConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.s3.VersioningConfiguration'>, False), 'WebsiteConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.s3.WebsiteConfiguration'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::S3::Bucket'
class troposphere.s3.BucketEncryption(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration': ([<class 'troposphere.s3.ServerSideEncryptionRule'>], True)}
class troposphere.s3.BucketLevel(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ActivityMetrics': (<class 'troposphere.s3.ActivityMetrics'>, False), 'AdvancedCostOptimizationMetrics': (<class 'troposphere.s3.AdvancedCostOptimizationMetrics'>, False), 'AdvancedDataProtectionMetrics': (<class 'troposphere.s3.AdvancedDataProtectionMetrics'>, False), 'DetailedStatusCodesMetrics': (<class 'troposphere.s3.DetailedStatusCodesMetrics'>, False), 'PrefixLevel': (<class 'troposphere.s3.PrefixLevel'>, False)}
class troposphere.s3.BucketPolicy(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Bucket': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PolicyDocument': (<function policytypes>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::S3::BucketPolicy'
class troposphere.s3.BucketsAndRegions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Buckets': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Regions': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.s3.CloudWatchMetrics(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'IsEnabled': (<function boolean>, True)}
class troposphere.s3.CorsConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CorsRules': ([<class 'troposphere.s3.CorsRules'>], True)}
class troposphere.s3.CorsRules(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AllowedHeaders': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'AllowedMethods': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'AllowedOrigins': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'ExposedHeaders': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Id': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MaxAge': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.s3.DataExport(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Destination': (<class 'troposphere.s3.Destination'>, True), 'OutputSchemaVersion': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.s3.DefaultRetention(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Days': (<function integer>, False), 'Mode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Years': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.s3.DeleteMarkerReplication(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Status': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.s3.Destination(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BucketAccountId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'BucketArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Format': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Prefix': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.s3.DetailedStatusCodesMetrics(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'IsEnabled': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.s3.Encryption(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SSEKMS': (<class 'troposphere.s3.SSEKMS'>, False), 'SSES3': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
class troposphere.s3.EncryptionConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ReplicaKmsKeyID': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.s3.EventBridgeConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EventBridgeEnabled': (<function boolean>, True)}
class troposphere.s3.Filter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'S3Key': (<class 'troposphere.s3.S3Key'>, True)}
class troposphere.s3.Grantee(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'GranteeIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, True), 'GranteeType': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.s3.IntelligentTieringConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Id': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Prefix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Status': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TagFilters': ([<class 'troposphere.s3.TagFilter'>], False), 'Tierings': ([<class 'troposphere.s3.Tiering'>], True)}
class troposphere.s3.InventoryConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Destination': (<class 'troposphere.s3.Destination'>, True), 'Enabled': (<function boolean>, True), 'Id': (<class 'str'>, True), 'IncludedObjectVersions': (<class 'str'>, True), 'OptionalFields': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Prefix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ScheduleFrequency': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.s3.LambdaConfigurations(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Event': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Filter': (<class 'troposphere.s3.Filter'>, False), 'Function': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.s3.LifecycleConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Rules': ([<class 'troposphere.s3.LifecycleRule'>], True)}
class troposphere.s3.LifecycleRule(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload': (<class 'troposphere.s3.AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload'>, False), 'ExpirationDate': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ExpirationInDays': (<function integer>, False), 'ExpiredObjectDeleteMarker': (<function boolean>, False), 'Id': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NoncurrentVersionExpiration': (<class 'troposphere.s3.NoncurrentVersionExpiration'>, False), 'NoncurrentVersionExpirationInDays': (<function integer>, False), 'NoncurrentVersionTransition': (<class 'troposphere.s3.NoncurrentVersionTransition'>, False), 'NoncurrentVersionTransitions': ([<class 'troposphere.s3.NoncurrentVersionTransition'>], False), 'ObjectSizeGreaterThan': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ObjectSizeLessThan': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Prefix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Status': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TagFilters': ([<class 'troposphere.s3.TagFilter'>], False), 'Transition': (<class 'troposphere.s3.LifecycleRuleTransition'>, False), 'Transitions': ([<class 'troposphere.s3.LifecycleRuleTransition'>], False)}
class troposphere.s3.LifecycleRuleTransition(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'StorageClass': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TransitionDate': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TransitionInDays': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.s3.LoggingConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DestinationBucketName': (<function validate_s3_bucket_name>, False), 'LogFilePrefix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TargetObjectKeyFormat': (<class 'troposphere.s3.TargetObjectKeyFormat'>, False)}
class troposphere.s3.MatchObjectAge(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DaysGreaterThan': (<function integer>, False), 'DaysLessThan': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.s3.MatchObjectSize(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BytesGreaterThan': (<function integer>, False), 'BytesLessThan': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.s3.Metrics(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EventThreshold': (<class 'troposphere.s3.ReplicationTimeValue'>, False), 'Status': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.s3.MetricsConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessPointArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Id': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Prefix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TagFilters': ([<class 'troposphere.s3.TagFilter'>], False)}
class troposphere.s3.MultiRegionAccessPoint(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PublicAccessBlockConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.s3.PublicAccessBlockConfiguration'>, False), 'Regions': ([<class 'troposphere.s3.Region'>], True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::S3::MultiRegionAccessPoint'
class troposphere.s3.MultiRegionAccessPointPolicy(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MrapName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Policy': (<function policytypes>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::S3::MultiRegionAccessPointPolicy'
class troposphere.s3.NoncurrentVersionExpiration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'NewerNoncurrentVersions': (<function integer>, False), 'NoncurrentDays': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.s3.NoncurrentVersionTransition(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'NewerNoncurrentVersions': (<function integer>, False), 'StorageClass': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TransitionInDays': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.s3.NotificationConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EventBridgeConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.s3.EventBridgeConfiguration'>, False), 'LambdaConfigurations': ([<class 'troposphere.s3.LambdaConfigurations'>], False), 'QueueConfigurations': ([<class 'troposphere.s3.QueueConfigurations'>], False), 'TopicConfigurations': ([<class 'troposphere.s3.TopicConfigurations'>], False)}
class troposphere.s3.ObjectLockConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ObjectLockEnabled': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Rule': (<class 'troposphere.s3.ObjectLockRule'>, False)}
class troposphere.s3.ObjectLockRule(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DefaultRetention': (<class 'troposphere.s3.DefaultRetention'>, False)}
class troposphere.s3.Or(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MatchAnyPrefix': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'MatchAnySuffix': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'MatchAnyTag': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'MatchObjectAge': (<class 'troposphere.s3.MatchObjectAge'>, False), 'MatchObjectSize': (<class 'troposphere.s3.MatchObjectSize'>, False)}
class troposphere.s3.OwnershipControls(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Rules': ([<class 'troposphere.s3.OwnershipControlsRule'>], True)}
class troposphere.s3.OwnershipControlsRule(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ObjectOwnership': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.s3.PartitionedPrefix(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PartitionDateSource': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.s3.PolicyStatus(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'IsPublic': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.s3.PrefixLevel(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'StorageMetrics': (<class 'troposphere.s3.PrefixLevelStorageMetrics'>, True)}
class troposphere.s3.PrefixLevelStorageMetrics(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'IsEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'SelectionCriteria': (<class 'troposphere.s3.SelectionCriteria'>, False)}
class troposphere.s3.PublicAccessBlockConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BlockPublicAcls': (<function boolean>, False), 'BlockPublicPolicy': (<function boolean>, False), 'IgnorePublicAcls': (<function boolean>, False), 'RestrictPublicBuckets': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.s3.QueueConfigurations(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Event': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Filter': (<class 'troposphere.s3.Filter'>, False), 'Queue': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.s3.RedirectAllRequestsTo(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'HostName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Protocol': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.s3.RedirectRule(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'HostName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'HttpRedirectCode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Protocol': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ReplaceKeyPrefixWith': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ReplaceKeyWith': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.s3.Region(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Bucket': (<class 'str'>, True), 'BucketAccountId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.s3.ReplicaModifications(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Status': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.s3.ReplicationConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Role': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Rules': ([<class 'troposphere.s3.ReplicationConfigurationRules'>], True)}
class troposphere.s3.ReplicationConfigurationRules(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DeleteMarkerReplication': (<class 'troposphere.s3.DeleteMarkerReplication'>, False), 'Destination': (<class 'troposphere.s3.ReplicationConfigurationRulesDestination'>, True), 'Filter': (<class 'troposphere.s3.ReplicationRuleFilter'>, False), 'Id': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Prefix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Priority': (<function integer>, False), 'SourceSelectionCriteria': (<class 'troposphere.s3.SourceSelectionCriteria'>, False), 'Status': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.s3.ReplicationConfigurationRulesDestination(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessControlTranslation': (<class 'troposphere.s3.AccessControlTranslation'>, False), 'Account': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Bucket': (<class 'str'>, True), 'EncryptionConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.s3.EncryptionConfiguration'>, False), 'Metrics': (<class 'troposphere.s3.Metrics'>, False), 'ReplicationTime': (<class 'troposphere.s3.ReplicationTime'>, False), 'StorageClass': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.s3.ReplicationRuleAndOperator(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Prefix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TagFilters': ([<class 'troposphere.s3.TagFilter'>], False)}
class troposphere.s3.ReplicationRuleFilter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'And': (<class 'troposphere.s3.ReplicationRuleAndOperator'>, False), 'Prefix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TagFilter': (<class 'troposphere.s3.TagFilter'>, False)}
class troposphere.s3.ReplicationTime(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Status': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Time': (<class 'troposphere.s3.ReplicationTimeValue'>, True)}
class troposphere.s3.ReplicationTimeValue(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Minutes': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.s3.RoutingRule(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RedirectRule': (<class 'troposphere.s3.RedirectRule'>, True), 'RoutingRuleCondition': (<class 'troposphere.s3.RoutingRuleCondition'>, False)}
class troposphere.s3.RoutingRuleCondition(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KeyPrefixEquals': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.s3.Rules(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.s3.S3BucketDestination(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccountId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Arn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Encryption': (<class 'troposphere.s3.Encryption'>, False), 'Format': (<class 'str'>, True), 'OutputSchemaVersion': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Prefix': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.s3.S3Key(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Rules': ([<class 'troposphere.s3.Rules'>], True)}
class troposphere.s3.SSEKMS(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'KeyId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.s3.SelectionCriteria(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Delimiter': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MaxDepth': (<function integer>, False), 'MinStorageBytesPercentage': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.s3.ServerSideEncryptionByDefault(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'KMSMasterKeyID': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SSEAlgorithm': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.s3.ServerSideEncryptionRule(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BucketKeyEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'ServerSideEncryptionByDefault': (<class 'troposphere.s3.ServerSideEncryptionByDefault'>, False)}
class troposphere.s3.SourceSelectionCriteria(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ReplicaModifications': (<class 'troposphere.s3.ReplicaModifications'>, False), 'SseKmsEncryptedObjects': (<class 'troposphere.s3.SseKmsEncryptedObjects'>, False)}
class troposphere.s3.SseKmsEncryptedObjects(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Status': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.s3.StorageClassAnalysis(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataExport': (<class 'troposphere.s3.DataExport'>, False)}
class troposphere.s3.StorageLens(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'StorageLensConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.s3.StorageLensConfiguration'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::S3::StorageLens'
class troposphere.s3.StorageLensConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccountLevel': (<class 'troposphere.s3.AccountLevel'>, True), 'AwsOrg': (<class 'troposphere.s3.AwsOrg'>, False), 'DataExport': (<class 'troposphere.s3.StorageLensDataExport'>, False), 'Exclude': (<class 'troposphere.s3.BucketsAndRegions'>, False), 'Id': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Include': (<class 'troposphere.s3.BucketsAndRegions'>, False), 'IsEnabled': (<function boolean>, True), 'StorageLensArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.s3.StorageLensDataExport(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CloudWatchMetrics': (<class 'troposphere.s3.CloudWatchMetrics'>, False), 'S3BucketDestination': (<class 'troposphere.s3.S3BucketDestination'>, False)}
class troposphere.s3.StorageLensFilter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'And': (<class 'troposphere.s3.And'>, False), 'MatchAnyPrefix': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'MatchAnySuffix': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'MatchAnyTag': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'MatchObjectAge': (<class 'troposphere.s3.MatchObjectAge'>, False), 'MatchObjectSize': (<class 'troposphere.s3.MatchObjectSize'>, False), 'Or': (<class 'troposphere.s3.Or'>, False)}
class troposphere.s3.StorageLensGroup(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Filter': (<class 'troposphere.s3.StorageLensFilter'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::S3::StorageLensGroup'
class troposphere.s3.StorageLensGroupLevel(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'StorageLensGroupSelectionCriteria': (<class 'troposphere.s3.StorageLensGroupSelectionCriteria'>, False)}
class troposphere.s3.StorageLensGroupSelectionCriteria(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Exclude': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Include': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.s3.TagFilter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Key': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.s3.TargetObjectKeyFormat(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PartitionedPrefix': (<class 'troposphere.s3.PartitionedPrefix'>, False), 'SimplePrefix': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
class troposphere.s3.Tiering(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessTier': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Days': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.s3.TopicConfigurations(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Event': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Filter': (<class 'troposphere.s3.Filter'>, False), 'Topic': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.s3.VersioningConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Status': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.s3.VpcConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'VpcId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.s3.WebsiteConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ErrorDocument': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IndexDocument': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RedirectAllRequestsTo': (<class 'troposphere.s3.RedirectAllRequestsTo'>, False), 'RoutingRules': ([<class 'troposphere.s3.RoutingRule'>], False)}

troposphere.s3objectlambda module

class troposphere.s3objectlambda.AccessPoint(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ObjectLambdaConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.s3objectlambda.ObjectLambdaConfiguration'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::S3ObjectLambda::AccessPoint'
class troposphere.s3objectlambda.AccessPointPolicy(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ObjectLambdaAccessPoint': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PolicyDocument': (<class 'dict'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::S3ObjectLambda::AccessPointPolicy'
class troposphere.s3objectlambda.Alias(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Status': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.s3objectlambda.AwsLambda(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FunctionArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FunctionPayload': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.s3objectlambda.ContentTransformation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AwsLambda': (<class 'troposphere.s3objectlambda.AwsLambda'>, True)}
class troposphere.s3objectlambda.ObjectLambdaConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AllowedFeatures': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'CloudWatchMetricsEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'SupportingAccessPoint': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TransformationConfigurations': ([<class 'troposphere.s3objectlambda.TransformationConfiguration'>], True)}
class troposphere.s3objectlambda.PublicAccessBlockConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BlockPublicAcls': (<function boolean>, False), 'BlockPublicPolicy': (<function boolean>, False), 'IgnorePublicAcls': (<function boolean>, False), 'RestrictPublicBuckets': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.s3objectlambda.TransformationConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Actions': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'ContentTransformation': (<class 'troposphere.s3objectlambda.ContentTransformation'>, True)}

troposphere.s3outposts module

class troposphere.s3outposts.AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DaysAfterInitiation': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.s3outposts.AccessPoint(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Bucket': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Policy': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'VpcConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.s3outposts.VpcConfiguration'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::S3Outposts::AccessPoint'
class troposphere.s3outposts.Bucket(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BucketName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'LifecycleConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.s3outposts.LifecycleConfiguration'>, False), 'OutpostId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::S3Outposts::Bucket'
class troposphere.s3outposts.BucketPolicy(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Bucket': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PolicyDocument': (<class 'dict'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::S3Outposts::BucketPolicy'
class troposphere.s3outposts.Endpoint(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CustomerOwnedIpv4Pool': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FailedReason': (<class 'troposphere.s3outposts.FailedReason'>, False), 'OutpostId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SecurityGroupId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SubnetId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::S3Outposts::Endpoint'
class troposphere.s3outposts.FailedReason(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ErrorCode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Message': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.s3outposts.Filter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AndOperator': (<class 'troposphere.s3outposts.FilterAndOperator'>, False), 'Prefix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tag': (<class 'troposphere.s3outposts.FilterTag'>, False)}
class troposphere.s3outposts.FilterAndOperator(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Prefix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': ([<class 'troposphere.s3outposts.FilterTag'>], True)}
class troposphere.s3outposts.FilterTag(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Key': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.s3outposts.LifecycleConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Rules': ([<class 'troposphere.s3outposts.Rule'>], True)}
class troposphere.s3outposts.Rule(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload': (<class 'troposphere.s3outposts.AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload'>, False), 'ExpirationDate': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ExpirationInDays': (<function integer>, False), 'Filter': (<class 'troposphere.s3outposts.Filter'>, False), 'Id': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Status': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.s3outposts.VpcConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'VpcId': (<class 'str'>, False)}

troposphere.sagemaker module

class troposphere.sagemaker.AdditionalInferenceSpecificationDefinition(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Containers': ([<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ModelPackageContainerDefinition'>], True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SupportedContentTypes': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SupportedRealtimeInferenceInstanceTypes': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SupportedResponseMIMETypes': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SupportedTransformInstanceTypes': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.AdditionalInformation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CaveatsAndRecommendations': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CustomDetails': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'EthicalConsiderations': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.Alarm(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AlarmName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.App(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AppName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'AppType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DomainId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ResourceSpec': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ResourceSpec'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'UserProfileName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SageMaker::App'
class troposphere.sagemaker.AppImageConfig(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AppImageConfigName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'CodeEditorAppImageConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.CodeEditorAppImageConfig'>, False), 'JupyterLabAppImageConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.JupyterLabAppImageConfig'>, False), 'KernelGatewayImageConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.KernelGatewayImageConfig'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SageMaker::AppImageConfig'
class troposphere.sagemaker.AsyncInferenceClientConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MaxConcurrentInvocationsPerInstance': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.AsyncInferenceConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ClientConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.AsyncInferenceClientConfig'>, False), 'OutputConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.AsyncInferenceOutputConfig'>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.AsyncInferenceNotificationConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ErrorTopic': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IncludeInferenceResponseIn': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SuccessTopic': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.AsyncInferenceOutputConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'KmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NotificationConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.AsyncInferenceNotificationConfig'>, False), 'S3FailurePath': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3OutputPath': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.AutoRollbackConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Alarms': ([<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.Alarm'>], True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.BaselineConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConstraintsResource': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ConstraintsResource'>, False), 'StatisticsResource': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.StatisticsResource'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.BatchTransformInput(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataCapturedDestinationS3Uri': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DatasetFormat': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.DatasetFormat'>, True), 'ExcludeFeaturesAttribute': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LocalPath': (<class 'str'>, True), 'S3DataDistributionType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3InputMode': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.Bias(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PostTrainingReport': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.MetricsSource'>, False), 'PreTrainingReport': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.MetricsSource'>, False), 'Report': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.MetricsSource'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.BlueGreenUpdatePolicy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MaximumExecutionTimeoutInSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'TerminationWaitInSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'TrafficRoutingConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.TrafficRoutingConfig'>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.BusinessDetails(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BusinessProblem': (<class 'str'>, False), 'BusinessStakeholders': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LineOfBusiness': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.CapacitySize(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Type': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.CaptureContentTypeHeader(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CsvContentTypes': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'JsonContentTypes': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.CaptureOption(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CaptureMode': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.ClarifyExplainerConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EnableExplanations': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InferenceConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ClarifyInferenceConfig'>, False), 'ShapConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ClarifyShapConfig'>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.ClarifyInferenceConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContentTemplate': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FeatureHeaders': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'FeatureTypes': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'FeaturesAttribute': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LabelAttribute': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LabelHeaders': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'LabelIndex': (<function integer>, False), 'MaxPayloadInMB': (<function integer>, False), 'MaxRecordCount': (<function integer>, False), 'ProbabilityAttribute': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ProbabilityIndex': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.ClarifyShapBaselineConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MimeType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ShapBaseline': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ShapBaselineUri': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.ClarifyShapConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'NumberOfSamples': (<function integer>, False), 'Seed': (<function integer>, False), 'ShapBaselineConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ClarifyShapBaselineConfig'>, True), 'TextConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ClarifyTextConfig'>, False), 'UseLogit': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.ClarifyTextConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Granularity': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Language': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.ClusterConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InstanceCount': (<function integer>, True), 'InstanceType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'VolumeKmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VolumeSizeInGB': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.CodeEditorAppImageConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContainerConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ContainerConfig'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.CodeEditorAppSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomImages': ([<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.CustomImage'>], False), 'DefaultResourceSpec': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ResourceSpec'>, False), 'LifecycleConfigArns': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.CodeRepository(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CodeRepositoryName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'GitConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.GitConfig'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SageMaker::CodeRepository'
class troposphere.sagemaker.CodeRepositoryProperty(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RepositoryUrl': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.CognitoMemberDefinition(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CognitoClientId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'CognitoUserGroup': (<class 'str'>, True), 'CognitoUserPool': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.ConstraintsResource(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'S3Uri': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.Container(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Image': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ModelDataUrl': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NearestModelName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.ContainerConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContainerArguments': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ContainerEntrypoint': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ContainerEnvironmentVariables': ([<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.CustomImageContainerEnvironmentVariable'>], False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.ContainerDefinition(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContainerHostname': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Environment': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Image': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ImageConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ImageConfig'>, False), 'InferenceSpecificationName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Mode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ModelDataSource': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ModelDataSource'>, False), 'ModelDataUrl': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ModelPackageName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MultiModelConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.MultiModelConfig'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.Content(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AdditionalInformation': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.AdditionalInformation'>, False), 'BusinessDetails': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.BusinessDetails'>, False), 'EvaluationDetails': ([<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.EvaluationDetail'>], False), 'IntendedUses': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.IntendedUses'>, False), 'ModelOverview': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ModelOverview'>, False), 'ModelPackageDetails': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ModelPackageDetails'>, False), 'TrainingDetails': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.TrainingDetails'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.Csv(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Header': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.CustomFileSystem(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EFSFileSystem': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.EFSFileSystem'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.CustomFileSystemConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EFSFileSystemConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.EFSFileSystemConfig'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.CustomImage(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AppImageConfigName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ImageName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ImageVersionNumber': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.CustomImageContainerEnvironmentVariable(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Key': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.CustomPosixUserConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Gid': (<function integer>, True), 'Uid': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.DataCaptureConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CaptureContentTypeHeader': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.CaptureContentTypeHeader'>, False), 'CaptureOptions': ([<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.CaptureOption'>], True), 'DestinationS3Uri': (<class 'str'>, True), 'EnableCapture': (<function boolean>, False), 'InitialSamplingPercentage': (<function integer>, True), 'KmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.DataCatalogConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Catalog': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Database': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TableName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.DataQualityAppSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContainerArguments': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ContainerEntrypoint': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Environment': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'ImageUri': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PostAnalyticsProcessorSourceUri': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RecordPreprocessorSourceUri': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.DataQualityBaselineConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BaseliningJobName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ConstraintsResource': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ConstraintsResource'>, False), 'StatisticsResource': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.StatisticsResource'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.DataQualityJobDefinition(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataQualityAppSpecification': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.DataQualityAppSpecification'>, True), 'DataQualityBaselineConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.DataQualityBaselineConfig'>, False), 'DataQualityJobInput': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.DataQualityJobInput'>, True), 'DataQualityJobOutputConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.MonitoringOutputConfig'>, True), 'EndpointName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'JobDefinitionName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'JobResources': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.MonitoringResources'>, True), 'NetworkConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.NetworkConfig'>, False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'StoppingCondition': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.StoppingCondition'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SageMaker::DataQualityJobDefinition'
class troposphere.sagemaker.DataQualityJobInput(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BatchTransformInput': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.BatchTransformInput'>, False), 'EndpointInput': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.EndpointInput'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.DataSource(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'S3DataSource': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.S3DataSource'>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.DataStorageConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContentType': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.CaptureContentTypeHeader'>, False), 'Destination': (<class 'str'>, True), 'KmsKey': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.DatasetFormat(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Csv': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.Csv'>, False), 'Json': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.Json'>, False), 'Parquet': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.DefaultEbsStorageSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DefaultEbsVolumeSizeInGb': (<function integer>, True), 'MaximumEbsVolumeSizeInGb': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.DefaultSpaceSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomFileSystemConfigs': ([<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.CustomFileSystemConfig'>], False), 'CustomPosixUserConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.CustomPosixUserConfig'>, False), 'ExecutionRole': (<class 'str'>, True), 'JupyterLabAppSettings': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.JupyterLabAppSettings'>, False), 'JupyterServerAppSettings': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.JupyterServerAppSettings'>, False), 'KernelGatewayAppSettings': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.KernelGatewayAppSettings'>, False), 'SecurityGroups': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SpaceStorageSettings': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.DefaultSpaceStorageSettings'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.DefaultSpaceStorageSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DefaultEbsStorageSettings': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.DefaultEbsStorageSettings'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.DeployedImage(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ResolutionTime': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ResolvedImage': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SpecifiedImage': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.DeploymentConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AutoRollbackConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.AutoRollbackConfig'>, False), 'BlueGreenUpdatePolicy': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.BlueGreenUpdatePolicy'>, False), 'RollingUpdatePolicy': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.RollingUpdatePolicy'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.Device(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Device': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.DeviceProperty'>, False), 'DeviceFleetName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SageMaker::Device'
class troposphere.sagemaker.DeviceFleet(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DeviceFleetName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'OutputConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.EdgeOutputConfig'>, True), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SageMaker::DeviceFleet'
class troposphere.sagemaker.DeviceProperty(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DeviceName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'IotThingName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.DockerSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EnableDockerAccess': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VpcOnlyTrustedAccounts': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.Domain(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AppNetworkAccessType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AppSecurityGroupManagement': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AuthMode': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DefaultSpaceSettings': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.DefaultSpaceSettings'>, False), 'DefaultUserSettings': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.UserSettings'>, True), 'DomainName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DomainSettings': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.DomainSettings'>, False), 'KmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SubnetIds': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'VpcId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SageMaker::Domain'
class troposphere.sagemaker.DomainSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DockerSettings': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.DockerSettings'>, False), 'RStudioServerProDomainSettings': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.RStudioServerProDomainSettings'>, False), 'SecurityGroupIds': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.DriftCheckBaselines(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Bias': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.DriftCheckBias'>, False), 'Explainability': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.DriftCheckExplainability'>, False), 'ModelDataQuality': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.DriftCheckModelDataQuality'>, False), 'ModelQuality': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.DriftCheckModelQuality'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.DriftCheckBias(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConfigFile': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.FileSource'>, False), 'PostTrainingConstraints': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.MetricsSource'>, False), 'PreTrainingConstraints': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.MetricsSource'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.DriftCheckExplainability(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConfigFile': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.FileSource'>, False), 'Constraints': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.MetricsSource'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.DriftCheckModelDataQuality(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Constraints': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.MetricsSource'>, False), 'Statistics': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.MetricsSource'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.DriftCheckModelQuality(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Constraints': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.MetricsSource'>, False), 'Statistics': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.MetricsSource'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.EFSFileSystem(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FileSystemId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.EFSFileSystemConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FileSystemId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FileSystemPath': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.EbsStorageSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EbsVolumeSizeInGb': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.EdgeOutputConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'KmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3OutputLocation': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.Endpoint(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DeploymentConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.DeploymentConfig'>, False), 'EndpointConfigName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'EndpointName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ExcludeRetainedVariantProperties': ([<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.VariantProperty'>], False), 'RetainAllVariantProperties': (<function boolean>, False), 'RetainDeploymentConfig': (<function boolean>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SageMaker::Endpoint'
class troposphere.sagemaker.EndpointConfig(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AsyncInferenceConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.AsyncInferenceConfig'>, False), 'DataCaptureConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.DataCaptureConfig'>, False), 'EnableNetworkIsolation': (<function boolean>, False), 'EndpointConfigName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ExecutionRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ExplainerConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ExplainerConfig'>, False), 'KmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ProductionVariants': ([<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ProductionVariant'>], True), 'ShadowProductionVariants': ([<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ProductionVariant'>], False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'VpcConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.VpcConfig'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SageMaker::EndpointConfig'
class troposphere.sagemaker.EndpointInput(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EndpointName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ExcludeFeaturesAttribute': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LocalPath': (<class 'str'>, True), 'S3DataDistributionType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3InputMode': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.EndpointMetadata(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EndpointConfigName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EndpointName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'EndpointStatus': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.EvaluationDetail(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Datasets': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'EvaluationJobArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EvaluationObservation': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Metadata': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'MetricGroups': ([<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.MetricGroup'>], False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.Explainability(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Report': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.MetricsSource'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.ExplainerConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ClarifyExplainerConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ClarifyExplainerConfig'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.FeatureDefinition(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FeatureName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FeatureType': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.FeatureGroup(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EventTimeFeatureName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FeatureDefinitions': ([<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.FeatureDefinition'>], True), 'FeatureGroupName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'OfflineStoreConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.OfflineStoreConfig'>, False), 'OnlineStoreConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.OnlineStoreConfig'>, False), 'RecordIdentifierFeatureName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'ThroughputConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ThroughputConfig'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SageMaker::FeatureGroup'
class troposphere.sagemaker.FileSource(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContentDigest': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ContentType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3Uri': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.FileSystemConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DefaultGid': (<function integer>, False), 'DefaultUid': (<function integer>, False), 'MountPath': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.Function(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Condition': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Facet': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Function': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.GitConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Branch': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RepositoryUrl': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SecretArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.Image(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ImageDescription': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ImageDisplayName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ImageName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ImageRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SageMaker::Image'
class troposphere.sagemaker.ImageConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RepositoryAccessMode': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RepositoryAuthConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.RepositoryAuthConfig'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.ImageVersion(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Alias': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Aliases': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'BaseImage': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Horovod': (<function boolean>, False), 'ImageName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'JobType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MLFramework': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Processor': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ProgrammingLang': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ReleaseNotes': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VendorGuidance': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SageMaker::ImageVersion'
class troposphere.sagemaker.InferenceComponent(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EndpointArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EndpointName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'InferenceComponentName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RuntimeConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.InferenceComponentRuntimeConfig'>, True), 'Specification': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.InferenceComponentSpecification'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'VariantName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SageMaker::InferenceComponent'
class troposphere.sagemaker.InferenceComponentComputeResourceRequirements(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MaxMemoryRequiredInMb': (<function integer>, False), 'MinMemoryRequiredInMb': (<function integer>, False), 'NumberOfAcceleratorDevicesRequired': (<function double>, False), 'NumberOfCpuCoresRequired': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.InferenceComponentContainerSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ArtifactUrl': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DeployedImage': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.DeployedImage'>, False), 'Environment': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Image': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.InferenceComponentRuntimeConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CopyCount': (<function integer>, False), 'CurrentCopyCount': (<function integer>, False), 'DesiredCopyCount': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.InferenceComponentSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ComputeResourceRequirements': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.InferenceComponentComputeResourceRequirements'>, True), 'Container': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.InferenceComponentContainerSpecification'>, False), 'ModelName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StartupParameters': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.InferenceComponentStartupParameters'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.InferenceComponentStartupParameters(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContainerStartupHealthCheckTimeoutInSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'ModelDataDownloadTimeoutInSeconds': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.InferenceEnvironment(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContainerImage': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.InferenceExecutionConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Mode': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.InferenceExperiment(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataStorageConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.DataStorageConfig'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DesiredState': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EndpointName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'KmsKey': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ModelVariants': ([<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ModelVariantConfig'>], True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Schedule': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.InferenceExperimentSchedule'>, False), 'ShadowModeConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ShadowModeConfig'>, False), 'StatusReason': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SageMaker::InferenceExperiment'
class troposphere.sagemaker.InferenceExperimentSchedule(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EndTime': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StartTime': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.InferenceSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Containers': ([<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ModelPackageContainerDefinition'>], True), 'SupportedContentTypes': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'SupportedRealtimeInferenceInstanceTypes': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SupportedResponseMIMETypes': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'SupportedTransformInstanceTypes': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.InstanceMetadataServiceConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MinimumInstanceMetadataServiceVersion': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.IntendedUses(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ExplanationsForRiskRating': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FactorsAffectingModelEfficiency': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IntendedUses': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PurposeOfModel': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RiskRating': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.Json(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Line': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.JupyterLabAppImageConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContainerConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ContainerConfig'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.JupyterLabAppSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CodeRepositories': ([<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.CodeRepositoryProperty'>], False), 'CustomImages': ([<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.CustomImage'>], False), 'DefaultResourceSpec': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ResourceSpec'>, False), 'LifecycleConfigArns': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.JupyterServerAppSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DefaultResourceSpec': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ResourceSpec'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.KernelGatewayAppSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomImages': ([<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.CustomImage'>], False), 'DefaultResourceSpec': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ResourceSpec'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.KernelGatewayImageConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FileSystemConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.FileSystemConfig'>, False), 'KernelSpecs': ([<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.KernelSpec'>], True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.KernelSpec(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DisplayName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.ManagedInstanceScaling(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MaxInstanceCount': (<function integer>, False), 'MinInstanceCount': (<function integer>, False), 'Status': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.MemberDefinition(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CognitoMemberDefinition': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.CognitoMemberDefinition'>, False), 'OidcMemberDefinition': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.OidcMemberDefinition'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.MetadataProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CommitId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'GeneratedBy': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ProjectId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Repository': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.MetricDataItems(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Notes': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'dict'>, True), 'XAxisName': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'YAxisName': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.MetricGroup(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MetricData': ([<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.MetricDataItems'>], True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.MetricsSource(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContentDigest': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ContentType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'S3Uri': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.Model(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Containers': ([<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ContainerDefinition'>], False), 'EnableNetworkIsolation': (<function boolean>, False), 'ExecutionRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InferenceExecutionConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.InferenceExecutionConfig'>, False), 'ModelName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PrimaryContainer': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ContainerDefinition'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'VpcConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.VpcConfig'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SageMaker::Model'
class troposphere.sagemaker.ModelAccessConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AcceptEula': (<function boolean>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.ModelBiasAppSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConfigUri': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Environment': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'ImageUri': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.ModelBiasBaselineConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BaseliningJobName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ConstraintsResource': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ConstraintsResource'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.ModelBiasEndpointInput(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EndTimeOffset': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EndpointName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FeaturesAttribute': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InferenceAttribute': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LocalPath': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ProbabilityAttribute': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ProbabilityThresholdAttribute': (<function double>, False), 'S3DataDistributionType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3InputMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StartTimeOffset': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.ModelBiasJobDefinition(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EndpointName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'JobDefinitionName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'JobResources': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.MonitoringResources'>, True), 'ModelBiasAppSpecification': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ModelBiasAppSpecification'>, True), 'ModelBiasBaselineConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ModelBiasBaselineConfig'>, False), 'ModelBiasJobInput': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ModelBiasJobInput'>, True), 'ModelBiasJobOutputConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.MonitoringOutputConfig'>, True), 'NetworkConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.NetworkConfig'>, False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'StoppingCondition': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.StoppingCondition'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SageMaker::ModelBiasJobDefinition'
class troposphere.sagemaker.ModelBiasJobInput(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BatchTransformInput': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.BatchTransformInput'>, False), 'EndpointInput': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ModelBiasEndpointInput'>, False), 'GroundTruthS3Input': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.MonitoringGroundTruthS3Input'>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.ModelCard(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Content': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.Content'>, True), 'CreatedBy': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.UserContext'>, False), 'LastModifiedBy': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.UserContext'>, False), 'ModelCardName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ModelCardStatus': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SecurityConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.SecurityConfig'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SageMaker::ModelCard'
class troposphere.sagemaker.ModelDataQuality(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Constraints': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.MetricsSource'>, False), 'Statistics': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.MetricsSource'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.ModelDataSource(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'S3DataSource': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.S3DataSource'>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.ModelExplainabilityAppSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConfigUri': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Environment': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'ImageUri': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.ModelExplainabilityBaselineConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BaseliningJobName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ConstraintsResource': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ConstraintsResource'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.ModelExplainabilityEndpointInput(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EndpointName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FeaturesAttribute': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InferenceAttribute': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LocalPath': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ProbabilityAttribute': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3DataDistributionType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3InputMode': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.ModelExplainabilityJobDefinition(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EndpointName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'JobDefinitionName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'JobResources': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.MonitoringResources'>, True), 'ModelExplainabilityAppSpecification': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ModelExplainabilityAppSpecification'>, True), 'ModelExplainabilityBaselineConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ModelExplainabilityBaselineConfig'>, False), 'ModelExplainabilityJobInput': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ModelExplainabilityJobInput'>, True), 'ModelExplainabilityJobOutputConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.MonitoringOutputConfig'>, True), 'NetworkConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.NetworkConfig'>, False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'StoppingCondition': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.StoppingCondition'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SageMaker::ModelExplainabilityJobDefinition'
class troposphere.sagemaker.ModelExplainabilityJobInput(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BatchTransformInput': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.BatchTransformInput'>, False), 'EndpointInput': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ModelExplainabilityEndpointInput'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.ModelInfrastructureConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InfrastructureType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RealTimeInferenceConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.RealTimeInferenceConfig'>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.ModelInput(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataInputConfig': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.ModelMetrics(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Bias': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.Bias'>, False), 'Explainability': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.Explainability'>, False), 'ModelDataQuality': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ModelDataQuality'>, False), 'ModelQuality': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ModelQuality'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.ModelOverview(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AlgorithmType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InferenceEnvironment': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.InferenceEnvironment'>, False), 'ModelArtifact': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ModelCreator': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ModelDescription': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ModelId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ModelName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ModelOwner': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ModelVersion': (<function double>, False), 'ProblemType': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.ModelPackage(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AdditionalInferenceSpecifications': ([<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.AdditionalInferenceSpecificationDefinition'>], False), 'AdditionalInferenceSpecificationsToAdd': ([<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.AdditionalInferenceSpecificationDefinition'>], False), 'ApprovalDescription': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CertifyForMarketplace': (<function boolean>, False), 'ClientToken': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CustomerMetadataProperties': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Domain': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DriftCheckBaselines': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.DriftCheckBaselines'>, False), 'InferenceSpecification': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.InferenceSpecification'>, False), 'LastModifiedTime': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MetadataProperties': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.MetadataProperties'>, False), 'ModelApprovalStatus': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ModelMetrics': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ModelMetrics'>, False), 'ModelPackageDescription': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ModelPackageGroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ModelPackageName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ModelPackageStatusDetails': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ModelPackageStatusDetails'>, False), 'ModelPackageVersion': (<function integer>, False), 'SamplePayloadUrl': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SkipModelValidation': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceAlgorithmSpecification': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.SourceAlgorithmSpecification'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'Task': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ValidationSpecification': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ValidationSpecification'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SageMaker::ModelPackage'
class troposphere.sagemaker.ModelPackageContainerDefinition(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContainerHostname': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Environment': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Framework': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FrameworkVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Image': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ImageDigest': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ModelDataUrl': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ModelInput': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ModelInput'>, False), 'NearestModelName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.ModelPackageCreator(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'UserProfileName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.ModelPackageDetails(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApprovalDescription': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CreatedBy': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ModelPackageCreator'>, False), 'Domain': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InferenceSpecification': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.InferenceSpecification'>, False), 'ModelApprovalStatus': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ModelPackageArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ModelPackageDescription': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ModelPackageGroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ModelPackageName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ModelPackageStatus': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ModelPackageVersion': (<function double>, False), 'SourceAlgorithms': ([<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.SourceAlgorithm'>], False), 'Task': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.ModelPackageGroup(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ModelPackageGroupDescription': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ModelPackageGroupName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ModelPackageGroupPolicy': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SageMaker::ModelPackageGroup'
class troposphere.sagemaker.ModelPackageStatusDetails(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ValidationStatuses': ([<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ModelPackageStatusItem'>], False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.ModelPackageStatusItem(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FailureReason': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Status': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.ModelQuality(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Constraints': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.MetricsSource'>, False), 'Statistics': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.MetricsSource'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.ModelQualityAppSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContainerArguments': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ContainerEntrypoint': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Environment': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'ImageUri': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PostAnalyticsProcessorSourceUri': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ProblemType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RecordPreprocessorSourceUri': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.ModelQualityBaselineConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BaseliningJobName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ConstraintsResource': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ConstraintsResource'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.ModelQualityEndpointInput(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EndTimeOffset': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EndpointName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'InferenceAttribute': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LocalPath': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ProbabilityAttribute': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ProbabilityThresholdAttribute': (<function double>, False), 'S3DataDistributionType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3InputMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StartTimeOffset': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.ModelQualityJobDefinition(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EndpointName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'JobDefinitionName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'JobResources': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.MonitoringResources'>, True), 'ModelQualityAppSpecification': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ModelQualityAppSpecification'>, True), 'ModelQualityBaselineConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ModelQualityBaselineConfig'>, False), 'ModelQualityJobInput': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ModelQualityJobInput'>, True), 'ModelQualityJobOutputConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.MonitoringOutputConfig'>, True), 'NetworkConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.NetworkConfig'>, False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'StoppingCondition': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.StoppingCondition'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SageMaker::ModelQualityJobDefinition'
class troposphere.sagemaker.ModelQualityJobInput(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BatchTransformInput': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.BatchTransformInput'>, False), 'EndpointInput': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ModelQualityEndpointInput'>, False), 'GroundTruthS3Input': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.MonitoringGroundTruthS3Input'>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.ModelVariantConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InfrastructureConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ModelInfrastructureConfig'>, True), 'ModelName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'VariantName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.MonitoringAppSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContainerArguments': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ContainerEntrypoint': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ImageUri': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PostAnalyticsProcessorSourceUri': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RecordPreprocessorSourceUri': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.MonitoringExecutionSummary(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CreationTime': (<class 'str'>, True), 'EndpointName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FailureReason': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LastModifiedTime': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MonitoringExecutionStatus': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MonitoringScheduleName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ProcessingJobArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ScheduledTime': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.MonitoringGroundTruthS3Input(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'S3Uri': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.MonitoringInput(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BatchTransformInput': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.BatchTransformInput'>, False), 'EndpointInput': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.EndpointInput'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.MonitoringJobDefinition(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BaselineConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.BaselineConfig'>, False), 'Environment': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'MonitoringAppSpecification': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.MonitoringAppSpecification'>, True), 'MonitoringInputs': ([<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.MonitoringInput'>], True), 'MonitoringOutputConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.MonitoringOutputConfig'>, True), 'MonitoringResources': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.MonitoringResources'>, True), 'NetworkConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.NetworkConfig'>, False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'StoppingCondition': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.StoppingCondition'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.MonitoringOutput(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'S3Output': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.S3Output'>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.MonitoringOutputConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'KmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MonitoringOutputs': ([<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.MonitoringOutput'>], True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.MonitoringResources(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ClusterConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ClusterConfig'>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.MonitoringSchedule(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EndpointName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FailureReason': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LastMonitoringExecutionSummary': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.MonitoringExecutionSummary'>, False), 'MonitoringScheduleConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.MonitoringScheduleConfig'>, True), 'MonitoringScheduleName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MonitoringScheduleStatus': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SageMaker::MonitoringSchedule'
class troposphere.sagemaker.MonitoringScheduleConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MonitoringJobDefinition': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.MonitoringJobDefinition'>, False), 'MonitoringJobDefinitionName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MonitoringType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ScheduleConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ScheduleConfig'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.MultiModelConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ModelCacheSetting': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.NetworkConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EnableInterContainerTrafficEncryption': (<function boolean>, False), 'EnableNetworkIsolation': (<function boolean>, False), 'VpcConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.VpcConfig'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.NotebookInstance(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AcceleratorTypes': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'AdditionalCodeRepositories': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'DefaultCodeRepository': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DirectInternetAccess': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InstanceMetadataServiceConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.InstanceMetadataServiceConfiguration'>, False), 'InstanceType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'KmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LifecycleConfigName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NotebookInstanceName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PlatformIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RootAccess': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecurityGroupIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SubnetId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'VolumeSizeInGB': (<function integer>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SageMaker::NotebookInstance'
class troposphere.sagemaker.NotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'NotebookInstanceLifecycleConfigName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OnCreate': ([<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.NotebookInstanceLifecycleHook'>], False), 'OnStart': ([<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.NotebookInstanceLifecycleHook'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SageMaker::NotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig'
class troposphere.sagemaker.NotebookInstanceLifecycleHook(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Content': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.NotificationConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'NotificationTopicArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.ObjectiveFunction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Function': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.Function'>, False), 'Notes': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.OfflineStoreConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataCatalogConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.DataCatalogConfig'>, False), 'DisableGlueTableCreation': (<function boolean>, False), 'S3StorageConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.S3StorageConfig'>, True), 'TableFormat': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.OidcMemberDefinition(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'OidcGroups': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.OnlineStoreConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EnableOnlineStore': (<function boolean>, False), 'SecurityConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.OnlineStoreSecurityConfig'>, False), 'StorageType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TtlDuration': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.TtlDuration'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.OnlineStoreSecurityConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'KmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.OwnershipSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'OwnerUserProfileName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.ParallelismConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MaxParallelExecutionSteps': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.Pipeline(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ParallelismConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ParallelismConfiguration'>, False), 'PipelineDefinition': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.PipelineDefinition'>, True), 'PipelineDescription': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PipelineDisplayName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PipelineName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SageMaker::Pipeline'
class troposphere.sagemaker.PipelineDefinition(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PipelineDefinitionBody': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PipelineDefinitionS3Location': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.S3Location'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.ProductionVariant(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AcceleratorType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ContainerStartupHealthCheckTimeoutInSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'EnableSSMAccess': (<function boolean>, False), 'InitialInstanceCount': (<function integer>, False), 'InitialVariantWeight': (<function double>, False), 'InstanceType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ManagedInstanceScaling': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ManagedInstanceScaling'>, False), 'ModelDataDownloadTimeoutInSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'ModelName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RoutingConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.RoutingConfig'>, False), 'ServerlessConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ServerlessConfig'>, False), 'VariantName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'VolumeSizeInGB': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.Project(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ProjectDescription': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ProjectName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ServiceCatalogProvisionedProductDetails': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ServiceCatalogProvisionedProductDetails'>, False), 'ServiceCatalogProvisioningDetails': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ServiceCatalogProvisioningDetails'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SageMaker::Project'
class troposphere.sagemaker.ProvisioningParameter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Key': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.RSessionAppSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomImages': ([<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.CustomImage'>], False), 'DefaultResourceSpec': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ResourceSpec'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.RStudioServerProAppSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessStatus': (<class 'str'>, False), 'UserGroup': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.RStudioServerProDomainSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DefaultResourceSpec': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ResourceSpec'>, False), 'DomainExecutionRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RStudioConnectUrl': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RStudioPackageManagerUrl': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.RealTimeInferenceConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InstanceCount': (<function integer>, True), 'InstanceType': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.RepositoryAuthConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RepositoryCredentialsProviderArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.ResourceSpec(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InstanceType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SageMakerImageArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SageMakerImageVersionArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.RollingUpdatePolicy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MaximumBatchSize': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.CapacitySize'>, True), 'MaximumExecutionTimeoutInSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'RollbackMaximumBatchSize': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.CapacitySize'>, False), 'WaitIntervalInSeconds': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.RoutingConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RoutingStrategy': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.S3DataSource(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'S3DataType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'S3Uri': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.S3Location(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Bucket': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ETag': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Key': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Version': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.S3Output(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LocalPath': (<class 'str'>, True), 'S3UploadMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3Uri': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.S3StorageConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'KmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3Uri': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.ScheduleConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataAnalysisEndTime': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DataAnalysisStartTime': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ScheduleExpression': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.SecurityConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'KmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.ServerlessConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MaxConcurrency': (<function integer>, True), 'MemorySizeInMB': (<function integer>, True), 'ProvisionedConcurrency': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.ServiceCatalogProvisionedProductDetails(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ProvisionedProductId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ProvisionedProductStatusMessage': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.ServiceCatalogProvisioningDetails(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PathId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ProductId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ProvisioningArtifactId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ProvisioningParameters': ([<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ProvisioningParameter'>], False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.ShadowModeConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ShadowModelVariants': ([<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ShadowModelVariantConfig'>], True), 'SourceModelVariantName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.ShadowModelVariantConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SamplingPercentage': (<function integer>, True), 'ShadowModelVariantName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.SharingSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'NotebookOutputOption': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3KmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3OutputPath': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.SourceAlgorithm(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AlgorithmName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ModelDataUrl': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.SourceAlgorithmSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SourceAlgorithms': ([<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.SourceAlgorithm'>], True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.Space(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DomainId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'OwnershipSettings': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.OwnershipSettings'>, False), 'SpaceDisplayName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SpaceName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SpaceSettings': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.SpaceSettings'>, False), 'SpaceSharingSettings': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.SpaceSharingSettings'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SageMaker::Space'
class troposphere.sagemaker.SpaceCodeEditorAppSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DefaultResourceSpec': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ResourceSpec'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.SpaceJupyterLabAppSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CodeRepositories': ([<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.CodeRepositoryProperty'>], False), 'DefaultResourceSpec': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ResourceSpec'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.SpaceSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AppType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CodeEditorAppSettings': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.SpaceCodeEditorAppSettings'>, False), 'CustomFileSystems': ([<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.CustomFileSystem'>], False), 'JupyterLabAppSettings': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.SpaceJupyterLabAppSettings'>, False), 'JupyterServerAppSettings': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.JupyterServerAppSettings'>, False), 'KernelGatewayAppSettings': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.KernelGatewayAppSettings'>, False), 'SpaceStorageSettings': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.SpaceStorageSettings'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.SpaceSharingSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SharingType': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.SpaceStorageSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EbsStorageSettings': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.EbsStorageSettings'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.StatisticsResource(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'S3Uri': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.StoppingCondition(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MaxRuntimeInSeconds': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.ThroughputConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ProvisionedReadCapacityUnits': (<function integer>, False), 'ProvisionedWriteCapacityUnits': (<function integer>, False), 'ThroughputMode': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.TrafficRoutingConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CanarySize': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.CapacitySize'>, False), 'LinearStepSize': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.CapacitySize'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True), 'WaitIntervalInSeconds': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.TrainingDetails(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ObjectiveFunction': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ObjectiveFunction'>, False), 'TrainingJobDetails': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.TrainingJobDetails'>, False), 'TrainingObservations': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.TrainingEnvironment(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContainerImage': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.TrainingHyperParameter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.TrainingJobDetails(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'HyperParameters': ([<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.TrainingHyperParameter'>], False), 'TrainingArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TrainingDatasets': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'TrainingEnvironment': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.TrainingEnvironment'>, False), 'TrainingMetrics': ([<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.TrainingMetric'>], False), 'UserProvidedHyperParameters': ([<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.TrainingHyperParameter'>], False), 'UserProvidedTrainingMetrics': ([<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.TrainingMetric'>], False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.TrainingMetric(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Notes': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Value': (<function double>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.TransformInput(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CompressionType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ContentType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DataSource': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.DataSource'>, True), 'SplitType': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.TransformJobDefinition(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BatchStrategy': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Environment': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'MaxConcurrentTransforms': (<function integer>, False), 'MaxPayloadInMB': (<function integer>, False), 'TransformInput': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.TransformInput'>, True), 'TransformOutput': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.TransformOutput'>, True), 'TransformResources': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.TransformResources'>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.TransformOutput(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Accept': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AssembleWith': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3OutputPath': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.TransformResources(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InstanceCount': (<function integer>, True), 'InstanceType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'VolumeKmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.TtlDuration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Unit': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Value': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.UserContext(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DomainId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'UserProfileArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'UserProfileName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.UserProfile(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DomainId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SingleSignOnUserIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SingleSignOnUserValue': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'UserProfileName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'UserSettings': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.UserSettings'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SageMaker::UserProfile'
class troposphere.sagemaker.UserSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CodeEditorAppSettings': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.CodeEditorAppSettings'>, False), 'CustomFileSystemConfigs': ([<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.CustomFileSystemConfig'>], False), 'CustomPosixUserConfig': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.CustomPosixUserConfig'>, False), 'DefaultLandingUri': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ExecutionRole': (<class 'str'>, False), 'JupyterLabAppSettings': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.JupyterLabAppSettings'>, False), 'JupyterServerAppSettings': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.JupyterServerAppSettings'>, False), 'KernelGatewayAppSettings': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.KernelGatewayAppSettings'>, False), 'RStudioServerProAppSettings': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.RStudioServerProAppSettings'>, False), 'SecurityGroups': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SharingSettings': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.SharingSettings'>, False), 'SpaceStorageSettings': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.DefaultSpaceStorageSettings'>, False), 'StudioWebPortal': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.ValidationProfile(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ProfileName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TransformJobDefinition': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.TransformJobDefinition'>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.ValidationSpecification(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ValidationProfiles': ([<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.ValidationProfile'>], True), 'ValidationRole': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.VariantProperty(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'VariantPropertyType': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.VpcConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SecurityGroupIds': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Subnets': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
class troposphere.sagemaker.Workteam(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MemberDefinitions': ([<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.MemberDefinition'>], False), 'NotificationConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.sagemaker.NotificationConfiguration'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'WorkforceName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'WorkteamName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SageMaker::Workteam'

troposphere.sdb module

class troposphere.sdb.Domain(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SDB::Domain'

troposphere.secretsmanager module

class troposphere.secretsmanager.GenerateSecretString(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ExcludeCharacters': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ExcludeLowercase': (<function boolean>, False), 'ExcludeNumbers': (<function boolean>, False), 'ExcludePunctuation': (<function boolean>, False), 'ExcludeUppercase': (<function boolean>, False), 'GenerateStringKey': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IncludeSpace': (<function boolean>, False), 'PasswordLength': (<function integer>, False), 'RequireEachIncludedType': (<function boolean>, False), 'SecretStringTemplate': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.secretsmanager.HostedRotationLambda(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ExcludeCharacters': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KmsKeyArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MasterSecretArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MasterSecretKmsKeyArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RotationLambdaName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RotationType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Runtime': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SuperuserSecretArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SuperuserSecretKmsKeyArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VpcSecurityGroupIds': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VpcSubnetIds': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.secretsmanager.ReplicaRegion(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'KmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Region': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.secretsmanager.ResourcePolicy(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BlockPublicPolicy': (<function boolean>, False), 'ResourcePolicy': (<function policytypes>, True), 'SecretId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SecretsManager::ResourcePolicy'
class troposphere.secretsmanager.RotationRules(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AutomaticallyAfterDays': (<function integer>, False), 'Duration': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ScheduleExpression': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.secretsmanager.RotationSchedule(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'HostedRotationLambda': (<class 'troposphere.secretsmanager.HostedRotationLambda'>, False), 'RotateImmediatelyOnUpdate': (<function boolean>, False), 'RotationLambdaARN': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RotationRules': (<class 'troposphere.secretsmanager.RotationRules'>, False), 'SecretId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SecretsManager::RotationSchedule'
class troposphere.secretsmanager.Secret(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'GenerateSecretString': (<class 'troposphere.secretsmanager.GenerateSecretString'>, False), 'KmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ReplicaRegions': ([<class 'troposphere.secretsmanager.ReplicaRegion'>], False), 'SecretString': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<function validate_tags_or_list>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SecretsManager::Secret'
class troposphere.secretsmanager.SecretTargetAttachment(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SecretId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TargetId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TargetType': (<function validate_target_types>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SecretsManager::SecretTargetAttachment'

troposphere.securityhub module

class troposphere.securityhub.AutomationRule(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Actions': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.AutomationRulesAction'>], False), 'Criteria': (<class 'troposphere.securityhub.AutomationRulesFindingFilters'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IsTerminal': (<function boolean>, False), 'RuleName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RuleOrder': (<function integer>, False), 'RuleStatus': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SecurityHub::AutomationRule'
class troposphere.securityhub.AutomationRulesAction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FindingFieldsUpdate': (<class 'troposphere.securityhub.AutomationRulesFindingFieldsUpdate'>, True), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.securityhub.AutomationRulesFindingFieldsUpdate(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Confidence': (<function integer>, False), 'Criticality': (<function integer>, False), 'Note': (<class 'troposphere.securityhub.NoteUpdate'>, False), 'RelatedFindings': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.RelatedFinding'>], False), 'Severity': (<class 'troposphere.securityhub.SeverityUpdate'>, False), 'Types': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'UserDefinedFields': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'VerificationState': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Workflow': (<class 'troposphere.securityhub.WorkflowUpdate'>, False)}
class troposphere.securityhub.AutomationRulesFindingFilters(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AwsAccountId': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'CompanyName': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'ComplianceAssociatedStandardsId': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'ComplianceSecurityControlId': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'ComplianceStatus': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'Confidence': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.NumberFilter'>], False), 'CreatedAt': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.DateFilter'>], False), 'Criticality': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.NumberFilter'>], False), 'Description': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'FirstObservedAt': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.DateFilter'>], False), 'GeneratorId': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'Id': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'LastObservedAt': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.DateFilter'>], False), 'NoteText': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'NoteUpdatedAt': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.DateFilter'>], False), 'NoteUpdatedBy': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'ProductArn': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'ProductName': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'RecordState': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'RelatedFindingsId': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'RelatedFindingsProductArn': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'ResourceDetailsOther': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.MapFilter'>], False), 'ResourceId': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'ResourcePartition': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'ResourceRegion': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'ResourceTags': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.MapFilter'>], False), 'ResourceType': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'SeverityLabel': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'SourceUrl': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'Title': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'Type': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'UpdatedAt': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.DateFilter'>], False), 'UserDefinedFields': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.MapFilter'>], False), 'VerificationState': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'WorkflowStatus': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False)}
class troposphere.securityhub.AwsSecurityFindingFilters(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AwsAccountId': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'AwsAccountName': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'CompanyName': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'ComplianceAssociatedStandardsId': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'ComplianceSecurityControlId': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'ComplianceSecurityControlParametersName': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'ComplianceSecurityControlParametersValue': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'ComplianceStatus': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'Confidence': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.NumberFilter'>], False), 'CreatedAt': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.DateFilter'>], False), 'Criticality': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.NumberFilter'>], False), 'Description': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'FindingProviderFieldsConfidence': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.NumberFilter'>], False), 'FindingProviderFieldsCriticality': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.NumberFilter'>], False), 'FindingProviderFieldsRelatedFindingsId': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'FindingProviderFieldsRelatedFindingsProductArn': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'FindingProviderFieldsSeverityLabel': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'FindingProviderFieldsSeverityOriginal': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'FindingProviderFieldsTypes': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'FirstObservedAt': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.DateFilter'>], False), 'GeneratorId': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'Id': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'LastObservedAt': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.DateFilter'>], False), 'MalwareName': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'MalwarePath': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'MalwareState': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'MalwareType': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'NetworkDestinationDomain': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'NetworkDestinationIpV4': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.IpFilter'>], False), 'NetworkDestinationIpV6': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.IpFilter'>], False), 'NetworkDestinationPort': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.NumberFilter'>], False), 'NetworkDirection': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'NetworkProtocol': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'NetworkSourceDomain': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'NetworkSourceIpV4': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.IpFilter'>], False), 'NetworkSourceIpV6': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.IpFilter'>], False), 'NetworkSourceMac': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'NetworkSourcePort': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.NumberFilter'>], False), 'NoteText': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'NoteUpdatedAt': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.DateFilter'>], False), 'NoteUpdatedBy': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'ProcessLaunchedAt': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.DateFilter'>], False), 'ProcessName': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'ProcessParentPid': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.NumberFilter'>], False), 'ProcessPath': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'ProcessPid': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.NumberFilter'>], False), 'ProcessTerminatedAt': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.DateFilter'>], False), 'ProductArn': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'ProductFields': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.MapFilter'>], False), 'ProductName': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'RecommendationText': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'RecordState': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'Region': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'RelatedFindingsId': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'RelatedFindingsProductArn': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'ResourceApplicationArn': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'ResourceApplicationName': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'ResourceAwsEc2InstanceIamInstanceProfileArn': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'ResourceAwsEc2InstanceImageId': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'ResourceAwsEc2InstanceIpV4Addresses': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.IpFilter'>], False), 'ResourceAwsEc2InstanceIpV6Addresses': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.IpFilter'>], False), 'ResourceAwsEc2InstanceKeyName': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'ResourceAwsEc2InstanceLaunchedAt': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.DateFilter'>], False), 'ResourceAwsEc2InstanceSubnetId': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'ResourceAwsEc2InstanceType': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'ResourceAwsEc2InstanceVpcId': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'ResourceAwsIamAccessKeyCreatedAt': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.DateFilter'>], False), 'ResourceAwsIamAccessKeyPrincipalName': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'ResourceAwsIamAccessKeyStatus': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'ResourceAwsIamUserUserName': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'ResourceAwsS3BucketOwnerId': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'ResourceAwsS3BucketOwnerName': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'ResourceContainerImageId': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'ResourceContainerImageName': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'ResourceContainerLaunchedAt': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.DateFilter'>], False), 'ResourceContainerName': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'ResourceDetailsOther': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.MapFilter'>], False), 'ResourceId': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'ResourcePartition': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'ResourceRegion': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'ResourceTags': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.MapFilter'>], False), 'ResourceType': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'Sample': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.BooleanFilter'>], False), 'SeverityLabel': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'SourceUrl': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'ThreatIntelIndicatorCategory': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'ThreatIntelIndicatorLastObservedAt': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.DateFilter'>], False), 'ThreatIntelIndicatorSource': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'ThreatIntelIndicatorSourceUrl': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'ThreatIntelIndicatorType': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'ThreatIntelIndicatorValue': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'Title': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'Type': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'UpdatedAt': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.DateFilter'>], False), 'UserDefinedFields': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.MapFilter'>], False), 'VerificationState': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'VulnerabilitiesExploitAvailable': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'VulnerabilitiesFixAvailable': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'WorkflowState': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False), 'WorkflowStatus': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter'>], False)}
class troposphere.securityhub.BooleanFilter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Value': (<function boolean>, True)}
class troposphere.securityhub.DateFilter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DateRange': (<class 'troposphere.securityhub.DateRange'>, False), 'End': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Start': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.securityhub.DateRange(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Unit': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<function double>, True)}
class troposphere.securityhub.DelegatedAdmin(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AdminAccountId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SecurityHub::DelegatedAdmin'
class troposphere.securityhub.Hub(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AutoEnableControls': (<function boolean>, False), 'ControlFindingGenerator': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EnableDefaultStandards': (<function boolean>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SecurityHub::Hub'
class troposphere.securityhub.Insight(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Filters': (<class 'troposphere.securityhub.AwsSecurityFindingFilters'>, True), 'GroupByAttribute': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SecurityHub::Insight'
class troposphere.securityhub.IpFilter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Cidr': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.securityhub.MapFilter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Comparison': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Key': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.securityhub.NoteUpdate(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Text': (<class 'str'>, True), 'UpdatedBy': (<class 'dict'>, True)}
class troposphere.securityhub.NumberFilter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Eq': (<function double>, False), 'Gte': (<function double>, False), 'Lte': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.securityhub.ParameterConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Value': (<class 'troposphere.securityhub.ParameterValue'>, False), 'ValueType': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.securityhub.ParameterValue(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Boolean': (<function boolean>, False), 'Double': (<function double>, False), 'Enum': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EnumList': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Integer': (<function integer>, False), 'IntegerList': ([<function integer>], False), 'String': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StringList': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.securityhub.ProductSubscription(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ProductArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SecurityHub::ProductSubscription'
class troposphere.securityhub.RelatedFinding(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Id': (<class 'dict'>, True), 'ProductArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.securityhub.SecurityControl(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LastUpdateReason': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Parameters': (<class 'dict'>, True), 'SecurityControlArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecurityControlId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SecurityHub::SecurityControl'
class troposphere.securityhub.SeverityUpdate(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Label': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Normalized': (<function integer>, False), 'Product': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.securityhub.Standard(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DisabledStandardsControls': ([<class 'troposphere.securityhub.StandardsControl'>], False), 'StandardsArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SecurityHub::Standard'
class troposphere.securityhub.StandardsControl(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Reason': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StandardsControlArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.securityhub.StringFilter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Comparison': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.securityhub.WorkflowUpdate(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Status': (<class 'str'>, True)}

troposphere.serverless module

class troposphere.serverless.AlexaSkillEvent(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {}
resource_type: str | None = 'AlexaSkill'
class troposphere.serverless.Api(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessLogSetting': (<class 'troposphere.apigateway.AccessLogSetting'>, False), 'Auth': (<class 'troposphere.serverless.Auth'>, False), 'BinaryMediaTypes': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'CacheClusterEnabled': (<class 'bool'>, False), 'CacheClusterSize': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CanarySetting': (<class 'troposphere.apigateway.CanarySetting'>, False), 'Cors': ((<class 'str'>, <class 'troposphere.serverless.Cors'>), False), 'DefinitionBody': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'DefinitionUri': ((<class 'str'>, <class 'troposphere.serverless.ApiDefinition'>), False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DisableExecuteApiEndpoint': (<class 'bool'>, False), 'Domain': (<class 'troposphere.serverless.Domain'>, False), 'EndpointConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.serverless.EndpointConfiguration'>, False), 'MethodSettings': ([<class 'troposphere.apigateway.MethodSetting'>], False), 'MinimumCompressionSize': (<function integer_range.<locals>.integer_range_checker>, False), 'Mode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Models': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OpenApiVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StageName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'TracingEnabled': (<class 'bool'>, False), 'Variables': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Serverless::Api'
class troposphere.serverless.ApiDefinition(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Bucket': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Key': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Version': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.serverless.ApiEvent(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Auth': (<function api_function_auth_validator>, False), 'Method': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Path': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RequestModel': (<class 'troposphere.serverless.RequestModel'>, False), 'RequestParameters': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RestApiId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'Api'
class troposphere.serverless.ApiFunctionAuth(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApiKeyRequired': (<class 'bool'>, False), 'AuthorizationScopes': (<class 'list'>, False), 'Authorizer': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InvokeRole': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ResourcePolicy': (<class 'troposphere.serverless.ResourcePolicyStatement'>, False)}
class troposphere.serverless.ApiGlobals(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessLogSetting': (<class 'troposphere.apigateway.AccessLogSetting'>, False), 'Auth': (<class 'troposphere.serverless.Auth'>, False), 'BinaryMediaTypes': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'CacheClusterEnabled': (<class 'bool'>, False), 'CacheClusterSize': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CanarySetting': (<class 'troposphere.apigateway.CanarySetting'>, False), 'Cors': ((<class 'str'>, <class 'troposphere.serverless.Cors'>), False), 'DefinitionUri': ((<class 'str'>, <class 'troposphere.serverless.ApiDefinition'>), False), 'Domain': (<class 'troposphere.serverless.Domain'>, False), 'EndpointConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.serverless.EndpointConfiguration'>, False), 'MethodSettings': ([<class 'troposphere.apigateway.MethodSetting'>], False), 'MinimumCompressionSize': (<function integer_range.<locals>.integer_range_checker>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OpenApiVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TracingEnabled': (<class 'bool'>, False), 'Variables': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
class troposphere.serverless.Application(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Location': ((<class 'troposphere.serverless.ApplicationLocation'>, <class 'str'>), True), 'NotificationARNs': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Parameters': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'TimeoutInMinutes': (<function positive_integer>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Serverless::Application'
class troposphere.serverless.ApplicationLocation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApplicationId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SemanticVersion': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.serverless.Auth(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AddDefaultAuthorizerToCorsPreflight': (<class 'bool'>, False), 'ApiKeyRequired': (<class 'bool'>, False), 'Authorizers': (<class 'troposphere.serverless.Authorizers'>, False), 'DefaultAuthorizer': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InvokeRole': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ResourcePolicy': (<class 'troposphere.serverless.ResourcePolicyStatement'>, False)}
class troposphere.serverless.Authorizers(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CognitoAuth': (<class 'troposphere.serverless.CognitoAuth'>, False), 'DefaultAuthorizer': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LambdaRequestAuth': (<class 'troposphere.serverless.LambdaRequestAuth'>, False), 'LambdaTokenAuth': (<class 'troposphere.serverless.LambdaTokenAuth'>, False)}
class troposphere.serverless.CloudWatchEvent(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Input': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InputPath': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Pattern': (<class 'dict'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'CloudWatchEvent'
class troposphere.serverless.CognitoAuth(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Identity': (<class 'troposphere.serverless.CognitoAuthIdentity'>, False), 'UserPoolArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.serverless.CognitoAuthIdentity(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Header': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ValidationExpression': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.serverless.Cors(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AllowCredentials': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AllowHeaders': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AllowMethods': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AllowOrigin': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MaxAge': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.serverless.DeadLetterConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Arn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'QueueLogicalId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.serverless.DeadLetterQueue(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TargetArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.serverless.DeploymentPreference(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Alarms': (<class 'list'>, False), 'Enabled': (<class 'bool'>, False), 'Hooks': (<class 'troposphere.serverless.Hooks'>, False), 'Role': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.serverless.DestinationConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'OnFailure': (<class 'troposphere.serverless.OnFailure'>, False), 'OnSuccess': (<class 'troposphere.serverless.OnSuccess'>, False)}
class troposphere.serverless.DocumentDBEvent(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BatchSize': (<function integer>, False), 'Cluster': (<class 'str'>, True), 'CollectionName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DatabaseName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Enabled': (<class 'bool'>, False), 'FilterCriteria': (<class 'troposphere.awslambda.FilterCriteria'>, False), 'FullDocument': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MaximumBatchingWindowInSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'SecretsManagerKmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceAccessConfigurations': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'StartingPosition': (<class 'str'>, True), 'StartingPositionTimestamp': (<function double>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'DocumentDB'
class troposphere.serverless.Domain(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BasePath': (<class 'list'>, False), 'CertificateArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DomainName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'EndpointConfiguration': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Route53': (<class 'troposphere.serverless.Route53'>, False)}
class troposphere.serverless.DynamoDBEvent(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BatchSize': (<function positive_integer>, False), 'StartingPosition': (<function starting_position_validator>, True), 'Stream': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'DynamoDB'
class troposphere.serverless.EndpointConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Type': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VPCEndpointIds': (<class 'list'>, False)}
class troposphere.serverless.EventBridgeRuleEvent(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DeadLetterConfig': (<class 'troposphere.serverless.DeadLetterConfig'>, False), 'EventBusName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Input': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InputPath': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Pattern': (<class 'dict'>, True), 'RetryPolicy': (<class 'troposphere.serverless.RetryPolicy'>, False), 'State': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Target': (<class 'troposphere.serverless.Target'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'EventBridgeRule'
class troposphere.serverless.EventInvokeConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DestinationConfig': (<class 'troposphere.serverless.DestinationConfiguration'>, False), 'MaximumEventAgeInSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'MaximumRetryAttempts': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.serverless.EventInvokeDestination(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Destination': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.serverless.FlexibleTimeWindow(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MaximumWindowInMinutes': (<function double>, False), 'Mode': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.serverless.Function(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Architectures': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'AssumeRolePolicyDocument': ((<class 'dict'>, <class 'list'>, <class 'str'>, <class ''>), False), 'AutoPublishAlias': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AutoPublishCodeSha256': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CodeSigningConfigArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CodeUri': ((<class 'troposphere.serverless.S3Location'>, <class 'str'>), False), 'DeadLetterQueue': (<class 'troposphere.serverless.DeadLetterQueue'>, False), 'DeploymentPreference': (<class 'troposphere.serverless.DeploymentPreference'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Environment': (<class 'troposphere.awslambda.Environment'>, False), 'EphemeralStorage': (<class 'troposphere.awslambda.EphemeralStorage'>, False), 'EventInvokeConfig': (<class 'troposphere.serverless.EventInvokeConfiguration'>, False), 'Events': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'FileSystemConfigs': ([<class 'troposphere.awslambda.FileSystemConfig'>], False), 'FunctionName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FunctionUrlConfig': (<class 'troposphere.serverless.FunctionUrlConfig'>, False), 'Handler': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ImageConfig': (<class 'troposphere.awslambda.ImageConfig'>, False), 'ImageUri': ((<class 'troposphere.AWSHelperFn'>, <class 'str'>, <class 'dict'>), False), 'InlineCode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KmsKeyArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Layers': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'MemorySize': (<function validate_memory_size>, False), 'PackageType': (<function validate_package_type>, False), 'PermissionsBoundary': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Policies': ((<class 'dict'>, <class 'list'>, <class 'str'>, <class ''>), False), 'ProvisionedConcurrencyConfig': (<class 'troposphere.awslambda.ProvisionedConcurrencyConfiguration'>, False), 'ReservedConcurrentExecutions': (<function positive_integer>, False), 'Role': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Runtime': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RuntimeManagementConfig': (<class 'troposphere.awslambda.RuntimeManagementConfig'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Timeout': (<function positive_integer>, False), 'Tracing': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VersionDescription': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VpcConfig': (<class 'troposphere.awslambda.VPCConfig'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Serverless::Function'
class troposphere.serverless.FunctionForPackaging(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: Function

Render Function without requiring ‘CodeUri’.

This exception to the Function spec is for use with the cloudformation/sam package commands which add CodeUri automatically.

props: PropsDictType = {'Architectures': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'AssumeRolePolicyDocument': ((<class 'dict'>, <class 'list'>, <class 'str'>, <class ''>), False), 'AutoPublishAlias': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AutoPublishCodeSha256': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CodeSigningConfigArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CodeUri': ((<class 'troposphere.serverless.S3Location'>, <class 'str'>), False), 'DeadLetterQueue': (<class 'troposphere.serverless.DeadLetterQueue'>, False), 'DeploymentPreference': (<class 'troposphere.serverless.DeploymentPreference'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Environment': (<class 'troposphere.awslambda.Environment'>, False), 'EphemeralStorage': (<class 'troposphere.awslambda.EphemeralStorage'>, False), 'EventInvokeConfig': (<class 'troposphere.serverless.EventInvokeConfiguration'>, False), 'Events': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'FileSystemConfigs': ([<class 'troposphere.awslambda.FileSystemConfig'>], False), 'FunctionName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FunctionUrlConfig': (<class 'troposphere.serverless.FunctionUrlConfig'>, False), 'Handler': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ImageConfig': (<class 'troposphere.awslambda.ImageConfig'>, False), 'ImageUri': ((<class 'troposphere.AWSHelperFn'>, <class 'str'>, <class 'dict'>), False), 'InlineCode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KmsKeyArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Layers': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'MemorySize': (<function validate_memory_size>, False), 'PackageType': (<function validate_package_type>, False), 'PermissionsBoundary': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Policies': ((<class 'dict'>, <class 'list'>, <class 'str'>, <class ''>), False), 'ProvisionedConcurrencyConfig': (<class 'troposphere.awslambda.ProvisionedConcurrencyConfiguration'>, False), 'ReservedConcurrentExecutions': (<function positive_integer>, False), 'Role': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Runtime': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RuntimeManagementConfig': (<class 'troposphere.awslambda.RuntimeManagementConfig'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Timeout': (<function positive_integer>, False), 'Tracing': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VersionDescription': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VpcConfig': (<class 'troposphere.awslambda.VPCConfig'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Serverless::Function'
class troposphere.serverless.FunctionGlobals(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AssumeRolePolicyDocument': ((<class 'dict'>, <class 'list'>, <class 'str'>, <class ''>), False), 'AutoPublishAlias': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CodeUri': ((<class 'troposphere.serverless.S3Location'>, <class 'str'>), False), 'DeadLetterQueue': (<class 'troposphere.serverless.DeadLetterQueue'>, False), 'DeploymentPreference': (<class 'troposphere.serverless.DeploymentPreference'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Environment': (<class 'troposphere.awslambda.Environment'>, False), 'EventInvokeConfig': (<class 'troposphere.serverless.EventInvokeConfiguration'>, False), 'FileSystemConfigs': ([<class 'troposphere.awslambda.FileSystemConfig'>], False), 'Handler': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KmsKeyArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Layers': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'MemorySize': (<function validate_memory_size>, False), 'PermissionsBoundary': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ProvisionedConcurrencyConfig': (<class 'troposphere.awslambda.ProvisionedConcurrencyConfiguration'>, False), 'ReservedConcurrentExecutions': (<function positive_integer>, False), 'Runtime': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Timeout': (<function positive_integer>, False), 'Tracing': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VpcConfig': (<class 'troposphere.awslambda.VPCConfig'>, False)}
class troposphere.serverless.FunctionUrlConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AuthType': (<function validate_authtype>, True), 'Cors': (<class 'troposphere.awslambda.Cors'>, False)}
class troposphere.serverless.Globals(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty

Supported Globals properties.


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Api': (<class 'troposphere.serverless.ApiGlobals'>, False), 'Function': (<class 'troposphere.serverless.FunctionGlobals'>, False), 'HttpApi': (<class 'troposphere.serverless.HttpApiGlobals'>, False), 'SimpleTable': (<class 'troposphere.serverless.SimpleTableGlobals'>, False)}
class troposphere.serverless.Hooks(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PostTraffic': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PreTraffic': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.serverless.HttpApi(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessLogSettings': (<class 'troposphere.apigatewayv2.AccessLogSettings'>, False), 'Auth': (<class 'troposphere.serverless.HttpApiAuth'>, False), 'CorsConfiguration': ((<class 'str'>, <class 'troposphere.serverless.HttpApiCorsConfiguration'>), False), 'DefaultRouteSettings': (<class 'troposphere.apigatewayv2.RouteSettings'>, False), 'DefinitionBody': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'DefinitionUri': ((<class 'str'>, <class 'troposphere.serverless.HttpApiDefinition'>), False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DisableExecuteApiEndpoint': (<function boolean>, False), 'Domain': (<class 'troposphere.serverless.HttpApiDomainConfiguration'>, False), 'FailOnWarnings': (<function boolean>, False), 'RouteSettings': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'StageName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StageVariables': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Serverless::HttpApi'
class troposphere.serverless.HttpApiAuth(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Authorizers': ((<class 'troposphere.serverless.OAuth2Authorizer'>, <class 'troposphere.serverless.LambdaAuthorizer'>), False), 'DefaultAuthorizer': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.serverless.HttpApiCorsConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AllowCredentials': (<function boolean>, False), 'AllowHeaders': (<class 'list'>, False), 'AllowMethods': (<class 'list'>, False), 'AllowOrigins': (<class 'list'>, False), 'ExposeHeaders': (<class 'list'>, False), 'MaxAge': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.serverless.HttpApiDefinition(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: ApiDefinition

class troposphere.serverless.HttpApiDomainConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: Domain

class troposphere.serverless.HttpApiGlobals(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessLogSettings': (<class 'troposphere.apigatewayv2.AccessLogSettings'>, False), 'Auth': (<class 'troposphere.serverless.HttpApiAuth'>, False), 'StageVariables': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
class troposphere.serverless.IoTRuleEvent(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AwsIotSqlVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Sql': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'IoTRule'
class troposphere.serverless.KinesisEvent(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BatchSize': (<function positive_integer>, False), 'BisectBatchOnFunctionError': (<class 'bool'>, False), 'DestinationConfig': (<class 'troposphere.awslambda.DestinationConfig'>, False), 'Enabled': (<class 'bool'>, False), 'FilterCriteria': (<class 'troposphere.awslambda.FilterCriteria'>, False), 'MaximumBatchingWindowInSeconds': (<function positive_integer>, False), 'MaximumRecordAgeInSeconds': (<function integer_range.<locals>.integer_range_checker>, False), 'MaximumRetryAttempts': (<function positive_integer>, False), 'ParallelizationFactor': (<function integer_range.<locals>.integer_range_checker>, False), 'StartingPosition': (<function starting_position_validator>, True), 'Stream': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'Kinesis'
class troposphere.serverless.LambdaAuthorizationIdentity(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Context': (<class 'list'>, False), 'Headers': (<class 'list'>, False), 'QueryStrings': (<class 'list'>, False), 'ReauthorizeEvery': (<function integer>, False), 'StageVariables': (<class 'list'>, False)}
class troposphere.serverless.LambdaAuthorizer(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AuthorizerPayloadFormatVersion': (<class 'str'>, True), 'EnableSimpleResponses': (<function boolean>, False), 'FunctionArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FunctionInvokeRole': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Identity': (<class 'troposphere.serverless.LambdaAuthorizationIdentity'>, False)}
class troposphere.serverless.LambdaRequestAuth(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FunctionArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FunctionInvokeRole': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FunctionPayloadType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Identity': (<class 'troposphere.serverless.LambdaRequestAuthIdentity'>, False)}
class troposphere.serverless.LambdaRequestAuthIdentity(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Context': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Headers': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'QueryStrings': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ReauthorizeEvery': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StageVariables': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.serverless.LambdaTokenAuth(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FunctionArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FunctionInvokeRole': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FunctionPayloadType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Identity': (<class 'troposphere.serverless.LambdaTokenAuthIdentity'>, False)}
class troposphere.serverless.LambdaTokenAuthIdentity(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Header': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ReauthorizeEvery': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ValidationExpression': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.serverless.LayerVersion(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CompatibleArchitectures': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'CompatibleRuntimes': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ContentUri': ((<class 'troposphere.serverless.S3Location'>, <class 'str'>), True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LayerName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LicenseInfo': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RetentionPolicy': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Serverless::LayerVersion'
class troposphere.serverless.MQEvent(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BatchSize': (<function integer>, False), 'Broker': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DynamicPolicyName': (<class 'bool'>, False), 'Enabled': (<class 'bool'>, False), 'FilterCriteria': (<class 'troposphere.awslambda.FilterCriteria'>, False), 'MaximumBatchingWindowInSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'Queues': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'SecretsManagerKmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceAccessConfigurations': ([<class 'troposphere.awslambda.SourceAccessConfiguration'>], True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'MQ'
class troposphere.serverless.MSKEvent(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConsumerGroupId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FilterCriteria': (<class 'troposphere.awslambda.FilterCriteria'>, False), 'MaximumBatchingWindowInSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'SourceAccessConfigurations': ([<class 'troposphere.awslambda.SourceAccessConfiguration'>], False), 'StartingPosition': (<class 'str'>, True), 'StartingPositionTimestamp': (<function double>, False), 'Stream': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Topics': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'MSK'
class troposphere.serverless.OAuth2Authorizer(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AuthorizationScopes': (<class 'list'>, False), 'IdentitySource': (<class 'str'>, False), 'JwtConfiguration': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
class troposphere.serverless.OnFailure(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: EventInvokeDestination

class troposphere.serverless.OnSuccess(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: EventInvokeDestination

class troposphere.serverless.PrimaryKey(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Type': (<function primary_key_type_validator>, False)}
class troposphere.serverless.RequestModel(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Model': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Required': (<class 'bool'>, False), 'ValidateBody': (<class 'bool'>, False), 'ValidateParameters': (<class 'bool'>, False)}
class troposphere.serverless.ResourcePolicyStatement(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AwsAccountBlacklist': (<class 'list'>, False), 'AwsAccountWhitelist': (<class 'list'>, False), 'CustomStatements': (<class 'list'>, False), 'IpRangeBlacklist': (<class 'list'>, False), 'IpRangeWhitelist': (<class 'list'>, False), 'SourceVpcBlacklist': (<class 'list'>, False), 'SourceVpcWhitelist': (<class 'list'>, False)}
class troposphere.serverless.RetryPolicy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MaximumEventAgeInSeconds': (<function double>, False), 'MaximumRetryAttempts': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.serverless.Route53(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DistributionDomainName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EvaluateTargetHealth': (<class 'bool'>, False), 'HostedZoneId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'HostedZoneName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IpV6': (<class 'bool'>, False)}
class troposphere.serverless.S3Event(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Bucket': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Events': (<class 'list'>, True), 'Filter': (<class 'troposphere.s3.Filter'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'S3'
class troposphere.serverless.S3Location(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Bucket': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Key': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Version': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.serverless.SNSEvent(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FilterPolicy': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Region': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SqsSubscription': (<class 'bool'>, False), 'Topic': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'SNS'
class troposphere.serverless.SQSEvent(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BatchSize': (<function positive_integer>, True), 'Queue': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'SQS'
class troposphere.serverless.ScheduleEvent(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Enabled': (<class 'bool'>, False), 'Input': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Schedule': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'Schedule'
class troposphere.serverless.ScheduleV2Event(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DeadLetterConfig': (<class 'troposphere.serverless.DeadLetterConfig'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EndDate': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FlexibleTimeWindow': (<class 'troposphere.serverless.FlexibleTimeWindow'>, False), 'GroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Input': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KmsKeyArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OmitName': (<class 'bool'>, False), 'PermissionsBoundary': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RetryPolicy': (<class 'troposphere.serverless.RetryPolicy'>, False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ScheduleExpression': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ScheduleExpressionTimezone': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StartDate': (<class 'str'>, False), 'State': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'ScheduleV2'
class troposphere.serverless.SelfManagedKafkaEvent(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BatchSize': (<function integer>, False), 'ConsumerGroupId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Enabled': (<class 'bool'>, False), 'FilterCriteria': (<class 'troposphere.awslambda.FilterCriteria'>, False), 'KafkaBootstrapServers': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SourceAccessConfigurations': ([<class 'troposphere.awslambda.SourceAccessConfiguration'>], True), 'Topics': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'SelfManagedKafka'
class troposphere.serverless.SimpleTable(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PrimaryKey': (<class 'troposphere.serverless.PrimaryKey'>, False), 'ProvisionedThroughput': (<class 'troposphere.dynamodb.ProvisionedThroughput'>, False), 'SSESpecification': (<class 'troposphere.dynamodb.SSESpecification'>, False), 'TableName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Serverless::SimpleTable'
class troposphere.serverless.SimpleTableGlobals(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SSESpecification': (<class 'troposphere.dynamodb.SSESpecification'>, False)}
class troposphere.serverless.StateMachine(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Definition': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'DefinitionSubstitutions': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'DefinitionUri': ((<class 'troposphere.serverless.S3Location'>, <class 'str'>), False), 'Events': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Logging': (<class 'troposphere.stepfunctions.LoggingConfiguration'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PermissionsBoundary': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Policies': ((<class 'dict'>, <class 'list'>, <class 'str'>, <class ''>), False), 'Role': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'TracingConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.stepfunctions.TracingConfiguration'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Serverless::StateMachine'
class troposphere.serverless.Target(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Id': (<class 'str'>, True)}

troposphere.servicecatalog module

class troposphere.servicecatalog.AcceptedPortfolioShare(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AcceptLanguage': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PortfolioId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ServiceCatalog::AcceptedPortfolioShare'
class troposphere.servicecatalog.CloudFormationProduct(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AcceptLanguage': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Distributor': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Owner': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ProductType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ProvisioningArtifactParameters': ([<class 'troposphere.servicecatalog.ProvisioningArtifactProperties'>], False), 'ReplaceProvisioningArtifacts': (<function boolean>, False), 'SourceConnection': (<class 'troposphere.servicecatalog.SourceConnection'>, False), 'SupportDescription': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SupportEmail': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SupportUrl': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ServiceCatalog::CloudFormationProduct'
class troposphere.servicecatalog.CloudFormationProvisionedProduct(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AcceptLanguage': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NotificationArns': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'PathId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PathName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ProductId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ProductName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ProvisionedProductName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ProvisioningArtifactId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ProvisioningArtifactName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ProvisioningParameters': ([<class 'troposphere.servicecatalog.ProvisioningParameter'>], False), 'ProvisioningPreferences': (<class 'troposphere.servicecatalog.ProvisioningPreferences'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ServiceCatalog::CloudFormationProvisionedProduct'
class troposphere.servicecatalog.CodeStarParameters(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ArtifactPath': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Branch': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ConnectionArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Repository': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.servicecatalog.ConnectionParameters(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CodeStar': (<class 'troposphere.servicecatalog.CodeStarParameters'>, False)}
class troposphere.servicecatalog.DefinitionParameter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Key': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.servicecatalog.LaunchNotificationConstraint(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AcceptLanguage': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NotificationArns': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'PortfolioId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ProductId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ServiceCatalog::LaunchNotificationConstraint'
class troposphere.servicecatalog.LaunchRoleConstraint(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AcceptLanguage': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LocalRoleName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PortfolioId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ProductId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ServiceCatalog::LaunchRoleConstraint'
class troposphere.servicecatalog.LaunchTemplateConstraint(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AcceptLanguage': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PortfolioId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ProductId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Rules': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ServiceCatalog::LaunchTemplateConstraint'
class troposphere.servicecatalog.Portfolio(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AcceptLanguage': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DisplayName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ProviderName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ServiceCatalog::Portfolio'
class troposphere.servicecatalog.PortfolioPrincipalAssociation(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AcceptLanguage': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PortfolioId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PrincipalARN': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PrincipalType': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ServiceCatalog::PortfolioPrincipalAssociation'
class troposphere.servicecatalog.PortfolioProductAssociation(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AcceptLanguage': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PortfolioId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ProductId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SourcePortfolioId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ServiceCatalog::PortfolioProductAssociation'
class troposphere.servicecatalog.PortfolioShare(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AcceptLanguage': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AccountId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PortfolioId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ShareTagOptions': (<function boolean>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ServiceCatalog::PortfolioShare'
class troposphere.servicecatalog.ProvisioningArtifactProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DisableTemplateValidation': (<function boolean>, False), 'Info': (<class 'dict'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.servicecatalog.ProvisioningParameter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Key': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.servicecatalog.ProvisioningPreferences(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'StackSetAccounts': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'StackSetFailureToleranceCount': (<function integer>, False), 'StackSetFailureTolerancePercentage': (<function integer>, False), 'StackSetMaxConcurrencyCount': (<function integer>, False), 'StackSetMaxConcurrencyPercentage': (<function integer>, False), 'StackSetOperationType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StackSetRegions': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.servicecatalog.ResourceUpdateConstraint(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AcceptLanguage': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PortfolioId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ProductId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TagUpdateOnProvisionedProduct': (<function validate_tag_update>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ServiceCatalog::ResourceUpdateConstraint'
class troposphere.servicecatalog.ServiceAction(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AcceptLanguage': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Definition': ([<class 'troposphere.servicecatalog.DefinitionParameter'>], True), 'DefinitionType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ServiceCatalog::ServiceAction'
class troposphere.servicecatalog.ServiceActionAssociation(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ProductId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ProvisioningArtifactId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ServiceActionId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ServiceCatalog::ServiceActionAssociation'
class troposphere.servicecatalog.SourceConnection(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConnectionParameters': (<class 'troposphere.servicecatalog.ConnectionParameters'>, True), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.servicecatalog.StackSetConstraint(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AcceptLanguage': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AccountList': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'AdminRole': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ExecutionRole': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PortfolioId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ProductId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RegionList': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'StackInstanceControl': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ServiceCatalog::StackSetConstraint'
class troposphere.servicecatalog.TagOption(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Active': (<function boolean>, False), 'Key': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ServiceCatalog::TagOption'
class troposphere.servicecatalog.TagOptionAssociation(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ResourceId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TagOptionId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ServiceCatalog::TagOptionAssociation'

troposphere.servicecatalogappregistry module

class troposphere.servicecatalogappregistry.Application(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ServiceCatalogAppRegistry::Application'
class troposphere.servicecatalogappregistry.AttributeGroup(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Attributes': (<class 'dict'>, True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ServiceCatalogAppRegistry::AttributeGroup'
class troposphere.servicecatalogappregistry.AttributeGroupAssociation(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Application': (<class 'str'>, True), 'AttributeGroup': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ServiceCatalogAppRegistry::AttributeGroupAssociation'
class troposphere.servicecatalogappregistry.ResourceAssociation(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Application': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Resource': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ResourceType': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ServiceCatalogAppRegistry::ResourceAssociation'

troposphere.servicediscovery module

class troposphere.servicediscovery.DnsConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DnsRecords': ([<class 'troposphere.servicediscovery.DnsRecord'>], True), 'NamespaceId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RoutingPolicy': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.servicediscovery.DnsRecord(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TTL': (<function double>, True), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.servicediscovery.HealthCheckConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FailureThreshold': (<function double>, False), 'ResourcePath': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.servicediscovery.HealthCheckCustomConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FailureThreshold': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.servicediscovery.HttpNamespace(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ServiceDiscovery::HttpNamespace'
class troposphere.servicediscovery.Instance(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InstanceAttributes': (<class 'dict'>, True), 'InstanceId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ServiceId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ServiceDiscovery::Instance'
class troposphere.servicediscovery.PrivateDnsNamespace(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Properties': (<class 'troposphere.servicediscovery.Properties'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'Vpc': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ServiceDiscovery::PrivateDnsNamespace'
class troposphere.servicediscovery.PrivateDnsPropertiesMutable(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SOA': (<class 'troposphere.servicediscovery.SOA'>, False)}
class troposphere.servicediscovery.Properties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DnsProperties': (<class 'troposphere.servicediscovery.PublicDnsPropertiesMutable'>, False)}
class troposphere.servicediscovery.PublicDnsNamespace(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Properties': (<class 'troposphere.servicediscovery.Properties'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ServiceDiscovery::PublicDnsNamespace'
class troposphere.servicediscovery.PublicDnsPropertiesMutable(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SOA': (<class 'troposphere.servicediscovery.SOA'>, False)}
class troposphere.servicediscovery.SOA(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TTL': (<function double>, False)}
class troposphere.servicediscovery.Service(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DnsConfig': (<class 'troposphere.servicediscovery.DnsConfig'>, False), 'HealthCheckConfig': (<class 'troposphere.servicediscovery.HealthCheckConfig'>, False), 'HealthCheckCustomConfig': (<class 'troposphere.servicediscovery.HealthCheckCustomConfig'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NamespaceId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::ServiceDiscovery::Service' module

class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AddHeaderAction': (<class ''>, False), 'BounceAction': (<class ''>, False), 'LambdaAction': (<class ''>, False), 'S3Action': (<class ''>, False), 'SNSAction': (<class ''>, False), 'StopAction': (<class ''>, False), 'WorkmailAction': (<class ''>, False)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'HeaderName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'HeaderValue': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Message': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Sender': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SmtpReplyCode': (<class 'str'>, True), 'StatusCode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TopicArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DimensionConfigurations': ([<class ''>], False)}
class str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DeliveryOptions': (<class ''>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ReputationOptions': (<class ''>, False), 'SendingOptions': (<class ''>, False), 'SuppressionOptions': (<class ''>, False), 'TrackingOptions': (<class ''>, False), 'VdmOptions': (<class ''>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SES::ConfigurationSet'
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConfigurationSetName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConfigurationSetName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'EventDestination': (<class ''>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SES::ConfigurationSetEventDestination'
class str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContactListName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'Topics': ([<class ''>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SES::ContactList'
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EngagementMetrics': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EngagementMetrics': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PoolName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ScalingMode': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SES::DedicatedIpPool'
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SendingPoolName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TlsPolicy': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DefaultDimensionValue': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DimensionName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DimensionValueSource': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SigningEnabled': (<function boolean>, False)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DomainSigningPrivateKey': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DomainSigningSelector': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NextSigningKeyLength': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConfigurationSetAttributes': (<class ''>, False), 'DkimAttributes': (<class ''>, False), 'DkimSigningAttributes': (<class ''>, False), 'EmailIdentity': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FeedbackAttributes': (<class ''>, False), 'MailFromAttributes': (<class ''>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SES::EmailIdentity'
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'HtmlPart': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SubjectPart': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TemplateName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TextPart': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CloudWatchDestination': (<class ''>, False), 'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'KinesisFirehoseDestination': (<class ''>, False), 'MatchingEventTypes': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SnsDestination': (<class ''>, False)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EmailForwardingEnabled': (<function boolean>, False)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'IpFilter': (<class ''>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'OptimizedSharedDelivery': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'OptimizedSharedDelivery': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Cidr': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Policy': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DeliveryStreamARN': (<class 'str'>, True), 'IAMRoleARN': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FunctionArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'InvocationType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TopicArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BehaviorOnMxFailure': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MailFromDomain': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Filter': (<class ''>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SES::ReceiptFilter'
class str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'After': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Rule': (<class ''>, True), 'RuleSetName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SES::ReceiptRule'
class str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RuleSetName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SES::ReceiptRuleSet'
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ReputationMetricsEnabled': (<function boolean>, False)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Actions': ([<class ''>], False), 'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Recipients': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ScanEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'TlsPolicy': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BucketName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'KmsKeyArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ObjectKeyPrefix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TopicArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Encoding': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TopicArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SendingEnabled': (<function boolean>, False)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TopicARN': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Scope': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TopicArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SuppressedReasons': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Template': (<class ''>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SES::Template'
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DefaultSubscriptionStatus': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DisplayName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TopicName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomRedirectDomain': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DashboardAttributes': (<class ''>, False), 'GuardianAttributes': (<class ''>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SES::VdmAttributes'
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DashboardOptions': (<class ''>, False), 'GuardianOptions': (<class ''>, False)}
class str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'OrganizationArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TopicArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}

troposphere.signer module

class troposphere.signer.ProfilePermission(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Action': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Principal': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ProfileName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ProfileVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StatementId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Signer::ProfilePermission'
class troposphere.signer.SignatureValidityPeriod(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Type': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Value': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.signer.SigningProfile(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PlatformId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SignatureValidityPeriod': (<class 'troposphere.signer.SignatureValidityPeriod'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Signer::SigningProfile'

troposphere.sns module

class troposphere.sns.LoggingConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FailureFeedbackRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Protocol': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SuccessFeedbackRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SuccessFeedbackSampleRate': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.sns.Subscription(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Endpoint': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Protocol': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.sns.SubscriptionResource(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DeliveryPolicy': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Endpoint': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FilterPolicy': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'FilterPolicyScope': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Protocol': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RawMessageDelivery': (<function boolean>, False), 'RedrivePolicy': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Region': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ReplayPolicy': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'SubscriptionRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TopicArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SNS::Subscription'
class troposphere.sns.Topic(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ArchivePolicy': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'ContentBasedDeduplication': (<function boolean>, False), 'DataProtectionPolicy': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'DeliveryStatusLogging': ([<class 'troposphere.sns.LoggingConfig'>], False), 'DisplayName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'FifoTopic': (<function boolean>, False), 'KmsMasterKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SignatureVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Subscription': ([<class 'troposphere.sns.Subscription'>], False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TopicName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TracingConfig': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SNS::Topic'
class troposphere.sns.TopicInlinePolicy(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PolicyDocument': (<class 'dict'>, True), 'TopicArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SNS::TopicInlinePolicy'
class troposphere.sns.TopicPolicy(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PolicyDocument': (<function policytypes>, True), 'Topics': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SNS::TopicPolicy'

troposphere.sqs module

class troposphere.sqs.Queue(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContentBasedDeduplication': (<function boolean>, False), 'DeduplicationScope': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DelaySeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'FifoQueue': (<function boolean>, False), 'FifoThroughputLimit': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KmsDataKeyReusePeriodSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'KmsMasterKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MaximumMessageSize': (<function integer>, False), 'MessageRetentionPeriod': (<function integer>, False), 'QueueName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds': (<function integer>, False), 'RedriveAllowPolicy': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'RedrivePolicy': (<class 'troposphere.sqs.RedrivePolicy'>, False), 'SqsManagedSseEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'VisibilityTimeout': (<function integer>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SQS::Queue'
class troposphere.sqs.QueueInlinePolicy(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PolicyDocument': (<class 'dict'>, True), 'Queue': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SQS::QueueInlinePolicy'
class troposphere.sqs.QueuePolicy(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PolicyDocument': (<function policytypes>, True), 'Queues': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SQS::QueuePolicy'
class troposphere.sqs.RedrivePolicy(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty

props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'deadLetterTargetArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'maxReceiveCount': (<function integer>, False)}

troposphere.ssm module

class troposphere.ssm.Association(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApplyOnlyAtCronInterval': (<function boolean>, False), 'AssociationName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AutomationTargetParameterName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CalendarNames': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ComplianceSeverity': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DocumentVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InstanceId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MaxConcurrency': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MaxErrors': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'OutputLocation': (<class 'troposphere.ssm.InstanceAssociationOutputLocation'>, False), 'Parameters': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'ScheduleExpression': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ScheduleOffset': (<function integer>, False), 'SyncCompliance': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Targets': ([<class 'troposphere.ssm.Targets'>], False), 'WaitForSuccessTimeoutSeconds': (<function integer>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SSM::Association'
class troposphere.ssm.AttachmentsSource(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Key': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Values': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.ssm.AwsOrganizationsSource(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'OrganizationSourceType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'OrganizationalUnits': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.ssm.CloudWatchOutputConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CloudWatchLogGroupName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'CloudWatchOutputEnabled': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.ssm.Document(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Attachments': ([<class 'troposphere.ssm.AttachmentsSource'>], False), 'Content': (<function validate_document_content>, True), 'DocumentFormat': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DocumentType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Requires': ([<class 'troposphere.ssm.DocumentRequires'>], False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TargetType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'UpdateMethod': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VersionName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SSM::Document'
class troposphere.ssm.DocumentRequires(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Version': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ssm.InstanceAssociationOutputLocation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'S3Location': (<class 'troposphere.ssm.S3OutputLocation'>, False)}
class troposphere.ssm.LoggingInfo(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Region': (<class 'str'>, True), 'S3Bucket': (<function validate_s3_bucket_name>, True), 'S3Prefix': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ssm.MaintenanceWindow(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AllowUnassociatedTargets': (<function boolean>, True), 'Cutoff': (<function integer>, True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Duration': (<function integer>, True), 'EndDate': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Schedule': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ScheduleOffset': (<function integer>, False), 'ScheduleTimezone': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StartDate': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SSM::MaintenanceWindow'
class troposphere.ssm.MaintenanceWindowAutomationParameters(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DocumentVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Parameters': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
class troposphere.ssm.MaintenanceWindowLambdaParameters(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ClientContext': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Payload': (<function validate_json_checker>, False), 'Qualifier': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ssm.MaintenanceWindowRunCommandParameters(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CloudWatchOutputConfig': (<class 'troposphere.ssm.CloudWatchOutputConfig'>, False), 'Comment': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DocumentHash': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DocumentHashType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DocumentVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NotificationConfig': (<class 'troposphere.ssm.NotificationConfig'>, False), 'OutputS3BucketName': (<function validate_s3_bucket_name>, False), 'OutputS3KeyPrefix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Parameters': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'ServiceRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TimeoutSeconds': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.ssm.MaintenanceWindowStepFunctionsParameters(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Input': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ssm.MaintenanceWindowTarget(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OwnerInformation': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ResourceType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Targets': ([<class 'troposphere.ssm.Targets'>], True), 'WindowId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SSM::MaintenanceWindowTarget'
class troposphere.ssm.MaintenanceWindowTask(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CutoffBehavior': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LoggingInfo': (<class 'troposphere.ssm.LoggingInfo'>, False), 'MaxConcurrency': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MaxErrors': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Priority': (<function integer>, True), 'ServiceRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Targets': ([<class 'troposphere.ssm.Targets'>], False), 'TaskArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TaskInvocationParameters': (<class 'troposphere.ssm.TaskInvocationParameters'>, False), 'TaskParameters': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'TaskType': (<function task_type>, True), 'WindowId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SSM::MaintenanceWindowTask'
class troposphere.ssm.NotificationConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'NotificationArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'NotificationEvents': (<function notification_event>, False), 'NotificationType': (<function notification_type>, False)}
class troposphere.ssm.Parameter(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AllowedPattern': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DataType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Policies': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Tier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SSM::Parameter'
class troposphere.ssm.PatchBaseline(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApprovalRules': (<class 'troposphere.ssm.RuleGroup'>, False), 'ApprovedPatches': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ApprovedPatchesComplianceLevel': (<function compliance_level>, False), 'ApprovedPatchesEnableNonSecurity': (<function boolean>, False), 'DefaultBaseline': (<function boolean>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'GlobalFilters': (<class 'troposphere.ssm.PatchFilterGroup'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'OperatingSystem': (<function operating_system>, False), 'PatchGroups': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'RejectedPatches': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'RejectedPatchesAction': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Sources': ([<class 'troposphere.ssm.PatchSource'>], False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SSM::PatchBaseline'
class troposphere.ssm.PatchFilter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Key': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Values': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.ssm.PatchFilterGroup(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PatchFilters': ([<class 'troposphere.ssm.PatchFilter'>], False)}
class troposphere.ssm.PatchSource(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Configuration': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Products': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.ssm.ResourceDataSync(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BucketName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'BucketPrefix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'BucketRegion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KMSKeyArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3Destination': (<class 'troposphere.ssm.S3Destination'>, False), 'SyncFormat': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SyncName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SyncSource': (<class 'troposphere.ssm.SyncSource'>, False), 'SyncType': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SSM::ResourceDataSync'
class troposphere.ssm.ResourcePolicy(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Policy': (<class 'dict'>, True), 'ResourceArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SSM::ResourcePolicy'
class troposphere.ssm.Rule(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApproveAfterDays': (<function integer>, False), 'ApproveUntilDate': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ComplianceLevel': (<function compliance_level>, False), 'EnableNonSecurity': (<function boolean>, False), 'PatchFilterGroup': (<class 'troposphere.ssm.PatchFilterGroup'>, False)}
class troposphere.ssm.RuleGroup(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PatchRules': ([<class 'troposphere.ssm.Rule'>], False)}
class troposphere.ssm.S3Destination(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BucketName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'BucketPrefix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'BucketRegion': (<class 'str'>, True), 'KMSKeyArn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SyncFormat': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.ssm.S3OutputLocation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'OutputS3BucketName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OutputS3KeyPrefix': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OutputS3Region': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ssm.SyncSource(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AwsOrganizationsSource': (<class 'troposphere.ssm.AwsOrganizationsSource'>, False), 'IncludeFutureRegions': (<function boolean>, False), 'SourceRegions': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'SourceType': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.ssm.Targets(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Key': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Values': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
class troposphere.ssm.TaskInvocationParameters(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MaintenanceWindowAutomationParameters': (<class 'troposphere.ssm.MaintenanceWindowAutomationParameters'>, False), 'MaintenanceWindowLambdaParameters': (<class 'troposphere.ssm.MaintenanceWindowLambdaParameters'>, False), 'MaintenanceWindowRunCommandParameters': (<class 'troposphere.ssm.MaintenanceWindowRunCommandParameters'>, False), 'MaintenanceWindowStepFunctionsParameters': (<class 'troposphere.ssm.MaintenanceWindowStepFunctionsParameters'>, False)}

troposphere.ssmcontacts module

class troposphere.ssmcontacts.ChannelTargetInfo(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ChannelId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RetryIntervalInMinutes': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.ssmcontacts.Contact(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Alias': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DisplayName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Plan': ([<class 'troposphere.ssmcontacts.Stage'>], False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SSMContacts::Contact'
class troposphere.ssmcontacts.ContactChannel(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ChannelAddress': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ChannelName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ChannelType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ContactId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DeferActivation': (<function boolean>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SSMContacts::ContactChannel'
class troposphere.ssmcontacts.ContactTargetInfo(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContactId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'IsEssential': (<function boolean>, True)}
class troposphere.ssmcontacts.CoverageTime(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EndTime': (<class 'str'>, True), 'StartTime': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.ssmcontacts.MonthlySetting(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DayOfMonth': (<function integer>, True), 'HandOffTime': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.ssmcontacts.Plan(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContactId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RotationIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Stages': ([<class 'troposphere.ssmcontacts.Stage'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SSMContacts::Plan'
class troposphere.ssmcontacts.RecurrenceSettings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DailySettings': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'MonthlySettings': ([<class 'troposphere.ssmcontacts.MonthlySetting'>], False), 'NumberOfOnCalls': (<function integer>, True), 'RecurrenceMultiplier': (<function integer>, True), 'ShiftCoverages': ([<class 'troposphere.ssmcontacts.ShiftCoverage'>], False), 'WeeklySettings': ([<class 'troposphere.ssmcontacts.WeeklySetting'>], False)}
class troposphere.ssmcontacts.Rotation(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ContactIds': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Recurrence': (<class 'troposphere.ssmcontacts.RecurrenceSettings'>, True), 'StartTime': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TimeZoneId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SSMContacts::Rotation'
class troposphere.ssmcontacts.ShiftCoverage(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CoverageTimes': ([<class 'troposphere.ssmcontacts.CoverageTime'>], True), 'DayOfWeek': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.ssmcontacts.Stage(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DurationInMinutes': (<function integer>, True), 'Targets': ([<class 'troposphere.ssmcontacts.Targets'>], False)}
class troposphere.ssmcontacts.Targets(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ChannelTargetInfo': (<class 'troposphere.ssmcontacts.ChannelTargetInfo'>, False), 'ContactTargetInfo': (<class 'troposphere.ssmcontacts.ContactTargetInfo'>, False)}
class troposphere.ssmcontacts.WeeklySetting(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DayOfWeek': (<class 'str'>, True), 'HandOffTime': (<class 'str'>, True)}

troposphere.ssmincidents module

class troposphere.ssmincidents.Action(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SsmAutomation': (<class 'troposphere.ssmincidents.SsmAutomation'>, False)}
class troposphere.ssmincidents.ChatChannel(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ChatbotSns': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.ssmincidents.DynamicSsmParameter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Key': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'troposphere.ssmincidents.DynamicSsmParameterValue'>, True)}
class troposphere.ssmincidents.DynamicSsmParameterValue(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Variable': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ssmincidents.IncidentTemplate(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DedupeString': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Impact': (<function integer>, True), 'IncidentTags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'NotificationTargets': ([<class 'troposphere.ssmincidents.NotificationTargetItem'>], False), 'Summary': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Title': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.ssmincidents.Integration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PagerDutyConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.ssmincidents.PagerDutyConfiguration'>, True)}
class troposphere.ssmincidents.NotificationTargetItem(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SnsTopicArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ssmincidents.PagerDutyConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PagerDutyIncidentConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.ssmincidents.PagerDutyIncidentConfiguration'>, True), 'SecretId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.ssmincidents.PagerDutyIncidentConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ServiceId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.ssmincidents.RegionConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SseKmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.ssmincidents.ReplicationRegion(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RegionConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.ssmincidents.RegionConfiguration'>, False), 'RegionName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ssmincidents.ReplicationSet(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DeletionProtected': (<function boolean>, False), 'Regions': ([<class 'troposphere.ssmincidents.ReplicationRegion'>], True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SSMIncidents::ReplicationSet'
class troposphere.ssmincidents.ResponsePlan(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Actions': ([<class 'troposphere.ssmincidents.Action'>], False), 'ChatChannel': (<class 'troposphere.ssmincidents.ChatChannel'>, False), 'DisplayName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Engagements': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'IncidentTemplate': (<class 'troposphere.ssmincidents.IncidentTemplate'>, True), 'Integrations': ([<class 'troposphere.ssmincidents.Integration'>], False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SSMIncidents::ResponsePlan'
class troposphere.ssmincidents.SsmAutomation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DocumentName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DocumentVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DynamicParameters': ([<class 'troposphere.ssmincidents.DynamicSsmParameter'>], False), 'Parameters': ([<class 'troposphere.ssmincidents.SsmParameter'>], False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TargetAccount': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.ssmincidents.SsmParameter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Key': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Values': ([<class 'str'>], True)}

troposphere.sso module

class troposphere.sso.AccessControlAttribute(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Key': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'troposphere.sso.AccessControlAttributeValue'>, True)}
class troposphere.sso.AccessControlAttributeValue(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Source': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
class troposphere.sso.Application(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApplicationProviderArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InstanceArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PortalOptions': (<class 'troposphere.sso.PortalOptionsConfiguration'>, False), 'Status': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SSO::Application'
class troposphere.sso.ApplicationAssignment(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApplicationArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PrincipalId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PrincipalType': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SSO::ApplicationAssignment'
class troposphere.sso.Assignment(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InstanceArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PermissionSetArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PrincipalId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PrincipalType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TargetId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TargetType': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SSO::Assignment'
class troposphere.sso.CustomerManagedPolicyReference(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Path': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.sso.Instance(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SSO::Instance'
class troposphere.sso.InstanceAccessControlAttributeConfiguration(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessControlAttributes': ([<class 'troposphere.sso.AccessControlAttribute'>], False), 'InstanceArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SSO::InstanceAccessControlAttributeConfiguration'
class troposphere.sso.PermissionSet(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomerManagedPolicyReferences': ([<class 'troposphere.sso.CustomerManagedPolicyReference'>], False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InlinePolicy': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'InstanceArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ManagedPolicies': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PermissionsBoundary': (<class 'troposphere.sso.PermissionsBoundary'>, False), 'RelayStateType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SessionDuration': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::SSO::PermissionSet'
class troposphere.sso.PermissionsBoundary(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomerManagedPolicyReference': (<class 'troposphere.sso.CustomerManagedPolicyReference'>, False), 'ManagedPolicyArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.sso.PortalOptionsConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SignInOptions': (<class 'troposphere.sso.SignInOptions'>, False), 'Visibility': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.sso.SignInOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ApplicationUrl': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Origin': (<class 'str'>, True)}

troposphere.stepfunctions module

class troposphere.stepfunctions.Activity(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::StepFunctions::Activity'
class troposphere.stepfunctions.CloudWatchLogsLogGroup(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LogGroupArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.stepfunctions.DeploymentPreference(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Alarms': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Interval': (<function integer>, False), 'Percentage': (<function integer>, False), 'StateMachineVersionArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.stepfunctions.LogDestination(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CloudWatchLogsLogGroup': (<class 'troposphere.stepfunctions.CloudWatchLogsLogGroup'>, False)}
class troposphere.stepfunctions.LoggingConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Destinations': ([<class 'troposphere.stepfunctions.LogDestination'>], False), 'IncludeExecutionData': (<function boolean>, False), 'Level': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.stepfunctions.RoutingConfigurationVersion(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'StateMachineVersionArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Weight': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.stepfunctions.S3Location(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Bucket': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Key': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Version': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.stepfunctions.StateMachine(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Definition': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'DefinitionS3Location': (<class 'troposphere.stepfunctions.S3Location'>, False), 'DefinitionString': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DefinitionSubstitutions': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'LoggingConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.stepfunctions.LoggingConfiguration'>, False), 'RoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'StateMachineName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StateMachineType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TracingConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.stepfunctions.TracingConfiguration'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::StepFunctions::StateMachine'
class troposphere.stepfunctions.StateMachineAlias(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DeploymentPreference': (<class 'troposphere.stepfunctions.DeploymentPreference'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RoutingConfiguration': ([<class 'troposphere.stepfunctions.RoutingConfigurationVersion'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::StepFunctions::StateMachineAlias'
class troposphere.stepfunctions.StateMachineVersion(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StateMachineArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'StateMachineRevisionId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::StepFunctions::StateMachineVersion'
class troposphere.stepfunctions.TracingConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Enabled': (<function boolean>, False)}

troposphere.synthetics module

class troposphere.synthetics.ArtifactConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'S3Encryption': (<class 'troposphere.synthetics.S3Encryption'>, False)}
class troposphere.synthetics.BaseScreenshot(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'IgnoreCoordinates': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ScreenshotName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.synthetics.Canary(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ArtifactConfig': (<class 'troposphere.synthetics.ArtifactConfig'>, False), 'ArtifactS3Location': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Code': (<class 'troposphere.synthetics.Code'>, True), 'ExecutionRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FailureRetentionPeriod': (<function integer>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RunConfig': (<class 'troposphere.synthetics.RunConfig'>, False), 'RuntimeVersion': (<function canary_runtime_version>, True), 'Schedule': (<class 'troposphere.synthetics.Schedule'>, True), 'StartCanaryAfterCreation': (<function boolean>, False), 'SuccessRetentionPeriod': (<function integer>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'VPCConfig': (<class 'troposphere.synthetics.VPCConfig'>, False), 'VisualReference': (<class 'troposphere.synthetics.VisualReference'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Synthetics::Canary'
class troposphere.synthetics.Code(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Handler': (<class 'str'>, True), 'S3Bucket': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3Key': (<class 'str'>, False), 'S3ObjectVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Script': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceLocationArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.synthetics.Group(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ResourceArns': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Synthetics::Group'
class troposphere.synthetics.RunConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ActiveTracing': (<function boolean>, False), 'EnvironmentVariables': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'MemoryInMB': (<function integer>, False), 'TimeoutInSeconds': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.synthetics.S3Encryption(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EncryptionMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KmsKeyArn': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.synthetics.Schedule(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DurationInSeconds': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Expression': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.synthetics.VPCConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SecurityGroupIds': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'SubnetIds': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'VpcId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.synthetics.VisualReference(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BaseCanaryRunId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'BaseScreenshots': ([<class 'troposphere.synthetics.BaseScreenshot'>], False)}

troposphere.template_generator module

This module makes it possible to instantiate a new Troposphere Template object from an existing CloudFormation Template.


from troposphere.template_generator import TemplateGenerator import json

with open(“myCloudFormationTemplate.json”) as f:

json_template = json.load(f)

template = TemplateGenerator(json_template) template.to_json()

exception troposphere.template_generator.ResourceTypeNotDefined(resource)[source]

Bases: Exception

exception troposphere.template_generator.ResourceTypeNotFound(resource, resource_type)[source]

Bases: Exception

class troposphere.template_generator.TemplateGenerator(cf_template, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Template

DEPRECATED_MODULES = ['troposphere.dynamodb2']
EXCLUDE_MODULES = ['troposphere.dynamodb2', 'troposphere.openstack.heat', 'troposphere.openstack.neutron', 'troposphere.openstack.nova']
property inspect_functions

Returns a map of FunctionName: FunctionClass

property inspect_members

Returns the list of all troposphere members we are able to construct

property inspect_resources

Returns a map of ResourceType: ResourceClass

troposphere.timestream module

class troposphere.timestream.Database(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DatabaseName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Timestream::Database'
class troposphere.timestream.DimensionMapping(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DimensionValueType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.timestream.ErrorReportConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'S3Configuration': (<class 'troposphere.timestream.S3Configuration'>, True)}
class troposphere.timestream.InfluxDBInstance(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AllocatedStorage': (<function integer>, False), 'Bucket': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DbInstanceType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DbParameterGroupIdentifier': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DbStorageType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'DeploymentType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LogDeliveryConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.timestream.LogDeliveryConfiguration'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Organization': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Password': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PubliclyAccessible': (<function boolean>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'Username': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VpcSecurityGroupIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'VpcSubnetIds': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Timestream::InfluxDBInstance'
class troposphere.timestream.LogDeliveryConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'S3Configuration': (<class 'troposphere.timestream.S3Configuration'>, True)}
class troposphere.timestream.MagneticStoreRejectedDataLocation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'S3Configuration': (<class 'troposphere.timestream.S3Configuration'>, False)}
class troposphere.timestream.MagneticStoreWriteProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EnableMagneticStoreWrites': (<function boolean>, True), 'MagneticStoreRejectedDataLocation': (<class 'troposphere.timestream.MagneticStoreRejectedDataLocation'>, False)}
class troposphere.timestream.MixedMeasureMapping(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MeasureName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MeasureValueType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MultiMeasureAttributeMappings': ([<class 'troposphere.timestream.MultiMeasureAttributeMapping'>], False), 'SourceColumn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TargetMeasureName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.timestream.MultiMeasureAttributeMapping(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MeasureValueType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SourceColumn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TargetMultiMeasureAttributeName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.timestream.MultiMeasureMappings(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MultiMeasureAttributeMappings': ([<class 'troposphere.timestream.MultiMeasureAttributeMapping'>], True), 'TargetMultiMeasureName': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.timestream.NotificationConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SnsConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.timestream.SnsConfiguration'>, True)}
class troposphere.timestream.PartitionKey(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EnforcementInRecord': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.timestream.RetentionProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MagneticStoreRetentionPeriodInDays': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MemoryStoreRetentionPeriodInHours': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.timestream.S3Configuration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BucketName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'EncryptionOption': (<class 'str'>, True), 'KmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ObjectKeyPrefix': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.timestream.ScheduleConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ScheduleExpression': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.timestream.ScheduledQuery(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ClientToken': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ErrorReportConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.timestream.ErrorReportConfiguration'>, True), 'KmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'NotificationConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.timestream.NotificationConfiguration'>, True), 'QueryString': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ScheduleConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.timestream.ScheduleConfiguration'>, True), 'ScheduledQueryExecutionRoleArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ScheduledQueryName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TargetConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.timestream.TargetConfiguration'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Timestream::ScheduledQuery'
class troposphere.timestream.Schema(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CompositePartitionKey': ([<class 'troposphere.timestream.PartitionKey'>], False)}
class troposphere.timestream.SnsConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TopicArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.timestream.Table(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DatabaseName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'MagneticStoreWriteProperties': (<class 'troposphere.timestream.MagneticStoreWriteProperties'>, False), 'RetentionProperties': (<class 'troposphere.timestream.RetentionProperties'>, False), 'Schema': (<class 'troposphere.timestream.Schema'>, False), 'TableName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Timestream::Table'
class troposphere.timestream.TargetConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TimestreamConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.timestream.TimestreamConfiguration'>, True)}
class troposphere.timestream.TimestreamConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DatabaseName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DimensionMappings': ([<class 'troposphere.timestream.DimensionMapping'>], True), 'MeasureNameColumn': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MixedMeasureMappings': ([<class 'troposphere.timestream.MixedMeasureMapping'>], False), 'MultiMeasureMappings': (<class 'troposphere.timestream.MultiMeasureMappings'>, False), 'TableName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TimeColumn': (<class 'str'>, True)}

troposphere.transfer module

class troposphere.transfer.Agreement(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessRole': (<class 'str'>, True), 'BaseDirectory': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LocalProfileId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PartnerProfileId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ServerId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Status': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Transfer::Agreement'
class troposphere.transfer.As2Config(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BasicAuthSecretId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Compression': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EncryptionAlgorithm': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LocalProfileId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MdnResponse': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MdnSigningAlgorithm': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MessageSubject': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PartnerProfileId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SigningAlgorithm': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.transfer.Certificate(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ActiveDate': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Certificate': (<class 'str'>, True), 'CertificateChain': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InactiveDate': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PrivateKey': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'Usage': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Transfer::Certificate'
class troposphere.transfer.Connector(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AccessRole': (<class 'str'>, True), 'As2Config': (<class 'troposphere.transfer.As2Config'>, False), 'LoggingRole': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SecurityPolicyName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SftpConfig': (<class 'troposphere.transfer.SftpConfig'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'Url': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Transfer::Connector'
class troposphere.transfer.CopyStepDetails(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DestinationFileLocation': (<class 'troposphere.transfer.S3FileLocation'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OverwriteExisting': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceFileLocation': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.transfer.CustomStepDetails(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceFileLocation': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Target': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TimeoutSeconds': (<function integer>, False)}
class troposphere.transfer.DecryptStepDetails(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DestinationFileLocation': (<class 'troposphere.transfer.InputFileLocation'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OverwriteExisting': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceFileLocation': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.transfer.DeleteStepDetails(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceFileLocation': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.transfer.EfsInputFileLocation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FileSystemId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Path': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.transfer.EndpointDetails(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AddressAllocationIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SecurityGroupIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'SubnetIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'VpcEndpointId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'VpcId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.transfer.HomeDirectoryMapEntry(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Entry': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Target': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.transfer.IdentityProviderDetails(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DirectoryId': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Function': (<class 'str'>, False), 'InvocationRole': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SftpAuthenticationMethods': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Url': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.transfer.InputFileLocation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EfsFileLocation': (<class 'troposphere.transfer.EfsInputFileLocation'>, False), 'S3FileLocation': (<class 'troposphere.transfer.S3InputFileLocation'>, False)}
class troposphere.transfer.PosixProfile(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Gid': (<function double>, True), 'SecondaryGids': ([<function double>], False), 'Uid': (<function double>, True)}
class troposphere.transfer.Profile(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'As2Id': (<class 'str'>, True), 'CertificateIds': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ProfileType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Transfer::Profile'
class troposphere.transfer.ProtocolDetails(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'As2Transports': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'PassiveIp': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SetStatOption': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TlsSessionResumptionMode': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.transfer.S3FileLocation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'S3FileLocation': (<class 'troposphere.transfer.S3InputFileLocation'>, False)}
class troposphere.transfer.S3InputFileLocation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Bucket': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Key': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.transfer.S3StorageOptions(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DirectoryListingOptimization': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.transfer.S3Tag(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Key': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.transfer.Server(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Certificate': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Domain': (<class 'str'>, False), 'EndpointDetails': (<class 'troposphere.transfer.EndpointDetails'>, False), 'EndpointType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IdentityProviderDetails': (<class 'troposphere.transfer.IdentityProviderDetails'>, False), 'IdentityProviderType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'LoggingRole': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PostAuthenticationLoginBanner': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PreAuthenticationLoginBanner': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ProtocolDetails': (<class 'troposphere.transfer.ProtocolDetails'>, False), 'Protocols': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'S3StorageOptions': (<class 'troposphere.transfer.S3StorageOptions'>, False), 'SecurityPolicyName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'StructuredLogDestinations': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'WorkflowDetails': (<class 'troposphere.transfer.WorkflowDetails'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Transfer::Server'
class troposphere.transfer.SftpConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TrustedHostKeys': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'UserSecretId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.transfer.TagStepDetails(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SourceFileLocation': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Tags': ([<class 'troposphere.transfer.S3Tag'>], False)}
class troposphere.transfer.User(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'HomeDirectory': (<class 'str'>, False), 'HomeDirectoryMappings': ([<class 'troposphere.transfer.HomeDirectoryMapEntry'>], False), 'HomeDirectoryType': (<function validate_homedirectory_type>, False), 'Policy': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PosixProfile': (<class 'troposphere.transfer.PosixProfile'>, False), 'Role': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ServerId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SshPublicKeys': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'UserName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Transfer::User'
class troposphere.transfer.Workflow(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'OnExceptionSteps': ([<class 'troposphere.transfer.WorkflowStep'>], False), 'Steps': ([<class 'troposphere.transfer.WorkflowStep'>], True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Transfer::Workflow'
class troposphere.transfer.WorkflowDetail(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ExecutionRole': (<class 'str'>, True), 'WorkflowId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.transfer.WorkflowDetails(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'OnPartialUpload': ([<class 'troposphere.transfer.WorkflowDetail'>], False), 'OnUpload': ([<class 'troposphere.transfer.WorkflowDetail'>], False)}
class troposphere.transfer.WorkflowStep(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CopyStepDetails': (<class 'troposphere.transfer.CopyStepDetails'>, False), 'CustomStepDetails': (<class 'troposphere.transfer.CustomStepDetails'>, False), 'DecryptStepDetails': (<class 'troposphere.transfer.DecryptStepDetails'>, False), 'DeleteStepDetails': (<class 'troposphere.transfer.DeleteStepDetails'>, False), 'TagStepDetails': (<class 'troposphere.transfer.TagStepDetails'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, False)}

troposphere.utils module

troposphere.utils.get_events(conn, stackname)[source]

Get the events in batches and return in chronological order

troposphere.utils.tail(conn, stack_name, log_func=<function _tail_print>, sleep_time=5, include_initial=True)[source]

Show and then tail the event log

troposphere.validators module

troposphere.validators.boolean(x: Literal[True, 1, 'true', 'True']) Literal[True][source]
troposphere.validators.boolean(x: Literal[False, 0, 'false', 'False']) Literal[False]
troposphere.validators.check_required(class_name: str, properties: Dict[str, Any], conditionals: List[Any]) None[source]
troposphere.validators.defer(x: __T) __T[source]

Method to indicate defering property validation

troposphere.validators.double(x: Any) SupportsFloat | SupportsIndex | str | bytes | bytearray[source]
troposphere.validators.elb_name(b: str) str[source]
troposphere.validators.encoding(encoding: str) str[source]
troposphere.validators.exactly_one(class_name: str, properties: Dict[str, Any], conditionals: List[Any]) int[source]
troposphere.validators.ignore(x: __T) __T[source]

Method to indicate bypassing property validation

troposphere.validators.integer(x: Any) str | bytes | SupportsInt | SupportsIndex[source]
troposphere.validators.integer_list_item(allowed_values: List[float]) Callable[[Any], str | bytes | SupportsInt | SupportsIndex][source]
troposphere.validators.integer_range(minimum_val: float, maximum_val: float) Callable[[Any], str | bytes | SupportsInt | SupportsIndex][source]
troposphere.validators.json_checker(prop: object) Any[source]
troposphere.validators.mutually_exclusive(class_name: str, properties: Dict[str, Any], conditionals: List[Any]) int[source]
troposphere.validators.network_port(x: Any) AWSHelperFn | str | bytes | SupportsInt | SupportsIndex[source]
troposphere.validators.one_of(class_name: str, properties: Dict[str, Any], property: str, conditionals: List[Any]) None[source]
troposphere.validators.positive_integer(x: Any) str | bytes | SupportsInt | SupportsIndex[source]
troposphere.validators.s3_bucket_name(b: str) str[source]
troposphere.validators.tags_or_list(x: Any) AWSHelperFn | Tags | List[Any][source]

backward compatibility

troposphere.validators.waf_action_type(action: object) Literal['ALLOW', 'BLOCK', 'COUNT'][source]

troposphere.waf module

class troposphere.waf.Action(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Type': (<function validate_waf_action_type>, True)}
class troposphere.waf.ByteMatchSet(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ByteMatchTuples': ([<class 'troposphere.waf.ByteMatchTuples'>], False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::WAF::ByteMatchSet'
class troposphere.waf.ByteMatchTuples(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FieldToMatch': (<class 'troposphere.waf.FieldToMatch'>, True), 'PositionalConstraint': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TargetString': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TargetStringBase64': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TextTransformation': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.waf.FieldToMatch(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Data': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.waf.IPSet(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'IPSetDescriptors': ([<class 'troposphere.waf.IPSetDescriptors'>], False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::WAF::IPSet'
class troposphere.waf.IPSetDescriptors(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Type': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.waf.Predicates(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Negated': (<function boolean>, True), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.waf.Rule(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MetricName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Predicates': ([<class 'troposphere.waf.Predicates'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::WAF::Rule'
class troposphere.waf.Rules(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Action': (<class 'troposphere.waf.Action'>, False), 'Priority': (<function integer>, True), 'RuleId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.waf.SizeConstraint(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ComparisonOperator': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FieldToMatch': (<class 'troposphere.waf.FieldToMatch'>, True), 'Size': (<function integer>, True), 'TextTransformation': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.waf.SizeConstraintSet(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SizeConstraints': ([<class 'troposphere.waf.SizeConstraint'>], True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::WAF::SizeConstraintSet'
class troposphere.waf.SqlInjectionMatchSet(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SqlInjectionMatchTuples': ([<class 'troposphere.waf.SqlInjectionMatchTuples'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::WAF::SqlInjectionMatchSet'
class troposphere.waf.SqlInjectionMatchTuples(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FieldToMatch': (<class 'troposphere.waf.FieldToMatch'>, True), 'TextTransformation': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.waf.WebACL(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DefaultAction': (<class 'troposphere.waf.Action'>, True), 'MetricName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Rules': ([<class 'troposphere.waf.Rules'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::WAF::WebACL'
class troposphere.waf.XssMatchSet(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'XssMatchTuples': ([<class 'troposphere.waf.XssMatchTuple'>], True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::WAF::XssMatchSet'
class troposphere.waf.XssMatchTuple(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FieldToMatch': (<class 'troposphere.waf.FieldToMatch'>, True), 'TextTransformation': (<class 'str'>, True)}

troposphere.wafregional module

class troposphere.wafregional.Action(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Type': (<function validate_waf_action_type>, True)}
class troposphere.wafregional.ByteMatchSet(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ByteMatchTuples': ([<class 'troposphere.wafregional.ByteMatchTuples'>], False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::WAFRegional::ByteMatchSet'
class troposphere.wafregional.ByteMatchTuples(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FieldToMatch': (<class 'troposphere.wafregional.FieldToMatch'>, True), 'PositionalConstraint': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TargetString': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TargetStringBase64': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TextTransformation': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.wafregional.FieldToMatch(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Data': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.wafregional.GeoMatchConstraints(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Type': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.wafregional.GeoMatchSet(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'GeoMatchConstraints': ([<class 'troposphere.wafregional.GeoMatchConstraints'>], False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::WAFRegional::GeoMatchSet'
class troposphere.wafregional.IPSet(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'IPSetDescriptors': ([<class 'troposphere.wafregional.IPSetDescriptors'>], False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::WAFRegional::IPSet'
class troposphere.wafregional.IPSetDescriptors(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Type': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.wafregional.Predicates(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DataId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Negated': (<function boolean>, True), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.wafregional.RateBasedRule(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MatchPredicates': ([<class 'troposphere.wafregional.Predicates'>], False), 'MetricName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RateKey': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RateLimit': (<function integer>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::WAFRegional::RateBasedRule'
class troposphere.wafregional.RegexPatternSet(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RegexPatternStrings': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::WAFRegional::RegexPatternSet'
class troposphere.wafregional.Rule(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MetricName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Predicates': ([<class 'troposphere.wafregional.Predicates'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::WAFRegional::Rule'
class troposphere.wafregional.Rules(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Action': (<class 'troposphere.wafregional.Action'>, True), 'Priority': (<function integer>, True), 'RuleId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.wafregional.SizeConstraint(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ComparisonOperator': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FieldToMatch': (<class 'troposphere.wafregional.FieldToMatch'>, True), 'Size': (<function integer>, True), 'TextTransformation': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.wafregional.SizeConstraintSet(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SizeConstraints': ([<class 'troposphere.wafregional.SizeConstraint'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::WAFRegional::SizeConstraintSet'
class troposphere.wafregional.SqlInjectionMatchSet(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SqlInjectionMatchTuples': ([<class 'troposphere.wafregional.SqlInjectionMatchTuples'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::WAFRegional::SqlInjectionMatchSet'
class troposphere.wafregional.SqlInjectionMatchTuples(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FieldToMatch': (<class 'troposphere.wafregional.FieldToMatch'>, True), 'TextTransformation': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.wafregional.WebACL(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DefaultAction': (<class 'troposphere.wafregional.Action'>, True), 'MetricName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Rules': ([<class 'troposphere.wafregional.Rules'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::WAFRegional::WebACL'
class troposphere.wafregional.WebACLAssociation(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ResourceArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'WebACLId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::WAFRegional::WebACLAssociation'
class troposphere.wafregional.XssMatchSet(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'XssMatchTuples': ([<class 'troposphere.wafregional.XssMatchTuple'>], False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::WAFRegional::XssMatchSet'
class troposphere.wafregional.XssMatchTuple(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FieldToMatch': (<class 'troposphere.wafregional.FieldToMatch'>, True), 'TextTransformation': (<class 'str'>, True)}

troposphere.wafv2 module

class troposphere.wafv2.AWSManagedRulesACFPRuleSet(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CreationPath': (<class 'str'>, True), 'EnableRegexInPath': (<function boolean>, False), 'RegistrationPagePath': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RequestInspection': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.RequestInspectionACFP'>, True), 'ResponseInspection': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.ResponseInspection'>, False)}
class troposphere.wafv2.AWSManagedRulesATPRuleSet(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EnableRegexInPath': (<function boolean>, False), 'LoginPath': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RequestInspection': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.RequestInspection'>, False), 'ResponseInspection': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.ResponseInspection'>, False)}
class troposphere.wafv2.AWSManagedRulesBotControlRuleSet(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'EnableMachineLearning': (<function boolean>, False), 'InspectionLevel': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.wafv2.ActionCondition(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Action': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.wafv2.AllowAction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomRequestHandling': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.CustomRequestHandling'>, False)}
class troposphere.wafv2.AndStatement(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Statements': (<function validate_statements>, True)}
class troposphere.wafv2.AssociationConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'RequestBody': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
class troposphere.wafv2.BlockAction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomResponse': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.CustomResponse'>, False)}
class troposphere.wafv2.Body(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'OversizeHandling': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.wafv2.ByteMatchStatement(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FieldToMatch': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.FieldToMatch'>, True), 'PositionalConstraint': (<function validate_positional_constraint>, True), 'SearchString': (<class 'str'>, False), 'SearchStringBase64': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TextTransformations': ([<class 'troposphere.wafv2.TextTransformation'>], True)}
class troposphere.wafv2.CaptchaAction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomRequestHandling': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.CustomRequestHandling'>, False)}
class troposphere.wafv2.CaptchaConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ImmunityTimeProperty': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.ImmunityTimeProperty'>, False)}
class troposphere.wafv2.ChallengeAction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomRequestHandling': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.CustomRequestHandling'>, False)}
class troposphere.wafv2.ChallengeConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ImmunityTimeProperty': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.ImmunityTimeProperty'>, False)}
class troposphere.wafv2.Condition(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ActionCondition': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.ActionCondition'>, False), 'LabelNameCondition': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.LabelNameCondition'>, False)}
class troposphere.wafv2.CookieMatchPattern(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'All': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'ExcludedCookies': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'IncludedCookies': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.wafv2.Cookies(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MatchPattern': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.CookieMatchPattern'>, True), 'MatchScope': (<class 'str'>, True), 'OversizeHandling': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.wafv2.CountAction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomRequestHandling': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.CustomRequestHandling'>, False)}
class troposphere.wafv2.CustomHTTPHeader(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.wafv2.CustomRequestHandling(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InsertHeaders': ([<class 'troposphere.wafv2.CustomHTTPHeader'>], True)}
class troposphere.wafv2.CustomResponse(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CustomResponseBodyKey': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ResponseCode': (<function integer>, True), 'ResponseHeaders': ([<class 'troposphere.wafv2.CustomHTTPHeader'>], False)}
class troposphere.wafv2.CustomResponseBody(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Content': (<function wafv2_custom_body_response_content>, True), 'ContentType': (<function wafv2_custom_body_response_content_type>, True)}
class troposphere.wafv2.DefaultAction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Allow': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.AllowAction'>, False), 'Block': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.BlockAction'>, False)}
class troposphere.wafv2.ExcludedRule(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.wafv2.FieldIdentifier(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Identifier': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.wafv2.FieldToMatch(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AllQueryArguments': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Body': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.Body'>, False), 'Cookies': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.Cookies'>, False), 'Headers': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.Headers'>, False), 'JA3Fingerprint': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.JA3Fingerprint'>, False), 'JsonBody': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.JsonBody'>, False), 'Method': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'QueryString': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'SingleHeader': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.SingleHeader'>, False), 'SingleQueryArgument': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.SingleQueryArgument'>, False), 'UriPath': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
class troposphere.wafv2.Filter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Behavior': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Conditions': ([<class 'troposphere.wafv2.Condition'>], True), 'Requirement': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.wafv2.ForwardedIPConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FallbackBehavior': (<class 'str'>, True), 'HeaderName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.wafv2.GeoMatchStatement(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CountryCodes': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'ForwardedIPConfig': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.ForwardedIPConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.wafv2.HeaderMatchPattern(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'All': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'ExcludedHeaders': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'IncludedHeaders': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.wafv2.Headers(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'MatchPattern': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.HeaderMatchPattern'>, True), 'MatchScope': (<class 'str'>, True), 'OversizeHandling': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.wafv2.IPSet(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Addresses': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'IPAddressVersion': (<function validate_ipaddress_version>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Scope': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::WAFv2::IPSet'
class troposphere.wafv2.IPSetForwardedIPConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FallbackBehavior': (<class 'str'>, True), 'HeaderName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Position': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.wafv2.IPSetReferenceStatement(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Arn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'IPSetForwardedIPConfig': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.IPSetForwardedIPConfiguration'>, False)}
class troposphere.wafv2.ImmunityTimeProperty(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ImmunityTime': (<function integer>, True)}
class troposphere.wafv2.JA3Fingerprint(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FallbackBehavior': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.wafv2.JsonBody(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InvalidFallbackBehavior': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MatchPattern': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.JsonMatchPattern'>, True), 'MatchScope': (<class 'str'>, True), 'OversizeHandling': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.wafv2.JsonMatchPattern(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'All': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'IncludedPaths': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.wafv2.Label(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.wafv2.LabelMatchStatement(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Key': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Scope': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.wafv2.LabelNameCondition(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LabelName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.wafv2.LabelSummary(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.wafv2.LoggingConfiguration(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'LogDestinationConfigs': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'LoggingFilter': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.LoggingFilter'>, False), 'RedactedFields': ([<class 'troposphere.wafv2.LoggingConfigurationFieldToMatch'>], False), 'ResourceArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::WAFv2::LoggingConfiguration'
class troposphere.wafv2.LoggingConfigurationFieldToMatch(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Method': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'QueryString': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'SingleHeader': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.SingleHeader'>, False), 'UriPath': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
class troposphere.wafv2.LoggingFilter(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DefaultBehavior': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Filters': ([<class 'troposphere.wafv2.Filter'>], True)}
class troposphere.wafv2.ManagedRuleGroupConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AWSManagedRulesACFPRuleSet': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.AWSManagedRulesACFPRuleSet'>, False), 'AWSManagedRulesATPRuleSet': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.AWSManagedRulesATPRuleSet'>, False), 'AWSManagedRulesBotControlRuleSet': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.AWSManagedRulesBotControlRuleSet'>, False), 'LoginPath': (<class 'str'>, False), 'PasswordField': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.FieldIdentifier'>, False), 'PayloadType': (<class 'str'>, False), 'UsernameField': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.FieldIdentifier'>, False)}
class troposphere.wafv2.ManagedRuleGroupStatement(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ExcludedRules': ([<class 'troposphere.wafv2.ExcludedRule'>], False), 'ManagedRuleGroupConfigs': ([<class 'troposphere.wafv2.ManagedRuleGroupConfig'>], False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RuleActionOverrides': ([<class 'troposphere.wafv2.RuleActionOverride'>], False), 'ScopeDownStatement': (<function validate_statement>, False), 'VendorName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Version': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.wafv2.NotStatement(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Statement': (<function validate_statement>, True)}
class troposphere.wafv2.OrStatement(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Statements': (<function validate_statements>, True)}
class troposphere.wafv2.OverrideAction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Count': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'None': (<class 'dict'>, False)}
class troposphere.wafv2.RateBasedStatement(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AggregateKeyType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'CustomKeys': ([<class 'troposphere.wafv2.RateBasedStatementCustomKey'>], False), 'EvaluationWindowSec': (<function integer>, False), 'ForwardedIPConfig': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.ForwardedIPConfiguration'>, False), 'Limit': (<function integer>, True), 'ScopeDownStatement': (<function validate_statement>, False)}
class troposphere.wafv2.RateBasedStatementCustomKey(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Cookie': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.RateLimitCookie'>, False), 'ForwardedIP': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'HTTPMethod': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Header': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.RateLimitHeader'>, False), 'IP': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'LabelNamespace': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.RateLimitLabelNamespace'>, False), 'QueryArgument': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.RateLimitQueryArgument'>, False), 'QueryString': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.RateLimitQueryString'>, False), 'UriPath': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.RateLimitUriPath'>, False)}
class troposphere.wafv2.RateLimitCookie(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TextTransformations': ([<class 'troposphere.wafv2.TextTransformation'>], True)}
class troposphere.wafv2.RateLimitHeader(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TextTransformations': ([<class 'troposphere.wafv2.TextTransformation'>], True)}
class troposphere.wafv2.RateLimitLabelNamespace(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Namespace': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.wafv2.RateLimitQueryArgument(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TextTransformations': ([<class 'troposphere.wafv2.TextTransformation'>], True)}
class troposphere.wafv2.RateLimitQueryString(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TextTransformations': ([<class 'troposphere.wafv2.TextTransformation'>], True)}
class troposphere.wafv2.RateLimitUriPath(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TextTransformations': ([<class 'troposphere.wafv2.TextTransformation'>], True)}
class troposphere.wafv2.RegexMatchStatement(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FieldToMatch': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.FieldToMatch'>, True), 'RegexString': (<class 'str'>, True), 'TextTransformations': ([<class 'troposphere.wafv2.TextTransformation'>], True)}
class troposphere.wafv2.RegexPatternSet(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RegularExpressionList': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Scope': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::WAFv2::RegexPatternSet'
class troposphere.wafv2.RegexPatternSetReferenceStatement(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Arn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'FieldToMatch': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.FieldToMatch'>, True), 'TextTransformations': ([<class 'troposphere.wafv2.TextTransformation'>], True)}
class troposphere.wafv2.RequestBodyAssociatedResourceTypeConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'DefaultSizeInspectionLimit': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.wafv2.RequestInspection(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'PasswordField': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.FieldIdentifier'>, True), 'PayloadType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'UsernameField': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.FieldIdentifier'>, True)}
class troposphere.wafv2.RequestInspectionACFP(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AddressFields': ([<class 'troposphere.wafv2.FieldIdentifier'>], False), 'EmailField': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.FieldIdentifier'>, False), 'PasswordField': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.FieldIdentifier'>, False), 'PayloadType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PhoneNumberFields': ([<class 'troposphere.wafv2.FieldIdentifier'>], False), 'UsernameField': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.FieldIdentifier'>, False)}
class troposphere.wafv2.ResponseInspection(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BodyContains': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.ResponseInspectionBodyContains'>, False), 'Header': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.ResponseInspectionHeader'>, False), 'Json': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.ResponseInspectionJson'>, False), 'StatusCode': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.ResponseInspectionStatusCode'>, False)}
class troposphere.wafv2.ResponseInspectionBodyContains(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FailureStrings': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'SuccessStrings': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
class troposphere.wafv2.ResponseInspectionHeader(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FailureValues': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SuccessValues': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
class troposphere.wafv2.ResponseInspectionJson(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FailureValues': ([<class 'str'>], True), 'Identifier': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SuccessValues': ([<class 'str'>], True)}
class troposphere.wafv2.ResponseInspectionStatusCode(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FailureCodes': ([<function integer>], True), 'SuccessCodes': ([<function integer>], True)}
class troposphere.wafv2.RuleAction(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Allow': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.AllowAction'>, False), 'Block': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.BlockAction'>, False), 'Captcha': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.CaptchaAction'>, False), 'Challenge': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.ChallengeAction'>, False), 'Count': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.CountAction'>, False)}
class troposphere.wafv2.RuleActionOverride(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ActionToUse': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.RuleAction'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.wafv2.RuleGroup(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AvailableLabels': ([<class 'troposphere.wafv2.LabelSummary'>], False), 'Capacity': (<function integer>, True), 'ConsumedLabels': ([<class 'troposphere.wafv2.LabelSummary'>], False), 'CustomResponseBodies': (<function validate_custom_response_bodies>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Rules': ([<class 'troposphere.wafv2.RuleGroupRule'>], False), 'Scope': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'VisibilityConfig': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.VisibilityConfig'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::WAFv2::RuleGroup'
class troposphere.wafv2.RuleGroupReferenceStatement(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Arn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ExcludedRules': ([<class 'troposphere.wafv2.ExcludedRule'>], False), 'RuleActionOverrides': ([<class 'troposphere.wafv2.RuleActionOverride'>], False)}
class troposphere.wafv2.RuleGroupRule(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Action': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.RuleAction'>, False), 'CaptchaConfig': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.CaptchaConfig'>, False), 'ChallengeConfig': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.ChallengeConfig'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Priority': (<function integer>, True), 'RuleLabels': ([<class 'troposphere.wafv2.Label'>], False), 'Statement': (<function validate_statement>, True), 'VisibilityConfig': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.VisibilityConfig'>, True)}
class troposphere.wafv2.SingleHeader(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.wafv2.SingleQueryArgument(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Name': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.wafv2.SizeConstraintStatement(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ComparisonOperator': (<function validate_comparison_operator>, True), 'FieldToMatch': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.FieldToMatch'>, True), 'Size': (<function double>, True), 'TextTransformations': ([<class 'troposphere.wafv2.TextTransformation'>], True)}
class troposphere.wafv2.SqliMatchStatement(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FieldToMatch': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.FieldToMatch'>, True), 'SensitivityLevel': (<class 'str'>, False), 'TextTransformations': ([<class 'troposphere.wafv2.TextTransformation'>], True)}
class troposphere.wafv2.Statement(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AndStatement': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.AndStatement'>, False), 'ByteMatchStatement': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.ByteMatchStatement'>, False), 'GeoMatchStatement': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.GeoMatchStatement'>, False), 'IPSetReferenceStatement': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.IPSetReferenceStatement'>, False), 'LabelMatchStatement': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.LabelMatchStatement'>, False), 'ManagedRuleGroupStatement': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.ManagedRuleGroupStatement'>, False), 'NotStatement': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.NotStatement'>, False), 'OrStatement': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.OrStatement'>, False), 'RateBasedStatement': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.RateBasedStatement'>, False), 'RegexMatchStatement': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.RegexMatchStatement'>, False), 'RegexPatternSetReferenceStatement': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.RegexPatternSetReferenceStatement'>, False), 'RuleGroupReferenceStatement': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.RuleGroupReferenceStatement'>, False), 'SizeConstraintStatement': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.SizeConstraintStatement'>, False), 'SqliMatchStatement': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.SqliMatchStatement'>, False), 'XssMatchStatement': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.XssMatchStatement'>, False)}
class troposphere.wafv2.TextTransformation(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Priority': (<function integer>, True), 'Type': (<function validate_transformation_type>, True)}
class troposphere.wafv2.VisibilityConfig(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'CloudWatchMetricsEnabled': (<function boolean>, True), 'MetricName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'SampledRequestsEnabled': (<function boolean>, True)}
class troposphere.wafv2.WebACL(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AssociationConfig': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.AssociationConfig'>, False), 'CaptchaConfig': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.CaptchaConfig'>, False), 'ChallengeConfig': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.ChallengeConfig'>, False), 'CustomResponseBodies': (<function validate_custom_response_bodies>, False), 'DefaultAction': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.DefaultAction'>, True), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Rules': ([<class 'troposphere.wafv2.WebACLRule'>], False), 'Scope': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'TokenDomains': ([<class 'str'>], False), 'VisibilityConfig': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.VisibilityConfig'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::WAFv2::WebACL'
class troposphere.wafv2.WebACLAssociation(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ResourceArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'WebACLArn': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::WAFv2::WebACLAssociation'
class troposphere.wafv2.WebACLRule(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Action': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.RuleAction'>, False), 'CaptchaConfig': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.CaptchaConfig'>, False), 'ChallengeConfig': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.ChallengeConfig'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'OverrideAction': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.OverrideAction'>, False), 'Priority': (<function integer>, True), 'RuleLabels': ([<class 'troposphere.wafv2.Label'>], False), 'Statement': (<function validate_statement>, True), 'VisibilityConfig': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.VisibilityConfig'>, True)}
class troposphere.wafv2.XssMatchStatement(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FieldToMatch': (<class 'troposphere.wafv2.FieldToMatch'>, True), 'TextTransformations': ([<class 'troposphere.wafv2.TextTransformation'>], True)}

troposphere.wisdom module

class troposphere.wisdom.AppIntegrationsConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AppIntegrationArn': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ObjectFields': ([<class 'str'>], False)}
class troposphere.wisdom.Assistant(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.wisdom.ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Wisdom::Assistant'
class troposphere.wisdom.AssistantAssociation(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AssistantId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Association': (<class 'troposphere.wisdom.AssociationData'>, True), 'AssociationType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Wisdom::AssistantAssociation'
class troposphere.wisdom.AssociationData(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'KnowledgeBaseId': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.wisdom.KnowledgeBase(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'KnowledgeBaseType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Name': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RenderingConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.wisdom.RenderingConfiguration'>, False), 'ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.wisdom.ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration'>, False), 'SourceConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.wisdom.SourceConfiguration'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::Wisdom::KnowledgeBase'
class troposphere.wisdom.RenderingConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'TemplateUri': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.wisdom.ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'KmsKeyId': (<class 'str'>, False)}
class troposphere.wisdom.SourceConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'AppIntegrations': (<class 'troposphere.wisdom.AppIntegrationsConfiguration'>, True)}

troposphere.workspaces module

class troposphere.workspaces.ConnectionAlias(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ConnectionString': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::WorkSpaces::ConnectionAlias'
class troposphere.workspaces.Workspace(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BundleId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'DirectoryId': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RootVolumeEncryptionEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False), 'UserName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'UserVolumeEncryptionEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'VolumeEncryptionKey': (<class 'str'>, False), 'WorkspaceProperties': (<class 'troposphere.workspaces.WorkspaceProperties'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::WorkSpaces::Workspace'
class troposphere.workspaces.WorkspaceProperties(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'ComputeTypeName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RootVolumeSizeGib': (<function integer>, False), 'RunningMode': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RunningModeAutoStopTimeoutInMinutes': (<function integer>, False), 'UserVolumeSizeGib': (<function integer>, False)}

troposphere.xray module

class troposphere.xray.Group(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'FilterExpression': (<class 'str'>, False), 'GroupName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'InsightsConfiguration': (<class 'troposphere.xray.InsightsConfiguration'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::XRay::Group'
class troposphere.xray.InsightsConfiguration(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'InsightsEnabled': (<function boolean>, False), 'NotificationsEnabled': (<function boolean>, False)}
class troposphere.xray.ResourcePolicy(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'BypassPolicyLockoutCheck': (<function boolean>, False), 'PolicyDocument': (<class 'str'>, True), 'PolicyName': (<class 'str'>, True)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::XRay::ResourcePolicy'
class troposphere.xray.SamplingRule(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSObject


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'SamplingRule': (<class 'troposphere.xray.SamplingRuleProperty'>, False), 'Tags': (<class 'troposphere.Tags'>, False)}
resource_type: str | None = 'AWS::XRay::SamplingRule'
class troposphere.xray.SamplingRuleProperty(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSProperty


props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Attributes': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'FixedRate': (<function double>, True), 'HTTPMethod': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Host': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Priority': (<function integer>, True), 'ReservoirSize': (<function integer>, True), 'ResourceARN': (<class 'str'>, True), 'RuleARN': (<class 'str'>, False), 'RuleName': (<class 'str'>, False), 'ServiceName': (<class 'str'>, True), 'ServiceType': (<class 'str'>, True), 'URLPath': (<class 'str'>, True), 'Version': (<function integer>, False)}

Module contents

class troposphere.AWSAttribute(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: BaseAWSObject

Used for CloudFormation Resource Attribute objects aws-product-attribute-reference.html

dictname: str | None = None
class troposphere.AWSDeclaration(title: str, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: BaseAWSObject

Used for CloudFormation Resource Property objects aws-product-property-reference.html

Ref() Ref
ref() Ref[source]
class troposphere.AWSHelperFn[source]

Bases: object

data: Any
getdata(data: object) Any[source]
to_dict() Any[source]
to_json(*, indent: int = 4, sort_keys: bool = True) str[source]

Object as JSON.

class troposphere.AWSObject(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: BaseAWSObject

GetAtt(value: str) GetAtt
Ref() Ref
dictname: str | None = 'Properties'
get_att(value: str) GetAtt[source]
ref() Ref[source]
class troposphere.AWSProperty(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: BaseAWSObject

Used for CloudFormation Resource Property objects aws-product-property-reference.html

dictname: str | None = None
class troposphere.And(cond_one: object, cond_two: object, *conds: object)[source]

Bases: AWSHelperFn

class troposphere.Base64(data: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSHelperFn

class troposphere.BaseAWSObject(title: str | None, template: Template | None = None, validation: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: object

add_to_template() None[source]
attributes: List[str]
dictname: str | None
do_validation: bool
classmethod from_dict(title: str, d: Dict[str, Any]) __BaseAWSObjectTypeVar[source]
no_validation() __BaseAWSObjectTypeVar[source]
properties: Dict[str, Any]
propnames: Set[str]
props: ClassVar[Dict[str, Tuple[Tuple[type, ...] | type | Callable[[Any], Any], bool]]] = {}
resource: Dict[str, Any]
resource_type: str | None
template: Template | None
title: str | None
to_dict(validation: bool = True) Dict[str, Any][source]
to_json(*, indent: int = 4, sort_keys: bool = True, validation: bool = True) str[source]

Object as JSON.

validate() None[source]
validate_title() None[source]
class troposphere.Cidr(ipblock: object, count: object, sizemask: object | None = None)[source]

Bases: AWSHelperFn

class troposphere.Condition(data: object)[source]

Bases: AWSHelperFn

class troposphere.Equals(value_one: object, value_two: object)[source]

Bases: AWSHelperFn

class troposphere.Export(name: str | AWSHelperFn)[source]

Bases: AWSHelperFn

class troposphere.FindInMap(mapname: object, toplevelkey: object, secondlevelkey: object, defaultvalue: object | None = None)[source]

Bases: AWSHelperFn

class troposphere.GenericHelperFn(data: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSHelperFn

Used as a fallback for the template generator

class troposphere.GetAZs(region: object = '')[source]

Bases: AWSHelperFn

class troposphere.GetAtt(logicalName: object, attrName: object)[source]

Bases: AWSHelperFn

class troposphere.If(cond: object, true: object, false: object)[source]

Bases: AWSHelperFn

class troposphere.ImportValue(data: object)[source]

Bases: AWSHelperFn

class troposphere.Join(delimiter: object, values: object)[source]

Bases: AWSHelperFn

class troposphere.Name(data: object)[source]

Bases: AWSHelperFn

class troposphere.Not(cond: object)[source]

Bases: AWSHelperFn

class troposphere.Or(cond_one: object, cond_two: object, *conds: object)[source]

Bases: AWSHelperFn

class troposphere.Output(title: str, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSDeclaration

add_to_template() None[source]
props: ClassVar[Dict[str, Tuple[Tuple[type, ...] | type | Callable[[Any], Any], bool]]] = {'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Export': (<class 'troposphere.Export'>, False), 'Value': (<class 'str'>, True)}
class troposphere.Parameter(title: str, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSDeclaration

COMMA_DELIMITED_LIST = ['AllowedPattern']
NUMBER_PROPERTIES = ['MaxValue', 'MinValue']
STRING_PROPERTIES = ['AllowedPattern', 'MaxLength', 'MinLength']
add_to_template() None[source]
props: ClassVar[Dict[str, Tuple[Tuple[type, ...] | type | Callable[[Any], Any], bool]]] = {'AllowedPattern': (<class 'str'>, False), 'AllowedValues': (<class 'list'>, False), 'ConstraintDescription': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Default': ((<class 'str'>, <class 'int'>, <class 'float'>), False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'MaxLength': (<function positive_integer>, False), 'MaxValue': (<function integer>, False), 'MinLength': (<function positive_integer>, False), 'MinValue': (<function integer>, False), 'NoEcho': (<class 'bool'>, False), 'Type': (<class 'str'>, True)}
title: str
validate() None[source]
validate_title() None[source]
class troposphere.Ref(data: object)[source]

Bases: AWSHelperFn

class troposphere.Select(indx: object, objects: object)[source]

Bases: AWSHelperFn

class troposphere.Split(delimiter: object, values: object)[source]

Bases: AWSHelperFn

class troposphere.Sub(input_str: object, dict_values: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, **values: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSHelperFn

class troposphere.Tag(k: object, v: object)[source]

Bases: AWSHelperFn

class troposphere.Tags(*args: object, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: AWSHelperFn

classmethod from_dict(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]
tags: List[AWSHelperFn | Dict[Any, Any]]
to_dict() List[Any][source]
class troposphere.Template(Description: str | None = None, Metadata: Dict[str, Any] | None = None)[source]

Bases: object

class Globals(title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: AWSProperty

Supported Globals properties.


attributes: List[str]
do_validation: bool
properties: Dict[str, Any]
propnames: Set[str]
props: Dict[str, Tuple[str | AWSProperty | AWSHelperFn | Callable[[Any], Any] | Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | Tuple[type, ...], bool]] = {'Api': (<class 'troposphere.serverless.ApiGlobals'>, False), 'Function': (<class 'troposphere.serverless.FunctionGlobals'>, False), 'HttpApi': (<class 'troposphere.serverless.HttpApiGlobals'>, False), 'SimpleTable': (<class 'troposphere.serverless.SimpleTableGlobals'>, False)}
resource: Dict[str, Any]
resource_type: str | None
template: Template | None
title: str | None
add_condition(name: str, condition: AWSHelperFn) str[source]
add_mapping(name: str, mapping: Dict[str, Any]) None[source]
add_output(output: __OutputTypeVar) __OutputTypeVar[source]
add_parameter(parameter: __ParameterTypeVar) __ParameterTypeVar[source]
add_parameter_to_group(parameter: Parameter | str, group_name: str) str[source]

Add a parameter under a group (created if needed). :type parameter: str or Parameter :type group_name: str

add_resource(resource: __ResourceTypeVar) __ResourceTypeVar[source]
add_rule(name: str, rule: object) None[source]

Add a Rule to the template to enforce extra constraints on the parameters. As of June 2019 rules are undocumented in CloudFormation but have the same syntax and behaviour as in ServiceCatalog:


rule – a dict with ‘Assertions’ (mandatory) and ‘RuleCondition’ (optional) keys

conditions: Dict[str, AWSHelperFn | Condition]
description: str | None
get_or_add_parameter(parameter: Parameter) Parameter[source]
globals: Globals | None
handle_duplicate_key(key: str | None) NoReturn[source]
mappings: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]
metadata: Dict[str, Any]
outputs: Dict[str, Output]
parameters: Dict[str, Parameter]
props: Dict[str, Tuple[type, bool]] = {'AWSTemplateFormatVersion': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Description': (<class 'str'>, False), 'Globals': (<class 'troposphere.serverless.Globals'>, False), 'Mappings': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Outputs': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Parameters': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Resources': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Rules': (<class 'dict'>, False), 'Transform': (<class 'str'>, False)}
resources: Dict[str, AWSObject]
rules: Dict[str, Any]
set_description(description: str) None[source]
set_globals(globals: Globals) None[source]
set_metadata(metadata: Dict[str, Any]) None[source]
set_parameter_label(parameter: Parameter | str, label: str) None[source]

Sets the Label used in the User Interface for the given parameter. :type parameter: str or Parameter :type label: str

set_transform(transform: List[object] | str) None[source]
set_version(version: str | None = None) None[source]
to_dict() Dict[str, Any][source]
to_json(indent: int = 1, sort_keys: bool = True, separators: Tuple[str, str] = (',', ': ')) str[source]
to_yaml(clean_up: bool = False, long_form: bool = False, sort_keys: bool = True) str[source]
transform: List[object] | str | None
version: str | None
troposphere.depends_on_helper(obj: List[object] | object | None) str | None | List[str | None] | List[Any] | Any[source]

Handles using .title if the given object is a troposphere resource.

If the given object is a troposphere resource, use the .title attribute of that resource. If it’s a string, just use the string. This should allow more pythonic use of DependsOn.

troposphere.encode_to_dict(obj: Dict[str, Any] | JSONreprProtocol | ToDictProtocol) Dict[str, Any][source]
troposphere.encode_to_dict(obj: List[Any] | Tuple[Any]) List[Dict[str, Any]]
troposphere.encode_to_dict(obj: str | None) str | None
troposphere.is_aws_object_subclass(cls: Any) bool[source]
troposphere.validate_delimiter(delimiter: object) None[source]
troposphere.validate_pausetime(pausetime: str) str[source]